Simmons magazine Fall 2013

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simmons The Power



1 Fall 2013

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Fall 2013

Power of Voıce The


8 01 From the President 02 From the editor 03 on campus 06 achievements on campus 13 alumnae/i achievements 14 advancing Simmons 21 class Notes 32 Voices 33 in Memoriam

x STay coNNecTed if you want to watch videos of Simmons events, view happenings around campus, or hear from students and faculty, visit:

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The Power oF Voice

The power of our collective Simmons voice is strong. And we’re reminded of its strength as recent graduates join our alumnae/i ranks, as we engage with speakers at the Simmons Leadership Conference, and as we gather for reunion. by kathleen s. carr and alix roy

Take Simmons with you in the skills and talents you’ve acquired and honed here. Take Simmons with you in your thoughts of the memories of these past few years. And take Simmons with you in the people you’ve been impacted by during your time in these halls. Kris McDonough ’13, Dix Scholar

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y the time this issue reaches you, we will have started another academic cycle. Like our students and faculty, i too am excited about the upcoming year. new Provost Katie Conboy and new Graduate School of Library and information Science Dean eileen abels began their tenures this summer and bring a wealth of experience and expertise that will add to our already strong academic offerings. i’m sure you recognized feminist icon Gloria Steinem on the cover of this issue. Ms. Steinem’s connection to Simmons began 40 years ago when she was the 1973 Commencement speaker. among those present was Lauren brisky ’73, now chair of the Simmons board of trustees. Ms. Steinem’s remarks about massive societal shifts taking place resonated deeply with the Simmons community then, and again this spring when the Class of 2013 rallied to bring her back to campus. this visit ignited a fire among the Simmons community, including Lauren brisky, who found her motivation and inspiration renewed. a seed was planted at Simmons 40 years ago that placed us at the heart of an important national dialogue about leadership and the role of women in education, the workplace, and society at large. that conversation continues with an upcoming event oct. 7 co-sponsored by Simmons. the forum “how women become Political” is funded in part due to a visionary gift from Lauren brisky. Ms. Steinem will be among the speakers along with u.S. Senator elizabeth warren, former Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Kerry healey, and others. after her March visit, Ms. Steinem sent me a letter in which she wrote that she “holds Simmons in her heart.” we too hold Ms. Steinem’s work in our hearts and our heads as we work toward a world that values the contributions of both men and women.

helen G. drinan ’75ls, ’78sM President

simmons Vice President of advancement Marianne LorD

Vice President for Marketing & admission CheryL e. howarD ’71

Senior director of Marketing communications aLLySon iriSh ’04GS

editor KathLeen S. Carr

assistant editor aLix roy

writers and contributors JuLie Choquette nafeeSa M. ConnoLLy ’14 robert Dunn eLySe PiPitone ’07Sw JuLie turner Sarah ZenGo

design KaaJaL aSher

Printing KirKwooD PrintinG

Photography John GiLLooLy CarLa oSberG

illustration ben KirChner PauL wearinG LeiGh weLLS Cover illustration of Gloria Steinem by Paul wearing. original photograph courtesy of Simmons archives, circa 1973.

the Simmons College office of Marketing Communications publishes the Simmons magazine three times a year. third-class postage is paid in boston, Mass. Diverse views presented in the Simmons magazine do not necessarily ref lect the opinions of the magazine or the College. (iSSn) 0049-0512. for more information, call 617-521-2049, or visit


Kathleen carr email:

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chair Lauren J. briSKy ’73

Vice chair Jane buyerS-ruSSo ’81

clerk of the Board of Trustees reGina M. PiSa

Members CarMen a. baeZ ’79, ’03hD Deborah C. brittain ’74Sw Jennifer KeLLy Choi ’87 barbara L. Cohen ’68 DwiGht b. Crane heLen G. Drinan ’75LS, ’78SM atSuKo toKo fiSh JaMeS D. fLynn P’12, P’14 JiLL a. GreenthaL ’78 Karen haMMonD John w. huMPhrey yvonne r. JaCKSon LeSLie L. LaKe ’86 KathLeen MorriSSey LaPoint ’84 nGina LythCott ’67, ’04hD JuDith SaMDPeriL Mann ’83 StePhen P. MCCanDLeSS JaCqueLine C. Morby ’78SM SuSan a. oLLiLa ’66 DeniSe PaPPaS ’71, ’85SM ChriStian PoPe-CaMPbeLL ’91 eMiLy SCott PottruCK ’78 faith M. riCharDSon ’84 Jo-ann robotti ’75 KathLeen i. SChuLLer-bLeaKie ’94SM toby M. SLoane ’60 PauLa a. SneeD ’69 winSton tabb ’72LS Janet trafton tobin ’67 PaMeLa J. touLoPouLoS ’73 roSLyn M. watSon ’71 aMy e. white ’81

alumnae/i Volunteer leadership Alumnae Association Executive Board President enna JiMeneZ ’91 Graduate School of Library and Information Science Alumni Association President DanieL J. borDen ’11LS School of Management Alumnae Association President CharLotte M. Streat ’00SM School of Social Work Alumni Council President nanCy L. Poorvu ’79Sw, ’12SwD


eminist, Journalist, activist, Galvanizer. Gloria Steinem’s influence has been compared to Martin Luther King, Jr., and her history of advocacy is seemingly limitless. when she came to speak at Simmons on March 22, her spirit, vigor, and relentless call to action were on display. “we are constantly being told that the feminist movement is over,” she said. “it took 100 years to gain legal identity as human beings. that was legal identity, now we are striving for legal and social equality. we’ve got 50 or 60 years to go.” when asked by an audience member about her own legacy, Steinem said, “i want to be remembered as someone who did her best to leave the world a little more fair, more connected, and whole.” in the pages that follow, we celebrate our Simmons relationships— through the connections we make at the Leadership Conference, the speakers and peers we draw upon at Commencement, and in the pride we take in the amplification of our voices when we gather for reunion. the power of our collective Simmons voice is incredible. to read more about these events, turn to p. 7. it was our students who brought Gloria Steinem to campus this spring, 40 years after her initial visit. She came because they boldly stood up and asked her to. to read more, turn to p. 32. we hope that this issue inspires you to use your Simmons voice. when it does, let us know; we want to hear about it.


kathleen s. carr


Fall 2013

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Simmons responds to Boston Marathon Bombings

PhoTo By JeSSe coSTa/wBUr.

T SiMMoNS STUdeNT alix McMaNUS ’15 arraNgeS FlowerS aT a MeMorial For MaraThoN VicTiMS oN BoylSToN STreeT.

he boston Marathon bombings on april 15 affected every member of the Simmons community, from students and alumnae/i volunteering at the finish line, to faculty working in hospitals, and staff in charge of safety and security on campus. in the days and weeks that followed, many members of the College community turned to each other for comfort and strength. on april 17, a vigil was held on campus for students, faculty, and staff to reflect and begin the healing process. “as we all try to come to terms with what has happened and move forward, we must do so guided by the values that are our traditions, which include a collective investment in community, and collaboration for the common good,” President Drinan said in her remarks.

SiMMoNS welcoMeS New gSliS deaN eileen G. abels, Ph.D., a longtime library and information science practitioner and educator with a specialty in digital reference education and remote reference services, assumed leadership of the Graduate School of Library and information Science in July as the new dean. She replaces Michèle Cloonan, who has rejoined the GSLiS faculty as professor and dean emerita. Dr. abels has spent more than 30 years in the library and information science field, including positions as a research associate, information specialist, professor, and academic administrator. Prior to her arrival at Simmons, she served as associate dean for academic affairs and professor at the College of information Science and technology, the iSchool, at Drexel university in Philadelphia. She is currently president of the association for Library and information Science education (aLiSe), a national forum for library educators to share ideas, discuss issues, and seek solutions to common problems. Prior to joining the faculty at Drexel in 2007, Dr. abels spent more than 15 years teaching at the College of information Studies at the university of Maryland. She has published widely in the areas of digital reference education and remote reference services, including conference papers, journal articles, and the book Business Information Needs and Strategies. She received her b.a. from Clark university, her M.L.S. from the university of Maryland, and her Ph.D. from the university of California, Los angeles. She has received numerous awards including the 2012 aLiSe award for Professional Contribution to Library and information Science education.


For the straight year, Simmons Athletics received the Great Northeast Athletic Conference (GNAC) Commissioner’s Cup, an award presented to an institution with across-the-board excellence from its teams.

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StrAteGy 2015 – NurSiNG@SimmoNS


n keeping with Simmons’s Strategy 2015 efforts to expand online education, the College recently launched nursing@Simmons, a new online master’s degree program for aspiring family nurse practitioners. the online program, facilitated through the School of nursing and health Sciences, combines face-to-face instruction with self-paced, media-rich coursework, small classes, and a clinical field program. through a customized web platform provided by premier education technology company 2u, nursing@Simmons students will be able to listen to live lectures in online classrooms and engage and collaborate with classmates. the first cohort of students will begin this fall.

Simmons Professors win Fulbright grants Two Simmons professors have been awarded Fulbright Grants and will be teaching and conducting research abroad during the 2013-14 academic year. Professor Kirk Beattie, Chair of the Political Science and International Relations Department, was awarded a Fulbright Grant to travel to Eqypt and study the impact that different educational tracks have on an Egyptian student’s future political involvement. Beattie has published two books on the subject: Egypt During the Nasser Years and Egypt During the Sadat Years. Assistant Professor of Computer Science




Veilleux will travel to Africa, where she will teach computer engineering at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Rwanda. KIST is the first institution of its kind in Rwanda, and is part of the post-war rebuilding effort taking place in the country. KIST enrolls about 3,000 students and offers certificate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in fields such as food and science technology, architec-

coMMUNiTy SerVice By The NUMBerS

230,000 hours of service provided to the community during the 2011-12 academic year

1,359 Undergraduate and graduate students who gave at least 20 hours


Boston-area community groups supported by the Scott/ross center for community Service


Number of consecutive years that Simmons has been named to the President’s higher education community Service honor roll

ture, information technology, and management.


Fall 2013

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Teaching women’s leadership






Simmons partnered with the u.S. Department of State’s bureau of educational and Cultural affairs to host the “Study of the united States institute on women’s Leadership.” this summer, 20 undergraduate women from five sub-Saharan african countries attended a five-week program that focused on the history of women’s leader-

SimmonsleadS to Promote women’s leadership


immons recently launched SimmonsLeaDS, a dynamic series of speakers,

programs, and events that focus on the empowerment and development of women leaders. the initiative celebrates the College’s enduring and long-standing commitment to women’s education, leadership, and success by expanding and enriching its lineup of events. “we want the world to recognize the power of women’s leadership, and we

believe SimmonsLeaDS will help to magnify this message,” said President helen Drinan.

ship in the united States, as well as current

SimmonsLeaDS includes the prominent Simmons Leadership Conference,

issues facing women worldwide. new to

the 2020 women on boards annual “national Conversation on board Diversity,”

the program this year were five Simmons student participants who were selected as richardson international fellows. their participation and travel was fully supported by

and the newly launched enCore series, which brings back top speakers from the Simmons Leadership Conference. the inaugural 2013 enCore event, which took place in early September, featured vernice “flyGirl” armour, the first african-american female combat pilot.

Grace richardson ’60, a Simmons alumna and benefactor. richardson fellows took an active role in all aspects of the five-week curriculum and received four independent study credits for their participation. in another u.S. Department of State program hosted at Simmons this spring, nearly 100 fulbright women attended a customized re-entry program. the women explored issues related to women’s leadership, and the cultural, gender, and professional re-entry challenges foreign students face upon returning to their home countries.

happy birthday, soM! More than 250 friends of the Simmons School of Management celebrated the school’s 40th anniversary at the Downtown Harvard Club of Boston on May 7. Founding Dean Anne Jardim (pictured with current SOM Dean Cathy Minehan, left, and President Helen Drinan) was the guest of honor at the event, which raised more than $420,000 for the school. Jardim also was the graduate programs Commencement speaker this year and she received an honorary degree (see page 8).

