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PENTAFLEX® Sealing Technology Sealing products for pressurised and non-pressurised water

PENTAFLEX® ­– made in Germany

PENTAFLEX® Systematic sealing





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Bucharest Rome Madrid

H-BAU TECHNIK GMBH Am Güterbahnhof 20 79771 Klettgau Germany Phone +49 (0) 77 42 | 92 15-20 Telefax +49 (0) 77 42 | 92 15-90 PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY NORTH-EAST Brandenburger Allee 30 14641 Nauen OT Wachow Germany Phone +49 (0) 3 32 39 | 7 75-20 Telefax +49 (0) 3 32 39 | 7 75-90



PRODUCTION CHEMNITZ Beyerstraße 21 09113 Chemnitz Germany Phone +49 (0) 371 | 400 41 - 0 Telefax +49 (0) 371 | 400 41 - 99

SOUTH Paul Rieger Phone +49 (0) 77 42 | 92 15-21 Telefax +49 (0) 77 42 | 92 15-93 Mobile +49 (0) 171 | 864 72 61

NORTH – EAST Rudolf Till Phone +49 (0) 332 39 | 775-24 Telefax +49 (0) 332 39 | 775-90 Mobile +49 (0) 172 | 993 70 50

SOUTH – WEST Oliver Etzrodt Phone +49 (0) 70 82 | 41 39 63 Telefax +49 (0) 70 82 | 79 33 00 Mobile +49 (0) 171 | 864 72 60


for better solutions

Systematic sealing


Sealing technology

General KB steel joint strips KB Plus Expansion joint connection ABS stop-end element OBS pre-break element FTS pre-break element Sound-insulation joint system Transwand Lining tube Floor drain Roof drain OPTI wall spacing tubes PENTABOX Sump well Service Glossary

Guidelines for impermeable (WU) components 4 General 12 Technical information 13 Installation instructions 14 Accessories 16 General 18 Technical information 19 Installation instructions 20 Technical notes 21 Technical information 23 General 24 Technical information 25 Installation instructions 26 General 28 Technical information 29 Installation instructions 30 General 32 Technical information 33 Installation instructions 34 General 36 Technical information 37 Installation instructions 39 General 40 Technical information/Types 41 Thermo Transwand 44 Installation instructions 45 General 46 Technical information/Installation instructions 47 General 48 Technical information 49 General 50 Technical information 51 General 52 Technical information 53 General 54 Technical information/Installation instructions 55 General 56 Technical information/ Installation instructions 57 Accessories 58 59 60

3 Systematic sealing


Design and construction of components impermeable to water* Fundamentals of sealing technology according to WU (water impermeable) guidelines In order to prevent ingress of water into structures, water impermeable reinforced steel structures, so-called "white tanks", have been fabricated for over 30 years. Thanks to these long years of practice and experience,

this method of construction represents an economical way of stopping the ingress of water. Furthermore, the WU guidelines represent the generally recognized current technical standard with regard to the "white tank".

The watertightness of a structure is characterised by the limitation of water ingress through concrete, construction joints and precrack dummy sections, mounting parts and cracks.

Method of construction with limited crack width: The method of construction with crack width limitation applies as the second approach to the solution. In this case, an increased reinforcement content of the concrete construction controls, or limits, the crack width.

Method of construction with subsequent sealing: In the case of the third method of construction, no special measures are introduced prior to the construction and formation of the cracks channelling the water are accepted. Later these are tightly sealed in accordance with the relevant guidelines. However, this method of construction may not be used for residential buildings.

This means: Sealed construction of all joints Meeting high requirements of the concrete Maintaining the minimum thickness for structural elements Crack limitation in structural components Maintaining a minimum height of the pressure zone Methodical arrangement and design of construction joints or sections of the pre-crack dummies if crack formation is expected

Design basics Construction method with decreased force stressing: Force stressing on concrete that can lead to water-channeling cracks is reduced by suitable constructional, concrete-related technical and design measures. As part of this are, e.g. level undersides on floor slabs with a layer of film, use of concrete receptors with low development of hydration and heating and extended after-treatment measures.

*Source: "Bulletin 555 - Comments on the DAfStb guidelines on water impermeable concrete structures" from the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)



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Design and construction of components impermeable to water* Design objectives A design of the arrangements must be carried out and the defined designs documented. For designs in accordance with WU guidelines, close collaboration between the different design areas is necessary. The following are the participants: Object designer/architect Geo-technician (if required) Bearing structure designer/WU designer Successful tenderer scheduling)


In agreement with the construction participants depending on the complexity of the project: concrete technologist, construction physicist, building engineering designer.

The function and required utilisation of the structure, together with the regulations regarding fitness for purpose must be defined and documented. The following points must be clarified: Impact: the stress on the structure as a result of standing water or soil humidity Utilisation: which requirements need to be met by the structure in regard to impermeability to water The result of the first two design stages form the basis for further design measures. The impermeability to water of a structural element is determined by several factors.

The following points are to be accounted for in detail, both individually and in their combined effect: Selection of the concrete Dimensions of the structural components and reinforcement channels Avoidance or sealing of cracks or limitation of the crack width Planning of all joints and penetrations Planning of construction sequence, concreting sections, construction joints and sections of the pre-crack dummies Where necessary, account must be taken of aggressive water and soil. The concreting work, the after-treatment and the structure monitoring must be executed in accordance with DIN 1045-3.

Defining the WU guidelines The WU guidelines determine and define the specifications for

concrete structures impermeable to water. These are regulated

in relationship to the stress and utilisation classes.

Stress class There are two stress classes. They are differentiated by whether the flow of water is directly on the structure or the concern is only with soil humidity or, as the case may be, with seepage water.

Utilisation class The WU guidelines differentiate between two utilisation classes. They are dependent on the

function of the structure and the requirements on the thickness, and must be defined accordingly.

Stress class 1: for pressurised and non-pressurised water as well as intermittently trapped seepage water Stress class 2: for soil humidity and non-trapped seepage water

Utilisation class A ■■ No water passage in flowing form ■■ No points of humidity on the surface ■■ No cracks and joints channelling water Application examples: Residential building, storerooms with high-grade utilisation

Utilisation class B ■■ Areas of humidity permissible ■■ From temporary up to self-healing water-carrying cracks permitted ■■ No gathering of water on the surface Application examples: Underground car parks, installation and supply shafts, storerooms with low-level requirements

*Source: "Bulletin 555 - Comments on the DAfStb guidelines on water impermeable concrete structures" from the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)

5 Systematic sealing


Design and construction of components impermeable to water* Requirements on the concrete In the selection of a suitable concrete it should be noted that, in addition to the requirements arising from the exposure classes from DIN 1045 pertaining to the structural component, the requirements on a concrete with high resistance to water ingress must also be satisfied.

A sufficient workability can be guaranteed by the consistency class F3 or softer. In the design of WU structural components in the minimum component thicknesses, a water/cement ratio of ≤ 0.55 and for walls, in addition, a largest particle size of ≤ 16 mm, must be used for stress class 1.

For a head of more than 1.0 m (e.g. for walls) an attachment mixture (largest particle ≤ 8 mm) must be used in the foot area at a height of ≥ 300 mm, in order to ensure a zero defect installation of the concrete.

Structural component thickness From many years of experience with concrete structural cast in-situ and pre-cast components, the following minimum thicknesses for the structural components are specified in the WU guidelines: Minimum thickness in mm

Stress class

Pre-cast components















The minimum thickness and construction of the structural components must be selected such that the concrete structural components can be concreted technically correctly whilst adhering to the concrete cover, the required reinforcement location, joint sealing and the mounting components. In addition to all the other required features, it must also be possible to fulfil the support and sealing function.

