«Под Мостом» Конкурсная программа Когда мы каждый день пересекаем реку, мы как-то не замечаем, что ритмичная городская среда разбивается длительной паузой. Череда домов, деревьев, вывесок, светофоров сменяется созерцательной пустотой. Туман и горизонт, отдалённое облачное небо и силуэт города. Можно наконец-то понять, какая сегодня погода, что сейчас делается на небе. Мосты чрезвычайно длинны. А наше восприятие времени — относительно. Пространство над нами и над мостом по которому мы перемещаемся — огромно. Однако, есть ещё и пространство под мостом, пусть и менее глобальное по высоте, но весьма протяжённое по длине. Что это за место? Что мы о нём знаем? Практически — ничего. Это скрытое пространство города, скрытый ресурс. Когда вы, вообще, последний раз проводили время под мостом? Что вы там делали? Когда мы строим себе дом, мы прежде всего хотим получить крышу над головой. Конечно, нужны и стены, как опора для крыши, как защита от ветра, от плохой погоды. Стены возводятся легко: «камень на камень, кирпич на кирпич», но крышу обычно, сделать довольно сложно. Нужны балки, стропила, рабочие и даже подъёмный кран. Строительные технологии возведения крыши значительно сложнее и дороже, чем стен. В случае с пространством под мостом крыша предоставляется изначально. Архитектура подмостных пространств как будто перевёрнута с ног на голову. Здесь мы строим сверху вниз, заново изобретая архитектуру. Что такое архитектура наоборот? Как вы её себе представляе-
те? Она рождает новые антигравитационные образы, в которых растяжение конструкций главенствует над сжатием, а сама структура зданий становится на порядок более эффективной и малозатратной. Конструкции тут лёгки и воздушны. Это — практически, как архитектура на Луне — притяжение Земли перестаёт быть серьёзным противником архитектора. Но это ещё не всё. Помимо конструктивных преимуществ, пространство под мостами, чаще всего, уже находится глубоко в структуре города. Просто оно не видимо, на него никто не обращает внимание. Добраться до него не сложно, но оно не задействовано. В этом — парадокс. Город ищет новые территории для своего развития. Они приобретаются за счёт расширения городских границ, или например, застройки парков и других красивых незанятых мест. А тут не надо ничего разрушать, надо лишь немножко расширить восприятие городского генплана, найти в нём новые измерения, проектировать на нём не как на плоскости, а как в 3D-объекте. Мы предлагаем конкурсантам воспользоваться уникальными перечисленными преимуществами пространств под мостами, а возможно, найти новые. Мы ожидаем от них принципиально новой архитектуры, или наоборот привычной, которая благодаря своему необычному положению в пространстве заиграла по новому, заставив нас всех задуматься. Функция вашего сооружения — то, что более всего необходимо в городской среде. Или то, чего не достаёт обычному мосту, без чего его существование не достаточно полноценно. В общем, всё то, что вы хотите добавить в город в таком необычном, загадочном и немножко космическом месте, как пространство под мостом.
Кратко: Конкурсантам необходимо придумать архитектурный объект, который разместится в пространстве под мостом. Что необходимо городу в этом месте? Или: что органично дополнит мост? 2 территории проектирования: Толбухинский мост Добрынинский мост
международный архитектурный конкурс
Участники: Архитекторы, дизайнеры, гражданские инженеры, ландшафтные архитекторы / дизайнеры, структурные инженеры / конструкторы, градостроители, урбанисты, студенты, а также группы, не более, чем из 7 участников. Количество проектов на одного участника не ограничено.
На выставке представлены проекты из 26 стран: Китая, Канады, Египта, Франции, Германии, Индии, Индонезии, Ирана, Италии, Японии, Иордании, Кореи, Малайзии, Мексики, Филиппин, Польши, России, Сербии, Сингапура, Испании, Шведции, Тайваня, Тайланда, Великобритании, США, Вьетнама.
Tolbuhinsky Plaza Martin Holland, США The goal of my design is to activate the space under Tolbuhinsky Bridge, to establish the under-bridge-space as a unique space that can be part of the city. The concept is to build on what already exist, “What is existing that is good?” There are colorful paintings & murals on the columns that support the bridge, there is a great soccer field/track nearby, and a large space in-between. My concept is to encourage more paintings & artwork — make the under-bridge-space a local “gallery” that people visit. Then, connect this gallery to the soccer field by providing many different types of seating, shading, plantings, water features, and grassy areas — a plaza for the people: Tolbuhinsky Plaza. To make the plaza unique to Yaroslavl, I propose the Country’s Flags be raised, and a large iconic statue of a bear be part of the plaza. As part of the concept, a “painting day” event can be held monthly, or routinely, when artist gather to paint new murals and locals come watch them paint, and everyone enjoys the new plaza. Below are images to help describe the types of areas included in Tolbuhinsky Plaza…
cat/WALK/RUN/SWIM/ PLAY Ilana Simhon, США
cat/WALK/RUN/PLAY/SWIM invites visitors to the typically neglected space below the bridge and transforms it into a suspended linear playground. Each program band allows the users to interact with the architecture in a different way. Certain elements are static, while others can be manipulated  by the user. As the occupants are empowered with individual expression, the object evolves and embodies those who pass through and temporarily own it. The space below a bridge is inevitably used for swimming, social gatherings, graffiti, and other spontaneous activities. As people pass through a public space such as the zone below a bridge, it is human nature to temporarily claim it as their own and to alter it in some way. cat/WALK/RUN/SWIM/PLAY acknowledges this and provides a platform to encourage these typically frowned upon activities. The trajectory begins at the river where users are encouraged to swim in pools during the summer and skate on during the winter. Parallel moving decks along the three pools empower the users to connect the lap, lounge, and children’s pool or to section off the pools for smaller more intimate spaces. Catwalks provide circulation and take the users to the next program band, the graffiti zone. By adding a vaulted surface in this space, the typically negative act of graffiti is monumentalized and therefore encouraged. A pulley system lifts up the users to access the surface and pushes down counterweights to create a highly dynamic painting zone. The vaulted surface also increases visual access and allows for increased communication between the past, present, and future
inhabitants. As the users continue along the catwalks, they reach the performance area where occupants are empowered to put on a show for other present dwellers. A pulley system allows for the backdrops to be changed in order to accommodate all types of performances. Static bleacher seating is provided as well as movable benches on pulleys to allow the users to alter the visual access to the stage. The last established program band is a paint shop to not only serve cat/ WALK/RUN/SWIM/PLAY but to also add to the surrounding industrial area. As the users circulate through the space below the bridge, they are invited to access the predetermined program as well as to discover opportunities for spontaneity. The architectural object is placed in constant motion and evolution by the users and serves to counter the fast paced motion from the vehicular traffic above. Large signs which rhythmically span the bridge at each pier display the weight of the program zone below and communicate the activity levels. More weight implies more people and therefore more activity. This establishes a connection between the world above and the suspended playground below. The functionality of the project lies in the fact that although each program band is connected by a web of catwalks, each is its own entity and can be constructed independently if needed. Catwalks are light and durable and no added structure is necessary to suspend them.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Habitable Bridge for Yaroslavl
Graham Thompson, Великобритания Do we make the best use of the space beneath elevated roadways? We inevitably end up building bridges usually because we want to go over something that we don’t want the road to destroy. There are particular issues with having open/free space under bridges. Mainly the negative issues are: 1. anti-social behaviour 2. homeless shelter from the weather 3.rarely well kept 4. storage for road materials for maintenance to the vicinity 5. not inviting 6.usually surface parking which is unsightly. Questions to take effect for this competition entry: What can be done with this free/ open space? Can this space be used for something more attractive? Positive Aspect The space beneath bridges does have some inherent value in that it is sheltered from the elements. A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles such as a body of water, valley or road for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle.There are many different designs that all serve unique purposes and apply to unique situations. Design of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed and anchored, the material used to make it and the funds available to build it. What does the Habitable Bridge house? — Dual Carriageway Road connection needs to be maintained — multilevel footpaths — multileveled viewing platforms and pause points — connection of parkland on both sides of the bridge — cycle paths need to be incorporated — retail spaces — public covered outdoor multifunctional space
The proposed bridge is a public destination and a new area of interest. It will serve the area, and those who come as visitors. Public leisure activities inhabit the space inside the structure, thus creating space within space! Technical description Integrating microphonic food production into the bridge. By integrating algae technologies into and on the walls will provide shade for the building interior and produce a certain yield, giving the bridge a new identity. The primary material for the bridge will be a variety of concretes. Steel will be the main material for all the other components such as the Entrance Pavilions and the canopies found though out the scheme.
Suspended Suspens. Inbetween playground Marion LACAS, Jacques IPPOLITI, Guillaume BARNAVON, Studio Dièse, Франция
Quels usages pour les dessous de ponts ? The bridge case, qu’est ce qu’une architecture inversée ? D’une architecture de la compression à une architecture de la tension Les particularités du Tolbuhinsky bridge Le pont franchit la rivière Kotorosl, affluant de la Volga au régime nival. Le Kotorosl sépare le sud résidentiel de la ville, déjà sa prériphérie) du centre historique. La distanciation de la rivière se double de celle des zones industrielles de la ville. Les berges du Kotorosl restent peu aménagées, en opposition à celles de la Volga, qui marquent un quai haut et un quai bas clairement séparé. Imaginer un pont construit, aux nouveaux usages, ouvre la réflexion sur le statut de ce parc inondable dans la ville. L’intervention sous le pont initie l’appropriation des berges par la ville. Deux rapports à l’eau : berges aménagées de la Volga et berges naturelles du Kotorosl. Le sol du dessous de pont ne reçoit pas de lumière directe, diminuant fortement une possible végétation. Son inondabilité le rend également peu propice à son aménagement. Scène de crime La dernière fois qu’Hitchcock a filmé sous un pont, c’était pour y trouver le corps inanimé de Madeleine (Vertigo, 1958) dans la baie de San
Francisco. La ville se prolonge sur le pont, marquant une suspension entre deux morceaux de ville, le dessous de pont quant à lui en est soustrait, ignoré de la ville qui file sur son toit. Maintenir le suspens propre au dessous de pont. Le projet propose de dédoubler l’infrastructure en créant un nouveau sol, sous le toit du pont et le sol des berges. En proposant un franchissement sous la forme d’un jeu pour enfant, le projet cherche à maintenir la dimension fictionnelle du lieu, tout en le rendant accessible au plus grand nombre. L’installation du jeu permet d’initier la conquête des berges qui permettra progressivement d’intégrer ces espaces au reste de la ville. Temporalité du projet Le choix de l’échafaudage comme matériau et structure du projet, permet de maintenir l’ambivalence entre structure en compression et en tension. On peut imaginer que les séquences suspendues peuvent être déposées au sol et prendre place dans le parc des berges, tout en évoluant de fonction. Architecture réversible Facilement démontable, il permet également de modifier régulièrement les assemblage pour faire évoluer le projet. Il peut aussi bien exister le temps d’un festival, d’un été, avant de servir à d’autres usages.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Web Between 2 Slabs Sun Jin Woo, Pak Go Eun, Корея There is rigid (solid), Huge infrastructure. Bottom space of this Bridge is abandoned. Because, It’s purpose was uncleared by that infrastructure. But, it is clear that there is a space between the Bridge and the earth. I think there should be soft and flexible structure under that rigid and Huge infrastructure made by concrete. I hang the ropes between the Bridge and the earth. Those ropes are weaved each other and make form and can have function by the people’s activity. People could be sit, lie down, climb, lean on that spider web- like structure.
2.Playground 3.Outdoor Theater 4.Bridge. First, In the bench area, There are 3 Long benches and wood tables, and people can enjoy the picnic, have a rest, eat something. Second, In the Playground area 1, small Mountains are placed continuously. And, there is 00m Long Trampoline zone. And Playground area 2 has one big mountain by the rope structure. Children can climb that mountain like spiders.
And, In the outdoor theater, There are steps made by rope structure and screen for movie play. People can watch the movie at night. And, There is a bridge under the real Bridge. I think it also could be called long and Huge hammock on the River. People can lie, creep, Material have a rest right over the river. Ropes (Diameter 40mm, 60mm), Hardware This proposal shows the maximum use of the space under the bridge. That means, it’s just the one case of many possibilities. This proposal Structural Description is not definite, final form. It could be changed to any forms as needs, Between the Bridge and the earth, Ropes hanged under the bridge and Ropes Fixed on the earth are purpose and function of the space are changed. weaved and pull each other. When the tension is accomplish the equilibrium, ropes are fixed in the air and make surface. And, They can make various form by the length of themselves. That surface can be Long bench, huge hammock, bridge under the bridge, outdoor theater for people. Because, it could make various forms and space for various purpose. Program Layout Space under the bridge is divided to 4 zones — 1. Bench Area
Arshia Eghbali, Kimia Motamedi, Payvand Taheri, Soroush Kalatian, Иран Our proposal, SUB-CHARGE!, is a solution for revitalising the space under the bridge with a social approach. SUB-CHARGE! harvests electrical energy form the inevitable mechanical vibrations of the bridge to create a colorful and lit space for charging mobile electronic devices in an urban setting to bring life to the concept of social and sustainable urban power farms.
Regarding the speed limit of 60 km/h and the approximate weight of different vehicles that pass “Tolbuhinsky” bridge and the traffic — which consists of heavy vehicles due to the fact that the bridge is not far from a factory and is also used for inter-city transit — we could expect a great amount of energy harvested from the vibrations of the bridge by quartz piezoelectric tiles.
As it also comes from the sociological survey among the habitants of “Tolbuhinsky” bridge’s neighbourhood, spaces under the bridges are generally dirty and abounded places which no one tends or even dares to go! This is on the one hand as a result of the lack of light under the bridge especially by night, and on the other hand the deafening noise caused by the vibration of the bridge due to the traffic overhead.
The vibrations of the bridge, caused by traffic passing overhead, are in the form of a sinusoidal graph repeating in different modes and with different angular frequencies which is in a way similar to the waves of the produced AC current.
Bridge joints (where beams reach the end of their span) and column bases are the parts that take the maximum vibration. in those we place Considering these two main issues, our design proposes placing our vibration- sensitive piezoelectric tiles. vibration- sensitive piezoelectric tiles in certain parts of the bridge (explained in following paragraphs) to harvest enough electrical energy for illuminating LED lamps in our hanging cables as well as charging mobile electronic devices. The opportunity to charge mobile devices under the bridge, will bring about the chance for people to follow their activities in social networks as well as gathering in a social space under the bridge. This, resembles the social circles in social networks: making a connection between VIRTUAL social networks and social ARCHITECTURE!
международный архитектурный конкурс
IntEx space
Martín Cruz, Мексика Being one of the most historic cities in Russia and having declared as a World Heritage Site, brings out the importance of the city. One of the main aspects that brought conditions for the development of the city, are the «rivers». We must consider the rivers as natural links and the bridges as a «man made links» that communicate the city; public spaces; parks, gardens, squares. These spaces have been forgotten of the planning for most cities, but at the beginning of this century, we looked at them, seeing a potential urban space. These provide urban areas that can developed multiples activities for all kind of people; from children to elders.
most important; recover the city. Also the material and shape brings the idea that there is no such thing, as walls and roof, just a continuous space. Concept The design is a soft, lightweight surface that curves and produces undulations trough space, like a piece of paper on the wind. This will take us out of the comfort zone were we have been educated, considering the city as something already defined and immobile. The main idea is to bring the concept interior-exterior space that has the under bridge to an architectural concept and later as a form, We don’t need heavy constructed things to feel protected or peaceful in a space.
Bridge The bridge is a interesting place that can be considered as an intermediate space, between indoor and outdoor. Here we have a space Structure — Materials already delimited from the exterior, protected from the rain, sun, snow. The structure can be made of wood, steel or aluminum, the exterior skin can be made from materials ranging from textiles to hard surfaces like corian or polycarbonate. Proposal We consider the space as a very limited «thing», sometimes with four walls and roof. But new concepts showed us the different ways we can define — perceive the space. The project define the boundaries «virtually», without needing a defined structure. Like a under bridge, we have a structure that generate the feeling of being protected inside, but at the same time with full contact of the outside environment. This also give us the opportunity to realize different activities and
Red Circle: A Social Urban Void Psichylectira Mangifera, Bagus Wibowo Suryo, Индонезия SITE The site for this project is located under the Dobryninsky Bridge of Yaroslavl City. This bridge overpasses highway, intercity railway, and a linear urban void which separate two areas with different characteristics, residential area of Leninsky Rayon and Yaroslavl Industrial Plant. Currently, the space under the bridge is rarely used. The dark and uncomfortable conditions make it less appropriate to accommodate human activities, especially social activities. CONCEPT The project aims to create a vivid space that encourages active lifestyle and informal meetings. The design must be simple, slotting into the site with as little mess as possible. It should not detract from the existing items within the environment (including the bridge), nor should it limit the future aspirations to expand or create new significant insertions. As we know, the space under the bridge already has the “roof” ,the wide concrete bridge itself, making it has limited height for the design. This “roof” casts shadow, making the space darker and less comfortable. Putting a new object within this dark and vertically cramped space will make it worse. Rather than put a new object, we propose to make a “void” by doing an excavation under the bridge. This excavation will increase the height of the existing space, make it more spacious and bring more light to come. The soil from the excavation will be used as the sound barrier from the noisy highway and railway.
