Establishing Equilibrium

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“Our true capital is our creativity.” Joseph Beuys


May, 2013 Dear friend, Simply Love Life, LLC., proprietor of local start-ups Equilibrium and Superfresh! Organic Café, aims to help transform Brattleboro, Vermont into an oasis of beauty, joy and productive energy. Building upon its greatest assets, we envision the historic downtown and neighborhood emerging as a clean, green, fun, attractive and inviting destination that proactively supports vital projects and ventures working to enhance our professional sectors in sustainable development, “slow-food”, holistic health, and the creative arts. To kick-start this effort, our team seeks to develop the “Sanel Auto Parts Building” on Flat St. into a Creative Arts and Wellness Center that focuses on research, training, discovery, exhibition and collaboration where artists, designers, healers, environmentalists, nutritionists, and the general public convene. This centrally located facility intends to serve the community by providing a critical meet-point for inspiration, communication and partnership; by presenting a program full of inventive workshops, lectures, arts exhibitions, entertainment, quality crafts, healthy foods and alternative healthcare; and by also developing a wide range of other rewarding ecological, social and cultural investments around town. Informed by a collective vision for the property and its potential impacts on Flat St., the Designated Downtown, a future Cultural District, Windham County and beyond, we aim to create a unique joint venture that is both a valuable model for cooperative project development, and is supportive of local businesses and other efforts actively cultivating a more mindful market place, working to solve today’s problems, and meeting their multiple bottom lines. To help manage this endeavor, we will emphasize community involvement, integrative planning, multidisciplinary design, and “green” building practices to promote a model where entrepreneurial, civic, cultural, and environmental interests increasingly overlap and join forces. As a result, we feel that the immediate and long-term effects of creating a prominent, sustainable and dynamic vision for this key property will positively contribute to the social, cultural and economic revitalization of downtown Brattleboro’s urban core, and the greater southeast Vermont region. If this ambitious plan resonates with you, please take time to read the attached proposal. To discuss how we can bring this vision to reality, please let us know when we could schedule time to chat in person. Sincerely, Jacob Roberts and Jessica Weston Simply Love Life, LLC Co-Founders and Members


Table of Contents

Organization Description


Spin-off Assets / dba Small Business


Kosmos Superfresh! Organic CafĂŠ Equilibrium | A Positive Lifestyle Environment

New Project: ESTABLISHING EQUILIBRIUM Project Description


Project Goals


Marketing Strategy


Wealth Generation Approach / Business Planning Timeline


Start up Investment


Space Use Breakdown


Square Footage Estimates




Global / Local Trends


Place | Brattleboro


Population Served


Community Support


Team Management / Collaboration Structure


Community Benefits

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Organization Description SIMPLY LOVE LIFE, LLC. is a “Creative Production Company”, based out of Brattleboro, VT. We walk, sleep, read, write, draw, photograph, build, design, plant, cook, learn, teach, explore, and more. We also host special events and launch ventures that contribute to the well being of our community. Spin-off Assets / dba Small Business

1. KOSMOS (location tba, bi-annually) is a special event for all friends, neighbors, musicians, artists, organizers, dancers, dj's, merry makers, fire spinners, drummers, face painters, organic food providers and overall joyous people! It is a spontaneous Bazaar of extra-ordinary art, performance, health, fitness, style and cuisine…imagine an Art Gallery, Night Club, Café, Spa, Theatre and Lounge merged for a weekend. Why Kosmos? As a direct response to the Khaos {uncertainty, confusion and gloomy mist} that seems to be permeating our lives lately, we unite a wonderfully talented and brilliant collective of creative souls to produce a “Flash Exhibition” of artists, musicians, healers and performers that aims to amaze, inspire, enthuse and unbind our individual and collective consciousness. In other words, we’re looking to generate a great vibe by gathering everyone we know in celebration of Life, Love, Art & Abundance! The inaugural Kosmos took place on December 16th and 17th 2011 in Ithaca, NY. w/ appx 700+ppl Featuring: Live Music / DJs / Live PA / Drummers / Live Painting 2D and 3D Visual Artists / / Film / Video / VJ Crafters / DIY / Fashion / Hand Made Products Poetry, Magicians, Actors Burlesque & Belly Dancers / Tarot Card, Astro & Palm Readers Yoga / Massage / Healing Sounds and Crystals Nutritious Food, Snack and Beverage

