Stream City presentation

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St r eam ci t y

Br i ef l y

Recentf ut ur e,nearspace. St r eam Ci t ysur r oundst heEar t hl i kear i ng,r emai nsf i xedwhi l et hepl anetr ot at esabouti t saxi s. -Thec i t yi ss i t uat edatanal t i t udeofabout100k m andhasar ot at i onr at eal mos tov er1, 700k m/ habov et heequat or . Thatal l owst oc ompens at et heEar t h' sr ot at i ons peedi nt heSt r eam Ci t y . -Ther ei sal way saf i x edt i meoft hedayi ndi f f er entpar t soft hec i t y : adayi nonepar tandani ghti nt heot herwher ey ouc anenj oyt hev i ewofs uns etal l t het i me. I nt hedays i dey ouc ans eeener gys y s t ems ,s ol arpanel sandgr eenhous est hatf eedt heent i r ec i t y . Theni ghts i dewi l l pr ov i des pac ef orl abor at or i es ,hi ght ec hi ndus t r i es-c r eat i v ec ampus es . -Thec i t ypl ay sar ol eofuni v er s al v ehi c l e.Youc anar r i v eher ebyel ev at or sands hut t l ess t r ai ght f r om t heEar t h,ands t ay i ngi ns i de,l es st hani nonedayappeart obeany wher eont heequat or . Đ°.

Ti me( phi l osophycomponent )

Thepopul at i onoft heEar t hi sf ami l i arwi t husual24hour scycl eoft i mi ng.Thi si sanor m,a st abl esoci et yt r adi t i on.I nt hi spr oj ectwedeci dedt odi vi de t hef ourspacet i mesmodelof r eal i t y ,wechanget i mecomponent ,wer epl acet i me di mensi onwi t hspacedi mensi on: t hescal e«t »i nourcasebecamet hescal e«x»-hour s,mi nut esandsecondsar el ai douti nspace. “ Mynamei sKons t ant i nT s i ol k ov s k y,Iwak eupat6: 00am onFebr uar y7, 1880andi nonehourImus t bei nBohrs c hool ,f ort hatIhav et or unt hr ought hef i el dsandf or es t s ,c ov er edwi t hhugeamountofs now, onl ongdi s t anc ewas t i ngal otoft i me” .Thats i t uat i oni swel l k nowsbynowaday shuman,was t eoft i me hasal r eadybec amei nev i t abl epr i c ewepayev er ydayi ns oc i et y . Aper sonat t ai ned90year sol dseehi sl i vei nhi smemor yl i keast ackofpaper s.Andnomat t er you’ r e30or90,t hosest acksl ookal mostt hesame.Thi si saki ndofat r i ckt i memechani sm andhuman’ sper cept i on.Butwher edoest hatcl ockt i ck? 4Di sbec ameapopul arc onc eptofpr es ent daymi gr at edf r om t het heor i esofAl ber tEi ns t ei nt ot he adv er t i s ement ,butonl yi ndi v i dual sc ani magi nehowt ot hi nkac c or di ngt of our di mens i onal model . Thecl ocki si nsi deus,ourl i vebegi nsandst opbecauseofourusualbi or hyt hms.TheSunr i ses andset s,andasear l yasGi or danoBr unosai dt hatt heEar t hr ot at esar oundt hesunand notconver sel y .