We also propose to create a dynamic surface for the void. The dig-in space will be creates from the trace of the existing items within the site (bridge structure, etc.). This trace will form a new geometry with various shape and depth to contain various programs and activities within the void. For “The Red Circle”, we focused on creating programs that meets the public needs for convinience facility of outdoor activities. The programs is added to the geometry that we get from the previous tracing process, producing a final form of “The Red Circle”. The red color inspired from the iconic place of Moscow,“The Red Square”, and the home uniform of the local hockey team, Locomotiv Yaroslavl. DESIGN PROCESS The area (yellow) is an intersection between the bridge (blue) and the urban void (pink). We decided to make a circle shaped-design to make it blend with two half circle shaped on/off ramps which connect the bridge and the highway. Because the site is too close to the high voltage tower, for the safety reason, we move the site to the west. PROGRAMS The “void” can be used for various programs and activities. Such as, watching film screening from tribune, music concert, skateboarding, wall climbing, playground, temporary market, etc.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Taylor Tofal, США Many things happen under the bridge. However, the idea of something programmatic,something built for under the bridge,is one not commonly seen. Thus, the importance of such a project must be considered. This is not a place in which one activity can occur, in which one group can meet; it must be, and, in essence, already is, an existing element in the fabric of a location in which unlimited things are possible for any occupant who cares to venture there. A project that stifles these traits takes away from the very quality that makes this space so appealing and unique. “Link” seeks to encourage these elements by providing, quite literally, links within the landscape: a link from under the bridge to its surroundings; a link between the spaces that occur there; a link between the cars that travel past this bridge and the people who stop to explore it. The purpose of the project is varied- for passerby who view it by car, it functions almost as exhibition: a long, woven intervention that seems to grow from beneath the bridge itself. It is meant to be viewed by these occupants at a quick speed, drawing the eye quickly across the bridge and providing some understanding as to the movement that occurs there. However, the project is also meant to be viewed up close. A corten steel “frame,” working in conjunction with the existing concrete of the bridge, makes up the majority of the spaces underneath. Frosted u-glass placed within this frame creates the platforms which users can occupy and adds to the illusion of the light, floating structure. The wrapping of the steel around
these platforms- vertically, horizontally, and in the angular positions that tie them together- holds the spaces in midair, but with a feeling of security that keeps the platforms airy without seeming uncomfortable or precarious for the user. The ways to utilize the project are many. As aforementioned, it can be understood from the context of a driver as an intervention into the place; something to be viewed. When one decides to stop under the bridge, the decision can be made: how far would I like to go? The multiple platforms allow for a number of different ways of occupation. One can move up to the first level, a larger, low space that can be used for viewing out or for standing within. If one chooses, they can stop here, or they can continue up to the next levels of stairways and platforms, which, for the Tolbuhinsky Bridge, will bring the occupant out further and further over the water, and, thus, under the bridge. The spaces are all similarly constructed and designed, and can all host a multitude of activities. Their differences lie in the size and position of each- some are more comfortable for larger groups, for people to sit and stay, while others suggest one or few occupants can occupy them, for viewing or lingering or introspection. The initial platforms are oriented for views outward toward the river, but others begin to turn, allowing one to make the choice of what they would like to focus on. Occupants who are seeking privacy under the bridge can continue to the smaller, farther platforms, and those simply stopping for a rest or a view can quickly access the first.
Варвара Назарова, Наталья Казанцева, Россия, Екатеринбург Название проекта, созвучное со словом «Подмосковье», отсылает зрителя и непосредственного участника площадки к образу красных стен московского кремля – совершенно не похожего на кремль местный. Объекты визуально взаимодействуют со средой аналогичным контрастом, привлекательным для посетителей: днем это авангардноалый на фоне зелени или снега, ночью – яркая подсветка. Основной материал: древесный брус, краска, диодные светильники (питание от освещения моста). Элементы комплекса (павильон, детская площадка, амфитеатры) могут быть собраны как полностью, так и по-отдельности, сохраняя узнаваемость.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Social Parasite
Anders Evenson, Justin Foo & David Rosenwasser, Япония Our project seeks to appropriate and radically transform the empty spaceunder Tolbuhinsky Bridge into both a floating skate park and pedestrian walkway, an architectural spectacle that promotes social exchange. The project is conceived as an architectural parasite, unabashedly alien but still born from pre-existing site conditions. The site’s location under the Tolbuhinsky Bridge, its proximity to the iconic St. John the Baptist Church and our emphasis on enhancing safety are the three key driving forces behind the project. The parasite seeks to forge new spatial and structural relationships with the bridge, church and the Yaroslavl community. The site is an in between space, below the bridge and above the flowing water of the Kotorsol River. It is a kind of exiled, forgotten space, perfect for more informal social experiences. It is also nearby a large playground where local kids and families interact, and the hypermarket named ‘Carousel’. These two places endow the site with a sense of play and hint at its potential to become an architectural spectacle. Based on the sociological survey of residents, the residents surveyed mostly consisted of two distinct age groups: elderly and youths. Our proposal thus presents two main programmatic features, which maximize enjoyment for each agegroup. There is a scenic and accessible avenue for all ages intertwined with a skate park, meant for youths to skate and socialize. These two programs echo the vehicular circulation above them as they weave through each other, promoting cohesion within the Yaroslavl community. The idea of a bridge inevitably connotes operations of levitation and connection. When viewed from afar, the bridge seems to hover above
the water on its pilotis. This image gave rise to our team imagining the project as a kind of floating vessel. This vessel is then levitated above the surface of the water, cantilevering away from bridge, to emphasize views toward the church to the west and the forest to the east. The supporting steel beams are then concealed under the design to hold the vessel securely in place. This allows pedestrians within the space to feel a sense of lightness as the structure appears to defy gravity. Just as how the Tolbuhinsky Bridge connects the two communities separated by the river, the project seeks to establish a connection between the street and its surrounding amenities. The street and lower levels are vertically connected through two flights of stairs. This allows user to get closer to the water while imbuing the south side of the bridge with new life. Unlike the current bridge which does not encourage pedestrians to pause and enjoy the view, our design carves out semiprivate spaces to appreciate the scenery of the Kotorsol River. Through an appreciation of the picturesque, residents will feel more connected to the spaces and natural surroundings. The project also establishes direct access between the street level and the hypermarket, which is frequently used by residents. This utilitarian journey to ‘Carousel’ for groceries is transformed into a fun, visual procession. The design also brings both elderly and youths into the same space, bridging the age divide by fostering new and unexpected social interactions. The design continues to maintain a visual connection to the street above, as drivers and pedestrians catchglimpses of skaters emerging under them and pulling tricks mid-air.
Bubble bridge Ahmad Yaghubi, Иран IN THE NAME OF GOD The present design that I like to name it ’bubble bridge’ Is an organic design which consists of three elements. 1-bubble spheres/balls. 2-netted parts 3-climber plants 1-bubble spheres: The reason for using this spheres as principle part of the project is that we have elements of water and soil together on the earth. Usually their collision give result in creation of bubble and foam, and on the other side , around this bridge , there are several historical churches that for synchronizing this ball with them, was inspired by their form. Bubble sphere is designed in suspension/pending format in order to hide the pile of the bridge and it causes to inspire to viewer that” these are the bubbles that hold the bridge”. Another characteristic ’bubble bridge’ is the suspension of their space which is a special work. Here to avoid from overloading in piles of the bridge, it was used from netted arms that their pile located on the ground and was connected to bubbles. The inside space of these spheres, due to overlapping create a homogeneous space that can have commercial, cultural and recreative applications.
these parts, the climber plants was used. Usually by this way, viewers do not pay attention to supporting the load via this element. The ample number of this elements that have substantial role in the sight of ’bubble bridge’ and to prevent mind occupation and unity formation, it impels us to use from one ordered geometrical figure. 3- Climber plants These plants have essential role in covering the netted parts and creating vacuum(empty space) and full space in the ’bubble bridge’ facade , and also in considering with cold climate and conditions of that region for absorbing and purifying the air and sunlight and saving energy and avoiding acoustic pollution, is of great help. I hope this design in addition to establishing a dynamic civil space can also promotes this historical city.
2- Netted parts/elements The role of this parts are endurance of the load of this suspending spheres. These numerous netted and thin elements cause to draw viewerʼs attention only to bubble sphere and for more elimination of
международный архитектурный конкурс
Upside Down
Florelle CEZE, Eléonore LEVIEUX, Yoann BACH, CLB architecture, Франция Infrastructure: imagination and become Infrastructure crosses, dissects, ignores and spans the territories. Its outline results usually from a technical genius and it imposes itself on the environment. The latter is disrupted. The territory undergoes the support of a flow whose scale exceeds it. Infrastructure face an imaginary linked to nuisances ; pollution, noise, nervousness … tarnish their reputation. Yet infrastructure is also attached to an imaginary linked to the escape, extraterritoriality; it opens the field of possibilities. The bridge shows a feat in terms of engineering. Its brutalist concrete architecture relates the force convened to challenge the geographical elements. Structural details draw a setting that denotes the rest of the landscape. Impressive in its size and scope, its presence marks a bunch of territory and creating a shadow zone, suspend, left out of urbanization. Originally, the infrastructure was located far from city centers, today the urban development brings it within the city. Land attached to them, long neglected, now becomes an opportunity. Telling the city from the infrastructure Like a traveling rail, infrastructure draws a line in the landscape that gives an angle of view, directs the eye. The bridge disrupts «natural» geography of the site, it overturns its contours. It creates high points to observe the site from above. The motorist who travels on the top of the infrastructure, observes a series of images framed by the passenger compartment. Only a few emergences enable him to identify where he is, to understand that he
is actually crossing a river. The pedestrian who explores the underside of the infrastructure is required to collect a interspersed landscape, framed by the long bridge deck and succession of columns. To design a suspension bridge route The project aims to plot an itinary for the festival. The latter is a part of a scenography which highlights the intrinsic qualities of the site namely contrasting topography. The ground level is increasing gradually to draw the different beds of the river, the bridge pick up from ground level to span the river. The objective is to take advantage of the structure that forms the bridge and to hang a horizontal footbridge parallel to the deck of the infrastructure that oscillates between the columns The beams conceal fasteners that suspend an envelope that identifies the footbridge The shell forms a backdrop for the visitor who observes the various elements set. Its changing rate offers variable settings. The underside of the highway becomes a museum; Gateway embodies the meaning of the visit; the envelope is an element of identification involved in this general scenography. Conclusion > to create a route within the festival which takes the form of a upside down home and create unexpected points of view > to put the landscape and the urban fabric within unexpectable frames > to stop the flow ang go back to the local > to scenography abandoned space, to open it and let it to be seen…
Under the bridge - for people
Oskar Amiri, Piotr Maćkiewicz, Польша Bridges that are filled in the urban structure remains close to its inhabitants, being seen, but not visited – for there is not a single reason why should they. The remote place — offering literally nothing — is not the one that you cross by on your way with daily routines. Therefore it is essential that the area itself became a destination of choice, the one that is planned to see and reach. It is possible, through fulfilling it with alternatives to be done, which will prove to be attractive for people. Here immediately occurs the problem of fitting the solution to everybody’s needs. Speaking about people it is knowingly hard to define universal solutions that will guarantee the popularity of newly created space. Having an awareness of things mentioned above we decided to open the place functionally for as much groups of people as it was possible. The aim was to give almost every inhabitant from local neighbourhood – but not only them – a reason, pretext to get there. We tried to get in touch with different age groups in order to integrate them around one place – give the people of all age the feeling of belonging and affiliation. We attempted to combine one area for those, who are interested in culture and co-create it, with those who prefer sport and outdoor activities. Physical closeness of them — using the same space, meeting each other — will presumably result with increased contact between members of different groups. It will also present to some of them the idea of different activities to be done; possibly interest them with new hobbies to explore. Good public space – and we think of this place as one of them – should not only provide variety of possibilities, but be able to do so in different conditions and situations. What we have as a base is roof – shelter
from the rain or snow, but we don’t have the interior, which could sustain even the hardest weather. One option in presented situation is to create it by using architecture, but we didn’t choose that. For answering why, we find a few explanations. First of all, interior must be maintained, what costs, and we believe in self- sufficient solutions. Secondly, in temporary absence of people — for instance in night — it becomes risky, for it attracts crimes to happen in remote and visually isolated areas. One another argument is that big advantage of place under the bridge is widely open space, and it would be cruel to ignore it by creating unnecessary volume in it. The key element in our proposal is marketplace, for we believe that always, where there are people, there is trade. Trade of goods, trade of knowledge, trade as a way of spending free time, meeting people, the heart of human life – widely understood exchange. One of way to interact with others is to perform. Scene dislikes emptiness, and encourages to act. Providing just a chance one can expect action. Barely infrastructure is needed, when there is initiative and spirit. Moment of show might be gone with a blink of an eye, but there is kind of transfer that stays. Words and even more – images – can stay longer and become a permanent message to those who care to look. Young people leave their thoughts and visions on many walls they pass by – some of them are visually damaged that way. If there is a constant need to express self, why not to give opportunity to do so? For those who choose outdoor physical activities as a way of spending their free time and integrate with others we prepared some alternatives, providing variety of options, basing on different will and temporary weather conditions.
международный архитектурный конкурс
WAKE UP the bridge
Marta Albanell, Gemma Cisa, Albert Moreu. pou[arch], Испания The aim of the project is the Re-Activation and Re-Socialization of the The elements The overlook: Transforming the existing river bank to an active wooden area situated under the Tolbuhinsky bridge. walking- viewing point. It is connected to the existing paths, and also to the city itself. What do we have? an existing bridge which function is the fast city connection. Under Formed by two slopes, one facing the river and the other to the screen, the bridge it lies an unused greenery area with a river that gets frozen offering the possibility of standing or sitting at the stands. · The terraces are the highest part of the overlook, where people can during the winter time. To attract inhabitants to this otherwise unused spot of the city, we be stand up watching the river activities. · The stands offer the opportunity to be seated while looking at the need to ge- nerate ACTIVITY. Wake the Bridge Up project wants to link this real huge greenery area lands cape. to all the inhabitants of Yaroslav, creating a meeting point of activity, · The stands offer the opportunity to be seated while looking at the screen. sport, culture… all of it linked with the existing nature. The wake activities: a round circuit for wake/snow boards is hanging on the bridge top structure. How do we do it? Re-connect and re-activate the under bridge area, considering the main The circuit consists of two walkways that take you from the overlook struc- ture of the bridge as the backbone of the project. Giving a dual to the floa- ting platform where the activities starts. functionality to the existing elements, such as the river and its bank. · The river becomes a neuralgic activity center — Wakeboard (summer) Snowboard (winter) · The river bank becomes a panoramic overlook. · The existing bridge structure holds all wiring and equipment necessary for the river activities.
OZ : The Rainbow Bridge DAD ARCHITECTE, Франция
The project was designed like a delicate mutation rather than a drastic The footbridges are made of steel suspension cables that hold long change. It is like two worlds have met in a storm becoming a bridge beams. These form the primary structure. The secondary steel structure between childhood and reality. lies on it and holds a sanded glass floor. The curtain walls that end up defining and closing space are hanging on to the concrete beams of Based upon the existing structure, we have chosen to suspend the existing bridge. footbridges, this way we aim at adding new programs under and through We walk along the bridge like we would through a giant kaleidoscope the exiting bridge, in the same time we want to give it a colour punch, letting ourselves watch the world through the eyes of the child that to encourage people to come and spend time in place that is somehow each one of us have been and in a way still is. different. For example we have settled Workshops for artists as well as exposition galleries. Some of those grafted colour bridges are kept free from particular use just in order to enhance the walking experience. Some of them touch the ground to create access to and from the top all along the span. When being aside, some of the suspended structure operate a fusion becoming a unique continuous and common space. Although very coloured, the new structure lets the existing concrete structure stay visible, for the bridge to keep this “so structural” identity that already creates an interesting mix with wild nature all around.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Al Miller / LaRellim Studios, США Bring Light to the Dark, Warmth to the Winter, Life to the Shadows. Support your Neighborhood FEPMBi MoCTa!In 2011, 40% of Russia’s food and 80% of its fruits and berries were grown in community dacha gardens. Providing an environment that can be farmed year round would change the paradigm of local food production to include the long winter months. Through the combination of SolaTubes (to bring in and concentrate light) along with large hydroponic garden pods and greenhouses (to maximize yields), FEPMBi MoCTa or Farm Bridges will allow Russian Communities to harness the full potential of these unused spaces and provide the community a year round source of local, farm fresh produce. SolaTube is an advanced daylighting system that combines extremely reflective surfaces on the interior of ducts and a lensing device that concentrates sunlight at the aperture of the skylight, capable of delivering sunlight deep within buildings. Combining these tubes with integral grow lamps will greatly reduce the power consumption of the facility while providing year round growing conditions. Primarily composed of concrete for thermal massing, with small glazed greenhouses popped off of the form for larger fruit trees, sustainable materials drive the form. Hydroponic pods are fed with reverse osmosis filters having purified the river water below. These farms not only allow local residents access to year round produce, but also a peaceful space to sit under a blooming apple or cherry tree in the depths of winter. The average Russian already understands the necessity of community gardens and takes advantage of the seasonal dacha farming. However, the short growing season and long winter in much of the country limits
the availability of these methods for much of the year. Each bridge could serve its own neighborhood. Each citizen could belong to their community bridge. Giving people a new way to take pride in what the garden produces for the community. SolaMaster Series — SolaTube — 330 DS Open Ceiling Climate can affect the efficient capture of daylight. This series of SolaTube comes in multiple configurations engineered for specific climatic conditions. The SolaMaster 330 DS-O maximizes light output at any time of day. It effectively captures low-angle sun rays in the mornings late afternoons and winter months, and collects high-angle rays at midday for powerful performance. It is ideal for lighting spaces with open ceilings (exposed roof decks) where light variances aren’t an issue. • Tube size ≈ 21 in. (530 mm) • Potential tube length ≈ 50+ ft. (15 m) Hydroponic vs. Soil Farming Yields per Acre Overall, the main advantages of hydroponics over soil culture are — more efficient nutrition regulation, availability in regions of the world having nonarable land, efficient use of water and fertilizers, ease and low cost of sterilization of the medium, and higher density planting, leading to increased yields per acre. Each bridge could provide up to a half acre of plantable space.