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[3] Beauty is in the Eye of the Photographer by nafeesa M. connolly ’14


School of Social work Professor of Practice Gary Bailey [ ] was awarded a Doctor of humane

Letters degree, honoris causa, by the university of Connecticut at the School of Social work recognition Ceremony May 11. the award is given to an individual “whose life and achievements serve as examples of the university’s aspirations for its students …(and) who has contributed significantly to the cultural, scientific, and/or social development of the state, nation, or world.” bailey also delivered the keynote address at the commencement ceremony. assistant Professor of Political Science and international relations Benjamin Cole was one of a small group of scholars selected to spend a week in taiwan through the Ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of China. as part of the 2013 young Scholars and experts visiting Group to taiwan, Cole will visit political, educational, and diplomatic offices throughout taipei. Senior Lecturer in health Care administration BoB Coulam [2] gave an invited talk on Medicare reform May 17 in washington, D.C., to the national health Policy forum, a prominent group run by George washington university and composed of Congressional staff, agency officials, and researchers. history Lecturer Kate larson was filmed as “the world’s expert on harriet tubman” for henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s documentary, Many Rivers To Cross. Larson has been studying harriet tubman


for 20 years, with a particular interest in what made tubman so different from other people born in similar, disadvantaged positions. the documentary will premiere on tuesday, oct. 22 at 8 p.m. on PbS, and will continue with weekly episodes on tuesdays until nov. 26. GSLiS Professor of Practice and former President of the american Library association (aLa) maureen sullivan represented the aLa at the white house in May during a ceremony for the national Medal for Museum and Library Services. the ceremony was also attended by first Lady Michelle obama. Professor of nursing sarah volKman [3] was an invited speaker at a panel discussion, “invest in the future: Defeat Malaria,” on Capitol hill april 25. the event, which commemorated world Malaria Day, was organized by the u.S. Senate Caucus on Malaria and neglected tropical Diseases in partnership with several international organizations. volkman spoke in front of senators, members of Congress, and advocacy groups. PatriCia White, [4] professor of practice in nursing, was recently inducted as a fellow in the national academies of Practice (naP). the mission of the naP is to promote excellence in the practice of health care professionals, and quality health care for all through inter-professional collaboration in service delivery, research, education, and public policy advocacy.

from small business owners to boston pedestrians, photographer and art & Music Senior Lecturer edie Bresler has crossed the paths of many with untold stories. her latest projects include “Lottery economies,” which captures characters and scenes from the lottery industry, and “exchange economy,” an artist residency at the boston Center for the arts (bCa).

how did “lottery economies” come about? i suddenly started noticing all these colorful tickets withering on the ground. it was 2008, and the country was experiencing a huge economic downturn. the lottery became something of a fascination, and the more i found out about it, the more intrigued i became. i’m now trying to photograph a lottery ticket printing plant – they create a lot of jobs, which is a part of the lottery that we don’t necessarily think about. i want people to be more aware of those hidden stories.

as an artist-in-residence at the bca, you photograph people on the streets of boston. tell us more about this project. Community building is the best way to put it – community building through art and encounter. it’s a very different experience than being at an art gallery or museum where it’s passive – you’re looking at an object on a wall and you’re not going home with something or engaging with it. in the last hour of the three community days, anybody from the community could offer me something of value and trade it in for a portrait, so i received books, original artwork, even vouchers for haircuts. to see bresler’s work:

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cover story

of we speak out because we’re asked to. by our professors, by a call to leadership, by the reminder of the power of voice that comes when we spend time re-engaging with our Simmons classmates. our voice is our Simmons fire and we’re required, by the very fact that it exists within us, to use it.

how are you using your Simmons voice?

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Power of Voıce The

Commencement: Students Speak in “Simmons Fire”

in 1973, Gloria Steinem spoke at Simmons’s 68th Commencement. She told students that, “it takes enormous courage for women to stand up and dare to behave like human beings. but there are very many brave and courageous women out there. it is the biggest and the deepest change happening in the country. it is there, and they’re waiting for you. and you are as brave and courageous as they. So, we offer you our help, and we ask for yours.” (to read more about Steinem and her return to Simmons this year, turn to “Students bring Gloria Steinem back,” p. 32. on May 10, 2013, at the bank of america Pavilion, Steinem’s message of the power of voice was echoed in the words of Simmons College’s 108th Commencement speaker, filmmaker and women’s rights activist, Jennifer Siebel newsom, who spoke of what the world will learn from Simmons students. “what Simmons provides for its women is unparalleled and unmatchable with anything i have experienced in my lifetime, and i applaud all of you for creating an institution and culture that so empowers women within the classroom, through extracurricular activities and events on campus, and across the boston community. the world will learn so much from you! not just about the power of single-sex education, but about what happens when women recognize their voice, are taught to stand in their power, and are able to create lives of meaning and purpose.” the afternoon graduate speaker, co-founder of the School of Management, anne Jardim continued to speak on the theme of women in action. “i would love to see women progress to management in a linear way. it really is tiring to keep doing it in loops, and come back and do it again. we made the spurt in the 1970s and ’80s. Simmons women were everywhere, all over new england, in all kinds of jobs. that has eased off. yes, there was the recession, but we need to stem the tide against us now. i hope you will be the people to do it. i wish you everything that is good and more. Good eyes, good ears, good vision, good listening. Don’t act until you know where your action is going to take you.”




STay coNNecTed commencement/connect/

c d

A Simmons student athletes B anne Jardim C Jennifer Siebel newsom D Student’s cap E Shannon elizabeth Deady ’13 F Member of the graduating class of 2013


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Voices of the Simmons Leadership Conference We are self starters, openers, and closers. We speak with Simmons fire. Some fires can’t be extinguished. We are 500 of them and we burn bright. Simmons has been our fire and it has changed us. Let’s promise to always speak in fire. Shannon elizabeth Deady ’13, Student speaker

the Simmons Leadership Conference is, quite literally, an example of the power of voice. More than 3,000 women (and a few men) from across the nation gathered at the Seaport world trade Center april 2 to listen to and learn from leaders like Sallie Krawcheck, a former wall Street executive, and anna Deavere Smith, an innovative playwright and actor. the 2013 Conference theme, “women of influence,” encouraged speakers to discuss the qualities that help women reach their professional and personal goals, while making their voices heard. here are some of the things they said:

If you don’t agree with your company’s values or ethics, you can always get another job. It’s awfully hard to get another reputation. Sallie Krawcheck, former wall Street executive

e No voice is what it is, literally. It is the message that it carries.

Feeling confident is a great accomplishment. viola Davis, actress from The Help

anna Deavere Smith, actress and professor


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Power of Voıce The

Voices of the Simmons Leadership Conference

You don’t see it when it happens. But the things that you try and aren’t successful at, they motivate you for something greater. Judy Smith, Crisis management expert

You’ve got to think outside the box to get what you want. Lois frankel, President, Corporate Coaching international

Many women work hard, deliver fabulous results, and hope that someone notices. It doesn’t often happen. You have to be proactive in making sure people know what you want and need.

Before you dive into a new social technology, the very first question you should ask is, ‘How does that help us deepen our relationships?’ Charlene Li, founder of altimeter Group

Carol frohlinger, entrepreneur, corporate business coach, and bestselling author on women’s leadership


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Alumnae Voices at Reunion

“A leader is someone who listens to the needs of their community, and responds in a way that improves people’s lives.” Clotilde Zannetos ’58, on campus for her 55th reunion, is humble when it comes to applying that definition to herself, despite holding a number of leadership positions at Simmons, regis College, and in her community. in the years since she graduated, Zannetos has served on the undergraduate Dean’s advisory Council, the Simmons Leadership Council, and as a Simmons Class officer. She was on the Mit Corporation Development Committee (her late husband was an Mit professor), was a founding member of women in Development of Greater boston, and received the Simmons alumnae Service award in 2009. Zannetos remains a Class agent for the Class of 1958 and helped organize the 2013 reunion activities for their class alongside Sandy Dickerman ’58. her efforts, and those of the entire reunion Committee, paid off — 34 of Zannetos’ former classmates attended reunion weekend May 30 through June 2, joining a crowd of more than 300 Simmons alumnae/i and helping to raise $902,886 for the College. unlike recent graduates, Zannetos and her classmates returned to a vastly different Simmons campus than the one they remember from the ’50s and ’60s. formerly a parking lot, the ultra-modern School of Management represents the College’s continued growth as a leading institution for women leaders. “i get goosebumps when i look around at all these buildings,” Zannetos said. “i’m so proud of Simmons — they’ve worked so hard.” this year’s reunion festivities included new events, like an afternoon with Simmons archivist Jason wood ’01LS, ’11GS, and old traditions like the Daisy Chain Procession led by the Class of ’63. as she has in years past, President Drinan greeted alumnae on friday with a gourmet picnic on the quad. for Jody Dow ’53, the highlight of the weekend was spending time (and a delicious meal) with Simmons classmates, including her maid-of-honor and former

roommate. Since graduating, Dow has had successful careers in teaching and politics, including a 20year run as a member of the republican national Committee. Dow, who once chaired the brookline Planning board and served as president of the brookline women’s republican Club, said part of being a leader is believing in your own abilities. “it’s an attitude that you are prepared to do the job well,” she said. “Leaders, whether in politics or other pursuits, are able to change policies for the future and bring people together.” Dow ran for Massachusetts Secretary of State at a time when few women were involved in politics. today, she sits on the board of the Massachusetts women’s Political Caucus and regularly helps younger candidates with their campaigns. “our family goal was to give service to others, and we are all still involved,” she said. “Simmons strengthened this goal in my life and my careers.”

clotilde Zannetos ’58

Jody dow ’53

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Power of Voıce The

c Alumnae Voices at Reunion





A enna Jimenez ’91 and Marsha Kirshenbaum ’65, President and immediate Past President of the alumnae association B reunion attendees contributed $902,886 to Simmons C Susan Saslow ’73 and mother Peggy Saslow ’44 D Gerry Morenski ’63, P ’87, right: barbara Johnson ’63 E Phyllis fishman Decker ’58


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adela raz ’08 has been named first



joan ditzion ’85sW was awarded the Life-

Kathy BrodsKy ’70sW released her eighth

self-published children’s book, A Catfish Tale (2012). this rhyming picture book is a delightful tale about friendship, responsibility, and learning to overcome challenges. brodsky was featured in the Girl Scouts’ monthly online publication, The Studio, which showcases inspiring storytellers and offers girls a behind-the-scenes look at writing and illustrating. [1] FranCes BurKe ’50 received the Lifetime achievement award at Simmons’s reunion weekend 2013. Dr. burke is founder and Ceo of integrity international, a global management company specializing in management ethics and anti-corruption practices training, focusing on decision-making and leadership. a pioneering advocate for human rights and women’s equality, burke is a dedicated feminist and activist who belongs to several professional organizations and has received numerous board appointments and awards.

[2] maryann d’aGinCourt ’75, ’89Gs recently published Journal of Eva Morelli (Portmay Press, 2013). the novel was recognized as a finalist in the william faulkner-william wisdom Creative writing Competition by the Pirate’s alley faulkner Society. in this psychologically astute and compelling story, life and art merge in the minds of the characters.

deputy spokesperson and director of communications by afghanistan President hamid Karzai. She is the first woman in the history of that country to hold this prestigious position. raz is one of four afghan women who earned an undergraduate degree at Simmons during the five years that the College partnered with the initiative to educate afghan women to help create afghanistan’s future women leaders. She graduated with honors with a triple major in international relations, political science, and economics, and then earned her master’s degree in 2010 at the fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at tufts university.

time achievement award by the Massachusetts Chapter of the national association of Social workers at its 41st annual awards Ceremony on april 9. Ditzion is co-founder of the boston women’s health book Collective, and has co-authored all nine editions of Our Bodies, Ourselves, which has been translated into 26 languages and was recently named one of the 88 “books that shaped america” by the Library of Congress.

School outreach Program. newhall is a leading author, educator, and lecturer with 25 years of experience. her research focuses on what teachers need to know and do to empower students’ learning.

joanne Fleisher ’66 published the second

raChel joseFoWitz sieGel ’44 published

edition of Living Two Lives: Married to a Man & in Love with a Woman, a guide for women grappling with the difficult process of coming out while being married to a man (CreateSpace independent Publishing Platform, 2012). in this edition, fleisher updates the discussion of sexual identity, delves deeper into lesbian relationships and issues of coming out when older or without a partner, as well as the joys and challenges of stepfamilies.

My Songs of Now and Then (iuniverse Press, 2012). Siegel’s memoir covers her early wanderings in pre-war western europe, her education at Simmons College, and her life as a faculty wife, mother, and community volunteer. She writes of her mid-life switch to a new career in psychotherapy, feminist awakening, and involvement as a community activist.

[3] Cynthia Grady ’95Gs, ’99ls wrote I Lay My Stitches Down: Poems of American Slavery (eerdmans books for young readers, 2011). Grady’s rich, intricate collection of poems chronicles the various experiences of american slaves, brought to life by vivid and colorful artwork from Coretta Scott King award-winner Michele wood. the book received starred reviews in Kirkus and School Library Journal, and was selected as a 2013 best book of the year by bankstreet College of education. PatriCia neWhall ’01Gs wrote LanguageBased Learning Disabilities, a new educational book which is the first in the Language based teaching Series published by the Landmark

Boston Globe Style writer tina sutton ’74 published The Making of Markova: Diaghilev’s Baby Ballerina to Groundbreaking Icon (Pegasus books, 2013), a biography of alicia Markova. a sickly, frail child, Markova went on to overcome poverty, jealousy, anti-Semitism, and prejudices against her unconventional looks to become the greatest classical ballerina of her generation.

[4] Courtney louise younG ’97ls has been named president-elect of the american Library association. as aLa president, young will be the chief elected officer for the oldest and largest library association in the world. young, currently head librarian at Penn State Greater allegheny, will assume the aLa presidency at the close of the 2014 aLa annual Conference. S

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give it serious consideration, over time, it’s astonishing what you discover.

what should everyone who aspires to be philanthropic know? Scientists tell us the single most motivating factor in our lives is the desire to pass on copies of our own Dna. Philanthropists want to pass on their “emotional Dna.” that’s why thinking about what gives their own lives meaning and joy is an important first step in supporting what is right for them. if fly fishing on the ichen river makes one’s heart sing, making that possible for future generations should trigger a sense of accomplishment, peace, and fulfillment. Perhaps scholarship support is such a big winner among philanthropists because what it accomplishes is so tangible and relatable.

do you have any specific advice for women?

