Simply Living Mini-Mag Issue 1

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Simply Mini FRANCE Spring

Renovation Ideas

Simply Living Private Property Feature Biarritz Glitz Cocktail Hour



Spring Recipes: Simple, Smart & Delicious

Editors Welcome

Simply Mini


Hello - bonjour again readers!


e are so excited to be bringing you this the first interim Mini mag for March! It was our intention to publish the main mag bi-monthly and offer you all a newsletter in between. The thing is, we have such a great team of writers behind the magazine, that we ended up with more submissions than expected and so the mini mag was born! I hope you enjoy it. So finally, spring is in our sights and boy are we ready for a little sunshine and flowers. I think we are all desperate for fresh air and colour in our lives. I know I am so ready. Not quite time to cast off a clout but getting there. Remember to look for the daffodils! In this magazine, we visit colour in the form of paint and how to be happy for others! Grab a cuppa, have a read and do share us with your friends.

“In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward”. White Rabbits Donna

Donna Jones Holland Editor

Tia Malcolm Editor

Simply Mini



Page 5 It’s Nearly Spring!

Page 10


Page 19

March Contributors

Di Phillips

Pam Gagiano

Rebecca Claridge

Let’s Be Seasonal In France!

Page 22 Private Property Feature

Page 28

Currency Experiences

Page 32

Ingrid Burling

Mary Collins

Stuart Malcolm

Philippa Gratton

Kirsty-Anne Bissell


Simply Mini

Biarritz Glitz



iarritz is a luxurious seaside tourist destination known for the Hotel du Palais (originally built for the Empress Eugénie circa 1855) with its casinos in front of the sea and the surfing culture.

On the Bay of Biscay, it is located 35 kilometres away from the border with Spain. Half ritzy coastal resort, half summer surfers’ hang-out, the seaside resort of Biarritz has been a favourite beach getaway since Napoléon III and his Spanish-born wife Eugénie arrived during the mid-19th century. Its elegant villas and heritage-listed residences, which glitter with belle époque and art deco details, have retained their glamour. Biarritz remains one of the southwest’s seaside gems and throngs with visitors in summer. The Grande Plage, is certainly grand in its own right, and is the main beach in Biarritz. This wonderful beach, picture postcard pretty, boasts its palace, striped beach tents and beach clubs for children. Successively called ‘Crazy Beach’ and ‘Empress Beach’, the Grande Plage is the central beach of Biarritz with shopping, cafes, and nearby restaurants. “We drove in to Biarritz and left the car outside a very Ritz place.” — Ernest Hemingway With two airports (Biarritz and Pays Basque), close to the city centre and only about 20 minutes from San Sebastian airport, Biarritz is well connected to European cities and capitals. Recently, the French government has chosen the brand ‘Biarritz-Basque Country’, as a jewel of international tourism, to underline the advantages of tourism in France, with 19 other fabulous destinations.

Tourist Information


Simply Mini



roan! I often hear complaints from friends at this time of year, especially other women, who feel that this ‘celebratory day’ is absolutely pointless. I’m here to remind you ‘negative nellies’ that this special celebration of women is far from pointless, it is a day to celebrate all the women we admire, love, look up to or just want to say ‘you are fabulous too’ to. We all deal with the turmoil of life, it’s tough out there and each time we open those glossy mags we are bombarded with how we should look, talk, dress, eat and so on, when we should be celebrating our own individuality and each other in all guises! As humans first, women are absolutely the superior species, we grow our babies and raise them into, hopefully, good, kind, caring adults. We often keep house, work but are openly criticized for the slightest thing, for having it all or not doing it all, it’s a lot of pressure! The reality is that we don’t need these negative voices in the background, the little voices in our own heads do that job very well each and every day, sadly. We doubt ourselves more than anyone else does I’m sure! So, when you get the chance to celebrate another woman in all her glory and it’s a fantastic feeling especially if you are the one being celebrated. As women we are fearless and number one at building other women’s self-esteem, because we know how to complement each other properly. We also know how hard it is to be a woman and how it feels to feel less than. So, this International Women’s Day make sure you give a shout out to someone you admire, someone who lifted you up! I just know, you will absolutely make their day and it will make you feel better in the process. There’s really nothing to lose! I’m personally giving you all a big shout-out today, because you really are all fabulous, amazing and dam right gorgeous humans to me, because let’s face it if we were all the same, the world would be a boring place. Happy International Women’s Day 8th March 2022




Simply Mini


How to be Happy

How to be happy for others.