Urban Tree House
Terence Chew Wei Liang, Felicia Lim Yu Qing, Сингапур Bridge for cars. Nature for people. We reminisce our playful childhood memories of climbing tree houses and exploring nature. Today, the city is for cars and concrete precedes the natural landscape. The city’s road network dominates the cityscape. By tapping on the multi-tiered, fun and explorative typology of tree houses, this project aims to reverse the city peoples’ segregation from nature using the space beneath the bridge to create intermediaries between the city and nature. Spanning the city like a spine, the volume beneath the bridge has the potential to activate the surrounding greenery. This has been overlooked because of the hectic city life and the void. If there was a convenient way to reduce the gap between city and nature, it would encourage people to step out of the concrete pavement and immerse in the natural landscape. The bridge has a connecting role within the urban fabric of Yaroslavl and has the potential to bridge the active Northern and the serene Southern activities. However, the current site is unutilized because it is dominated by motor vehicles on the top side. Suspended and Playful tree houses Instead of simply being a transiting zone, the concrete roof and pillars provide structural support that opens up new possibilities of travelling other than on the flat ground — walkways can be suspended. With the idea of suspension, a whole new space can be imagined without constraints. New paths can be created and activities can be crafted to be played out creatively. Suspension gives the space under the bridge more layers, creating vibrancy and energy at the site.
Reconstructing the idea of a modern urban tree house, a modular approach is taken for simplicity in design and construction. With the concrete bridge above as roof, a tree house in this context does not require a roof, which opens up the space into nature. The triangle modules provide flexibility three-dimensionally. Its ability to connect and fold provide for a unifying language to tie the site together as connector that weaves through the landscape. This modular form can transform to form spaces like pavilions, stadium, amphitheater, etc. and many more iterations. Zoning and merging of spaces for different users and activities ensures that the connector is welcoming to all ages. Be it the elderly who prefer privacy and quiet spaces or youths who want to play or families who want to bond. Entrance: amphitheater as attractor, performance space, attention inwards Zones of serenity: towards the green and water, ‘healing’ garden, Therapeutic for elderly, rejuvenating Active zone: opportunity to activate the barren land in between bridge and playground Adventure zone: uneven terrain for climbing, jumping and balancing. Play zone for children. The natural landscape in a city has always been so near yet so far. Urban «tree» houses aim to bridge this gap by utilizing the existing structure to create a meaningful public space.
международный архитектурный конкурс
The Social Address
Sreyash Dasgupta, Upasana Paul, Индия PROJECT BRIEF To design an architectural object in the space under the Tolbuhinsky bridge that would add to the city fabric. EXISTING CONDITION The project is proposed under the Tolbuhinsky bridge. The landscape of the region wears a cold and barren character, which is pierced by the straight line of the Tolbuhinsky bridge. The sociological survey of local residents reveals a lack of adequate activities in the area.The area lacks social gathering places, green spaces, and sport related activities. PROPOSAL An effort has been made to break the rigidity of the urbanscape in terms of material and geometry, breaking the concrete straightness of the bridge by introducing the curve beneath the straight line, married with bright colours against a sea of white, reflecting a much needed contrast. The curve envelops functions that infuse life and activity in the area, thereby rejuvinating the entire space below the bridge and the landscape connecting this space. THE FORM 3 modules of length 35m, 50m and 60m of wire mesh and polymer based material are curved independantly to form different shapes and joined longitudinally/horizontally to envelop different functions. These 3 modules can be used and re-used to create innumerous forms creating endless opportunities of infusing function within the space generated from the curves. The final form is easily assembled and disassembled and can be installed across the length of the bridge revitalizing the entire area below the bridge.
THE FUNCTION Functions proposed (though not limited- would depend on the form created out of the modules) 1. Cafetaria 2. Theatre 3. Roller Skating 4. Games Zone 5. Social Hall SOCIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL IMPACT OF THE PROJECT The forms created from the modules would house a variety of activities and thereby would bring to life the space under the bridge, and the extension into the landscape. It would result in social gatherings, interactions and exchange of ideas, celebration and unity amongst the local people. The theatre, games arena and giant LED screens would bring in people of all ages together to celebrate heritage, culture, art and in general to celebrate life!..A truly Social Address it would be! ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE PROJECT The activities defined by the form would automatically bring in revenue for the private/public sector.As a result of the proposal attracting footfall, people would like to invest in more activities in and around the area, thereby germinating a social and economic development. Further each aspect of the project would be reused for a multiple number of functions thereby expanding its scope of affecting the city fabric, and turning this space under the Tolbuhinsky bridge into the ultimate Social Address of the region!
Spark Park
Jeffrey Holzer, Emily Larkin, США The space underneath the Tolbuhinsky Bridge was a neglected and uninhabitable space for the community. Spark Park strives to connect with the surrounding context, engage the people, and operate as a newly regenerated gathering site. Passive, active, interactive, aesthetic, and gathering programs are the foundational opportunities within the site to improve the community on a social hierarchy. Rooted from the idea of darkness and unusable space, the inspiration of creating a light park underneath the Tolbuhinsky Bridge remedies the problem of fearful space in order to create newly discovered socially active space. The goal is to enlighten an energized environment and brighten the prideful Yaroslavl identity. Yaroslavl influences and precedents ignited to reimagine the historical resilience of the city through an active landscape, to spark inspiration, and encourage a hope to future generations. This is accomplished while dimming uncertainty and focusing on illuminating social potential in the dark space under the bridge. The warm atmosphere emphases recreational opportunities that engage residents to appreciate, highlight, and idealize the significance of Yaroslavl in an unconventional space. Incorporating light as the main program enlightens the space and encourages the community to engage, take ownership, and beam with exuberant pride in a space unique than any other.
Technical description The most important aspects of Spark Park, from a materiality standpoint, are the lighting. In order to create the mesmerizing light displays and interactive pieces, lights powered by solar panels along the sides of the bridge are intertwined through the meadow areas through fiberoptics to create a flowing, moving meadow underneath the bridge. Additionally, interactive lights are utilized in the water on a sequence grid to shoot human operated beams from the top of the bridge to the bottom. Finally, light and movement are seen in day activities by the specific material veneered on the columns of the bridge. This refracts lights and shadows throughout the surface of the material to create flashing reflections powered by human shadow and movement in both day and night. The layout of the park is symmetrical to both sides of the river. Entering the North end, the first space is a gathering plaza for people to have the opportunity for various spontaneous activities of recreation or relaxation. Adjacent to this space is a lawn area that accommodates active recreation and can service the plaza if needed. Encompassing these areas is a meadow that increases both human aesthetic quality and environmental biodiversity. Once through the meadow, a terraced amphitheater engages the water, allows for large active gatherings, and acts as a barrier to control flooding waters. At the base of the terrace is another plaza space for social opportunity. Stemming from here, interactive wetland areas allow for users to walk on top of the water and experience the wetland grasses first hand.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Парк «Линия жизни»
Заиграев Константин / Мунштукова Ирина, Россия Рекреационная среда Ярославль всегда был известен своим хоккейным клубом Локомотив, который непрерывно находился в числе сильнейших страны. 7 сентября 2011 года команда попала в авиакатастрофу. Это трагическое событие навсегда останется в сердцах и памяти близких погибших, а так же жителей Ярославля и их преданных болельщиков. Это навело нас на мысль о создании мемориального парка: места встречи и теплых воспоминаний, пространства, где можно окунуться в историю событий и жизни игроков, где люди могут вспоминать, осознавать, принимать и созидать Идея и формообразование Основа художественного образа парка была взята из хоккея — нас вдохновили линии от коньков на льду, которые так разнообразно создают целые рисунки и узоры. На генплане отчетливо видно, как линии газонов, дорожек, водных объемов переплетаются друг с другом на территории под мостом и около него, образуя цельный характер ландшафта. Чем ближе линии к мосту, тем они интенсивнее, и, постепенно удаляясь от моста, они разрежаются, а зеленые пространства соответственно становятся больше по площади. Чтобы мост гармонично вписывался в такой сложный бионический ландшафт, мы решили оплести его конструктивными лентами. Сама форма напоминает траекторию полета самолета, движение ветра, динамики в воздухе, которая плавно переходит в ландшафт и продолжает свои извивающиеся линии по земле – непрерывное
движение сверху вниз, справа — налево, из трехмерного пространства — в двухмерное. Функция Функциональная начинка проекта распределяется от дороги к набережной на следующие зоны: Входная зона, Зона Соприкосновения (посвящается погибшим в авиакатастрофе), Зона Созерцания (просмотр фильмов, спортивных трансляций, показ событий из жизни игроков и тренеров), Зона Умозрения (спортивные игры, тренировки, физкультура), Зона Мышления (лабиринт), Зона Созидания (набережная с лавочками). Конструктивная схема. В конструкцию моста встроена функциональная система иллюминации: в вечернее и ночное время каждый час определенным кодом транслируется метео прогноз на следующий день. Так как эта конструкция в определенных местах опускается на землю, в некоторых ее фалангах будут располагаться дополнительные лестницы. В стремительную конструкцию интегрирована футуристическая скульптура, отображающая, как функциональные, так и эстетические особенности моста. Мост отражается в живописной реке, стараясь размыть границы между природой и современным техногенным дизайном. При просмотре его с разных сторон, возникают различные ассоциации: если идешь по мосту, то создается ощущение, что ты попадаешь в воронку, а со стороны структура указывает на динамику движения.
Форсируй! Гуляева Анастасия Сергеевна Кузнецов Лев Юрьевич, Cанкт-Петербург, Россия Покорение Которосли. Покорение реки — комплекс спортивных аттракционов для всех возрастных групп. Различные локации, расположенные под Толбухинским мостом, и соотносящиеся с его осевой линией, рисуют сценарий преодоления реки в несколько этапов, определяемых в соответствии с возрастом участников, подразумевая не соревнования или состязания, а рекреационный отдых. В отличие от моста,обязанного помочь пересечь водную преграду,суть игровых зон под мостом создать увлекательное путешествие от одного берега до другого. Здесь присутствует мотив инициации: полное прохождение участником всех зон, возможное только в соответствие с возрастным развитием, символизирует переход индивидуума на новый уровень развития. Рекреационные участки, нанизанные на одну тропу, составляют массив игрового парка, тропа же, разделенная посередине реки понтонным участком, связывает возрастные группы. Крупные, в отличии от своих типологически близких дворовых или городских собратьев, своим масштабом эти зоны создают иное пространство и невероятные сценарииразвития известных видов отдыха. Размещенный в одной из секций кинотеатр должен привести в парк людей в вечерние, ночные часы, и нести культурно-просветительскую функции.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Центр современного искусства Александр Чувилин, Россия, Ярославль Выбор темы и особенности территории. Проектируемая территория находится неподалеку от центра города — в пойме рекиКоторосль, с другой стороны проектируемое пространство значительно вытянуто по длине, и относительно узкое по ширине – похожее на галерею. Таким образом,территория как бы подсказала выбор темы: универсальное выставочноепространство — «Центр современного искусства». Территория для проектирования – является экологически загрязненной. При сгорании автомобильного топлива выделяется ряд опасных для здоровья веществ, что делает жизнь на подобных территориях невозможной. Учитывая современное движение технического прогресса, возможно в недалеком будущем люди откажутся от использования нефтепродуктов как топлива, и проектирование на подобных территориях станет актуальным. Поэтому в этой работе я условно исхожу из того, что экологическая среда – удовлетворительна. Решение окружающего пространства. Внешнее пространство представляет собой открытую территорию, контекстуальносвязанную с городскими коммуникациями, имеющее клиновидные выходы во внешнюю природную среду и имеет подходы к воде. Таким образом, выставочный центр является объемно-пространственной композицией, имеющей контекстуальные окончания во внешнюю среду. В проекте предусмотрены подъезды автотранспорта. Aeyrwbjyfkmyjt htitybt ghjtrnf& Это сооружение представляет собой универсальное пространство — «пространство для общения», т.о. решение здания не стандартно с точки зрения функции и неимет стандартного набора помеще-
ний. Здесь дана полная свобода перемещения посетителей и свобода проведений мероприятий любого толка, главное — люди и их общение. Внутренне пространство – сложное: не «мисовское», расчлененное галереями и фракталами стен на множество функциональных «подзон», перетекающих одна в другую. Единственным стандартным помещением – яв-сязрительный зал. Так как проектируемое пространство «под мостом» значительно вытянуто по длине и узкое по ширине — я использую основной принцип: все коммуникации и часть функций вынесены наружу — на фасад. Все лестницы, подъемники и часть выставочного пространства, расположены на открытых галереях. Объем представляет собой павильон, выставочное пространство которого переходит во внешнюю среду — имеет «обитаемый фасад». С точки зрения функции – основным аналогом является «Центр современного искусства им. Дж. Помпиду» в Париже. Посетители имеют возможность начать «осмотр» с любого места: снизу — со стороны фасада или прямо с моста, для этого есть подъемник и лестницы. Такие пространства как вход и вестибюль –условны и отмечены на планах как главный вход и вестибюль. По сути все сооружение яв-ся арт пространством. Все подсобные помещения, сан узлы – в подземной части. Пространство здания расположено в четырех уровнях – 3-х надземных и одном подземном. В надземной части размещены основные помещения, выставочное пространство, галереи и зрительный зал. В подземной части размещены инженерные коммуникации и сан узлы. Кинозал имеет традиционные ряды для сидений и современную кино-проекционную. Эвакуация возможна из любой части здания через галереи и лестницы.
Viruth Purichanont, Великобритания Tolbuhinsky Art Centre Known as the important transportation infrastructure, the developing of the bridge keep human community connected beyond the limitation of landscape. It connect the continent in the ancient time, it connect the city and provide rapid transport for the modern time. But it left the massive structure below its smooth surface. This structure hidden from the surface, hidden from the bridge user, but provide space with huge opportunity to re-use it. While the top surface been used as the bridge for vehicle and pedestrian, the structure provide the huge and strong shed. This shed have been adopted by the people. Sometimes it become shed for homeless, sometimes it become football field, community garden, or even become the luxury pub or office in developed country such as UK. But what should be there? What should be under the bridge? But I have another question come up. Do we really have to define what will be in those space? Since this kind of urban fabric can be found in anywhere. And each site have their own potential. Instead of design what should be there, the idea of flexibridge is the flexible structure that can be attached under the bridge and make it possible for those space to become everything. The structure that will provide the most elementary architectural elements that allow any program to inhabit in those space, and simple enough for the local to establish this structure with simple tools. I decide to look back to the primitive elements in architecture. There are two elementary elements required for make the enclosed volume, horizontal plane (floor) and vertical plane (wall). The relationship of those elements under the rule of physic create the container which secure object from outside environment. The most important advantage of space under the bridge is the fact that they already provide structure to hold the roof. So what we need is just the horizontal elements that sustain by itself. Among the different
construction technology I prefer the use of scaffolding. The advantage of scaffolding is the possibility to create the vertical elements without need of massive foundation, the ability to extend the wall, and ability to re-install it again somewhere else. This basic structure allow the user to upgrade or extend the building by themselves, to find the form that correspond to the site and community. There are also potential of create enclosed space by connect the panels of light wall or glass to the scaffolding structure, now the structure will become the wall. The user will have many option of panel that fitted for become a façade for each different program. Why Tolbuhinsky Art Centre? Tolbuhinsky art center is only one example of how scaffolding architecture work in the context of tolbuhinsky bridge. Due to the site survey, this space locate in the industrial areas. There are no urban infrastructure in those area accept the huge shopping mall and the church nearby. Nevertheless this area is connected to the river bank. Those long narrow river bank also provide some plant and have potential to develop into esplanade and park, connect shopping mall and the church together. I decide to use the scaffolding structure to create art center under Tolbuhinsky Bridge. To provide the public art center to the community. The project include two main structure, the river front section provide the studio for local artist and kids, workshop room for public workshop, Exhibition space and public theatre. The road front section provide café space and local market, to use as commercial section that gain fund for run the project.The design aim to demonstrate the scaffolding structure in the exterior but also maximize the interior space. Just like how the bridge connect transportation to the heart of city, the art center connect the community together under the gigantic infrastructure of modern world.
международный архитектурный конкурс
UNDER the BRIDGE park Skyline Architect, Россия, Ярославль Мы выбрали для работы Толбухинский мост. Это место на стыке двух стихий, с «крышей» над головой, образованной мостом, и с прекрасным видом на волную гладь и церковь Иоанна Предтечи, несомненно, обладает ярким характером и определенной привлекательностью. В процессе работы мы поставили перед собой задачу не ограничиваться разработкой локального объекта, а спроектировать целый парк под мостом. Дамба делит пространство под мостом, расположенное на левом берегу Которосли, на две части. Узкая, сложная форма участка, зажатого между опорами моста, превращается в преимущество: широкая протяженная аллея с местами для отдыха и зелеными насаждениями ведет посетителя к конечной цели – театру под открытым небом, расположенному за дамбой, на берегу реки. UNDER the BRIDGE park отделен от дороги деревянной стеной с целью пыле- и шумозащиты. Вход в парк осуществляется со стороны спортивного стадиона, а конструкция входной группы предусматривает устройство общественного туалета. Между двумя опорами моста мы предлагаем устроить боулдеринговый скалодром, который поддержит и гармонично продолжит существующую в этом месте спортивную функцию — в 100 м от моста расположен спортивный стадион. Площадка между стадионом и мостом, в настоящий момент находящаяся в запущении, может в дальнейшем стать экстрим-парком. А толчком для развития огромного пустыря как места для занятия экстремальными видами спорта может стать боулдеринговый скалодром.