Over and above the minimum dimensions, the following apply to the clearance dimension bW,i between the reinforcement layers (for in-situ concrete) or for the spacing of the interior surfaces of the form (for element walls) in order to ensure a technically correct installation of the concrete: for a largest particle of 8 mm bW,i ≥ 120 mm

bW,i internal form

Floor slab

Element walls


for a largest particle of 16 mm bW,i ≥ 140 mm for a largest particle of 32 mm bW,i ≥ 180 mm reinforcement

If component thicknesses result from this that are larger than the minimum dimension in the table above, these become the standard. internal form

external form


bW,i reinforcement


In-situ concrete


external form


*Source: "Bulletin 555 - Comments on the DAfStb guidelines on water impermeable concrete structures" from the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)



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Design and construction of components impermeable to water* Proof

Proof of impermeability to water is an additional proof of fitness for purpose for DIN 1045-1, Clause 5.4.1, Section 2. Limiting the crack width For bending cracks resulting from stress and forces it must be proved for utilisation class A, stress class 1, that the pressure zone height (x) satisfies the condition x ≥ 30 mm and ≥ 1.5 · Dmax, whereby Dmax is the largest diameter of the aggregate. If there is an acceptable temporary ingress of water through separating cracks for stress class 1, the calculated widths of the separating cracks in relationship to the pressure gradients are to be limited according to the table. Pressure gradient hw/hb*

permissible crack width w [mm] (calculated value)



> 10 bis ≤ 15


> 15 bis ≤ 25


Proof for utilisation class A The required proofs conform with the selected design fundamentals of utilisation class A. For this, verification is needed that no separating cracks occur in the concrete as a result of force. The exceptions here are the planned, sealed joints. To this can be counted the precrack dummy, construction and expansion joints through the arrangement of which, at specified spacings, the reduction in the force on the structural components follows.

Proof for utilisation class B The required proofs conform with the selected design fundamentals of utilisation class B. Their requirements are met through a limitation of the separating crack widths with the assumption that the cracks are self-healing. The limitation of the incident crack width results from the design of the pre-crack dummy and construction joints and/or the arrangement of the reinforcement.

The limitation of the incident crack widths results from the design of the pre-crack dummy and construction joints and/or the arrangement of the reinforcement.

* hw = pressure head of the water in m hb = component thickness in m

If the table values are adhered to, it can be assumed that the initial water ingress will be greatly reduced with time through self-healing of the cracks. Humidity spots on the surface of the structural component cannot, however, be ruled out with certainty even at a later time. For stress class 2, the permissible crack width for walls w ≤ 0.20 mm applies to the calculated value, for floor slabs proceed according to DIN 1045-1, Clause 11.2.1.

Example of utilisation class A Standard for housing and rooms with high quality use

Example of utilisation class B Single garages, underground parking and storage rooms with lower demands

*Source: "Bulletin 555 - Comments on the DAfStb guidelines on water impermeable concrete structures" from the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)

7 Systematic sealing


Design and construction of components impermeable to water* Reinforcement and constructional regulations The configuration of the reinforcement in the structural components must be designed such that it is possible to have a faultless insertion and compaction of the fresh concrete. WU components of stress class 1 should be fabricated with a double-sided mat reinforcement composed of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. The exception to this are prefabrications of stress class 2. The construction joints must be defined by the designer and represented in a blueprint. In accordance with the defined stress and utilisation class, all joints in WU construction components must be permanently guaranteed by a complete sealing system that is impermeable to water and uniform. Pre-crack dummy sections are caused by sufficient weakening of the concrete section (at least 1/3 of the structural component thickness) and must be sealed for the smallest, but nevertheless appreciable, movements. Special pre-crack dummy elements guarantee both requirements and are thus suitable for structures of utilisation class A. Element wall splices are to be designed as pre-crack dummy sections.

Joint sealing Only products holding a proof of applicability may be used for sealing joints in WU structural components. A general building authority approval (abP) provides this proof for non-standardised products. All of the joint seals that connect with the concrete must be precisely placed according to the design, connected to the splices and forcefully and permanently secured in position prior to the concreting operation.

Coated laminations A joint sealing system must constitute a closed system and have a sealed contact to all of the connection and crossing points. In the case of joint sealing for precrack dummy sections it must be ensured that the sealing effect is maintained in the event of crack formation and the associated widening of the joint. An integral joint laminate does not absorb any kind of shear force. The lamination must demonstrate sufficient elasticity to survive any possible deformation without damage. This will prevent any temporary seepage of water. For coated laminated joints, considerably less anchoring depth in the concrete is required, as is the case, for example, for uncoated joint laminations. The necessary minimum anchoring depth can be taken from the proof of fitness for purpose (abP).

*Source: "Bulletin 555 - Comments on the DAfStb guidelines on water impermeable concrete structures" from the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)



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Design and construction of components impermeable to water Extract from the practical instructions for the basic blueprint "Method of construction with reduced force loading": Construction system for floor slabs At least one layer of PE film must be laid on a sub-base underneath the floor slab. The minimum thickness of the floor slab is based on the WU guidelines. For pressurised water this is 250 mm. The concrete cover of the upper layer of reinforcement is the responsibility of the building contractor and must be precisely complied with. This is a prerequisite for the pressurisedwater- tight installation of the PENTAFLEX® joint system. From experience the minimum degree of reinforcement of the floor slab is at least approx. 0.15% of the concrete section on both sides. If the proof of stability provides for a higher reinforcement content, this must be installed. This minimum reinforcement is to be arranged crosswise in two layers. Re-entrant corners must be secured by a diagonal reinforcement (e.g. 3 pieces Ø 12 above and below). The required wall connection reinforcement, e.g. Ø 8 nails with predetermined spacing for prior anchorage. Otherwise compliance is required with the reinforcement guidelines of DIN 1045-1.

Concreting The grades of concrete in accordance with DIN 1045 II/EN206 must be adjusted to take account of the required exposure class and the special requirements of the building provisions. If the consistency for processing the concrete on the building site is finally discontinued, a water-reducing admixture (FM) must be used. At the same time it must be guaranteed that any concrete additives that have already been added are compatible with the water-reducing admixture (FM). The maximum amount of additive according to the manufacturer’s instructions must not be exceeded.

When concreting the floor slab, make sure that the concrete is introduced and compacted fresh on fresh. In the area of the PENTAFLEX® elements care is required when inserting the concrete. If the floor slab is thicker than 400 mm, the concrete must be inserted and compacted in two layers (fresh on fresh). To facilitate after- treatment, the concrete slab must always be covered with film and must be protected from strong solar radiation with water and from frost with heat protection mats.

Connection reinforcement


Floor slab d ≥ 250 mm WU concrete

PE film double-layered

Sub-base 50 mm

9 Systematic sealing


Design and construction of components impermeable to water Extract from the practical instructions for the basic blueprint "Method of construction with reduced force loading": Provisions when concreting wall elements Due to the small cross section of the core concrete, special care is required when concreting the core of the element wall. Initially it is essential to check the filling area of the element walls for loose assembly elements, impurities and contamination of the joint elements. Where necessary these must be removed. The surfaces of the concrete form that face the core must be wetted before concreting. The corner and straight splices


of the wall elements must be secured against the concrete pressure using the specified formwork pressure retaining elements and supported with angled braces. The concrete is introduced in layers of maximum 800 mm and compacted in accordance with the formula: diameter of the vibratory concrete poker x 10 = efficiency. The vibratory concrete poker is inserted quickly and slowly with-

drawn again. The poker is inserted far enough so that the layers bond with one another (needling). The layers must be introduced fresh on fresh. Up to a height of at least 300 mm, a concrete mix should be used with a largest particle size not exceeding 8 mm. This ensures a zero defect attachment to the base of the wall. For windows and other recesses the concrete is filled on one side until it comes smoothly out on the other side.


for better solutions

11 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX KB® Joint plate

PENTAFLEX KB® – for watertight construction joints

The product PENTAFLEX KB elements are fully coated on both sides with a special coating. The connection of the special coating with the fresh concrete reliably prevents water infiltrating the joint system. A concrete covering of 30 mm is enough to withstand a water pressure of 5.0 bar*. The high elasticity of the coating ensures a secure seal when the concrete components shrink. The individual elements are 2.00 m long and 167 mm or 80 mm high. They are provided with a divided protective film on both sides that is only removed immediately before concreting. ®


Application area

Fast and reliable sealing of all construction joints

PENTAFLEX® can be used in all construction joints, horizontal or vertical, with pressurised and non-pressurised water: Construction joints in wall/base or wall/ceiling area for pressurised and non-pressurised water

Watertight to 5.0 bar* Resistant to all types of organic effluents Simple and reliable connection of the individual elements and cross-points No special tools or adhesive materials required Connection to expansion joints can be made without difficulty using a special attachment The standardised line allows the minimum embedment depth of the PENTAFLEX KB® elements to be easily checked during concreting without labour-intensive measurement checks

Construction joints in wall/wall or floor/floor area for pressurised and non-pressurised water Crack control joints in in-situ concrete and element wall construction The PENTAFLEX® sealing system is suitable for use in structures of stress class 1 and utilisation class A in accordance with the WU guidelines.

