One to one level 2 mastery v5

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Public Speaking Mastery One To One Mentoring Programme


Public Speaking Mastery:

One To One Mentoring Programme So you’re a confident speaker. Now you need to master the art. You may already be a calm and confident speaker – perhaps because you’ve done my “Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys” Level 1 programme, or maybe you’ve always been that way – but that doesn’t necessarily make you a great presenter. Feeling confident is just the start. Mastery is for business professionals who might already be confident and competent presenters but know there is always room for improvement. At this level you will often be working towards a specific goal such as preparing and practising for an important customer sales pitch, company meeting or annual conference. Mastery is all about learning how to deliver in a way that’s just right for your personality and the audience. Participants will learn just what they need for the situation –which may include how to:

Working Together

• Deliver in an interactive and engaging manner

• Discover your own presentation style that is just right for you

• Adapt the content for different audience types

• Influence and persuade the audience

• Stop wasting time practising inefficiently

• Use your hands and voice to complement your message

• Run exercises or activities with 100% success

• Tell stories that inspire

• Eloquently handle difficult questions

• Thrive, not just survive in the “Graveyard slot”

• Learn and remember your presentation easily

• Maximise PR opportunities to raise company/personal profile

• Convey complex information succinctly

Who is your trainer? I’m Dee Clayton – a motivational speaker, public speaking trainer, and author of the book “Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys – Building Confidence for Public Speaking and Presentations”. Having over 25 years’ business experience enables me to bring a real understanding of what you need to flourish in a business environment.I’ll share how to structure and tailor different presentation or talk formats to get maximum results along with time-saving shortcuts. I use multi-award winning, down-to-earth techniques that really work. I know they are effective because I use them when I pitch for business, and I’ve won work in the UK, Europe and the US against companies many times my size. I won’t ask you to do anything I haven’t tried myself or used successfully countless times.


Public Speaking Mastery:

One To One Mentoring Programme How is the programme structured? I use a blended learning approach meaning in addition to the three intensive half-days of one-to-one training with me, we’ll also use my book, telephone calls and appropriate home study to ensure you gain maximum benefit from the programme. We focus on the last five of the “7 Steps to Being Simply Amazing” process (see the programme content table for further explanation). Sessions are usually spread over a 6-12 week period and some people prefer the ‘intensive’ version – completed over one weekend.

Here's the detail: Session 1 – Coaching Call In this preparatory phone call we spend 30 minutes discussing your goals and ensuring you are comfortable, motivated and well-prepared. It also enables me to understand your speaking situations, needs and challenges so I can tailor the personal presentation coaching sessions. Preparatory Reading You’ll receive a copy of my book 2-4 weeks before the course starts and are encouraged to complete exercises and bring answers with you to our first session. Time allocation 4-6 hours. Session 2 – Personal Presentation Coaching This session deals with steps 3 & 4 Presentation Style and Content. Using a blend of your experience, my observation and Insights Discovery personality profiling, we’ll uncover your strengths you want to maximise, your weaknesses you’ll want to overcome and identify the best presentation style to suit you and your environment. You’ll learn the 4 pillars of structure and interactive content – a critical, but often missed part of the process. You will apply the theory to your own relevant case study presentation and see how it feels to deliver using this approach with only minimal notes. You are set optional home study to complete between sessions, so you come to Session 3 fully prepared for the next steps.

Working on body language

Session 1 – Coaching Call This session is centred on steps 5 & 6: Learn and Remember and Engaging Delivery. Using your case study talk, I will share effective preparation techniques. You won’t learn “parrot fashion” as being tied to a script causes problems in itself. You will not over-rely on slides because that creates “death by PowerPoint”. Instead I’ll show you unique preparation techniques in simple stages to help you remember. You’ll be able to get all your points in and it will flow easily enough for you to remain natural and impromptu. You will also develop excellent delivery skills that you can apply to any type of public speaking. Depending on your particular needs, we might work on details like developing executive presence, using hands to add to the message (not distract), visual aids, eliminating any bad habits and tone of voice. You’ll also practise Advanced Influencing Techniques such as using metaphors to motivate, overcoming objections through storytelling and utilising the power of persuasive language which will soften the toughest of audiences!