Marianne lord, Vice President of advancement


arianne Lord has spent the last three decades helping thousands of people take a thoughtful approach to fulfilling their philanthropic dreams. for her, it’s a calling. She’s been sharing her expertise and experience with Simmons alumnae/i, parents, and friends since she became vice president of advancement in 2011. in a recent conversation, she offered stimulating ideas about “giving back.” this is a condensed version of the full conversation available online at

do these financial times present any special opportunities or risks when it comes to philanthropy?

what’s the first thing you ask people seeking advice about how and where to “give back”?

the best way to say it is to quote my husband who said, “i cannot believe they pay you for that job. all day, every day you are around people who are grateful, generous, successful, and happy to see you coming.”

“what makes your heart sing?” it sounds a bit silly, but someone teaching me how to be more mindful once asked me that. if you


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Don’t start by thinking about giving to institutions, even the ones you love. focus first on what makes you joyful. then, find the institutions that are the best vehicles in the moment to deliver your financial support to what you love. Men, more than women, believe there’s an important relationship between risk and reward. we women should think more about that equation in making our choices. and men can learn from women that institutions don’t hold their emotional Dna, people do. institutions come and go, but every time we change someone’s life, we change the future forever.

a scholar recently published a book called The Rising Power of the American Dead. in it, she discusses how much wealth my generation will be passing on and says there’s great power to be harnessed. Such wealth will impact the lives of our children and grandchildren, for better or for worse. we should all give it some thought. Such wealth will also have a powerful effect on the people we love and institutions we support.

what do you enjoy most about your job?

Fall 2013

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coMMeNceMeNT recogNiTioN celeBraTioN

Benjamin crane gives $250,000 to his late wife’s Scholarship

BeN aNd Sally craNe ’56, ’04hd aT The SiMMoNS ceNTeNNial KicKoFF eVeNT iN May 1999

when benjamin Crane is asked what inspired his recent gift to the scholarship established by his late wife, trustee emerita Sarah “Sally” Molloy Crane ’56, ’04hD, his reply reinforces her well-earned reputation as a passionate, persuasive advocate for Simmons. “Sally trained me well! So i contribute to things that she thought were extremely worthwhile. and i know that making this gift to her Simmons scholarship is something she would have wanted to do,” says ben Crane, a retired attorney. his latest gift to the Sarah Molloy Crane ’56, ’04hD endowed Scholarship raises the value of the fund to more than $1 million and significantly expands the impact it can have on current and future students. the scholarship has already benefited 19 undergraduates since Sally initiated it in connection with the Campaign for Simmons, which she chaired from 2001 through 2004. “Sally said many times that Simmons turned her life around. She said the teachers were so inspiring and supportive of the students — it really impressed her,” says Crane. “together, we decided to make a substantial gift to Simmons to help students who might not otherwise rise to the top for scholarship assistance. her pref-

erence was to designate the scholarship for african american and native american students, whenever possible.” in an interview after she launched the scholarship, Sally Crane said the idea for it was inspired in part by a trip years earlier. “My family and i traveled out west for the first time in the 1970s, and seeing the poor conditions many native americans were living in really changed the way i looked at things,” she said, adding that volunteer work with underserved populations in new york also affected her outlook. “Sally loved meeting the students who received the scholarship, and staying in touch with them,” says ben Crane. “i also enjoy learning about who is receiving the scholarship.” Sally Crane’s spirited, tireless service to Simmons was part of her broader, self-described career as a “professional volunteer” for multiple organizations over four decades. in 2004, Simmons recognized her accomplishments by awarding her an honorary degree. two years later the College named her a trustee emerita. She passed away in 2010. if you are interested in making a gift to the Sarah Molloy Crane ’56, ’04hD endowed Scholarship in honor of Sally Crane, please visit

Simmons welcomed more than 100 of the College’s most generous alumnae/i, parents, and friends to the annual Commencement recognition Celebration the evening before Commencement. in addition to members of the 1899 Society, the John Simmons Society, and the GoLD Society, guests included this year’s honorary degree candidates. During her remarks, President Drinan announced new members of the Lifetime Giving Society (donors of $500,000 or more): the late Mara Dole ’61LS, trustee atsuko t. fish and Lawrence K. fish, and the eMC Corporation. President Drinan also recognized recipients of the President’s 2013 recognition award. the College designated $150,000 to reduce the student loan obligations of 17 graduating seniors in honor of their extraordinary commitments to the Simmons community. the awards were made possible by gifts to the College, particularly through the Simmons fund.

reUNioN claSSeS claSSeS giVe $902,886 To To SiMMoNS the generosity of alumnae celebrating their reunion this year will help support our student-centered approach to teaching. at the 2013 awards luncheon, the 50th reunion Class of 1963 won the reunion Cup, the Kay heggie Planned Giving award, and the highest Participation award, having achieved a 47 percent participation rate. the Class of 1968 received the Simmons fund Gift award, and the Class of 1973 won the reunion Class Gift award. for more reunion coverage, see pages 11, 12, and 18, and

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roSlyN waTSoN ’71 challeNge iNSPireS SiMMoNS coMMUNiTy

Pamela J. Toulopoulos ’73 Marks 40th reunion with $100,000 gift

PaM ToUloPoUloS ’73 aNd georgia KoSToPoUloS ‘14, reciPieNT oF The JohN V. aNd PaUliNe ToUloPoUloS ScholarShiP, aT The aNNUal ScholarShiP aPPreciaTioN BrUNch.


f Plato were alive today, he might well point to Pam toulopoulos ’73 as an ideal – an ideal volunteer, leader, and philanthropist. the longtime alumnae association executive board member joined the board of trustees in 2012, and over the years, toulopoulos has taken a very thoughtful approach to her philanthropy, including her most recent gift. toulopoulos says the 15 years she spent as a public school teacher in billerica, Mass. help her appreciate the value of enabling students to conduct and present research, often in conjunction with faculty. “Conducting and presenting research can further strengthen students’ applications for jobs and graduate school.” “Some of the College’s brightest students are doing original research. but often they can’t afford to continue their research in the summer because they need to earn money for


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school,” says toulopoulos. “in addition, travel and registration costs can prevent students from presenting their research at professional conferences, which are golden opportunities for them, their professors, and Simmons.” Promoting student research is a strategic priority for Simmons, part of a broader commitment to enhancing the undergraduate experience. the toulopoulos Student research fund will provide grants of up to $10,000 for undergraduates doing scholarly research in any discipline. the provost’s office and a faculty panel will oversee a competitive application process. “the best part of my ongoing connection to Simmons is engaging with students – getting to know them over coffee, staying in touch, and seeing how they progress in their careers,” says toulopoulos. among the students she gets to know are recipients of the John v. and Pauline toulopoulos Scholarship she established in honor of her parents.


oslyn watson ’71 experienced firsthand the transformative power of a Simmons education. “My intellect was sharpened in the classroom, my career was launched, and i formed lifelong friendships with my fellow classmates,” watson says. She wants to ensure that a transformative, student-centered education will be available to as many Simmons students as possible. in celebration of the 2013 black alumnae/i Symposium (april 12-14), watson challenged alumnae/i, faculty, staff, parents, and friends to contribute to the black alumnae/i Symposium Legacy Scholarship, and she offered to match all gifts up to $150,000. the Challenge inspired the Simmons community and raised more than $220,000, which will directly support talented young women of color who aspire to a Simmons education. the black alumnae/i Symposium Legacy Scholarship benefits students like rubby wuabu ’12 of Ghana. while at Simmons, she fully embraced her student experience by pursuing a double major in political science and international studies, singing with the Simmons College Concert Choir, and interning in the Massachusetts State Senate. “Just imagine the impact that we are all having together on students with this scholarship fund,” says watson. “i can’t think of a better way for us to celebrate our gifts and invest in the community that we all hold so dear.”

The 2013 Black alumnae/i Symposium attracted more than 100 attendees. The event emphasized the importance of giving back and celebrated the gifts members of the Simmons community have shared with the college and each other.

Fall 2013

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SoM dean cathy Minehan, Jacqueline Morby ’78SM, anne Jardim, Margaret hornady david ’78SM, and President helen drinan ’75lS, ’78SM

The School of Management celebrates 40th anniversary with Founding dean anne Jardim


ore than 250 people attended a fundraising dinner on May 7 to celebrate and benefit the School of Management (SoM) as it begins its fifth decade. the event at the Simmons Club at the Downtown harvard Club of boston raised more than $420,000 for the school, thanks to the purchase of tables and tickets by SoM alumnae/i, faculty, friends, and corporate sponsors, including MassMutual financial Group, bank of america, the Challenger foundation, biogen idec, the boston Globe, and Staples, inc. founding Dean anne Jardim was the guest of honor. Jacqueline Morby ’78SM chaired the event, and contributed $100,000 to celebrate the school’s milestone anniversary. “Dean Jardim is a model. She is an imaginative entrepreneur who saw an opportunity, and then went out and creatively found financing to create the Simmons School of Management,” said Morby. recalling the school’s humble beginnings, Jardim said, “we decided we were going

to teach women Mbas so that they could survive in a business climate in the ’70s.” addressing the crowd of alumnae/i present, Jardim said, “you all have done more than we ever imagined or dreamed.” She also extended special thanks to corporate supporters. “you really matter to us, and you always have,” said Jardim. “we couldn’t have begun this school without corporate help.” in 1973, Jardim and Margaret hennig ’62 saw the need for a new kind of business degree that delivered business fundamentals, included harvard’s case-study method, and also taught the role of gender in organizational effectiveness and leadership. Jardim and hennig presented their plan to Simmons and founded the first Mba program in the world designed to help women succeed as leaders and managers. forty years later, the SoM remains committed to providing premier business education to women Mba and undergraduate students. the school is a recognized authority on women, leadership, and management, and

serves as a leading-edge provider of consulting advice, executive education, and applied research to organizations committed to the advancement and success of women professionals, managers, and leaders. in honor of the 40th anniversary, Margaret J. hornady David ’78SM issued a fundraising challenge to her graduating class, offering to match gifts of $10,000 made to the Dean’s Discretionary fund, up to $100,000. the fund supports the transformative learning taking place at the school, and gifts will help successive generations of students acquire the rigorous business skills required to be successful, principled leaders. a highlight of the anniversary dinner was the presentation of the Phyllis e. rappaport alumnae achievement award to Jennifer Pinck ’86SM, president and founder of Pinck & Co. the annual award recognizes an alumna whose significant deeds and accomplishments have helped further the school’s tradition of creating broader opportunities for women.



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a full calendar of upcoming events can be found at These and other photos from Simmons events can be found at

1 2 3


1 robert D. Stueart P’87LS, eM and Marlies Stueart ’78, ’79GS at the annual Commencement recognition Celebration. 2 Class of 1963 celebrates their 50th reunion. 3 emily Scott Pottruck ’78, tS and Lauren brisky ’73,



tS at the annual Commencement recognition Celebration. 4 David Gavrin and nancy Gavrin ’58 at reunion weekend. 5 President Drinan with recipients of the President’s 2013 recognition award. 6 Class of 1988 celebrates their 25th reunion. 7 Kotzen Scholars Katherine Sittig-boyd ’16, emmaline ashe ’16, Jillayne adamyk ’16, and briana hayes ’16 at the Scholarship appreciation brunch. 8 william Mosakowski, Kristin Moccia ’15, and Jane Mosakowski ’79LS, CP at the Scholarship appreciation brunch. 9 Sheryl Marshall ’76SM and atsuko fish tS at the School of Management 40th anniversary celebration. 10 women of the Dream at the black alumnae/i Symposium. 11 rashonda ambrose ’02 and Leslie Morris ’75 at the black alumnae/i Symposium. 12 anne b. Denna ’05SM, ’07ee, ’09ee, Lisa Craig ’11SM, and Charlotte Streat ’00SM at the School of Management 40th anniversary celebration. 13 Chanelle Peters ’04, Keeva haynes ’02, Maria impoinvil ’04, ’08hSD, Latasha turner ’04, and alicia Canady adamson ’03 at the black alumnae/i Symposium.


