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The LIFESTYLE magazine devoted to Swiss Masters of excellence



w w w. s w i s s m a d e m a g a z i n e . c o m



Longines BelleArti



Dear readers, we are pleased to introduce you the first issue of Swiss Made Magazine, a new quarterly born from the experience and passion of three young professionals who, for years and with different specific competences, have been involved in developing, communicating and promoting all those generally defined high-end products. The continous research devoted to define and discover highend products allows us to conclude that they may only be found in those social and economic contexts historically permeated by the culture of beauty and know-how. Switzerland is worldwide recognized as the emblem of all these qualities which are here enriched by a solid link with a age-long tradition of research and innovation. Our aim is too deepen the knowledge of a sector of excellence, as watchmaking is, and to show a special and real real lifestyle which strongly shares those values. Haute horlgerie, fashion, art, design, architecture, sport, travels, events, are only some of the topics you will find in every new issue. Swiss Made Magazine is the first international lifestyle magazine devoted to Swiss Masters of excellence. We will meet you four times a year on the occasion of the most important watchmaking events. Welcome on board!




G E N E VA - G S TA A D - H O N G K O N G - K U WA I T - L O N D O N - M O S C O W M Y K O N O S - N E W Y O R K - PA R I S - P O RT O C E R V O - R O M E - S T M O R I T Z

w w w. d e g r i s o g o n o . c o m



Letter from the Editor



Icons: François Thiébaud




Haute Horlogerie




Diamond Watches


Fashion High




For Him

Sustained Growth 8

Baselworld 64

Red Carpet 72

CARTIER Ronde Folle



Executive Board Massimiliano Pantieri Simone Sanfratello Lilli Bertoni Editor Massimiliano Pantieri Art Director Lilli Bertoni Creative Director Simone Sanfratello Contributors Marzio Pescia (Switzerland) Sherry Williams (USA) Susan Robinson (USA) Jessica Robinson (USA) Steven Gregg (USA) Copy Editors Susan Robinson Sheila Monty Dominick Montalto Layout and Design Lillisimone Graphic Designer Anna Scaccabarozzi Printing Arti Grafiche Bertoni Verderio Inf. (LC) Italy

One year FREE subscription at All the published material has been provided by the mentioned brands. Therefore, SwissMade Magazine cannot be responsible for copyright issues and assumes no responsility on inaccurate information or changes in the product displayed. Reproduction or use of the content in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.


Publisher address: SwissMade Magazine Via Taiada 50 6517 Arbedo (TI) Switzerland Contacts SwissMade Magazine is a publication of: Floor 3 Industries




Rock’n’ Glam








New wings for Longines


Haute Ecriture




SUSTAINED GROWTH by Jean-Daniel Pasche

Jean-Daniel Pasche, Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry President

The Swiss watchmaking industry is breaking new records and looks forward confidently to 2007. It does not fear competition from other goods and services. At the end of 2004, Swiss watchmaking exports passed the 11 billion Swiss francs mark or the first time. In 2005, the 12 billion francs barrier was broken and this has been followed by more than 13 billion francs at the end of 2006. Last year Swiss watch exports saw their value increase by 10,9% to 13,7 billions Swiss francs. Wristwatches recorded an increase of 11,6% in value terms. 18-carat gold (+17,6%) and steel (+10,3%) contributed greatly to this result. The number of exported pieces rose by 504’671 units, an increase of 2,1%. The general trend is positive across the market segments, but spectacular growth has been reported at the top end of the range. This includes products for which the ex-works price starts at 500 Swiss francs. Last year, the increase reached 14,6%. This upward trend is even more marked in the case of watches whose ex-works price exceeds 3000 Swiss francs (27%). The top end of the range accounts for 17% of sales in terms of volume and 85% in value. To obtain the sale price to the end-consumer, the ex-works price must be multiplied by 3 or 4. In other words, around 50 billion francs were invested in purchases of Swiss timepieces in 2006. Our branch is benefiting fully from the strength of the world markets and consumer sentiment which remains fairly good overall. 10

All the main traditional markets for Swiss watch products, USA (6,1%), Hong Kong (8,9%), Japan (10,4%), Italy (5,4%), France (20,3%) and Germany (20%), are growing although to different degrees. Progress on the emerging markets, such as China (14,9%), Mexico (41,6%), Turkey (14%) Ukraine (55%) and India (54%), is particularly pleasing. It is important for our branch to be present all over the world. This global presence enables the risks arising from local recessions to be spread more widely. Among all these growing markets, USA is still booming and remains the foremost market for Swiss watches. Our exports to that country were worth 2’29 billions million Swiss francs. 4’047’509 Swiss watches were exported to USA in 2006, namely 99’359 pieces more than in 2005. The Swiss watch industry is pleased to note the increasing interest of the American consumers for its products. Of course, to benefit from this good economic situation, consumers must be offered attractive products of good quality. The Swiss brands are constantly investing in new technologies and new designs. The collections are being regularly renewed, adjusted or supplemented. Colours are becoming bolder and Swiss watchmakers are trying out all kinds of materials. Titanium cases have made their appearance, motherof-pearl is being used more widely on dials - even the movements of mechanical watches are being made from new materials. Silicium and even diamonds are being used for some strategic components such as the escapement; these materials have all the properties needed to handle the technical stresses encountered. The new materials can of course

help to improve product quality and dependability, for instance by reducing friction. The positive trend of the Swiss watch industry is remarkable in the mechanical domain. Technically, watches with mechanical movements are attracting growing attention. It is true that mechanical watches account for just 14% of volume, but at the same time they generate 65% in value. Competition naturally exists between watch manufacturers, but watches are also having to compete with other products because there are nowadays thousands of different ways of spending your money on products (mobile phones, clothing, cars) or services (travel). Nevertheless we are confident in the future of Swiss watches which must not be regarded solely as a functional object that tells the time. More in the nature of a jewel than of an impersonal accessory, they elicit an emotional response. They help to shape the identity of the wearer. Watches are a cult object and a dream that can come true. Consumers therefore wish to wear watches to assert their personality. Unlike telephones, watches are not discarded. They are kept. And so watches are certainly not set to disappear as long as men and women wish to experience real emotions. To safeguard its position on the world markets and generate still greater enthusiasm among consumers, the Swiss watchmaking industry relies on the availability of highly qualified personnel. Training is indispensable to achieve more advanced products and live up to the expectations of consumers. The State and companies both invest heavily to provide watchmaking training in Switzerland. After completing their


compulsory schooling, young people have a choice of two options: full-time training at school or a combination of training within a company and classes attended at a specialized watchmaking school. Six schools in Switzerland provide this basic training for around 150 apprentices per year. Besides the basic watchmaker’s training, there are also university courses to qualify as a technician or engineer. In parallel with the public authorities, the watchmaking branch and various companies have developed high level training programs to familiarise their personnel with their own particular products and qualify them, for example, to work with complicated watches. Some training centres are therefore directly funded by businesses. Another institute is also financed by private capital from the watchmaking industry; this is WOSTEP (Watchmakers of Switzerland Training and Educational Program) which was founded in 1966. Its aim is to provide advanced training for watchmakers across the world. Basic training is important, but further advanced classes are necessary for the development of the watchmaking 12

industry and customer satisfaction. The Swiss watchmaking industry employs some 41,000 persons. The future is looking bright. Surveys of the manufacturers show that new orders taken are rising and production also increasing. We expect growth to continue therefore in 2007 on the same scale as in recent years and we believe that Swiss watch exports might once again rise by 9-10%. Of course, these forecasts are liable to be affected by events beyond our control, such as a sharp fall in the value of the US dollar against the Swiss franc or if destabilising geopolitical events occur. However, we are convinced that the Swiss watchmaking industry will continue to extend and further consolidate its position of world leader. It will maintain its presence on all market segments, but the finest products will benefit greatly from the forecast growth of the luxury sector which is set to continue on all the different continents.





The Swiss watchmaking universe is driven by passionate people that have often spent most of their honorable careers in the watch industry. Mr. François Thiébaud uncontested dynamism and visions, together with over 30 years of successful records, have gained him an honorable place among the best players of the industry. Beside being the proud President of Tissot, Mr. Thiébaud is also President of the Swiss Exhibitors Association, an active member of the International Watchmaking Committee and member of the Executive Management Board of the Swatch Group. Mr. Thiébaud explains to us what keeps him looking forward to Baselworld and the creative joys of watchmaking because, year after year, this joy keeps company with the natural anxiety of finding new and exciting ways to renovate and surprise the public with new designs and technological improvements. SwissMade Magazine: The world of watchmaking that counts returns to the Rhine. How would you describe Baselworld? Just an enormous advertising show case or is there more? François Thiébaud: There is much, much more! It is the unique and exclusive place for where to discover all the new creations in the world of watch making and jewelry. The presence of well over 2,300 exhibitors coming from all over the 14

world encourages an open forum for a wide variety of ideas from different cultures. It is such a marvelous world! Not only does it shine with an artistically flavored technological experience, it also vibrates with colors and sparkles with a flashy, yet sophisticated professionalism. It leaves nothing left to the imagination, and in this way, it cannot be imitated. It is like an art gallery. Baselworld is unique. One can walk about freely, without being hassled by sellers. Visitors have a leisurely amount of time to look and taste, be surprised and enjoy. SM: It seems that Baselworld is able to arouse quite a lot of emotions even in a trained “sea-wolf” such as you… F.T.: Sure! Every year I attend the Baselworld with great anxiety. Each time it is like the opening night of a new theatrical performance. You are nervous. You wonder to yourself, “How will the clients react? Will I be ready to respond with poise if my work is compared to the neighboring exhibition’s spaces?” Baselworld forces all the exhibitors to plunge themselves into the pleasures and intensities of the competition. Naturally, this is good because it incites everybody to give the best of themselves to their work and its display. For this appointment,