* tested to 5.0 bar; according to AbP (general building supervisory test certificates) 2.0 bar is permissible which corresponds to a safety margin of 2.5 times the test pressure



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Technical information KB 167 & KB 80 PENTAFLEX KB® 167

Individual elements made from galvanised sheet steel fully coated Dimensions: l = 2000 mm w = 167 mm Fixed to the reinforcement with 1 retaining stirrup per metre (see page 16) Embedment depth: ≥ 30 mm Watertight to 5.0* bar Application: Construction joints in wall/base, wall/wall and floor/floor areas


Individual elements made from galvanised sheet steel fully coated Dimensions: l = 2000 mm w = 80 mm The assembly is carried out using KB 80 stirrups which are attached to the wall reinforcement Embedment depth: ≥ 30 mm Watertight to 5.0** bar Application: Construction joints in wall/ceiling area


Individual elements made from galvanised sheet steel fully coated The assembly is carried out by attaching joint clips to the pre-positioned PENTAFLEX KB® Watertight to 5.0* bar Application: Construction joints in corner area in combination with PENTAFLEX KB® and PENTAFLEX® FTS corner

* tested to 5.0 bar; according to AbP (general building supervisory test certificates) 2.0 bar is permissible which corresponds to a safety margin of 2.5 times the test pressure ** tested to 5.0 bar; due to the overall height < 120 mm, a water pressure of only 1.0 bar is permitted in accordance with AbP

13 Systematic sealing

1. Remove the film at the bottom of the PENTAFLEX KB® (inside and outside).

2. Roll back the ends of the film approximately 100 mm.

3. Overlap the PENTAFLEX KB® elements by at least 50 mm, connect by pressing them firmly together and secure with a joint clip.

4. If the temperature is below +5°C, briefly heat the joints. For additional protection, roll back the film strip over the connection and press down.



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Installation instructions

5. Attach PENTAFLEX KB® to the reinforcement using one retaining stirrup per metre. Four different attachment options are available. (see page 16)

6. Use the PENTAFLEX KB® corner shaped part when building with element walls. If the walls are to be fabricated using in-situ concrete, bend the PENTAFLEX KB® on-site to form corners. Do not remove the film at the top until the base plate has been concreted at the earliest. Make sure the coating remains in perfect condition until the wall is concreted.

7. Fabricate T-joints by bending a PENTAFLEX KB® element accordingly on-site and secure with clips.

8. Remove the two protective films on the top of the PENTAFLEX KB® element before concreting the second section.

Note: These instructions for assembly and use generally apply for all PENTAFLEX KB® applications.

15 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX KB® Accessories

PENTAFLEX® retaining stirrup

PENTAFLEX® clips Clamp stirrups These spring-steel clamp stirrups interlock independently with the PENTAFLEX® elements. The joint system is freestanding on the reinforcement and is only attached at selected points. Advantage: freestanding joint system

The purpose of the clips is to secure junctions mechanically.

Cross clips All crossing points are secured with these clips.

Omega stirrups The omega stirrup is a versatile component. It can be used to securely fasten the PENTAFLEX® to the upper layer of reinforcement. Advantage: universal, economical M-stirrup The PENTAFLEX KB® can be mounted even more easily and quickly in the upper layer of reinforcement using the M-stirrup. Advantage: freestanding, quick assembly

Loop stirrups The looped end is hooked on to the vertical reinforcement. Only the straight end is tied to the upper reinforcement. Advantage: quick assembly

KB80 stirrup The KB 80 stirrup is designed for fixing the PENTAFLEX KB® 80 elements in the area of wall/ceiling connections. It is tied into the inner mat reinforcement. Advantage: quick assembly


Joint clips 167 or Joint clips 80 Every consignment of PENTAFLEX® comes with an ample supply of joint clips. They are a straightforward and fast means of securing all straight joints for the PENTAFLEX KB® or KB 80 elements.


for better solutions

17 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX KB® Plus Joint plate and foundation earth

PENTAFLEX KB® Plus – added functionality


The product


Application area

The combination of seal and foundation earth – double security in one work step: a seal which resists pressurised water and also acts as a foundation earth. The product benefits of the triedand-tested PENTAFLEX KB® joint plate remain the same: water pressure tested up to 5.0 bar, approved up to a water pressure of 2.0 bar. In addition to sealing, the element also performs the function of a conventional foundation earth. Tests, occasionally up to the highest lightning current class (class H), have been successfully carried out at the high-voltage laboratory of the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich. This means that the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product can be used universally as a foundation earth.

Twice as reliable due to the combination of tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® quality seal and foundation earth

The foundation earth is an integral part of the electrical services of the building. It is part of the equipotential bonding of the building services and, if necessary, an element of a lighting protection system. The foundation earth normally consists of a closed ring-shaped steel band. The steel band is embedded in the concrete of the foundation and the walls it supports. The PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product therefore has two functions: when installed as ring-shaped sheet steel element in the foundation, it acts as a seal and also as a foundation earth.

Cost-effective due to time and material savings: two work steps rolled into one More efficient stock management as the conventional foundation earth in the form of rolled steel or rod steel is no longer required The benefits of the product PENTAFLEX KB® remain the same The PENTAFLEX® FTS, OBS, ABS connection elements and PENTAFLEX KB® corner can be connected in any situation.


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Technical information General

According to the current rules and standards, the foundation earth must be connected to the reinforcement every two metres. In addition to the envisaged connection with the reinforcement, it is also possible to connect commercially-available connecting lugs or fixed earthing terminals. The main earthing rail, lightning conductor or extension of the earthing system such as an exterior ring earth connection or

earth rod can then be connected at these points. This means that PENTAFLEX KB® Plus can be used universally. By connecting an equipotential bonding strip, the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product can function as an equipotential bonding ring conductor as well as a foundation earth. You can download the official report "Joint plates and fasteners manufactured by H-BAU Technik for foundation earth-

ing of buildings" by the Technical University of Aachen Energy Technology Department here:

PENTAFLEX® Plus clamp is established in the area of the joint.

PENTAFLEX® retaining stirrup: The PENTAFLEX KB® Plus base elements are fixed between the joint areas using the PENTAFLEX® retaining stirrups (see page 16).

Technical data Base element: The base element is a steel plate with full-surface coating. Dimensions: l = 2000 mm w = 167 mm

PENTAFLEX® Plus connector: An electrically-conductive connection is established in the area of the joint between the base element and foundation reinforcement using the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector.

PENTAFLEX® Plus clamp: A form-locking and electrically-conductive connection of the base element with the patented

PENTAFLEX® Plus clamp

Connection element: The connection element connects the reinforcement to the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector.

PENTAFLEX® case element

PENTAFLEX® retaining stirrup

PENTAFLEX® Plus connector

connection element

19 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX KB® Plus Installation instructions In order to assemble the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus elements, an electrically-conductive closed loop must be formed (see page 19). Some of the steps are not illustrated. In these cases, please refer to the "PENTAFLEX KB®" on page 14. 1. Remove the films from the bottom of the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus base element (on both the inside and outside). 2. Roll back the ends of the film at the top by approximately 100 mm. 3. Overlap the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus base elements by at least 50 mm and connect by press-


ing them together 4. To guarantee the electrical conductivity, the overlapping areas of the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus base elements must be mechanically fixed by the PENTAFLEX® Plus clamps. 5. The PENTAFLEX® Plus clamps must be connected to the foundation reinforcement via the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector and the connection element,. 6. If the temperature is below +5° C the joints must be briefly heated. For additional protection, roll back the film strip over the connection and press down.







7. The PENTAFLEX KB® Plus base element must be connected to the reinforcement between the joint areas using one PENTAFLEX® retaining stirrup in each case (see page 16). 8. The PENTAFLEX KB® Plus corner elements must be assembled in the same way as the base elements. 9. Subsequent connection of other PENTAFLEX® products (KB, FTS, OBS or ABS) is possible without restrictions. 10. C o m m e r c i a l l y - a v a i l a b l e earthing products can be connected via the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector.


