2024 Investors Night

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State of the Economy & Market Update Wagga Wagga LGA

September 2024

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PRD Research Team

Dr Diaswati Mardiasmo Chief Economist
Thomas Kirk
Campbell Wright
Yuki Hao
Research Analyst
Steven Hayward Research Analyst


State of the Economy

• ReserveBankofAustraliaFinancialStabilityReview | Mon 18 Mar (every6 months)

• ReserveBankofAustraliaStatementofMonetaryPolicy| Tue 6th August (every 3 months)

State of the Market

• HousePrices| How do wecompare to therestof the world?

• PopulationGrowthvs.SupplyinNewSouthWales| Willwe haveenough houses? Wagga Wagga LGA Market Update

• PropertyTrends&Comparisons

• InvestmentAnalysis| Whyinvest in Bungendore?

• FutureProjectDevelopment| What’s in store for the future?

Moving Forward – Where to from here?

• InflationRate&CashRateExpectations

• WaggaWaggaKeyProjects2023-2025| Infrastructure,Commercial, Mixed-Use, & Residential

• AustralianEconomicPropertyReport2024| Different markets, Differentgears

State of the Economy

Where are we now?

Surviving Economy | Australia

• We are paying our mortgage (less than 2%of loans are at risk) BUTatthecostofoursavings

• Survivingeconomyand not thriving – lowestsavings rate for the past 10yrs, lowerthanpre-COVID

Household Balance Sheet | Australia

• Interestinglythere is a slight uptick in extramortgagepayments(offsetaccount)in early 2024,which was not expected– thus showing resilience. However,atwhat cost?

• Approx.45%ofAustralianshavelessthan3mthsinsavings,12%have6-12mths,and20%have24+mths.

• Regardless of whether you are an owner or a renter,many households havehad to makedifficultadjustments in response to challenging conditions. Demandforfinancialassistanceisnowhigherthanpre-COVID-19.

State of the Market

How do we compare?

Australian Consumer Confidence

Prepared by PRD Research. Source:Westpac/MelbourneInstitute. © PRD 2024.

August 2024


• 85.0 index points Aug 2024

• Fluctuatingtrendsince cashratehikesMay2022

• Slight increasing trend on averagein thepast12 monthsfrom August 2023

• However,areadingbelow 100.0indicatesnegative sentiment.Consumers tendto save as opposedto spend.

• 85.0 index points is lower than when we wereon our way out of COVID – of 88.1 index points in May2020

• Thereis some increasing positivity,butalso aa cautiousconsumerbase for2024–“stickybuyers”

House Prices and Rents | Australia

• Marketrecoveryhappenedquickerthananticipated,both by the RBA and the market in general

• Cash rate hikes did not slow down the property market as much as expected– helped little

• Rentalmarketisseeingsomerelief,advertised rents declining slightly –duetoinvestorscomingback

• Still at a MUCH higherlevel than pre-COVID-19, continue to contribute to CPI’s “stickiness”.

New Residential Construction V Population Change | NSW



$6,000,000 $7,000,000







• Residentialconstruction have roughlyfollowed trends seen in population change between 2013-2019

• However, this dramatically changed in end-2021dueto COVID-19, constructioncost challenges,labourshortage, andlowsupplyofmaterials

• New residentialconstruction has fluctuated since then, but in overallhave declined

• Q1 2024 figuresis likeCOVID times,helped bylower population growth

• Thereisstillamismatch betweendemand& supply

• Productivity stilla challenge & undersupplywillcontinue

• Higherhousepricesinfuture

NSW: NewResidentialConstruction

Wagga Wagga LGA Market Update LatestTrends

Median House Price | Comparison

Prepared by PRD Research. Source:APM Pricefinder.© PRD 2024. 2024* encapsulates data from 01/01/2024 – 30/06/2024.

-COVID CashratehikeMay2022 WaggaWaggaLGA$588,000*

• 1Y: +1.3%,+$7,500

• 10Y: +86.7%,+$273,000 SnowyValleyLGA$405,000*

• 1Y: -1.2%, -$5,000

• 10Y: +97.6%, +$200,000 GreaterSydney $1,355,000*

• 1Y: +4.2%,+$55,000

• 10Y: +76.0%,+$585,500

• Wagga Wagga is a more affordable market compared to that of Greater Sydney

• Premium marketcompared to some other surrounding LGAs

• Provetoberesilientthrough highercashratesANDhigher 10yrsgrowththanSydney

GreaterHumeShire GreaterSydney

House Price Point Breakdown

• The premiumhousingmarket(homes priced at $700,000and above) has seen anotable increase, moving from14.1%ofsalesin2021to31.5% in2024*.WaggaWaggaLGA is becoming more expensive

• Conversely, the proportion of affordablehomes(pricedunder$399,999) hasdeclinedfrom42.1%in2021to9.3%in2024*, this segment of the market has shifted from thelargestsegment to thesmallest.

Prepared by PRD Research. Source:APM Pricefinder. © PRD 2024.

Unit Price Point Breakdown

• Theunit'smarketin theWagga Wagga LGA is relatively balanced,with a largeproportion of the market between $250,000 and $449,999.