Mr. François Thiébaud awards MotoGP 2006 World champion Nicky Hayden

it is mandatory to make a good appearance. Accordingly, everything is taken care of, and is perfect. It is the world of elegance, of beauty. Baselworld is full of some of the most wonderful watchmaking fireworks. For some people, and I place myself among them, it marks the continuation of Christmas. SM: Beyond the exhibition spaces, often of an exceptional quality, what type of technical innovations has favored a fair like Baselworld? F.T.: A sense of remarkable originality has marked the past few years’ editions. Today, we see asymmetrical watches, stranger and stranger dials, hands with new forms, a mixture of materials; all of these elements that only ten years ago would have never received a strong, positive public reception. Nowadays, Basel reflects the economic liberty on a world scale. With the decline of the great dogmas, the brands have made ever increasingly daring moves in their creativity and showmanship, and they compete in this creativity, differentiating themselves to forge their respective identities. 16

This year, I am certain, will continue the trend. After the excellent editions of 2005 and 2006, Baselworld 2007 will again be an appointment of high class. Without fail, beauty and creativity do not know limits. SM: Let’s talk briefly about the wonderful new year in the Swiss watchmaking industry. What is the reason behind this success? F. T.: The jewellery and watch-making sectors have benefited from a worldwide economic upswing. North America, which remains our main market, has recorded notably high growth rates. The emerging markets of China, India, and the former Soviet Republics are also making an increasing impact on our industry. Consumers in these countries have begun to satisfy their basic needs as a result of the economic boom. And those who also want a taste of luxury buy artwork or our best watches. You can understand the importance of these markets when you consider the size of these countries. They have an enormous potential for us even if only a single percentage of the population is considered wealthy, because it still means mil-

Mr. Thièbaud confers the Tissot Best Player Award at the final game of 2006 Ice Hockey World Championships in Latvia

lions of new clients. SM: What counts more for Swiss watches: quality or image? F.T.: It’s a bit of both just like with French fashion or Italian design. Switzerland has a long-standing tradition and experience in the watchmaking sector. Every element has to be perfect. The Swiss are renowned for their skill and precision. Switzerland stands for what I would describe as solidity and tranquility, recalling the placidity of our famous lakes. Watchmaking is simply measuring time and checking it. Those who buy a Swiss watch appreciate this equanimity and matter-of-factness. Moreover, one should take into account that consumers wear a timepiece differently today. Watches have an identity, they have become accessories that blend with the wearer’s personality and become an integral part of him. In our world, Time is the only thing that is limited, defined as it is by hours, minutes, and seconds. Yet, there are unlimited possibilities as to how to present it and dress it.




The Swiss city of Basel is full of delights. In the heart of Europe on the border to Germany and France, this pocket-size metropolis mixes international flair with small-town charm and a special esprit. Here the proverbial Swiss quality meets a multicultural population to create a city that is uniquely open-minded, joyful and innovative. Basel is a European transportation hub and the most important exhibition and congress venue in Switzerland. A compact city infrastructure combines with a huge range of leisure activities to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors every year to BASELWORLD, the world’s leading watch and

jewelry show, and to Art Basel, the world’s premier art exhibition (also called “the Olympics of the Art World”). The city also appeals to music lovers, offering a number of small stages, concerts with well-known soloists and orchestras as well as open-air rock and pop concerts, such as the Avo Session shows with stars of international caliber. And don’t forget the Davidoff Swiss Indoors, the international tennis tournament that attracts thousands of sports enthusiasts every year. This is Roger Federer’s home tournament, where the Swiss champion who astonishes the world now was once a simple ball boy.

City Inner courtyard of the City hall seen from the gallery. The murals were initially painted by Hans Bock (17th century), but were modified during the restoration Copyright: Edition Phönix / Photo: Jutta Schneider, Michael Will Hall Courtyard


AlbanSt. Alban-Teich in the St. Alban-Tal. Copyright: Basel Tourismus / Photo: Daniel Petkovic Pond


Close-up of the Tinguely Fountain by Jean Tinguely. Copyright: Stadtmarketing Basel,

Capital of art and architecture The cosmopolitan city is both the art and architecture capital of Switzerland and thus proud of its cultural offerings. In proportion to its size, no other European town offers such a high density of museums: Basel can count almost 40 in an area of 37 square kilometers. The range is vast, including the world-renowned Fondation Beyeler; the Tinguely Museum; the Kunstmuseum Basel (Museum of Fine Arts); the Schaulager, a new type of space for art that is both museum and warehouse; and the Dollhouse. 20

Museum In addition to the romantic Old Town – one of the best preserved and most beautiful in Europe – Basel hosts many modern structures designed by world-famous architects such as Mario Botta, Renzo Piano or Frank O’Ghery. Basel has much to offer in architecture, including local firms Herzog & De Meuron, Morger & Degelo and Diener & Diener, who have enhanced the world’s great cities with their exciting constructions. Opera, ballet and drama lovers are also spoiled in Basel, with all three art forms offered by Theater Basel, Switzerland’s largest theater.

Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein (D), built by the renowned architect Frank O’Gehry. Copyright: Vitra / Photo: Thomas Dix


Christmas market in Basel. Copyright: Dominik PlĂźss


Gourmet triangle Basel is a feast for all the senses. Here good food and drink are as important as art and culture. Nearly all of the world’s great cuisines are richly represented, from starred gourmet temples to the takeout restaurant around the corner. Any number of street cafÊs, pastry and sweet shops and traditional neighborhood restaurants offer the opportunity to get better acquainted with the Basel lifestyle. Basel stimulates the appetite in the most varied and delicious ways. Its cosmopolitan outlook and its close relations with the neighboring areas of Alsace in France and Baden in Germany are undoubtedly among the main reasons the city is able to

Copyright: Office de Tourisme de Colmar / Photo: G. WĂźrth

please even the most discerning palate. Basel is the center of a region with a unique concentration of first-class restaurants. Within a 30-minute drive from the city you will find well over a dozen Michelin-starred establishments. Shop till you drop Basel offers extensive and fascinating shopping opportunities, whether in the many specialist retailers based in the city center, the picturesque stores of the Old Town or in the stores and shopping centers just over the border in Germany or France. In the Old Town, boutiques and department stores dominate the shopping streets, which are conveniently disco-

vered on foot. The main shopping street is the Freie Strasse, with extensions to the Market Square, the Gerbergasse and the Aeschenvorstadt. In the streets you will find exclusive boutiques such as Hermès or Armani, street boutiques such as Kookai or Esprit and jewelers such as Bucherer as well as goldsmiths and watch stores. Another shopping paradise is the Spalenberg, a part of the Old Town with many alleys and independent boutiques. Here you will find more specialized shops, such as the Christmas House, which sells Christmas ornaments year round, or the Sweet Basel, which offers a huge variety of self-made candies, a speciality of Basel.


The Cathedral covered in snow. Copyright: Christian Lichtenberg


Gateway to the Alps Basel is easy to get to. The most direct way is via the international EuroAirport, located only 15 minutes north of the city. It offers numerous non-stop connections from many European countries.Basel is a European transportation hub and therefore offers not only excellent connections by air but also through its three railway stations and main motorway arteries. The beautiful nearby regions of Alsace, the Black Forest and Basel’s countryside with the Roman town Augusta Raurica are only a hop from Basel. In little more than an hour one also can reach the main skiing areas. The Bernese Oberland with its famous resorts such as Gstaad or Interlaken are easily accessible on a day trip from Basel. Riverside of Greater Basel with view of the Cathedral. Copyright: Niklaus Bßrgin





QUINTESSENCE by Massimiliano Pantieri

Quintessence, from the Latin “quinta essentia”, has always represented a mystic perfection and it is the term we chose to present this section devoted to the wonders of watchmaking. In Greek mythology, aether was imagined as the pure essence wherein the gods dwelled. Meaning “pure, fresh air” in Homeric Greek, aether was believed to be the substance of which the cosmos is made and was introduced by Aristotle as the fifth element, or quintessence, after water, air, earth and fire. 26

Since then, in common literature, Quintessence stands for the most elevated grade, the peak, or perfection of someone or something. For over 300 years, mechanical timepieces have been fascinating neophytes and collectors because of the passion and ability that the execution of a mechanical instrument requires: hundreds of tiny little pieces combined in an intricate web of gears and wheels in little more than a square inch.

Zenith Grande Chronomaster XXT Tourbillon El Primero Black Tie

BREGUET MARINE 5837 TOURBILLON SILICON CHRONOGRAPH Impeccable elegance and sport-spirited allure, exquisite styling and allround sturdiness for the new Breguet Marine Tourbillon. Housed in a pink gold case, Breguet hand-wound caliber 554.3 features at 12 o’clock a spectacular tourbillon regulator whose novel carriage design includes an upper bridge and pillars made of titanium. The movement incorporates the latest technical advances, not least a balance spring, pallets and an escapement fashioned from silicon. The shaped pushpieces and the black rhodium-plated dial enhanced with a delicate engine-turned wave pattern subtly allude to the collection’s naval origins, completed by a pink gold bracelet or black rubber strap.