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8 9 1


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$50K+ MaKiNg edUcaTioN worK caMPaigN doNorS aS oF JUly 31, 2013 $1,000,000+ anonymous anonymous anonymous family of Donors Lauren J. brisky ’73, tS Mara e. Dole ’61LS* Phyllis nickerson Dotson ’62 and George S. Dotson barbara fish Lee ’67, ’01hD emma bassinor robbins ’38* allen Smith* Janet trafton tobin ’67, tS

Carolyn and Stephen P. McCandless tS Joanna S. Mockler Lois f. o’Grady ’58* Susan a. ollila ’66, tS regina M. Pisa tS Grace e. richardson ’60, CP Margaret Zetariuk Scatena ’51* Mayo a. Shattuck iii the alfred P. Sloan foundation Pamela J. toulopoulos ’73, tS Joan Melber warburg ’45, ’97hD, te Sarah a. whittum*

$500,000 - $999,999

$100,000 - $249,999

anonymous Sarah Molloy Crane ’56, ’04hD, te* and benjamin f. Crane eMC Corporation rosetta P. ferris ’36* atsuko t. fish tS and Lawrence K. fish Jill a. Greenthal ’78, tS edith f. helman ’72hD, fe* Jane r. Mosakowski ’79LS and william S. Mosakowski Jessie f. Parsons ’42* the Saxena family barbara bachrach Scolnick ’64LS, ht elinor alpert Seevak ’55 toby M. Sloane ’60, tS

anonymous* anonymous betty n. alberts ’61 and bruce M. alberts Carmen aponte baez ’79, ’03hD, tS Deborah C. brittain ’74Sw, tS barbara Miller burns ’57 Cora Duhy bush ’34* anita i. busquets ’80SM and william a. Ladd Jeannette Cabeen ’36* Jennifer Kelly Choi ’87, tS Cisco Systems, inc. the Coleman foundation alice wolfe Conger ’32* and harold G. Conger* Margaret J. hornady David ’78SM Miriam engleman Drake ’58, ’71LS, ’98hD, ht Doris Drescher Cook ’46 Priscilla M. Dickson ’52Sw e. i. du Pont de nemours and Company eileen fisher, inc. virginia farnham ’29* Prudence adams finn ’66 Katherine t. and James D. flynn P ’12, P ’14, tS beverly a. foss ’50* the freeman foundation eileen M. friars ’72, te George i. alden trust Katja b. Goldman ’78 frances hale ’34* John w. humphrey tS, Pamela D. humphrey ’14 and victoria e. humphrey Cheryl and Stephen P. Jonas P ’05, ht Laurie a. Kaplan ’67 Sheldon t. and audrey Katz KPMG foundation Kathleen Morrissey LaPoint ’84, tS Margaret west Laun ’46 Janet v. Lew P ’07, P ’10LS and emmalia e. harrington ’07, ’10LS Catherine Leamy Lowe ’31* elaine Lindy ’85SM the Lowell institute heloise Pike Mailloux ’50, ’52LS Shirley Leupold Martin ’50* ruth Klabe McMichael ’45* and allen e. McMichael* elizabeth Johnson Mills ’30* Jacqueline C. Morby ’78SM, tS Charlotte G. Moulton ’34*

$250,000 - $499,999 anonymous alice S. ayling Scholarship foundation edith L. ambye ’51* Denise a. benson ’12 elizabeth Maxwell Chace ’69 vera o. Chase ’37* barbara Latz Cohen ’68, tS Doreen bingham Conley ’90, ’92hS Mary Silva Cosgrave ’36* nancy Sandler Gavrin ’58 Phyllis haberman ’70 hewlett-Packard Company roslyn Solomon Jaffe ’50, ’10hD, ht the Katz family Sharon Keith ’71 Judy Samdperil Mann ’83, tS

Abbreviation Key CP



College of arts and Sciences, Graduate Studies

GSC College of arts and Sciences, Graduate School Certificate


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honorary Degree


School of nursing and health Sciences


honorary trustee


Graduate School of Library and information Science




School of Management




School of Social work


trustee emerita/us



Marie arseneault nowak ’62 elizabeth fox overton ’42* Denise Doherty Pappas ’71, ’85SM, tS and Constantine a. Pappas alice James Pope ’30* faith M. richardson ’84, tS Susan Snyderman rowley ’64 alice Southworth Schulman ’54 emily Scott Pottruck ’78, tS and David Pottruck enid a. Shapiro ’67Sw, CP Paula a. Sneed ’69, tS the family of Jill M. taylor tD banknorth, inc. Diane and Martin trust and the trust family foundation beverly Kerness unger ’44 w.M. Keck foundation andrea waldstein ’60Sw, ht and arthur waldstein Pamela Street walton ’68 the andy warhol foundation for the visual arts, inc. roslyn watson ’71, tS Sandra yaffie weinstein ’60 Katherine wenc ’76 esther M. wilkins ’38 william e. Schrafft and bertha e. Schrafft Charitable trust elsie Littlefield winkler ’46*

$50,000 - $99,999 anonymous Maha al Juffali-Ghandour P ’06 and ali a. Ghandour P ’06 alumnae association of Simmons College John h. bird trust blue Cross and blue Shield of Massachusetts Margery friberg blume ’69, P ’13, CP Cecile Leinwand bronfin ’63 and barry r. bronfin the Challenger foundation Jane buyers ’81, tS Margaret J. Canton ’43* irene Christopher ’45 olivia Cohen-Cutler ’75, ’00hD, CP ruth Simon Cormier ’37* Marya a. D’abate ’81SM Dolores amidon D’angelo ’69, ’72GS, ht Deloitte and touche helen G. Drinan ’75LS, ’78SM, tS and David h. Drinan Suzanne a. Dubose ’78 Kathleen Dunn eM and richard b. Lyman, Jr., eM Madeline Paul Durholz ’57* Jennifer L. eckert ’08Sw Joyce L. elden ’80, ht Maude beaton elkins ’51* elizabeth a. fender ’84 five Colleges book Sale Gretchen P. fox ’87SM Muriel Kemp Ganser ’31* adele Schwartz Gilbert ’60* Mary Jane buxton Goodrich ’49 Carole aherne hauke ’61

Jane hawes ’85LS Mary hay ’68 Joanna a. henry ’32GSC* hope alperin hirsch ’67, ht Cheryl Doddy howard ’71, St Joan vaughan ingraham ’73 Pamela hardee Jackson ’85, ht Leona feldberg Karp ’40* elizabeth beasom Kurtz ’37, ’38Sw and alfred r. Kurtz Joyce De Silvia Laudise ’57 alice Murphy Lavin ’42* ruby winslow Linn ’32, ’85hD* Mary Luella Kellogg Lubin ’53 Patricia rogers Lumry ’70 teresa winter Messer ’68 nancy Greene Milstein ’59 and herbert Milstein Patricia r. Mintmire ’68Sw Jessie G. Morse* the family of John M. Mugar Mary Grill Murphy ’75 neutron Media novartis institutes for bioMedical research, inc. helen nye ’37* ann Gildea o’Keefe e. Marilyn oberle ’49* Philips Medical Systems Carol waller Pope ’74, tS and fred Grigsby the reed fund Jean redden rees ’61 Douglas h. robins emily Morrissey ropp ’35* Sayles and Maddocks family foundation barbara Safier Shoag ’60 and Leon S. Shoag helen Sondrol ’45LS* State Street Corporation noreene Storrie ’86SM united States-Japan foundation amy S. weinberg amy e. white ’81, tS elizabeth Moore westbrook ’80 Dorothy wolstenholme ’38* rhonda freedman Zahler ’73 helen Sondrol ’45LS* State Street Corporation noreene Storrie ’86SM united States-Japan foundation amy S. weinberg amy e. white ’81, tS elizabeth Moore westbrook ’80 Dorothy wolstenholme ’38* rhonda freedman Zahler ’73 helen Sondrol ’45LS* State Street Corporation noreene Storrie ’86SM united States-Japan foundation amy S. weinberg amy e. white ’81, tS elizabeth Moore westbrook ’80 Dorothy wolstenholme ’38* rhonda freedman Zahler ’73 * Deceased

Fall 2013

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class notes


CAS Donna A. Wallace ’97GS recently joined Burke, Inc. as a vice president, senior account executive in client services. Previously, she worked with high‑tech companies on a wide array of global custom research projects. Her office will be based in San Francisco, CA.


Emily M. Hinnov ’99GS is currently assistant dean of curriculum for undergraduate studies at Granite State College. She recently co‑edited a volume of essays titled Communal Modern‑ isms: Teaching Twentieth‑Century Literature and Culture in the Twenty‑first‑Century Class‑ room (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).

GSLIS Dean Emeritus and Professor Jim Matarazzo ’65LS had one of the top five percent most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012. Eva Bonis ’67LS has self‑published her sec‑ ond cookbook, New Hungarian Cuisine: Tra‑ ditional & Contemporary Favorites. Her work was featured in The Boston Globe. Suzanne S. Cane ’70LS, along with her col‑ league Janet Chapple, translated from French to English and edited Yellowstone, Land of Wonders Promenade in North America’s Na‑ tional Park by Jules Leclerq, originally written in 1886. Cane is a librarian and independent French translator. Artemis Kirk ’75LS, winner of the GSLIS 2013 Alumni Achievement Award, has held the office of university librarian at Georgetown University since 2001. Kirk was recognized by the board for her leadership, vision, and creativity, as well as her willingness to inspire and mentor the librarians with whom she has worked throughout her career. Ken Wiggin ’75LS, Connecticut state librar‑ ian, is quoted in an article about a movement to archive all the letters sent to Newtown, CT, from people across the country. Patricia Iannuzi ’82LS is the ACRL 2013 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. The award, sponsored by YBP Library Services, recognizes an outstanding member of the li‑ brary profession who has made a significant

contribution to academic or research librari‑ anship and library development. Yasuyo Inouye ’86LS participated in a panel discussion at “E‑books in Libraries: A Global Question of Survival?” held in London on Feb‑ ruary 21, 2013. Eva Semertzaki ’88LS’s paper, “Why Special Libraries are the Right Places to Host a Knowl‑ edge Management Center” was accepted by the IFLA Conference, which was held last summer in Helsinki, Finland. Tom Wilding ’88LS is the president of the Arizona Library Association. Wilding is a pro‑ fessor of practice at the University of Arizona School of Information Resources & Library Science.

Rae Locke ’89LS is a winner of the 2012 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award. Locke and 10 other winners were recognized for service to their communities.

Carl A. Antonucci, Jr. ’93LS received a doc‑ torate of philosophy in history from Provi‑ dence College. He is director of library services at Central Connecticut State University.

1 Lydia Mickunas Sampson ’97LS mar‑ ried Jaron Sampson in May 2012. In January they honeymooned in Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Lydia is head of technical services of the Lasell College library in New‑ ton. Jaron is a computer scientist.

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class notes


Gary Atwood ’05LS is the health sciences ed‑ ucation librarian at the Dana Medical Library at the University of Vermont.

Matters, offering archival preservation con‑ sulting and services to the artist community of New England.

Lauren Maggio ’05LS was named one of the Gale Librarian Superheroes of 2013. Maggio was recognized for her work as the director of strategic medical education development and global health librarian at Stanford Uni‑ versity. View the comic at: CL/1193/2013‑librarian‑superheroes.

Andrew M. Rabkin ’10LS is now archives co‑ ordinator at Sundance Institute, working with unique collections, including historical materi‑ als from the Sundance Film Festival and other programs promoting independent film and theatre artists.

Tracy E. Sutherland ’05LS (GSLIS West) is public services librarian at Eastern Connecti‑ cut State University, one of 842 libraries and state humanities councils selected to receive the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf, a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities Bridging Cultures initiative. Patsy Baudoin ’06LS has co‑written a book with nine other authors, which was published by MIT Press in November 2012. The book, 10 Print, takes a single line of code and uses it as a lens through which to consider the phenom‑ enon of creative computing and the way com‑ puter programs exist in culture. Lois D. Hamill ’06LS, university archivist at Northern Kentucky University, recently pub‑ lished Archives for the Lay Person: a Guide to Managing Cultural Collections. She also re‑ ceived two National Endowment for the Hu‑ manities grants, and was awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor. Stephanie Evans ’08LS is the record man‑ ager at the Archives Division of the Oregon Secretary of State. Congratulations to Jason Paul Michel ’07LS and Andromeda Yelton ’10LS, both named “Movers and Shakers” by Library Journal. Philip J. Waterman ’09LS was elected vice president/president‑elect for the New Eng‑ land Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries. He is head of reference & information literacy services at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. Cathy Durso ’10LS and Benjamin Mettey ’10LS have launched a business called Visual


Jeremy Shaw-Munderback ’10LS and mas‑ ter’s student Allison Estell ’14LS gave a joint presentation at the Dec. 2012 NELIG meeting, titled “Using LibGuides as an Instructional Tool.” The presentation was based on the first‑ year library instruction at Simmons for the Multicultural Core Course (MCC 102). Sophie Northway Smith ’10LS received the READS Award of Excellence at the New Hampshire Library Association Conference on October 26. A reference librarian at the Nash‑ ua Public Library, she was recognized for proj‑ ects that have improved access and services to underserved populations. Andromeda Yelton ’10LS is running for LITA Board of Directors as a director‑at‑large, 2013‑ 2016. For more details visit her campaign page: Ashley Blais ’10LS of South Hadley, MA, has begun work as director of Leverett Library. Mark McMahon ’11LS is implementation en‑ gineer at Forward Advantage, a software com‑ pany that provides support for medical soft‑ ware systems. The Simmons Library staff is deeply sad‑ dened by the loss of our dear colleague, Ryan Edmonds ’12LS. Ryan was beloved at the Li‑ brary by staff and students alike for her helpful nature, her exuberant outlook on life, and her cheerful laugh. Alida Hanson ’12LS had an article published in YALSA, “Can We Talk? How School Librar‑ ians Discuss Social Media with Stakeholders.” Hanson is the library teacher at Weston High School in Weston, MA.

