KEN WONG ‘ To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
KEN WONG ‘ To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
KEN WONG ‘ To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
KEN WONG Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006/ 2009
2006 2009
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009 Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “ Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009 Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
KEN WONG Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
ken wong Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
Creative Review employee Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
KEN WONG “To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
KEN WONG Creative Review employee , Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
KEN WONG Creative Review employee , Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
2006 2009
KEN WONG Creative Review employee , Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG Creative Review employee , Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “
KEN WONG Creative Review employee , Best New Blood Award winner at D&AD and an ex Graphic design student at LCA.
2006 2009
“To have fun is another way of saying; be yourself when you approach the brief. Allow your personality to find a solution to the problem; this will help you develop as a designer in the long run. The important result of this is that you’ll become immersed within your work and will be proud of your resolution. “