h, that old chestnut! You know the drill by now? A friend or family member, maybe a colleague, shares their good news, their successes with you and you react on a good day with all the right supportive, encouraging and genuinely happy words. On a bad day, you grimace rather grudgingly, maybe because your life isn’t going so smoothly! Firstly, let me tell you that your feelings either way are perfectly normal. That said, it is much better to recognise feelings of jealously early on and do something about them. Life isn’t always rosy and often we get stuck, so clapping each other successes can make you feel rather less than successful. Perhaps a bit flat and useless? Suddenly, you find yourself bitching away to your friends about this person’s good news, making yourself look just awful and hurting their reputation in the process. Not being happy for your friends/family’s big news can hurt both you and them, so let’s change the narrative shall we? • • • • • • • • • • • •

Step outside yourself. Look at how you would feel if it were you delivering the news. Name how you are feeling. Why do you feel jealous? Identify areas you can improve in your life. Address what is holding you back from reaching your goals. Make a plan to get back on track. Talk about success with others. Recognise the difficulties along the way. Change the way you talk to yourself. Be more positive about how far you have come. Believe in yourself. Consider joining a business mentorship programme and or personal therapy. Are you spending too much time on social media comparing yourself to others? Don’t. Sometimes, being around successful people in the work environment will help. If your goal is personal and more about getting pregnant, married, a nice house, whatever, sit down with your doctor, relationship mentor or financial advisor and look at where you can make changes to help reach your goals.

Stay positive even in times of adversity. Dig deep and accept the challenge. Tell your friends how you feel about life in general and let them help you where they can. It’s good to admire people in your life, look up to them and be inspired by their achievements. Often when you really discuss success in depth, you find that it took time, patience and a lot of work! No surprises there!

Home & Garden

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t e k c u B adame


March Madness


s it wrong that I’m mixing myself a French 75 at noon, on the last day of February? Don’t answer that! If it is wrong, then I don’t want to be right and frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn! Lord have mercy upon me, February has been such a tedious month one way or another, about as exciting as a damp squib! It really is quite impossible to get these moaning expats moving, other than the annual Valentine’s Ball and the less said about that the better! So much drama and too much alcohol as per! To fill the long, late winter days, I have been forced into planning mode and spent many happy hours telling people what to do by corresponding with various of my club chairwomen, getting the year ahead planned. Everything always kicks into gear just before Easter and one must be ready and willing. Nothing much happens in March other than the village Spring Fete on the 20th of March. The village sleeps on. One could totally take to drink, if one wasn’t so disciplined! However, I do have news of sorts and not the best news for my household! The Clampetts are coming to town or at least threatening to! My brother (I’m sure he’s adopted) and his family are threatening a visit for Easter shenanigans! This I could do without, for at least another decade or three! I might just put our home on the market and leave without a forwarding address! Instead, I have put gentle but forceful pressure on my dear Husband, to have his hernia operation sooner rather than later, so we can escape to the south for rest and recuperation! Just the thought of my brother’s hideous recreational vehicle, all 37 feet of it, parked on the drive, always gives me hives, twice! My brother is a comprehensive drop-out whilst I of course am a grammar school success and we are as different as chalk and cheese! To add insult to injury, whilst he’s a terribly ‘successful scrap metalist’, his long charity coats, bovver boots, untamed hair, tattoos and orange tan are just too much! My ladies would have a field day with it all and worst still, he’s a bit of a cad! Just foul!

The last time he visited we had all sorts of complaints about his behaviour in the local bar and with the barely of age youth of the village! It took a year for the gossip to die down and of course he never just stays a week! My poor nerves! I can certainly do without his special brand of nonsense this year thank you! Come back covid, all is forgiven! I really must figure out a plan B and soon!

In other news, I have spent some very pleasant hours in the greenhouse with the gardener, planning for this year’s beaux village competition! There’s a lot of competition this year and I aim to do my very best for the community! The theme is ‘in the rose garden’, another reason why I don’t want four-foot tyre marks on my well-fed lawn! So, my darlings, other than a jolly village pancake competition, all is quiet in paradise and long may it stay that way! Toodleloo!

