1 minute read
Professor Kidsbrary
Upside-Down Thanksgiving Dinner
By Professor Kidsbrary
It was Thanksgiving Day And the kitchen smelled amazing, The Turkey was roasting... While the ham was a glazing!
Soon the house would be filled With family galore... Like cousin Mary, Uncle Larry And sweet Aunt Eleanor
A table for twelve now... Had been prepared for the meal, Crystal glasses, lighted candles... And fancy napkins that were real!
My job I was told, Was to answer the door, Say “Happy Thanksgiving... “Come in!” Then wait for more!
I was so excited, I could hardly wait... What dish would each bring, That I could put on my plate?
Peeking into the kitchen, I just had to grin, There were casseroles, breads And pies up to your chin!
“Please come to the table” I heard my mom say, As I turned now to show Our guest the way...
When suddenly there came, A loud thud... then yell, It came straight from the kitchen, That was all... I could tell!
I got up and rushed in, To behold such a sight... My mom covered with gravy, And her face now quite white!
Her turkey had slipped From the pan to the floor, But upside down now, it laid The stuffing oozing galore!
“I ruined the dinner!” My mom burst into tears... No, you didn't!” I said quickly Wait here...have no fears!
I explained to my family What the turkey had done, But had an idea, That would be lots of fun!
The turkey was served With the stuffing on the top, Upside down on the platter Where it took its big flop! Then Aunt Eleanor now, Took her baked yam dish Flipped it over on a plate Making marshmallow squish!
Next, Uncle Larry Giving everyone a cup, Poured his cream corn into it, Said “Cheers! just drink it up!” Cousin Mary who brought rolls, Turned them into a pancake! “I’ll flatten each adding gravy, What a different treat they’ll make!”
The potatoes had cranberry sauce, While the ham sat in eggnog lite, Every dish served was upside down... We all laughed at such a sight! Then for dessert the pumpkin pie, Mixed with whip cream was a winner... As we all laughed, our way through... An “upside down Thanksgiving dinner!
The End