Women of Wealth Magazine – Winter 2019

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Women of Wealth Dr. Lei Lewis CEO/Publisher Women Of Wealth Magazine

Dress by Linda Bezuidenhout Photography Rhino Valley Makeup by Christian


Dr. Jasmin Sculark


Women of Wealth WINTER 2018 2019 WINTER






Dr. Lei Lewis Frank Lewis Brandy O Neal Shondalon Hoffler Somalia Hoffler Richard Brickus III Fran Sherman Remi Osi Sheryl Nance-Nash Nykole Wyatt Lydia Pace Ayana Finch Sheryl Nance-Nash Pamela Johnson Marilyn Helgeson Remi Osi Krystol Diggs Jan Robertson Kenneth Turner Photography Jared Zem Photography Berlin Kerry Grant Photography Tory Brown Photography Daniel Evans Photography Dee Moore Alyiah Thomas Satia Thomas Sonya Savoy Christian Info@womenofwealthmagazine.com www.womenofwealthmagazine.com womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com Magazine Availability Issues are available at Barnes and Noble and national airports. In addition to freelance writers, Women of Wealth seeks experienced advertising sales executives. Inquiries should be sent to womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com

Magazine Issues are available at Barnes and Noble and NATIONAL AIRPORTS TO INCLUDE ATLANTA, MIAMI, DALLAS AND LOS ANGELES. Letters to the editor at womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com Correspondence may be edited for length and clarity. Please include name, address and email address. Published 4 times a year | Subscription Rate: U.S. 1 year $49.95 Copyright©2014 Women Of Wealth Magazine USA Inc. 786-510-3571


STORIES Dr. Lei Lewis Michaela Thompson Shirley Luu Geteey Omar

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Justine Norman Boyd 36 Dr. Jasmin Sculark 42

Page 30 Cover Photography: Nina Karetova Photography Makeup by NickeyMartin.com






Dr. Lei Lewis, CEO/Publisher, WOMEN OF WEALTH MAGAZINE 10 Years of



fter retiring from the practice of law, one of the first things I did was to set out on a mission to discover the mindset of wealthy people and how can I, and others acquire that mindset. I needed to carefully articulate a concept of wealth that comprehensively defines wealth. I noticed that with this mission, one of the first things I had to do was to enlighten people on the very significant difference between ‘success’ and ‘wealth’. I fully realized that the greatest confusion in the lives of most people is the ability to properly situate these two very fundamental aspirations in their proper places as they journey through life. Thankfully, I have also learned a lot as I set out on my own journey to create Women of Wealth magazine as the vehicle for my crusade.


At Women of Wealth Magazine, we celebrate wealth because it can give us many pleasant experiences. But, we also celebrate wealth and the wealthy, not because wealth is an end unto itself—there being other important parameters that guarantee a successful life, but because one of our greatest possessions on this earthly plane is freedom, and wealth can give us this freedom. We believe that it will be good for people to experience this freedom, for with it, many an illusion they labor under will dissipate into thin air, allowing them to see more of the beauty in their world each day of their life. Defining the Wealthy Mindset, Now, if we say that to acquire wealth requires a certain type of mindset, we need to identify what type of mindset that is. But first, let me talk briefly about myself. I practiced as a full time lawyer for over thirty years. Then, the time came for me to retire and do something else. I began to look around to see what it was that I could do. That came with its own peculiar challenges. I had been a lawyer most of my life, and I had to pray hard about fashioning out a new identity for myself. The prospect of stepping back and following a leader was not a very attractive one for me and it required me to sincerely identify what it was that I would want to do if I could do it at all. I acknowledged that I loved to read, and that I love to write. I had been told that I was a good writer, so why not start there? That was how and why I eventually figured that I would create a magazine, and I did. I came to that decision in 2009; that would be about ten years

ago. So, my journey into magazine publishing started at that time, and here I am today. The magazine is currently enjoying wide distribution at airports all around the nation, and outside this nation as well as in national bookstore chains. The Multi-Dimensional Me In many respects, I’m a multifaceted personality, and because of that, chapter two of the book of my life might be talking about the three phases, or the three dimensions of Dr. Lei Lewis’ life. Yet, that might still prove to be an inaccurate proposition. I will explain. There is Dr. Lei Lewis the minster, Dr. Lei Lewis, the retired lawyer, and now we have Dr. Lei Lewis the writer and publisher. But, does that sufficiently describe my odyssey? I would say it does not. If it were that easy to lock my life into three dimensions, or three phases, where would you place Dr. Lewis the mother, Dr. Lewis the CEO and business owner, Dr. Lewis the mentor, and the military woman? Yes, I served in the military. And, believe it or not, there is the wife. Yes, I tried the ‘wife project’ a couple of times. That did not work out. In the final analysis, I am probably in error by trying to constrain my journey so far into three phases. In truth, my life has been a multi-faceted one. I have played so many roles that it is now difficult for me to fit snugly into any one compartment of description. Ultimately, I can only safely describe myself as a multi-dimensional person. Yes, that is so very true depending on who I’m relating with, and God knows

I have been so many things to so many different people. The Carrot Chasers I would say that wealth is like a carrot. As human beings, we are seemingly traveling on our individual roads trying to catch up with the carrot which is speeding in front, and just ahead of us. Sometimes–thinking that we are so close to it, we reach out and make a triumphant attempt to touch it. However, the moment we stretch out our hand to grasp it; it’s almost as if the carrot picks up speed, and the next instant it is once more that much farther out of our reach. From a broad point of view, it’s as if the world is divided into different categories of people when it comes to wealth. We have those who were born into wealth however; they are constantly chasing after more of it. In fact, although they already have it, it is never enough, and the more of it they have, the more of it they want. We also have the ‘carrot chasers,’ and these are the ones who seem to be consistently on the chase for elusive wealth. The carrot chasers seem to be always looking out the window and trying to see how they can be of benefit to the world, even while their eyes are on the elusive carrot, just ahead. I recognized these paradoxes as I set out on my own journey to find wealth. Mentorship Is Vital In Acquiring a Wealthy Mindset Along my journey, I also discovered something else. As a woman involved in the car ride, and who like most other people was chasing my carrot, I knew I should expect to find