BLANCPAIN LEMAN REPETITION MINUTES AQUA LUNG Faithful to its longstanding tradition of innovation, the Manufacture in Le Brassus presents a revolutionary water-tight case for its Minute Repeater. A wealth of know-how and ingenuity have been poured into devising a mechanism that strikes the hours, quarters and minutes on request – and all the while ensuring it is water-resistant to a depth of 100 metres and that not even a single drop of water will disturb the complex operation of the world’s thinnest and smallest-diameter minute repeater movement. A patent has naturally been filed for this innovation. Topped by a glareproofed sapphire crystal, its 40mm-diameter case comes in titanium or 5N red gold. Truly unique by definition, the new Léman Aqua Lung Minute Repeater is fitted with a solid case-back that may be customised according to the owner’s wishes. The hand-sewn crocodile leather strap lined with alzavel is fitted with a new folding clasp system composed of two folding blades.

VACHERON CONTANTIN MALTE STEEL TOURBILLON Offered in a very limited series of 10 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Vacheron’s historical Geneva Boutique, the tonneau-shaped stainless steel case reinforces the distinctive and sophisticated character of an extremely technical model presented in an understated and decidedly unostentatious manner. With its “côtes de Genève” motif, meticulous hand chamfering on the edges of the bridges and individually engraved series number, Calibre 1790 – a movement entirely developed and manufactured in-house by Vacheron Constantin – confirms its exceptional nature. In addition to its tourbillon regulator, this hand-wound movement also drives an indication of the over 40-hour power display, as well as a pointer-type date display. The watch is teamed with a hand-sewn strap black alligator mississipiensis leather, complete with a steel folding clasp matching the case.

We have decided to start our journey through the wonders of watchmaking by rendering homage to the first great innovation that still habits every “grande complication”: the tourbillon. Although technically not a complication itself, the tourbillon is considered one of the most challenging of watch mechanisms to make. The conception and construction of a tourbillon movement are always a daunting technical challenge. Invented in 1795 by Abraham-Louis Breguet for pocketwatches, the tourbillon (from the French for “whirlwind”) is a type of mechanical watch escapement designed to counter the effects of gravity and other disturbing forces that can affect the accuracy of a chronometer, particularly problematic when pocket-watches were carried in the same position for most of the day. This device consists of a mobile carriage housing the movement’s regulating organs – meaning the balance, its spring and the escapement. By constantly revolving, the tourbillon subjects the regulating organs to a regular 360° rotation, thereby cancelling out the deleterious long-term effects of gravity on the regulating system, and thus on the accuracy of the movement.


PATEK GONDOLO Departing from a 1925 Chronometro Gondolo model, Patek proposes a watch of great poise. The manually wound calibre 25-21 REC PS of the new Chronometro Gondolo Ref. 5098P was developed especially for this watch. The case design was subtly reworked, the contours delicately retouched, and the silhouette gently cambered for a snug, comfortable fit on the wrist. This model also displays a small diamond discreetly set between the lugs at 6 o’clock. The watch is worn on a matte black alligator strap with a platinum prong buckle inspired by its historic predecessor.


Even with modern technology, the tourbillon remains faithful to its origins and an exclusive appendage for a few.

Power stature Timepieces requiring years of skilled handcraft were obviously only accessible to the elite of the time. Royalty were the main clients of skilled watchmakers, and so it was that Abraham-

Zenith Grande Chronomaster XXT Quantième Perpétuel El Primero Concept

Louis Breguet was commissioned to create a watch for MarieAntoinette integrating all the complications known at that time. It was an enterprise that took years to complete. The best Swiss watchmakers still embody this rich heritage of passion and innovation, remaining faithful to their origins and cultivating the traditional skills. The spirit of innovation that was so radical in the fathers of

watchmaking is still the driving force behind the best Swiss watchmakers. For 2007, the palate of thirsty watch lovers will be satisfied by the creations of the Swiss Masters of Time, such as Breguet, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe, Blancpain, Frédérique Constant, IWC and others we present in these pages.




FRÉDÉRIQUE CONSTANT HEART BEAT MANUFACTURE AUTOMATIC MOONPHASE-DATE Frédérique Constant introduces a limited edition series that incorporates a silicium escapement wheel. In this model, the moon inside a window at twelve o’clock on the dial progresses through its various phases against the background of a night-blue sky. The aperture is bordered by the 31 numbers of the hand-type date display, as on classic watch models dating from the 1940’s and 1950’s. The Heart Beat aperture is perfectly centred at six o’clock with the fine regulation at the side of the dial, creating a technically new, appealing and robust calibre design.


CHOPARD L.U.C TOURBILLON A sporty touch allied to details of great sophistication. More technical, more modern, bolder then ever: the design of the L.U.C collection has gained in strength and personality. With its tourbillon bridge styled to resemble two bird’s wings and its dial with a superbly dynamic decor, the new L.U.C tourbillon model is a perfect embodiment of this new spirit. The L.U.C 1.02 4T four barrel calibre with a COSC chronometer certificate provides a power reserve of more than 9 days, which is displayed at the top of the dial. Only for a few… new L.U.C Tourbillon model is made in a limited and numbered edition of 100 timepieces in white gold.

HUBLOT BIGGER BANG ALL BLACK Provocative, unstructured and enthralling... Hublot invented invisible visibility with its Big Bang All Black, which sparked a unanimous acclaim. The dynamic watchmaking brand has succeeded in creating invisible transparency with its new Tourbillon, the Bigger Bang All Black. The Chronograph Column Wheel Tourbillon is front of stage again, draped in an invisible black cloak. An extraordinary model and a superb piece of sleight of hand, which illustrates Hublot’s tendency to strip away preconceptions, while remaining true to traditional watchmaking and at the cutting edge of new technology challenges.

HARRY WINSTON EXCETER CALENDAR The new Exceter Calendar retains all of the elements that, for the past 18 years, have garnered Harry Winston timepieces the same level of acclaim as that of its jewelry. The iconic three-arch Harry Winston watch-case, crafted in white gold, is sleeker and slightly larger at 41mm, and the trademark Excenter dial is more streamlined and clear. The movement, based on the reliable GP automatic calibre, has been upgraded with new retrograde mechanisms to operate the date and month functions. The moon, floating in its constellation of stars, has been designed to wax and wane in a circular aperture. The second time zone is set by the crown and indicated by a coloured hand.

BLU - MAJESTY ORBITING TOURBILLON This extraordinary watch expresses time in a new way by orbiting a tourbillon within a tourbillon around the dial. Bernard Lederer achieved three tourbillon speeds on a single plane by mounting the tourbillon proper on a rotating minutes-plate carrying the minuteshand. The visible tourbillon rotates about its axis in the conventional way — once a minute off the fourth wheel of the going-train. But it also revolves once an hour on same axis with the minutes-hand. Furthermore it orbits the dial every 12 hours. The Blu-Majesty Orbital Tourbillon in a 18 k white or red gold case is limited to 50 individually numbered pieces.

GIRARD-PERREGAUX WW.TC FINANCIAL Combining a delicate classicism with strong personality, with its - Financial, the Swiss Manufacture has created the first chronograph to indicate the different times around the world as well as the business hours of four major stock markets. A technological and aesthetic tour de force, this innovative, high-performance timepiece brings together the two exciting worlds of horology and finance. The timeless elegance of Girard-Perregaux’s line blends well with its resolutely modern functions. These watches can be used to read, simultaneously and very easily, the time in twentyfour different international cities, one for each time zone; hence the name,, the abbreviation for World Wide Time Control.






Hour Vision

159 years in the making

To celebrate the launch of its exclusive in-house manufacture calibres 8500/8501, OMEGA unveils an exceptional collection of revolutionary timepieces within the De Ville range: Hour Vision. The 41 mm case of the De Ville Hour Vision adopts the current style for larger timepieces and glistens with eyecatching details that proudly announce OMEGA’s presence in the highest echelons of watch making. The calibre 8500/8501 pays tribute to a new and luxurious look for OMEGA’s movements for the third millennium. Four sapphire glass apertures on the sides of the case, as well as the more traditional sapphire glass case back, fill the heart of the watch with light showcasing the mechanical pedigree and the beautiful details of the rhodium calibre 8500 or rhodium and 18 Ct red gold calibre 8501. The Hour Vision sets out to be different embodying the new direction of manufacturing for OMEGA without forsaking the classic good looks of the De Ville family. Details such as the four glass openings located on either side of the winding crown, at 9 o’clock and between the lugs of the traditional round De Ville case shape, give the watch a contemporary 34

and sophisticated feel as well as highlighting the technical superiority of the watch, both inside and out. The glass apertures are not just an attractive feature but a technical breakthrough: an entire sapphire case is set into the stainless steel or 18 Ct red gold case so that the watch is still waterproof to 100 metres and shock-resistant up to 5000 G. On the dial finely honed details show the complexity of workmanship that has gone into every element of this timepiece. The 18 Ct red gold Hour Vision is available either with a brown or silver dial. The stainless steel version is presented with either a black or silver dial. On all the models the most striking feature is the grooved rhodium plated hour track complemented by elegantly faceted solid gold hour markers. Light catches the diamond-polished facets of the hour markers as the central seconds hand sweeps around the dial. The hour and minute hands are both faceted and diamond polished along the length of their sides creating an elegant contrast and play on brushed and polished finishes, in either 18 Ct red gold or 18 Ct white gold, to match the colour of the case. The date window positioned at three o’clock is framed with an

applied diamond polished 18 Ct red gold or 18 Ct white gold frame. A discreet minute track runs alongside the outer rim of the dial and the OMEGA logo is applied in either 18 Ct red gold or 18 Ct white gold, depending on the model. The dial is clearly visible through the anti-reflective coating applied to both sides of the sapphire crystal glass. All the components of the manufacture-made calibers have been created exclusively for OMEGA from inception. Not content with just creating an exclusive manufacture calibre, OMEGA has optimised the precision of their proprietary CoAxial Escapement and free-sprung balance by improving its design and using a larger (13 lines) sized movement. This officially certified chronometer (COSC) movement has a 60-hour power reserve stored in two barrels in series and is driven by energy from the bi-directional winding rotor. Together they offer excellent stability to the watch’s going rate over long periods and enhance the performance of a truly superlative chronometer. Changing the hour is simplified by a mechanism that allows the hour hand to be adjusted without interrupting the movement of the other two hands, ideal for


precise re-setting when traveling through time zones. The “Côtes de Genève” in arabesque, blackened screws and the use of precious metals highlight the refined nature of this new calibre. For all the attention to aesthetics and mechanical superiority, this watch has a strong practical streak and is poised to be the solid platform from which OMEGA will develop future modular complications and additional features. The De Ville Hour Vision is presented either on a black or brown alligator leather strap that is integrated into the case 36

between the newly designed lugs. The strap features an insert to avoid strain and cracking of the leather at the joint with the lugs and is fastened with a fold-over clasp (in either 18 Ct red gold or stainless steel) ensuring the watch remains securely fastened yet offers maximum comfort to the wearer. The metal bracelets (including a new patented screw and pin system allowing a very easy adjustment) feature an entirely new design and look and, set in the metal bar clasp is a butterfly deployant with an 18 Ct gold polished OMEGA logo.