Lady Hyd rangea Bucket X

Simply Mini

Home & Garden



Vital To Life

he other day, a friend wrote how she had had a disaster early one morning when her kettle had died. This forced her to leave the house early to get a replacement before her friends arrived, expecting a warming cuppa. It made me think that my kettle is a very vital piece of kitchen equipment.


y dear old gran had an enormous black kettle that had pride of place on her shiny black range. It was always on the boil, all day long, just in case a friend would pop in for a chat. I loved that kettle, it didn’t make any sound other than a satisfying gurgle, I often wonder what happened to it after gran’s days. Mum had a whistling kettle for a while, quite a noise it made, but at least we all knew when the water was boiled. Whoever got there first made the tea. I can’t quite remember when she made the change to an electric kettle, but I do know it was silent.


t the ripe old age of 18, I headed off to teacher training college and the family I used to babysit for bought me a kettle and some mugs as a leaving gift (in those days we had individual rooms and a tiny shared kitchen). Milk was hung outside the window in a carrier bag, along with my eggs, such luxury. During the time spent on teaching practice, I was up far earlier than normal so would boil my breakfast egg in my kettle, then make my mug of tea whilst getting ready to head to school. I only dropped my egg into the kettle once, I hadn’t realised there was a problem until egg white started frothing out of the spout! What a mess that made and a lesson was learned, as I was nearly late for school.

That brings me on to the enormous kettle/ water boiler we found in every staff room. We would take it in turns to fill these at the start of the day and someone, usually the student (me) would be responsible for switching it on before break times. By now, I had switched from tea to coffee because it seemed more grown up, I was drinking at least eight large mugs of it every day and wondered why I wasn’t sleeping!


n 1975 I got married and yes, you have guessed it, a kettle was a very important item on our gift list. It was shiny and new and boiled quickly and quietly, a perfect start to the day. I no longer boiled eggs in it as I also had a shiny gas cooker and some pots and pans. Over the years we have had many kettles, different shapes and sizes but it remains the most used piece of equipment in my kitchen. I currently have a rather smart cream one complete with a matching toaster, one of the first purchases for my new kitchen.


hat is the most vital piece of kitchen equipment you own, and why? Anyway, I am off now to pop the kettle on, tea or coffee anyone?

Di xx

How to buy high performance pots and pans

Home & Garden


Simply Mini

re you in the process of furnishing a gite kitchen for holiday rentals? Or renewing old equipment in your own kitchen? Food writer and chef, Ingrid Burling, offers this handy guide to help you maximise your budget and ensure that what you buy will last for years and cope with everything that you need it to. Tip 1 - Aim for a range with 3-ply or 4-ply bases. This makes for better heat distribution so that stews, soups and sauces will be less likely to burn. I bought tri-ply saucepans from the John Lewis Classics range (still available) 33 years ago, and they are still faultless and elegant high performers. Also, note that a pan with a good weight in the hand indicates robustness so it should not dent if you drop it. Something that you could use as a frisbee is to be avoided.....

Notice the thick, tri-ply base here a good all-round performer.

Tip 2 - Buy pots and pans with handles that are split where they join the main body of the pan (see left-hand picture below) as this keeps the handle cool and so eliminates burns or you having to use cloths, which may not be safe. The one shown in the right-hand picture is the type to avoid - it gets super hot when the pan warms up. Split handles stay cool

Solid handles get hot!


Tip 3 - Pots don’t need to have a spout, but do choose a range which has a lip all around each pan, so you can pour sauces easily from it, otherwise the sauce will run down the side of the pot or over your work surface, wasting food and causing you more work.

A pouring lip is a most useful feature

Tip 4 - Find a range which has holes in the side of the lid (see picture below) so steam can escape and the lid will stay nicely in place.

Holes in the side of the lid allow steam to escape and the lid to stay in place

Finally, a word about Teflon: if, like me, you loathe this, then a heavy ply base or copper-based pan will handle any sauces well and it is rare for things to burn in them. Make sure you buy the thickest gauge copper that you can afford. Happy cooking!

Ingrid Burling

Home & Garden

Simply Mini



ets spring fo

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Simply tips for Remove door fu size for the job a and have some f for painting by to ensure you ac you are painting

Home & Garden

Simply Mini


It’s nearly Spring!

orward with a mini home makeover!

ave the budget for a full spring home renovation but you can probably afford a ‘lick hat’s basically the same thing. It really is amazing the difference a coat of paint can ecor!

any interesting paint brands out there now, but don’t forget you can have a specific ixed at your local DIY store at a fraction of their cost.

nds for 2022 are rather varied depending on which brand you covet, but I am seeing s hues of blues, greens and neutrals! Mid-century modern colours have suddenly nother dance and of course pink (my favourite) is still trending. Dark colours are still d and the classic French greys are forever in fashion thank goodness!

painting? Prepare your space by using dust sheets and masking tape to all edges. urniture and light/electrical sockets. Make sure your brushes and rollers are the right and clean them well after use. For big, empty spaces, consider using a spray gun fun but do ensure you are fully covered and wearing a mask. Prepare rough surfaces filling and sanding. Finally, do test patch your paint colour on your chosen surface ctually love it! Oh, and make sure you choose the right kind of paint for the surface g!