The truly wealthy woman is a truly successful woman, not only because her bank account is brimming with millions of dollars, but also because of her noble disposition, she willingly helps another woman become wealthy.” With that supposition, I would go on to testify that Women of Wealth Magazine believes that mentoring and philanthropy in a multicultural society will soon be the new norm. It will be the new paradigm of wealth.”

men and women in front of me blocking the carrot I was chasing, and that was exactly what happened. Women, especially, were always there, in between one’s car and the carrot speeding ahead. Sadly enough, what I continually experienced was just that. Difficult as it is to explain, women seem to have a hard time helping other women. What I also discovered was that, generally, women are inclined to lead their fellow women to believe that they are willing to help them in some way or the other, only to eventually leave them stranded in the ocean of their forlorn hopes. Mentorship is very important. Few people achieve their ambitions and aspirations in life without mentorship of some kind or the other. Such a mentor could be anyone. A mentor could be a parent, or even a total stranger. You need someone other than yourself to help you in the race to catch that carrot you call wealth. Mentors tend to know things that you don’t. Additionally, they are more likely to have gone through certain experiences that are totally alien to you. Some of them have already been down the path you are just about to tread, and they know the exact location of all the potholes, craters and sinister bends on that road. The one special privilege they have, and which they are qualified to avail you of, is to help you in saving invaluable time and avoidable trouble by sounding


that crucial note of warning that you should not go down a certain road. However, mentorship is a two-way street. It is one thing to be mentored; it is an entirely different proposition to receive mentorship, humbly and in good faith. To benefit from mentorship, you must have a teachable mindset, or call it a mentor mindset, if you will. But, that is still not all that it takes. You need to always find a way to remain in the company of women who are already so far ahead of you. The truth is that there is little or no benefit in walking with women who are of the same status as you. The blind cannot lead the blind. You need to have mentors that are so far ahead of you within the context of whatever meaning you ascribe to wealth; whether that meaning is money; whether it is optimal health and wellness; whether it is your emotional well-being or, whether it is success on some rare platform of human endeavor. Great is the man or woman who will sit at the feet of another and tap from his wisdom. Great is that person who puts himself at the disposal of another’s superior knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, when the pupil is ready, the master materializes! For, in truth, no man is wise enough by himself. Doesn’t the Book of Life proclaim that no servant is greater than his master, nor can a messenger be greater than the one who sent

him? For, what (after all) is wisdom if not to learn all one can, and then have the humility to realize that one does not know it all? He who teaches himself has a fool for a master. Indeed, wise is he who will humbly sit at the feet of someone more successful. For, his superior wisdom will flow down to the pupil, as if propelled by some form of spiritual gravity. So, I urge you to partake of the fellowship of wisdom and knowledge that exists amongst those who are traveling between you and your carrot. To fly the way the eagle flies, you must perch on his back, and spread out the way he spreads his wings. Wealth is an acquired mindset. The acquisition of true wealth, in whatever form, is the fulfillment of a certain dream. Speaking of women; I think we almost owe to ourselves to feel obliged to help other women— if for no other reason that we know how hard the struggle can be. If we possess the ability and the power to assist, then we should do so. Permit me to explain something of a crucial nature. A wealthy woman with influence can pick up the phone and introduce you to someone who can and probably will make a tremendous impact on your life. My tragic discovery is that many women can do this but will not do so. My sincere cry is for women to help other women. Speaking from my own experience on this journey, one of my greatest

The Case for Marketplace Ministry by Dr. Lei Lewis – Theme: “A Covenant with Divine Love”


challenges has been, keeping the communication doors open with some of the wealthy women with influence that I met on this journey; for I understood they were reluctant to help me enlarge my territory, or to acquire a wealthy mindset. Now what else have I experienced along my journey? I noticed this. Those who are extremely wealthy love God. They know that there is a God who does it for them. Most of them would tell you,” I don’t want to do anything until I have thanked God. I honor God by giving back. I honor God by hiring, not for me personally, but for my business. In some of my challenges, I know there’s a God because I felt God intercede in what I was going through at that particular time.” One woman comes to my mind, and I feel compelled to share her story. She said, “You know, Dr. Lei, I’m a five-time cancer survivor!” I was stunned because she looked so good. For most of us, we can only imagine what it means to be diagnosed with cancer. Someone once told me it’s like being in hell, and that the trick is to go through it so quickly that people don’t even realize that you have been through it and back. Life is like a theatrical stage in which we are all playing different roles. The key is not so much the role we are playing, but how we effectively go through that role. If we walk with dignity, and with faith, and remain firm in our belief until we can come out looking so good that other people—being totally baffled will look at us and say, “I thought something was going on with you, but you don’t look like you’ve been through anything!” Your simple response would be, “You know, we can only thank God!”


The Right Attitude is in The Wealth Mindset So, attitude matters a great deal. Attitude is a big part of the wealthy mindset. Sometimes however, we get stuck in a difficult place in which it becomes tough to wheel ourselves out of the situation we find ourselves in. It is all part of the struggle in ‘chasing the carrot’ stage of our evolution. Yet, when this happens, and we get stuck in that unfortunate place, it becomes all about the mindset that we need to help us out. When we get stuck in that manner we must be able to reach down into our innermost being and turn the wheel of progress in order to get back on track. It is also at such times that we need someone to help us to get through it; to help us get unstuck. May I suggest a mentor? My own experience is that I’ve had to continually encourage myself. One of the first things we need to do is pray unceasingly for strength, and for intestinalfortitude in the face of adversity. This isn’t easy and can be quite heart-wrenching. As I once told someone, a mentor can be someone you have never even met yet. The beauty and utility of present day technology is that the Internet allows you to know anyone you wish to know. You can also meet a potential mentor through her book. Read all about her struggles, and her successes. Examine her attitude critically. This is called ‘virtual mentoring.’ A mentor, of course can be male or female. My good friend and mentor Dr. Yomi Garnett once told me that, apart from a mentor he calls the Sage, he has met not even one of the other people who have been his greatest teachers. He said to me, “You know, Dr. Lei, my teachers are all great American

motivational speakers and spiritual authors. Yet, I have never met one of these people.” Get yourself a mentor. Find out what meeting that virtual mentor of yours will be appearing next. Find a way to attend the meeting. It could turn out to be a rare opportunity to meet him or her. It’s all part of your car ride ‘chasing your carrot’. Learn to re-listen for what you’re not hearing properly. I can remember life being so awful when I lost my mother at the tender age of 13. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. It was a terrible situation, and it was so horrible because I was not there when she was killed. I never got the opportunity to say goodbye to her. Let me share an enduring secret with you. Your environment does matter. DNA does matters. Let no one tell you otherwise. These are the factors that keep propelling you to victory; to fulfill your mission and to become the person you are destined to become. Having lost both parents at the age of thirteen, my siblings and I were now faced with the harrowing prospect of teenagers trying to raise teenagers. But we had great DNA from our mother on the inside of us, and we were able to merge that with our mindset. All nine of us achieved success. What we went through without a mother or father can only be imagined. The nightmare that could have easily incapacitated my siblings and me for the rest of our childhood was the horrible fact that my father killed my mother. I encourage you to buy the book on Amazon, “Icons of the Boardroom” and read the rest of my compelling Journey that has brought me to this place called Now! You can reach us at: info@womenofwealthmagazine.com or womenofwealthmagazine.com