2. SUPERFRESH! ORGANIC CAFÉ (14 Elm St.) is open Wednesday through Sunday 10a – 10p, we serve a unique daily vegetarian menu of organic, local and seasonal food and beverage.! Other than select pre-packaged items, we hand make all of our own food from scratch and!avoid!preparing dishes that feature common allergens, such as gluten, soy, eggs & dairy –!nutritious food while always tasting great! The kitchen features a daily, seasonal menu of delicious foods, teas and juices, and has committed to source ingredients from regional farms whenever possible through the Windham Farm & Food Network. The Café also hosts a variety of guest chefs and lecturers, cooking demos, farm to table dinners, food fundraisers, themed events, potluck gatherings, educational movie nights and so much more. We’ve also made a serious commitment to reducing waste by composting and recycling all that can. 4

3. EQUILIBRIUM | EQ (14 Elm St.) has become a space where the creative and healing arts coexist and blossom. Featuring an interdependent and collaborative business format, a superb collection of goods and services, and programs that place an emphasis on personal health, wellness, and creative self-expression; Equilibrium represents a new breed of community space ~ a “Positive Lifestyle Environment”. EQ unites a diverse range of inspiring concepts, products and services to help create a holistic model of business that works to enhance our standards of living and directly benefits the local community. To this end, our multi-faceted venue offers a space for art, craft, performance, movement & dance, gathering & meeting, educational programs, organic vegetarian dining, and other healthy activity. All together, our space functions as an information hub; a cultural center; an incubator for new ideas and projects; as well as a dynamic education and public art center working closely with the community it serves. Through its mission, “to balance our lives by providing space that nurtures art, culture, and personal wellbeing,” Equilibrium is creating and promoting an innovative model o f j oi n t b us in es s t ha t has communication and collaboration at the core of its operations. Daily, people connect with one another at EQ as teachers, students, healers, patients, vendors, customers, performers, and as pure spectators. In this, our objective is not to direct the process of how it all unfolds, but rather to help orient ourselves in a new, complex, and rapidly changing environment, and to constantly support shared dreams, designs and activities that radiate innovative and heart-felt purpose. Understanding the importance of promoting our entire community as a hotbed of quality organic foods, ecological restoration, health, wellness and creativity, Equilibrium is devoted to both furthering its own success and to enhancing Brattleboro’s unique cultural landscape. One of the key goals in developing this facility is to help this area become a principal draw for arts-based tourism and an inflow of creative talent. Consequently, to best contribute to an immediate and long-term improvement of Brattleboro, it is imagined that the creation of this “center” will evolve with the interests of the community and work to accommodate their needs by collaborative design and implementation. Project Description

Simply Love Life is looking to relocate Equilibrium, currently inhabiting 3,000sqft at 14 Elm St., to the former Sanel Auto Parts building, located at 47 Flat St., Brattleboro, VT. Constructed around 1900, “the Sanel” is a red brick four story, 16,000sqft former grocery warehouse that is situated at the epicenter of the Designated Downtown, an EPA Urban Smart Growth Zone, a proposed Arts District, and all of Windham County. The building’s location and floor plan is a good fit for hosting and expanding the wide variety of services that Equilibrium currently offers, and more. 5

Envisioned as a major hub for the production, presentation and experience of all types of contemporary art, craft, nutrition and “alternative” healing, our new Creative Arts and Wellness Center would provide our community with a full spectrum of innovative programming, an organic eatery, as well as a space for performances and other family friendly events. In making this transition to a larger location, Equilibrium can surely provide Brattleboro with more opportunity for creative and economic growth. We also realize that the conversion of industrial space into new mixed–use facilities opens the door for enormous benefits to be realized as well. To this end, the Sanel project could become a leading factor in the revitalization of downtown Brattleboro. As an alternative to its currently vacant state, Equilibrium aims to be fostering jobs for the teachers, artists and practitioners that are plying their trades at the site, while also providing a major real estate upgrade, and another hub of extraordinary activity on Flat St. The following program is based on Equilibrium’s interaction with the community. It’s an intuitive proposal that highlights our sense for what kinds of resources are needed to assist local artists and practitioners in becoming more successful. Although we are conducting further research to define the specific needs and square footage requirements, this current outline is simply intended to convey the variety of objects, facilities, services, and scales of the proposed project and its multiple components. Project Goals 1. To negotiate a plan and timeline for transforming the Sanel Building into Equilibrium’s Creative Arts and Wellness Center. 1. To launch a community ~ based information gathering and fundraising campaign through loans, credit, grants, events, traditional media and social media to galvanize local support for the project. 1. To continue promoting and working on Equilibrium’s cooperative business model as a means toward the advancement of art, wellness and sustainable practices in Brattleboro. Marketing Strategy Although we have lots of ideas of what products and services to present, it’s really what our community wants that matters. To learn more about their needs and desires, we must conduct the following studies: 1. Regional Demographic (who supports what) 2. Regional Psychographic (why they support what they support) Wealth Generation / Business Planning Timeline • • •