Скалодром отделен от центральной аллеи парка стеной с расположенными на ней местами для отдыха, с которых открывается вид на дикий прибрежный парк в пойме р. Которосль. На дамбу ведет лестница, а деревянная арка, расположенная на возвышении, обещает наградить посетителя чем-то особенным, стоит ему пройти под ней. И действительно – поднимаясь на дамбу, перед его взором предстает прекрасный вид на реку. Он может пройтись по дамбе, прилечь на лежак и отдохнуть, а может пройти сквозь арку и спуститься по ступеням амфитеатра к сцене. Амфитеатр сложной формы имеет одинаковую высоту ступеней-сидений. Форма ступеней максимально комфортна для посетителей: за счет разного угла наклона, проступи ступеней образуют спинки для сидений: зритель может наблюдать действие на сцене или отдыхать сидя, в положении полулежа и лежа. Многофункциональная сцена-трансформер состоит из деревянного настила – планшета сцены — и мобильных вертикальных конструкции на колесах, передвигающихся по рельсам. Благодаря своей подвижности, эти конструкции могут служить кулисами, задником и элементами оформления сцены во время сценических представлений; а также выполнять роль выставочных стендов для проведения выставок под открытым небом. На опорах моста за сценой закреплен экран, на котором по вечерам можно просматривать фильмы, или же устраивать презентации проектов и различные мастер-классы. Крепление для проектора расположено над аркой на дамбе, в легкой и быстрой доступности для технического персонала.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Art and Culture City
Nguyen An Trung, Tran Dinh Luan, Vo Hai Dang, Ha Thu Huong, Вьетнам Revitalization of Tolbuhinsky Bridge Surroundings Status of the site After analyzing, we see that Tolbuhinsky Bridge is located at the center of the site, with a football field on one side, Millennium Park and Concert and Exhibition Hall on the other site. According to the provided survey, citizens believe that the area under Tolbuhinsky Bridge is almost a “dead space” meanwhile the city is still lack of recreation spaces for different ages. We determine that the answer is not only a solution for the area under Tolbuhinsky Bridge but also a comprehensive revitalization for the whole surroundings. The plan covers a large area with an East-to-West main axis, which we call “The axis for Culture, Sports and Leisure”. The axis is a symbol of both physical and mental relaxation. Solutions An outdoor sports center is located at the West end of the site providing a skate-parkand a BMX track. The skate-park can be transformed into an ice-skate park in the winter. With all the noises from these outdoor activities, the center is placed at the far end of the site to avoid any disturbance to the neighborhood, as well as to better serve young people. At the side of the playground is a camping site. Wood houses are built for people who love the nature to stay overnight. In the winter, they serve as cozy stops for people who enjoy outdoor sports. Next to the sports center is the current parking lot and football yard of the city. The common space between the football yard and the bridge will be named “People Square”, the heart of the site. This spacious square will be used for a wide range of social and cultural events such as outdoor film sessions, concerts, Christmas markets,exhibitions,… The square is linked directly with the space under Tolbuhinsky Bridge which we call
“Street of Culture” or SoC. SoC lies under the bridge along a North-South axis. The whole structure on SoC is formed by used containers. Assuming that as a harbor city, Yaroslavl should have a number of abandoned containers. Reusing these containers is not only a cost-cut solution but also a quick and environment friendly one, not to mention it has become very popular around the world. Technically, after specific treatment, each container will have 25cm-isolation walls which work as good as 50cm-brick walls in term of isolation. These 20-feet containers are arranged in various directions and heights to create many spaces which will be used for various purposes: cultural and commercial activities, entertainment, fast-food services,… We divide these modules into different scales ranking from 15m2 to 120m2 to meet with different demands such as: 30-45m2 for offices, 15-45m2 for ateliers, 30-60m2 for shops, 75120m2 for bars and cafes, 90m2 for galleries,… The combination of these modules brings about a lively street totallydifferent from innercity streets. The containers also act as a protective fence for the street under Tolbuhinsky Bridge. People can freely enjoy all the activities here without any impacts from the weather condition. Moving from North to South, you will travel from a bustling space to a peaceful place called “bridge under the bridge” where you may want to sit back quietly and enjoy the view along the river’s sides. To the East of SoC, there is a children playground with colorful decoration and many familiar games. The park is just next to the playground, opening to a green space with many trees and small roads which lead to the wet land. This green space, together with the wet land, functions as a connection between the hotel, Concert and Exhibition Hall and MillenniumPark.
Евдокимов Антон, Смирнова Марина, Фесенко Анна, Москва, Россия Проанализировав потенциальных пользователей территории и некоторые зарубежные аналоги реорганизации подобных пространств, мы пришли к выводу, что не видим на этом месте какихлибо капитальных сооружений. С одной стороны, нам хотелось сохранить дух места, (например, оставить граффити на опорах), с другой – максимально благоустроить территорию и привлечь людей, так чтобы оно стало наcтоящим городским пространством – свободным, доступным, интересным. - новый вектор вдоль набережной Для начала нам показалось обязательным включение участка набережной в городскую канву и соединение его с близлежащими объектами ( Сити-Парк 1000-летия Ярославля, стадион ЯВВФУ, КЗЦ Миллениум)в единую прогулочную зону. Все эти объекты различаются по масштабу функции, но могут образовать собой целый многофункциональный кластер вдоль реки. Мы предусматриваем прокладывание пешеходной и велосипедной дорожек вдоль реки и к объектам, расположенных вблизи набережной. - полисоциальность Мы определили категории потенциальных пользователей территории и составили примерный график того кто, когда и как это пространство может использовать. - включение пространства в события города Также мы проанализировали основные события в городе и подумали, что пространство под мостом может стать идеальной площадкой для проведения многих из них. Оно обладает целым рядом пре-
имуществ: большая высота самого моста, большие пролеты между опорами, удачное расположение в городе. Здесь могут проходить фестивали, мастер-классы, спектакли, концерты (под мостом совершенно особенная акустика, что может заинтересовать исполнителей, готовых к экспериментам), спортивные события, ярмарки выходного дня. - многофункциональность Пространство само по себе не предполагает монофункциональности, поэтому мы разделили всю вытянутую территорию на функциональные зоны. У дороги мы организовали небольшую открытую парковку на 45 м/м; у опорных столбов моста у дороги и у набережной предполагается велопарковки. От проезжей части проектируемая площадка отделена своеобразной «буферной зоной» представляющей собой цветные столбы разного диаметра и расцветки. Большую часть территории занимает оборудование для экстремальных видов спорта, сконцентрированное в центральной части , а по бокам располагаются прогулочные зоны, ведущие к реке. Недалеко от рассматриваемого Толбухинского моста уже есть небольшая скейт-площадка в парке 1000-летия Ярославля, но (как мы узнали из форумов) ее активные пользователи считают, что она довольно мала и не имеет навеса. Поэтому нам показалось, что было бы здорово поддержать спортивную тематику и пространство под мостом как нельзя лучше подходит для данной функции.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Велостоянка и Велопрокат под Добрынинским мостом Блохина Мария, Санкт-Петербург Исследование местности Взглянув на предложенный опрос жителей, я сразу обратила своё внимание на графы «Плюсы этого района», «Как вы проводите свободное время» и «Как вы представляете себе отдых на свежем воздухе в городе». Конечно, с одной стороны было бы намного логичнее рассмотреть «Минусы этого района» и постараться их превратить в «плюсы», но наша задача сейчас разумно сорганизовать место под мостом, чтобы превратить с виду неприглядный уголок Ярославля в приятую зону отдыха, тем более что недалеко расположен парк. Среди названных «плюсов» района я акцентировала своё внимание на таких ответах, как «зелень» и «много школ и садов». В графах «Как вы проводите свободное время» и «Как вы представляете себе отдых на свежем воздухе в городе» около половины опрошенных согласилось с тем, что они любят прогулки по парку и лесу. Из предложенных «минусов» в глаза бросаются «грязь» и «дороги». Так как рассматриваемый объект – это мост, дороги ликвидировать не получится. Но можно попытаться увеличить количество «зелёных» мест вокруг застраиваемой территории, и тогда место около Добрынинского моста будет выглядеть более сбалансированно. Если мы собираемся обустраивать и облагораживать место под мостом, то такая проблема, как «грязь» должна уйти сама собой, так как это место перестанет быть заброшенным. Описание вариантов Не смотря на то, что я более или менее определилась с идеей развития темы «зелени» и «прогулок», я решила на всякий случай пере-
брать все варианты, которые только пришли мне в голову и которые были хоть немного интересны и потенциально возможны. Неоспоримым лидером для меня стал вариант «велостоянка». Вопервых, территория станет чище, во-вторых, велосипеды способствуют спортивному и здоровому виду отдыха, и, наконец, в-третьих, самые частые ответы, которые встречались у опрошенных жителей данного района, это любовь к прогулкам и зелени, что прекрасно дополняется таким вариантом, как велостоянка. Доработка Красота в простоте! Простоте форм и линий. Поэтому не стоит всё усложнять и строить сложные и надуманные конструкции, когда простые геометрические формы будут смотреться аккуратно и гармонично. Для начала я решила «поиграть» с разными формами на бумаге, чтобы найти самую лучшую из своих идей и нарисовать её в AutoCad. И вот оно! Одна из идей мне показалась довольно подходящей! Нужно её развить. Так как идея показалась мне довольно интересной и подходящей, дальнейшие эксперименты с компоновкой и формами я проводила в AutoCAD. Поэтому план и все четыре фасада вместе с размерами и пояснениями вы сможете увидеть на чертежах, сделанных на компьютере.
Sebastian Rosiek, Jakub Wręczycki, Польша
Spaces under the bridge perform an essential function. They join two sides of the city, separated by river and give shelter when the weather is bad. They work as a safe haven to many people. One could question whether it could be a place of social integration. But this space can easily be rid of it`s negative image. The purpose of our project was to create the ideal social space. Our vision is dedicated to both young and older people. We want to take care of people who will be spending there much time and those who will only be trespassing. Despite being neglected (covered in graffiti’s; no free-time space) it is a very interesting and unique place. The most vital aspect for us was the social one. We focused on revitalization of the area and on creating a space of original attractiveness and friendly for the local community – its own identity. Our aim were innovative solutions; eco-friendly small architecture elements and their unique design are to emphasize the meaning of attractiveness of the place. Because of diversity of elements the project was ultimately divided into three separate parts. Therefore they are all independent and can be accomplished individually. It is another important factor for investment reasons. The first step is based on the revitalization – the bridge is not prepared for public use and needs to be truly opened for the local community needs. This phase is focused on the basic steps which have to be undertaken – designing waterfront, routes, public space, bike-friendly
area and small architecture elements together with safety precautions. This step should take approximately one week with enough workforce. The second phase of the project is called “identity”. It is dedicated to fulfilling the needs of urban artists and create the unique character of the place. Since bridges are devastated and not cared with in general. The place is currently untidy, grim and unfriendly. Our goal was to show the artistic chance for urban art and for that we decided to create a graffiti dedicated spaces – special panels. The idea is to install hanging and standing graffiti screens, which can be renewed with the new coat of paint after there is no more space. This provides never-ending and full use of planes and unusual art life cycle. The second phase also includes hanging insulation, which gives the under-bridge space a whole newcharacter. The installation can be easily assembled during workshops – it consists of hanging sails, which are humidity responsive. The hanging cloth is made of special fabric – widening in rainy days and shrinking during sunny days. Because of that the bridge is changing constantly – it can look different everyday – calm on sunny days and more vivid and dynamic during rainy or windy days. This will happen when the sails widen up and more gently with the wind, reflecting the movements of the river and waves of its waters. This step should not take longer than a month due to assembly time of the screen and the installation.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Converting Silent Spaces to Dynamic Public Spaces Azita Nikpay, Hamid Reza Gozariyan, Иран According to the fact that the surrounding grounds of the bridge on the north of the Volga riverhave no special use, they have high potential for creating open spaces in order to integrate the specified spaces with the under bridge spaces. Therefore, the under river spaces are designed as semi-open and closed spaces because of the sound pollution and Creating the public spaces is one of the qualitative factors in city life extreme coldness in the winter. which helps society to feel comfortable with the city. Suitable public spaces develop social interaction and reduce personal and social Considering the public role of the bridges and their accessibility to abnormality and depression. Such spaces improve local feelings when all of the people of the city, creating dynamic and lively public spaces for all the age groups is considered as one of the anticipated aims in the world powers are trying to globalize everything. a way to be accessible and usable for the public. Therefore, separate Its main objective is connecting the side-walks on the bridges to the hang-out places are specified for four different age groups ,Walkway, unused spaces under the bridges which is considered as dynamic spaces cycling space, cafe, restaurant, outdoor library, amphitheater and free for attracting pedestrians from the top to the down. Actually, the main wall painting and stores are among the other functions which were idea behind its design is eliminating «the up and down borders of designed as open and semi-open spaces in free and curved forms. They the bridge» for integrating the spaces of the bridge in order to make were actually inspired by the domes of ancient Russian architecture. dynamic public spaces in the city. Therefore, three routes with different lengths and times are created for the passing pedestrians. The sidewalk on the bridge is specifiedby the green strips for reducing sound pollution. Under-bridge spaces are considered as «silent spaces». These spaces have the potential for creating dynamic public spaces which are mostly overlooked. In this contest, we observed the design of Tolbuhinsky Bridge in the city of Yaroslavl.
Two of the three designed routes are straight in two levels to be used, according to the existing time if possible .And the third route is designed in a semi-circle which provides a dynamic and lively space for walking in different seasons and using the natural potential of the site.
Парк культуры и отдыха «Добрыня» Матвеев Максим, Любакова Дарья, Москва, Россия
В условиях конкурса участникам предлагается на выбор один из двух мостов: Толбухинский и Добрынинский. Просмотрев карты и фотографии, мы остановились на Добрынинском. Этот мост привлек нас своей плавностью линий, поворотами развязок, перепадами высот. Целью конкурсного проекта было создание зоны отдыха и развлечений с торговыми точками и парковками. Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию всесезонное современное интерактивное пространство для всех возрастных категорий. Проект включает в себя следующие зоны: 1) Скейтпарк / 2) Амфитеатр / 3) Скалодром 4) Зона паркура / 5) Зона барбекю и торговли 6) Детская игровая зона / 7) Зона отдыха / 8) Парковки Подобное зонирование было вызвано разными возрастными категориями городского населения. Зоны паркура, скейтпарк, скалодром – находятся по краям застраиваемой территории для преданию автономности данных секторов. Проектирование амфитеатра нам продиктовал сам мост благодаря своей развязке, образующей «сердце» всей территории. Амфитеатр выступает в качестве места скопления людей будь то собрания или небольшая самодеятельность. В качестве градообразующих элементов выступают зона барбекю и торговли и детская игровая зона. Мы расположили их на улице Добрынина, тем самым соединив две квартальные застройки. В промышленном районе мы располагаем парковочную зону, тем самым дополнительно отгораживая зону отдыха и развлечений от
железной дороги и самой пром зоны. Все зоны связаны между собой пешеходными дорожками, вдоль которых находятся скамейки и защитные щиты. Освещение: По просьбе местных жителей помимо естественного освещения мы продумали и разработали сценарий света в ночное время. К основанию моста мы крепим светильники, подключая их к электроснабжению конструкции. Также предусматриваем энергоэффективные фонари, устанавливаемые вдоль пешеходных дорожек. Пешеходные дорожки: В нашем проекте пешеходные дорожки являются отражением линий моста, так называемом стержнем всего проекта. Мы придали им витиеватую органическую форму для разрушения эффекта промышленного района, тем самым создав имитацию природного ландшафта. Для проектирования пешеходных дорожек мы используем террасную доску. Она устойчива к температурным перепадам (-40/+70С). Также она имеет высокую влагостойкость и может простоять многие десятилетия, что необходимо в нашем случае. Настил мы поднимем на высоту в 15 см для отвода воды. Защитные щиты: С помощью щитов мы отгородились от промышленной зоны и благодаря не очень большой высоте добились человеческого масштаба вертикального ограждения, придав подмостному пространству комфорт и уют.