VOTED BEST IN THE SPA INDUSTRY For 30 years Ecobel Med Spa has been the one-stop destination in Buckhead, Atlanta, for men and women who want to rejuvenate their skin, to revitalize their bodies and to restore their vigor, vitality and health. We believe the skin is the billboard of our inner health, and the body is like a garden that needs to be nourished and nurtured.

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Nguyen WOW Magazine had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Ms. Le Yen Nguyen a 30-year veteran in the skin care industry and founder of Ecobel Med Spa, a medical and day spa, located in Atlanta, Georgia, serving Buckhead and surrounding Atlanta areas. For more than 3 years as the owner of award-winning Ecobel Med Spa (www.ecobelmedspa.com) Buckhead, Atlanta, Le Yen Nguyen has helped thousands of Atlantans and people from around the world experience and embody feeling beautiful from the inside out. Her core insights into life-long vitality and elegance evolved from a saying she learned from her parents as a child in Vietnam, and again while studying at the elite aesthetics schools of Europe: Le Yen is a graduate of two highly regarded skincare schools: the Ecole Internationale des Estheticiennes de Direction (now known as Elysees-Marbeuf); and the Italian school Emmanuelle Rossetti. She was also certified as a French Board certified Master-Esthetician since 1981. Le Yen considers herself a “ visagiste ” , a formal title that allows her to examine a person’s face and skin and design a treatment that matches the contours of their unique appearance.

Ecobel, which won “Best Med Spa Service” in Atlanta in 2015, Le Yen is a leading authority on anti-aging and hormone replacement therapies for both men and women. She is certified in Anti-Aging Medicine by Empire Medical Training in 2016 and has trained with world renown Anti-Aging endocrinologist Dr. Thierry Hertoghe in Belgium in 2015. She is also certified by CIBTAC (Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology), a pioneering organization located in the United Kingdom. She is Professionally Endorsed and certified by Spas2b, an advanced spa training school in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada since April 2015. Le Yen’s journey to success in America came after periods of challenge and adversity. Her career as a budding entrepreneur began in Vietnam as a teenager, where she sold her family’s household goods on the streets after the fall of Saigon in 1975. womenofwealthmagazine.com | 7117

Sherry: I note one of your core principles is beauty from the inside out. Why is this important? Le Yen: It is important for two reasons. First of all, I was taught this from a child. The phrase that sticks with me the most is what my mother used to say to me in Vietnamese: “pretty is, what pretty does”. My mom always instilled that in me as well. “Pretty is what pretty does” refers to your behavior and how you treat your inside, your body, this is how the beauty is going to radiate on the outside. When you are considering looking to a professional for anti-aging and hormone replacement advice, a client really needs to seek someone who will view them as a whole person. You have to be healthy and beautiful on the inside in order to be beautiful on the outside. As a “Visagiste” (a French word meaning designer of the face), I help people understand the full scope of their internal and external health and how every decision we make together is connected to revitalizing and restoring their natural elegance. Second, we all know that the skin is a billboard of your inner health. When you see the skin on the outside you see all the symptoms of the inside on the skin. From extensive studies in Chinese Medicine and other traditions I know that the deep immune system is very important in defining how you look and feel on the outside. If you have a healthy inside everything is going to radiate through. You are going to feel beautiful and look elegant on the outside.

cation and world couture came from my Father. He is the most stylish man I have ever known. My family experienced the fall of Saigon first hand. After a year of living with that devastation, we re-located to France where I received a formal education in French schools. The mix of the cultural upbringing that I had helped me understand a broad view of culture and beauty. Plus, I have advanced studies in Paris, Italy and the U.S. Yes, I am a 30year female entrepreneur in America, and part of my success stems from an intimate understanding of people from every walk of life.

Le Yen successfully combines her knowledge of scientific medical based treatment techniques with exten-sive training in the use of herbal and botanical compounds in skincare.

Sherry: How has your multicultural upbringing and or exposure impacted your view of the world? Le Yen: My global experiences are the foundation of everything I do. It’s where the East meets West in my life. I was born and raised in Vietnam. I have traditional Asian values that were taught by my parents at home. So that’s how I view the world. That is what helped to shape my outlook on the world. From a young age, I also had a western outlook on the world such as civil rights, women emancipation, living democracy in the third world. Those are issues that have always been important to me. My understanding of sophisti-


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Sherry: Could you kindly inform readers of some of those values? Le Yen: Some of the values that I carry are service before self, caring for others, respect for the elderly, integrity and excellence in what you do - do your best all the time.

Sherry: What inspired you to enter the skin care industry? Le Yen: I would say not what but who. It was my mom. Growing up in Vietnam, we had times when my mom could afford to buy cosmetics and skincare. But other times when we couldn’t, she made home remedies. I was watching her doing hand masks for her hands, rinse for her hair, so those kinds of things. I grew up watching her take care of herself. In Asian culture, your parents always raise you to grow up and be either an engineer or doctor. But I just knew that it was in me, the love for skincare, the passion for skincare was in me and that’s what I followed. I followed my instinct and my love. That’s why I’m in skin care today. So it’s very important that you treat your inside well so that you can reflect the beauty on the outside. Sherry: What does a regular consultation entail? Le Yen: Often when people come to me they want instant gratification. So, what I would do is to treat their outside first, to give that instant gratification, to beautify the skin on the outside. Then I tell them that to truly have long lasting beau-ty, one must take care of the inside. We do that using various scientific methods.

