Statement & Rationale

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Module Code

Module Title


Final Major Project



Simon Cherry



REVISED POSITION STATEMENT AND RATIONALE Throughout the course of my FMP, I hope to produce a body of work that reflects my personal interests, which lie primarily within the culture sector, with a focus on branding and identity. The culture sector is an area of design in which I intend to work in post graduation either with a studio or freelance as I always think it’s important to bounce ideas and excitement off other creative thinkers. My FMP should reflect my ability to be heavily conceptual and execute ideas to the highest quality using type and layout as well as high-level print finishes. Also my work must be contextualized if it is to be successful.

THEMES / SUBJECTS What Themes/Subjects will form the basis of your work for the final major project? This should include Theoretical and non design based content and concerns.

GENERAL THEMES: Concepts Arts & Media Culture Branding Print Promotion Communication theory

SPECIFIC SUBJECTS: Book binding, promotion, print, Fine art, sculptures

DESIGN CONTEXT Identify areas of professional/ creative practices that will inform the contextualization of the work that you produce. This should include specific designer’s, studios, practitioner’s and products as well as broader creative disciplines and methods of

DESIGNERS/STUDIOS: Studios/designers that will influence/inspire me throughout the course of my FMP work predominantly (or has experience) within the culture sector and are designers/studios who work with a lot of type and imagery. Qubik Hey Studio Because Studio Peter Saville Wim Crouwel

Production / Distribution.

Teacake The Beautiful Meme Made Thought

AUDIENCE/CONTEXTS: Artists, Gallery goers, agencies, designers, museums. PRODUCTION /DISTRIBUTION METHODS: Print production Brand design/development Online distribution Print distribution Book binding DESIGN DISCIPLINES What areas of graphic design practice do you intend to investigate in relation to the practical and conceptual production / distribution of work in response to selected briefs

DESIGN SKILLS What practical design skills do you intend to further develop and apply during your final major project. What do you intend to use the skills for. Consider extending the use of skills that you already have in order to deliver work of a professional standard as well as identifying new skills that you will need to develop.

Typography, Promotion, Professional print production, photography

A skill I wish to develop further is my type skills. I’ve always been fairly confident using type but when I went on a placement, I realized just how much I still didn’t know (technical wise). I’m looking forward to experimenting and learning more about type during the duration of this module and beyond. I also want to build my concept skills. In previous years I had been working on prewritten briefs and built concepts around a pre written idea. This module, like the previous module, briefs are to be written from scratch and sometimes I struggle to come up with a core idea for a brief. Improving this skill will mean my briefs are more interesting/engaging. This will also benefit me in post grad because it will greatly enhance my creative thinking when it comes to pitching ideas to clients. Bookbinding is another key skill I want to dive further into. It became very popular with peers last module and I was very impressed with the quality / variations of bounds that people were using.

PROPOSED BRIEFS List any briefs that you have already identified as possible starting points for your Final Major Project. You should include possible competition and Live briefs as well as identifying briefs that will allow you to develop a

1.End of Year show pitch 2.D&AD Make your mark 3.Scandinavian Architecture exhibition 4. Possible Collab with Matt Tucker 5.Year Book 6.Context 7.No Comment

significant body of research and development in relation to your stated Themes/subjects, Design disciplines and production / distribution methods KEY TEXTS. List a selected number of books, articles and texts that are central o your proposed area of practice. These should include a combination of design and nondesign based books, theoretical texts as well as visual publications.


9. Counteract 8. Artist Exhibition (Possible collab with fine artist)

Wim Crouwel A graphic odyssey Peter Saville Estate 1-127 Designed by Peter Saville Ways of seeing – John Berger On Brands – Wally Olins How to design a typeface The elements of Typographic style- Robert Bringhurst

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