международный архитектурный конкурс
3D Bridge
Xiaoyan Dong, Qin Fang, США Bridge is considered as a long narrow plan. However, the grey space under the bridge is easily forgotten by people. In order to remind people of the importance of the grey space underneath, the bridge should be considered as a 3D object instead of a 2D plan. The design makes a full use of the grey space under the bridge to create a 3D space, which amplify the meaning of bridge. The bridge is divided in two half and one of which is leveled up in order to bring sunlight into the grey space. Grid structure is one of the most important design elements in the project. The grid structure is designed like 3D net, allowing various programs extend into every corner of the grey space. Grid is used in the area to connect and supports various parts of the programs on the site. Bubble, which is supported by the grid system, is another important design element, providing spaces for seating, communicating and other activities. People can move freely in the space through bubbles and grid structures, without the constraints of levels or stairs. The whole space, under the bridge and on the bridge, merges together as 3D net. Сщтеуче Учздфтфешщт фтв вуышпт згкзщыуыЖ -Building program layout and their major functions: The site is divided into two half by the existing green belt. The north side is the industrial side and the south side is the residential side. Two sides are separated and need to be reconnected -The bridge and grey space underneath: The photo shows that the existing condition under the bridge Lacks sunlight. As a result, half side of the bridge is leveled up in order to introduce sunlight to the grey space under the bridge. From the residents’ survey, we found that lots of local residents complained about the smelly and
dirty environment under the bridge. What’s more, people have deep eager to have landscape programs around the community. As a result, we arranged lots of landscape programs on the site in order to provide sports, commercial, communication, relaxing opportunities for local residents. Since the grey space is located in the middle of two large communities. The design could bring residents together and provide a pedestrian friendly environment for people. Landscape Design Programs - Programs on residential side: Sports field: The field contains skateboard playground, rock climbing walls, and swimming/diving pool. Urban Park: The park is located in the middle of two communities. Residents could do biking, running, and other activities in this area. Concert Hall: This is an outdoor concert hall, which could provide opportunities for people to watch shows, band concert, movies. - Programs on Industrial side: Welcome center: The area is located in one of the bubble structure. The space has viewing, commercial, and educational opportunities. Free market area: This area provides various activities during the year, such as farmers’ market, which sells organic food and flowers for neighbors and people from nearby towns, art festivals, which provide opportunities for art lovers to express themselves, and other interesting programs. The area can bring the community together. Seating/reading spaces: Those programs also provided by bubbles. The area of the seating or gathering space depends on the size of bubbles. The areas not only provide opportunities for single person to do quite readings but also for crowds of friends to hold small parties in the evening.
Community Dispersal Nitiporn Sawad, Тайланд Community Dispersal (CD) is a design proposal for space under Dobrininsky Bridge is a manifestation of power of light in creating ambience and adding architectural quality to the space. This minimal intervention is thought to add dynamicity to the solid 10 km strip, to break the rigidity of concrete structure and bring life to the area.
form but the atmosphere. CD plains are hung loosely which allow the surface to sway by wind, and the light fall on different spot. The endless bounce of light, through multiple light sources, creates the glistening light affect similar to festival time. Because not all space under the bridge is accessible on foot, visual connection is important to unite the space together as one long strip. The modules are arranged in such way that they contain focal points along the strip through directional layout and varies density. This not only led the sight horizontally, it also creates visual priority to the existing elongate span.
The existing space is composed of a static upper concrete plain and a muddy and wet ground. The atmosphere through 10km strip appears as dark, dull, static, unsafe and inhabitable. The bridge itself situates away from the heart of the Yaroslavl, on the edge of suburban area. The bridge function is connecting two residential areas, which are separated by series of ground traffic route. The challenge of this area is not the insufficient space for usage, but rather, to bring life, positive These shiny surfaces allow space to transform every second, creating energy and activities to the quiet area. As the context suggested, hence endless and different lighting effects as the environment shifts. During day time, the module performs, taking advantage from sunlight. While is why, an installation is introduced instead of an enclosed space. at night, the light from car, train or truck will shine on to the surfaces The installation is series of 3D arrow module which is covered with as they are passing by. The 2 nodes act almost like chandelier, the CD shinny surfaces. It is inexpensive as CD is recycling material. It is center of light collecting and therefore the most bright spot along the simple to construct which allows people at any age or professional entire strip. background to participate in constructing the module. These shinny surfaces act as light-bouncing element to incorporate natural sunlight, wind, puddles and traffic light in order to light up the space. It is almost like installing mirror ceiling and mirror ground (through water puddles), to draw attention upwards with water ripple and light spots. The idea to tackle space issue is creating connection between plains and along the strip itself. The space should be sustainably dynamic, not through
международный архитектурный конкурс
The sequence by four rusty steel plates Hokibara Yota, Япония Reversing under the bridge In these days,architecture has already extinct.In this project,I considered how it could be caused, and be made alive continuously. Of the two sites given this time, I selected the Tolbuhinsky bridge, because the site has longest straight line and strongest axiality. And also has river, forest, historic buildings. An infrastructure forms a city frame, has strong axiality itself. And also it has a long time-axis that architecture can never have. I considered about this two potencials (the strong axis in a city, long time-axis) which under the bridge has, I’m going to give to the new architecture by using it . By four spatial manipulations that I gave, whole of under the bridge emerges as “a architecture” for the first time, to produce a consective sequence as a museum for observing the flowing city. Technical description 1. Stage to embark river and Bridge Pier Rusty steel plate to match the slope of the bridge, and turning up. 2. New bridge Suspended The new view overlooking the bridge from various levels by one piece of rusty steel plate which describes the catenary curve. Bridge is a aliving sculpture in the city itself. 3. Stage of Floating on River Stage overlooking the «river», bridge have been abstracted. It can be perceived the bloodline of nature which is perpendicular to the infrastructure. 4. Steel Tower to confront historic buildings Steel tower located at the boundary points that the river and bridge piers and earth comes in contact with the ground. against the bridge extending horizontally, vertical monumentality is added.
TICKLER: A Play of Sound and Light Extra Firm, США
No trolls live under Толбухинский мост—just a dismal and relatively uneventful dirtscape surrounding река Которосль 13m below. The bridge spans more dirt than water; for the cars and occasional pedestrian crossing, both can pass beneath unnoticed and without celebration. What would happen if the bridge, instead of perpetrating a long pause in the rhythms of the city, served as a locus of its social and infrastructural heartbeat? We propose to put a troll under the bridge: a TICKLER. We like spaces of play. We like the act of discovery, and the vivacity of a structure that responds to human touch. We propose a new suspended pathway that plays music when you walk by, reflects the shifting headlights of cars onto itself, and provides a tactile retreat with intense moments of exposure and vista. Throughout is the organizing theme of rhythm. Physically, TICKLER spans from the north land-dam and adjacent playground, high above река Которосль, to the city street nearest the south bridge abutment This over-river passing is designed as phase one of a two-phase project; phase two extends from the north playground all the way to the city street adjacent to the north bridge abutment, completing the entire path from bridge end to bridge end. The walk meanders below the West side of Толбухинский мост to take advantage of watery sunsets and views to Церковь Иоанна Предтечи. It is wide enough for both pedestrians and cyclists, and through its
undulating form and protrusions, encourages places of gathering and respite. While the outboard side of TICKLER employs porous netting to guard from falls, the inward side features a series of chimes and wood blocks. When someone steps on the area of deck in front of a chime, it activates a hidden mallet and sounds off. The chimes vary in length to yield different tones, and are spaced out to compose a varying cadence. A song is performed! Amidst the musical revelry a second rhythm plays out across the bridge: at each pier, the path projects outward and through the netting to an outlook platform. This is where sunset watchers converse with river fishermen at dusk. In-between piers the walk is compressed behind the netting in a series of undulations. Along this middle-ground, patrons are faced with no rigid barrier between them and the river outboard; the soft net is intended to leave one with a direct feeling of connection to that below. Meanwhile, the inward barrier allows for a more sheltered experience,visually blocking the dank underbelly of Толбухинский мост. In the dark of night, a third performance takes place: small mirrors reflect points of light from passing cars down to TICKLER, dancing across the netting, deck, and chimes and elucidating the rhythm of the infrastructure above. The far-end brake lights, we believe, would illuminate the walk with a soft reddish glow. From the bridge above the reflectors are the only indication what is below, perhaps subtle enough to evade all but those who happen to have experienced the fantastical rhythms beneath the Толбухинский мост.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Wall for All
Aayushya Patel, Dipika Parikh, Индия A Bridge is reffered as a connection. It is an object that functions as a connector between two points. The characteristic of this object is its length. However it also creates a space underneath itself by acting as a roof for the void which is functionless and not defined. This becomes its second characteristic. In the very basic an architectural space is created out of roofs/ floors and walls. The presence of this long roof has empowered us to conceptualize the object we are proposing as a wall against the roof. Both share the charateristic of being linear. The wall can span entire width of the bridge and can be just as long as the length of the bridge. This concept of linearity of the wall has been eloquetly expressed in the Great Wall of China. In the case of the Great Wall, wall functions as a boundary- a divider a clear demarcation as a threshold and also an object of authority. But in our case we are proposing porosity, occupation and connection. Instead of the wall as an element clearly distingushing the black and the white our wall will be characterised as grey as it will allow interactions hence maintaing the ambiguity. It will seamlessly blend with the park and at the same time function as an independent object. The wall hence becomes an object that we then erode and eat into inorder to make it porous, approchable and inhabitable. This Wall will occupy the Void. This wall is filled with programwhich will benefit the community. A place that helps the community connect themselves and recharge and rejuvinate themselves. In our opinion people in todays world are so engrossed in a hectic working life that they are unable to balance out their minds with
recreation. The means of recreation has also shifted to bars, pubs televisions and social media. We propose this porous wall to be developed as a hub within a park setting for various recreational activities. A hub for resting the mind and the soul. It can be seen as a mini theme park, the theme being Healthy Living. The wall will be inhabitible and support programs like urban and fish farms, which will cater to proposed markets and majorly to Community Kitchen which in turn will cater to the Restaurant- hence generating revenue. We also propose the development of the surrounding park area to seamlessly merge with the proposed wall. Because of the presence of the river, we have proposed a lot of water features throughout the wall especially in and around the area enclosing the meditation center. Water has the soothing and calming property and hence we thought that it would add to the general concern about healthy mind and soul. This water will be treated river water itself, it will circulate throughout the site and will be retreated again. The park will also include various sports and play grounds facilities along with water front development to enhance the water sports, hence catering to the youth. The inhabitants can also use the barbaque spots, proposed rental camping area with their families and friends. Further more we think of this wall as being self sufficient. Since this object now becomes a hub we have proposed a hotel with limited rooms so that the space can then generate economy for its smooth function.
Time Exchange
Mohamed Saber Mohamed Nakd, Adam Ahmed Mohamed, Ahmed Hamed Al Sayed, Aasr Moustafa Abd- el latif, Ashraf Amer Abd-el hamid, Khaled Ashraf Atwa, Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud, Египет It is certain that the Architectural Space affected by variables of time. Architectural design is to have the greatest impact in achieving psychological comfort to the user at all times and in all seasons of the year. And the space under the bridge is considered one of the most blanks wider and the most affected by climatic factors. From here came the idea of design under the name of temporal variation. In the building is not a mass fixed, but is one of the factors that affected the climate and time, And it is taken into account that these design point, that parts components of this building changed change timeframe. when wrapping these parts between summer and winter materialize the idea of the project in being a (variable), achieves users have psychological comfort in the summer, where open spaces and public during moderate temperatures, while in winter mode changes the building to adapt to the atmosphere of winter, and the need for heating. Both parts of the building are subject to change. The vacuum Architectural located under the bridge large. Has been chosen this site because it is best suited to achieve the idea of architecture as it is far away from the busy city center. Verifies the purpose of this project, which’ seeks to meet the needs of this place, that causing this move is part of the busy city center to live in places Others are crowded population distribution equitable distribution does not cause stress to the environment.. So the idea to divide these places to the different functions to meet the needs of the surrounding community, as shown in this questionnaire. The number of proposals which demands the existence of a shopping center And may
suggest the presence of other places to play and Cinema Entertainment And so it has taken into account the humanitarian requirements of this design to the people of the place first and even went so far as to achieve the requirements of the public in the sense of humanity change the place and sense of innovation … The idea was to change between summer and winter, where the building changes shape and functions of the time change and the volatility of the seasons and the high and low temperatures as it appears this diagram The building consists of units of the wood (Bleech) revolves around the cylindrical axis in the middle. Connected to (pivot) exists between the bridge beams. Helping these parts unit timber easily spin on its axis to be the direction of the inside of the building in the winter where the temperature low. But in the summer as . temperatures moderate revolve parts of the building, sending out The design has taken into account the ease of movement in making the component parts of the unit of wood folding easy ride through the joints of the parties. As it shown The openings are not traditional holes to fit the spirit of change in the city has been selected the (Pattern) six-to achieve the best possible ventilation in the winter, is high and sloping from the inside so as not to allow the snow to flow inside the building. And has taken into account the design and ease of movement corridors is based on the scale of the humanitarian achieve psychological comfort
международный архитектурный конкурс
Urban Catalyst: Reclaiming Lost Space
Galuh Lidra Putra, Nelza M. Iqbal, Rizqi Khairul Fuady, Индонезия Located between Leninskiy and Krasnoperekopskiy, the Kotorosl river cuts in between, and above, connecting this two mass of land is the Tolbuhinsky bridge. The bridge, which currently functions to connect vehicular traffic between the two areas, has somewhat more. Spaces beneath the Tolbuhinsky bridge were seen as wasted spaces, spaces left unwatched, left to decay. The area around the Kotorosl river underneath the bridge served no other purpose other than strand of unattractive riverbank in which wild weeds sprawled and prevail. Seeing how strategically located the bridge is to important points of interest around Yaroslavl, including one listed as a Unesco world heritage site, this area have all the potential to be developed with a refined approach which correlates to the history of the city. These historical aspects of the city, can be outlined and represented as a timeline, they include a span of time during the 13-14th century Yaroslavl where most buildings and architecture were built using timber construction, and when there is a preferential transition to masonry and stone construction during the 16th century. There was a point of time in 17th century where Yaroslavl became the second largest city in Russia, or when the city focus shifted into an industrial district during the 19th century, and when in the 20th century parts of the city is listed as a world heritage site. The site around the bridge can provide linkage between the historical aspects of the city, it is destined to serve not only as a memorial, but a working synapse, reinvigorating the past and constructing a collage of the future Yaroslavl.
There were more potential uncovered based on the data gathered from the public interview. This concerns the planning and urban scheme of the area, so that it works well in shaping the identity of the area and in the long term creates a positive space which functions well contextually with the history, geographical location and serves the need and expectation of the public well. The approaches to designing the area were shaped from the public needs. Designing the site within a macro scale calls for the area underneath the bridge to not only be converted from residual space to functional space, but also as catalytic spaces which gives off positive energy that can be channeled to the surrounding area. The area under the bridge serves as a linkage to the surrounding facilities of the city, the area under the bridge that accommodates the new and frail network of budding community, the area under the bridge that acts as a living space. Those three aspects mentioned above could transform a lifeless space to an active space which invites and allows exchange of ideas between different communities, to share and process information, to transform a space as communication medium in which new innovation and invention, and perhaps, redefinition of the term «community» can be conceptualised. Many of these aspects have been adapted to accommodate cultural, recreational, environmental and economic instances.
WEB : Tolbuhinsky bridge Heeyun Bang, Sang-Uk Park, США The concept of the project ‘WeB : Tolbuhinsky bridge’ is web. The spider web is usually hung on existing structure. One can easily imagine this project as an object hung on the existing bridge structures. It is interesting concept not only in terms of structure, but also in terms of program. It works as a new anchor in abandoned space under the bridge. The ‘web’ provides exterior auditorium. The bridge provides the shade to auditorium and the perforated metal floor of sitting and glass floor of the stage provide interesting experience for people to look down the river when they are enjoying their staying or concert in auditorium. Café and exhibition space is located right near the auditorium. It also provides pedestrian path which is separated from cars and vehicle pollution. ‘Web’ will be newly loved public place in this area. Technical description All the structures are hung under the existing bridge structure. Main structure is steel. The sitting for auditorium is perforated metal and the stage for auditorium is glass. The main structure of auditorium which is spider web geometry provides perfect modulation for easy and inexpensive fabrication.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Cultural Growth
David Rubio Tintoré, Испания Under The Bridge is an international architectural competition organized by Social Revolution. The theme of the competition is based on the use of the spaces under two bridges in the Russian city of Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl is a Russian city located about 250 km northeast of Moscow. at the confluence of the Volga river Kotorosl. The city has 606,336 inhabitants. Its historic center is a World Heritage Site. It is one of the Golden Ring cities, a group of historic cities northeast of Moscow that has played an important role in Russian history. It is a large transport node, and a great number of important national and regional roads, railways, and waterways pass through the city. In fact many of the roads that connect Yaroslavl to Moscow and beyond are two-lane highways. Yaroslavl and its local area have a typical temperate continental climate, in comparison to central and western Europe. This makes for a climate with more snowy, colder, but dry winters and typically temperate, warm summers. The project that I pose is at the underside of the bridge Tolbuhinsky. This is one of the bridges for vehicles crossing the river Kotorosl. Currently, the space below it has no interest. The project is intended that this space is one of the most important in the city. After conducting an analysis of the intervention area, I reach the following conclusions: -Currently it is a space that is irrelevant. -The area under the bridge is not maintained and unattractive. -The setting lacks public spaces with architectural quality. The project idea aims to correct the aforementioned problems. To do
this, some points are established: -Create public areas to promote art culture. -Enable space to carry out the different activities and make it more aesthetic. Pavement under the bridge that comes from the idea of an organic form is projected. This form is experiencing a gradual growth to become the proposed project area also leaving the possibility that in the future continue to grow and expand throughout the city. Around the pavement vegetation zones are projected, thereby giving a nice ecological environment. On that pavement and using the modulation of the pillars of the bridge, creating spaces for culture and art. Spaces where all citizens can participate. No building is created, the space is divided by furniture. The zones created are intended to: -Market. -Exhibition area. -Theater, lectures, storytelling, etc.. -Multipurpose space ( dances, choreography, etc.). -Cinema. All these public areas with projected greenery around create an area of great interest and appeal, which helps foster and improve relations between citizens. The pavement consists of ceramic parts with hexagonal shape, so as to facilitate the possible growth of the area to other parts of the city. A false ceiling under the beams of the bridge in order to create a more attractive while makes possible placement of facilities in future space projects.
