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Sonya Simpson

Laurel, United States

Simply Sonya by SMS, LLC dba Simply Sonya and Handbag Obsession is a handbag company based in Laurel, MD specializing in designer and non- designer handbags. NOTE: SIMPLY SONYA BY SMS, LLC, DOES NOT offer exact replica handbags or knockoff handbags. DESIGNER INSPIRED BAGS DO NOT HAVE LOGOS, TAGS, OR DESIGNER NAMES ON THEM, NOR DO WE REPRESENT THEM TO BE. We are located in Howard Co, side of Laurel, MD. We sell a wide selection of fashion handbags. Among our selection you can find designer and non-designer handbags, totes, hobos, cross bodies, wallets, satchels and more. Our fashion handbags include the latest styles, and are among the highest quality handbags you will find on the market. and are websites where you can find handbags, fashion handbags and designer-inspired handbag, at the lowest possible prices. We will also price match, if you find it at a lower price.