Public Speaking Mastery:

One To One Mentoring Programme How is the programme structured? Continued... Session 4 – Personal Presentation Practice In this session you’ll have time to Practise and Review your presentation and continually fine tune it in order to gain mastery. There is the option to video your talk to watch back, where that is beneficial. Whether you’ve practised 10 times or this is your first live run-through, I’ll provide high-level, detailed and constructive feedback, as well as practical tips that are totally achievable in the time available. Between this last face to face session and any upcoming talk or event, my focus is on helping your talk, speech or presentation to go smoothly and ensuring you achieve the results you want. Session 5 – Coaching Call This review phone call lasts 30-60 mins. It’s a great opportunity to Review how any specific talk went, ensure Constructive feedback you are taking action for continued improvement and to set goals for how you want to go forward with your speaking. Will you be winning more pitches? Speaking at more industry conferences? Or supporting a cause you are passionate about? Whatever you do, I’ll give you tips on how to continue to develop and grow as a speaker. In the words of Leonardo da Vinci: “Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.” All sessions are intensive, and there is a lot to take in. That’s why if you’d like, each session is recorded – every detail is captured, so you won’t miss a thing. By listening again in your own time, you can really benefit from the depth of feedback.

Sign up now... All this comes with a no-risk “Value For Money” guarantee. If you’d like to see and hear more about how I’ve helped others please take a few minutes to connect with me and scroll the 65+ recommendations on LinkedIn or case studies on the website. One-to-one sessions are held in London, St Albans or Bournemouth – other locations on request. Evening and weekend appointments possible (if you are interested it’s good to talk diary dates sooner rather than later!) The full programme price varies according to location:

London ..... £3,995

St Albans ...... £3,495

Bournemouth ..... discounted to £2,995

All prices subject to plus VAT

The first step is to book in a chat to discuss your needs and I’ll see how I can help. Just drop me a line at or call me on 01202 798128 to book your preferred dates or to chat though more details.


As seen on

About Dee Clayton

Your Presentation Skills Mentor Dee Clayton specialises in enabling individuals and organisations to overcome their public speaking fears and communicate their message clearly in a way which makes audiences want to engage and ultimately take action. She is author of the book “Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys – Building Confidence for Public Speaking and Presentations” which outlines her unique, innovative and effective approach for which she has won 7 awards including “Business Person Of The Year” – East of England Business Champions Award for two consecutive years.

Dee developed a passion for NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and uses this to help people achieve a positive, not fearful mindset. She is a Certified Trainer of NLP (meaning she can certify Practitioners and Master Practitioners) and a Trainer Member of ANLP International (Association of NLP). She is also honoured to be the Marketing Director for ANLP CIC. Dee has had several prestigious speaking engagements – including being interviewed on the ITV News at Ten, Conference Speaker at the Association Of Bid & Proposal Management Professionals, and co-trainer at India’s first ever NLP accredited training in Mumbai. In her exploration of audience dynamics, Dee has done Dee Clayton guest speaker at AVA conference. some stand-up comedy which, in addition to enabling her to test her own “fear monkey” techniques, has helped her make learning fun. Dee is also an accredited “Insights Discovery” Practitioner, bringing an in depth understanding of audience types, presenters’ personality styles and how to make the most of their strengths.

Dee’s passion for commercial communications was recognised upon graduating with a 2:1 in Business and Marketing when she was awarded The Cooperative Prize for Best Marketing Student. She holds a Diploma of Industrial Studies and a Chartered Institute of Marketing Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing. Prior to setting up Simply Amazing Training Ltd, Dee worked on a wide range of products in different company settings. Her experience took her from Jacob’s Creek to Jammie Dodgers, Bernard Matthews to Boddingtons and Marigolds to Murphy’s developing expertise across many communication tools including TV advertising, international event sponsorship and conferences. With over 25 years of management experience her background ensures clear advice and guidance is given on presentation content, strategy and techniques.