Phase 1 - Identify and Assess Business Opportunities Deliverable: A tailored feasibility assessment of up to three venture models Phase 2 - Design the Enterprise Deliverable: A jointly developed business and/or marketing plan Phase 3 - Implement the Venture Deliverable: Enact an implementation plan and launch operational venture.

1 – 2 months 2 – 4 months 3 - 6 months

Start up Investment Ultimately, through numerous local, state and national grant writing, investment and fundraising efforts, as well as the launch of a fee-based membership campaign, we wish to endow this building in downtown Brattleboro with the necessary seed funding and first term stability to enable this project to move forward. Space Use Breakdown The following is a draft of our intended use(s) of space at 47 Flat St. With a final plan evolving through co-process, this outline simply estimates how the property would be sub-divided for each distinct use: 6

1. Art & Craft Exhibition Spaces / Galleries / Store-front


This dividable section is to be built as commercial “retail” space to accommodate a variety of individual or group shows, displays and sales initiated by the participating exhibitors & artists of all media. 2. Artists' Studios 2a. Common workspaces


These areas aim to accommodate specific specialized equipment such as electric kilns, printing presses, darkrooms, super-computer networks, audio visual and recording equipment, etc. that is financially out of reach of the average artist’s budget. Under supervision when needed, this equipment and space would be useable by all students, patrons and members of the center. 2b. Open Studio


There will also be provision made for an “open” visual art studio, as many artists enjoy being in an academic setting with more interaction with each other. This space could also accommodate temporary collaborations among artists. It should be open, raw and have flexible lighting and partition systems similar to the exhibition galleries. 2c. Private Studio Spaces


We envision a number of private sub-leased workspace units. Some studio spaces would be for private work only, yet some spaces could be more accessible to the public.

3. Education Studio / Classroom


This is imagined as an open studio space, providing a welcome area for organized group visits and class demonstrations. Some of the types of classes we aim to present include: + Clothing Making & Re-Fashioning Jam Sessions + Fine Art, Collage, Book-making and Paper-making Workshops +!Group Meditation, Yoga and Movement Classes (Martial Art, Tai Chi & Capoeira Classes) + Herbal, Reiki, Massage and Shiatsu Workshops + Creative Writing, Songwriting and Poetry Sessions + Theatre & Art Therapy Classes

4. Large Art / Exhibition Space


We visualize the main gallery being a state of the art, whitewall space with flexible lighting and partition systems that can accommodate changing exhibitions and performance. This zone is highly flexible and adaptable, linked to the Media Lab, and equipped with a full sound system and theatrical lighting rig. It will inevitably host a wide array of programming ~ including, but not limited to: + Site Specific Installations + Open-Mics, Small Concerts, Theatre, Poetry, Book Readings + Presentations, Lectures, Discussions and Meetings + Guest Chefs & Demos, Large Group Dining, Food Parties +!Movie Nights, micro-Festivals, Themed Parties, etc.

5. Movement / Dance / Performance Space


We aim to build an awesome auditorium space at Equilibrium dedicated exclusively to the practice of exploring movement as a form of embodiment, healing, community building, art/media making, and social transformation. We can use the space for multiple purposes; some examples of the possibilities: + Performance Fishbowls + Technique Workshops (voguing, miming, wheelchair dance, stretching, tap, ballet, breaking...) + Dance therapy and sessions about body memory, performance-building practices, etc. + Ciphers, Discussions & Improv Jams 7

5. Lounge / Club


In the basement of the building you'll find space for a live venue ~ lounge ~ speakeasy ~ dance club. In addition to creating a relaxing, dimly lit environment for socializing, there will also be some outdoor seating available. It will be professionally managed and maintain evening hours. 6. Cinema / Lecture Theatre


This auditorium hosts events, screenings and talks that could run independently or with other programs. 7. The “Cube”


The “Cube”, or black box theatre, would be equipped with sound, lighting and video technology to function as a true multi-media space for performances or installations. This 'black box' space is designed as a flexible small exhibition space for events, performances and installations. 8. Multi-Media Lab


