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Apostle Dr. Veryl Howard

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Apostle Dr. Veryl Howard A NO NONSENSE WOMAN OF GOD

by LeiElle


Some people may call her Apostle, Doctor, or Woman of God. When they choose to disrespect the anointing of God or the call on her life, they say “Hey Girl” or “What’s up Veryl.” Sadly, it has been done even in the marketplace arena among the body of believers when conducting business. Would they call their boss by their first name? The truth is, Dr. Veryl Howard, prides herself on being a child of God, assigned by God to Apostolically implement the five-fold ministry of God in the business arena. God instructed her to do this in a non “churchy” manner. There is a time for speaking in tongues, laying on hands and shouting when it is governed as appropriate by God. But there are also times to be eloquently business savvy in a tough marketplace with a kingdom agenda. This truth Apostle Howard is learning oh so well as she navigates the world of business from a kingdom perspective. She takes on the business task God gives her for His purpose. Staying grounded in The Word and living a fasted life has helped her to prepare for the assignments. God shields her from the ridicule of those that don’t understand. God gives the balance and ability to fulfill the assignments because we must mingle in the world though not of the world. He also rewards when we don’t deviate when conducting business on tough terrain. Apostle how we’re encouraged anyone to not be afraid to walk in unfamiliar territory. Just work as business workman of the Lord with a kingdom agenda. He will take care of the rest.

I had to grow spiritually to understand balance while winning souls over to Christ.

What has been your greatest challenges conducting business from a Kingdom standpoint?

I had to grow spiritually to understand balance while winning souls over to Christ. My swag changed to relate to the business world the way God would have me to do it. My ear gate stays inclined to God’s word so He can show me how to conduct myself among all genres of people. Many people may question my approach but if God is directing me, I stay the course. mission to win over the lost and implement His principles in a reckless society. I am called to the global marketplace and not just the four walls of the church.

Since we’re speaking of Biblical principles, is there a particular person in the Bible you would identify with most?

Considering your challenges, what steps have you taken to ensure you’re not being judgmental in the secular world?

To simply put it, when I negotiate a deal with someone who has a drink in their hand, I do not judge. Or if a businessperson cusses casually in the process of closing a contract, I do not cringe. I keep my composure yet stand my spiritual ground and not compromise my actions noting God has allowed me to have their ear gates. I allow the glory of God to speak through me while doing a business deal thus not being “churchy.” I win them over with honesty, wisdom of God, being different and understanding that I was once a sinner too needing to be saved.

With many sticking to the notion of the separation of church and state, what do you feel it has been the biggest disconnect with this mindset?

Many of us miss it because we do not balance our assignment understanding that God placed us in the marketplace for a reason. We get it twisted and lose focus.

Being spiritually focused, what other ways do you see your spiritual giving path show up in your life?

I find myself often working in atmospheres which seems contrary in other’s eyes to the call on my life. But I ask, did Jesus only kick it with the church people? No, He had a Lydia in the bible was a businessperson who sold royal textiles. She had to learn negotiation speech and be sharp in business. But she sold with grace and compassion winning many over to the kingdom as she sought the Lord. She was the first convert in Philippi and her home became the place where the congregation gathered for worship and fellowship. Her house was the church because she was a businesswoman with wealth who opened her spacious home for kingdom business. She is who I most identify with because I lived that every day.

what do you feel is the most impactful way to win people over in the business Arena regardless of their religion background?

Just as Jesus won folks over in the marketplace with love, grace and by example, we must do the same. He preached more in the marketplace then in the synagogue. He was tough when he needed to be, but He also spoke the language they understood. He rebuked his disciples many times due to their approach. There was nothing churchy about His approach. We can be too heavenly minded as believers and no earthly good. Many believers must learn how to be effective in a secular world outside of their comfort zone the “church” and be the light on the hill.

What can you say, has been your biggest contributor, outside of your faith, to being successful in business?

Often, I have sat in corporate settings among my spiritual adversaries and had to speak with authority, power, and the favor from God. There was something they had, that God promised me, so I had to learn their business language. Afterall, the bible says the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. Even the Proverb 31 woman in the bible rose early and went to the marketplace. She operated with balance but had the business skills to get the job done yet still be holy. But wise believers do it with the wisdom of God to win over that business owner to Christ. Religiosity among multi layered millionaires is a hindrance to personal business success.

For those running into similar challenges as you, what advice would you give them?

There are people in the marketplace who understand the dynamics of optimum business expansion and the believers could learn from them. Unless we balance our spiritual ethics in the workplace, we cannot win over the souls we are trying to lead to Christ.

As a woman of wealth, what are current business ventures?

Presently, I have been blessed to be a principal actor in the number one hit show on All Blk TV Network called “Double Cross.” It is a secular show and I play a high-class mother helping to run a sex trafficking ring.

Some would say your current role is contradictory to your spiritual stance what would you say to that?

Well, this is the real world. Sex trafficking is so prevalent. It is a lucrative business but is often ignored even in the church. Well, one would say Apostle, which is such a dichotomy. Are you still saved? I would say, I am part of an agenda to bring awareness to this multi-billion-dollar foul business that exploits young boys and girls globally. I would also say the directors “Dem Gibson’s Films” are Christians who understand how to get their point across through me without asking me to degrade my spiritual character but to indeed act. It is an assignment for me because God opened the door in the film and television arena to minister to those on the set. They respect my non changing God like disposition and tell me they feel the anointing and appreciate my acting ability. They get my assignment an often ask me for prayer. God opened this door in the marketplace of an industry that needs believers to be in place to pray and lead others to Christ. If I were religious, I would not understand my assignment in the entertainment arena as a casting director, actress, marketing specialist, manager to film producers and recording artist. My job requires me to do business with people who are “unchurched.” I must talk their business language to seal the deals.

For Information on Apostle Dr. Veryl Howard, Actress, Author, Casting Director & Life Coach and/or Faith Management & Talent Casting visit her on Facebook & Instagram @ApostleVerylHoward

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