We do hormone therapies where we balance you. Stress over the years or every day stress can cause your body to go into inflammation and inflammation causes aging, weight gain, and various chronic diseases. Much of it stems from imbalances in the hormones. I often recommend a program to detoxify to help remove chemicals in the fat tissues, liver and kidneys to reduce inflammation. Then after that, we do a comprehensive blood work to measure the hormones and work to balance the hormones so that the body can function properly again.

start - up funds. Therefore, for many years, I had to work and reinvest it in my company. What that meant is that I had to sacrifice my earnings in order to reinvest in my company. For many years it was very, very, hard. There were tough times financially. Any business person – especially someone with an entrepreneurial spirit – understands the importance of finances. In such a competitive space, and with clients who carry such extraordinary expectations, the business side of the business is a constant challenge. The third thing is people, meaning staff. We are in a different era. It’s been Sherry: I’d like to know, for our challenging over the years to find and readers, what was one of your retain staff who embrace the culture of greatest challenges in business Ecobel, which is integrity, customer and how did you overcome that service as our utmost priority and then challenge? excellence. People are content with being Le Yen: Great question. I would wrap rich, of doing just enough to have a job or that up in three things. It is a competitive a career path. industry. It is very hard to compete against businesses that have low Sherry: What are some of your integrity, who drive prices to the bottom secrets to success and how would and make everything a cheap you encourage readers to start a commodity. That is not the approach business? someone should take with their own Le Yen: To advise somebody to start a skin. In order for us to continue to business, I would say, be ready to work provide excellent service, it costs money harder than your staff. Be ready to work and training and the right staff. It is a 60 - 70 hours to build that business. And constant challenge to compete against plan, a lot of planning. If you fail to plan, businesses that do not do quality but you plan to fail. That’s what I have to quantity, hustling volume at a very low say. People should also acknowledge their strength and weaknesses, and price. That is what my first challenge is - competitors that have low integrity in always celebrates your strengths. I think the secret to the success of Ecobel is me. their business practice. It’s just who I am as a person. It’s been a The second one is my business practice itself. When I started my business, I lot of hard work, and 100% worth it. You have to have integrity. I refuse to be started with my savings, very low average. It’s just who I am,

You need a lot of persistence and hard work. A few times I have fallen. But I have picked myself up and kept going. You just have to keep going. Sherry: You mentioned that sometimes you failed, how did you encourage yourself? How did you get back on your feet? What steps did you take to bounce back into a higher level of success? Le Yen: I think my upbringing. I was raised during the Vietnam War. I had fought battles to survive, immigrated to a new country twice, and faced cultural and social challenges along the way, including being bullied while I was in school. As a result of the hardships, I learned to be resilient and self – reliant. It is 30 years after opening Ecobel and I am unveiling a completely new side to my business that will complement the spas services perfectly. Ecobel Med Spa, still anchored in the Buckhead business community to this day. Le Yen is the owner of an womanowned business in the hypercompetitive health and wellness industry. Ecobel Med Spa is located at 2996 Grandview Ave NE #224, Atlanta, GA 30305, (404) 960-0812). The spa is open 10 am - 6 pm. Le Yen is available for one-on-one VIP consultations for anti-aging and hormone. For more information on Le Yen’s special events, speaking, workshop and training, contact E. Emmet Brady, brand strategist at 510-759-7624.





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The Power of a Book Lucy Health, novelist with books that capture our imagaination

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Disruptors are fast-moving companies, often startups, focused on a particular innovative technology or process in everything from mobile payments to insurance. And, they have been attacking some of the most profitable elements of the financial services value chain.� ~ Google






Shirley Luu



rom the “Wealthy Women TV Show,” Women Of Wealth Magazine introduces the ‘Financial Services Disruptor’ Shirley Luu, Founder and CEO of Shirley Luu and Associates, LLC powered by First Financial Security, Inc. Shirley guarantees that if you give her 30 minutes of your time she can put you on the road to creating a dynasty and totally change the trajectory of your financial future, including generational wealth for your family’s family. “Most people are simply unaware of the powerful financial products that exist today and which we offer that will secure your wealth for tomorrow and beyond,” Shirley explains. “This gap in awareness leaves an ocean of opportunity available for those who want to learn the business and champion the cause with us.” Shirley plays in the playground of the successful and loves to mentor others on acquiring a wealthy mindset. I can see myself being mentored by Shirley, who was also a syndicated columnist, known as “The Wealth Guru” for an online platform that promoted expert opinions on money, wealth and financial literacy. Shirley is inspired to educate everyone, but especially women and minorities. She provides a roadmap to becoming financially independent, basically starting at zero.


A Little Background in Her Own Words Shirley, tell us a little about getting into the financial services industry. “My background starts with the Fortune 500 companies. I was enjoying what I was doing and then, my husband decided one day, ‘well, let’s go and open up a business so that you can be an entrepreneur.’ So, I left the Fortune 500 company, took everything I had and opened a business in Virginia. Shortly thereafter my husband died suddenly. My life was devastated. We had to move out of the house immediately and find a place to live.” “I was left with three children, then ages 1, 15 and 16, and I had to embrace a new direction. I believe life is a roll of the dice at times and challenging times do not discriminate. At any time, any one of us can be faced with homelessness due to an unexpected and devastating event. I knew one thing was certain, that if you don’t proactively plan, with respect to savings, retirement and, most important, life insurance, the likelihood is that your family’s financial situation will be bleak.” “I did not even have time to really grieve, I had to find a way to take care of myself and my children. So, I decided to get into the financial services industry because I strongly felt that women should know, at all times, where they stand on money, their family, and their wellbeing. My passion is in educating and empowering women and their families.” “Rooted in empathy and experience, I recognized the unique challenges that exist for women and thus I have been active in


empowering women to “know their money” through various educational and enrichment programs.” An Opportunity as a Financial Missionary Shirley, what’s your outlook on your business? “We are attracting an ever-growing force of associates and licensed professionals who not only share my vision for wealth empowerment, but they also see the tremendous business opportunity that exists in the financial services industry. I am mobilizing a team of Financial Missionaries where educating our clients is the key because, only then is “choice” possible for the client….from two aspects. One from a client standpoint - we are setting them up for financial security. The second aspect [from a business development standpoint] will provide an opportunity for those who believe in our crusade to educate others while having an opportunity to earn a great living.” Shirley Luu’s Achievements Shirley, can you bring us up to date with some of the things you have been doing since over the last few years, and how you have been empowering women and others? “It’s been an exciting ride, and it’s incredible to be honored with numerous awards. Since 2004, I started creating platforms to educate women and men across the region. I’ve even spoken more recently at the DC Convention Center.” “And to be honest, it’s so exciting, to grow and be recognized as a company of success. I was

