Collectionneur de mémoire

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Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire architecture is a living creature having memory

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

Section along the water

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

General view of the underwater Venice and a Memory Collector structure as a new city

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

Underwater view

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

Inside the tower






Stages of the grow of the Memory Collector structure


Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

valuable historical architecture with

not valuable typical architecture with


used as construction materials for Memory Collector

‘Collectionneur de mémoire’, the system with artificial intelligence. It can move and grow, using the technology of threedimensional selfprinting.

NO memory

— artifacts for vertical exhibition structures



tilitarian function: it provides communication between buildings in the flooded cities, filling them with life. It also connects the cities with each other.




hilosophical and ideological function: the persistence of memory / the genetic code of a civilization that was destroyed due to the global ecological cataclysm. Civilization, which preserves Memory is able to revive.

top valuable architecture with

Hight level of memory are preserved on place with creating 3D holographic images on water


Collectionneur de mémoire

The system have main functions:


ptimization of civilization after the cataclysm — buildings, that do not have unique historical value, that contains no Memory are used by the system for the construction of itself and buildings for the storage of the Collections, valuable fragments of architecture and other things, among which people live.

Collectionneur de mĂŠmoire

According to Moore’s law the speed of computers doubles every 18 months.


y the end of the 21st century we have reached parity of computing power with the machines. At the same time, the global sea level has grown so much that most of the cities — the historical centers of the world was flooded. We always feared the Artificial Intelligence. In the depths of our fear of it, actually was an axiom that the AI will instinctively not smarter than we are. Imagine our surprise. E-mind much more than we was embarrassed by the irrationality of this world. The AI has become too smart, it quickly realized that, of course, it can survive, but what then?


aced with the fundamentally unknowable world, AI was looking for the key, tragically realizing that it’s own very rational nature will be very difficult, almost impossible to alter. AI gave us a new science Genetics — it’s not just DNA, it’s something that started in the first nano-moments after the Big Bang, the moment of the first appearance of matter, but maybe a little earlier, when fluctuations — irregular fragments of space-time appeared. Ancient and still unclear plan existed in the first atoms, later in the first galaxies, stars, planets, life, and then in humans. This is the discussion thread about the universe, which we tried to catch all together.


here was no confrontation between AI and humans, but what in biology is called symbiosis appears. We, the people was admired the decision speed, simplicity, accuracy, and efficiency of еру ideas from our electronic colleagues. They meticulously searched any nuggets of irrationality in us. The key was in the subtle nuances. The search for the nuances began in the remains of the “old world”.

So “The was started.

Collectionneur de mémoire

Memory Collector”


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