• Like the housemarket,the unitmarketis shifting towards more premium pricing. Buttherearemoreopportunitiesforfirsthomebuyers.

• Affordableoptionslessthan$249,999isstillavailable,butsignificantly declined;44.9%in2021vs9.3%in2024*.

Prepared by PRD Research. Source:APM Pricefinder. © PRD 2024.

Rental Market |Gold Coast LGA



• $500 perweek (median)

• Annual growth of +4.2%

• 394 housesrented

• Annual growth of +10.7%


• $380 per week(median)

• Annual growth of +8.6%

• 165 units rented

• Annual growth of -20.3%

• Pricegrowth alongside more houses rented = highlydemandedmarket

• Pricegrowth alongsideless units rented = undersupply

• Beneficialforinvestors lookingtocapitalise

House Rental Yields | Comparison

June-24 Overview

• WaggaWaggaLGAoffersa higherhouserentalyield thanSydneyMetrointhe past10years

• Rental yield fluctuated in the past 12-24months due to changes in cash rates and otherlandlordcosts.

• House rental yield in on a recovery for the past 6 monthsdueto stablecash rates since November2023

• Moreaffordablethan Sydney– more attractive

Wagga WaggaLGA

Unit Rental Yields | Comparison

• Wagga Wagga unitrental yields havehistorically fluctuated, due to smaller nature ofthemarket

• June2024unitrentalyields showsarecoverypattern andisonparwithSydney Metro–goodforinvestors

• Affordabilityvsrentalreturn is key– WaggaWaggahas both!

Vacancy Rates | Comparison

June-24 Overview

• Wagga Wagga LGA 0.6%

• SnowyValleyLGA1.3%

• SydneyMetro 1.67%

• Wagga Wagga LGA vacancy rates sits below both Snowy Valley LGA and Sydney Metro

• Rates havenot remained low sinceCOVID-19. This is in contrastto other regional areas in NSW. Continuous tightrentalmarket.

• Wellbelow theReal Estate Institute of Australia healthy benchmark of 3.0% = quicker occupancyofrentals

• Entry price ismore affordable than SydneyMetro –thus idealtoinvest

Wagga WaggaLGA

Project Development |Wagga Wagga LGA

Estimatedvalues arebasedon construction value providedby the relevantdataauthority and doesnotreflectcommercial and/orre-sale value.Commencement year quoted foreach projectisan approximate only, asprovidedby therelevant dataauthority.Valuesare based on known dataas providedby Cordell Connect, asperJune 2024 data download.Prepared by PRD Research. Source:Cordell ConnectDatabase.© PRD 2024.

Project Development | Wagga Wagga LGA

Estimatedvalues arebasedon construction value providedby the relevantdataauthority and doesnotreflectcommercial and/orre-sale value.Commencement yearquotedforeach project isan approximate only, asprovided by the relevantdataauthority. Valuesare basedon known data as provided by Cordell Connect, as perJune 2024 datadownload.Preparedby PRD Research. Source:Cordell ConnectDatabase.© PRD 2024.

Moving Forward What Can We Expect?

SMP May 2024 | Inflation Forecast | Australia

• Inflation(forallgroups)tostabiliseandslightlyfluctuatedthroughout2024,with a declining expectation in 2025 and back to targetrate2-3%in late 2025/early 2026.

• “Steady” strategyis as per othercountries, withapotentialincreasein2024.Ratecutseemstobeinearly-mid2025.

Project Development Map 2023-2025 Wagga Wagga LGA

Australian Economic & Property Report 2024

Different Markets. Different Gears.


Markets Median House Price

• Regional markets asan overall seeing aslight correctionof-4.3%in the past 12 months (to the 1sthalf of 2024).

• Regional WA is in fourth gear,recording a12.7% housepricegrowth

• Regional QLD and SA are in 3rd gear,with 4.7%and4.5%growth.

• Regional NSW and NT are in 2nd gear starting the correctionrouteat -0.7%and-3.7%.

• Regional VIC and TAS are in 1st gear,recording -5.1%&-7.7%growth.

Sneak Peek | AEPR 2024

• For now, astablecashratehas created‘stickybuyers’ – those thatare cautiousto act& sign

• In June2024, thetime to buy a dwelling indexshowed most statesrecordedadeclining trend. Opposite of the June 2023 index reading (increasing)

• TAS thehighest reading,of 109.6 index points.Differenttoothers!

• VICsawaslightimprovement of0.7%,notstrong enough to push a market recovery.

• TheQLDmarketsawadecline of-2.5%due to high price growth in the past 12 months.

• WAsawthebiggestdeclinein of-32.2%.Provideopportunity for firsthomebuyers

Sneak Peek | AEPR 2024

• ResidentialConstruction data from multiple countries

• Australia residentialconstruction was $19.1billion in March quarter of 2024, annualgrowthof3.3%.


• New Zealand,France, South Korea, and Canadaalso facing undersupply of housingstock.

• TheUK,USA,andHong Kong are starting to see an improvement in supply,butstillnot enough

• Australiaisabigspender,only outspentbyNZandCanada.

• Past12months to March Q 2024: SA highestgrowth in residential building completed, at 20.6%. QLDsawa-7.1%decline.

Other PRD Reports | 2024

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