Home & Garden

Simply Mini



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My fi shoe

Simply Mini

Home & Garden


ty Shades of Paint

Choosing colour can be tricky. Unless you’re certain of your taste or willing to take a chance, it’s common to get paralysed by fear of getting it wrong. It doesn’t take long to get overwhelmed by too much choice, by too many tones of white and fifty shades of grey. So, for the colour confused or phobic, here are some of my practical colour choosing techniques to help you get confident with colour.


design is making the best possible

use of the available space”



1, Ignore trends and choose colours that you love. Your home is for nobody but you and that doesn’t need justifying or explaining.

f you have a blank canvas or don’t know where to begin, a good starting point will often be found in mething you already own and love such as a favourite painting, piece of furniture, a rug, your plant collection or even something m your wardrobe. If you already love these things they may well yield a palette that ady speaks to you. They will also then slot right into your new scheme.

Always invest in paint samples. There is nothing worse than plumping for a scheme that doesn’t turn out how you expected ause it was a rushed or spontaneous decision. Samples are the answer because they take you from theory to reality, and that is ere you will find your certainty and confidence.

ry all samples in situ. Paint a piece of paper or card, as large as the paint sample will allow and place it on each wall to see how colour appears in different aspects of the room and at different times of the day. rning light usually has more clarity and can be cool, whilst afternoon light can be more diffused and muted, it may also bring a m glow, and all these nuances will affect the appearance of your chosen colour.

onsider the direction of the sun. If you are painting a north-facing room all colours will seem darker than in a south-facing m. The light in a north-facing room will be indirect, casting a grey ambience. To lighten, brighten or make a north-facing m warmer, avoid brilliant white because it will end up looking grey. Consider instead a warm, clear ivory or stronger, warmer ours like peach, ochre, coral or warm pinks to liven up the cool mutedness of northern light. For a south-facing room, you will e vivid light all day so slightly richer colours may be necessary to make up for the strong direct sunlight that can make your ours seem paler. East and west-facing rooms will be both bright and dark but at opposite ends of the day.

Be sure to test your paint samples next to windows as they will be silhouetted by the light and look darker.

f you’re stuck between two similar hues, see how they interact with other elements of your room by offering them up to any ne walls, woodwork or soft furnishings. If it seems as though the colour changes, it’s because we see colour in context. For mple, if grey is next to yellow it can look blueish or violet. The same grey next to blue can appear more beige and warm. The me applies to how we perceive dark and light tones. A mid-tone colour next to a dark colour will seem pale. The same mid-tone our next to white will look much darker.

Don’t ask a friend for help! Well-meaning friends often choose colours that they would like for themselves and it can confuse r decision-making process. Refer back to point number 1!

final piece of advice for choosing colours is to always take notice of the first colour that you are drawn to as, like choosing es, we often try on dozens for size only to go back to the first ones we saw!

Michelle xx


Simply Mini

As We “March” Towards New Beginnings Mary Collins “Agony Aunt” & C.H.A.N.G.E Therapist answers questions and provides help each month here on Simply Living France. This month’s questions are; “How do I make a new life for myself” & “What are the steps to making a big change”. As an expat in France or anywhere in the world, the idea of “starting fresh” is a dream come true. March is derived from Old French “Marz” or Latin (month of March) and Marche meaning “boundary or frontier” or to “ advance from one halting place to another”. Known in the Roman Calendar, as the first month (as March brought the first day of Spring with the vernal equinox) the symbolism was the start of new beginnings. Whether there is a hint of spring in the air or an opportunity to move countries, jobs, etc., it’s good to be prepared for when that “new beginning” comes. Positive change is good but can still be daunting, overwhelming even. So, let’s talk about what it takes to create new opportunities, and how to get a handle on both positive changes as well as fresh starts. Firstly, how does one create new opportunities? For some people it takes planning, storyboarding, research, and for others it takes an idea, luck, and timing. Both eventually do lead to research and planning, and here are my top tips to getting started. •

Write it down! When that idea or motivation flows easily, write it down ! If those ideas come in the middle of the night, have a pen and paper, the phone, etc, to make notes while that mind spring is open and flowing.

“The Early Bird Catches the Worm” that saying stems from getting things done upon waking or as soon as. This is because we are more productive first thing in the morning than after having processed through other activities.


