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The Newsletter of Abu Dhabi Chapter 1950 Area 2, Division H, District 20

FLYING HIGH July - September 2014 1st Issue

THE “MOTHER“ IS TRULY PROUD OF HER SON The “Mother” of Toastmasters Clubs in the UAE - Toastmasters Abu Dhabi Chapter Club 1950 congratulates DTM Mohammed Murad on very deservedly becoming the International President of Toastmasters International for 2014-2015. It is a wonderful feeling to have “OUR VERY OWN” at the helm of the Toastmasters movement. We are very proud of your achievement and would like to record our sincere appreciation for all the support and encouragement you have given our Club and the entire Toastmaster fraternity in the UAE. Your humility and commitment are remarkable traits, something each one of us should try and emulate. We are grateful to you for sharing your wisdom and advice with us, which has held us in good stead and for being a source of strength and inspiration to all of us Toastmasters. We wish you the very best in your tenure as International President and success in all your future endeavors.


Arrival of the 500th meeting

Club Members Welcome the Announcement of the 500th Meeting


President and editors message


Members on board


Me and my Club Patrons message


Could Have been a mess but for his attitude


Message from district governor and division (H) Governor


Members progress


Message from area 2 governor


Presidents who inspired us in our journey



Our journey in 19 years


Toastmasters in u a e


Photo gallery


Club elections


Flight to success


Club executive committee 2014-2015


Contact details


Accelerate your flight to the top


My journey as a toastmaster


President’s Message Dear Friends, Being a Toastmaster is a great experience, it makes us better speakers, better leaders and very significantly better human beings. The Abu Dhabi Chapter is crossing a major milestone, its 500th Meeting. It is a big wow, both for the members of the Club and the entire Toast Masters fraternity in this region. The Abu Dhabi Chapter is a wonderful family, you have the companionship of Toastmasters with plethora of experience. Imagine your speech being evaluated by a member whose experience is almost of 500 Meetings !!! Many Toastmasters have enjoyed this wonderful experience of being part of Abu Dhabi Chapter Toastmaster’s Club and benefitted from this great Club. Those who have left this Club still cherish the

boundless memories of this Club. They all talk great about this Club whenever you happened to talk to them. Many members given a chance would gladly come back at the earliest.

ing up with an commemorative issue for the 500th Meeting that you will find very informative, enjoyable to read and above all worthwhile to find a place in your personal library.

Taking the mantle as President of this prodigious Club is a big challenge especially when the expectations go high with each passing year. Very few get to lead and guide the Club as a President. I am indeed honored to be amongst those lucky few. I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter “Speaking Up”. Thanks to all the members who have made valuable contributions by sending in their articles. Our ever charming Editor and VPPR deserves special praise for putting all this together and com-

Aby Hans President—AD 1950

which is a big responsibility. I am excited that the 1st edition will be released during the 500th Meeting, which is an honor for me.

would enjoy reading this edition, your suggestions are always welcome for improvement.

Editor’s Message Dear Wonderful Readers, I can very well recall the day when TM Loyola asked me to volunteer for the role as VP - PR. I believe in taking up challenges and showed my willingness to take up the role. I soon realized that a higher challenge awaited me, I had to work for the newsletter to be issued during our Club’s 500th Meeting. Here started the chaos, a feeling of confusion and fear that I may not be able to do it. Then I remembered the quote by Shannon L. Alder , “You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle”. I put aside my inhibitions and took up the challenge. It is the first time I have ever prepared a newsletter for the Club,

Like my predecessors, I too faced problems in gathering articles and managing to compose everything in order. All this was possible due to help and cooperation of fellow Toastmasters. My sincere thanks to all who helped me in preparation of my 1st Newsletter. Special thanks to Mrs Reena Althaf for her guidance and assistance during the final stages, which has brought this commemorative issue to this splendid form. I am so so …………excited about the release of magazine during the 500th Meeting. I hope readers

Saima Imran VP (PR) - AD 1950 5

Patron’s Message Dear Abu Dhabi Chapter Toastmasters, Heartiest Congratulations on the 500th Meeting of your Chapter! We are indeed the most privileged Club for achieving a momentous milestone of conducting 500 Meetings. Very few Clubs can bear the prestigious name of the capital of UAE and this Chapter’s efforts have been exemplary at all levels. It is a matter of great pride that the Abu Dhabi Chapter laid the foundation of the Toastmasters Club in the UAE. The Abu Dhabi Chapter truly has an unmatched legacy.

I hope you take the Club to newer heights of success with the same passion with which we conducted the Abu Dhabi Chapter’s 1st Meeting. Everyone we opened our doors to were welcomed because we were all taking that first step, to enhance our skills and learn from our peers.

