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The concept for the new facilities was to use moveable solutions, hence the use of shipping containers as housing units: these modules were designed to be joint together and create bigger abodes, with multiple bedrooms, a bathroom and a shared kitchen. The rooftops can be arranged to install green roofs and even solar panels, making it a green solution. Westerpark has an artificial pond that is usually emptied to make space for the current stage. In this project, a shipping container was adopted as a solution to design a floating stage that can be installed on the water, opening on one side to create a platform for the performances.

Rolling Kitchen is a food festival taking place every year in Westerpark, Amsterdam. The aims of the project was to survey the participants attending the event - both vendors and visitors - and study a way to improve the space and organize the circulation. Part of the project was also to design temporary abodes for the owners of the food tracks coming from afar. I took care of the whole project,which was divided into three parts: a research on temporary design solutions; attending the festival and collecting the reviews; and finally formulating the project.


The different areas of interventions were: the main event with trucks, shops and tensile structures; a stage for the shows; and a space intended for workers’ accommodations.

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