Even if you are a late riser, avoid wasting time on things that aren’t helping you keep to the idea, goal, or plan. We can all get pulled into social media grazing using the plasticity of our neurotransmitters, energy and dopamine wasted on things that place us last in the race and our goals. Unless part of your future involves social media, marketing, research, do not get pulled in. If social media is something you love, then make it a treat after you have completed a personal goal, something that gets you closer to your dream. Set a time: Saying to yourself “One day I will” isn’t good enough. Say to yourself “Today, tomorrow, next week, month, year” etc., and make smaller tasks that push you towards that time limit weekly, to keep you on track. Be accountable: If you can, tell a friend or family member and ask them to remind you, especially for the steps/ tasks you have planned monthly towards the main prize. Put notes in places where you will definitely see them. It’s all good and fine to write something down in a diary that you look at once a year, however, it is more propitious if you stick a note on your fridge (as you have to eat) and it will remind you daily! Most importantly, connect the goal to emotions: Whether you are having a bad or good day, when you have an emotional rise, connect the determined “I will” to this goal scape, and breath through it. This should not only lift your emotions as it’s a goal of improving and change, it will also set that goal to an emotional level, which in turn makes it more probable. Finally, when you start to gain success in accomplishing your goals and changes, be aware that strong emotion will be involved and sometimes the emotion can be scary. When that moment comes; that you’ve thrown out the old clothes, packed that last bag, or have to say goodbye to friends, family, or an old habit, it’s likely to be full of mixed feelings. That’s ok and that is normal. Breathe through it, and remind yourself why you need this, why you deserve this and that now is the time for change! For more information on how to re-assert your neural habits check out

Aunty M



Simply Mini


Supplements & Collagen

f you think you are too young to take them, you are so not! 20 or 60, start them sooner rather than later would be my advice.

I am now well into my 40’s and for years I would hear my lady friends saying that life changes when you hit your 40’s and it really does… 1. You notice aches, pains, and twinges 2. Your hormones are all over the place I noticed that towards my late 30’s early 40’s, my knees and back were often painful and the pain was increasing to the point that I was losing sleep. It was agony and I was in a bad mood all the time. In early 2021 I finally saw the doctor (I’m middle 40’s now) to see what the problem was. Four X-rays and one MRI later, the diagnosis was that the discs are collapsing in my lower back and I have advanced osteoarthritis in my left knee, initial stages in my right, sigh. Hoping to help myself a bit, I embarked on my very first supplement journey. I had lots of help and advice from people with similar issues and I really want to go down the natural route before I consider having the steroid injections the doctor offered. A couple of years ago, I started taking turmeric and cod liver oil, it is funny because I mostly don’t notice them working, its only when I forget to take them that I realise, they are indeed helping this old girl to function. I was talking to a friend recently and she mentioned a supplement that is used regularly here in France called ‘Devils Claw’; it helps reduce inflammation around the joints, so I ordered them as well. Why not? My next supplement adventure is collagen. There are two types of collagen, marine and bovine, the biggest difference is obvious, one is fish, and the other is from cows. Marine collagen comes from fish scales and skin and bovine collagen is from cowhides. Collagen, by the time you reach your early 20’s has already begun to reduce and reduces each year by 1%. So, as you get older, you start to experience problems with

your skin, hair, joints etc. There are obviously environmental and physical attributes that can also influence these ailments but ageing is the main one. There are three types of collagen, and they all target different areas on the body. Type 1. Mainly used in beauty products, minimizes the appearance of fine lines, strengthens hair, skin and nails, improves skin hydration and elasticity and supports muscle recovery. Type 2. Improves the health of joints, supports spinal discs and eye health. Type 3. Found in blood vessels, muscles and intestines, improves skins hydration and elasticity, and supports gut health. Marine collagen primarily is Type 1 collagen, while bovine has a mixture of type 1,2 and 3. I am currently taking marine collagen, which also includes hyaluronic acid and vitamin C in the ingredients. I have only been taking it for a few weeks and it apparently takes 12 weeks to discover any real notable differences. I am however seeing an improvement in my skin and gum health and I have bags more energy, which is a huge plus for me. I will think about adding the bovine collagen to my diet soon because of my knees and back issues, to see if it will help, but for me personally, I have definitely seen a difference in my joints. The pain and inflammation have reduced even though they are not totally eradicated and I think never will be. However, ensuring I have a balanced diet boosted with supplements, I’m really hoping to stave off the injections and further degeneration. I also want to limit the amount of painkillers I need to keep active. Don’t worry; I will let you all know how I am getting next month.