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Technical information

Connection options PENTAFLEX KB® Plus The following connection options are available for the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product: Connection to the equipotential bonding rail Connection for extension of the earthing system, e.g. connection to ring earth electrode or earth rod Connection to the lightning protection system

The connections listed can be professionally implemented using commercially-available connecting lugs or fixed earthing terminals. The connecting lugs and fixed earthing terminals are to be implemented using commercially-available clamps for connections with reinforcing steel, ds=8 mm, via the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector. Examples of possible connection scenarios are shown on the right:

Electrotechnical information The following expert appraisal is the basis for use and installation of the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product: Prof. Kern, Technical University of Aachen "Joint plates and fastenings manufactured by H-BAU Technik for foundation earthing of a building" dated 20.03.2013 This document was been prepared based on the result of a lightning current resistance test to DIN EN 50164-1 at the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich. The PENTAFLEX KB® PLUS product satisfies the requirements for

lightning protection in accordance with DIN 18014: "Foundation earth General planning principles" September 2007 The foundation earth is prescribed for all new buildings according to the technical supply conditions of the network operator and the DIN 18015-1 planning standards. During installation make sure that the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product is connected to the reinforcement at least every two metres using the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector.

If the footprint of the building is greater than 20 x 20 m, commercially-available earthing bands must also be connected to the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus product. The additional earthing bands must have a mesh-type form. The maximum enclosing surface of the individual meshes must not exceed 20 x 20 m. Commercially-available earthing products can in principle be connected via the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector. In this case it is essential that the clamps used are suitable for concrete steel with ds=8 mm.

PENTAFLEX® Plus clamp

Connection element

21 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX KB® Plus Technical information DIN 18014: white tanks As a fundamental principle and in accordance with DIN 18014, a ring earth electrode is required in addition to a foundation earth when constructing a white tank. This ring earth electrode must be installed outside the white tank. Commercially-available products can be used for this. The ring

earth electrode must be connected to the foundation earth using commercially-available products. The connection is established using commercially-available clamps via the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector. When establishing the connection between the ring earth

electrode and foundation earth, make sure that leak-tightness of the white tank can still be guaranteed. The connection must therefore be above the highest ground-water level or routed inside the building using watertight wall lead-throughs.

using the PENTAFLEX® Plus clamps. According to DIN 18014, expansion joints must be bridged using electrically-conductive expansion strips. These commercially-available expansion strips are normally connected to commercially-available fixed earthing terminals. An electrically-conductive connection is then established via

the PENTAFLEX® Plus connector between the fixed earthing terminals and the PENTAFLEX® Plus clamps. The clamps and connectors must be assembled in accordance with the installation instructions. A schematic representation of the bridging of an expansion joint is shown below:

Expansion joint construction Expansion joints must be bridged by water-impermeable electrically-conductive means. These joints are sealed using the tried-andtested PENTAFLEX® DFA expansion joint connector. The expansion joint connector is connected to the PENTAFLEX KB® Plus base element. The overlapping areas are fixed



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Expansion joint connector

PENTAFLEX® DFA expansion joint connector The PENTAFLEX® expansion joint connector DFA is a clamping device which connects PENTAFLEX® elements to all types of expansion joint strips. The expansion joint connector is attached to the expansion joint strip at the end piece of the PENTAFLEX® element via a screw-type clamping device.

System construction

Press-on flange Expansion joint connector

Joint clip

Wing nuts




Dimensions The PENTAFLEX® expansion joint connector is supplied with 2 joint clips 167.



Assembly The connection of the DFA to the expansion joint strip is made using a screw-type clamp connector. Holes must be made in the expansion joint strip so that the DFA screws can be pushed through the expansion joint strip. The required installation depth in the floor slab must be observed. The rubber swell strip is inserted between the expansion joint connector and expansion joint strip. The clamping device is completed by the press-on flange and held down by butterfly screws. The expansion joint connector DFA is connected to the PENTAFLEX KB® in a similar manner to that described in the installation instructions on page 14.

Rubber swell strip

23 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® ABS Stop-end element

PENTAFLEX® ABS - formwork element for sealed construction joints

The product The PENTAFLEX stop-end element ABS is a combination of joint plate and profiled formwork. The joint is reliably sealed by the tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX KB®. The stop end panels are formed using rigid and dimensionally stable metal mesh which is reinforced using a special hoop construction. The ABS element can be supplied as a coarse or toothed joint (ABS-R, ABS-V). ®


Application area

High shear strength in the bonding joint

PENTAFLEX® formwork elements can be used as construction joints for water-stressed reinforced concrete slabs (floors, walls and ceilings), particularly where a high shear strength of the bonding joint is required.

Watertight to 5.0 bar* Joints do not have to be welded For continuous reinforcement PENTAFLEX® special coating resistant to organic effluent water Easy and reliable connection with the PENTAFLEX® KB in the floor-wall joint

* tested to 5.0 bar; according to AbP (general building supervisory test certificates) 2.0 bar is permissible which corresponds to a safety margin of 2.5 times the test pressure



for better solutions

Technical information Technical data: PENTAFLEX KB® joint plate Installation dimension E ≥ 80 mm

Standard length of formwork: l = 2.40 m Fixed lengths possible Special constructions possible (cages, recesses, haunches, etc.)

PENTAFLEX® formwork element ABS floor/floor, ceiling/ceiling

System section ABS

formwork girder


perforated metal plate

Total strength S

Pentaflex® ABS formwork element

Installation dimensions E

Wood beam

Fibre-reinforced concrete distance piece

Note In order to prepare an exact quotation we require precise details of intended purpose, joint length, installation height and connection points. PENTAFLEX® formwork element ABS wall/wall

Construction ABS-V (toothed joint) Toothed joint to EC 2

Installation dimension E ≥ 80 mm

Installation dimension E ≥ 140 mm E

Coarse joint to EC 2



ABS-R (coarse joint)

The order form for PENTAFLEX® formwork elements ABS is available to download at

25 Systematic sealing


Installation instructions floor/floor, ceiling/ceiling

2. concrete section

1. concrete section

1. Insert a suitable spacer, nominal size c, on the sub-base/formwork at the location where the construction joint should be (level of the expanded metal). Install the ABS elements on the lower reinforcement layer. The direction of installation should be such that the formwork girder faces the side of the first concrete section. Tie wire is used to attach it to the lower reinforcement. Alternatively, the element can also be welded to the reinforcement.

2. Extend the ABS elements by means of butt jointing. Peel the film on one side, at the top and bottom, off the PENTAFLEX KB® element and push as far as it will go into the formwork. The joint plates must overlap by 50 mm, be pressed firmly together and secured with a cross clip. The abutting end must be heated if the temperature is below +5° C.

3. Lay the upper reinforcement and set a stop end to the upper concrete layer. Attach the ABS element to the upper reinforcement using tie wire. Alternatively, the element can also be welded to the reinforcement. 4. Before concreting the second section, remove the protective film on the top and bottom of the steel joint strip.

Section showing installation situation 2. concrete section


1. concrete section


for better solutions

Installation instructions wall/wall

1. Place the external wall formwork and attach trapezoidal strip at the position of the construction joint. Introduce outer reinforcement. Use spacers that are designed for use with water-impermeable construction. Position the ABS element over the PENTAFLEX KB® of the floor/ wall joint and tie or weld to the reinforcement. Peel off the backing paper on both sides of the PENTAFLEX KB® in the area of the first concreting section and insert the metal sheet into the formwork as far as it will go.

2. concrete section 1. concrete section

2. The joints must overlap by 50 mm. The joint must be heated if the temperature is below +5° C. Secure the connection with cross clips.

3. Install the inner reinforcement and tie with the ABS element (tie wire, welding). Fasten the trapezoidal strip and close the formwork. Use tie points that are compatible with water-impermeable construction.

4. Remove the remaining protective film from the PENTAFLEX KB® before erecting the formwork for the second concreting section, lay the reinforcement of the component and close the formwork.

27 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® OBS Pre-break element

PENTAFLEX® OBS – the sealed in-situ pre-break element

The product


Application area

PENTAFLEX OBS pre-break elements for in-situ concrete walls comprise a joint element with the tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® special coating and galvanised sheet steel wings that separate the concrete cross-section.

Freely selectable concreting cycle

PENTAFLEX® OBS pre-break elements are used to generate predetermined breaks in in-situ concrete walls. As soon as a crack forms, this is protected by the sealing element against pressurised as well as non-pressurised water. With "white tanks" for example, concreting can be carried out in construction cycles of more than 10.00 m in length. Shrinkage cracks no longer occur randomly, and instead at the planned break points where they are sealed immediately.