Lady RM007

Exclusively at : EUROPE CHRONOPASSION Paris ALDAO Madrid BAROZZI Brescia CASSAFORTE Moscow CRANS PRESTIGE Crans-sur-Sierre CRYSTAL WATCH Donetsk / Kiev DOUX Courchevel DUBAIL Paris FLASH D’RABAT Barcelona GENEVE Almaty GINOTTI Antwerp IMPERADOR Dniepropetrovsk L'HEURE ASCH Geneva LOUVRE Moscow MAGANI Zaragoza MARBELLA TIME CLUB Marbella MARCUS London MONTRES PRESTIGE Geneva PISA Milan RABAT Badalona RESTIVO Catania TARASCIO Rome VERGA Milan ZEGG & CERLATI Monaco MIDDLE EAST ALI BIN ALI Doha CHRONOTIME Tel Aviv GHADAH Safat SARK Istanbul SEDDIQI Dubaï FAR EAST EYE EYE ISUZU Kagawa HIRANO Nagoya HOUR GLASS Singapore KAMINE Kobe MITSUKOSHI Nihonbashi Tokyo M&R Ginza Tokyo PROSHOP Kidaka RICHARD MILLE BOUTIQUE Hong Kong / Kuala Lumpur / Singapore SEIBU Shibuya SOGO Yokohama USA BLACK, STARR & FROST Costa Mesa CELLINI New York CHATEL Carmel JENSEN STERN Ketchum MANFREDI Greenwich SWISS FINE TIMING Highland Park / Chicago VENETZIA Las Vegas VICCI Las Vegas WESTIME Beverly Hills / Los Angeles LATIN AMERICA AUTOMATIQUE Panama EVE Buenos Aires FRATTINA Sao Paulo CARAT St Barthélemy BERGER Mexico GERAIS Caracas AFRICA A. CONSTANT Abidjan





Diamond Watches

by Susan Robinson

Once reserved for elegant evening soirées, diamonds now can be worn any time of day and for any occasion. And they’re not just a girl’s best friend these days — men are enjoying diamonds, too. Diamond watches are more popular than ever, thanks in part to celebrities who sport sparkling wrist candy, such as Oscar-winning actresses Helen Mirren and Nicole Kidman, hip-hop artist Jay-Z and soccer star David Beckham. But you don’t have to be famous or über-rich to wear this status symbol. Diamond watches come in many sizes, shapes and styles, and the prices vary almost as much as the styles do. Whether you are a man or a woman, you can find a diamond watch to fit your personality and personal style. See for yourself how a diamond watch can enhance your wardrobe. A diamond timepiece is the ultimate fashion accessory, whether you prefer tailored attire or spend most days in



Diamonds have always had an appeal

any other.


designer jeans. For the modern woman with an active lifestyle, manufacturers offer more sporty styles of watches with small diamonds. These pieces have the features of a typical sport watch but lend a bit more flair to your gym togs. And — who knows? — maybe a diamond watch will make your workout more fun. If you’re a jet-setter, consider a diamond watch that combines functionality with femininity, such as the Reverso Duetto Duo from Jaeger Le-Coultre. The local time is displayed on its front dial, while a second time zone is shown on the back. No more guessing what time it is at home while you’re traveling across time zones! Of course, the classic diamond watch never goes out of fashion. A timeless diamond style gives you an air of sophistication for a night on the town, an after-hours business event, or even a quiet dinner with friends. Some popular brands today are Rolex, Omega, deGrisogono, Cartier, Chanel and Harry Winston. ed, men’s diamond watches are available from the same manufacturers and in styles similar to women’s

On the model: Rado Coupole Jubilée On the right: Rado Sintra Jubilée


CHOPARD HAPPY DIAMONDS Ladies watch in 18ct white gold with diamond set bezel, mobile, diamond set dial, mobile diamonds and diamond hearts. Rose coloured satin bracelet with diamond set clasp

watches. However, the men’s watches are larger and more powerful looking to give them a masculine appeal. When purchasing a diamond watch, be sure you know what you are getting. The quality of the diamonds can vary widely, and a higher price does not necessarily mean a higher quality of diamonds. Instead of focusing on the prices of diamond watches, be sure to purchase your piece through a reputable dealer, who can help you select a watch that meets your dreams and fits your budget. If money is no object, you can own a diamond-encrusted timepiece that can cost well into six figures from premier Swiss watchmakers such as Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin and Girard-Perregaux. Want to really spoil yourself? Take a look at Chopard’s Super Ice Cube, which tops the Forbes list of the world’s most expensive watches. The Super Ice Cube drips with more than 66 carats of diamonds and costs more than $1 million. This popular model also is available in a wide variety of gemstones, including black diamonds and pink sapphires. A watch retailing for more than $100,000 likely will be of interest only to genuine diamond watch enthusiasts. Even so, people who can afford these exclusive diamond watches 42

derive pleasure from merely owning them, whether the pieces are actually worn or kept under lock and key. For people of more modest means, a diamond watch can be a costly acquisition, so be sure you opt for a style that will continue to give you pleasure for many years to come. The wide and varied selection from which to choose is enough to make your mouth water. Most Swiss watchmakers have at least one diamond watch model, so a smart shopper should view the manufacturers’ online catalogs before making a purchase. However, once you’ve done your “window shopping” on the Internet, you should purchase your diamond watch only from a reputable dealer. No official Swiss watch distributors or retailers sell their watches on the Internet, and pieces sold via the Web will not be protected by warranty. In wake of the rapidly expanding network of illegal Web sites selling counterfeit watches, leading brands such as Rolex and Breitling now carry prominent warnings on their home pages about the risks of buying watches on the Internet. Once you have decided on your watch, go out and bring in the bling! Then you will experience the luxury and excitement that only a diamond watch can add to your life.

HARRY WINSTON NEW AVENUE The New Avenue retains its ArtDeco identity through its familiar rectangular case. Yet, its austerity is softened by a glistening oval motif of pavé diamonds set into a traditional mother-of-pearl face. With 20 major VVS diamonds (totaling more than four and one-half carats) the New Avenue subtly reflects a new dimension in the value of a woman’s time. An understated leather band complements the new Avenue’s high style




Fashion High by Sherry Williams



aute Horlogerie and fine timepieces always have served an exclusive clientele, creating status symbols and following the early adopters of certain brands (such as Winston Churchill and his Rolex). The same occurs with Haute Couture, which captivates and fascinates a wide range of people with its innovative spirit, but remains accessible to a limited few. Interestingly, the worlds of fashion and high horology were poles apart for many years. With few exceptions, watches were regarded by fashion houses as licenses to be sold, and the timepieces themselves were conceived as entry-level products to access the brands. In the past 20 years, however — and, more important, during the past decade — haute horlogerie and haute couture brands have realized they have much more in common than just prestige. The reason for their success is based on the same

principle: products of excellence based on a long tradition of artisans driven by their passion and spirit of innovation. Their exclusive products are inspired by an approach to life — call it their lifestyle or, perhaps, character — that responds to the need to express one’s own personality. Some might choose flashy ornaments rather than a more understated style, or elegance over sportiness. Clothing and watches speak to different people in different ways, based on the varying emotions they convey. The way we dress and the watch we choose to wear are influenced by our mood, the occasion, or the image we want to portray. Not surprisingly, the worlds of fashion and high horology have begun to share their main values. They now collaborate on a limited series or associate their brands in order to adopt a wider range of characteristics usually associated with another brand. Thus they expand their appeal into new territories.