Tia xx

Simply Mini



Winter Bathtime Ritual


ecently, I have noticed that many of my clients and friends seem to be suffering a lot with their mental health. Not just winter blues either, but all the effects from the last two years are beginning to take their toll on many of us. It’s not easy to escape this feeling, but taking some time to focus on us, shutting out the outside world, can help us feel better, even if only for a little while. With this in mind, I offer you this simple bath ritual. Run yourself a bath, with the following soak; 1 cup Sea Salt 1 cup Epsom Salt 15 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil Mix them all together in a clean jar, shake well to combine. Add a handful to your bath. Grapefruit is uplifting and relaxing on the mind, it can help lift emotions and can be revitalising if you are suffering from mental exhaustion. Don’t just have a bath, surround yourself with candles, a book, calming music, a glass of wine (or something else). Spend time relaxing, avoid being disturbed, make some time to just be by yourself. It’s something we don’t do enough of, and it can help calm our thoughts, making us feel more in control. Try it, I hope it helps you.

Rebecca xx


Simply Mini


To Botox or Not?


etting older is never easy... never mind the aches and pains, let’s talk about wrinkles and Botox. I recently considered the magic fix, but as usual, went into research overdrive to weigh up the pros vs cons of this cosmetic procedure. Besides the obvious of Botox freezing the muscles, thus stopping wrinkling, did you know that it can affect your sex drive or ability to orgasm?! Botox treatments prevent facial expressions associated with sexual excitement; therefore, sexual function can be impaired after treatment.

“BTX treatments affect the activation of the amygdala during a facial mimicry exercise and so even outside of a social context, BTX is affecting the processing of emotions.” [National Centre Biotechnology Information] What about bonding socially or with family? Research has found that the ability to make expressions, especially around the eyes and mouth (Duchenne smile - or true smile) are paramount to reading social signals and experiencing feelings or emotions. Botox is mostly used in the areas that involve both the mouth and the eyes: the zygomaticus major and the orbicularis oculi muscles. Smiling produces oxytocin and oxytocin creates bonding. So, besides losing the connection with your partner, what are the ramifications with bonding between parent and child? With the growing popularity and normality in mainstream media of younger people (20’s +) using Botox, is it something we should talk about more seriously? Can hypnotherapy and teaching people about self-worth, help change the trend of what is considered beauty? Feeling beautiful is about confidence and perception. In conclusion, it’s a personal choice, thus, why I’ll take the orgasm over my looks any day. In the late, great words of Nat King Cole “Smile, what’s the use of crying You’ll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile”.

Mary xx

Simply Mini



Frugal Fashion I

n an effort to save money, initially I started to buy less clothing (very difficult for me after working for a multimillion-pound fashion business in the UK). I thought about what I was buying more, buying things to last and tuning them more to my current surroundings rather than the fast pace of the UK and my industry. Having said that, no one here cares a jot what you wear, and I learnt very early on that I had to worry less and that way, I would stop being the ‘overdressed English woman’. Don’t get me wrong, I still like to dress up on occasion, but high heels are out (or less of a heel at least), with dresses being few and far between. I have also become more aware of waste, spending money on good food rather than clothes. The ones I do buy now are from places like Facebook Marketplace, NOZ, Lidl and charity shops. There is still the odd treat, a pair of boots (in the half-price sale) and a summer dress or two from Zalando.

Marketplace, particularly groups like LIPS (Ladies items preloved sales) has seen me purchase two lovely Pringle jumpers, brand new but unwanted at 15 euros each and two denim skirts in natural shades for five euros each, one very happy shopper. Vinted has seen me sell some of my ‘night on the town’ dresses and purchase a couple of pairs of jeans, new with tags, all brands that I already knew and loved, NOZ is not for the faint-hearted shopper and don’t get me wrong, some visits to the Limoges shop, or even Poitiers have been very disappointing, but other visits have seen me purchase a great branded coat for my son, Caterpillar work trousers for hubby and great khaki jeans for me at only 11.99! Lidl’s middle aisle items are another great source for long sleeved t-shirts and even a cord pinafore that I had been looking for for months, bargain at only 8.99!