The elements are manufactured to a standard length of 2.5 m. The slotted wings are supplied for all wall thicknesses. Standard elements for 240, 250 or 300 mm wall thicknesses are stock items. The elements are supplied ready for installation.

Quick and easy assembly of the elements Reliable generation of shrinkage crack due to complete break in the concrete section Watertight to 5.0 bar* PENTAFLEX® special coating resistant to organic effluent water Easy and reliable connection with PENTAFLEX KB®

* tested to 5.0 bar; according to AbP (general building supervisory test certificates) 2.0 bar is permissible which corresponds to a safety margin of 2.5 times the test pressure



for better solutions

Technical information Technical data: PENTAFLEX KB® joint plate Element length: l = 2.5 m Fixed lengths on request Assembly dimension E = 100 to 800 mm

Standard assembly dimension E = 140 and 180 mm for wall thickness 240 – 250 and 300 mm Joint plate projection at top and bottom for connection to the PENTAFLEX KB®

PENTAFLEX® pre-break element OBS

System section OBS

Detail of OBS base point

Assembly dimension E

Total thickness S


29 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX速 OBS Installation instructions

1. Remove all films from the PENTAFLEX速 OBS elements.

2. Insert a suitable stop end, nominal size c, in the formwork exactly at the location where the prebreak should be (level of the assembly sheet steel).

3. Install the OBS element in the wall formwork between the outer and inner reinforcement layers. Tie wire is used to attach it. This is guided through the holes provided in the assembly sheet steel and fixed to the reinforcement. The position of the OBS element must be fixed so that the assembly sheet steel is immovable at the level of the planned pre-break point; this means that the sealing plane will be exactly parallel with the surface of the formwork on the axis of the floor/wall joint seal.

4. The OBS element is then attached to the PENTAFLEX KB速 by overlapping at least 50 mm and pressing the coated sheet steel firmly together. At temperatures below +5属C, the abutting surfaces must be heated.



for better solutions

Installation instructions

5. Each connection location must be secured with two cross clips. 6. Before the wall formwork is closed, a suitable formwork, e.g. a trapezoidal strip must be attached true to size in the axis of the OBS element assembly sheet steel. 7. Care is required when concreting to ensure that the OBS element is not exposed to concrete pressure on one side. Always keep the pouring height equal on both sides. 8. Joints and connections must be fabricated and secured using the connections specified in points 4/5.

31 Systematic sealing


Pre-break element for precast parts PENTAFLEX® FTS - the sealed pre-break element for precast parts

The product


Application area

PENTAFLEX FTS pre-break elements for walls comprise a joint plate with the tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® special coating as well as a galvanised sheet steel wing. This weakens the concrete section and at the same time allows the flashing to be attached.

Quick and easy mounting of the elements on the prefabricated element formwork

The elements are manufactured in 2.50 m lengths. The PENTAFLEX® FTS joint element is available for every wall thickness. Standard elements for 240 – 250 or 300 mm thick walls are stock items. The elements are supplied ready for installation.

PENTAFLEX® special coating resistant to organic effluent water

PENTAFLEX® FTS pre-break elements are used to generate predetermined breaks in element walls. When a crack forms, this is simultaneously secured against pressurised as well as non-pressurised water by the sealing element. FTS elements are designed for sealing vertical joints used in the prefabricated construction of "white tanks". The joint sealing is also harmonised with the double wall method of construction on the corner joints.


Reduced waiting times Reliable generation shrinkage crack



Watertight to 5.0 bar*

Easy and reliable connection with PENTAFLEX KB®

* tested to 5.0 bar; according to AbP (general building supervisory test certificates) 2.0 bar is permissible which corresponds to a safety margin of 2.5 times the test pressure



for better solutions

Technical information Technical data: PENTAFLEX KB® joint plate Element length l = 2.50 m Variants: - for straight slab joint - for slab/corner joint Stock elements for wall thicknesses 240/250 mm and 300 mm

Joint plate projection at top and bottom for connection to the PENTAFLEX KB® Other dimensions available on request

System section FTS PENTAFLEX® FTS for straight joints

PENTAFLEX® FTS joint for straight joint Precast part 1

external formwork

PENTAFLEX® FTS corner for corner joint

Precast part 2

Precast part 1

Precast part 1

Precast part 2

PENTAFLEX® FTS corner for corner joint

Note: When using FTS corner elements PENTAFLEX KB® corner elements must be installed in the floor slab.

33 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® FTS Installation instructions

1. Remove all film from the FTS elements. Attach the uncoated wing to the face side of the external formwork and drill through the pre-drilled holes in the element.

2. Fix the FTS element using the drive anchors supplied.

3. Connect the vertically coated joint plate to the PENTAFLEX KB® in the floor slab. To make this connection, overlap by at least 50 mm and press firmly together. Each connection location must be secured with two cross clips. At temperatures below +5°C, the abutting surfaces must be heated.

The following must be observed with FTS corner elements: PENTAFLEX KB® corner elements must be installed in the floor slab. The FTS corner element is fixed to the inside shell of the prefabricated element in accordance with the above installation instructions.


The FTS corner elements are connected to the floor slab via the PENTAFLEX KB® corner element. See point 3. Each connection point must be secured with two cross clips.


for better solutions

Installation instructions

Assembly sequence for the PENTAFLEX® FTS pre-break elements Example:


1. Determine the direction of assembly of the element walls. 2. Position the first wall element. Fix the FTS elements on both faces of the prefabricated element. Connect the FTS correctly to the PENTAFLEX KB® joint plate in the floor slab.



3. Position the next wall element. Attach the PENTAFLEX® FTS to the face of the prefabricated element and connect to the floor slab via the PENTAFLEX KB® joint plate. 4. Position the last wall element carefully between the wall elements to which FTS elements have already been fitted.


35 Systematic sealing


STK sound attenuating cage & SFB sound insulation strip PENTAFLEX® STK – sealing of sound insulation joints

Improvement Joint insulation degree ΔKij = 17.2 dB The product The PENTAFLEX STK sound attenuating cage for precast walls is a two-part joint cage element made from galvanised construction steel and hydrophobic soft fibreboard. The joint cage element prevents the formation of concrete bridges and therefore acoustically isolates the wall. The integral stirrups guide the joint strip, prevent collapse during concreting and thus guarantee reliable sealing of the cavity joint. The PENTAFLEX® sound insulation strip is an elastic joint strip with PENTAFLEX® coating in the bonding area of the floor slab and includes a pre-mounted PENTAFLEX® expansion joint connection for connection to the PENTAFLEX KB® in the base/wall joint. ®



Application area

Sound insulation tested

The PENTAFLEX® sound insulation joint system is predominantly used in terraced or semi-detached houses. It can be used either with an element wall construction or also for in-situ concrete construction. The houses are insulated acoustically using the PENTAFLEX® STK sound attenuating cage. The resulting sound insulation joint is sealed against pressurised and non-pressurised water by the PENTAFLEX® sound insulation joint strip. Other measures are necessary in the area of the floor slab and the separating walls of the building. In the case of a separate floor slab, the sound attenuating cage can also be inserted horizontally.

Quick and easy assembly of the elements Reliable sound attenuation Reliable sealing of the separating joint PENTAFLEX® special coating resistant to organic effluent water Straightforward and reliable connection with the PENTAFLEX KB® joint elements


for better solutions

Technical information

System structure PENTAFLEX® sound insulation joint system The PENTAFLEX® sound insulation joint system reliably fulfils three tasks: Sealing of the insulating joint Reliable fixing of the PENTAFLEX® sound insulation joint strip Sound insulation in the wall using soft fibreboard There is no requirement for a separate stop end in the joint. During concreting, make sure that the formwork is filled evenly on both sides.

System section of sound insulation joint

Pentaflex® expansion joint attachment

Pentaflex® KB Pentaflex® sound insulation joint strip

240 - 365 mm

Pentaflex® STK sound insulation cage

30 mm

Design instructions for prefabricated structures When designing and distributing the element walls, note that 40 mm must be allowed for the sound insulation joint.