The same phenomenon exists in the more “manly� world of the motor industry, where car manufacturers have long been associated with watchmakers sharing the same tradition, spirit or prestige (Jaeger-LeCoultre with Aston Martin, Breitling with Bentley, Audemars Piguet with Maserati, Officine Panerai with Ferrari, TAG Heuer with McLaren Mercedes). Nowadays, the worlds of fashion and watchmaking are no 46

longer apart. Watchmaking companies have broadened their product range, offering sunglasses, writing instruments and perfumes bearing their names, and always in the same exclusive way. Fashion brands also are more serious about watchmaking, applying to timekeeping the same values that have made their brands so desirable in the first place. None more so than Chanel, with its stalwart J12 piece, Louis Vuitton and its bul-



CARTIER Ronde Excentrée

PICTURES 1. Piaget Limelight Party collection (Ref. G37L4410) 18-carat white gold and onyx rope-style necklace set with 2300 brilliant-cut diamonds 2. Piaget Limelight Party “Secret” watch (Ref. G0A32155): 18-carat white gold and onyx watch set with 53 brilliantcut diamonds and a central rose-cut diamond; 18-carat white gold dial set with 95 brilliant-cut diamonds, Piaget 56P quartz movement; 18-carat white gold pin buckle set with 51 brilliant-cut diamonds, black satin strap 3. Piaget Limelight Party collection (Ref. G37L4700) 18-carat white gold triple-row necklace set with 213 rosecut diamonds and 22 triangle-cut diamonds (approx 3 cts) 4. Piaget Limelight Party collection (Ref. G38L5800) 18-carat white gold earrings set with 98 rose-cut diamonds and 22 triangle-cut diamonds

bous Tambour, Versace and the DV One, Dior, Hermes and Gucci — just to name a few. Bulgari and Cartier have always been fashion forward and their history is filled with unique and precious master timepieces. Fashion brands dedicate resources and know-how to their timepiece collections, opening offices and production sites in Switzerland, and committing to offer high-quality products and timeless designs inspired by the Maison’s philosophy and tradition, rather than merely following seasonal fashion trends. For 2007, fashion designers are surprising us once again with remarkable products, highlighting their personalities and reaffirming their position in the watchmaking world.





Elegance and Achievement Inspire The New Longines Sports Collection. It’s not just the fact that someone has gone faster, farther, higher or deeper than anyone else before. If that were all there was to it, every record broken would be cause to launch a new product. But there’s much more to the story than a broken record...

Behind every extraordinary achievement in the history of sports you’ll find a story of passion and commitment to excellence. The story begins when a child begins to dream. The dream is nourished as the child grows, testing the limits of the possible, until one day he or she finds the courage and the capability to achieve... the impossible dream.



Longines has long been committed to performance in the world of sports. Its commitment to excellence is expressed in the brand’s support for young men and women whose passion has made their dream come true. Inspired by the achievement of extraordinary athletes, Longines celebrates their dreams in its new Sports Collection. The Collection celebrates the ability of people everywhere to go beyond their limits. New models evoke speed (skiing, motor sports), the push to overcome boundaries (tennis, show-jumping, gymnastics), altitude (aviation) and the challenge of the deep sea (diving). But we said there was more to the story. There is. It’s a secret component of success, an attribute of extraordinary achievement, not just in sports but across the board. That secret component is elegance—the ability to dream, and to rise above the limits of performance. Longines is known the world over as the “winged hourglass” brand—the brand with attitude. You can see it in their faces. In the way they look and the way they move. The elegance of extraordinary athletes. An inspiration to us all.





HIM Gentleman’s stature or Fashion Statement by Susan Robinson


A fine watch is every man’s best accessory. Some say clothes make the man, but a watch speaks volumes about a man’s status and lifestyle. Even though you might not care about high fashion and designer clothes, be aware that a fine watch can make a powerful statement. A high-end, tasteful timepiece will inject “oomph” into your wardrobe. Your choice of watch also can express your personality and convey your image to the world. Perhaps until now you have worn only inexpensive watches with plastic or cheap metal bands. Those timepieces are fine for everyday wear or sports, but after you experience what it’s like to own a high-quality, Swissmade watch, you might never wear the others again. To find the right watch for you, you should do some comparison shopping. But don’t worry, you don’t have to drive all over town and fight the crowds at the malls. Watchmakers’ online catalogs allow you to browse their collections from the comfort of your home. Sit back, relax and anticipate owning a luxury timepiece that will last through your lifetime and become a treasured family heirloom for generations to come.

Photo: Rado Original Classic


Swiss watchmakers offer a wide variety of men’s watches to choose from, and they can be categorized into groups, depending on where you plan to wear your watch and the impression you want to make. If you have an active lifestyle, you could opt for an Omega (featured on the wrist of 007 in James Bond films), a Breitling or a Tag Heuer. These larger timepieces might be more trendy than classic, but they still possess plenty of panache. Sport watches are more likely to carry features such as multifunction subdials and functions such as stopwatches, barometers and compasses. After the sun goes down and you’re ready for an evening out, dress up your ensemble with a fashion watch. If you have a big wrist, you should choose a larger dial and a wider strap. The correct size will ensure the watch looks distinguished and masculine on your wrist. Another rule of thumb for a man is to choose a timepiece suitable for his age. For example, a luxury watch such as a Rolex GMT would seem out of place on the wrist of a twentysomething. Similarly, an older man should forgo more casual watches in favor of dress watches such as those offered by IWC and Movado. However, as with any accessory, you should select a Swissmade watch that best mirrors your personality. Nothing looks better on a man than self-confidence, so you should purchase a timepiece only if you would feel comfortable wearing it. When you have decided which watch is right for you, be sure to deal with a reputable retailer. None of the Swiss watch manufacturers sell their products on the Internet, so head out to a boutique to make your purchase. Once you buy a beautiful high-quality timepiece, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do so sooner. Enjoy all the compliments you’re sure to receive! 56

Dior Homme Black Time

Eberhard & Co. Chrono4 Temerario


1. DIOR HOMME BLACK TIME CHIFFRE ROUGE A05 Designed by John Galliano, the Dior Homme Black automatic chronograph is bigger than ever with its 41 mm case. This is a certified chronometer timepiece with a high readability tachymeter scale on the dial. Black sun brushed dial, case and bracelet in 316L steel lined in black rubber, standard Texin® 985U. The rubber’s surface shows a fine grain that is worked in negative by electro-erosion inside the moulds.

2. EBERHARD & CO. CHRONO4 TEMERARIO The Temerario asserts Eberhard & Co.’s position at the top of technical innovation and design, defining new ways of measuring time with the most daring and innovative interpretation of the chronograph. The size is important (55mm in length and 37 mm wide) and the domed tonneau shape case with a slightly arched caseback and a non-reflective sapphire glass that follows the soft ergonomic design. Temerario is a provocative name to all those individuals who dare, and seek out a new challenge. The Chrono4 Temerario holds three patents relating to technical innovations, and a registered design to protect its revolutionary look.

3. CORUM ADMIRAL’S CUP TIDES 48 Fascinating people by its sheer vivaciousness, Corum further enhances the image of its famous Admiral’s Cup “Tides”, with the new Admiral’s Cup Tides 48, which provides all the important information about the tides: the lunar month, the strength of the tide, an estimate of high waters and current strengths, as well as the time of the tides. The new model distinguishes itself by the extreme legibility. Its stature is more imposing. Painstakingly precise to the smallest detail, this lastest from Corum is a boldly attractive measuring instrument that is bound to fascinate all those who take an interest in natural phenomena and are drawn to the wild charm of the sea.



does not have the same appeal for everyone. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

ChronoMaster Open - Venice, Italy A unique blend of Technique, Style and Emotion. The first mechanical wristwatch revealing the world fastest Automatic Chronograph El Primero. 4021A Harmonic caliber, 36’000 vibrations per hour, 248 components, 50-hour power reserve featured by a smile. Tradition : stainless steel or rose gold case, sapphire case back, black, gray, white or ZENITH brown Guilloché dials, alligator strap. Modernity : stainless Steel case, sapphire case back, black, gray, white or ZENITH brown plain dials, metal bracelet, genuine rubber or alligator strap. Available in two sizes, XXT & T. Triple folding buckle.



TEL. +41 32 930 62 62




JAEGER LECOULTRE MASTER COMPRESSOR EXTREME WORLD CHRONOGRAPH “46” Boldness and a passion for the extreme defines this new creation of Jaeger-LeCoultre. The world is the Master Compressor Extreme World Chronograph “46”’s oyster. It displays the time in 24 different time zones on a disc governed by a doubleheaded pointer which completes a rotation every 24 hours. The case is in titanium, a light, strong, waterresistant high-tech material suited to performing at the highest levels. Between the carriage and the case, a mechanism of extraordinary sophistication deadens unwanted vibrations in order to allow the high-precision movement to pursue its course, unperturbed by sudden shocks


RW SPORT Dynamic, up-to-date, exquisite design, meticulous finish… the RW Sport is the watch for the man of today! With its round case in polished steel (a generous 44mm in diameter and 12mm thick), and its distinctive grooved bezel in brushed steel, studded with 12 diamond-engraved circles, the state-ofthe-art RW SPORT – available in all black, or black with red trim – exudes power and strength. Perfectly curved horns ensure the case fits snugly within the strap for optimum comfort. Not enough? With its screwed-down case and crown, and 2mm thick crystal, the RW SPORT is waterproof to a depth of 660ft

HAMILTON KHAKI TACHYMILER The new Khaki Tachymiler by Hamilton is the perfect co-pilot – both on the ground and in the air. This dynamic chronograph integrates precision functionality for measuring time and distance, while its design achieves a unique combination of nostalgia and technology, with the facility to record intermediate time. A strong and resilient 44 mm stainless steel case safely encloses a dial with cockpit-style counters. The sporty chronograph has color-coded pushers on its left-hand side in red and black, plus a silver crown, to enable activation even when travelling at speed. An easy-to-read date display completes the ‘control panel’ of this racy

RM 011 FELIPE MASSA FLYBACK CHRONOGRAPH Developed in close collaboration with the young Ferrari F1 driver Felipe Massa, the new Richard Mille Flyback chronograph creation combines the practical with the exceptional. The RM 011 offers truly practical functions such as an annular calendar with oversize date, month indicator, 12hour totalizer and 60-minute countdown timer. The exceptional case uses a central caseband of titanium with the choice of either titanium or 18carat red or white gold bezels, creating a unique visual effect that accentuates the strong character of the robust case size

DEGRISOGONO INSTRUMENTO NOVANTATRE In its ongoing quest for horological complications, de Grisogono adds the annual calendar in its new Instrumento Novantatre. To house the new self-winding mechanical movement, Fawaz Gruosi designed one of his signature watchcases, sporty yet understated and notable for its broad dial aperture. With generous dimensions (47.2 x 40 mm), equipped with sizable lugs displaying rounded and cambered lines. Available in a choice of gold and steel versions, optionally set with gemstones, fitted with a deployment clasp to match the case and an alligator or galuchat strap

IWC DAVINCI With an attractive tonneau-shaped case, IWC is bringing the Da Vinci into the future with a new generation of surprising horological innovations. With the Da Vinci Chronograph, IWC has developed its first proprietary chronograph movement and has given it a modern interpretation with an incomparable analogue time display. A limited special edition pays tribute to IWC chief designer Kurt Klaus, while the Da Vinci Automatic represents the practically elegant threehand watch in a smaller format.