The highly specialized media lab at EQ will function as a well-resourced environment in which a wide variety of artists and collaborators may participate and produce works in both existing and new media; such as: 8a. Audio Lab The audio lab is a digital and analogue audio recording studio, predominately for the production of audio works for release as CDs, MP3s or other appropriate media. 8b. Web Lab The web lab is at the cutting edge of interactive web / media production, enabling both the production of the EQ web presence and artists' commissions. The web lab includes the facility to develop web TV content that can be streamed live on the Internet. 8c. Digital Video Lab The digital video facility will allow for the production of artists' video works for air or documentation and can be used by broadcasters requiring on-line editing facilities. The digital mastering facility will place a strong emphasis on the development of sophisticated tools to support production for exhibitions and preservation for archive purpose. Interactive CD ROMs and DVDs for screening, education or publicity will also be produced in-house. 8d. 2D/3D Media Lab Primarily a resource for its artists and members, this design and graphics facility will primarily be used for EQ related promotion and other private artists' commissions. In-house productions will include posters, info kiosks, education material, brochures and catalogues, etc. This area would house a full print workshop, drafting and computer stations, and a photographic darkroom. 8e. Reference Library and Archive The Reference Library is a repository of literature and documentation on the art and artists and healers of our time and region. It will have an up to date and rapidly growing collection of photos, catalogues, periodicals and other media. The archive is also a digital and document archive of all EQ projects and will be accessible to research students, artists and the general public.


9. Restaurant & Café


Both the Restaurant and Café are “slow food” / “locavore” establishments. We make a commitment to source our ingredients from regional farms whenever possible, working closely with the Windham Farm & Food Network!to gather the bulk of our produce. Each kitchen features a daily, seasonal menu of delicious foods, teas and juices, while hosting a variety of guest chefs and lecturers, cooking demos, farm to table dinners, food fundraisers, themed events, potluck gatherings, movie nights and much more. In addition, we work offer on-site services from certified holistic health coaches, herbalists, and nutritionists!who can provide health histories, one-on-one lifestyle consultations, grocery store tours, home pantry makeovers, allergy awareness, and other group classes. We also hold a serious commitment to sustainability with an emphasis on building good relationships, sourcing most goods and services from a super-local source, using passive heating and cooling practices, composting organic food waste and “to-go” containers, and always recycling. 9a. Restaurant Superfine! Dining: is a full service eatery brim with creative, local and healthy cuisine! Featuring an extensive menu full of delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes, this “growing niche” restaurant will be a favorite among residents and passers-through. The outdoor patio will be bright, green and comfortable for summer dining and the restaurant cozy inside for the winter. Enjoy a chef’s selection of daily menu items that are sure to nourish, satisfy and inspire! 9b. Café / Juice Bar Superfresh! Organic Café: serves a unique daily menu of organic, local and seasonal vegetarian food and beverage.! Featuring a nutritious and delicious carte du jour, this space is designed as a true cafe atmosphere for those looking for a stimulating, yet cozy experience. We hand make all of our own foods from scratch and avoid preparing dishes with gluten, soy, eggs or dairy. 10. Whole Food Marketplace

In 1,500sqft of Retail

As a nutritious add-on, we’d like to be featuring a reasonable selection of the best local organically grown whole foods. Organized like a small farmers' market, the assortment of sustain-ably grown produce and such will be sourced from small farms in our area. 11. Fair-Trade “Crafters” Marketplace

In 1,500sqft of Retail

This space provides a professional showcase for the display of original hand-made crafts, art and apparel. Featuring the amazing work of top talent from our region and beyond, we are certain that all items on display!will be creative, beautiful, and of the highest quality. 12. Healing Arts Sanctuary


At the heart of Equilibrium rests our beautiful Healing Arts Sanctuary!where you can come to escape the fast paced, high stress world that lies just beyond our walls. !Please enjoy the tranquility of private or small group sessions lead by our diverse body of experienced practitioners providing a range of services in Yoga, Reiki, Acupuncture, Massage, Meditation, Shamanic Healing,!Sound Healing, Art Therapy, Astro-reading,!Channeling, Holistic Health Coaching, Nutrition and Herbal Consultations. 13. Herbal Apothecary / Botanical Garden

In 1,500sqft of Retail

This area features a full array of healing plant-based tinctures, salves, lotions, soaps and balms, as well as a variety of lush plant life, edibles and flowers.


