photos. I also think compiling a blog, Pinterest board, or folder of inspiration pictures can be a helpful source for you to refer to when taking photos and setting up scenes. The more photos you take, the more you’ll develop your eye for what works and what doesn’t, and your aesthetic style. Finally, I would recommend Reshade for its depth-of-field effects. I think it adds a gorgeous layer of realism and dimension to a photo.
only way to improve is through practice. So don’t give up, don’t be too hard on yourself when you run into setbacks, and focus on creating things that excite you. What are the challenges you experienced in creating custom content and how did you overcome these challenges?
The hardest part about creating CC was figuring out my process from start to finish, Where do you get your turning an idea into a working inspiration for your cc? product. Since The Sims 3 is an older game, a lot of tutorials I’m inspired by the settings and and resources on the internet characters from movies and are either outdated or no video games, as well as reallonger available. We also have life fashion campaigns, blogs, a smaller community of active and Instagram accounts. creators and resources than in The Sims 4. So, I had to do a What's your advice to lot of reading and tinkering everyone who wants to start around before I found a creating custom content for workflow that worked for me. The Sims? Also, joining the CC-making community and asking for help Believe in your ability to learn from other creators taught me a new skill, start small, and a lot of tips I never would have keep at it! Personally, many of thought of. I overcame the my CC projects were the result challenges of creating CC by of a lot of trial-and-error and experimenting on my own, problem-solving. You will run doing research, and reaching into unexpected issues. You out to the community. Creatwill make (fixable) mistakes. ing CC can be time-consuming You will fail at some projects, and frustrating, but the and succeed at others. That’s satisfaction of figuring somenormal. Every project you thing out and sharing a cool attempt will teach you somenew thing with others is so thing new. Creating CC is just worth it! like learning any new skill. The SUPSTYLEMGZ