Christopher Woo ’12LS is the discovery solu‑ tions catalog specialist at EBSCO Publishing. Allegra D’Ambrusos ’13LS and Deborah Froggatt ’14LS gave a presentation on iPad use in the school library at the MSLA confer‑ ence on March 4. Nicole Giroux ’14GS works at the Topsfield Town Library and was featured as Miss July in MLA’s Tattooed Youth Librarians of Massachu‑ setts Calendar, a fundraiser for MLA’s youth services section.

SOM Jennifer B. Pinck ’86SM, 2013 Rappaport Award Recipient, is pleased to report that for the second year in a row, Pinck & Co was named to the Boston Business Journal’s 2013 Pacesetters list. The company also made the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) 100 again this year — a list of the fastest grow‑ ing inner‑city businesses.

SSW Marjorie Mitlin ’81SW has co‑authored a book with friend and colleague Betsy Ross, titled Period Peace. Styled after a children’s activity book, it contains helpful information about menopause, hidden in plain sight in playful puzzles, fun mazes, catchy limericks, and more. Visit




Marjorie Duggan Murphy 302 Brooksby Village Drive, Unit 607 Peabody, MA 01960 Marjorie Duggan Murphy shares news from her classmates. | Anne McKeon Corson leads a happy and active life in Locustville, VA. She is delighted that her children come regularly to visit even from homes as far away as Spain or from locations determined by interesting careers. Their children pop in to visit grand‑ mother if they can find her free of many inter‑ esting works of interest, e.g., judging flower shows. | Rose Matzkin Coshack is still in Southbury, CT. This former social worker en‑ joys life in Heritage Village with visits from her three children, though it’s quite different now

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without her doctor husband. Three grandchil‑ dren are a source of interest in the area, which has been her home for many years. | Barbara Allen Johnson is still in Portola Valley, CA. Barb hasn’t come east for years, but can’t at‑ tempt that in her walker. Her outdoor walk‑ ing is limited but still enjoyable in her lovely garden. | Selma Levinson Goldberg enjoys a quiet life together with her daughter in beauti‑ ful Marblehead.



Joan Keating Lowney 1202 Greendale Avenue, Apt 119 Needham, MA 02492 Joan Keating Lowney writes, “Pauline Gilpin Williams has moved to historic Carlisle, PA, near her son and his family. She is appreciative of the pension from her late husband’s ministry in the Episcopal Church.” | Carol Blanchard Ovens writes that she works one day a week at a retirement community where the residents are from many professions and geographic ar‑ eas. “Life is still stimulating.” Please look her up if you travel to Seattle. | Jean Marie Jensen Crocker’s older grandson was due home from his second tour in Afghanistan last No‑ vember to be reunited with his wife and baby son. Producer Ken Burns is writing a memoir of her son Denton, Son of the Cold War, for his PBS Series on the Vietnam War. The crew vis‑ ited her last spring.


Priscilla H. Hanks ’73LS 6 Wildon Road Wellesley, MA 02482 Betty Albee Robinson has moved into as‑ sisted living at Mountain Laurel, 1177 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury, CT. Watching UConn Women’s Basketball games and enjoying Celtic music are her main activities now. She has four grandchildren and ten great‑grandkids. Her youngest son lives in Charlotte, NC, and works as “the face and voice” of NASCAR. | Dorothy Stone McMahan and Mac continue living in their home by the Penobscot River, ME, and

have joined “At Home Downeast,” an organiza‑ tion providing services, assistance, and social connections for people to stay in their own homes. Dot and Mac celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with an open house, and a bonfire, supervised by the Penobscot Fire Chief with bells, sirens, and flashing red lights. | Doris Drescher Cook is busy with church work and as co‑chair of a women’s organiza‑ tion. She acquired a wonderful step‑family of children, grandchildren, and great‑grandchil‑ dren when she married Ed (“and all I had to do was say I do”!). | Adele Tischler Wisotzky shared the sad news that her husband, Reuben, died in December 2009. They were married 63 years. | Priscilla Bunker DePetris lives in Fal‑ mouth, ME, and went to Maryland last year to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter. | My own big adventure, shares Priscilla H. Hanks ’73LS, was a trip to Texas for my granddaugh‑ ter Suzanne’s wedding. My daughter Betsy met me in Dallas, and we drove to Houston for the celebration, Texas style. Our class is growing smaller and friends more precious; send me your news to share with those who care!


Barbara Burke Garlick 43 Whitehall Street Dedham, MA 02026 Barbara Buswell ’59, ’84LS sent a note about Natalie Petzold, who died last spring. They met at MGH. Years later, they were surprised to find themselves living next door to one another. A 2006 interview published by the MGH Nurses Alumnae noted that “She always wanted to be a nurse.” Even after she progressed in her career she “always missed the clinical side of nursing.”


Jane Washburn Parker 1210 Evergreen Avenue Plainfield, NJ 07060 Marge Garland Nickerson’s grandson was admitted to the University of Georgia master’s program in landscape architecture. Marge

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is looking forward to a spring visit from her roommate, Lorrie Lundeberg Schiewetz from Seattle. | Winifred McCalmont Carlson and Bob spend winters in Florida. They have four children and 12 grandchildren. | Marion Berkman Lipson has two granddaughters still in college. | Jean West Ross and hus‑ band Clayton still enjoy good health. Their grandchildren are finishing degrees or work‑ ing in various fields; law, music, youth minis‑ try, public health, and science, to name a few. | Ros Cole Little lives in a retirement com‑ munity, Riverwoods, in Exeter, NH, and enjoys the company of her six grandchildren. Betty Nelson Bleiler and her husband are also resi‑ dents of this same community. | Betty Adams Laub enjoys visits from her four children and six grandchildren. She has had some serious health problems but has faithfully kept in touch with the Alumnae Office to keep us informed, including her recent letter describing the new

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facilities at Simmons and the exciting events, classes, and curriculum for students. | Ruth Harrington Powell still lives in her Braintree home of 53 years. She keeps active with the Braintree Historical Society and the Wing Family of America. | Connie Stampler Rabinovitz and her husband divide their time be‑ tween Brookline and Boca Raton. Their activi‑ ties include lectures, the Metropolitan Opera, and singing in their synagogue choir, as well as visiting their three sons and six grandchildren.



Emily Macy Salaun 101 Tower Avenue Needham, MA 02494 Well‑deserved high honors have been awarded to Mildred Feldman Levitt, Newton, for her longtime dedicated service as a lifelong teacher at Temple Emeth Sisterhood, Chestnut Hill. | Margaret Claire Carolan Powell, Beverly, MA, has been chosen “Senior of the Year” by the Beverly Council on Aging, which she now calls home. | Rachel Gallup Stavrolakis, De‑ catur, GA, may be moving to New England, where all of her family are living, despite our cold winters. | Esther Maletz-Stone, Esq., Harvard Law School grad, lives at 100 Centre St., Brookline, 02466, having retired from her last position as head counsel for Massachusetts General Hospital. | Elizabeth (Chris) Klein Matthys, our “treasurer emeritus” has down‑ sized to a simpler lifestyle at 579 Back Island Rd., Apt. 172, West Yarmouth, 02673. Her hus‑ band, Lee, is now in a nursing home. | Nancy Hoagland Powderly, 82425 Peace Lily Court, Apt. 411, Lorton, VA, 22079‑5705, says living on the top floor of a condo is like living in a hotel. Sympathies are extended on the death of her 53‑year‑old son, Dana. | Laura Bratko Schlesinger, Brookline, and Ann Dellano Albano, Concord, visited Barbara Clark Elam ’93LS, now at Briarwood, a Needham nurs‑ ing home. | Barbara Jaffee Fey is still flying, courtesy of the golden Dubai sheiks, as she is still designing the interiors of their airplanes. | Condolences are extended to the family of Constance Garvey Duncan ’67LS, late of Brookline. She had been in a nursing home for several years.



Virginia Willon Clark 4519 Baybrook Drive] Pensacola, FL 32514‑7823 Dorothy Metcalfe Leone and Irene Charnicki Horst first met in their freshman year economics class. They remain close friends in the Chicago area, sharing milestones and fam‑ ily celebrations. Both widows and empty‑nest‑ ers, they recently visited the Baltics and Japan and were planning a return trip to Quebec. | Last fall, Bobbie Schuette Carr shared a copy of Shirley Smith Wilson’s April 25, 2012 obit‑ uary. Shirley earned her degree at Simmons in Library Science and married Kenneth E. Wil‑ son, Jr., a graduate of the Naval Academy the same month she graduated. As a Navy wife, she moved every few years while raising three daughters and a son. She did volunteer work for many organizations and was an avid reader and loved to do various types of needlework.


Ann David Young 126 Berwick Place Norwood, MA 02062 Nadia Ehrlich Finkelstein Janet Bloom Schlein was thrilled to be at the 60th Class Reunion in June 2012 and is proud of our class and amazed at the talents of our classmates. | Fruema Nannis Klorfein is still working as a travel agent, and her hus‑ band is actively practicing medicine part‑time. They took a major trip in August 2012 on the Trans‑Siberian Railroad traveling 900km from Moscow to Wladivostok and into Mon‑ golia. | Dorothea Hesse Doar is still serving as an officer in the RI and Southeastern MA Simmons Club. The club’s most recent activity was a tour of the Gilbert Stuart birthplace in Saunderstown, RI. | Mare Luisetti Sacks is still working as an archivist for the Whitefield Historical Society in Maine. Since completing a master’s degree in American studies, Marie has published several papers; one paper won an award from the Maine Historical Society

journal. | Nell Segal Mirels volunteers at her local Friends of the Library used book sale, which earns around $300K each year. Nell is also active with the League of Women Voters. | Nadia Ehrlich Finkelstein and her daugh‑ ter are in the process of downsizing in antici‑ pation of relocating to the Boston area from Niskayuna, NY, before year’s end. | Our sym‑ pathy goes out to Ann Herpy Himmelberger, whose husband, Warren, died Nov. 5, 2012 af‑ ter a short illness. | Irma Finn Miller Brosseau was widowed four years ago and is enjoying good health, volunteer activities, and travel. | Barbara Smith Glover enjoyed reunion, old friends, and local trips to the renovated Isa‑ bella Stewart Gardener Museum and historic Alcott and Emerson homes in Concord. Two weeks later she was in Verona, where a won‑ derful production of Don Giovanni replaced Roman gladiators. | Joanne Patterson Porter and husband Bob celebrated their 60th wed‑ ding anniversary in July 2012. Joanne sings in a choir and enjoys bridge.



Georgette McMurray Sampson ’73GS 8 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Your secretary must so sadly report for Joan Hallock Schmid from Tuscon, AZ, and Meredythe Phelan Schober of Arlington and my‑ self. Joan lost her husband, Carl, in March 2012, Meredythe just lost her husband Dick, and I, Georgette McMurray Sampson ’73GS, lost my beloved husband Jack in Feb‑ ruary 2013. A growing number of us in our Class have been losing our husbands in recent years. I can honestly say it is an absolutely terrible and most awful experience. Joan has undergone surgery for breast cancer as well. | Lorraine Fraser recently received the Ruth Rusher Award from the Barnstable Senior Center for “Volunteerism and Positive Aging.” She teaches sewing to adults and children. | Connie Lamprey Krapf is very proud of her four graduating granddaughters and grateful another recovered from a bad bicycle accident. Connie is helping clients to downsize and orga‑ nize, and she volunteers with “Neighbors Help‑ ing Newborns.” | Janet Gardiner Fisk uses ox‑ ygen, which limits her travels, but is otherwise

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doing well. She has two great‑grandchildren. | Diane Hanna is very proud of her niece Erin Meade ’11GS, who received her master’s de‑ gree last year and is now teaching English in Japan. | We hope to see you at the Sept. 18, 2013 mini‑reunion!