Wef i xt hemomentofci r cul at i on–“st opt heSun”i nourpr oj ectwhatal l owst oswi t cht i meon di st ance.I nor di nar yl i f epeopl ewhohaveeverl oosedt henecessar ymomentoft i mecoul dnot cat chi tanymor e.Youcanar r i vet oSt r eam Ci t yatanyt i meyouneed:youwantt obeont he sunsetsi de-andyougot her e,t oseesunr i se-you’ r ewel come.Youhat et heni ght-f or geti t . Hat et heday–her eyoucanl egal l yl i vet hel i f eofavampi r e,andyoudonothavet ogr ow f angs f ort hat ,youwi l lsi mpl ybeabl et ol i vei nt heni ghtsect oroft heci t y . I nSt r eam Ci t y:t i meequal sdi st ance. I t ’ smadebynat ur e:somepeopl el i ket of i ni sht hei rdayat5o’ cl ocki nt hemor ni ng,t heot her s-t owake upat6: 00am.OnEar t h,suchpeopl er ar el yi nt er sect ,buther e-t heyar ecl oset oeach ot her .Somear ef i nal l yabl et oaf f or dal i f et i meeat i ngmor ni ngcr oi ssant s,andt he ot her s-dr i nkBor deauxever yeveni ng,atsunset .TheBr i ghtSi deofSt r eam Ci t ygat her wor ki ngpeopl e,amongt hem notj ustof f i cewor ker s,butal sof ar mer s." TheDar kSi de"was cr eat ednotonl yf orar t i st s,spect at or s,butal sof orsci ent i st s,r esear cher s,space,empl oyees, numer ousl abor at or i es. Ther ei smor ni ngont heEar t h–i ti sadogma,whi chi suncondi t i onal l ysubor di nat essoci et yand noonei sabl et or esi stt ot her i si ngSun.Weof f eranal t er nat i ve:t heunt ouchabl esspacesofcr eat i ve act i vi t yon" t hedar ksi de" ,whi l eon" t hebr i ghtsi de"wecr eat eapl acef or…

Geomet r y 1700km/ h


St r eam Ci t yr ot at esr el at i vet oEar t hwi t hspeedofl i t t l eovert han1700km/ h,whi l et hepl anetear t hr ot at esar oundi t saxes i nt heopposi t edi r ect i onwi t ht hesamespeed. Thatmeanst hati nt hesyst em Ear t hSunwecani magi neSt r eam Ci t yl i ke ast at i cf r amewi t hi naci r cl i ngEar t h.I noneyearsuchsyst em makesar oundar oundt heSun her ewi t hi tal waysr emai nst ur nedt hei r“daysi de”upt ot heSun. Duet ot hi sf act ,ever ypar toft her i ngci t yi sposi t i onedi nt hei rownpar toft heday,t her ef or ewegetasi gni f i canteconomi cs: i ndust r i alandt r anspor t at i onbenef i t s.Gr avi t at i onf or cesi nSt r eam Ci t ywoul dbeal i keonear t h,becauset her i ngci t y’ sspeedwi l l be l esst hatt heor bi t alvel oci t y( eqw28440k m/ h) ,gr avi t yi sgoi ngt obeonl y6% l esst hanonEar t h.( 1700/ 28440* 100) Suchhi ghnessi sr easonabl ebecauseher ei sanot i onalboundar yoft heat mospher et r ansmi t s–i ti st enuousandchaf i ng wi l lnotmakeani nt ensei nf l uenceonSt r eam Ci t y.Thuswe’ l lal sosucceedt oavoi di nver seef f ect-appear anceofunnat ur al ai r f l ows.Theot herr easonf orsuchl ocat i on–maxi mum pr oxi mi t yt ot heear t h’ ssur f acewhatwi l l r educeschar gesofascent/descent .

Bui l di ngandconst r uct i on el ec t r omagnet i cc ont our

l andi ngf i el d

box es

box es

ext er nalconsol eoft heci t yci r cl e

ex t er nal c ons ol eoft het r ans por tc i r c l e

ci t yci r cl e t r anspor tci r cl e

c abl e

t r ans por tc aps ul e

Bui l di ngofSt r eam Ci t yi si nanal ogywi t ht heconst r uct i onoft heguyedbr i dge:api eri si nst al l i ng, f r om her er opesgoi ngdownandont hem r oadbedi sar r angi ng.I ngeost at i onar y or bi t( i . e. ,hi ghert han35786km aboveseal evel )hangssat el l i t el oadf r om whi chanul t r ast r ong cabl el i f tgoesdownt i l lt hesur f aceoft heEar t h.Wi t hi t shel pwecanbr i ngupbui l di ng component sandassembl et hem i nt her i ghtwayont her equi r edl evel . 400sat el l i t esenci r cl e: 1perever y100km ofSt r eam Ci t y,duet ot hecent r i f ugalf or ceal ar gemasswi l lcar r yont he ent i r est r uct ur eunt i li ti scompl et el yassembl edi naci r cl e–i nt hatwayoursyst em wi l lwor khow ent i r emechani sm byt hecompr essi on–t ensi onscheme.

