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Community Events
Community Events & Activities
Temecula Valley Newcomers Club
Come join us on Monday, November 15th, 2021 at 11AM. for the annual Vendor Fair, where you can have lots of fun getting Holiday shopping done and find something for yourself at the same time. Everyone is welcomed. Enjoy good food, great company and make some new friends. If you have recently moved to the Temecula Valley or have lived here for many years, want to get out more, meet new people in 2021 and have fun, Temecula Valley Newcomers Club (TVNC) is for you. Come see what it's all about at the TVNC monthly luncheon at Wilson Creek Winery, 35960 Rancho California Rd, Temecula. Paid reservations are required at least one week prior to the luncheon, please call Gwen Jimenez @ 951-461-1525. This club is a social organization with many different activities for members such as card games, book clubs, mahjong, golf, dominos, bunco, bridge, theater trips, lunch and dinner groups and much more. For Club information, please call Nancy Grider @ 916-316-4398. Hope to see you at our next meeting and luncheon. National Charity League, Inc., Temecula Valley Chapter Announces Annual Membership Drive
The Temecula Valley Chapter of National Charity League, Inc. (NCL), a mother-daughter volunteer organization, has announced its Annual Membership Drive and has begun accepting applications from women with
daughters currently in 6th grade.
The Temecula Valley Chapter is comprised of over 250 members who reside in Temecula and Murrieta. Temecula Valley Chapter mother-daughter teams contribute hundreds of volunteer hours annually for over two dozen philanthropic organizations in the community, including Jacob’s House, Community Mission of Hope, Michelle’s Place, and Rose Again Foundation.
For more information, prospective members are encouraged to visit the Temecula Valley Chapter’s website at nationalcharityleague.org/chapter/temeculavalley, or send an email to Nicole Gann at membershiptemeculavalley@nclonline.org.
Applications for membership are accepted only during the Annual Membership Drive from October 1 to January 15 each year.
Diamond Valley Lake - Fall Season Savings for Private Boaters
All private boaters at Diamond Valley Marina receive 50% off boat launch, parking and boat landing fees every Thursday & Friday. The Fall Season Savings is valid October 21, 2021 - November 30, 2021. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Join Us In Keeping Menifee Clean!
Drop Off Your Bulky Items for FREE, November 13
Back by popular demand...HALF OFF Wednesdays!
We have a wide variety of boat rentals available at our fully operational marina. Reservations are not required to rent a boat, however, obtaining a reservation will guarantee the rental.
To reserve a boat or get more information go to: www.dvmarina.com
Mt. San Jacinto College Launches New Online Job Board Jobspeaker.com provides MSJC a skills-based platform that enables regional employers to post their positions that students can then view through a well-organized job search. The new job board at, https://msjc.jobspeaker.com -- also provides employers and students an easy-to-use interface both via desktop and mobile. Any employer in the area looking to hire MSJC students can begin posting to Jobspeaker
Did you find all of the words that have to do with today. Students can easily log on by using their single sign-on MSJC credenPolynesia from djr tials. The college is paying for the service with funding from Strong Workforce, a state initiative aimed at developing more workforce opportunity and lifting lowwage workers into living-wage jobs through Career Education.
Menifee residents can off-load bulky items such as couches and electronic waste at two locations on Saturday, November 13, as the city hosts its second Bulky Item Drop-off. This helpful city service is provided at no charge to residents. Bulky Item Drop-off sites will be located at: • Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) main parking lot, 28237 La Piedra Rd • Sun City Civic Association (SCCA) parking lot, 26850 Sun City Blvd.
Drop-off bins will be available from 8 a.m. to noon, or until bins are full. Participants will be required to provide proof of residence and unload their items and materials into bins.
Items that are accepted at this event include recycling (bottles and aluminum), furniture, mattresses, appliances, lumber (cut to 4-foot pieces), refrigerators, water heaters, air conditioners, and other bulky items. Electronic waste will be collected at the MSJC site only.
Unacceptable items include commercial waste, tires, hazardous waste, chemicals, sharp items, paint, empty drums, motor oil, anti-freeze, and large items such as car bodies or car parts. Please visit www.rcwaste.org to find the nearest drop-off for these items or visit www.cityofmenifee.us/solidwasteandrecycling to use the Recycle Wizard Tool.
Residents unable to participate in the Bulky Item Drop-Off may take advantage of Waste Management’s bulky item pick-ups; customers are allowed up to four free pick-ups annually. To schedule a pick-up, contact Waste Management Customer Service at (800) 423-9986. For more information about Bulky Item Drop-Off, contact Community Services at (951) 723-3880 or via email at communityservices@cityofmenifee.us.

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