14. Office Space(s)


Besides being home to EQ’s staff, management and administration, the office areas are seen as a shared resource for artists and healers working as professionals. Included would be space to help facilitate collaboration among individuals and groups with the purpose of enhancing the Town’s Quality of Life through public festivals, downtown events, and generally improving civic life through the arts. This space would need to convey both resourceful design and professionalism in creating a casual yet productive setting for business and networking. Clerical, marketing, networking and conferencing assets would be accommodated in a manner that assists members in becoming more proficient in marketing their work, promoting themselves, and getting in touch with the right people both locally and internationally. 15. Rooftop Garden


Enjoy stunning views of Downtown Brattleboro, Whetstone Creek, the Connecticut River and majestic Wantastequit Mountain atop the Equilibrium Creative Arts and Wellness Center. The EQ Rooftop Garden serves a number of critical functions, including: scenic gathering space; storm water / grey water retention; natural insulation; vegetable, herb & flower micro-farm; and overall place of inspiration. 16. Service spaces


It is our intent to provide the kind of facility that is accessible and useable to artists and healers of all ranges of ability. As such, public spaces, common workspaces, open studios and office / administrative spaces will be handicapped accessible. Also, an elevator to facilitate the movement people, equipment and artworks will serve most private studio and public spaces. Square Footage Estimates (per square foot) The following breakdown of actual square footage is a rough estimate based on the preceding descriptions of use of space; no architectural rendering nor engineering review has been conducted to date: Overall Square-footage of Facility (including Rooftop): Total Estimated Amount of Space Needed

appx. 20,000sqft appx. 20,000sqft

A. Public exhibit and performance spaces - main gallery (partition-able)


- education studio / classroom


- “cube” black box theatre


- cinema / lecture hall


- storefront, retail, craft marketplace


- night club, dance hall


- large dance / performance space




B. Common workspaces - work only private art studios (2)


- open flexible group studio

800 10

- commons areas (lounge, etc)


- print studio


- photo labs, darkrooms


- media lab


- graphics lab, video lab, web lab, library, archive

shared Media Lab

- audio lab, (2) sound rooms


- healing arts sanctuary


- private practitioner rooms (2)




C. Restaurant & Cafe - kitchen, prep & storage


- cafĂŠ seating


- restaurant seating




D. Administrative spaces - staff / admin office, outreach, leasing


- shared fax copy office support space


- conference rooms (2)




E. Service spaces - internal circulation corridors - stairs, elevators - freight elevators - public restrooms - storage spaces


NA 11

Sustainability Part of creating a center that assists artists and healers in career building is keeping the operating costs of both the center and its various components down. With that in mind we have drafted facility performance and energy system recommendations* that would place this facility not only at the forefront of the arts, but also on the cutting edge of “green” sustainable development. By including sustainable energy systems, resource efficiency, whole systems thinking and good old fashioned conservation, we will create a facility that will be resistant to rising fuel prices, resource shortages, mechanical failures, and all around bad weather, which can threaten the economic viability and financial stability of the users. We want Equilibrium to be a resource for the Brattleboro community for generations to come, and must consider those future users in our present designs and capital investments. Global / Local Trends A rapidly growing interest in “eco-Development”, “New Urbanism” and “Smart Growth” demonstrates that more and more communities understand that protecting and enhancing their quality of life and natural assets significantly increases their chances of prospering into the future. This evidence suggests that places that make themselves cleaner, safer, healthier and more pleasant, are those that attract and retain new residents, visitors, business and investment. The following items will help to inform our effort: The 2013 Town Plan The Dedicated Downtown Designation The future Cultural District The NEA Core-Arts Place-making Project Post-Irene Flat St Corridor Development EPA Smart Growth Initiative SEVEDS Economic Development Strategy Arts Council of Windham County’s Economic Impact Study and any other National, State or Locally recognized initiative that relates. Place | Brattleboro “Why do some places become destinations for the creative while others don't? Economists speak of the importance of industries having "low entry barriers," so that new firms can easily enter and keep the industry vital. Similarly, I think it's important for a place to have low entry barriers for people---that is, to be a place where newcomers are accepted quickly into all sorts of social and economic arrangements. All else being equal, they are likely to attract greater numbers of talented and creative people---the sort of people who power innovation and growth. Places that thrive in today's world tend to be plug-and-play communities where anyone can fit in quickly. These are places where people can find opportunity, build support structures, be themselves and not get stuck in any one identity. The plug-and-play community is one that somebody can move into and put together a life---or at least a facsimile of a life---in a week.” Dr. Richard Florida