Congratulations on being a part of that change and I wish you a wonderful journey ahead! Best Wishes Padmashree Dr. B.R Shetty

Toastmasters is a culture. It is a culture that teaches us to respect others, be confident in ourselves and help each other grow. I would encourage you to share these values with your spouse, children, neighbours and friends. I am sure that the world will be a better place if we have more Toastmasters.

Patron’s Message Do numbers matter? When the stock market approaches a particular round figure level, there is an enthusiasm and energy amongst the business TV channels. There is a colorful cacophony on the TV channels regarding that number. Once that number is passed then the experts say “It’s just a number!” And life goes on.

I was invited to a birthday party with black balloons. The birthday boy had a long conversation with me ending with a remark, “It’s just a number!” And life goes on. People use the same expression for different feelings. It’s not just a number, at least not for me, when Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club is conducting its 500th meeting. This meeting represents dedication, sincerity and 6

zealous commitment to self development, community development and selfless service. During this course of journey, many men and women became better and confident speakers. So many individuals took this good work to their friends, families and colleagues. This catchment area yielded new sets of leaders and achievers. The phenomenal growth and huge benefits cannot be gently described as just a number. On this remarkable achievement, words of Robin Sharma reverberate in my ears, “Be so good that people cannot ignore you.” My heartiest congratulations to each and every member of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club on this glorious achievement. Each and everyone have earned a deserving

share of credit for this yet another landmark meeting. I wish you all the best and look forward to multiples of this number. Best Wishes Sultan Al Hajji

Message from District Governor “Success is a journey not a destination “- please comment said the Table Topics master. That evening I did not have a good example to augment my idea. If I am ever given this topic again, I -for sure- have a good example to share, Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club No. 1950. Going through the history of the first Toastmasters Club in United Arab Emirates, reveals a wonderful journey of success planned and traveled by some of the most prominent Toastmasters of Gulf Toastmasters Council, later District 79 and now District 20, many contest winners and District leaders. The list of name is too long. If you have started your journey from Abu Dhabi Toastmasters

Club, with the foundation you get, your towering achievement is certain Celebrating 500th Meeting shows the dedication of the members over the years, bringing laurels for the Club shows the dedication to excellence, and maintaining a strong Club year after year shows contentious dedication for excellence.

members a forward journey filled with accomplishment and continued success Best Wishes Yasser Abdullah Sulaiman

The Club truly lives “Where the Leaders are made” by providing an environment in which members are “empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater selfconfidence and personal growth”. At this sensational occasion I wish Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club

Message from Division H Governor Dear Members of Toastmasters Abu Dhabi Chapter, While attending the Toastmasters International Convention in Kuala Lumpur recently, one aspect consistently stood out – the intensity of passion that Toastmasters evokes in individuals. People enthusiastically described the myriad ways in which Toastmasters has changed their lives. While it has empowered one to launch his own business, another to grab his dream job, yet another to be the ‘Most Popular Employee’, Toastmasters is indeed a true game changer to many. All in all, everyone was univocal about how their decision to join Toastmasters, turned out to be one of the best decisions that they have taken in their lives.

19 years ago, a group of visionary men took a decision resulting in far reaching impacts, a decision that changed the face of UAE – the chartering of the first ever Toastmasters Club in UAE – the Toastmasters Abu Dhabi Chapter Club. The rest as they say is history. Since its inception, the Abu Dhabi Chapter has been instrumental in expanding the Toastmasters community across the region, staying true to the core values of Toastmasters. The fact that the Club has grown in strength during the following years, all the while retaining its core members, is a true testimony to the passion and commitment that the Club has towards Toastmasters program. Continuing the service to its members, without missing a single meeting for the past 19 years and reaching the milestone event of 500th meeting is

a remarkable achievement. Abu Dhabi Chapter is the pride of Division H and on this wonderful occasion, we wish the Chapter continuous success in serving the community by building better communicators and leaders. Best Wishes DTM Sunil Kottarathil


Message from Area 2 Governor Today’s generation requires more effective leaders and communicators that would create a big difference in the life of both professionals and plain people alike. Indeed, the world is fortunate enough to have Toastmasters International to grant such a magnificent wish. With that wish, true leaders and communicators emerged in Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club. The first Club in Abu Dhabi where wonderful, brilliant and humble Toastmasters became known, flourished and multiplied. You have achieved tremendous growth and have built eminent goodwill in the community and in the Toastmasters International in general and produced the best leaders and communicators who

are marvelous and appreciable. As an Achiever Toastmaster, it is my utmost pride to say that “We are the product of a great Sponsor.” Without the perseverance, encouragement and support of the Senior Toastmasters of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club, we will never realize that there is more in our personality that must be shaped and developed….. that an ideal life is about shaping characters, learning by doing and communicating to the very soul of human being….. that we will still be more humane if we truly understand how to interact and together, make a difference.