TIME SQUARED by Massimiliano Pantieri and Simone Sanfratello

Tissot integrates man’s most iconic shape into a trendsetting line of sporty, urban timepieces. For Euclid, the father of geometry, a square has four equal sides and four right angles. For Tissot, it has something more: pure, iconic aesthetic power. Which is why it is the signature shape of THE QUADRATO COLLECTION, Tissot’s bold new line of quartz movement timepieces. Combining simplicity with harmony – a squared-faced dial in a squared-off case – the Quadrato Collection integrates the geometric power of man’s most iconinc shape into a timeless expression of masculine elegance, which will equally appeal to women seeking to make a bold fashion statement. Square-shaped wristwatches are not new: Tissot launched its first, the celebrated Tissot Automatic, back in the early 1940’s. Before that, the Swiss watchmaker was famous for its square-faced Tissot Hermetic travel tradition, incorporating respect for the design sensibilities and savoir-faire of the past with a full mastery of avant-garde engineering and aesthetics in the present. Sharp-edged, sporty and robust, Quadrato watches feature strong lines, bold dimensions and powerful color contrasts. Available in two versions – Chrono Quartz and Gents – the Quadrato Collection comes in a full range of trendsetting combinations: classic steel bracelet on blue, black or silver dial; stylish beige leather strap and fashion-forward ivory dial; sober brown leather strap and brown dial; and a motorsportinspired black rubber strap and pure silver or black dial. 62

The chronograph elements – squared pushbuttons and counters – rhythmically underscore the striking geometric purity of the design. This is in turn offset by the rounded elements and volumes – the lugs, dial-face numerals and a classically domed sapphire crystal. Alternating fine polished and brushed finishes grace the hands and counter dials, further enhancing

the overall look of dynamic sophistication. Water-resistant to 100 meters and loaded with the high-quality components and craftsmanship on which Tissot has built its reputation since 1853, the Quadrato collection is an audacious trendsetter designed specifically for men and women who dare to look at life square on.



THE NEW RW 4878 CHRONOGRAPH BY RAYMOND WEIL Four years after the launch of the iconic DON GIOVANNI COSÌ GRANDE chronograph, RAYMOND WEIL presents a new model featuring its latest automatic chronograph movement: the RW 7250 calibre. With its refined, contemporary design, the new Don Giovanni Così Grande Chrono is perfectly attuned to the all-action lifestyle of the man of today. Both the polished steel articulated bracelet with ‘Grains de riz’ links, and the full-skin alligator strap with ‘façon sellier’ stitching, have folding clasps and fit snugly to the wrist for perfect comfort. The rectangular, polished steel dome case, 13.5mm thick, 50mm long and 37.5mm wide with brushed stainless steel lugs, has a domed sapphire crystal with dual surface anti-reflection treatment. The 8-sided crown stamped with the ‘RW’ monogram, and the oblong chronograph pushpieces in polished stainless steel, provide a dynamic contrast to the rectangular case. A stand-out feature of the RW 4878 is the easy-to-read dial, with applique Roman numerals topped by 12 white luminescent dots, and diamond-shaped luminescent hour- and minute-hands for precision timekeeping at any moment whatever the circumstances. Within a black, grey or matt silver border, the satin-finished silver dial features a 60-second counter at 3 o’clock, 12-hour counter at 6, and 30-minute counter at 9, all with counterpoise baton hands. There’s also a central chronograph hand and a date-window at 12 o’clock. All the hi-tech precision of Raymond Weil’s watchmaking savoir-faire can be admired thanks to the screwed-down case-back embellished with a sapphire crystal revealing the heart of the watch and the elegant rhythm of its Côtes de Genève décor and circular graining. This new automatic chronograph boasts a 42-hour powerreserve. The 51 rubies on the movement ensure optimal performance through the train and balance-wheel (28,800 vibrations per hour). Totally masculine, fully mechanical... the dynamic new RW 4878 Don Giovanni COSÌ GRANDE chronograph by Raymond Weil offers the last word in chic technique!




GUCCI PANTHEON The new Pantheon watch, designed by Creative Director Frida Giannini reinvents classic Gucci luxury into a confident modern vision and sets a new standard for Gucci’s men’s timepieces. The watch is available in an automatic and chrono automatic version, with anthracite sun-brushed oscillating weight, pearled and côtes de Genève pattern; both feature an extra-large 44mm case and an oscillating weight engraved with the Gucci logo. A transparent sapphire caseback highlights the precision of the Swiss manufacturing and makes for a bold design statement. It comes in a modern stainless steel bracelet with brushed and polished links or a luxurious croco leather strap embossed with GG pattern on the inside surface. The Pantheon watch perfectly represents Giannini’s ability to reinvent classic Gucci luxury into a confident and modern vision.

FREDERIQUE CONSTANT LADIES DOUBLE HEART BEAT FC310 The FC-310 Double Heart Beat features Frédérique Constant’s signature dial aperture in the shape of an intertwined Double Heart, reflecting the brand’s commitment to timeless elegance and performance. The new FC-310 Double Heart Beat ladies collection is both classical and refined – but also resolutely contemporary, trendy and fashionable. The sparkling, diamond-set bezel underlines the elegant round shape of the finely decorated, chocolate colour dial of this model, available in stainless steel or in a 10 micron rose gold plated version. 66

VENTURA V-TEC KAPPA Ventura‘s design of contemporary timepieces is coined since more than a decade by leading Swiss architect and designer Hannes Wettstein. After the Alpha and Delta, the Kappa is his third watch within the v-tec series. The v-tec Kappa is made of high-tech materials; the cases are forged out of pure titanium. An ultra thin layer of liquid glass coating is applied to the surface to prevent smudging and fingerprints. This patented Titanox® hardening-process protects the Kappa from scratches and provides high longevity, an important aspect of Ventura‘s design philosophy. There is a special matte-black Kappa for purists, which is additionally ion-coated with an even harder surface. The heart of the vtec Kappa is Ventura‘s own VEN_04 movement-caliber featuring the patented EasySkroll® operating system, which does away with lengthy manuals and the multiple push buttons commonly found on common digital watches. A single scrolling cylinder allows a totally intuitive access to all functions.

CKJ VARIANCE RENEGADE Distinctive. Strong.The Variance Renegade is the new watch by Calvin Klein Jeans. Inspired by jeans stitching and vintage American watch cases. Encased in circular brushed stainless steel and fronted with mineral glass. Classic silver sun brushed dial with silver indexes and nickel polished hands. Offered in four versions, differentiated by the color and material of the extra-wide strap: brown or black leather, as well as brown or military green textile straps. Available in gent size.

BLANCPAIN WOMEN ULTRA-SLIM LOTUS Blancpain adds a new gem to its Blancpain Women collection, enriching the iconoclastic, contemporary and feminine Lotus line. 220 of the purest diamonds set fire to a black dial adorned with an exquisite sunray guilloche motif. Large original and exclusive slender Arabic numerals enhance the daring face of this utra-feminine mechanical jewellery-watch. The remarkable Blancpain caliber 1150 marks the gentle cadence of time in this Lotus. The distinctive character of this timepiece earns it a place all its own among women’s watches, vividly demonstrating that a strong personality and character can make a perfect match with prestige and femininity.

PIAGET PROTOCOLE XXL As the latest newcomer to the Protocole collection, the XXL version is a contemporary expression of understated and refined elegance. Its generously sized white gold case (42 x 46.5 mm) plays on the subtle alternation of polished and satin-brushed surfaces extending through to the subtlest details, such as the slender flange with its polished sides. At the heart of this model lies Calibre 830P, a mechanical hand-wound movement measuring just 2.5 mm thick, designed, developed and produced by the Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie Piaget. The Protocole XXL model is also available in pink gold or gem-set white gold versions.

PERRELET POWER RESERVE With a urban, uncompromisingly contemporary style, Perrelet creations immediately attract the eye with contrasting colours creating plays of light. These variations fit in perfectly with the design concept of the collection. Roman numerals are much in evidence and the displays retain their excellent legibility. In keeping with the quality of its products, Perrelet’s new designs incorporate an eye for detail that is rarely found in Swiss watches positioned in the « accessible luxury » segment. Based on a subtle balance between traditional watchmaking and modern requirements, Perrelet has given some of its creations new dials with attractive more urban designs. The power reserve model is a perfect example. The hour and minute hands are off-centre to give more space to the power reserve indicator. Fully wound, the hand will show a power reserve of 40 hours or so. The date is placed at 12 o’clock, on the same axis as the other indications. This new dial, with an urban uncompromisingly contemporary style, attracts straightaway with contrasting colours creating plays of light and reinforces the legibility.







