Danger of world’s settlement system in the conditions of increase of global sea level consists not only and not so much in the direct level of rising of water, how many in those global and local natural cataclysms that will inevitably follow (hurricanes, a tornado, a tsunami, a cold snap). People will be anyway compelled to leave coastal megalopolises as in due time Romans left Rome. In the project, we assume that social communications of citizens are so inseparable that rather a city will leave together with people.
The ARK represents the crystal layers placed on the leg’s mechanism and is capable to move on any surface both on the mainland, and on an ocean floor. Leg’s mechanism, is safest, steady, operate and is adapted for habitat of the human settlement. Such principle of movement is based on use of an ultra-strong design of the step mechanism, materials based on carbon fabrics and plastic fiber. This system will secure the cities - arks against permanent storm, the increased volcanic activity and other disasters.
The idea and functional focusing of separate arks is interesting, the hierarchy of the settlement habitual is quite possible now: raw, production and administrative arks.
We assume that in system of moving arks, the existing systems of communication will not be able to work. To them multipurpose independent nanomechanisms will come to replacement. Production habitual to us, now in the form of large-scale objects we suggest to divide into the microscopic universal elements, which are carrying out functions of production and transportation of resources, information and energy. We call it Autonomous Rechargeable Kinematical Swarm. (A.R.K.S.)
In developing the project we were inspired by a Song about a petrel by M.Gorky and St. Anthony’s temptation painting by S.Dali. High above the silvery ocean winds are gathering the storm-clouds, and between the clouds and ocean proudly wheels the Stormy Petrel, like a streak of sable lightning. Now his wing the wave caresses, now he rises like an arrow, cleaving clouds and crying fiercely, while the clouds detect a rapture in the bird’s courageous crying. / M.Gorky
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1. Sea-level rise. According to experts by 2070 the sea level will rise at the 70 cm and the process does not stop at this level.
2. The melting of glaciers will lead to an imbalance of fresh and salt water, which will stop the Gulf Stream ocean ow. Increasing the area of the reecting surface of the water will lead to cooling of the climate. Both of these phenomena give rise to a new ice age.
3. Imbalance of masses on the Earth's surface, due to the appearance and movement of new glaciers will lead to a sharp increase in volcanic activity, the number of earthquakes and tsunamis.
Initial data for the creation of Arks