37 Systematic sealing


STK sound attenuating cage & SFB sound insulation strip PENTAFLEX® STK sound attenuating cage

PENTAFLEX® SFB sound insulation strip

Technical data:

Technical data:

Two-part sound attenuating cage

Internal PVC joint strip

Element length l = 3.00 m

Element length: l = 3.00 m

Delivered ready for installation

Pre-assembled PENTAFLEX® expansion joint connector

For wall heights ≤ 2.80 m For wall thicknesses 240 – 365 mm Element thickness: 30 mm Design dimension of the separating joint 40 mm

PENTAFLEX® coating (approx. 300 mm) in the bonding area of the floor slab Delivered ready for installation Supplied complete with omega stirrups and joint clips For wall heights ≤ 2.80 m For wall thicknesses ≥ 240 mm

If you require any other solutions, our applications department would be pleased to assist. Phone: +49 (0) 77 42 / 92 15-70 Fax: +49 (0) 77 42 / 92 15-96



for better solutions

Installation instructions

1. Remove the film on the base area of the joint strip and on the pre-assembled expansion joint attachment. The DFA element is attached to the PENTAFLEX KB® running in the floor slab by creating an overlap of at least 50 mm then pressing the two materials firmly together. At temperatures below +5°C, the abutting surfaces must be heated. The connection point must be secured with a joint clip. Concrete the floor slab.

2. Position the wall element.

3. Position the first sound attenuating cage. Fix the sound attenuating cage to the faces of the element wall using nail drive anchors (6 x 80). Insert the sound insulation joint strip into the stirrups of the sound attenuating cage. Position the second joint cage element. The sound insulation joint strip must also be within the sound attenuating cage in this case. Shorten the sound attenuating cage to the required wall height.

4. Position the next wall element. Pour the concrete for the element walls.

39 Systematic sealing

General PENTAFLEX® Transwand – for leak-proof pipe lead-throughs

The product The PENTAFLEX Transwand pipe lead-throughs are available in the materials PP, PVC, SML, HT or Loro X. A water stop is fitted to the outside of the pipes. This is also treated with the triedand-tested PENTAFLEX® coating and provides a double safeguard against water penetration. ®


Application area

Reliable sealing of the pipe lead-through

PENTAFLEX® Transwand pipe lead-throughs are used everywhere where absolutely watertight wall entries (white tanks) are required for supply and waste pipes. PENTAFLEX® Transwand can be used without difficulty with in-situ concrete walls, element walls and element walls with internal insulation.

Trouble-free installation Cover to prevent contamination of the pipe lead-through Many materials are available All wall thicknesses and nominal widths available Compatible with commercially available pipe systems Very economical


PENTAFLEX® Transwand

for better solutions

Technical information / Types Double sleeve version

Construction of PENTAFLEX® Transwand pipe lead-through with L double sleeve.


Technical data: Material PVC / PP Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating




DN 100 – 150 Transwand



System section

Pull-over sleeve version Construction of PENTAFLEX® Transwand pipe lead-through L pull-over sleeve facing towith wards the outside of the wall.



Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating



DN 100 – 200 Transwand



Technical data: Material PVC Transwand



System section

Styrofoam sleeve version Construction of PENTAFLEX® Transwand pipe lead-through with polystyrene sleeve facing towards the outside of the wall.


DN 100 – 500 Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating


Technical data: Material PVC / PP Transwand


System section

41 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® Transwand Types

Options for PENTAFLEX® Transwand Different versions of the PENTAFLEX® Transwand pipe lead-through are available depending on the material of the lead-through, wall thickness and DN. See page 41 for description of versions. For a comprehensive list, refer to the table.

PP (Material according to KG 2000)



double sleeve

polystyrene sleeve

PVC (Material according to KG)

double sleeve


pull-over sleeve

polystyrene sleeve


Wall thickness [mm] 200*



































* does not match the specifications of the WU guideline. See page 4

 producible

Note: higher wall thicknesses are available on request

— not producible

PENTAFLEX® Transwand

for better solutions


PENTAFLEX® Transwand SML Construction of PENTAFLEX® Transwand pipe lead-through L with polystyrene sleeve on both sides of the wall.

Metal Transwand

collar with PENTAFLEX® coating as water-stop

Transwand SML



Technical data: Pipe type SML





DN 100 – 200 Water-stop


Wall thickness 240 – 500 mm Including metal retaining stirrups for attaching to the reinforcement


System section

Materials PENTAFLEX® Transwand PVC



Sewer pipe used as process water drain from the building envelope to the sewer system.

Ecological sewage pipe used as process water drain from the building envelope to the sewer system.

High temperature-resistant pipe used as process water drain inside buildings.

Technical data: Material according to KG 2000

Technical data: Available from DN 40 to 100

Available from DN 100 to 300

Resistant to temperatures up to 95°C

Material: polyvinyl chloride

Technical data: Material according to KG Available from DN 100 to 500 Multilayered wall construction

Material: polypropylene

Ground water neutral and

Material: polypropylene

environmentally friendly Solid wall pipe Increased resistance to chemical waste water

43 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® Thermo-Transwand Technical information

Materials PENTAFLEX® Transwand General In recent years, double element walls have been systematically developed. Nowadays, double walls with internal thermal insulation are no longer the exception. These thermal walls are being used both in residential and industrial buildings. Two points must be clarified when using PENTAFLEX® pipe lead-throughs in thermal walls: Are they to be installed in water-impermeable structural elements such as thermal walls for cellars or Are they to be installed in thermal walls for multi-storey buildings or halls that do not have to comply with the WU guidelines?

The thicknesses of the formwork PENTAFLEX® pipe lead-throughs are designed for water-impermeable structural components. According to the WU guidelines, a minimum core concrete thickness of 120 mm applies with a maximum grain size of 8 mm for element walls of stress class 1. This ensures that the seal on the inside will be of sufficient quality.


≥ 300


≥ 120

Thermal-Lining tube




Thermo-Transwand KG


The thickness of the insulation

As the maximum grain size increases, the minimum clearance bW,i between the reinforcement layers (for in-situ concrete) or clearance between the internal surfaces of the formwork (for element walls) increases in order to ensure technically correct installation of the concrete. The requirements to be met by the component thicknesses are shown on page 4. The manufacturers of thermal walls offer insulation for integration in double walls with thicknesses of 80 – 120 mm.

Thermal lining tube



Thermal wall structural component thickness The structural component thickness is based on: The thickness of the core concrete

Note: PENTAFLEX® Transwand and lining tube elements for element walls with internal insulation (thermal wall) are available for wall thicknesses of 300 mm and higher.


Lining tube

Wate Water stop

PENTAFLEX® Transwand

for better solutions

Installation instructions

Installation instructions for Transwand/ Thermo-Transwand In in-situ concrete structural components Remove the plastic cover

Fix the identified plastic cover ensuring precise dimensioning on the inside of the external formwork, e.g. using nails or adhesive Insert the pipe in the plastic cover If required, also fix the pipe with tie wire

Note: The plastic cover with corresponding labelling should always be inserted in the direction of the exterior of the wall! The supplied rubber sealing rings must be used!

In prefabricated structure

Vertical fixing of the complete Transwand element with plastic cover on the transfer table, e.g. using adhesive

Internal area

Soil contact area


Plastic cover

Identified plastic cover

Sheet-steel plate collar with PENTAFLEX® coating

Illustration of system

45 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® lining tube General

PENTAFLEX® lining tube – for leak-proof pipe lead-throughs

The product


Application area

PENTAFLEX lining tubes are available in the materials PP, PVC, SML, HT or Loro X. A water stop is fitted to the outside of the pipes. This is also treated with the tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® coating which provides a double safeguard against water permeability.

Reliable sealing of the pipe lead-through

PENTAFLEX® lining tubes are used in all situations where absolutely watertight wall lead-throughs are required. PENTAFLEX® lining tubes can be used without difficulty in in-situ concrete walls, element walls and walls with internal insulation. PENTAFLEX® lining tubes are used to create openings through which utility pipes/lines, e.g. gas or telephone, can pass.



