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Simply Stronger

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Simply Stronger is a Yoga, Fitness, and Massage studio located in Annapolis, MD, founded in 2002 by personal trainer Debi McKibben, who is passionate about her work to establish, maintain, and improve the health and well-being of her clients. What makes Simply Stronger stand out is McKibben’s motivation to create an experience different from the ones found in many traditional health clubs or gyms, that sometimes can be more focused on bringing in income through establishing a high volume of members as opposed to fostering deeper relationships. “I have always been a proponent of independence and strength and power,” McKibben said, “And I always want to instill that in my clients.”

Simply Stronger was created on the foundation of client empowerment and forming strong and long-lasting relationships with those clients as a component of the fitness programs. After working as an aerobics coordinator and finding that she did not like the ways in which members were being treated by health clubs, McKibben decided to take matters into her own hands and open up her own studio, where she was able to utilize her skills as a massage therapist, personal trainer, yoga instructor, and aerobics instructor while prioritizing her values in her own space, which resonates with her clients and maintains member retention. “People have been coming to


Written By: Aya Furin-Campbell

me for as many years as I have been in business,” McKibben said.

Over the years, Simply Stronger has grown with members of all ages and backgrounds. McKibben works to secure positive and successful relationships with her clients by ensuring that she is completely focused on them and dedicated to them as individuals. These personalized workouts are better for clients because they address the fitness level of each individual, as opposed to a pre-set plan.

This is especially important for new clients who may not have as much experience or comfort with fitness programs. “I want everybody to feel successful and like they can manage it, like this is something that they can do,” McKibben said, in speaking on the importance of the attention that goes into determining each level of activity for each client, “Most people when they start with me really don’t have an exercise regime. So this is all very new to them and very foreign and so they’re going to be a little apprehensive and they’re going to be a little scared. They don’t know what to expect and they have no idea how they’re gonna feel the next day. They don’t want to be hurt, to wake up tomorrow and not be able to walk. All of those things I have to make sure don’t happen to them.”

A first-time client at Simply Stronger can expect no exercise whatsoever on the first visit, just a one-hour conversation with McKibben about their health history, current lifestyle, exercise goals, and anything else that could give McKibben insight into what they are capable of as they start their fitness journey. This way, McKibben can perfect routines that will benefit her clients and not have any adverse effects on their bodies or their way of life. In speaking on the importance of her care for her clients, McKibben said, “They have entrusted their life to me, they have entrusted their health to me, and in return, I have to help them be the best that they can be.”

McKibben strives to go above and beyond in care for her clients, not just in terms of exercise and training, but in every way she can. She works flexibly with her client’s busy schedules, is open to changing schedules and adjusting routines when necessary, and offers her services to two people for the price of one if that is easier for them. In speaking on the strong relationships with her clients, McKibben said, “I care about them. I care about their families. I care about what happens to them. I am committed to them and they know that they come first in my life.”

Simply Stronger serves as a manifestation of McKibben’s love for building people up through fitness and health. She believes that clients are bettering themselves by exercising, that it is a choice to take care of themselves, and that she is simply the person that helps to make that happen. “I want to boost your ego, I want you to feel like you’ve really accomplished something,” McKibben said. For those who do not enjoy working out but still want to, McKibben overcomes this by focusing on conversation and relationship building during the sessions, and ensuring that the client walks away feeling confident and accomplished. “I’ve kept you so distracted that you have no idea what you’ve done,” McKibben said, “And so you now tend to like exercise.”

Simply Stronger may be the perfect fit for anyone who wants to improve their physical health through exercise and values one on one personalized care and expertise. “The most rewarding thing about what I do is the fact that I get to empower people every day to be as strong and independent as they can,” McKibben said.

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