Brattleboro, once a bastion of raw materials trade, industry, transportation, “water cures”, arts and leisure, has fallen into a state of economic and cultural decline. This has created a lapse of the city’s collective character, its unique identity becoming obscured. The case for supporting a vibrant creative and healing arts sector downtown can be proven extremely strong in such a locale, as the visionary, artist, artisan, thinker, designer and healer historically finds such an environment attractive and stimulating. Frankly, our proposal to encourage a Brattleboro renaissance makes sincere and valid attempts at addressing this fact. 12

Currently, the area boasts a talented and dense populace of independent artists, designers, musicians, craftspeople, alternative health-care practitioners and a multitude of affiliate organizations. Located within a short drive from most Northeastern metropolitan centers, a large portion of our nation’s population (and a considerable amount of its wealth), Brattleboro’s central New England setting provides an innate benefit to artists and healers both living and working in the area. The unfortunate reality is that they lack sufficient facilities and local markets to sustain their respective pursuits. In addressing this issue, we realize that our structures of yesterday are desperately in need of redefinition. With the proliferation of innovative models of ‘local, living’ economies, plug and play communities and transition towns that prioritize community and environment over profit and growth, the conversion of large ex-industrial space into new mixed–use facilities has become a common practice. The Sanel, like many formerly industrial buildings, should also strive to discover new potential uses for its once glorious structure. By using many examples of recent adaptive re-use initiatives, we are gaining a greater understanding of the task at hand and the enormous benefits to be realized with continued success. Population Served Since its inception eight months ago, Equilibrium has been supported by hundreds of wonderful people within and around the greater Brattleboro community through patronage, performance and participation. EQ’s immediate market area includes residents of the tri-state region comprised of Windham County, Vermont; Cheshire County, New Hampshire; and Franklin County, Massachusetts. While we have an emphasis on the town of Brattleboro, Equilibrium has featured art, craft, wellness, theatre and music from folks all over New England, the US, and abroad. Our family-friendly environment is an important aspect of Equilibrium’s service to the Brattleboro community. The list of featured artists, participants, presenters, and teachers is a very culturally diverse group and extremely multi-generational as well. We have taken measures to make our services especially accessible to the town’s youth by hosting all-ages events and performances, scheduling regular parent and child programming, and by participating in Student Art Month this past April. Over the course of mixing into the Brattleboro community, Equilibrium has successfully functioned as an all-purpose space for artists and practitioners to market, teach and practice their life’s work. With a larger space to offer our services to this community, we strongly feel that we could help open a door to downtown revitalization and spur the growth of our local “creative class” or “knowledge workforce”. The challenge (and opportunity) we face in serving this population demographic exists in that many cultural creatives, artists and practitioners have been forced to find innovative and resourceful ways to incubate and develop their careers as artists, healers, trainers and facilitators. While wrestling with the numerous global-scale environmental, social and economic d il em ma s th ey ’v e in he ri te d , young Brattleboroans also live in a time when the median annual household income of Windham County is only $38K, there are few major employers, downtown businesses are just getting by, and the area’s population is idle and aging. Indeed, our work is cut out for us. Community Support Marketplace / Patrons: The Equilibrium marketplace is supported directly by locals. Additionally, the artists, artisans and craftsmen who create the majority of items featured in the marketplace live in the tri-state area. With an emphasis on sourcing locally, EQ’s marketplace fosters the exchange of goods and services offered by people in the Brattleboro region, for folks in our very own neighborhood. Strategic Partnerships: We feel the community is the economy, and accordingly, the collaborative partnerships that have formed between Equilibrium and other artistic, environmental and wellness organizations have been strong pillars of support for our business and mission. Each of these strategic partnerships is formed around mutually beneficial business relationships that provide members of our community better access to local markets, goods and service. The outcomes of these collaborative efforts range from broadening Equilibrium’s scope of programming, to offering more local food options at our café, and to simply promoting other local arts or wellness organizations. 13

While we are fully aware of the many stakeholders in Brattleboro working as catalysts in making this a healthier and more supportive community, we strongly feel that this Creative Arts and Wellness Center will help to facilitate the successful collaboration of these and other groups in reaching shared goals. Team Management / Collaboration Structure