featured in Forbes, Oprah Winfrey Magazine, and Entrepreneur Magazine. In addition, Copa Style Magazine recognized me on the front cover for the 2019 Businesswoman of the Year.” “I just found out Morgan State University asked me if I could come out and speak. I’m also doing an educational platform with George Mason, with their Finance Club in entrepreneurship, where I’m teaching them about money. I’ve conducted financial workshops with various universities such as the University of Maryland and Towson University. These workshops provide the community an opportunity to learn about money.” “In addition to that, I’ll have a platform for financial education within the next 30 days on a local television station in the Washington area.” In 2019, Shirley Luu and Associates was nominated for and won the Fairfax County Bea Malone Small Business of the Year Award. In addition, Leadership Fairfax awarded Shirley Luu the prestigious 2019 Corporate Leadership Award. As we spoke, I could tell that Shirley was excited about her well-deserved achievements. According to one of her professional colleagues, “Shirley is powerful and can only shoot straight up to the top with that type of recognition, dedication, and heartfelt commitment.” Going from Zero to Millionaire Shirley, how did you become so successful? “When I got into the financial industry, I found out that there

were lots of new emerging products for retirement that the traditional insurance company and financial firms were not even talking about.” “When it comes to retirement, there are three main components that everyone should incorporate. One, leave a taxfree legacy for your family in the case that one dies too soon. Two, have a guaranteed stream of income in the case that one lives too long. Three, have living benefits you can access if a crisis occurs like chronic or terminal illness.” “With over 23 years in the financial services industry, I began to study the insurance component of the retirement arena and eventually began preaching it to others. [I’ve been], mostly excited about the combination of features and benefits we are able to secure within a single account or plan. For example, we can structure annuities which essentially provide the best of both worlds, giving you low-risk growth and a guaranteed minimum return.

We can offer you cash value and show you how to be your own bank. We can help you get market upside gains with downside protection and no losses to your principal. And you can access benefits while still living, for large ticket items or if you get sick.” “These are just a few of the next generation of products and the reason my clients love the financial security they experience by placing their money in properly structured life insurance policies and annuities.” “Some may say, ‘How is this possible?’ The short answer: due to the evolution and innovation of financial products, especially within the life insurance industry within the last 15-20 years,

coupled with key changes in State and Federal laws, and further enhanced by competition within the industry - all of which has ultimately allowed a new breed of indexed products to exist and serve as another viable solution and powerful choice for those seeking financial security.” “Laws have evolved, and new laws have emerged over the last decade, and over 90% of financial advisors and investors are in disbelief and shock when I educate them on the benefits and features of today’s life insurance when structured properly.” “So, 15 years ago, I started a financial brokerage firm. Our core values are Diversity, Education and Team. We recruit diverse ethnicities to enhance our team. It was very tough. None of the traditional advisors believed these unique financial products really existed. So I decided to focus on working with women and minorities, and that’s how it got started.”


Shirley’s approach to partnering with other advisors is also unique. “We just won a contract with one of the largest franchises for tax services for the Latino markets. They interviewed at least five financial firms, but they ended up choosing Shirley Luu & Associates.” “We help these tax service franchises innovate by adding financial services to their tax practice. And, this business model innovation isn’t limited to tax services offices. We apply this innovation to many other industries such as law firms, CPA firms, banks, mortgage companies, etc.” Championing Girl Power “Today, 80 percent of my team are women and minorities. I initially offered those who’ve had misfortune in life an opportunity to participate in a unique training program [allowing them to] advance in life. So I provided a solution for those who were serious and wanted to get involved in one of the most lucrative industries to help others and make a lot of money. My criteria is that they must have a positive attitude and the willingness to learn.” Shirley has an uncommon passion for helping women. She believes in her heart that they can succeed if they put their mind to it. She also has compassion to help women in her organization. She has even bought a car, paid rent, paid electric bills, and paid tuition for women in need — but, has asked nothing in return. Currently, Shirley has her eyes set on a new initiative in conjunction with an organization called Shelter House, a non-profit that provides crisis intervention and safe housing to men, women and children. This partnership allows for Shirley Luu and Associates to help women and men transition to a new career field in financial services. Shirley has committed to sponsoring all certification fees required for these prospective associates to begin practicing in the field. Her hope is simply that they learn how to pay-it-forward for others in need once they themselves are successful. Family Impact Shirley, how have your kids done through this journey? “I have three kids. The oldest girl is Amanda. She currently works for a well known global social media application in the Human Resource Department, and she is well respected in Silicon Valley. She’s very bright and beautiful. She just got married in August, and


I’m so proud and happy for her and my new son-in-law, Kevin. My son, Michael, in the beginning, was kind of tough. He was a brilliant kid but quit high school. As a mom, I didn’t know what to do. But I’ll tell you the success story now: I got him into a GED program and once he graduated, he was more like a valedictorian at his GED class. He went on to George Mason University, graduated and ended up with a physicist degree. And at the same time, he went into the Army, became an Airborne Army Ranger before separating from the military. In August, he was accepted into MIT PhD program in physics. And the last one is Jade. She’s the youngest and in high school doing extremely well. She’s ultrasmart, beautiful and has a strong head on her shoulders. And I’m very proud of her, as well.” Different from the Rest Why would someone come to you, your team, for a financial analysis or retirement plan? “I use leverage to grow the business and to train people. We have partnered with some

great, highly reputable companies, Barron’s top-listed carriers and as a valued broker, we are able to provide proprietary products truly unique to the industry.” “And actually, the other factor that makes me different, is how I protect people’s money and all that. So it’s really good, you know.” How many agents do you have? “Well, right now, I guess probably around 4,000 agents across the nation. I run the operation with directors across every state helping me. I think I have about 360 directors that help me run the organization.” So, what happens when any of those directors bring in a new agent? “They have to train them. They are responsible for training and teaching them. So now what I do is I leverage my directors to go and train all those people in all those states. And then they in turn have a team of folks that they trust. But that’s just a small piece. We’re about to take this thing to a whole new level. It’s going to be fun.”