CK ELEMENT Classic. Lustrous. Elegant. The ck element is inspired by bracelets in vogue in the late 1970s. A sleek stainless steel polished bangle, available with a metallic, mirrored, or black dial. Finished in mineral glass, and accented by a round crown with stamped logo and polished nickel hands. Available in lady-lady, lady, and mid-size.

by Simone Sanfratello

Forms, design, male shapes and materials meet details and elements which tell the emotional, passional, fickle and at the same time firm and determined nature of the present day woman. Objects, accessories and dresses become the place where the male and female sphere meet suggesting a play of roles which brings to the extremes of the same personality. A play also made of sudden accelerations and changes of directions guided by strong passionate instincts and thus really Rock. A Play which is more and more different to resist and thus so Glam!



DIOR CRYSTAL The radiant new version of “Dior Crystal� is black with glittering diamonds, giving this limited edition a new identity. This dazzling new model is more Glam Rock than ever!


HAMILTON KHAKI SEA QUEEN Hamilton makes waves with the new Khaki Sea Queen watches. The magic of the ocean is the inspiration behind the two new Khaki Sea Queen watches from Hamilton. These watches express the treasures of the submarine world with special lucky charms attached by a tiny chain and a mermaid engraving on the rear of the case. Diamonds mimic glimmering 72

water, while eye-catching materials for the straps secure the Khaki Sea Queen a place in Neptune’s colourful kingdom. Framing the round cases of the two Khaki Sea Queen watches are black or white Top Wesselton diamonds. The final ‘drop’ is the oval date display that gravity appears to have drawn to the 6 o’clock position.

Pictures in these pages: Zenith Star Glam’Rock Open El Primero




Red Carpet

by Sherry Williams

Let’s face it, a lot of people watch the Oscars® only to see what the stars are wearing. It’s no wonder that the day after any award show, photos from the event are more popular than the list of nominees and winners. Somehow, it’s always loads more fun to praise the evening’s sure-fire glamour - and mock fashion disasters - than it is to discuss the merits of the Best Picture winner. The competition among fashion and jewellery brands to be worn by the celebrities is always at its highest at this time because of the media-impact involved. After all, in the months to follow the awards, instead of performance critiques, magazines will be filled with pictures of those stars, accompanied by captions of extensive comments on their fashion sense. 74

Versace, Armani, Valentino, Chanel… these are the main dressers of the stars. It’s not only because of their long tradition, but for their strong connection with their celebrity clientele. Stars trust these fashion designers and their ability to create eye-catching, one-of-a-kind pieces that highlight their beauty to make a statement--or simply shock the public. Like the standard selection of clothing that generally make it down the red carpet, the exclusive handful of jewellers also include watchmakers, ensuring that even a celebrity’s timepiece is unique. Harry Winston, Bulgari, Chopard, Piaget and deGrisogono are among the few names that never fail to shine on the red carpet with wonderful pieces.

DeGrisogono on the red carpet – Fawaz Gruosi with Laura Haring and Adrian Brody; Milla Jovovich; Celine Dion wears a deGrisogono snake bracelet on the red carpet (photo:angeli); Naomi Campbell wearing deGrisogono jewellery (photo:wireimage); Faye Dunaway (photo:wireimage); James Blunt and Petra Nemcovaat the deGrisogono pre-oscars cocktail and the Soho House in Los Angeles



Baume and Mercier event in Los Angeles - Actress and model Bridget Moynahan; Lindsay Lohan and Micheal Nieto; Kelly Carlson and Michel Nieto; Jaime Lynn Siegler, actress of the SOPRANOS

Vacheron Constantin benefit event in Los Angeles - Jennifer Aniston and John Legend; Rebecca Romijn; Skeet Ulrich; Lauren Graham and Bethany; Holly Robinson Peete

On February 2007, in Venice, the gothic setting of the Palazzo Pisani Moretta was the venue for ÂŤ The Ball of Time Âť. The thousand glittering points of the ZENITH star blazed out that night to welcome more than 700 guests invited to discover the romantic splendor of Venice


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BREITLING for BENTLEY After springing a magnificent surprise with its amazing Flying B, Breitling is enriching the Breitling for Bentley collection with a chronograph version of this stylish timepiece. The new model features the same daring rectangular case with its inimitably opulent lines, enhanced by two smoothly integrated lever pushpieces. The dial has been entirely redesigned in harmony with the spirit of luxury and refinement characteristic of all the creations dedicated to the prestigious British automobile manufacturer: hour-markers sculpted from mother of pearl; hollowed counters; colours inspired by the Bentley livery; and a knurled central motif matching the steel, red gold or white gold case. A superb technical and aesthetic achievement, individually hand crafted by artisans at the peak of their art. The motor powering this splendid mechanical watch is a signature Breitling officially chronometer-certified chronograph movement driving a “large date display” calendar. The back is adorned with the symbol after which it is named: the legendary Bentley “Flying B”, for decades the unmistakable emblem of the famous British automaker. A real pleasure for our eyes.





pictures in these pages are provided by Breitling for Bentley






PASSION AND PERFORMANCE 2007 by Massimiliano Pantieri

In 2003, the Swiss Team Alinghi wrote an important page in the history of the most prestigious yachting trophy of all time: after racing to a staggering 5-0 victory against Team New Zealand on March 2nd, Alinghi won the America’s Cup. They guaranteed themselves a further stake in the history books by being the first team since the inaugural race in 1851 to return the Auld Mug to Europe and on top of that for being the first team to win the Cup on a first attempt. The team is based in Switzerland and is proud to say that it

is made up of 21 different nationalities. It carries the colours of the Société Nautique de Genève and will participate in all Louis Vuitton Acts, along with the 11 challengers from nine different nations, before defending the America’s Cup during the Match Race in June 2007. On Saturday 17 March, SUI100, Alinghi’s latest and last racing yacht new build, was launched at the base in Valencia. Syndicate head Ernesto Bertarelli’s wife, Kirsty, joined the team to christen the boat, the first to have a three digit sail



Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Alinghi Team Chronograph

number in the history of the Class. “God bless SUI100, all those that have worked on her and all those that will sail her. Good luck!” she declared as she smashed a bottle of Moët & Chandon over the bow. The christening marks the beginning of the sailing season for Alinghi in Valencia after a highly beneficial winter of training in Dubai. Ernesto Bertarelli, team syndicate head, said of the latest Alinghi racing yacht: “SUI100 is the culmination of much work from many different people: the designers, the boatbuilders -both Alinghi’s own and those at the Decision boatyard -- and the sailing team of course. I am very proud to see SUI100 finished and on its way to the 32nd America’s Cup. With this boat, we are taking another step towards fighting to win the Cup again.” “When the boat hits the water, she will be the best that she can be and we are looking forward to testing her in the lead up to Louis Vuitton Act 13”, declared Dirk Kramers, Alinghi 86

chief engineer. Alinghi’s vision is “to win the America’s Cup, while earning respect and recognition as a world class sports team as well as sharing our passion”. And the team is well-positioned to mount a fearless defence of its title in 2007, with most of its key personnel retained and just enough new faces to keep the ‘old guard’ on its toes. Ernesto Bertarelli is the President of Alinghi, as well as an integral part of the sailing team. Grant Simmer, America’s Cup veteran, is managing director and head of design. The sailing team is led by three-time America’s Cup winner, Brad Butterworth, Alinghi’s skipper, vice-president and legendary tactician. Butterworth can count on many top sailors including Peter Holmberg, Ed Baird, Juan Vila, Jordi Calafat, Warwick Fleury, Simon Daubney, and Murray Jones to name just a few of the outstanding members of Alinghi. Plus fivetime Olympic Gold medalist, Jochen Schuemann, is the sports director for the sailing team.

Alinghi during the UBS Trials in Dubai (©Th.Martinez/Alinghi)

Racing for Louis Vuitton Act 13 will begin on the 3 April and will be the last time that Alinghi meets the challengers until the America’s Cup Match in June when the strongest one will come forward to race the Defender in the Match. Among the big watchmaking brands involved in this prestigious competition are worth mentioning: Audemars Piguet, riding the waves with Swiss America’s Cup Defender Alinghi; TAG Heuer, on the sails of potential America’s Cup Contender Team China; Omega, pursuing its relationship with Former America’s Cup winner Russel Cutts on Team New Zealand; Girard-Perregaux, on board of America’s Cup Contender BMW Oracle Racing; Prestige, passion, performance, tradition and innovation are all values shared by both the sailing and the watchmaking world. We will therefore explore in our next issue the fascinating America’s Cup universe. ©Ivo.Rovira/Alinghi





El Tiempo Lento philosophy By the middle of the 18th century, Havana - The Pearl of the Caribbean, discovered in 1509 and founded on August 25, 1515 by Conquistador Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar - had more than seventy-thousand inhabitants, the third largest city in the Americas, ranking behind Lima and Mexico City, but ahead of Boston and New York. As the trade between Caribbean and North American states increased in the early 19th century, Havana became a flourishing and fashionable city. Havana’s theatres received the most distinguished actors of the age, and prosperity among the burgeoning middle-class led to expensive new classical mansions being erected. During this period, Havana became known as the Paris of the Antilles. 88