Equilibrium aims to be a place where dreams and visions come to life. Within, on, and around the walls of our facility, artists and healers will be inspired to become an active part of our growing and changing community. By working to best serve many groups, organizations, and individuals as possible, EQ continues to evolve as a fun, vibrant and flexible hub in downtown Brattleboro, VT. Our main objective is to provide a safe and supportive environment for the exploration of art, education, performance, wellness and community building. Through cooperative relationships and multidisciplinary programs, EQ encourages the celebration of intergenerational, cross-cultural collaborations and the promotion of a more accessible and constructive civic space. But how does it work? Beyond promoting a shared-space mantra for use of the building itself, Simply Love Life wants to clearly affirm that collaboration is not only a goal for management, but also a system. Working together in a horizontal framework to keep the many parts of the whole functioning properly, EQ will empower a clustered management structure that acts as a seamless network of interdependent sub-committees that make more detailed decisions pertaining to their role in the space. The Core Team is at the nucleus of the system, the control center of the whole enterprise and each cluster. Like a proactive Board of Directors, this member-voted group upholds the DNA and mission of the whole project, ultimately directs new program development, capital asset management, and achieving other vital things such as communication supervision, as messages, instructions and ideas will be moving in and out of each cluster and must travel to and from the rest of the community freely. As noted, each unique facet of Equilibrium’s collective model will be managed and represented by a cluster of artists, vendors, performers and educators working with consensus-based decision making, where items are brought up and solutions are sought. The chair, or spokesperson, for each cluster represents the group and their decisions at monthly Core Team meetings and quarterly member meetings. 14

To secure broader input in the decision-making process, the cluster also tries to host frequent community meetings as well as open collective meetings, Community meetings are less formal, where the cluster checks in with the public and encourages lively discussion. Open meetings will allow non-members to attend regular meetings to see how decisions get made, and will also be invited to discuss agenda items. Purpose of Structure A. To give independent attention (focus) to the variety of programs and matters that the organization faces, in order to ensure clear-headedness and creative problem solving. B. To allow for new ideas, concepts and solutions to arise from a dedicated Cluster. C. To help in solidifying a positive working structure from which the organization can function and prosper. D. To create a system of program ownership throughout the ranks of the organization, instilling pride, cooperation and dedication within our membership. E. To develop a system of self-government that allows for democratic decision-making and a wide variety of opinions and concerns to be voiced and considered. Key Personnel Like a blooming flower, the structure will take shape in an organic, yet ordered manner. The decisions made by each Cluster and voted on by the Core Team should be carried out and managed by the Staff. I. Core Team - Like a Board of Directors, the Core Team’s general responsibilities include: • Uphold and amend the Articles of Incorporation / By-laws • Provide Fiscal & Legal Responsibility • Hire / Fire the Executive Director & Staff • Approve all projects / initiatives for “adoption” • Publicly advocate for the Organization • Raise money and network for the organization • Help strategize our various community wealth ventures Focus Areas: We recognize that the process of building a successful project will be long and tedious, and feel that by dividing the leadership into core “focus” groups we can better facilitate and manage the workload at hand. The suggested Core Team focus groups are: 1. Image / Brand / Marketing Logo / Visibility Web Site Content & Newsletter Content Marketing Strategy Needs Analysis P.R., Contacts, Alliances 2. Enterprise / Finance / Investment Golden Opportunities Property Development & Business Development New Enterprise Models Best Practices Grants and other Credits 15

3. Legal Infrastructure Legal Scope, Constraints, Standards & Accountability By-Laws / Articles / IRS Filings, etc. Contracts, Taxes & Finance Assets / Liabilities Records / Archives 4. Org Structure / Workflow / MGT Short Term (6-mo & 1yr) Goals & Long Term (3yr) Goals Strategic Plan + Measurable Objectives + Org Chart Manage Board Directives Human Resources, Training, Personnel Management Scheduling, Bookkeeping & Information Flow 5. Vision / Mission / Objectives Uphold Values and Overarching Purpose Review overall Strengths + Weaknesses Target Growth and Oversee Program Direction Be Personality / Face / Ahead of curve II. Clusters - The natural sub-division of responsibilities, including: visioning, planning, deciding and doing, should be made in accordance with each “facet” of the overall endeavor. Food Services, Retail, Dance, Visual Art, Healing Arts, Performance, etc. would each be managed by a focus group, a “Cluster”. The committee members determine the overall Mission of the Cluster. It is reviewed, discussed and challenged as necessary. The agenda of the Cluster is determined by the committee at every meeting, decided by consensus, and then converted into an action plan. Basic Structure: A. 3 officers elected by each Cluster to provide structural integrity, efficiency and order 1. Cluster Chair responsibilities a. Conduct all Cluster meetings; keep an agenda; organize volunteer base; oversee Cluster voting; act as a liaison between the Core Team and Cluster; attend all core team meetings; and act as the community representative of EQ and its mission. 2. Cluster Secretary responsibilities. a. Take minutes of Cluster meetings; maintain phone book of contacts, partners and volunteers; keep Cluster Log of minutes, votes, and actions. 3. Cluster Treasurer responsibilities. a. Keep the ongoing financial records of Cluster activity. Report to Cluster Committee every meeting with fiscal update. Work with CFO on tracking finance and making recommendations to the Staff Directorship. B. General Decision Making Framework: 1. each Cluster meeting schedule should be voted on by the committee, ie. meet as needed 16

