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“Sharing The Herd” Genetics Sale

December 7, 2022 Grenfell, SK

Sale Grossed $471,850 ave $8,300


High Selling Heifer Calf

Lot 15- Double Bar D Suse 429K, sired by W/C Relentless 007G, was purchased by TC Tara Simmental/ Mike Thomas, ON for $31,000

High Selling Bred Heifers

Lot 5- Double Bar D Sadie 11J, sired by Anchor D Motown 865E, was purchased by Sunny Valley Simmentals, SK for $29,000

Lot 1- Double Bar D Lola 23J, sired by FGAF Electric Avenue 140E, was purchased by Hairy Hill Simmental, AB for $27,000

Lot 4- Double Bar D Rosy 33J, sired by SBV Reputation 707F, was purchased by Mindale Farms, ON for $20,500


McMillen Ranching Herd Builders ’22 Online Sale

December 8 & 9, 2022 Carievale, SK

53 Purebred Heifers Grossed $282,850 ave $5,337

45 Simmental ave $5,643

21 Black ave $6,255

24 Red ave $5,108

8 Angus ave $3,613

60 Commercial Heifers ave $2,975

High Selling Simmental Heifers

Lot 10- MRL Miss 1424J, sired by IPU Bentley 81F, was purchased by Crowe Bros & Ultra Livestock for $18,500

Lot 24- MRL Miss 1456J, sired by MRL Untouchable 89G, was purchased by Haman Farm & Simmental, ND for $12,500

Lot 11- MRL Miss 1539J, sired by IPU Bentley 81F, was purchased by Haman Farm & Simmental, ND for $11,000

Lot 35- MRL Miss 1438J, sired by SVS Tycoon 841F, was purchased by Circle G Simmental, AB for $9,000

Lot 3- MRL Miss 1589J, sired by MRL 75F, was purchased by Lawn View Simmental, MB for $8,500

Lot 23- MRL Miss 1553J, sired by WFL Beretta 8F, was purchased by Haman Farm & Simmental, ND for $8,500

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Transcon’s Season Wrap Up Bull & Female Simmental Sale

December 10, 2022 Neepawa, MB

Sale Grossed $194,850

13 Bulls ave $5,827

18 Bred Heifers ave $5,047

3 Open Heifers ave $3,467

2 Pens Of 3 Commercial Breds ave $2,975

High Selling Bulls

Lot 3- TCM Freelancer 54J, sired by ZSL Mr Dubai 84G/HP-HOP, consigned by Tri-Star Cattle Co., was purchased by Weal Cattle Co, Assiniboia, SK for $10,000

Lot 5- TCM Raj 8J, sired by MLC Mr Justice W744, consigned by Tri-Star Cattle Co., was purchased by Pottinger Farms Ltd, Arden, MB for $6,250

Lot 2- TCM Longevity 14J, sired by SVS Tycoon

841F, consigned by Tri-Star Cattle Co., was purchased by Bar 7 Farms Ltd, Kelwood, MB for $6,000

Lot 9- TCM Jiro 58J, sired by ZSL Mr Dubai 84G/ HP-HOP, consigned by Tri-Star Cattle Co., was purchased by Bar 7 Farms Ltd, Kelwood, MB for $6,000

Lot 11- TCM Luther 10J, sired by Berts Gustavo 8G, consigned by Tri-Star Cattle Co., was purchased by Brad Chescu, Grandview, MB for $6,000

Lot 14- TCM Reddington 33J, sired by Berts Gustavo 8G, consigned by Tri-Star Cattle Co., was purchased by Bar 7 Farms Ltd., Kelwood, MB for $6,000

High Selling Females

Lot 32- SBSF Black Jade 4J, sired by CMS Sochi

307A, consigned by McColl/Schweitzer Simmentals, was purchased by Bert’s NR Simmentals, Haywood, MB for $7,000

Lot 24- Antrim Jazz 20J, sired by Black Gold Mr Adonis 91F, consigned by Antrim Simmentals, was purchased by Skywest Simmentals, Didsbury, AB for $7,000

Lot 28- Antrim Jasmine 29J, sired by Black Gold Mr Adonis 91F, consigned by Antrim Simmentals, was purchased by Kindred Spirit Cattle Co, Lumsden, SK for $7,000

Lot 38- Big Sky Josie 18J, sired by Starwest Pol Blueprint, consigned by Big Sky Simmentals, was purchased by Country Rock Ranch, Birtle, MB for $6,750

Lot 30- CSCC Jade 127J, sired by Maple Lake Big Bang 4008, consigned by Creekside Cattle Co., was purchased by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals, Bentley, AB for $6,750