Barbara L. Keough ’83GS 25 Great Rock Road Sherborn, MA 01770 Patricia Chisholm Wallace 72 North Mill Street Apartment 4 Holliston, MA 01746 Barbara Meaney Keough ’83GS and Pat Chisholm Wallace attended the Simmons Schol‑ arship Appreciation Brunch in March 2012 representing the Middlesex Simmons Club in MA. To our surprise and delight, we sat at a table with Pauline Koulouris Valavanis and her daughter Patricia Smith. Our classmate Jane Koulouris Leigh, who passed away in 1978, was Pauline’s sister. Jane’s husband, John, established a scholarship in her memory. All these years very worthy Simmons students have received the Jane V. Koulouris Leigh ’55 Scholarship, and our Class has just become aware of it. | Melissa Walker Wolfe and her husband have a small cabin with no electricity on a lake near Sioux Narrows, Ontario, where they spend summers. | Sonia Parker Davis is thrilled that her grandchildren all have teach‑ ing jobs in different states. | Emily Schroeder Scroggs started her 32nd year of music les‑ sons. She is now playing much easier pieces on her harpsichord than in the past. It’s all for en‑ joyment of the music and not for perfect per‑ formances. | Eleanor Morrison Brockway had a busy summer with family reunions in Cape May, NC, and the coast of Maine. She is also involved with the 200th birthday celebration of their church in Worcester, MA. | Doris Kallias Copoulos and Nick are enjoying a new life on Cape Cod. They live on a cul de sac and wel‑ come the peace and quiet. | Edith Syrjala Eash emailed that Doris Johnson had a fall and was in the hospital and rehab for many weeks. She is now recovering at home and expects to have

a hip replacement soon. | Priscilla Trayers Tennant wrote that two of their older children are with them while in the process of changing jobs and it is really very pleasant! | Theresa Paprocki Vincent wrote that her husband passed away in 2011, and a September 2012 tribute was presented in his memory. The Don Vincent Memorial Award is given annually to the individual most involved in many aspects of the theater. In 1973 Don began The Play‑ house (live theater) in Wilson, NC. | Gloria Sloat Stolman and her husband, Joe, Helene Rosen Schwalberg and her husband, Martin, and Jackie Pell Tuttle and her husband, Tut, all attended the Gold Coast Simmons Club meeting at the National Croquet Center in Palm Beach, FL. | Froso Metalides Delianides is selling her home in Long Island, NY and will become a year‑round Floridian. | Joyce Finnin Lekas self‑published her first book, a suspense novel called Dyed in the Wool. Last year she entered and won a short story contest with the Bethlehem Writers Group in PA. Her story was called The Old Neighborhood. | Happy birthday to all our classmates who will become octoge‑ narians this year! | Leslie Dykeman ’70 found two names on our “lost list,” Cynthia Barre Diehl and Nancy Hambro Kestle Fennell. We have two more names to add, Margaret Schlank Bledsoe and Marilyn Thomas Durgin. We appreciate any help in finding them. Please contact Jackie Pell Tuttle at 631‑749‑0274 or


Dorothy Bruce Willis 24 Bradford Lane Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Helene Goldberg Oppenheimer writes, “Do we miss NJ? No, except for friends. Our life at NewBridge on the Charles is a marvel. I attended our 55th Reunion and Martin’s 60th from Harvard Law School.” | Gail Townsend Johnson and husband Bob traveled to Italy to meet their granddaughter followed by a week of cooking classes in Tuscany. Christmas week found them on the Isle of Palm in SC with all of their children, spouses, and grandchildren. Gail continues to exhibit her artwork in NH. | Corinne Hord Yetman spent her Christmas

holidays in Seattle with her son and daughter and their families. | Ann Washburn Samuels visited with her daughter in Sacramento where they took a short Road Scholar trip to San Francisco Bay. Ann continues to find her work at the local mental health clinic challenging and fulfilling. | Sally Nissley Malm and hus‑ band Duane had an exciting three‑week trip to Australia and New Zealand.


Dianne Kofman Chirls 306 Smith Manor Boulevard West Orange, NJ 07052 By the time you read this column, we will have had our 55th Reunion chaired by Sandy Rosenfeld Dickerman. She and her committee did a fabulous job in planning our Class events. Please join me in thanking them. | Class Trea‑ surer Pat Keegan Harding sent along some news she received from Pat Greene Lessow. She and husband Herb take advantage of liv‑ ing in Manhattan and are enjoying the ballet, which is their passion. Herb is a psychiatrist still in private practice, and Pat assists the retired chairman of the board of directors of Pfizer. | I, Dianne Chirls, moved to a new home last winter which took up most of my and Allen’s time, but we finally got to Florida a few months late and were able to miss most of the bad weather in NJ. I’m continuing as Class secretary: please call, mail or email me your news! | On a final sad note, Louise Razin Brown’s husband, Dan, passed away suddenly last winter. Dan was an ardent Simmons sup‑ porter and, in his memory, our Class made a contribution to our endowed scholarship fund.



Joan Halpert 1 Wayland Avenue, Unit 307 South Providence, RI 02906 Dorothy E. Morris joyfully announces publi‑ cation of her transcendental poetry collection, God Lights His Candles, by Ibbotson Press. | Barbara J. Petroske reported from Manhat‑ tan her harrowing experience during Hurri‑

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cane Sandy: four days with no electricity, wa‑ ter, or heat. She celebrated Thanksgiving and rebirth with Norman and Myrna Kasser ’62 in Hoboken.



Elaine Gilboard Goralnick Ann Devine Gross Barbara J. Zlotnick‑Sanders Ann Devine Gross shares from Pensacola, FL, “My husband and I spent much of last year preparing for our 50th anniversary together. We had a party in December attended by some of our wedding party. The year of preparation preceding the gathering was exceedingly satis‑ fying for the many friendships and memories provided in the ‘reaching‑out’ process.” | Toby Tattlebaum Sloane emailed me that Harriet Gorfinkle Diamond passed away Jan. 6, 2013, after six and a half years of battling ovarian cancer. Her positive attitude during those years was a beacon of courage and a model for all her friends and acquaintances. Should you wish to write a note to the family: Dr. Alan Diamond, 70 Weatherly Drive, Unit 302, Salem, MA, 01970. | Gail Wilcox Ledwig sent me a copy of President Drinan’s Huffington Post blog post titled, “Super Bowl Demonstrates Need for Culture Change.” Helen makes a convincing argument that since women are already taking a stand, it is time for men to join the cause and help change the culture. | Barbara ZlotnickSanders wrote that after Hurricane Sandy, they were without power for 11 days without water or heat. | Geleta Fenton Hunsicker is now vice‑president of her neighborhood as‑ sociation where her leadership skills continue. We were fortunate to have had Geleta and her great team leading us for 10 years! Geleta and Roger celebrated their 8th wedding anniversa‑ ry December 2012. | Roberta McGraw keeps busy with her family, her dogs, and her grand‑ children. One grandchild has Down syndrome, and Roberta writes that this baby is teaching everyone in the family a lot. | Anne Stevens Blomstrom sent a wonderful holiday card of pictures. Pictured are her happy family of


eight, Anne and Bruce’s visit to the Alhambra, and with the exhibited “Endeavor” suspended above them in LA. | Grace Richardson is in‑ terested in another mini‑reunion! | Barbara Bunyan Williams writes that she and Mitzi Dobbins Conlon have continued their travels and their enjoyment of our national parks. | Ann Gross and husband Irwin reached the southwest corner of FL and toured the Ever‑ glades from an airboat — it was exhilarating with a rich feast of birds including scarlet ibis and roseate spoonbills. | Always a pleasure to receive Lucy Tanneyhill Cromwell’s annual letter. When asked if she is retired, Lucy gives a firm “no.” She loves being busy in life, manag‑ ing her home, writing her memoirs and shar‑ ing her stories with friends, needlepoint, and the delights and the youthfulness of their ex‑ tended family.


Claire B. Rubin

2 Seven classmates from the Class of 1961 had a mini‑reunion in Boca Raton in early April. They are, front row: Lois Kramer Strugger, Shirley Scholnick Harris, Arlene Titchell Leventhal, and Bobbi Lubarsky Levin. Back row: Sandi Abrams Tucker, Carol Schlafman Woolf, and Naomi Wolin Gersh.


Myrna Abbott Kasser Roberta Zimmerman Perlmutter stays ac‑ tive by winter skiing and many family events. She did a two‑week river cruise from St. Pe‑ tersburg to Moscow and another 4‑day cruise

with her entire family and had a blast! | Sue Dunlop Roberts ’80SW is downsizing and moving. “We are moving to our small lake house, newly rebuilt, until we decide what to do next. I work as a psychotherapist in a group practice in Worcester and Westboro.” | Pegi Ewing Stengel sadly reported the death of Dorothy Coccagna Eisenberg. “Dottie was a special and precious friend — I enjoyed our regular talks and I will miss her very, very much.” | Arlene Greenbaum Cohen traveled to Australia and New Zealand and took time to write, “One could really live in Australia and New Zealand. The South Island in particular, is jaw‑droppingly beautiful!” | Lynn Waldman Kaufman is still working. “After work‑ ing 23 years as a psychiatric social worker in residential treatment and in a psychiatric hos‑ pital for kids, I wrote a book on anger manage‑ ment/emotional regulation. See what I am up to! Visit” | Joan Millet Walker had a Hurricane Sandy story to share, but got the worst of it from Nemo, which “did a number on us: the deck is gone, and there was about 6” of water in the house. Friends lassoed the deck, and took up the carpet so the floor could dry out. Where would we all be without friends?” | I, Myrna Abbott Kasser, also have a Sandy story. Friends who had not lost elec‑ tricity let us recharge our phones and laptops and took in the food from our freezer. Fortu‑ nately, our toilets worked and we had hot wa‑ ter. I can live without electricity and hot water, but non‑working toilets are too much to bear! | Carol Nobel Hirsh is thrilled that her house renovation is finally finished. She sent an in‑ vitation to classmates: “Tell anybody skiing in Colorado to let us know — we have plenty of room in Vail.”



Karen Chaiken Kavet Patricia Kane wrote, “This fall I was ap‑ pointed to the board of the Democracy Fund, the first such board established in CT to dis‑ tribute public funds to mayoral candidates. In March, Marilyn Purpel Marcus and I are headed to New Orleans to celebrate surviv‑ ing another winter and look forward to great music, food, and historic sights.” | Mary Abbott Hess ’91HD announces the 2013 edition

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of Essentials of Nutrition for Chefs, a textbook for chefs, cooking teachers, and food writers. When not writing or consulting she volunteers at the McCormick Boys & Girls Club, an inner‑ city club where she teaches healthy cooking as a life skill and maintains an organic garden.


Jacqueline Doughty Trask Rose Bryant Woodard We hope to see you at Simmons Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013, for our mini‑reunion from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm! President Drinan will be joining us.


Marcia Lees Smith Martha Ann Hill Brooks writes, “I retired as associate secretary of education for the State of Delaware in January 2009. It was a career that spanned 40 years and gave me great satisfac‑ tion. One of the biggest treats of retirement is the chance to travel and enjoy camping/hiking without the constraints of a job.” | Susan Sherry Burstein has been retired for the past six years and is happily engaging in various volun‑ teer positions with Meals on Wheels and at the Guilford, CT, library. She is grandma to four and loving that role. | Judy Derrick Minardi retired in 2011 after more than 40 years in the human resources field. She enjoys a number of volunteer activities including ESL tutoring, community gardening, and working in a family service organization. She looks forward to vis‑ iting her daughter in Oregon and son Michael in Colorado.


Pamela Street Walton Kathy Connolly (K.C.) Yelin informed me of the death of our classmate Roberta Katlan Helfgott in November 2012. At Simmons, Roberta was a math major, commodore of the sailing team, and the high‑energy resident as‑

sistant in Smith Hall. She was a resident in radiology at GWU Hospital and also a staff member at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. Classmate Susan Woods Cox lived a stone’s throw away in Bethesda, where they remained great friends, raising their sons in tandem. Roberta traveled the world whenever she had a break from her busy professional responsibilities. She visited Sue Cox, Martha McCann Rooney, Mary Ellen Holbrook Rogers, Kathy Higgins, and K.C. Yelin, who rev‑ eled in her spunk and wit. | Peggy Spellman Klemer resides in Framingham, MA, and is a realtor for Century 21. She and husband Bruce love to travel. They have been married 44 years and have two daughters and five grandchil‑ dren. | Anita Bollt retired in June 2012 from more than 20 years in association manage‑ ment. Her daughters live in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. | Joy Drisbo Warren is thankful for her supportive husband Benja‑ min, her daughters Jessica and Julia, and her first grandchild, Asa. Her latest undertaking is a new horse, which she is training and showing in Lexington, KY. | Life was good when Bonnie Kowal Sullivan was vice president of procure‑ ment at Motorola. It’s even better now that she has retired. She has four grandchildren and a labradoodle to spoil. She enjoys traveling to national parks with husband Kevin. | Marty Woodall Littauer and husband Tom are hap‑ pily retired from computer jobs in Silicon Valley. They currently reside in Chattanooga, TN. Marty wrote that she would like to be in touch with Midge Lawrence, Eleanor Gonzales, Anne Gordon, and Cindy Daniel Shirley. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Midge? Eleanor is retired from teaching high school and college. Travel is her passion and she has visited all seven continents. Anne worked for JC Penney in Texas and later accepted a posi‑ tion in Dallas with Guilin Funding. This sum‑ mer, she plans to live in RI, still working for Guilin. | Gail Abrams Deutsch has been mar‑ ried to husband David for 45 years. They have 2 sons and 5 grandchildren ages 4 to 12. Gail is a clinical social worker of more than 20 years, but finds time to enjoy golf, skiing, pilates, and traveling to the south of France and the Italian Riviera. | Phyllis Caplow Helfand remains in touch with fellow Californians Jean Tepper, Esta Goldfarb Soler ’06HD, Leslie Bender Wawrzeniak, and Joan Fisher Fare. She is a

financial advisor but finds time to travel, most recently to the Canadian Rockies, Spain, and Portugal. | Maggie Pacella Nichols and her husband, Joe, were thrilled to recently become doting grandparents. Maggie continues as a certified cancer registrar and is not looking to retire. | Holly Nylander shares her office with a black lab therapy dog that she frequently takes to nursing homes. She is still in‑house coun‑ sel but has the luxury of working from home. Free time is spent running half‑marathons and country dancing. | Pam Griffin owns/manages the store Folkways in Eugene, OR, with her husband, Jim Poverman. She and Jim enjoy their buying adventures for the store so much that they don’t plan to retire anytime soon. | June 2013 marks 45 years since graduation. Smile and reminisce — and do send Simmons some money — with the blink of an eye it will be 50 years, and we’ll be 70+ years young!



