Good Photography: A Journey Through Glyndwr University

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Book One: The Journey Through Glyndwr

All work copyright good photography

I am in my middle years and have been interested in photography since my mid-teens. When I picked up my first camera, I had no idea about technique, but I knew I was holding a powerful piece of equipment. A camera can capture and freeze time. It holds on to precious moments, usually happy memories that can be remembered when the events are long gone. I am a visual storyteller and use my camera to create the images I cannot draw. I am basically a failed artist. I started before the digital revolution and would spend hours in the darkroom manipulating images. Getting the best from each negative. I believed that when everything went digital my form of art had died out. I was wrong, the correct use of digital software like photoshop is simply the start of the artistic process. There are no more hours spent in the darkroom using chemicals like developer and bleach. No more wasted time waiting for films and prints to wash and dry. That time is now spent on taking the image and expanding it further, sitting at a desk in the light with a cup of coffee. Before if a mistake was made the image would have to be scrapped and start again, now simply by pressing ctl-z you can take a step or two back and carry on. Especially useful when the cat walks across the keyboard. The digital process allows more time to create and less time catching up. Cameras have unlimited shots, and the new darkroom allows more time to spend on the image.

The following pages include photographs from: Focus Wales 2022 Negotiated Studies (Minimalism and Movement in a Still Image) Personal Projects Visits to Liverpool and Chester Photo Restoration

Acknowledgments Grateful thanks to the following people who have made this journey fascinating but also kept it real. All the Staff at Wrexham Glyndwr University for their help and guidance. Thank you to Nathan for usually being the first to see a new idea when it is a mock-up and either giving me the encouragement to carry on or to move me in a better direction. Thank you to Dave Kelly and Simon Hall for helping me polish the rough work into a shinning gem. Special thanks to the inspirational Stephen King for helping me pull the idea from inside my mind and making it a reality.

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