Twoci r cl essyst em. I nourpr oj ectwesuggestt obui l dt r anspor tci r cl econnect edwi t hsat el l i t e’ sbear i ngcabl esandel evat or s goi ngupf r om t heEar t h.Tr anspor tci r cl ei ssynchr oni zedaswi t ht heEar t h’ ssur f aceaswi t ht hesyst em Ear t hSat el l i t eandnotr evol ver el at i vet oEar t h.Ci t yci r cl ecar r i esal lt heot herf unct i onsandmovesi n adi r ect i onopposi t et ot her ot at i onoft heEar t hatspeedar ound1700km /h,i . e.i ti ssynchr oni zedwi t h t heEar t hSunsyst em.Ci t yci r cl ei sat t achedt ot het r anspor tci r cl eusi ngel ect r omagnet swhi chal sohel p t okeepupar ot at i onspeed( her ewi t hnor eact i onengi ne’ spol l ut i on) . Dur i ngbui l di ngpr ocessbot h ci r cl esst aymot i onl essunt i li nst al l at i oni sf i ni shed,andonl yaf t ert hatandt henci t yci r cl espi nsupt o t her equi r edspeed.

Usef ulf eat ur es.

“ Daysi de”ofSt r eam Ci t yi susedt ogener at et r emendousener gybysol arpanel sandst eam gener at or sf orgr owi ngpl ant s. Wher east hesunl i ghtatt hathi ghl eveli snotdeadenbyt heat mospher e,i t spower / capaci t yal most30% hi ghert hanonEar t h sopl ant si ngr eenhousesgr ow f ast er ,i naddi t i ont her ei sasi gni f i cantUVcomponent ,whi chpeopl ewi l lusei nl abor at or i eswher e St r eam Ci t ywi l lsetupspeci alhybr i dsf ort hat( f orr egul arpl ant st her e’ sgoi ngt obeanext r aul t r avi ol etcut of ff i l t er ) . “ Eveni ngSi de”wi l lal waysof f eral otofspacet ol i vef orgr owi ngear t hpopul at i on. Ther ear ehi ght ec hi ndus t r i es ,per mi t t i ngwor kwi t houtl i ght ,l abor at or i es ,c r eat i v ec l us t er sandas t r onomi c al obs er v at or i esi nt he" Ni ghtSi de" . Heat i ngc ool i ngs y s t em ofSt r eam Ci t yi sdes i gnedwi t hpi pel i neshow’ smar k edbel ow:c ol dl i qui df r om t he“ Ni ghtSi de”wi l l s av et he“ DaySi de” f r om ov er heat i ngandhotwat erf r om “ DaySi de”heatt heot herone.

Tr anspor tf unct i on

St r eam Ci t yser vesasauni ver salai rt r ai n–i n12hour syou cangetont heopposi t esi deoft heEar t hatt heequat or wi t houtanysubsi di ar ychar ges–l i f t / descentf ees. Ther ear e2wayst ogoupf r om t heEar t h: El evat or–publ i candgoodst r anspor t :t r anspor t at i oncapsul e goesupf r om t heEar t ht ot het r anspor tci r cl e,t henusi ng i nst al l edel ect r omagnet si tmovest ot unnelofSt r eam Ci t y andt akeaspeedupt o1700km/ h.I tal soof f erpossi bi l i t yt o t r aveldi r ect l yi nSt r eam Ci t y–movebet weent hei rt i mezones. Shut t l e–pr i vat et r anspor t ,t akeof ff r om t heEar t h;gai ns hei ghtabout100km andspeed1700km/ h;l andsont he l andi nggr oundsspeci al l ydesi gnedi nst r eam Ci t y

Devel opment

Thedesi gnofSt r eam Ci t yi mpor t st hephysi calexpansi onoft heci t y. I nt hecent r albody-ker nelt her ear er esi dent i alar eas,of f i ces,gr eenhouses andt r anspor tl i nks.Ext er nalconsol ei st het er r i t or yofci t y' sgr owt h.I nst eadof sol arpanel sorwi t ht hem t her emayal sobel ocat edpr i vat ehouses,f ar ms, r esear chandof f i cecampuses,aswel last heshut t l el andi nggr ounds. Thi sar eai scal l ed-" SpaceVi l l age" ,whi chi sal wayseasi l yaccessi bl et o r esi dent soft he“SpaceCi t y�-ker nel .

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