So how can prospective clients and associates reach you Shirley? “… our presence is in all 50 States, especially all the major cities around the country. We have remote agents and satellite offices too, and that’s because financial education belongs to everyone everywhere. Not just to the major cities or [those who are] well-to-do.” Shirley Luu and Assoicates are at the top of their game with numerous insurance carriers, two of which carriers have even developed proprietary products for her organization. She is confident that 2020 will be a remarkable year not only for her firm but for her clients as well. She noted that Shirley Luu and Associates shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. “I can’t sit still,” laughed Shirley. “I was born to do this.” For more information on Shirley Luu and Associates, call 703.608.1203; go online at ShirleyLuuAssociates.com; or e-mail Shirley at shirley@ shirleyluuassociates.com.







ars have a cruel and indiscriminate way of impacting the lives of a population, diverting individual lives into unknown directions. The decades long war that had engulfed Geteey Omars’ native country, Afghanistan, has not been any different. From a very young age, it became obvious that, Geteey, was gifted with a unique sense of creativity. She loved to create arts and craft projects, designing unique pieces to be displayed around her house. Each day, after school, she was excited to start another project, experimenting with different color schemes and textures. But, soon, life would change in more ways than Geetey could have ever anticipated. The Russian invasion of Afghanistan changed everything. Political unrest and division plagued the country. The sense of security and peace began to shatter under the heavy weight of daily violence and fear. In order to ensure their children’s safety and well being, Geteey’s parents decided to flee the country.


Photography credit: Jamshid Momtaz





As Geteey was being uprooted from her native country, she bade farewell to her lifelong friends and also her precious hand-made projects that adorned the rooms of her family home. Despite an uncertain future, she made a promise to herself that she would never leave her dreams behind, and that they would accompany her to wherever life would take her next. In 1990, Geteey finally arrived in the United States. She was now determined to eliminate all the obstacles that life had placed on her path to accomplishing her creative aspirations. She worked tirelessly to overcome the language barrier, she familiarized herself with a new culture, and she swiftly assimilated to her new surroundings. Geteey also continued to excel in the fields of interior design and decoration. Her passion, hard work, unique vision and perseverance finally came to fruition with the creation of Platinum Weddings and Décor in Northern Virginia. She had finally realized her American dream and her entrepreneurial spirit. One of her goals was to be culturally sensitive to the needs of a vastly diverse clientele. Her dedication to each client and her creative vision have earned her accolades, support and rave reviews. Geteey, believes that the success of her growing business is largely due to her meticulous attention to detail and her refined and ever evolving sense of style. She values the individuality of each client and strives to fulfill all their expectations. Geteey’s drive and passion to turn her clients’ wishes into reality have made her a successful entrepreneur. After all, who values dreams more than a woman who as a little girl had to abandon everything but her dreams. Contact her for your dream wedding or event space design. Contact her for any type of creative interior design at info@platinumweddingsva.com and/or at platinumweddingsva.com or on Instagram, Pinterest or Face Book at Platinum Weddings and Décor. Contact us by phone at 703-200-1291.





Justine Norman Boyd



omen of Wealth Magazine ranks this interview with Justine Norman Boyd, Regional Development Director for the UNCF Atlanta Region as one of the top 10 interviews that it has conducted over its 10-year reign. We found her to be open, transparent and very engaging. A true advocate for women. She clearly made it known to me that heretofore, embedded within her purpose on this earth was to promote and advocate for the challenges and struggles still facing women. Today, she is still marching to that drumbeat while marching to another as well. The sound and purpose of this new drumbeat is to safeguard the young minds of African American students. As the UNCF motto goes, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Justine’s purpose now is to do all that she can to ensure that statement continues to ring true today and tomorrow. It was all these attributes, and more, that earned her the coveted title “A Woman with Power and Influence.”


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I see wealth as faith, family, health, peace of mind, and healthy relationships.”


As I took note of her many accolades; too numerous to mention, I did single out a few (we will list more as we continue this interview in the next issue). She has served on more than twenty boards, including the Atlanta Housing Authority Board as Vice Chair, the Chair of Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections. She has received numerous leadership honors including Atlanta Business Chronicle’s “Women Who Mean Business,” The Atlanta Dream Inspiring Woman Award; The Trumpet Awards Foundation High Heels in High Places; Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys (GABWA) Foundation Zenith Award for Distinction in the Profession; She is a tenured member of the Atlanta Business League’s 100 Most Influential African American Women and is listed in Who’s Who in Black Atlanta. Boyd is a German Marshall Memorial Fellow and a graduate of Leadership Georgia, Leadership Atlanta, and the Regional Leadership Institute. Boyd, like many of us, did not find her life to be predicated on a bed of roses. However, she gave the terms fearless, relevant, persistent and intentional new meaning. She always remained focused on her goals. Let’s travel with her to her Journey of NOW. When asked about her foundational beginnings, Boyd was quick to tell us that she grew up a young girl in Lincolnton, Georgia. Although, Boyd says it might have lacked many of the amenities she enjoys today, it was filled with lots of love. “My humble beginnings equipped me to pave the way for myself throughout my life,”

she states, “I lost my mother when I was 18 and that experience shaped me and the way I viewed life. My father became my backbone. He was the shoulder I leaned on anytime I faced disappointment in life, or I had something to celebrate.” She smiled when she said “My father is 92 and I still look at him as my hero. He serves as a shining star, and his voice is always in my head. His hard work was to ensure we never lacked anything, and he was always there to show us that we were loved. His encouragement propelled our success that has always endeared him to us. A disciplinarian in every sense of the word. My father is my roots and my wings. Providing me a foundation with a soft landing whenever needed”. Looking at Boyd as she exudes success, I asked, about your experiences and the challenges you have been through, can you say they are all behind you now? Transparently, Boyd opened herself up, “like everyone else, I am not immune to misfortunes in life. I have experienced my portion of loss. My mother passed when I was 18, my marriage ended in divorce, there were jobs and aspirations that did not pan out and so much more. However, as I consider all that I’ve been through, wisdom has shown me what once appeared to be a challenge was nothing more than a steppingstone for my life’s purpose. Each situation made me dig deeper while providing me with strength and courage to persevere. With each challenge, I was fo-