Trouble-free installation Cover to prevent contamination of the pipe lead-through Many materials are available All wall thicknesses and nominal widths available

PENTAFLEX® lining tube

for better solutions

Technical information Technical data: Material PP, PVC, SML, HT or Loro X

Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating DN 100 – 250

Lining tube

Wall thickness 240 – 500 mm Other dimensions available on request

Lining tube

Water stop with PENTAFLEX® coating

Water stop with PENTAFLEX® coating

Plastic cover Plastic cover

System section – lining tube

Table of internal diameters of PENTAFLEX® lining tube Internal diameter Øinternal [mm]


Lining tube





DN [mm]





















* for materials, see page 46



Water stop

Lining tube Installation instructions In-situ concrete Remove the plastic cover

Insert the pipe in the plastic

cover Fix the identified plastic Water cover stop ensuring precise dimensioning on the inside of the external formwork, e.g. using nails or adhesive

If required, also fix the pipe with tie wire

Prefabricated structure Vertical fixing of the complete lining tube with plastic cover on the transfer table, e.g. using adhesive

47 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® floor drain General

PENTAFLEX® floor drain – reliable floor drainage

The product


Application area

A water stop is fitted to the outside of PENTAFLEX® floor drain pipes. This is also treated with the tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® coating which doubles the protection against water permeability.

Reliable sealing of the floor drain

The PENTAFLEX® floor drains remove surface water from water-impermeable reinforced concrete slabs. PENTAFLEX® floor drains allow slabs to be penetrated without the risk of leaks. Cellar floors can therefore be reliably drained via underground pipes in the subsoil. The tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® coating as well as an additional water stop fully satisfies the requirement for water-impermeability of white tanks.

Trouble-free installation Cover to prevent contamination of the pipe lead-through Many materials are available Satisfies all building services requirements


PENTAFLEX® floor drain

for better solutions

Technical data for floor drain and floor lead-through Technical data Floor drain:

Drain element made of PP DN 70 & 100


Cap piece 150 x 150 with adjustable height

Slotted grating ABS, stainless steel or cap piece which can be tiled


Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating Height-adjustable cap piece

Slotted grating 138 x 138 ABS or stainless steel

Water stop + Pentaflex® coating

Pentaflex® floor drain

Maximum load 0.3, 1.5 or 12.5 metric tons, depending on version Removable odour trap

On-site pipe

Other dimensions and designs on request PENTAFLEX® floor drain

Technical data Floor lead-through:

Pentaflex® floor lead-through

Material PP, PVC, SML, HT or Loro X Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating

Water stop with Pentaflex® coating

DN 100 – 300 Length DN 100 – 200 = 500 mm DN 250 – 300 = 1000 mm Other dimensions and materials on request

PENTAFLEX® floor lead-through

Installation instructions

PENTAFLEX® floor drains are connected in the same way as conventional floor drains and are concreted into the floor slab. Before concreting, remove the protective film from the PENTAFLEX® coating. The protective cover for the construction prevents contamination during concreting and for the remainder of the construction work.

49 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® roof drain General

PENTAFLEX® roof drain – reliable water drainage from roof surfaces

The product The PENTAFLEX roof drain is available in the materials PP, PVC, SML, HT or Loro X. A water stop is fitted to the outside of the pipes. This is also treated with the triedand-tested PENTAFLEX® coating. which doubles the protection against water permeability. ®



Application area

Reliable sealing of the roof drain

PENTAFLEX® roof drains remove surface water on roofs formed of water-impermeable reinforced concrete slabs. PENTAFLEX® floor drains allow risk-free penetration of slabs. Roof surfaces that are subject to torrential downpours can thus be reliably drained of water by water drainage pipes below the ceiling. The tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® coating and an additional water stop fully satisfies the requirement for water-impermeability of the white tank.

Trouble-free installation Cover to prevent contamination of the pipe entry Many materials are available Satisfies all building services requirements

PENTAFLEX® roof drain

for better solutions

Technical information Technical data: Material PP, PVC, SML, HT or Loro X DN 70, DN 100

Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating

Screen basket

Ceiling thickness ≥ 240 mm Other dimensions and materials are available on request Pentaflex® roof drain Water stop with Pentaflex® coating

Polystyrene collar

Installation instructions In-situ concrete Remove the polystyrene collar Fix the polystyrene collar to the ceiling formwork, making sure the dimensions are accurate Insert the lining pipe into the polystyrene collar

Fix the lining pipe to the reinforcement with tie wire Fit the double sleeve as connector Align the upper edge of the connector to match the thickness of the slab

Prefabricated structure Fix the complete roof drainage element with polystyrene collar vertically on the transfer table, e.g. using hot-melt adhesive Remove the protective film of the Pentaflex coating before concreting!

Ordering information

Many different versions of the PENTAFLEX® roof drains are available. Thus all building services requirements are taken into account. Due to the range of options available, an exact description is required when ordering. The PENTAFLEX® roof drain is supplied with the pipe types KG or SML with diameter DN 100 as standard.

If you require any other solutions, our applications department would be pleased to assist. Phone: +49 (0) 77 42 / 92 15-70 Fax: +49 (0) 77 42 / 92 15-96

51 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® OPTI wall strengtheners General

PENTAFLEX® OPTI wall strengtheners for leak-proof tie points

The product


Application area

PENTAFLEX OPTI wall strengtheners comprise a plastic tube with an internal diameter of 22 mm and integrated water stops. In addition, the wall strengthener is coated with the tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX®, a special material which achieves a watertight bond between the tie point and the concrete.

Tested for water-tightness:

PENTAFLEX® OPTI wall strengtheners are specially designed for use as watertight formwork tie points for water-impermeable concrete structural elements. They are available for all the approved wall thicknesses in the range of water-impermeable products.


Up to 5 bar pressure in the direction of stopper insertion Additional reliability due to bonding effect of PENTAFLEX® special coating between pipe and concrete Can be closed immediately after stripping the formwork Installation and closure independent of the weather Stable spacer for precise wall thicknesses



for better solutions

OPTI wall strengtheners Technical data: Plastic tube Available in lengths 240, 250, 300, 350, 365 and 400 mm Internal diameter of tube 22 mm External diameter of tube 26 mm

Sealing stopper

Pentaflex® coating Opti stopper

A packaging unit consists of 50 PENTAFLEX® OPTI wall strengtheners, each with 100 sealing stoppers and OPTI stoppers.

Ø 26

Ø 22

Other dimensions available on request

Pentaflex® Opti wall distance tube

Installation instructions 1. Fix the PENTAFLEX® OPTI wall strengtheners to the formwork/formwork anchor bar. 2. Remove the protective film of the Pentaflex coating before concreting! 3. Concrete the structural component. 4. After removing the formwork, close the OPTI wall strengtheners at both ends with sealing plug and OPTI stopper flush with the wall.

53 Systematic sealing


PENTABOX - reinforcement attachments with leak-proof connection

The product


PENTABOX is a FERBOX reinforcement attachment which, in combination with PENTAFLEX®, offers outstanding security against leaks in the joint area compared to conventional reinforcement connections. ®

In order to prevent ingress of water along the flashing box, FERBOX® flashing boxes are coated on both sides with PENTAFLEX® at the factory. This also allows watertight reverse bend attachments to be effortlessly fabricated.


Application area

Hydrostatically sealed PENTAFLEX coating on both sides offers security against water penetration ®

Trouble-free installation Fulfils all of the requirements of reverse bend attachments

PENTABOX is used in all areas where there is contact with water. The application areas are wall and ceiling attachments, console attachment for wall projections or stretched consoles as well as light shaft attachments.


for better solutions

Technical information Technical data:

For dimensions of the flashing box and reinforcement, refer to technical data on reinforcement or available on request

100 mm

PENTABOX reinforcement attachments available as Ferbox® type B and special types

Sealing with PENTAFLEX® coating The PENTABOX reinforcement attachments are connected using the PENTAFLEX® strip which projects on both sides

Installation instructions 1. The PENTABOX reinforcement attachment must be immovably fixed in the correct position on the formwork by: - nailing firmly to the wooden formwork - riveting to the metal formwork - welding or connecting to the existing reinforcement

4. Peel the protective film off the PENTAFLEX® strip, lay the reinforcement for the first wall section, place the formwork then pour the concrete.

2. The adjacent PENTABOX is abutted flush and fixed to the formwork.

7. Reverse bend the reinforcement rods in accordance with DBV bulletin "Reverse bending of reinforcing steel and requirements for flashing boxes".

3. The projecting PENTAFLEX® strip must be connected together (remove film and glue the strip).

5. After stripping the formwork remove the sheet metal cover. 6. Remove the polystyrene stoppers from the ends of the box.

8. Do not treat the flashing boxes remaining in the joint with formwork release oil under any circumstances whatsoever. 9. Remove any concrete debris. 10. Connect the projecting PENTAFLEX® strip together (remove film and glue the strip). 11. Peel the protective film off the PENTAFLEX® strip, lay the reinforcement for the second wall section, place the formwork then pour the concrete.