Dolores Amidon D’Angelo ’72GS In March, I, Dee Amidon D’Angelo, had the opportunity to be on campus and attend a special reception for Gloria Steinem ’73HD. Sharon Tennstedt and I enjoyed hearing her personal reflections on feminism and societal changes at that event and later in her address to the community. | Dee has also been in con‑ tact with Paula Shindell Dangel who comes to Maryland periodically to visit family. She re‑ tired from Lahey Clinic in November 2012 and is now more involved in her husband’s busi‑ ness. | Elaine Levy and her husband celebrat‑ ed their 65th birthdays with a trip to Hawaii with friends. This spring they will journey to Cuba on a humanitarian mission. | I know ev‑ eryone is looking forward to our 45th Reunion next spring. The committee is busy gathering ideas. If you have a suggestion or would like to help, please contact me.


Martha B. Katz‑Hyman Ilene S. Schneider’s second Rabbi Aviva Co‑ hen mystery, Unleavened Dead was published in Nov. 2012 by Oak Tree Press. Visit rabbiau‑

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undergraduate | Allyson Young Schwartz ’08HD was sworn in for her fifth term as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in Janu‑ ary 2013. She was interviewed by Simmons alumna Gwen Ifill ’77, ’93HD on PBS’s News‑ Hour and also was heard on NPR’s Morning Edition in December 2012. | Judging from the photos I saw on Facebook, Linda Teja Carlin had a wonderful vacation on Maui in February, and Class President Cookie Levinson had an equally wonderful vacation in Paris in October 2012. | Shauvon McGannon Powell is taking full advantage of retirement and her master’s in linguistics to teach SIEPs: super intensive English programs for business executives from other countries. She loves the cultural learn‑ ing experience and is gratified by fast results. | Susan Shattuck ’72SW and her family have returned to Bath, ME, after 25 years in Europe. They are getting used to all the snow and chilly weather but enjoy exploring the great state! “It is also nice to be closer to my mother, Jane Shattuck ’48,” writes Susan. | Rev. Jackie Clark Thomson has been elected president of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. The 23‑mem‑ ber committee advises the bishop of the dio‑ cese. She plans to retire from full‑time min‑ istry in June 2013. | Your secretary, Martha B. Katz-Hyman, is enjoying her job as cura‑ tor for the Jamestown‑Yorktown Foundation, working on media and exhibits for the new American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. On a business trip in January 2013, I stayed with Phyllis Haberman and Henry Scheuer. It was good to see them both, and Phyllis and I joined Carol Green for an evening of theater. | If you’re not already registered on Alumnet (, please consider do‑ ing it. You’ll have access to our Class list and will be able to post your own news on our Class Notes page. Email me, send a letter, post‑ card, or a private Facebook message with your news! Join our Facebook page: groups/58332627182/?fref=ts.


Susan Kupor McHugh Wendy Ochsner sends greetings from St. Gal‑ len, Switzerland, where she has lived since 1972. She worked as a vocational counselor at


the Department of Education in Zurich. Now retired, she takes care of her mother and walks her Chihuahua. She welcomes hearing from classmates ( | Audrey Rosen Ely ’73SW has worked at South Shore Mental Health in Quincy for more than 20 years and is currently a special projects manager. She spends time in West Harwich and visits her two children in Brook‑ lyn, NY. She says, “Simmons’s campus looks great!” | Janice Drescher taught Spanish for 13 years and created her own business called International Leaders, doing executive and leadership coaching in Northern California. She also does unusual team building events with horses to promote problem solving and creative thinking. She has a horse of her own, and keeps in touch with Barbara Stone Halpern and follows Barbara’s horse shows (jump‑ ers) on Facebook! | Charlotte Wills Brooks has done some traveling this year to Ashville, NC, the Grand Canyon, and Palo Alto, CA to visit her son who is finishing his MBA at Stan‑ ford. She’s also planning a spa vacation with her daughter in Lake Austin, TX. | Sue Scavo Gallagher has exhibited her photographs, in‑ cluding her images from a recent trip to Cuba. Most of her time, though, is spent on develop‑ ing new health communication initiatives at Tufts Medical School, where she directs a mas‑ ter of science program. | Maril Adams Albert writes that her two grandchildren had their first birthdays this year. “Still no children liv‑ ing in WA, so my husband and I travel a lot.” | Andi Jacobson has retired from her job as Clerk/Treasurer of Chevy Chase after 26 years. Recently divorced, she has been busy trying to get her elderly father’s affairs in order. As a member of our sandwich generation, she’s also enjoying the time she spends with her 9‑year‑ old grandson. She took a recent trip to Scott‑ sdale and Sedona. Andi stays in touch with classmates Priscilla Gould, Lisa Wallace, Joy Kubit, Audrey Zavell, and Barbara Mutterperl. | Sherry Mattson writes, “I am way up in Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula. My husband and I live in a tiny cabin in the midst of 20 acres on Lake Superior. Our favorite winter ac‑ tivity is volunteering for the CopperDog150, a 3‑day dogsled race covering 150 miles.” Sherry and Rick are both retired Episcopal priests and continue to help at nearby churches. | Lauren Feinstein Pearl has enjoyed 11 years of retire‑

ment after a 30‑year rewarding career teach‑ ing foreign languages. She and her husband, Jeff, “have started new chapters filled with golf, ballroom dancing, bridge, committee work, educational seminar instruction, and theater in the glorious tropical climate of Sarasota, FL.” Their children live in California and Bra‑ zil. | Susan Hillman McCrone continued her nursing career after Simmons, receiving her Ph.D. from the University of Utah. She prac‑ ticed as a clinical specialist in adult psychiatric and mental health nursing in Salt Lake City and has taught at various universities around the country. She now dedicates half of each weekday at a free clinic while her husband vol‑ unteers at Habitat for Humanity.| Vivienne Roumani-Denn directed a documentary now showing at the Tribeca Film Festival. The mov‑ ie is Out of Print, narrated by Meryl Streep. A previous documentary, The Last Jews of Libya, narrated by Isabella Rossellini, had its U.S. premiere at the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival. Learn more at:


Linda Gilmore Monahan Dr. Roberta Fiske-Rusciano’s sixth edition of Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States was published by McGraw‑Hill. She recently presented a paper in the U.K. at the Oxford Round Table on using videoconfer‑ encing for sustaining a dialogue with universi‑ ties abroad and her class, “The Student Global Village.”


Deborah Lerner Duane Visit our Class website: | Linda Siperstein Adler’s spring 2013 was filled with happy events, including “my new opportunity as speech transcription program manager at Amazon’s research group in Cambridge, and our daughter’s engagement.” | Joyce Johnson Salatich has retired from Kraft Foods as the U.S. culinary lead for the consumer rela‑ tionship marketing program. Joyce is looking forward to the next chapter in her life. | Lynn Fazio is coming up on 20 years as director of human resources at Autodesk. “Don’t be con‑

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fused into thinking that I savor stability,” Lynn says. “This continues to be an exciting and ev‑ er‑changing roller coaster ride of innovation, wildly creative colleagues, and cool technol‑ ogy! I split my time between my homes in So‑ noma County, CA and McCall, ID. Wine vs. Fly Fishing!” | Joan Vaughan Ingraham is back to work after her second knee replacement. She is working on a project for an upcoming multi‑museum presentation, “Four Centuries of Massachusetts Furniture.” The Maritime Department of the Peabody Essex Museum will offer the series’ final show in 2014, which includes the piece that Joanie is working on. Joan and classmate Karen Birch occasionally see each other in Manchester, “where I partici‑ pate in Celtic music sessions, and Karen sings with Chorus North Shore.” | Audrey Lewis Ratchford retired “after 39 years of service in the field of education as a teacher, principal, and director of state and federal programs. I am also a proud and relatively new first‑time grandma!” | Nancy Raper Nielson bought a beach bungalow on Oak Island off the coast of NC. She will spend half the year there and half in Scottsdale, AZ. Nancy changed the name of her business to Turtle Island Bags & Jew‑ elry, for which she creates a variety of women’s bags from upholstery fabric. Nancy hopes we will “Like” her business on Facebook. | Baiba Liepins is currently working for a forensic psy‑ chologist. “It’s a fascinating job using my skills and eye for detail as a writer, editor, and legal document recorder.” Baiba still pursues her own interests, works on special projects, and volunteers at her church. She recently traveled to Israel and Jordan. | Audrey Kames Curtis has retired and moved to Bonita Springs, FL, where “it is nice and sunny all the time! My sons have also flown the coop, Steve works in London, and Andrew is married, working in NJ.” | In February, Diana Kelly, partner and vice president at Maloney Properties, one of the largest women‑owned property compa‑ nies in New England, was keynote speaker at SimmonsPalooza: A Celebration of Inclusion and Diversity. Diana discussed her Maloney Properties board experiences and work with Casa Myrna Vasquez, FOCUS, the New Eng‑ land Black Property Manager’s Forum, and other organizations. | Madilyn Raftery lives in Millbury and teaches chemistry in Central Falls, RI. | Jenni Lewis Seicol is co‑president

of her synagogue, Temple Beth Zion in Brook‑ line. “It’s a real growth experience for me!” Jenni writes. | Now snowbirds, Amy Roberts Hirsch and husband Bob are “enjoying winters in Naples, FL and the rest of the year in Bris‑ tol, RI. Our two children and four grandchil‑ dren — ranging in age from four to nine — all live in the northeast.” | Marcia Milner-Brage presented a one‑person exhibit, “Drawing the Town,” at the Hearst Center for the Arts in Ce‑ dar Falls, IA, which has been home for her and her family for 26 years. The show generated a great deal of traditional media and online cov‑ erage, visit‑ brage. | Mindy Schiffman ’75SM shared that her daughter Hannah recently graduated from McDaniel College. Mindy writes, “I met the woman of my dreams about three years ago, and we have settled into a lovely relationship. I’m still working as an instructor and full‑time psychologist at NYU School of Medicine, fo‑ cusing on infertility and sexuality, and I see clients in my private practice.” | For the past five years, Nancy Rigelhaupt Smith has been the Jewish chaplain at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and became board certified in January 2013. Nancy’s husband conducts research at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Their most recent adventure was a family trip to Alaska in June 2012. | Still living in River Forest, IL, Laurie Epstein Lawton continues her work in adoption and is “not contemplating retirement anytime soon. In 2004 I met a nice fellow on J‑Date, and we’ve been together ever since. My daughter is mar‑ ried and lives in Brooklyn and my two sons live in ‘Chicagoland.’” Laurie has done some local college fair volunteer work for the Simmons Admission Office, and encourages classmates to “say yes if someone should call and ask for your help!” | After eight years, Deborah Lerner Duane finally completed her master’s degree in Jewish‑Christian Studies at Seton Hall Univer‑ sity, submitting and successfully defending her thesis, The Language of Acceptance: A Jewish Response to Christian Zionism. Deborah and husband Dan celebrated the marriage of their daughter in August. | Lynn Davis Aldrich and husband Harley recently moved into an as‑ sisted living/memory impaired community in Arizona to better deal with Harley’s Alzheim‑ er’s disease. Lynn writes, “While it was a hard move, we have a lovely casita minutes away

from his daughter.” Lynn is still working a few days a week at a local psychiatric hospital. She and Harley now have six great‑grandchildren. | After years of exhaustive research and medi‑ tation, Gerri Williams and husband Ray Al‑ lard have decided to move to Minnesota. Gerri writes, “We are returning to our spawning grounds in the great frozen north, and moving to Duluth, on beautiful Lake Superior. Visi‑ tors welcome! Stay up‑to‑date on our antics at” | Marguerite McDermed writes, “I retired seven years ago as a lawyer for Amoco BP. Last November, I was elected com‑ missioner on the Will County Board in Illinois where I live. Our first grandchild will arrive in May, and our other child is engaged!”


Anita Zetlan Redner Ellen Porter Assante writes, “I continue to work as a nurse practitioner in consultation li‑ aison psychiatry at Maine Medical Center and teach clinical psychiatry to nursing students at a local college. I have no plans to retire! I have been enjoying sharing the class agent role with Barbara Campbell Harvey. I look forward to seeing you at the next Reunion.”


Katherine Wenc Several former residents of South Hall met in Duck, NC, for a mini‑reunion in April. Pauline Fortin, Penelope Gay Livingston, and Judy Pirnie Smith all gathered at the home of Susan Mullen Kaplan for a weekend of reminiscing about our years at Simmons. Although unable to join us in person, Sharon Gray Hvizdak and Susan Strauss Genn ’75 joined us by phone. It was wonderful being together and trying to figure out where all the years had gone!