cused and knew that I needed to draw from it the lesson that was intended. I am a better human because of the things I have overcome.” She goes on to detail the things she learned from mentors, “There’s a quote, that I love, by Les Brown – When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.” I feel I have done and continue to do just that. I rely on my family and God’s plan to get me back up. I always ask this question of successful people and I have found that they feel without faith there is no purposeful Journey. So, I asked Boyd, where was faith in your Journey to Now? She answers that one quickly and with ease. “My faith is my foundation. Without it, I would have no clue as to who I would be. I grew up in the church and learned, at an early age, the importance of connecting to a higher power. I learned to lean on and listen to something greater than myself. It has kept and continues to keep me grounded. In my darkest of days, I was aware of where my help came from and who I belonged to. Faith, daily, pushes me beyond my human limits. During turmoil, there is no better place to seek refuge.” What does wealth mean to you? I see wealth as faith, family, health, peace of mind, and healthy relationships. It is the practice of living a deeply and fully balanced lifestyle between career/work/family and self-care. It is fulfillment.


When Boyd was asked if empowering women appealed to her. I felt her passion and energy for helping women rise to the forefront? Absolutely! She says, “I was blessed along my journey to encounter phenomenal women who helped to shape the woman I am today. It is my belief that each of us should be burdened with the desire to pass on our knowledge and experience to the next in line. I feel it is my responsibility to educate and empower those coming behind me with whatever I can so that the legacy and work can live on. I’ve been blessed with many wonderful role models and mentors over the years. Women who have helped to define me and my life’s calling. Women whose work, words and deeds continue to inspire me. Women’s empowerment is essential to the sustainability and growth of our country and the world at large. It is said that “whatever you give a woman she can make greater” and I firmly believe that. So, whatever I am unable to complete on this journey, it is my duty to pour that into someone else, so that it can carry on. Legacy and longevity are my torch.” She finishes her answer with these words. “My service is about developing avenues for those, whom without our help may never realize their dreams. Seeing the smiles on faces and tears in the eyes of someone who you just invited through an open door into


their future will forever cause this work to be worth it.”

UNCF Brand thereby enlarging her own story.

As Regional Development Director for the Atlanta Region of UNCF, one of Boyd’s responsibilities is to oversee the success of the UNCF Atlanta Mayor’s Masked Ball. I know this is one of the biggest fundraisers for UNCF so, I asked her to elaborate a little on this success story.

UNCF, also known as The United Negro College Fund, is the largest and most effective minority education organization in the world. Our sole objective, she states, is helping minority college students to graduate and assimilate into society. Established in 1944, we have existed for 75 years, while still promoting our motto, “ A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

Enthusiastically, she elaborates, “5 years ago, I inherited a gem and I graciously took the baton. The Mayor’s Masked Ball has always been the “must attend event” of the year but we have worked to elevate the experience for attendees. The Atlanta Mayor’s Masked Ball is the closing gala of the year and culminates into the Holiday season which makes it extra special. It was created 36 years ago by former Mayor Andrew Young and Mrs. Billye Suber Aaron, whom at the time was Vice President of UNCF. This event brought together the who’s who of Atlanta for the purpose of raising scholarship dollars for students. The event created an experience that allows guests to dress to the nines, have fun, be entertained and give back to something that is near and dear to our community, our HBCUs and our students. We asked Boyd to explain the progress of UNCF and its charge to the African American Community as she moved forward on her Journey to enhance the success of the

According to Boyd, “UNCF has changed so many lives by providing educational opportunities to the underprivileged and the underserved. We work to ensure that our 37- member schools, HBCUs, are a respected model of best practice in moving students to and through college; and to build a robust pipeline of underrepresented students who, because of UNCF’s support, become highly qualified college graduates.” Thus far, we have raised 5 billion dollars over the course of the 75 years and contributed to the graduation of 500,000 UNCF scholars. We have empowered 37 HBCUs and given out 450,000 scholarships in total with 10,000 allocated every year. To donate or become a part of this 75-year success story please view our website at UNCF.org, or call our office at 404.302.8623.


Dr. Jasmin Sculark

Dr. Jazz, I would like to start this session off with a discussion about the many facets of Dr. Jasmin Sculark. I am the Senior Pastor and Founder of Victory Grace Center in Maryland. I am also the Chief Executive Officer of Dr. Jazz Ministries, where we travel globally impacting lives through the written and spoken word. Excellent. Can you take us back to some of the renowned ministries you have shared the same pulpits with? Well, I have had the privilege of ministering at the Woman Thou Art Loose Conference with Bishop T.D. Jakes and with Pastor Jamal Bryant. I also have had the privilege of speaking at Megafest; and have ministered internationally in the UK, Africa on the Word Network and TBN. I served as a minister under Dr. Charles Edward Booth and pastored two churches before I started by own.


How do you take charge of your day? Just waking up every day is a blessing. So, after I receive the blessing, I thank God. Then, I ask myself, these four things: Who do I want to be; What do I want to have; What do I want to do; and Who do I want to help? I use these 4 points as a focus for helping people outside of my acquaintance, like women. I want them to be wealthy, healthy, in good relationships, and finally to have faith. So, I help them with advice and support as it pertains to finances, family, and their faith. Dr. Sculark, I have attended many of your Events and I have noticed that the norm for attendance is standing room only, why is that? Most of the time, I get people coming to my events to be inspired. For example, I had someone from Maryland to come in, she did not know what she was

coming to the city to do until Dr. Renee Allen introduced me to her. She got inspired and found her purpose. I know you came from Trinidad, please tell us what was your life like growing up there? I’m from a remote village in Trinidad called Laventille. My story was like that of Jesus of Nazareth when people questioned his legitimacy to speak about the things of God because of where he was from. My community was infested with drugs and crime. A family of seven kids, and I am the last one. My mom died when I was 14, so I was raised by my siblings, especially my sister. We did everything we could to survive in that village because that was the only thing we could hope for. I once told a story on the TD Jakes show about the $32 seed contributed to me by members of my village to help send me to America. It was the wish of my