Lot 39- Miss Jasmine 51J, sired by Cherry Creek Jaguar 21B, consigned by Ray J Simmentals, was purchased by AJB Livestock, Rossburn, MB for $6,500

Lot 34- SBSF Red Jubilee 8J, sired by NAC Westcott 83F, consigned by McColl/Schweitzer Simmentals, was purchased by Country Rock Ranch, Birtle, MB for $5,000

Lot 36- Downey Ms 2146J, sired by LFE Inferno 484R, consigned by Downey Farms, was purchased by Andres Stock & Seed Ltd, Roblin, MB for $5,000

Lot 31- SBSF Kiara 7K, sired by NAC Westcott 83F, consigned by McColl/Schweitzer Simmentals, was purchased by Rich-Mc Simmentals, Pilot Mound, MB for $5,000

Shades Of The Prairies Sale

December 10, 2022 Brandon, MB

34 Live Lots Grossed $254,150 ave $7,475

High Selling Simmental Bred Heifers

Lot 16- Kindred Spirit Jenny 36J, sired by Rugged R Bellagio 5057C, consigned by Kindred Spirit, was purchased by Cold Creek Land & Cattle for $10,750

Lot 12- Kindred Spirit Josie 26J, sired by Kindred Spirit Glasgow, consigned by Kindred Spirit, was purchased by Double Bar D Farms for $10,500

Lot 14- Kindred Spirit Jessie 29J, sired by Rugged R Bellagio 5057C, consigned by Kindred Spirit, was purchased by Bonchuk Farms for $10,500

Bonchuk Farms Female Sale

December 11, 2022 McAuley, MB

14 Full Blood Bred Heifers ave $5,292.86

43 Red Bred Heifers ave $4,158.14

38 Black Bred Heifers ave $4,140.79

95 lots grossed $410,250 ave $4,318.42

High Selling Lots

Lot 49- BLCC Miss Affinity 22J, sired by Wheatland

Affinity 8196F was purchased by Lee Shologan, Westlock, AB for $13,500

Lot 100- BLCC Miss Frontier 266J, sired by Twin

Brae Western Frontier 8F was purchased by Mindale Farms, Severn, ON for $9,250

Lot 92- BLCC Miss Frontier 96J, sired by Twin Brae

Western Frontier 8F was purchased by Kindred Spirit Cattle, Lumsden, SK for $7,750

Spring Creek Simmentals/ Red Rose Angus Complete Dispersal Sale

December 20, 2022 Moosomin, SK

Lot 88- Sun Rise Black 12E, sired by Springcreek

Spark Plug, was purchased by KT Ranches for $44,000

High Selling Simmental Bred Heifers

Lot 148- Springcreek Gracie 5J, sired by SBSF Eastwood 22E, was purchased by Siroski Simmentals for $16,000

Lot 19- Springcreek Jaycee 108J, sired by CMS

Fireball 813F, was purchased by Crossroad Farms for $12,000

Lot 124- Springcreek Mickey 96J, sired by NGDB

Structure 34D, was purchased by Double Bar D Ranch for $11,000

High Selling Simmental Open Heifers

Lot 155- Springcreek Heaven 42K, sired by Springcreek Estate 58H, was purchased by Robb Farms for $20,000

Lot 2- Springcreek Jaycee 26K, sired by Springcreek

Ladies Man 90E, was purchased by Bar CL Ranch & 2K Springs for $15,000

Lot 6- Springcreek Jaycee 80K, sired by Rendezvous

Paramount 230F, was purchased by Rainbow River

Simmentals for $10,000

Lot 23- Springcreek Brooke 29K, sired by KW Shamrock 151H, was purchased by AP Simmentals for $10,000

High Selling Simmental Bulls

Lot 287- Springcreek Brooks 63K, sired by SVS

Brooks 669D, was purchased by Jean-Francois Leblond for $28,000

Lot 269- KWA Shamrock 151H, sired by MRL Statement 3F, was purchased by KT Ranches for $20,000

Lot 270- MRK Capitalist 35H, sired by Mr Hoc

Broker, was purchased by Flying W Stock Farm for $16,000

Lot 313- Springcreek Shamrock 1K, sired by KWA Shamrock 151H, was purchased by Mitchell Cattle Co. for $16,000

High Selling Simmental Bred Cows

Lot 43- Springcreek Lena 153G, sired by LFE Mcdavid 413C, was purchased by KT Ranches for $57,000

Lot 15- Springcreek Jaycee 15G, sired by Springcreek Blue Chip 9D, was purchased by KT Ranches for $44,000

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