Bridging Boundaries
Super Architecture Studio, Малайзия Redefining Culture and Traditions To bring people from all walks of life to come together for the appreciation of the arts and culture of Yaroslavl. CONCEPT: BRIDGING BOUNDARIES Separating two landmasses is the Kotorosl River, a body that divides. While there are several other bridges that are established along the stretch of the river up to the river mouth, the Tolbuhinsky Bridge establishes itself as one of the more functionally active bridges as it bridges masses of important spaces from one bank to another. The evidence of a higher concentration of functional spaces that surrounds this particular bridge defines its importance and hierarchy. Bridges are most often than not looked upon as a transitional space, a space where its experience is ephemeral. Hence, to further accentuate the importance of the Tolbuhinsky Bridge that connects two regions of landmasses, the establishment of the spaces that surround the bridge has to evoke a sense of communal allure and an appreciation for the dated functions of said bridge. The Northern part of the land that the bridge connects, host most of the industrial activities in Yaroslavl while the Southern section holds most of the residential areas. Hence, the bridge plays an important role for the daily commute of these residents from their homes to their work place. This form of physical bridging implies how boundaries of two different areas are connected together with the establishment of the bridge. The erection of the Tobulhinsky Bridge also suggests four utilizable spaces on either side of the bridge on each mass of land located on
either end of the river bank. This thus, spurred us to establish four different zones for four different functional spaces. Establishing a site which acts as a hub for the historical, cultural and recreational aspects for the people of Yaroslavl will not only celebrate the existing way of life of these people but also seeks to introduce a lifestyle that is active and socially engaging. Taking into account how welding is also part of the age old process of joining materials together such as the use of metals and plastics, the origins of welding in Russia seeks to expose how like the process of coalescence, the cultural backgrounds and the people are coming together through the establishment of effective programming. And through such programs, garnering attention into this area will eventually expose the traditions and culture of the Russians to the rest of the world. This is an aspect where many would grow to appreciate. Façade System Given the lack of activities thereof within the vicinity of the Tobulhinsky Bridge, there is a need to create an attraction for the site so as to lure tourism and business into the area. Given the four zone separation that is defined by the bridge and the river, an element has to be introduced to tie these four zones together. A skin or façade that helps to define the site would create an element that is symbolic to the Tolbuhinsky Bridge. As such, a skin-like structure comprising of art panels are representative of our design scheme; one that incorporates vibrant art panels that symbolizes the vibrant culture of Yaroslavl. While this skin ties these four zones together, each zone has its definitive design so as to tell each zone apart.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Yun Su Mi, Choe Ga Bin, Lee Bo Hyun, Корея Reconfiguration of sign that city sends Image of the lower part space is not joining with which element of city surrounding environment(Commerce, Residing, Nature), but there is space that have potential possibility that can gather infras. This wished to define ‘Hidden city’ that is paned within splendid city that is not image of existent city and opposed dark city. Is such in occasion of Tolbuhinsky Bridge. Made elevated road for connection between area and below space is circumstance that is left to empty space. If see surrounding circumstance together, availability is state that decrease remarkably because do not become habitation and direct connection. Hereupon, hidden city will propose practical use of elevated road under space with possibility that can form another city. The plan is having conducted kick of people done with surrounding habitat factors naturally. Area was divided extensibly to industry, commerce, residing, school, green area facility to present Yaroseulrabeul neighborhood. Put program that can grasp special quality of this area and connection between special quality. People will gather if do so and space is being ‘Hidden city = Another city’ that inspire new vitality in city under bridge.
Street art Проект
Степанова Ольга, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Местом для разработки концепции архитектурного объекта стало пространство под Толбухинским мостом в городе Ярославль. Подмостное пространство является скрытым неоцененным ресурсом для создания интересной и полезной среды для человека. На данный момент это пространство, находясь в структуре города, не имеет абсолютно никакого функционального назначения. Более того, оно является достаточно депрессивным и запущенным местом. Не смотря на это, следует отметить, что молодежь заинтересована в использовании данного пространства, о чем могут свидетельствовать граффити на опорах моста. Граффити достаточно неоднозначный вид художественной деятельности. С одной стороны его можно рассматривать как проявление вандализма, с другой стороны — это часть уличной культуры в составе уличного искусства. Анализируя существующую обстановку подмостного пространства, напрашивается вывод, что, если невозможно запретить рисовать граффити, то необходимо поощрить данный вид искусства, взяв на себя задачу его упорядочить. Эту задачу можно решить, к примеру, с помощью проведения регулярных фестивалей граффити и других видов уличного искусства. Значение данных мероприятие велико. Во-первых, это знакомит общество с данным явлением как с видом искусства, а не как с актом вандализма. Вовторых, в граффити, как и во всех видах искусства, есть хорошие и плохие примеры. Данные мероприятия позволяют ознакомиться с более художественно ценными произведениями. Отталкиваясь от данных идей, мною было решено сделать пронизывающей темой всего проекта граффити изображения.
За комплексом находятся пространства для выставок под открытым небом в виде террасы и пристань. В качестве переправы на другой берег реки рекомендуется использовать лодки. В том числе как возможный вариант предлагается развитие водного такси. На другом берегу так же расположена терраса и пристань. На террасе имеются специальные сооружения для граффити (эти сооружения имеют так же и дополнительное функциональное назначение, там размещаются санузлы) и находится детская площадка. Завершающим звеном всего комплекса является летний кинотеатр. Вся территория под Толбухинским мостом согласно проекту делится на несколько функциональных зон, которые охватывают разные возрастные категории. В основном границами зон можно считать опоры моста, которые выкрашены в яркий цвет. С северного входа посетителей сразу же встречают разновысотные «стены» для граффити, которые сразу определяют настроение всего комплекса. Данные стены могут быть выполнены из монолитного или сборного железобетона. За первыми опорами моста следует скейт-зона предназначенная для подростков, увлекающихся экстремальными видами спорта. Помимо сооружений здесь так же размещены «стены» для граффити. За скейт зоной располагается иные сооружения для изображения граффити в виде многоярусной конструкции. Одним из главных сооружений подмостного комплекса является галерея современного искусства с пространствами, как для временных выставок, так и для постоянных экспозиций. Данный архитектурный объект может стать центром для творческих реализаций молодых художников и местом притяжения для интересующихся современным искусством.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Elevated Ephemeralities Emily Schlickman, США Seasonal Flux Elevated Ephemeralities re-imagines a forgotten urban space by creating a new marker for the city, a marker that registers the invisible geographies of Yaroslavl. Here, the atmospheric and hydrological landscapes of the Kotorosl are heightened through a dynamic installation that responds to ever-present cycles. The existing infrastructure of Tolbuhinsky bridge provides a unique opportunity to create a new pedestrian connection while simultaneously re-engaging the community with their river. An installation that is always changing, Elevated Ephemeralities seeks to reveal the rich dynamism of the Kotorsol by creating a stratified network of walkways, delicately suspended above and floating below. Ribbons The project focuses on the space under the Tolbuhinsky bridge, directly over the Kotorosl River. Rather than competing with the architecture of the bridge, Elevated Ephemeralities subtly weaves two thin ribbons within the existing infrastructure. The first ribbon spans the entire width of the river and is anchored to the existing columns of the bridge. This ribbon creates a pedestrian corridor across the Kotorosl that is accessible throughout the course of the year. The second ribbon partially spans the river and is also attached to the columns, but can move vertically, with the changing water levels. When the water of the Kotorosl is high, the ribbons converge, creating a woven network of pathways. At low water level, the second ribbon floats below, a destination for adventurous boaters and swimmers in the summertime and those traversing the ice in the winter.
Regional Impact The city of Yaroslavl is located along the Golden Ring, a group of historic cities northeast of Moscow that have great historical importance. Building upon this existing tourist route, Elevated Ephemeralities aims to become a new stop, a new destination for visitors. Yet, rather than being an immersion into the past, it will be an immersion into the present, where tourists can feel the cool wind off the Kotorosl, smell the Bergenia along the bank, hear the song birds chirping in the riparian thicket. Experience The project seeks to be far more than a new urban connection. It will lure people back time and again, to experience the ephemeralities that continuously surround us but are never quite palpable. Season by season, week by week, day by day, hour by hour, the Kotorosl tells a new story. In November, a chill sets in, the water begins to slow and the plants await the first blanket of accumulation. In March, the ice moans and cracks, the vegetation on the banks slowly emerges for spring and the river swells. In July, the Kotorosl is alive with activity — boaters and swimmers explore its waters while bikers and joggers navigate its peripheries. In late September, the first frost sets in, the trees along the riverbanks stand tall in their bright fall colors, and the Kotorosl prepares itself for another year.
Sekretnaya Banya
Varvara Smirnova, Zijian Xu, Duncan White, США Purpose: Bathing, relaxing, social gathering We propose that a Secret Banya be hung from the underside of the Tolbukhinskiy bridge. Hidden from view beneath the highway, the Secret Banya is announced by the appearance of a spiral staircase midway across the river Kotorosl. Motorists speeding by in the morning will wonder at this improbable deep-red object, and perhaps go on to spend the rest of the day dreaming about it. Curious pedestrians who stray from the bridge and follow this staircase to the bottom will find a traditional Russian banya suspended fifteen feet from the surface of the water. A pleasantly improbable public amenity, the secret banya offers healthful relaxation and conviviality for all passersby. A diving board is provided for those who would like to cool off in the Kotorosl River. Technical description: Traditional style log cabin is suspended from the bridge with a steel box truss and a steel spiral stair
международный архитектурный конкурс
BMX dirt track / Skatepark
Guilhem Lamour, Франция TRANSFORMING A LEFT-OVER SPACE INTO A PLACE The idea is to activate the space in a cost effective way, using an abundant and local material. The project consists in transforming a left-over space into a playground: a BMX dirt track, a skate-park and an urban space . Some benches would be installed so that the track would also be used as a park for non-riders. The skate-park would thus be a public space for all generations. It could be used for sports activities and residents could also enjoy the view and a walk under the bridge. The perception of the space would be transformed for the inhabitants and they could activate the space and find new uses and give new significance to this place. The Burnside Skate-Park in Portland, USA is a reference for this project. It is build under a steel bridge and is an effective urban catalyzer. The project would be constructed with compacted dirt that would come from all over the city. Some parts would be reinforced with concrete for rollers and skateboarders. Some benches would be installed in the park.
A Design where Community means Interaction Jim de Guzman Jr., Charles Apostol, Филиппины The design was conceptualize not just on the surveys provided which indicates the needs and wants of the users and what they’re expecting to have, but also on the interaction of every users and their interconnection with the space. With this, it allows the whole to be more functional and be more dynamic. Some architectural features such as a 3 Dimensional Space and a design that defines anti-gravitational forms like the Wind Scopes that directs the wind to patterned Chimes to generate an amusing an alluring sounds. Considerations and corresponding solutions: Considering factors and existing conditions under the bridge, such as graphic art vandals on wall, noise, unsafe feeling, dead zone area and possible areas for informal settlers, a group of divisional walls applied with graphic arts was provided to control and blend vandals within its environment. It allows and attracts people to have their piece of art be painted in an organized yet appreciative way. Concept: Interaction means Community: the design focuses on the interaction which is a big help for the community to be more lively, functional, and FUN, having also a great space for pedestrians and other wheeled sports such as skateboarding and bicycling. An Open Art Exhibit was also provided which will showcase the rich culture and history of Yaroslavl, Russia.
Now with these design the present condition not only in under the bridge but also the spaces surrounds it will only be like just a Meditative Emptiness, Series of houses, trees, signs and traffic lights but will be a lively and more interactive because of a FUNCTIONAL PARK design. A Holistic design translation which involve and interconnects everyone in a void area giving them a flexible, movable, and enjoyable environment. Parking and Driveway: Provision of paved parkings separates it from driveways to ensure safety and security for pedestrian users. In front of several slots and driveway sides, shrubs and bushes are situated which serve as buffers and air filterers. Picnic area/Play area/Art Gallery: Intended area for family gathering/bonding, giving them space to spend time with each other. Above it are wind scopes directing wind direction to patterned chimes which generates an alluring and relaxing sounds. Graphic Art Gallery: An area for art exhibits that showcase varieties of graphic arts locally and internationally. Every individual can express their thoughts and feelings in creating their own piece of graphic arts. Wheeled sports area: An area set for skateborders, bikers, and other wheeled sports. Amateur street league events can also be performed in this area.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Тайный путь
Салмина Антонина, Толопило Александра, Италия Темза в Лондоне, Шпрее в Берлине, Сена в Париже, Влтава в Праге, Дунай в Будапеште — для многих самых прекрасных города мира, центров туристического притяжения, река, ее набережные и мосты становятся символом и одной из основных достопримечательностей города. Иначе и не может быть — ведь река, с ее широкой водной гладью, прерывает тесный городской ритм, позволяя нам увидеть город не как серию разобщенных улиц и площадей, а как один цельный образ, способный сформировать имидж города. Мосты, прорезающие водную гладь и соединяющие один берег с другим, несомненно, играют не малую роль в восприятии и создании этого имиджа, и часто становятся его самой узнаваемой частью. Тем не менее, в этой системе важных городских пространств есть одно, которое, не смотря на непосредственную с ними связь, всегда остается в тени. Пространство под мостом- это «невидимое» место в городе, пробел, несущий в себе неиспользуемый потенциал для городского развития. В то время как города захватывают новые территории, разрастаясь по периметру, внутри существующей застройки сохраняются темные, незадействованные участки, выработавшие у жителей на протяжение поколений чувство небезопасности и, как следствие, неприязни. Таким образом эти «невидимые» участки игнорируются нами на подсознательном уровне, представляя собой своеобразное слепое пятно города. Участвуя в конкурсе, мы получили возможность предложить один из множества вариантов трансформации неблагополучной и небезопасной среды в городскую точку Толбухинский мост привлек наше внимание своим выгодным расположением по отношению к историческому центру Ярославля и
близостью к реке. Своим проектом мы хотим поменять стереотип отношения к территории под мостом и трансформировать ее в привлекательный городской объект, где хочется проводить свободное время. Насыщая это пространство новым значением, мы сможем дать импульс развитию окружающих территорий, оживить спальный район и разнообразить досуг его жителей, положить начало развитию прилегающей парковой зоны и набережной Которосли. В нашем проекте центральное место занимает прямой путь к реке, на решение которого нас вдохновила впечатляющая перспектива уходящих вдаль рядов пилонов, создающая ощущение непрерывного линейного движения. Вокруг основного пути расположены равнозначные модули разной функциональной насыщенности, габариты которых продиктованы шагом опор моста. Пространство внутри модулей, с точки зрения взаимодействия с окружающим территорией, может быть четырех типов: закрытое, полузакрытое, открытое и проницаемое. Закрытое пространство представляет собой павильоны, где мы помещаем кафе, расположенное в непосредственной близости к реке с возможностью организации открытой террасы, фермерский рынок, где местные предприниматели могут торговать собственной продукцией, и коворкинг, в котором молодые специалисты могут арендовать рабочее место. Полузакрытое пространство огорожено для создания безопасных детских и спортивных площадок. На открытых пространствах расположены скамейки и газоны для спокойного отдыха. Проницаемые пространства имеют ту же функцию что и открытые, но выдаются за границы моста, создавая диалог с окружающей средой и основу для ее будущего развития.
The Planet
Eun-Ji, Bang Ji-Sun, Ahn, Корея - propose : under the bridge For activate the abandoned space of under the bridge, we need to look at the upper the bridge space, as well as under the bridge space. - concept : the planet Rather than the under and upper of the bridge, Bridge and the land itself, and the relationship of surrounding area will be considered. While settled in the bridge, Building like the Planet is grown up with surrounding needs - program : exercise facilities As a result of the site analysis, we have to provide exercise facilities to neighborhood. To activate outdoor space, we provide outdoor sports program like skating, climbing to under the bridge. And upper the bridge building provide indoor sports program shaping the mass of building like the planet. - technical system While using the both of under and upper the bridge space, the bridge is used part of the structural system. Also, strucuturalized skin frame make possible the mass to void, and provide extended view. and through this, we can make the open plan without interfering structural system. In order to positively use under the bridge, we rearrange the level of the land to provide lively outdoor space.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Please have a seat — contrast of space syntax Barry Wun, Janet Ho, Китай Despite the urban development reached to a substantial level, many spaces are left behind without people’s attention. The creation of bridges could allow vehicles to take people from one place to another place in a faster way. Mostly, it will pass through some obstacle or other road network. Space on the bridge provides an easy connection between the places over separation. Space under the bridge should be able to do so. However, the space under the Dorbasinky’s bridge is separated into fragment by both driveway and railway, as well as those concrete structural columns, created a discontinuity and non-linear space, unlike the syntax of space on the bridge. The contrast of the space syntax and the needs of the surrounding users, derive a revitalized leisure and green area. In addition to the above, we also consider the distance between the residential area and the target site. The design is aimed to diffuse into the existing environment while contrasting the syntax of space on the bridge. The space on the bridge is a linear directional and purely two dimensions. We try to extract the different and put it into the design. Firstly, the building mass is tried to maintain under the curvature of the bridge at the south with suitable adjustment to reflect the context. The two ribbon-like bands going in between the columns and flow through the bridge profile. Secondly, a void-cut at the podium level – the green platform is created for a visual penetration on all sides of the bridge. Vision from the apartment buildings to the North will not be blocked. Furthermore, the skin design is try to reduce the light pollution disturb to the surrounding by minimize the glazing area towards the apartment
buildings at South direction. The curvy aluminum panel with stretcher bond pattern only allows light from the internal spaces downwards to the ground. Residents from the adjacent apartment buildings will not be affected, especially during the night time. In this design, we aim to encourage the users to spend the time on leisure activities rather than sport activities, which contrast the busy traffic on the bridge. Users can walk up to the podium level, ramping up and down throughout the continuous green platform; it also encourages the users to sit on the grass to enjoy their leisure time. The entrance ramp brings people to the podium level and the leading them towards the outdoor park on both sides of the bridge. There floor plate on the podium level and the upper level are wave-form like, which is not suggested to run or move fast. People can walk along the building gently and slowly. The initial idea of the continuous floor plate at the podium platform is to simulate the vehicles movement on the bridge, while we try to control the rate of movement by elevating the floor plate at certain points. As a result, the edge and the limit of the floor plate will be determined by the users themselves. People can decide the space, either sit or walk on the slope. The main concept of the design is the flow of space and continuity of space. The two wave-form massing act as ground bridges to connect with the local context. We do not aim to attract all people from the residential area to the site, but we would like to let people know that border of their living area could be extended seamlessly.