The charity shops, of which we have a number of big concerns locally, including the HOPE 16 shop in Confolens and Rainbow in Bussiere-Poitevine. Both have provided me with a number of branded items, all in great condition, including a Joules sweatshirt that I love and a couple of denim skirts that are worn more days than not. I was even after a new Christmas jumper, my old one had been passed on to another charity shop earlier that year, and when I started to look for its replacement, I kept putting them back on the rack, as I could not justify 20/25 euros! I found the perfect one in the Rainbow shop, a bargain at only three euros. So don’t write off any place as a chance to bag yourself a fashion bargain, just open your mind to preloved and end-of-line items. Yours sincerely Worzel Gummidge

Ha-ha Kirsty-Anne Bissell

Food & Drink

Simply Mini



Pam Gagiano


ki season is still in full swing and hopefully the snow will be in abundance until right at its end. Après ski is a byword which conjures up all sorts of images, most of them fun. Having had a good day on the slopes, what is better than a vin chaud or a shared bottle or two of local wine with your skiing buddies? Unbelievable to imagine wine, never mind a very good wine, growing in the Alps. We were pleasantly surprised and just love the wines on offer there. The area has its own micro-climate, nestled between the mountains and lakes of the region and the majority of the wineries are open year-round for tastings and tours. There are also many local food markets where one can taste the wines on offer, pairing well with the local cheeses and other delicacies from the region.


here are three appellations, with the dominant red grapes being Pinot Noir, Gamay and Persan whilst the dominant white grapes are Chardonnay, Jacquere, Roussanne, Altesse and Chasselas. If you are in the Haute Savoie for the skiing, do yourselves a favour and enquire at the Tourist Information which vineyards are open. Of course, in the summer, it is a fabulous area to visit and ‘wine tour’! I will of course go into a lot more detail when I cover this fabulous area in the magazine in the coming months, until then, have fun exploring the wines.

Salut Pam

“Wine is a passport to the world.” Thom Elkjer

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Food & Drink


Spring Delight

e get optimistic in March, whether we are in Waterloo Belgium or the Hérault in France. Spring is well on the way and the promise of longer, lighter days is enticing. I like, if possible, to spend a bit less time in the kitchen but still like to be creative. This dish based on Pasta alla Norma is so quick and easy to produce but really delivers on flavour despite the fact there are few ingredients. 2 aubergines 2 tins of chopped tomatoes A handful of minced garlic Chilli flakes Cube the aubergine and put into a big bowl with seasoning, loads of dried oregano and coat with olive oil. Spread it out on a baking tray and bake till golden and soft in a hot oven. Meanwhile, make a spicy tomato sauce with the garlic, chilli and tomatoes. I added a splash of white wine vinegar and a spoonful of sugar…more oregano and seasoning. Simmer till slightly thickened. Add the cooked aubergine and serve with your pasta of choice. It’s nice with a sprinkling of mozzarella and parmesan or pecorino. Buon appetito!

Philippa xx


Simply Mini

Food & Drink



hicken is so versatile and a whole roast one is always a treat, and you have the carcass for stock! This has a Spanish flavour. Butter spiced with garlic and smoked paprika is pushed under the skin and massaged into the flesh. Saved my manicure by using gloves. Stuff a couple of halved lemons into the cavity and sprinkle the skin with more paprika. I find the best way to cook it, is in a foil-lined roasting tin and covered. Roasting it slowly in its juices, keeps it moist and tender and gives a lovely buttery gravy. A no-fuss tray bake of roasted roots, in this case sweet potatoes, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion and chorizo, makes a nice accompaniment and a home-made aioli adds a touch of luxury …or just add garlic and lemon to shop bought! Bon Appetit!

Simply Mini

Food & Drink


Let’s Be Seasonal In Fran What vegetables are in season in France in March through April? Courgettes, tomatoes, melons, beans, peppers, broccoli and lettuce. Also, artichokes, beets, endive, cauliflower, parsnips, mushrooms, leeks, pineapples, turnips and sprouts! What fruit is in season? Chestnuts, quince, figs, raspberries, blueberries, walnuts, vine peaches, pears, apples, plums and grapes. What to plant? Beans, peas, corn, squash, pumpkin, cucumbers, watermelon and gourds! Other jobs for late March, early April, include fertilising roses, pruning lavender, planting summer flowering bulbs such as gladioli and lilies as well as sowing hardy vegetables such as beetroot, carrots, leeks and peas direct into the ground. Seasonal dishes to make this month! Leek and Potato Soup

Butternut Squash Curry

3 Large leeks 3 Potatoes peeled Oil 1 Onion 1 Clove of garlic Vegetable Stock Fresh parsley to garnish Bouquet garni Salt & pepper for taste

1 Medium butternut squash peeled, seeded and cubed 1 Red onion Oil 2 Table spoons or red curry paste Vegetable stock 4 Tomatoes chopped 1 Can of chickpeas Salt & pepper to taste 4 Tablespoons of Greek yoghurt 1/2 teaspoon of ground coriander

Chef Stu Pickled Cucumbers 1kg Cucumber 2 - 3 Onions red or white 1 Tablespoon of dill (optional) 250g Sugar 1 level tablespoon of salt 200ml Cider vinegar

