Monmouth College Light This Candle 4-pager

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This is a watershed moment in the life of our College. Our ability to seize this moment — to place Monmouth College on an irreversible path to greater levels of service, strength, and acclaim — lies in our hands. Let the devotion of thousands of hearts speak now and for generations to come. Let the flame of white and crimson burn forever brighter. ~ President Clarence R. Wyatt

ILLUMINATING THE PATH FOR MONMOUTH COLLEGE Our national and global societies yearn for people empowered to lead us through these challenging times. Monmouth has not just the opportunity, not just the necessity, but the duty to lead. Monmouth is distinctively positioned to create a more intentional, purposeful, and coordinated program of human development, and ensuring that this experience is responsive and available to a changing American and global society. This path represents the next stage in the evolution of the residential liberal arts experience. “A flame of white and crimson” has lighted the way for generations of young people for more than 160 years. Through the vision, courage, and generosity of the Monmouth Family, that flame will burn stronger and brighter. Most of all, through the young men and women whose paths will be illuminated by the Monmouth College experience, the world will be a better place. Through the Light This Candle campaign, Monmouth will continue to build its endowment by raising a minimum of $75 million by December 31, 2022. This campaign will strengthen the College, now and for the long run, by focusing on four objectives.

LIGHT THIS CANDLE CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES AND AREAS OF SUPPORT CANDLE 1: Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Monmouth has long made a rigorous educational experience available to students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. For Monmouth to remain a college of high opportunity and high achievement, bright and ambitious young people must be able to flourish without regard to their financial backgrounds and without asking them to shoulder overwhelmingly burdensome debt. Endowed Scholarships and Prizes are awarded using a variety of criteria, such as academic achievement or a combination of merit and need. Scholarships can be renewable provided the student continues to meet the academic requirements of the College and the stipulations of the particular scholarship. Scholarships provide support for tuition, which is administered by the financial aid office. Prizes are cash awards given directly to students. Named Endowed Scholarship – $50,000 minimum Named Annual Scholarship – $2,500 minimum Named Endowed Prize – $25,000 minimum Unrestricted Endowed Scholarship – any amount Chism Women in Science Scholarship – any amount

CANDLE 2: Faculty Support and Academic Innovation Faculty and staff are the sparks that light the candles of ambition, of possibility, of achievement and service with our students. They eagerly embrace their responsibility as mentors and role models, as well as teacher/scholars. A stronger endowment will enable Monmouth to continue to attract outstanding faculty and staff who understand that the residential liberal arts experience is focused on the growth of the whole person, and who strive to keep that timeless experience current in a time of rapid change. Nothing is more critical to our mission than outstanding teaching. Endowed chairs and professorships provide support for salary and related academic expenses, such as research and travel. Named Endowed Chair – $1.5 million minimum Named Endowed Professorship – $250,000 minimum Academic Innovations – Establishing endowed funds for lectureships, student research and travel will allow Monmouth College to offer increased opportunities for student learning beyond the traditional classroom setting. Endowed lectureships provide expenses and fees for a visiting lecturer, whose visit might range from one day to two weeks. Endowed student research, travel, and departmental venture funds help to provide support for students to attend educational conferences as well as both short term (two week) and semester long study abroad opportunities. Named Endowed Lectureship – $100,000 minimum Named Endowed Funds for Study Abroad/Study Away – $100,000 minimum Named Endowed Funds for Student Leadership and Internships – $50,000 minimum Named Endowed Funds for Faculty and Student Research – $50,000 minimum Named Department Venture Funds – $50,000 minimum Unrestricted Endowed Faculty Development Fund

CANDLE 3: Living–Learning Environment Much of the power of the Monmouth Experience flows from its highly residential nature, where the teaching and learning experience is an around-the-clock, seven-days-a-week pursuit. Through an endowed Capital Improvement Fund, Monmouth will maintain and enhance a living–learning environment that mirrors and supports the College’s mission—the development of young men and women as intellectual, social, moral, and physical beings. The Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) provides support for the upkeep of our current facilities, allows for strategic planning with regard to future renovation projects and/or altogether new construction. Maintaining our beautiful campus should always be a top priority as it serves as both a recruitment tool for prospective students and a point of pride for alumni.

Capital Improvement Fund – any amount

CANDLE 4: A Culture of Philanthropy By creating an even more ambitious sense of the College’s possibilities, Monmouth can inspire even greater levels of generosity and commitment. An enhanced culture of philanthropy will increase annual giving and add significantly to the College’s register of deferred and planned gifts, which helps guarantee a strong Monmouth College for the future. Planned and deferred gifts – A bequest is a gift to Monmouth at the time of death. It is the simplest type of planned gift and one of the easiest to implement. The donor can designate a specific amount, a percentage, or the remainder of an estate to the College. A charitable gift annuity (CGA) is an agreement through which a donor makes a gift of cash or property, and the College agrees to make fixed payments for one or two individuals for the remainder of his/her life. A donor can make a gift to the College of retirement assets, including their IRA, 401K or 403B, pension or other tax–deferred plan. Annual Fund – A gift to support the Monmouth Fund touches every facet of the institution’s life. For this reason, few gifts are of greater importance and value to the college than those that support continuing operations.

Office of Development & College Relations 700 E. Broadway, Monmouth, IL 61462 309-457-2323 |

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