Another Segment from

CONVERSATIONS WITH WEALTHY WOMEN TV Show. In this Series we are featuring our interview with DR. JASMIN SCULARK affectionately called “Dr. Jazz”. sister for me and my siblings to come here. I am the Fruit of a $32 Seed I see myself as a product of that $32 seed, not $32 million. However, I faced a traumatic situation before leaving Trinidad, which I recorded in my first book “Dancing with Broken Bones.” For many years, I did not share this incident, only to bring it up at the Woman Thou Art Loosed conference because I realized I needed to heal. My first book, Dancing with Broken Bones, was centered around the culture of Trinidad and my ability to dance despite the brokenness. The brokenness involved losing my mom and being a victim of rape. I developed a survival instinct and a determination that $32 was going to be the lowest amount I would ever earn in America. I came to Binghamton, New York and attended

a school—Practical Bible College—which was predominately Caucasian, and that was where I discovered my preaching and teaching gifts. As a child, I was usually an outspoken person, so I was sent to detention a few times. My high school teacher would say to me, she wished God could turn my outspokenness to something better, and I guess He did. The same mouth that got angry and said hurtful things is now the mouth that is constructive, and God is using to create wonders. My experiences set the table before me and enabled me to interact and dine with all races and nationalities around the world. In college, I did a lot of menial jobs to attain my degree. I continued my education and received my Masters and later my doctoral degree without any student loans. I had no help but God.

Because the school needed more people of color, I was given the opportunity to speak to people of all races in 40 different cities and states. Before you knew it, African American student numbers started to increase in the school. During this time, I had an epiphany and realized that public speaking was my gift. I then relocated to Washington, D.C. Amazing story. What’s the next plan for empowering women? I know you have the marketplace ministry, but what are we expecting anytime soon? It is good that you asked that. I love what I do in the church while preaching to the nation as a manifestation of my gifts. But I want to empower women globally to be themselves. That’s why I started my FinallyMe4Real movement. This movement seeks to empower, equip and encourage women to freely live in the full au-


thenticity of who they are in all areas of their lives which includes their ministry, money, mental health and more. When women without financial security speak, it saddens me. They attend all the seminars and conferences but still end up broke. I’m of the opinion that without a strategy, the trend will continue. I will use myself as an example: getting married and then ending up in divorce. The divorce wasn’t my real concern; it was how I would live financially because everything we had together was in his name. It was then that I developed a strategy to move from poverty to prosperity. I have seen the best of both worlds, poverty and wealth. I realized I had placed all my eggs in one place. I believe that everything outside of us is a resource to financial stability rather than a source. It doesn’t matter who the person is; you don’t have to depend on them for joy, peace, and your finances. During my days at my first place of worship, the church grew exponentially under my guidance and one day someone asked me, how much money did the church have in the bank, and I didn’t have a clue. He told me I haven’t started my pastoral work until I knew where the money went. That is when I realized it is not just important to have faith but to understand finance. I was busy working for God’s people, and the Board couldn’t give me a raise? That is what women pastors must contend with because we don’t know our value. If we do, we would know our worth. We don’t because we get emotionally enshrined in most situations. That is why my advice to women is to keep your emotions in check and work with the numbers in front of you. According to Dr. Sculark, You must be logical and smart in a board room. When asked the meaning of that statement, she said, You must be logical and smart in a board room. I spoke with a friend of mine, and he proposed that we deal with racism. I promised my support to him but emphasized that we both live in separate worlds. While racism is primary to him; sexism is more of my primary concern. Because I see no reason why men should be earning more than women who take on the same amount of work. The stats don’t support black women when it comes to making money. I want equality in all areas between opposite sexes, that is why I keep championing equal pay passionately. Having the confidence to demand what you deserve is what I am seeking to teach women. Thank you Dr. Sculark, All of this has been so inspiring, I hate for it to end, however, we have reached the end of our interview unless you want to bring in something more before we close out. I was hoping not to take up too much of your time. No, not really. If your readers desire to contact me they can reach me at Jasmin Sculark scularkj@icloud.com





Linda Bezuidenhout (LB) is an award winning fashion designer based in Atlanta, GA, USA. Linda has been involved in fashion industry for over 20 years, in Africa, Europe and the USA. The LB COUTURE line is influenced by a wide range of world fashion, cultures and trends. Linda comes from a Dutch-Tanzanian background and has been influenced with fashion since the age of eight when she used to insist on designing her own holiday & special occasion clothes and have local tailors sew the dresses. As a teenager she lived in several different countries in Europe which developed her fashion vision and exposure. In her 20’s she moved back to Africa (Tanzania) and continued contributing to the fashion scene there as a top beautician with involvement in various beauty pageants in conjunction with some of the top African female singers such as Mblia Bel & Vivic Motuwa. lia Bel & Vivic Motuwa. In her late 20’s she moved to USA and got involved in the men’s world of fashion as well and owned & managed several menswear stores in different malls in the US in the past. To Linda….Fashion is a PASSION and not just a business. She enjoys designing and creating unique and chic styles. She is a fashion designer (couturier) that gets involved fully in the whole process of creating the dress from concept to material choice and the dressmaking so the final product comes out exactly as she visualized it.

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Photography by Paul Daniel and Stellar Images, Atlanta






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ars have a cruel and indiscriminate way of impacting the lives of a population, diverting individual lives into unknown directions. The decades long war that had engulfed Geteey Omars’ native country, Afghanistan, has not been any different. From a very young age, it became obvious that, Geteey, was gifted with a unique sense of creativity. She loved to create arts and craft projects, designing unique pieces to be displayed around her house. Each day, after school, she was excited to start another project, experimenting with different color schemes and textures. But, soon, life would change in more ways than Geetey could have ever anticipated. The Russian invasion of Afghanistan changed everything. Political unrest and division plagued the country. The sense of security and peace began to shatter under the heavy weight of daily violence and fear. In order to ensure their children’s safety and well being, Geteey’s parents decided to flee the country.

Photography credit: Jamshid Momtaz



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Women of Wealth Magazine is a glossy, full color, full size, highly sought-after publication. It is a resource driven, innovative media communication device dedicated to empowering women through motivation, financial education and mentoring. Our mentoring component is powered by Affluent Women, Corporations and Executive Women Leaders of today. Our editorial content is encouraging and very informative. It offers extraordinary solutions to ordinary people.

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WOW Scene Bahamas


United Nations



Women of Wealth Dr. Lei Lewis CEO/Publisher Women Of Wealth Magazine

Dress by Linda Bezuidenhout Photography Rhino Valley Makeup by Christian



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