Considered an island where time has another dimension -- a realm in which awareness and a carefree life-style co-exist and give rise to the freedom of being -- Havana became, at the end of the 19th century, a meeting place for intellectuals, businessmen and world figures, not to mention adventurers and sailors. It is in this unique atmosphere that Armando Rio y Cuervo and his brothers ably and devotedly run the jewelry and watchmaking business founded by their uncle Rámon, giving rise to the name, Cuervo y Sobrinos – “Cuervo and Nephews.” For its exclusive clientele, a stop at La Casa de Avenida Quinta in the center of Havana became as important a visit as one to the great jewelers on Place Vendôme in Paris or on New York’s Fifth Avenue. During the 1940s, when the brand

was at its peak, Cuervo y Sobrinos watches were not only perceived as fine timepieces, but also represented a life-style and a way of thinking: El Tiempo Lento. Sun, sand, music, rum, cigars‌ time to stop and feel life‌ Time in Cuba is suspended, or it dilates, with the frenetic urban rhythm being replaced by quality time or precious time -- perfectly embodied by fine Cuervo Y Sobrinos timepieces. In less than half a century, the marriage of exquisite Swiss watch craftsmanship and the Latin spirit of the brand has conquered the Americas. Several leading watch brands (Rolex, Patek Philippe, Longines) associate their name with that of Cuervo y Sobrinos and co-produce Havana timepieces. The enterprise has quickly become so famous that, during the 1890s, Cuervo y Sobrinos decided to expand its pro-

duction network by opening three other outlets in European nerve centers: in the heart of Paris, on Rue Mezlay, where the most prestigious jewelry is produced; in La Chaux-de Fonds, Switzerland, where the watches are created; and in Pforzheim, Germany, where the precious material and stones are chosen. Now, 125 years later, the brand remains faithful to its roots by drawing its inspiration from the original designs, sketches and drawings made by the Cuervo family artisans. Benefiting from the craftsmanship of master Swiss watchmakers and the contemporary spirit of its designers, Cuervo y Sobrinos reinterprets the elegant models of yesteryear with a personal touch.


Inspired by the very essence of the 1940’s atmosphere of luxury and refinement, Cuervo y Sobrinos’ collection, consisting of four lines, responds to men and women seeking another perception of time. Hours, minutes and seconds take on another dimension. In today’s world, where stress and frenetic activity seem to dominate our daily lives, Cuervo y Sobrinos dilates time. Each instant is a moment of intense experience. Slowed-down time – “El tiempo lento” – reigns. Esplendidos 125th anniversary limited series To commemorate and render homage to its rich heritage, Cuervo Y Sobrinos has created a limited series of 38 Esplendidos single push-piece coaxial chronograph version, housing the brand’s distinctive CYS 2450 caliber and available in 18-carat pink and gray gold with a crocodile-skin bracelet. 90

Named after the Esplendidos cigars, the Esplendidos line originates in the heart of the architectural revolution that typified the Art Deco years. A symbol of extravagant design with pure lines, it reflects the avant-garde soul of the era. The rectangular case has evolved into a slightly curved shape that gives it an indisputably contemporary look. The CYS 2450 movement, based on a modified and perfected previous version, enables all of the functions of a crowned, coaxial, single push-piece chronograph, able to measure short times with stop, start and zeroing. The movement is decorated with pearling and nailing on the main plates and bridges, and includes 21 rubies and an Incabloc system. The screwed-on back features an oval opening in sapphire glass that reveals the sophisticated details of the hand-wind mechanism, with a power reserve of 42 hours and guaran-

teed water resistance to 3 atmospheres. Highly contemporary, this finely crafted timepiece is also distinguished by the rectangular, slightly curved shape of its case (37 X 47 mm). For this 125th-anniversary edition, the smallest details of the dial have been reworked. The result is an architectural, rectilinear design, with hour and second counters at the center. The counter at nine o’clock measures the seconds, while the 30-minute counter is at three o’clock. True to its roots, the dial features stylized numbers. This single push-pin chronograph has been given anti-reflective sapphire glass for perfect time reading. This model will be available in exclusive boutiques starting in May 2007 at a starting price of $ 20,000.00 . One last Havana touch: this Cuervo y Sobrinos timepiece is offered in a humidor that serves as a case.






« and beauty, borne on the wings of time». This is how we might read the famous «winged hourglass» logo that represents Longines, the Swiss watchmaker known for the timeless elegance of its watches and a commitment to sports that goes back nearly 130 years. In 2007, the storied brand celebrates 175 years in its home town of Saint-Imier, in the heart of Switzerland’s watchmaking district, with two new permanent exhibitions in the Longines Museum. 92

The Museum, which first opened in 1992, today has two new «wings», each of which hosts an exhibition. The first is dedicated to «50 years of watchmaking at Longines (19572007)». Some one thousand models are on display in this impressive retrospective, among them some of the most remarkable examples of the art of elegance at Longines: the Longines Flagship (1957), the L990 (1977) — the last mechanical movement manufactured by Longines in St. Imier and two somewhat younger stars in the firmament, the


Longines DolceVita of 1997 and the Longines evidenza, which debuted in 2003. Visitors with an interest in the history of watchmaking will find plenty of fascinating material on view, including some 800 «livres d’établissage», the large books used by Longines to record, by hand, the details of each watch assembled on its premises, including the name of the watchmaker, the date 94

each watch was completed, when and where it was sold, and the name of the retailer who sold it. The records may still be consulted today, so the contemporary owner of a Longines pocket watch from 1900, for example, may trace its origins, through the reference number engraved on the back of the movement, to a particular watchmaker who lived and worked in St. Imier more than a century ago. These hand-written

archives hold records of the 15 million Longines watches made in St. Imier before the arrival of computers allowed the brand’s meticulous historians to retire their fountain pens. A second new exhibition in the Longines Museum invites visitors to follow the winged hourglass as it travels through history. The «Museum of Posters» documents the rise of this world-class brand across some fifty displays showing

advertisements, preliminary sketches for ads featuring the Longines factory, or the awards earned by the «Elegance is an attitude» campaign. The work of celebrated graphic artists is illustrated through posters from the early 20th century, including some of the first examples of an intriguing promotional technique still popular today — the celebrity «testimonial».






Caran d’Ache, Maison de Haute Ecriture, was founded by Arnold Schweitzer in 1924. With its priceless wealth of technical expertise, the company has carefully protected the art of handwriting. In the great tradition of Swiss manufacturing, it designs and produces exceptional products, all of which carry the famous “Swiss made” quality label. Recognised around the world for their excellence, these writing instruments, as well as Caran d’Ache fine arts and drawing materials, are a daring combination of expertise and aesthetics. This year, Caran d’Ache brings out its new “Ganesh” Limited Edition made in collaboration with the Swiss Jeweller Edouard Jud. This Limited Edition of 101 pieces is a tribute to the most widely worshipped Indian god and to his country, long considered to be the classical land of rubies. It is an object of real value featuring a replica of Ganesh, the god with the body of a human and the divine head of an Elephant. In Hinduism, Ganesh removes obstacles. He is a man, but his spirit is a reflection of the cosmos. By the sheer power of thought he can overcome the barrier of ignorance and understand the nature of the universe. In the passionate world of symbolism and precious objects, according to Indian legend the dwelling places of the gods are illuminated by enormous rubies. The craftsmen in the Caran d’Ache workshops perfectly understand the association of a beautiful ruby with the deity Ganesh. This limited edition raises the writing instrument to the level of a unique and valuable work of art.

Entirely manufactured in the Geneva headquarters of the brand, this collector’s piece comes as Fountain pen (Price : CHF 8’500.-) or Roller pen (Price : CHF 7’000.-) completely in relief with Ganesh coated in gold and the initials CdA sculpted in solid silver. The cap is crowned with the precious richness of a ruby evoking a love that is passionate, faithful and confident. Each piece is individually numbered and sold separately or as a set with the two writing instruments (Price: 15’500.-). Biography of Edouard Jud Born on October 26, 1933 in Gossau, Edouard Jud is the 14th member of a family of reputed jewellers and goldsmiths, natives of Switzerland’s canton of St-Gallen. After his early beginnings as a 14-year-old apprentice with his father, he continued to perfect his training: seven years with Lausanne’s renowned Grumser Jewellers, enrolment at the Higher Institute for Jewellery, Drawing and Engraving in Pforzheim, Germany, and subsequent graduation. During his many years of training, he became a master in complicated techniques such as chiselling, setting, engraving and lacquering, techniques embraced today by different professions. In 1964, Edouard Jud opened his creative studio in Lausanne. In 1973 he inaugurated a store at the corner of rue de Bourg and Cheneau de Bourg. At the age of 57, he transferred his store to his son André in order to devote himself entirely to creative design.




: Watch brands mentioned in this issue: Audemars Piguet Blancpain Blu Breguet Breitling Calvin Klein Cartier Chopard Corum Cuervos y Sobrinos DeGrisogono Dior Eberhard & Co Frederique Constant Girard-Perregaux Gucci Hamilton Harry Winston Hublot IWC Jaeger LeCoultre Longines Maurice Lacroix Omega Patek Philippe Perrelet Piaget Rado Raymond Weil Richard Mille Rolex Tissot Vacheron Constantin Ventura Versace Victorinox Wenger Wyler Genève Zenith 98


ChrOnO AltIMeter


therMO AlArM Michael Owen, International Soccer Player


than a watch Founded in 1853, Tissot is proud to display the Swiss flag at the heart of its logo. The Tissot , representing Tradition, Technology, and Trend, combines with the Swiss flag and its central sign to reflect the Tissot philosophy of giving its customers MORE: the best materials– 316L stainless steel, titanium or 18K gold, scratchproof sapphire crystal, Swiss ETA manufacture movement and minimum water resistance to 30m / 100ft - in a watch that offers careful attention to details and “Gold value at silver price”. The Tissot T-Touch was created as a worldwide exclusivity in 2000. Once the tactile sapphire crystal is activated, a light touch on the glass will select the function - compass, altimeter, barometer, thermometer alarm, or chrono - and provide the information in the digital window. MORE THAN A WATCH, T-Touch combines an innovative timepiece with a precision instrument.

Tissot, Innovators by Tradition.

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