55 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® sump well General

PENTAFLEX® sump well – prefabricated well sealed against pressurised water

The product The new PENTAFLEX sump well is made of polyethylene (PE) and is characterised by ease of workability. The bottom fixing ring secures this light component to prevent it from floating upwards when pouring the concrete. The inlets and outlets are freely selectable which allows the planner a large degree of freedom. All backflow traps and pumps for grey water can be used. The peripheral water stop with tried-and-tested PENTAFLEX® coating ensures a water-impermeable bond with the floor slab. The slip-resistant shaft cover has been tested by TÜV (technical inspection authority in Germany) and MPA (institute for materials testing in Germany) and is also childproof thanks to the screw connection. ®



Application area

With cover and child lock, tested by TÜV (technical inspection authority in Germany) and MPA (institute for materials testing in Germany)

The PENTAFLEX® sump well is used as a collection well in the area of water-retaining water-impermeable components. If the effluent water pipes are below the level of the local sewer system, the effluent water must be collected in a sump well and raised to the height of the sewer system using a lifting device.

Cover made of recyclable material Easier more straightforward installation Freely selectable inlets and outlets Shaft with telescopic extension High chemical resistance

PENTAFLEX® sump well

for better solutions

Technical information

System design PENTAFLEX® sump well Technical data: Diameter DN 400 and DN 600 Height 800 mm, telescopable up to 950 mm PE shaft body Water-stop with PENTAFLEX® coating Outlets and inlets freely selectable from DN 50 to DN 160 DN 400: cover with a standard loading capacity of 1.5 tons DN 600: cover with a standard loading capacity of up to 200 kg Other dimensions available on request

Examples of PENTAFLEX® sump wells, 600 DN version on left, 400 DN version with DN 100 inlet and outlet and two DN 50 connecting pipes on right. For lifting device.

Sump well shaft: High temperature resistance

Well cover: Slip-resistant surface

Resistant to acids, lyes, alcohol and oil

Tested by MPA (institute for materials testing in Germany) and TÜV (technical inspection authority in Germany)

UV-resistant Arrangement and dimension of outlets and inlets according to customer specification

CE label Corresponds to the requirements of ISO 15398

Accessories: On request, the PENTAFLEX® sump well is available with the following additional features: Integrated backflow seals For DN 600: covers with load capacity of 0.6 and 1.5 tons Other equipment available on request


UV-resistant Double screw connection as child lock

Installation instructions 1. Locate the PENTAFLEX® sump well on a base course in the correct position and height at the depth of the bottom plane.

2. Connect the ground pipes correctly.

using earth nails and fill with lean concrete.

3. Secure the sump well to prevent it from floating upwards by anchoring it in the ground

4. Remove the protective film at the water stop before concreting the floor slab.

57 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX® sump well Accessories

Cover for PENTAFLEX® sump well DN 400 Type 1 Standard cover, storm water tight With child lock Dimensions: 400 x 400 mm Stress class A 15 (1.5 t)

Type 2 Cover with slotted grate and odour trap With child lock Dimensions: 400 x 400 mm Stress class A 15 (1.5 t)

Type 3 Cover for tiling over, storm water tight. With child lock Dimensions: 400 x 400 mm Stress class A 15 (1.5 t)

Type 4 Cover for tiling over, with drain and odour trap With child lock Dimensions: 400 x 400 mm Stress class A 15 (1.5 t)

Cover for PENTAFLEX® sump well DN 600 Telescopic extension with aluminium sheet-metal trough for tiling over With child lock Dimensions: 800 x 800 mm





for better solutions


Test reports and certificates The PENTAFLEX® test reports are available to download at






PENTAFLEX® tender specifications Using the new H-BAU tender manager at, architects and planners can simply and easily incorporate the specific PENTAFLEX® tender specifications into their individual tender program:

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Technical teleservice Our experienced employees in applications engineering are on hand to provide expert support and advice and can work out special applications with you in the area of sealing technology.

Tel.: +49 (0) 77 42 / 92 15-70 Fax: +49 (0) 77 42 / 92 15-96

59 Systematic sealing

PENTAFLEX速 Glossary*

Attachment mixture: comprises a concrete with a maximum aggregate particle size of 8 mm that can if required be used at the attachment area between walls and floor slabs or ceilings. Stress class: defines the type of stress due to moisture or water a structure or structural component can withstand. Soil humidity: amount of capillary-bound water in the soil. Pressurised water: water that applies hydrostatic pressure (also time-limited, e.g. retained seepage water) on one side of a structural component. A differentiation is made in the following case: Occasional retention of seepage water: water that flows off freely under the influence of gravity and can accumulate from time to time on soil layers with low permeability. This type of stress occurs when the embedment depth of the structure is less than 3 m in soil of low permeability without drainage in accordance with DIN 4095, when the base of the structure is at least 300 mm above the design flood level and only backwater is anticipated due to the type of soil and terrain. Ground water, high water, strata water: any kind of pressurised water that are not temporarily retained seepage water. Penetration: occurs when a structural component penetrates a water-impermeable structure, e.g. pipes, discharge, cable lead-through, formwork ties or similar. Element wall: structural wall elements comprising two interconnected prefabricated slabs supplemented by a core of in-situ concrete. Pre-fabricated element wall: wall constructed from single-skin prefabricated wall elements. Joint: interface between two structural components or concreted sections. A differentiation is made in the following case: Construction joint: interface which is in direct contact with two bonded concreted sections. Construction joints without joint sealing are regarded as separating cracks. Expansion joint: intermediate space between two structural components or concreted sections that permits different types of deformation. Butt joint: joint between two hardened concrete structural components with negligible relative deformation of the adjacent components (in-situ concrete/prefabricated component; prefabricated component/prefabricated component).


Joint seal: built-in components and building materials for sealing a joint or shinkage crack control section to prevent the ingress of water. Non-pressurised water: water in fluid droplet form that applies no, or negligible, hydrostatic pressure (100 mm water column) to components. Non-retained seepage water: water that seeps into the soil and can seep through to the free ground water level in the case of highly permeable soil without being retained or, in the case of less permeable soil, can be drained off in front of the structural component by a permanently functional drain in accordance with DIN 4095. Utilisation class: defines the requirements for the internal environment and humidity conditions for the surface of the components based on the planned use of the structure or structural component. Crack: break in the concrete structure. A differentiation is made in the following case: Bending crack: crack with greater depth which does not run through the entire thickness of the component and separates the component thickness into a cracked (tensile zone) and uncracked area (pressure zone). Separating crack: a crack which runs through the entire thickness of the component. "Self-healing" of cracks: time-based reduction of water ingress by separating cracks depending on the crack width and fluid pressure gradient. Shrinkage crack control section ("dummy joint"): weakness that is designed into the component cross-section, also of the reinforcement crossing at this cross-section, in order to bring about a break in a specific location. Shrinkage crack control sections without joint sealing are considered as separating cracks. Water passage: transport of moisture in liquid form through the component to the surface. Water impermeability: qualitative or quantitative statement on extent to which water can pass through concrete, joints, built-in components and cracks. Force: stress that occurs as a result of preventing load-independent deformation, e.g. due to the effects of changes in temperature or shrinkage.

*Source: "Bulletin 555 - Comments on the DAfStb guidelines on water impermeable concrete structures" by the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)


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for better solutions

63 Systematic sealing

Systematic concreting...

120 mm thermal insulation elements 80 mm thermal insulation elements Sealing technology Shuttering tubes Rebending connection systems Sealing technology Sliding arbors Masonry tie Sound insulation elements Sealing technology Stainless steel, corrosion-resistant Shuttering elements Shuttering elements Fast connectors Transport anchors Spacers H-BAU TECHNIK GMBH Am Güterbahnhof 20 79771 Klettgau Phone +49 (0)77 42 | 92 15-20 Telefax +49 (0) 77 42 | 92 15-90 PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY NORTH-EAST Brandenburger Allee 30 14641 Nauen OT Wachow Phone +49 (0) 3 32 39 | 7 75-20 Telefax +49 (0) 3 32 39 | 7 75-90 PRODUCTION CHEMNITZ Beyerstraße 21 09113 Chemnitz Phone +49 (0) 37 1 | 400 41-0 Telefax +49 (0) 37 1 | 400 41-99



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