Fluent Functionality
Marija Cvejić, Slađana Cvejić, Сербия Activating spaces in the city represents great challenge mostly for the reason of level of attractiveness that needs to be reached in order to bring people to the river and create vivid environment. Visual effect is crucial, but carefully puzzled functional units are certainly something that needs to be planned in detail from the inside out to the global scale. Creating pattern that well functions on it’s own, but even better in chained combination that makes the Fluent Functionality possible is main idea for this site. So, basically this design beside architectural objects brings wide range of attractive, environmentally friendly multifunctional spaces with memorable ambient attached.
Placing compositions made of architectural containers with open sides towards the surrounding environment under the bridge is carefully done in accordance with created land pattern. Designed to be adaptable, multifunctional and changeable in time, these objects represent important part of the ambient created to attract and bring people to the site. Instead of hiding them, their position, shape and color is chosen to make them visible and recognizable from wider distance. Colorful contrast is dominant in the zone under the bridge during the day while combination of the glass and colored plexiglass provide romantically lit area in the evening and night which makes this sort of intervention in urban space desirable rather than necessary.
Need for connecting and intersecting different functional zones almost instinctively placed pedestrian bridge on main axis that leads to the church, but the very need of people who inhabit this area made this bridge more pool like, usable for swimming in the summer, but also for winter sports in the winter. That way people get space for hockey and skating and swimming and sunbathing all in one, and it is additionally upgraded with café-bar making the ambient pleasant to walk by and providing beautiful view towards the marina. Also, direction of the pedestrian bridge is kept beside the objects placed under the bridge.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Feather under bridge WeiQi Tian, Китай
Purpose: Making the building lay one the ground naturally and reflecting the surrounding environment. I begin to think about which kind of building will be built on the site when I get the requirements. I choice “tolbuhinsky bridge”because of the nice environment which looks really nature. So I try to make the building look like something hiding under the bridge but who can reflect the surroundings and live like nature staff but amazing. Technical description: The façade will be adopted the metal curtain wall which making by the aluminum and some part of skin can be opened for the light and ventilation. The façade will be support by the archs and trying to create the big empty space inside.
Isabella Britze, Franziska Ewald, Alexander Gregotsch, Sebastian Völkel, IFAS – Landscape Design, Германия In the modern urbanism bridges are an inherent part of most cities. But despite of their functional usage, they’ve got a quality and beauty of space, which leads to numerous possibilities and a high potential for designing public space. The difficulty is, to develop a feeling for the mix of function and aesthetics. The Tolbuhinsky bridge is one example for a beautiful urban construction, which full potential isn ́t taped. According to the opinion poll, provided in the context of the competition, people wether use the space under the bridge nor see something special in the area. The bridge is just a functional element of the infrastructure, crossing the river. Our aim is to show the people the hidden beauty of their city and make the area more attractive. The bridge is located in the center of Jaroslawl, connecting North and South side of the river Koto- rosl. Especially the northern riverside provides still a lot of space without many buildings. The last years the riverside was already upgraded. The opening of the Millenium Park was a first step acquiring the riverside. Further in the West there is a sport course. The architecture of the bridge is kept simple, which is why there are a lot of possibilities to design the remaining area. But the big massive pillars are a striking element, which should be minded in the planning. As a result, the aim of this project is to establish a connection between the Millennium Park and the sport course. Because of this the project concentrates only on the North Side of the river. The idea is that this whole area should be seen as one unity, but with different sections, which can all stand for themselves. In order to achieve this goal a smooth crossover of the two natural domains needs to be fulfilled.
Therefore the bridge is used as an element of transition and will be the core of this outline. This idea is supported by using architectural conditions given by the bridge. It’s a mix of strengthen the line of the pillars, but also use the open space to spread into nature. Most important is the right utilization of the space under the bridge, which must accomplish certain qualities to guarantee an operating concept. For that, the design needs to find the appropriate mix of function and aesthetics. This design gains all of these aspects and merges them together into one principle. So there are three main points considered: — the connection of the landscape and important points of the city As a straight and dominant building the bridge brings along the danger to cut the surrounding landscape. In order to avoid this impression, the people passing through are guided by pathways starting in the open landscape, continuing under the bride and leading at the other side again in the open landscape. Trees on both sides of the bridge create a loose feeling of already closed space, like it ́s found under the bridge and compose a fluent passage. — the accentuation of the architectural construction and its own aesthetics Beside their function as connecting element of the landscape the trees underline the simple and clear form of the bridge. They are lined up orientated at the placement of piles and staves. Especially seen from the street the bridge offers an interesting perspective. Frames made of metal repeat the rectangular shape of space between the piles.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Public Art Park
Ning Lin, Site8 Architects, США After examining and understanding the project goal, its vicinity and relationship to the historical core of Yaroslavl, we are enthused about the opportunity to transform the area into a Civic Place, Above, Under, and Beyond, instead of merely utilizing the space underneath the bridge. This is a place for citizens and arts to integrate and co-exist, a true extension of Yaroslavl’s spirit and legend. The 400 meter long Tolbuhinsky bridge has the inherent potential to regenerate andrevitalize the surrounding vacant land into a civic place of historical significance that matches and contributes to the synergy with Yaroslavl.
Walking in Yaroslavl, one is immersed in its beautiful parks, objects of the art, historical places, monuments…etc. We envision that the space underneath Tolbuhinsky bridge with its vast surrounding open area offers tremendous opportunity for art installations of all sizes and motifs. Metal decking display platforms of various sizes and heights are suspended from the concrete bridge above, some sculptures are directly hung from the bridge itself, the slender elevated metal walkway in the air, suspended from underneath the bridge, are all integrated into a complete system of art and its viewers in space and time. The zigzag walkway offers diverse perspectives and view points for the art installations, the changing seasons and the murmur of the river brings forth more rhythms and memories, much more so than any indoor museum experience has to offer. Here, where the concrete bridge above with its vehicular traffic forever in motion, the art and people suspended in the air, the land and the river below in four seasons, one finds poetry.
We are convinced that instead of conforming to the limitation of the bridge boundary, the development of the space underneath the bridge should embrace the whole vacant / underutilized area, turning it into a vibrant civic realm where people, art, history, nature all come together under the star, the sun and the moon, by the river, in the wind. With the insertion of asuspended walkway between the bridge and the land, stretching from the northwest point to its southerly edge by the river It is a Public Art Park, a Romance with the city and its people, a delicate front, a continually integrated park system is established. and graceful Poem, a new Gem by the Volga. The space underneath the bridge serves as the park’s centralized focal point. The two ramps located at each end of the elevated walkway liberate themselves and branch out of the linear form of the bridge above to embrace the whole land into its realm.
The place of life
Omar Maher Alawi, Иордания Due to the Sociological survey of residents for Dobryninsky bridge, the residents want areas to walk and to walk there children’s, and let them have fun, some need mall ( that’s mean that the central market is not enough ) with is located 1 km from the bridge, and some need restaurants ( a place to eat food ), parks and some other needs. So, i decide to design the thing i found it more flexible and helpful to make the area under the bridge walkable and to attract people to use it.
kids area, he/she can set down on the benches, read, enjoy the nature, and the special landscape. - after eating or during it people can set and have fun, enjoy with friends at the landscape - after a tiered work, study day its a nice place to relax with the nature, wooden landscape, to drink some thing, its a wonderful place to do it. - When someone need a place to read, walk, eat something out side its allowable in this place. Why Restaurants: -When friends need to hangout, eat outside in a nice place there are some restaurants to chose. - people who use the bridge and feel hungry, they have no time to eat at home its a perfect place to eat with some choices of restaurants. - Due to the Sociological survey of residents, one of the needs was Mc Donald’s restaurant ( with is mean there is no enough restaurants to eat in this area ). so its to provide the area with restaurants. Why parking: - to people who use the hypermarket or the restaurants. Why a lot off wooden materials: - to not feel that the bridge is taking the nature ,or minimize it. so its provide more natural look to the bridge and under the bridge. - To be a Ecological place and don’t use many harmful materials to the environment.
Why Hypermarket: - people who use the bridge for transfer, when they are going to home lat, or tired they don’t have to go to the shopping center to brings there needs, it will be much easy to bring it from under the same bridge they walk on. - to make shopping for residents much easier, and no need to go to the central market. here they can see the nature, green areas, and deferent architecture style, deferent nice places to be with friends. Why Kids area: - people who come to the hypermarket maybe they cant leave there children’s at home, alone, so they can bring then with, now shopping will be more easy to be done. And the same thing with people who want to go to restaurants and walk. — when children need a place to play, a safe worm place that can be play in even when the weather is bad or cold (when they cant play Finally, I think these things will make the «under the bridge» place outside). more Vital, safe and usable by residents Why area to walk and set: - When someone taking care of children and they are playing in the
международный архитектурный конкурс
Sky Playground D.R. Maples, США
The concept for the sky playground emerged from the unique circumstances of interacting with an existing bridge. The design process was somewhat inverted from building up to building down which created an opportunity for exploration. This new interaction led to the idea of inverting or flipping a design in some way. Another point of interest was the demographic survey in which local residents asked for more spaces to play. A bridge seems to oppose a space for play; the bustling of traffic moving people from one side of town to the other creates a space not very kind to children’s play. However beneath the bridge there is no traffic, and pedestrians are sheltered from direct sunlight in the summer and precipitation the rest of the summer. A combination of these opportunities led to the idea of creating an “inverted playground” under the bridge. The combination of inversion and a play area led to the idea of creating an “upside-down modernized playground” using the bottom of the bridge as the “floor” of the playground. The “floor” is a box hung from the bottom of the bridge which has a strip of LED lighting running around the perimeter. The LED lighting illuminates the space for twilight and night play while also drawing in local pedestrians from the street and those wandering the area. The bottom of the box is covered in turf to provide a familiar ground texture to the inverted scheme. Because of the inversion of the space the play area needed to feel open below and closed off above so the height of the main space
was kept intentionally low and the space is lofted a fair height above the ground. The design was also kept intentionally clean yet industrial to be able to fit within the existing graffiti while remaining in place if additional projects continue to change the nature of the space under the bridge. The layout of the play space was originally based on the traditional Orthodox Churches in the surrounding areas, using the cruciform shape, eventually shifted so that the swings run under the space creating a three pronged shape. The center piece is made up of repeating plating and beams mimicking the bridges undersides orthogonal rhythm. The spaces are to be somewhat contained, due to the height, yet also feel open with many slips and openings for users to look out. The floor plan has a stair and slide on the sides flanked by the existing supports for the bridge with a lookout to the north and monkey bars extending out on the south face. The swings, normally one of the taller pieces in a playground have been slid under the above pieces, reinforcing the concept and consolidating the space used. This opens up the two edges of the play space to be used by younger kids and/or family members watching those up above. The design is a bold step that would hopefully lead to other small, possibly crowd-funded, spaces under the bridge. This trend of microparks could help vitalize the space and activate it from an afterthought to a vibrant microcosm of the diverse and proud history of the city of Yaroslavl.
Dream within a dream, create a new world in between Shi-Yen Wu, Jui-Yu Pan, Jie-Siou Syu, Тайвань To support human’s materialistic world and on the other side to resolve pollution. The environment is overloaded when over development occurs. The circulatory system becomes unbalance and cannot provide a favourable environment. These two constitute to the circulatory system. Utilising the advantages and disadvantages to find a new possibilities. Site analysis: After the site analysis when we beginning of the overall design, the site location between with urban and natural space many shops, factories, military camp and residential at the northern part , the southern part have more residential and some church therefore the space properties a part of the downtown area, and southern like a suburbs area, so the site is in a transition,intermediary features, it’s a kind of interface urban space. Design concept: The site belongs to a transition space type of our analysis, so the overall design for the two section to build up a circulatory system, section one is create a kind of interface it’s a natural porosity, flexible, penetrable and the structure can be breathing, through the exist natural pores in the sun light spilled, breeze and water to mixed it, the pores will produce a nutrition for the plant and build the good environment for the insect. Flora and fauna which is belongs to a more friendly environment, for the residents it’s a method of closer to natural and through the surface trail system allow the residents were able to get closer to the bridge and living area. The second form is with the local
environment to design a water purification system and through the system to make the quality of the original river clean, the environment can become more friendly and better for the local residents. Water purification system: Water purification system design is improved by the original river can be self-purification. The method is on the river bottom cover by the gravel and allow pollution water flowing to the gravel, when through the reaction zone, stick it to the gravel at «aerobics», surface growth of «biofilm», to make the organic of the pollution as a » nutrition » to remove the pollution and water purification purposes. The greatest feature of this principle is allow microorganisms growing between the surface of the stone and gravel, fast to clean the river and cheaper but it do not affect the upper space of the ground, it also not including any chemicals and non-chemical processing unit on the «Approach to natural water purification» process, the principle only regular to clean river sludge to the bottom of the gravel it’s will not produce secondary pollution and ecological destruction effect. The structure is divided into three parts, anterior and posterior combine with the curve and surface structure, at the anterior set by tube, and importing water to irrigate planting at the upper, the middle was the main activity area for surface construction.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Embracing a zen approach to life Shi-Yen Wu,Wai-Shing Li, Ren-Fong Gong, Тайвань Yaroslavl is the historic part of the city, a World Heritage Site, is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl Rivers. Yaroslavl saw a huge expansion in the size of its population over the course of the 17th century, and by the end of this century, the town had a population of around 15,000 people. This city as an important transportation connecting to Moscow, Vologda, Rybinsk, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Kirov. Meanwhile Yaroslavl also has a river port and airport. The city is divided into six districts: Dzerzhinsky District, the Volga region, Kirov region, Krasnoperekopsk area, Lenin District, Frunze. Founded in the eleventh century and reached its peak in the development of the seventeenth century, the city’s historic center is located at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl river, Meanwhile Yaroslavl has always been considered one of the main components of regions of Russia Circle. It is also an industrial city. The bridge is north of the downtown, the countryside is near to the bridge at the southern part. The church is the main cultural heritage for the city and connect to the bridge, so the church become the most close to the countryside also it’s the most quiet, the green path and river surrounding the bridge and mixed with each other turn into the synthesis of a sacred. Under the bridge space connected the city is caused by shadowing, darkness, or even ignored, but people will find some methods to reach out the space under the bridge. The city of Globalization, the under the bridge space with urban has become not the same it is a diverse ecological environment, will not be the city’s air pollution, as interpersonal relationships with each other to be able maintain at a
good environment for a long time, and the connection between the cities also need such a distinctive bridge space. Under the bridge space can be present by different form, which can be reflected in the concept of a urban border. It can be a peaceful and relaxing space, it can be close to nature in that space. So we try to make a quiet space and close to nature combined with the complex texture of urban border, the space has been redefined form under the bridge it has been transformative. Rivers is a method of forming a under the bridge space, the river as a train to cutting the city it not the same as that we may build subways and bridges to avoid the tracks, we can only use the bridge to avoid the river but the bridges and subways is not the same, the bridge is a very open space appropriate for a long time to stay, and the subway has darkness, poor air circulation, and many factors. We hope that through the theme of under the bridge to identify urban cultural, hydrological, and urbanization problems and to solve them, from another point of view to explore under the bridge of the city. In addition to Russia, many cities and countries was abandoned and idle for under the bridge space, but after reactivation of another new scene. We thinking about the under the bridge space and river combine with each other, we were defined a religious ideas, religious giving us the impression that the quiet, selfcontemplation and reflection, so we want to join this concept in the space of under the bridge, so character of the space is highlighted. From the quality we want to recognize them on the existing location to emphasizing them, it becomes dramatic from this order to make the space of under the bridge and the city to get redefinition.