Courgette Fritters 3 Medium courgettes, roughly grated 2 Tablespoons of chopped parsley 2 Eggs, beaten 1/2 Cup flour or gluten free flour 1 Teaspoon of baking powder Salt & pepper to taste Cheese of your choice: Goats, brebis, emmental or cheddar Oil for frying

Food & Drink


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Simply Mini


Braised chicken and lettuce

Food & Drink

2/4 chicken breasts bone in skin on (seasoned) Layer into your casserole dish Splash of olive Oil and large knob of butter Diced shallots Garlic Carrots chopped small Lardons Green beans or peas 1 large glass of white wine 1 chicken stick pod 1 glass of water Large lettuce in to 6

Mini Simply Recipes by Donna

Into the oven for 30 mins until golden brown and bubbling Serve with a nice a nice cold glass of French champagne! Mop up the juices with a fresh French baguette!

Food & Drink

Simply Mini


A little twist on the usual lemon drizzle!

Makes a 2 lb loaf

To decorate

You will need

Crystallized coconut Chopped pistachios

Cake mix 1 large whole lemon rind and juice 1 lime, rind, and juice 350g of butter softened 350g of fine caster sugar 4 large eggs 350 g of self-raising flour Dash of coconut essence or use a coconut liquor 10 g of finely chopped pistachios 1 teaspoon of baking powder

How to Add all dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix well. If a little dry add a little milk to loosen. Add the mix to your prepared tin and bake for 35/40 mins in a medium oven. Decorate.

March Citrus, coconut, and pistachio loaf!

Spring Cocktails

Simply Mini

Mimosa Serves 1 flesh of 1 passion fruit 1/2 measure orange Curaçao crushed ice champagne, chilled Method 1 Scoop out the passion fruit flesh into a jug or shaker and shake with the Curaçao and a little crushed ice until frosted. 2 Pour into thr base of a champagne flute and top up with champagne. 3 Decorate with the slice of star fruit


Spring Cocktails

Simply Mini


Cherry & Lime Vodka Soda Serves 1 2 measures of Vodka 3/4 cherry syrup lime juice soda water lime wedges and fresh cherries to garnish Method 1 Pour the ingredients into a jug or a shaker, mix the first 3 ingredients over ice until well frosted. 2 Strain into a glass with more ice and top up with soda to taste 3 Decorate with the fresh cherries and lime


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Currency Experiences During the last 12 years, as a British family living in France, we have used various currency companies to transfer money abroad and have found them to all be quite different, different enough to make us stop and consider our options. You’ll also find many of the currency companies operate through estate agents, so when you are buying or selling a home, you’ll naturally be referred to their currency agent, but please don’t do anything without doing your own research to ensure you bag the best rates! When we bought our first house in France, it was a really strange and scary experience, as we had never bought a property or anything else for that matter, for such a large amount and on a debit card too! We initially used Currencies Direct who were very good at the time, really held our hands though the process and even offered us fixed rates on the smaller amounts we were transferring at the time. We eventually didn’t need their services, as we didn’t have the need to transfer any cash abroad regularly, but a few years later, we got back in contact because we needed currency services again. Things had certainly changed. All contact seemed to be driven through the app, which honestly was very easy to use. However, we wanted to speak with a REAL human and this service was thankfully still available. Despite this, we decided to look a bit further to see how far our money could go. Money isn’t easily earned but very easily lost and so still being able to talk to a real human was a comfort. I asked around the community to see if there were other companies out there and friends were gushing about Transfer Wise, now known as Wise! I love this company, their rates are really good and they can link up your French and UK personal and business accounts for ease. They also offer a card that you can put money on to use in the country you are visiting, which I found very convenient when travelling. Also, each time I have been in touch with the agency, they have been very helpful and understanding of any given situation, so from me it’s a thumbs up. Fast forward a few years, I had to transfer a large amount of money (large to me, anyway) and we were advised to go with a company called Foreign Currency Direct PLC. Even though this company was pretty good and got us an excellent fixed rate, I felt that they didn’t really deal with the smaller transfer amounts like Wise do. I feel this company is more for the larger transfers, but like I said, they gave us a stonking deal on our transfer, so no complaints! Like any business transaction and certainly where money is concerned, I will stress yet again that you absolutely must do your own research, don’t just take anyone’s advice blindly, there’s lot to lose if you do. Also, do contact each of the companies you might want to deal with and see what fixed rates they are offering and how long those fixed rates will last for. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves! Good luck with your new French adventures and remember to be thorough “for that great start”! Bon chance.

Tia xx


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