2. each new project initiative is to be brought to the floor of the core team by the Cluster Chair for core vote. Once it is OK’d, the Agenda is set by the Cluster and enforced by its members. 3. each Cluster should have knowledge of the activities of other Clusters through a report given by the Chair at every meeting and should consider collaboration and networking at all times. 4. Consideration of the creation of a new Cluster should be brought the floor of the core team and voted upon. III. Staff - The hired personnel on Staff carry out the directives of each Cluster and the Core Team. They should be highly involved with Cluster activity, report to the Core Team and should reflect, either as groups or individuals, the following professional characteristics: 1. ENTREPRENEUR The entrepreneurial personality turns the most trivial condition into an exceptional opportunity. The Entrepreneur is the visionary, the dreamer. He lives in the future, never in the past, rarely in the present. He’s happiest when left free to construct images of “what if” and “if when“. 2. MANAGER The managerial personality is pragmatic. Without The Manager there would be no planning, no order, no predictability. She lives in the past. She craves order. She compulsively clings to the status quo. She sees problems ahead of time and keeps things in neat, orderly rows. 3. TECHNICIAN The Technician is the doer. “If you want it done right, do it yourself” is the Technician’s credo. She loves to tinker. Things aren’t supposed to be dreamed about, they’re supposed to be done. She lives in the present. She’s not interested in ideas; she’s interested in how-to-do it. IV. Membership Program - Becoming a member of EQ is one of the most important ways one can support the space and community. Like joining the library or the gym, know that a membership to EQ provides tremendous value and access to the facility and programming – but it is you that must take the leap and participate. Pay dues; act as a voting body; recruit new members; and reap the rewards of hard work!




Volunteering Member

$0/year (time and material donations)

Community involvement

Supporting Member


Member’s ball tickets, Discounts at functions, Introductory orientation to EQ clusters, Event & class priority notice

Contributing Member


All of the above, EQ t-shirt, discounts on selected classes

Sponsoring Member


All of the above, $25 class/event voucher 17

V. Patrons, Angels, Investors Equilibrium aims to create enough working capital through daily enterprise, membership dues, and other sub-contract agreements. In order to launch such an ambitious project, however, we need future patrons, angels and informal investors to help provide start-up capital for this expanding business. Low Interest Loan, Stock Option and Ownership Equity arrangements are all a possibility. Overall Community Benefits In sum, what are the some of the direct community gains from the Establishing Equilibrium proposal? At our new location on Flat St., EQ aims to: * work as a catalyst to activate a vision for Downtown, a new sense of identity * boost Urban diversity to help bolster residential, pedestrian & commercial street life Downtown * build a high profile project to focus on Downtown, the arts and a healthy future for all * increase community awareness and support for the creative / healing arts in general * cultivate a new generation of designers, activists, artists, healers, audience and patrons * help to spur small business development and new enterprise * keep monies flowing locally * advertise and attract cultural tourism * expand the unique and funky experience of Main St. outward * spur future “cultural� development * help to unite regional arts organizations * anchor the new cultural district * introduce unique, outside of the box, adaptive reuse projects to Downtown * encourage living downtown * attract and retain young professionals and students to live / work / play / contribute * renew a decaying historical building and corridor * pioneer green building material and sustainable energy systems use in rehab properties * help to create educational, fun and safe streets Downtown * spur new public arts projects Downtown and beyond * add quality nightlife and evening activity to the city core * reaffirm our commitment to the youth sector of our Town * act as a youth training center * promote creativity vs. violence * usher in new lifestyles and promote counter culture acceptance * employ artists and tap citizen creativity * help to personify Brattleboro as independent and forward thinking * attract international attention from various professional interests * reward a local, grass root initiatives * encourage risk taking * attract foreign and local investment * garner positive local and national press * partner Brattleboro with other major towns / cities embarking on similar initiatives Thank you for your time invested in reading this general proposal. We hope to move the initiative forward swiftly and would love to know if you have interest in being a part of that effort.


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