Проект пространства под Добрынинским мостом
Шишков Александр, Ярославль, Россия Пространство под Добрынинским мостом имеет довольно немалую площадь, но при этом одной из целей конкурсного проекта поставлено задействовать максимум территории, наделив ее разнообразными объектами пребывания как для молодежи, что конечно преимущественно, так и для взрослого населения. Конечно существующая функция хранения контейнеров с мусором также важна, но вполне возможно придумать некий интересный сценарий для этого места. Мост — само по себе интересное, динамичное сооружение, которое я предлагаю органично дополнить подобными нижележащими формами. Первым делом считаю нужным подсветить это пространство, что осуществляется установкой освещающих ламп, подчеркивающих форму мостовых опор, также размещение ламп над конкретными объектами, которые было бы целесообразно защитить от ударов какой либо сеткой. Подсветка планируется также быть встроенной в лавках за защитным экраном. Далее возведение различных объектов, так например, минибаскетбольной площадки, которая вписалась между мостовыми опорами: с одной стороны это массивные колонны, с другой стороны стены, огораживающие это место не только от проезжей улицы, но и от других композиционных элементов, так например, от зон отдыха. Это место наиболее темное и его подсветку я считаю важной, но также здесь как нигде важна защита источников освещения. Зоны отдыха наделены сидячими местами, центральная из них обладает объемом, сложенным из габионов, который можно использовать как небольшую печь, принеся заранее с собой дрова или же уголь. Западнее находится подобный объект, но он уже имеет ряд из кустарников между скамьями. Вокруг расположены площадки с кри-
вой поверхностью, предназначенные для катания на велосипедах, роликовых коньках и т д. Эти объекты, как планируется, будут состоять из решетки, ячейки которых скреплены из листов толстой фанеры, на которые сверху крепится деревянная обшивка. Все это должно располагаться на прочном забетонированном основании. Вышеперечисленные объекты связаны между собой переплетающейся сетью пешеходно- велосипедных дорожек, которые можно организовать с подогревом с целью использования подмостного пространства также и в зимнее время. Через проезжую улицу также под мостом начинаются прогулочные дорожки ведущие еще к одному объекту, которое включает в себя сценическую зону со зрительными местами. Это пространство может использоваться для различных назначений, так например от собраний жильцов прилегающих домов до каких- либо творческих публичных выступлений. Эта зона тоже должна быть соответствующе освещена. Еще один элемент, который использован в конкурсном проекте это настенные рисунки граффити. В таких местах считаю бороться с этим бесполезно, но оно может дать преимущество для создания духа несколько заброшеного места, в которых так любит собираться молодежь. Но данный вид творчества должен быть органично вписанным в созданную среду и ненавязчиво окружать зрителя, быть частью композиции.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Jordi Gibert, Aleix Gil and Alba Robles, Испания A cocoon is an envelope serving as a covering to the pupal stage of what is protected inside. A cocoon is where the change begins: after a short period whatever was inside becomes something completely different. Cocoon, hanging under the Dobryninsky Bridge, has to be a place to bring the social relations of the Yaroslavl inhabitants to a new level. It has to be the place to cook a new society where co-operation between people has to vertebrate the way citizens think, live and interact. A cocoon is ephemeral. A light shell and shelter that offers what is needed to begin a new life, something natural and logically adapted to its environment. Cocoon, open to the whole neighborhood, has to be a small intervention with large effects. It has to be easy to be built by anybody, using affordable materials and standard construction systems. It has to offer the possibility to re-adapt to new uses modifying its shape and to be re-used in any other way when it doesn’t have to be a cocoon anymore. Cocoon has to be cheap and not only economically but also ecologically. The use of autochthon materials and the possibility to be autoconstructed make it become something ephemeral that won’t leave any traces further than a social change. A cocoon is the beginning, the starting point of the next generation. Whoever leaves its cocoon travels to new horizons and recreates what was learned. This expansion brings new cocoons to other places
creating an unstoppable exponential growth. Cocoon, starting silently in a hidden place, has to be the origin of something bigger. Copying it to other bridges or exporting it to any abandoned place will bring more and more cocoons to our cities. Borderless and just guided by whatever the citizens wish it to be, cocoon is the beginning of something unpredictable that has to change the system as much as we allow it to. A cocoon is also a place to come back. Coming back to the origins, always looking for further changes is usually done by everybody. To grow, to recreate or reproduce or just to feed the future generation are always good excuses to come back. Cocoon is the place you have to go to help other people evolve. The place to teach and learn, to show and explain or just to find other people interested in your same projects. Cocoon is the home where the children grow and where the elders come back, the link between this exhausted society and the future, a future that can be whatever we make it become. Cocoon is the place to start the evolution and the time is now.
Tobulhinsky Bridge Arts Complex Stanley Russell, США This is a proposal for a new structure that attaches to the existing Tobulhinsky bridge and combines improved pedestrian access across the bridge with efficient use of the space beneath the bridge and revitalization of the adjacent areas. Problem: The Tobulhinsky bridge is typical of most bridges and viaducts around the world in that it makes an effective connection between two sides of a river valley but the space below the bridge is underutilized and often unsightly. As clearly stated in the competition brief there is an opportunity to create a new kind of urban and architectural typology in and around bridges. Although the Tobulhinsky bridge creates a vital vehicular and pedestrian connection to the city grid, the space be- neath the bridge is not readily accessible for pedestrians, especially from the south side of the river. Accessibility must be improved in order to make a vital environment below the bridge. Much of the space below the bridge is occupied by the Kotorosl river and it’s flood plain so a building structure cannot touch down in those areas. The river is a potential asset to the residents of the city but it is not easily accessible in the area around the bridge. Design concept: A bridge is a liminal space, a conduit that allows for a constant flow back and forth. A liminal space resonates with artists who are constantly discovering, reinventing and interpreting the word through their artwork. This is a proposal for an arts complex when the visual and performing arts can be practiced, learned, performed and exhibited. The architecture for such a place should reflect and facilitate the flow of people and ideas. This proposal envisions an architecture with sloping surfaces that
allows pedestrians on foot or bicycles to move freely and effortlessly from both sides of the bridge down to the space beneath and to the riverside. The spaces below the sloping surfaces will become outdoor gathering and performance spaces. The space beneath the Tobulhinski bridge is vast and the scale of the support structure is monumental. This kind of space can rarely be experienced within architecture. This proposal seeks to capture the drama of that space and structure for the people of the city of Yaroslavl to experience. Rivers provide a place for retreat as well as a stage for celebration. This proposal utilizes the space between the river and the existing levee as a plaza for events or for individuals to enjoy the river. Solution: The building swoops down to the site from the north and south capturing the vast dramatic space below the bridge as a gallery for the exhibition of artwork and place for live performances. Where the building slopes up over the levee and river artist’s studios are perched above the gallery with views down the river to east and west. The sloping floors that link the upper and lower spaces become seating areas during performances as well as places to exhibit artwork. The gallery and studios are accessible from above and below via the sloping floors, which become pedestrian walkways on the outside of the building. The entire building becomes an inverted hillside that creates pedestrian access above and below the bridge. From the existing bridge level the pedestrian has the option of going up a ramp to a pedestrian walkway that traverses the bridge directly or going down a ramp to a walkway that goes all the way down to the gallery and river level.
международный архитектурный конкурс
The Red Carpet
David Selander, Швеция You can’t wait to see that new movie that seems promising and just came out but don’t want to leave the comfort of your living room. You don’t want to do it because here you get to lie down and stretch yourself out however you want. We all know the feeling. Sure, cinema chairs are kind of comfortable but you have to switch positions every once in a while not to hurt that spot on your back. And there just isn’t enough space for your jacket that you brought either, right? It’s always kind of a comfort-compromise going to the cinema. What if you could lay down with pillows and blankets — sort of like a cinema picnic. You cozy up with your partner or group of friends and truly relax while watching your movie. Even if it gets packed people will naturally seat themselves close enough for a lot of people to get inside but far away enough for comfort. The Red Carpet seeks to explore the anti-gravitational possibilities of the mysterious space under the bridge — unusual architecture for an unusual place. With the bridge acting as a roof and with heavy supports counteracting the gravitational forces architecture is permitted to fly under the bridge. On the south side under the Tolbuhinsky Bridge The Red Carpet floats suspended in air utilizing supports only from the hanging structure that connects it to the bridge. It’s an outdoor cinema looking to expand the cinematic experience. Like a whirling carpet frozen in time it flows in natural shapes to create seating for movie watchers. The seating area connects to a commercial building which houses a reception including snacks and drinks, toilets and a pillow and blanket washing room. This ground-anchored building borrows the
expression of the seating landscape to create a consistency in the design and for the building to blend in with the seating landscape’s formal language. It’s a new kind of cinema that blends the organized space of an indoor cinema with the more communal experience of an outdoor one. With tables for drinks and snackholders the uninterrupted landscape acts as a facility able to hold groups of every size that might find its way to the cinema. The bridge crosses a river so why not take advantage of it by giving customers the chance to experience the movie in the water. In conventional cinemas there is the problem of arching your neck when you are seated in the front which isn’t very comfortable. Here you can lie down in the water. You can lay down anywhere in fact if it feels more comfortable. You could even bring a floating mattress if you don’t want to get very wet but still want to float in the water. When you’ve bought your ticket, drinks and whatever else you wish to bring you reach the top of the stairs; you take off your shoes and bring them with you as to not unnecessarily dirty the floor. You take your pillow and blanket, find your favorite spot and sit or lay yourself down with your partner or friends. Even though it is outside it’s almost as it becomes more of an inside activity than a conventional cinema. You take off your shoes and get a more intimate and comfortable experience. Here the formality of taking your pre-specified seat and stiffly sitting there the entire movie is removed, and you may choose to sit or lie down as you please.
Grid Walk
Robyn Thomson, Rfyflf A gathering space for the nearby communities—a place for people to meet and relax, or hold small events. The manufacturing presence in the community appears to limitthe use of outdoor spaces. Creating a social destination using industrial materials artfully connects this polarity, while encouraging the use of the nearby green spaces. Coated steel rods form a hanging grid-like structure — open spaces with structural glass floors within this structure allow for occupation. Approx. 26m x 14m
международный архитектурный конкурс
Light clouds Under the Bridge Enrique Fernández, Испания The idea is to create an unique atmosphere under Tolbuhinsky Bridge by generating artificial light clouds under it that also illuminate the water with reflections. A neumatic system generates light water vapour clouds.
Русские народные бытовки Зверьков Иван Викторович, Москва, Россия Многофункциональный комплекс под Толбухинским мостом в Ярославле 1. Идея Создание многофункционального пространства социального назначения. Мост – это один из основных городских коммуникационных узлов городского пространства, для облегчения преодоления ландшафтных препятствий в виде оврага, реки, дороги и т.д. Мосты всегда насыщены беспрерывным бурным транспортным движением и не менее активным человекопотоком. Данные неотъемлемые элементы жизнедеятельности мостов повлияли на идею создания именно постоянно действующего активного многофункционального комплекса, а не временного организованного пространства инсталляционного типа.Непрерывность и постоянство функционирования предлагаемого комплекса подчеркивает и поддерживает основную идею создания любого моста, а, именно, непрерывность и постоянство использования его по основному назначению. 2. Образ Функциональная составляющая моста, как правило, является основной, что не всегда положительно влияет на его архитектурный образ и зачастую некоторые мосты не имеют яркого, эффектного образа и представляют собой голую, серую, недружелюбную конструкцию. В данном проекте предлагается создание яркого образа, сформированного путем аллюзии на архитектурный облик деревянных жилых домов русской деревни с её неповторимой ручной резьбой по дереву, проявляющейся во всевозможных окладах, наличниках, фризах и других фасадных элементах и представляющей уникальный пример декоративно-прикладного русского искусства.
3. Функция Пространство под мостом делится на 4 основные функциональные зоны: 1- Торговая зона. Пространство под торговые павильоны для любого вида товаров повседневного народного потребления. Торговые зоны располагаются по краям комплекса и фланкируют все его пространство. 2- Офисная зона. Пространство, предназначенное для аренды площадей под офисы. 3- Зона социального жилья. Пространство, предоставляемое жителям города без определенного места жительства, которые, как правило, и «арендуют» пространства под мостами под свою жилплощадь. Офисная зона и зона социального жилья располагаются симметрично центральной оси моста и размещаются ближе к центру относительно торговых зон. 4- Зона хостелов. Пространство отдается под недорогие номера для временного проживания гостей города. Зона хостелов размещается по центру комплекса. Все функциональные зоны включают пространства общественного питания: кафе, рестораны, столовые. Горизонтальная связь между функциональными зонами и отдельными блоками обеспечивается системой галерей, по краям которых размещаются лестничные узлы осуществляющих вертикальную коммуникацию уровней комплекса. На крышах верхних объемов в специальных кадках высаживаются небольшие растения для создания дополнительного озеленения города и усиления «деревенского» образа сооружения.
международный архитектурный конкурс
Star Sticks aka. звезды палочки Jacek Urbanowicz, Китай Origin of an idea Bridge… Under the bridge. That name instantly reminded me of Red Hot Chili Peppers song, in which the lyrics say: I drive on her streets ’cause she’s my companion I walk through her hills ’cause she knows who I am. Well the song Is about the city of Los Angeles. But it can be any other city. The city WE live in. The city knows us better than we do know the city. “Water under the bridge” means that whatever happened is over and done with and forgotten. That is exactly what happens with space under the bridge. Almost ANY bridge. Space under bridges all over the world is a global issue, common problem. This space is usually dirty, forgotten, nobody cares about this place, as it’s dark and just boring. No function, no meaning, no sense. All of that made me think! I tried to imagine a cosmic space, something bright, interesting and, if possible, – multifunctional. I was wondering what people need in this area (according to the survey – parks, garden – generally speaking – a lot of “green”. They also mentioned playground or a place kids, older people – anybody can come and have fun or just sit down and relax. This place must be changeable during time, so that people would be interested coming in different times of a day, maybe even different seasons. I started thinking about something abstract and unique, that might come to reality easily and with not a huge effort. A place, where inner space and outer space are combined with each other and mutually complement the views both sides – from the inside and in the outside.
All that and even more I started to imagine. I did not use a pencil on a sheet of paper as I used to, I did not start within software at the computer. I just relied clearly on my imagination, so that I would have a small chance to cross some boundaries. Such boundary literally is a bridge. It connects two different spaces. But how to connect different worlds – of reality and illusion at the same time? That was the challenge I accepted, pursuing probably the best possible solution! Synthesis of an idea After a few days the idea crystalized in my head. I knew what I wanted to achieve, I knew what tools I need to use and I started working on it. “Space” – the Universal, cosmic space above us was one true inspiration. As something unreachable yet so close to us, moving our imagination to the limits. The form I created is dynamic, very changeable within the sun penetrating its structure, multifunctional, as abstract and linked within one general idea and its “interior” and “exterior” becomes one mutual space. Вуыскшзешщт ща еру зкщоусе I devided space under the bridge into the one on the ground and the other “hanging” from the bridge, which is “the roof” for that space. I created two bitmaps showing the pattern and the “heights” of the structure. The structure is made just from one element, multiplied hundreds of times along 160m lengths of the considered part of the space under the Tolbuhinsky Bridge. With its around 30 meters width (28 up and 36 down) it creates a rather complicated structure, that is very challenging yet even more interesting.
World aurora experience center
Li Yafeng, Li Yannan, Lu Chongguang, Wang Lina; Китай
The Bridge We choose is Tolbuhinsky bridge, which is located in Yaroslavl, Russia. Its climate belongs to the temperate continental climate, the average temperature in January is — 10, July is 18 Annual precipitation is 500-600 mm. Considering the latitude location, we can see the aurora borealis, so we decide to create a place to watch the phenomenon of the aurora borealis at any time. As we all know, the aurora is a very beautiful natural phenomenon, it often appears in the latitude in the atmosphere above the color luminescence near geomagnetic pole. Aurora is varied, colorful and beautiful; there are few phenomenons which can be compared with it in nature. It is difficult for people to draw the constant playing in the cold polar air, the vagaries of glare.
experience. In addition, this part of the space can also be a concert or large indoor Spaces, places with seat and stage. Shape structure with translucent materials, to provide indoor natural light during the day. Rules of sphere is half round ball shape, the volume is divided into three kinds, six meters, twelve meters, eight meters in diameter, with irregular sphere space, for small aurora experience area, usually also can be used as places for entertainment and leisure. Six meters of space to imitate the design of the igloo, primarily for the visiting people provide the place to rest. From the view point of view, the bridge and the bridge space is the two different spatialentity, the rules of the sphere into two entities space Aurora sometimes appears in a very short time, sometimes it can be squeeze out, then get the aurora night places. in the sky for a few hours. The shapes are various and they seem like transitory festival fireworks, ribbons and colored giant screens. In a Technical description word, it’s a feast for people’s eyes. This design is based on aurora. We Translucent material, make full use of the local unique natural features and geographical 6 meters,12 meters,18 meters,30 meters and 60 meters, advantages, we want to build a virtual and active place. Our goal is Natural type, to create a different experience for people. People can see the aurora Extrusion type ball and Half a sphere, Watch the northern lights, performances, accommodation. borealis from inside and outside. There are two types of design of the place, regular and irregular sphere form respectively. Irregular sphere shapes are pressed by the bridge, deformation subsidiary under the bridge, the internal space is large, layered, dome for artificial design, to simulate natural aurora display screen, Provide artificial night for visiting tourists, aurora visual
международный архитектурный конкурс
Woodstock Revolution
SIN Architecture / Salman Champaign, США Give back the space under the bridge to the poor and marginalized. A revolution means a reversal of the order of the social and economical classes. By designing primarily for the marginalized and the poor this project is reversing / revolutionizing the way architecture is made. In the present day world architecture addresses the needs of those who can afford it, but this architecture addresses the needs of the underprivileged by providing them with a comforting space that works as a shelter as well. It’s an architecture that hangs from the bridge acting almost as a giant hammock. It is a top down construction and not the usual cliché of bottom up construction. It also collaborates with the existing setting by adding on another space under the bridge for the marginalized, on top of the actual users. This project is meant for the poor so the means of the construction should reflect that. The materials used are tree logs gathered from the woods around the area, rebar penetrating and holding together the logs, and hung by tension rods that are connected to the beams underneath the bridge. Dimensions of the produced members are standard dimensions from catalogs and the tree logs are from 6-8 m in length and 20 to 40 cm in diameter, varying due to naturally grown pieces.