Programme Content “7 Steps to Being Simply Amazing”

Simply Amazing Training

Most Other Providers

1. Catch and Connect



Proven techniques to identify what is causing nerves or hindering performance

2. Tame



We work together to eliminate these "fear monkeys" long term

3. Presentation Style



Ascertain your personal style, maximise strengths and minimise weaknesses

4. Content



Recognise the 4 pillars of structure and engaging content. Apply to a case study presentation

5. Learn and Remember



Use effective preparation techniques and simple steps to learn and remember

6. Engaging Delivery



Develop excellent body language, voice tonality etc and apply to the presentation

Including Advanced Influencing Techniques



Learn and practise advanced techniques to influence and persuade your audience

7. Practise and Review



Learn how to best utilise the practice time and review progress

Address both Mind-set and Skill Set



New techniques learnt will be used after the training and for years to come

Light-hearted, award-winning “monkeys” approach


Approachable, fun way to address sensitive and challenging issues

Coaching Call with Dee before face to face sessions



Tailor the programme and the Home Study to best fit individual needs

Free copy of Dee’s book for pre-reading



Arrive with pre-knowledge so you can maximise your time with Dee

Optional Home Study



Gain greater self awareness and accelerate your results

Individual relevant case study presentation



Apply all the theory to your chosen case study presentation or talk

Constructive, honest feedback only



Maintain a positive “Upward Spiral” mind-set (no “breaking you down”)

“Value For Money” guarantee



Low risk investment yet high returns

“Location-Flex” pricing



You decide if location/convenience or investment price is more important

"Duration-Flex" programme



Standard or Intensive – 3 half day sessions across 6-12 weeks or 2-3 days

Pragmatic, simple and memorable techniques



No complicated theories only techniques that work in the real world and you can use again and again

Workbook, notebook and certificate upon “graduation”



Long lasting materials to promote future review, growth and development

Follow-up call with Dee after last face to face session



Review a “real life” presentation performance. Check next steps are in action

Over 25 years commercial and marketing experience



Dee understands challenges and brings business acumen to your presentation

Highly skilled and experienced NLP trainer



Knows “how people think” – can overcome audience or individual emotional challenges

Insights Discovery Licensed Practitioner



Applies science of “Colour Personality Types” to individual and audience

Specialist trainer in Communication Skills



Has the skills to tailor to clients needs, adapt and continually improve

Broad experience in speaking situations and scenarios



Experience of customer presentations to keynotes, TV to pitches

Motivational speaker



“Practise what you preach” – techniques taught are used by Dee

Performed stand-up comedy gigs!



Programmes are engaging, fun and memorable

Multinational and multicultural experience



Trained or spoken across 5 continents – aware of challenges

Recommended by high profile clients like Toyota



Rest assured knowing Dee’s been through very vigorous processes

Multi-award winning business person



Dee strives for excellence and has twice won “Business Person of the Year”

What does that mean for you?

Unique Approach

Your Mentor Dee Clayton


“10/10 a big “thank you” for your help... I no longer look at the screen, I don’t rush through the slides. Instead I pause on purpose... Strange habits were pointed out immediately which I found very useful. Even the way I use my hands has changed. I really enjoyed the training. Finance Director – Global Manufacturing Company

After the mastery training with Dee I felt very much happier, more confident and enthusiastic about my presentations. I know how to prepare and structure presentations. I know I can present well because I know how to adapt my message to what the audience wants. I now use less unnecessary hand gestures (and when I do use my hands it is more meaningful gestures). I am speaking more slowly and pausing more regularly [hence] less stuttering. I really liked the immediate feedback correcting me instantly. Richard Lee – Entrepreneur, Reporter at Sky and Performance Coach

I decided I wanted to do motivational speaking, [Dee] taught me how to structure a talk, what my ethos was, what did I believe in, what were my core priorities in a talk... the things she said I needed to change I’ve changed... I’m happy with my talk, I thought it was full of energy. The reaction from the crowd was good [and I included] some of the key points she told me to help me so I’ve got no complaints. My confidence in how to structure a talk, how to be a speaker has grown and that’s just been working one to one with Dee. Michael Duberry – Ex-Professional Footballer now Motivational Speaker Click here to see a short clip showing Michael Duberry speaking about his mentoring experience.

Michael Duberry, retired premier league footballer worked with Dee to launch his motivational speaking career

Some previous clients:

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