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class notes




Joan Borowitz writes, “Greetings from beauti‑ ful scenic Hopkinton, MA, where I am a happy, healthy resident at the wonderful Golden Pond assisted living. We are blessed with an amazing on‑site team of nurses, doctors, physical and occupational therapists, library, a great fitness room, an incredible opportunity to share in the book club and to enjoy activities of all kinds! Life here is exciting and different each day.”

Anne Dargin Schroeder recently completed an M.Ed. through Fitchburg State College and plans to return to teaching English. Anne and her husband, Jim, live in Duxbury, MA. While home with their three children, Anne has been fulfilling a dream of building her greeting card business, Andi’s People, a playful line of simple, pleasure‑loving, whimsical characters: andis‑



Lynne Boyles Marino had the honor of intro‑ ducing Sallie Krawcheck at this year’s Simmons Leadership Conference. Lynne was thrilled to escort Sallie throughout the day. While head of Merrill Lynch and US Trust companies, Sallie was a role model for women in finance.

Cherie Miot Abbanat was recently named CEO of Haiti Projects, Inc. (haitiprojects. org), a nonprofit social enterprise focused on empowering women through jobs, access to health services, and education. Cherie lectures and researches on post‑disaster Haiti and New Orleans at MIT.

Karen Young Thomas

Catherine Reponen Meerbergen


Gisela G. Bauerle Dr. Maura Daly Iversen has been named the distinguished lecturer for the American Col‑ lege of Rheumatology/Association of Rheuma‑ tology Health Professionals Annual Scientific Meeting to be held in San Diego in October 2013. This honor recognizes her research on the effects of physical activity and exercise in rheumatic conditions and novel interventions to promote healthy lifestyles. | Sharyn Hardy Gallagher is currently senior director of proj‑ ect management at ConnectEDU, an edu‑ cational software company that seeks to use technology to improve student preparation for college and career. She is working on a project for NY State that will transform how to moni‑ tor student progress and readiness.


Erin Clement

Heather R. Ciccarelli ’92GS


Diane H. Tolan Amy E. Gray ’94LS, ’95GS writes, “I left Bos‑ ton after 22 years to move to MD in 2009. I’m currently working as an information manage‑ ment consultant for the Department of De‑ fense. Would love to hear from alums in the area at” | Debra Winetsky Schiff and husband David relocated to NJ about four years ago, after having lived in Brookline for many years. They have four children ages 19‑12. “It’s hard to believe that my kids are as old as I was when I went to Simmons, time really flies!” | Dawn Elwood Ciardi is a fourth grade teacher for Quincy Public Schools. She lives in Norwell and has two children in high school. She will celebrate her 20th wedding anniversary with husband Joseph in August. | Shelley Schwartz Haslett is the internal recruiter for Primary Residen‑ tial Mortgage/Team Primary. She and husband Jim recently celebrated their 18th wedding an‑ niversary and have two amazing boys. They

live in Manchester, CT. | Karen G. Jungjohann is living in Toronto with her husband and two children. She spends her days working as a freelance graphic designer and photographer and dreaming about her next trip to Boston, France, or beyond


Rebecca M. Cole ’94HS Marianne Roche ’94HS Kathleen M. Koenig ’94HS recently accepted a position at Group Health Cooperative in Seattle, WA. She writes, “I have enjoyed pro‑ gressing my management career in health care after receiving an MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern Uni‑ versity, IL. It would be great to catch up with Simmons friends.” | Sarah Cassimally Curry and husband Michael happily announce the birth of their daughter Violet on November 13, 2012. They also have an 8‑year‑old son, Oliver, and live in Atlanta. Sarah is a national accounts manager for a publishing company.

2000 Tenisha M. Ramsay Manorack de Kok‑Somviengxay Robin Drysdale has been working as the annual giving manager at UC Hastings Col‑ lege of the Law in San Francisco, CA, since September 2012. She volunteers for various non‑profits including “Beats for Boobs,” an all‑volunteer organization that grants finan‑ cial support to local breast cancer non‑profits that provide direct services to people battling breast cancer and survivors.


Mia E. Wright Sarah Cotter McGillicuddy is now director of marketing and business development at

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Acentech Inc., an acoustics, audiovisual sys‑ tems design, and vibration consulting firm in Cambridge. | Alexis Randell Lang and hus‑ band Scott welcomed their first child, Megan Robinson Lang, Feb. 22, 2013.



Chanelle S. Peters Elizabeth M. Dube ’05GS Alyse Mariani Webster writes, “I have changed my name to Webster after marrying an Eng‑ lishman this past summer in my hometown of Mystic, CT. Two bridesmaids, Alexa Geovanos and Ariel Weber, were Simmons classmates. My husband and I live in South West London, and I work as an account manager for a Kens‑ ington‑based technology company.”


Leslie E. Doerr ’07GS Jennifer E. Larsen Evan Kuhlman Sullivan accepted a position as account manager at Strongpoint Marketing in Tucson, AZ.



Andrea M. Voccio Katie-Ann DeFilippo Mason writes, “I was hired by the Boston Health Care for the Home‑ less Program after Simmons, then decided that higher education was the right path for me. I am now admissions coordinator at BU School of Social Work and was recently accepted to BU’s master’s in higher education administra‑ tion program. I married my husband, Timo‑ thy, last July and we are loving life!”


Caitlin Q. Davis Joana Paolino says, “I’m graduating with my master’s in education in May and have been student teaching at Penn Brook School in Georgetown, MA. I will be married in May and I’m due with a baby boy on July 1.” | Krista Evans says, “I’m currently in law school at Suf‑ folk University. This summer I’ll be clerking at a small boutique firm in Boston for one of the top female lawyers in the city. It seems my Simmons education and following in the steps of strong women is still in the works!” | Jen-

nifer Charness is currently working as a nurse at Boston Children’s Hospital on the neurology unit. “I have come a long way since graduation, but I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the incredible education I received at Sim‑ mons.” | Hannah Rittershaus says, “I’m work‑ ing as a registered nurse at Harbor House Re‑ habilitation Center in Hingham, MA, as well as in the MS‑Family Nurse Practitioner Pro‑ gram here at Simmons. I completed a course to gain my Massachusetts Real Estate License to do something on the side!” | Stephanie Bitzas says, “I am working for Weston Solutions, Inc., as an assistant project scientist in Ando‑ ver, MA. We work for the U.S. Environmen‑ tal Protection Agency under the Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team Contract.” | Leslie Ramirez is working at the UCLA Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease Research, where she received an NIH/ NIA Diversity Supplement Scholar Award. She recently presented research at the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego, CA, on potential biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease. | Katrina Thistle, a biochemistry major, says: “I’m currently working as a research technician at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in the Stiles Laboratory, researching therapeutic modali‑ ties for brain cancer.”


Addison Haight Brittany Backhaus Killian shares, “After gradu‑ ating from Simmons College, I went on to attend Northeastern University School of Law. After graduation in May 2012, I accepted a position as an associate in the commercial litigation depart‑ ment of Nixon Peabody LLP’s Providence office.” | 3 Anna Sherry Sullivan writes, “Gerard Sul‑ livan and I got married October 13, 2012. Sim‑ mons attendees were Heather Lowe, Sarah Wachter ’14HS, Michele Como, Amanda Noonan, and Ashley Kane.

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gloria STeiNeM

on March 22nd, gloria Steinem spoke to a packed gym of students. She reminded them that they have a long way to go toward equality.


he came because our students asked her to, 40 years ago, to receive an honorary degree at Commencement in 1973, and again on March 22, 2013. and much of her message remains the same: we must continue to strive toward equality — for women and for men. “i don’t know how to break this to you,” she said, “but we have about 40 more years to go.” in fact, much of Steinem’s 1973 Commencement speech sounds as if it could be written today. “if we look at a marriage in which both a husband and a wife are working outside the home, and we see that the wife is still more responsible for taking care of the children and the house, for doing the work of that house, then we understand now that it’s politics,” Steinem said. in March, Steinem reminded the audience of the indicators that demonstrate the progress that remains to be made. “women still require an adjective, and men don’t. there is a ‘novelist’ and a ‘woman novelist,’ a doctor’ and a ‘female doctor,’” she said. a young girl in the audience kneeled on her mother’s lap with her hand raised when Steinem asked if there were any questions. the girl asked, “Do you have any advice for little girls like me who want to make an impact like you?” “Say, ‘you are not the boss of me,’” Steinem said.


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In Memoriam From January 1, 2013, through April 30, 2013, the Office of Advancement received notifications that the following alumnae/i are deceased. UnderGradUate colleGe


dorrance Chase deston august 22, 2012 elizabeth Gilbert Finlay october 20, 2012 elinore murray Pinto august 6, 2012


louise lovell March 26, 2013


evelyn hamilton White March 8, 2013


marion youngken Gowdy february 7, 2013 marion hutton younger february 16, 2013


Patricia Keegan delaney february 21, 2013 marjorie French rogers December 25, 2012 irene morris zussman March 7, 2013


Bette Gordon Cohen March 5, 2013



lucille Gambuto sardiello october 5, 2012



jane Cathcart april 22, 2012

victoria hartley johnston april 2, 2013





Wolfgang Freitag november 14, 2012

judith miller daigle february 28, 2013



jean mcniven november 1, 2012

jutta Bauhof Bauhof october 11, 2012


school of social Work

emily leone russo January 8, 2013

jean Blessington March 16, 2013


Phyllis hellman Berk December 29, 2012

miriam rubin Guterman January 3, 2013

Constance Garvey duncan January 21, 2013

Winona jeffers January 3, 2013

elsa oberle January 26, 2013

doris Cline rosoff September 11, 2012

nancy Colburn tigner august 14, 2012



joanne hebb Belk March 4, 2013

leslie harris dupee January 7, 2013

elizabeth ray hetrick april 7, 2013

Cynthia ramin Krane December 22, 2012

ethel Goren Koppel January 30, 2013

Barbara hall voorhees october 2, 2012

arax odabashian January 25, 2013


josephine scelsi lentz august 14, 2012



ethel jewett llewellyn March 5, 2013 helen emery nowers December 26, 2012 Priscilla Ballou rice March 22, 2013


virginia holt Cavanaugh January 23, 2013 mary dolan de Bettencourt December 19, 2012 anna Boerke Green September 22, 2012 Catherine mcCarthy murphy March 15, 2013


esther horbal mcKenzie february 20, 2013 aimee Witmer rex october 6, 2012

dorothea ranks Griebel December 12, 2012 sada louise seki hoare December 23, 2012 mary o’neill Peters august 16, 2012 irene Wilson September 9, 2012


jean merriam arterton March 24, 2013 ruth lumb Burke March 8, 2013 Betty lebenheim lomanto november 8, 2012 louise nawfel moreshead December 31, 2012 dorrie Coffin Prouty april 6, 2013

school of ManaGeMent



nancy Bigelow Brannock april 7, 2013


joan Barnes leslie april 10, 2013


sylvia hurwitz meyer March 20, 2013


Barbara Fast mezoff february 2, 2013


roberta Green novick September 10, 2012


dorothy Coccagna January 26, 2013 anna van nest snell april 4, 2013


joyce Kalton Karimbakas January 19, 2013

susan johnson hoy March 28, 2013 sarah Burnett roper august 25, 2012 shaun mcnally Flanigan March 13, 2013


Gail Gutstein harbour March 28, 2013


virginia Keith July 23, 2012

Beverly miller Coppin october 16, 2012

Carmelina Colle lawton September 11, 2012



Cindy Georges august 7, 2012

mary morris Walker october 2, 2012



Babette stone Parker february 19, 2013


marjorie springer March 7, 2013

amy Pendergast harris april 10, 2013


colleGe of arts and sciences GradUate stUdies

ruth Forbes august 8, 2012

roberta miehlke Burkhardt august 30, 2012




dade Curtis January 29, 2013

marianna marquit Cohen January 26, 2013

e. judith Friedman february 28, 2013


jeanette Clow Clemenco august 24, 2012


donald eggert September 26, 2012

Christine Flanders jackson January 9, 2013






janice nye Baxter february 5, 2013 Patricia daly august 25, 2012

john hannon March 31, 2013 William Whalen September 27, 2012 joyce higgins april 13, 2013





GradUate school of library and inforMation science



school of nUrsinG and health sciences

George mitchell March 28, 2013 lauren Porthouse December 27, 2012

Paul de tonnancour September 10, 2012 june robert robbins December 4, 2012

Page lindsay february 3, 2013 jane lewis february 15, 2013 ryan edmonds January 14, 2013


shirley Fielding Powers September 12, 2012


jean Berry february 24, 2013 eleanore Gridley judd april 11, 2013


Phyllis Weese haberstroh november 27, 2012


ann Finnegan looney June 13, 2012


marlene murray September 7, 2012


judith Paterson november 1, 2012


Paula Kotarba Broderick December 22, 2012

To make a gift in memory of an alumna/us, please call 800-831-4284, email or visit

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This is the one conference that EVERY woman should attend! –2013 Conference Attendee

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Attend! Attend! Attend! It’s so worth it! –2013 Conference Attendee

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