Area 2 looks forward with confidence to your continuing productive leadership and effective communication. Congratulations and Thank you! Best Wishes Ana Maria O. Paler

On behalf of all Clubs in Area 2, Congratulations to all in achieving your 500th meeting!



President’s Distinguished Club - 14 Times Select Distinguished Club - 3 Times Distinguished Club - 1 Time Founders Award - 4 Times Annual Club Membership Award - 3 Times World Head Quarters Visitor - 2 Times Smedley Memorial Fund Contributing Club Hall of Fame Select Distinguished Club Smedley Award - 5 Times Number of YLP’s - 28 Number of Clubs Sponsored - 10 Number of Speech Craft’s conducted - 4 Times

My Journey as a Toastmaster I came to know about Toastmasters through a friend from Malaysia in 2003. All I knew at that point was that it’s a some kind of English speaking group. Couple of years later my understanding about Toastmasters increased as I got acquainted with a colleague who attends Toastmaster meetings. He used to give me updates, kind of a daily dose, about Toast mastering, its benefits and what one achieves and accomplishes through a Toastmaster journey. Though this daily sermon was interesting it was short lived as my colleague moved to Qatar finding better prospects. When I was promoted from small time auditor to senior auditor I got many additions to my job description and responsibilities. Most of the additions were tasks which I had never done before, that included leading client meetings, doing presentations to senior management guys, audit committees etc. To be honest I always had this confidence, rather I would say this overconfidence, that I am a reasonably good speaker and I could speak in front of anyone. I got my first assignment to do a risk management presentation to a bunch of elite, well qualified and well informed top management personnel. I did my research, gathered information and put in decent slides and got my presentation ready. As the day of presentation arrived I revised my presentation and I realized a slight worry rather a slight concern started to grip me as to whether I could do well, will the question answer session be tough. Then I felt that the time was dragging and I also realized that as each second passed by my worry and concern began to increase multifold and its grip seemed to

become more and more firm. I started to tell myself “common man what’s this, you going do this, don’t worry everything would be fine” At that moment my boss came to me with a smiling face of appreciation and conveyed to me that the CEO was also attending. That further fueled my worry to a level as if a topping on a cake. To be honest and frank I wished the presentation was cancelled or postponed, that did not happen. Everyone came and I was told “ its time to start”.

As I tried to insert my flash drive into the laptop I felt my fingers and knees trembling I felt the same thing when keying the laptop. As I was about to explain the presentation I felt my voice was not coming out. I somehow managed. One of the listeners asked me “ are you doing this for the first time?” I just nodded my head. He said “you appeared a bit nervous”. I knew his expression “ a bit nervous” was to ease me, he should have said completely nervous. This led to the desperate search to improve myself…..that was the beginning of my journey to Toastmasters. I joined the mother of all Clubs in UAE, the Toastmasters Abu Dhabi Chapter. It was with much nervous anticipation that I walked in. but the warm welcome put up by everyone soon put me at ease. I sat

in a corner and watched silently as men and women walked up to the podium and spoke, evaluated looking each and everyone in the eye. I was mesmerized by the eloquence displayed by some, which was obviously a result of sheer hard work and practice and I wondered if I too could possibly attain that level of mastery. The prospect of speaking in front of seasoned, senior Toastmasters scared me slightly. However, I was kindly exempted from the table topics that day, as I remember gratefully. I gave my ice breaker soon after and the months following I grew as a speaker, developed self-esteem and not long before I completed my tenth prject successfully. Toastmasters has transformed my life in a way, because soon after I joined I made my daughters join the gavel Club and they have come a long way as successful and confident speakers moreover even my wife joined a toastmaster Club after listening to both my daughters and me go on and on about its benefits. Who knew a Club could influence a family so profoundly as toastmasters have done. And the journey continues….

TM Sasikumar Naik VP—Education 9

TOASTMASTERS IN UAE How it all began During my college days, way back in 1978, thanks to my beloved father, I had attended some meetings at the YMCA Toastmasters at Chennai in India. In 1981, I became a Toastmaster in the Manama Toastmaster Club when I took up my first job in Bahrain, wherein I won the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. (I still recollect, the TM of the Evening was veteran TM Ponnuchamy). Thereafter, I joined Khaleej Times on 23rd April 1988, in the their Abu Dhabi Office, and wanted to immediately join a Toastmasters Club. However, I was shocked to know that there was not a single Toastmasters Club in the UAE, whereas in a neighboring country like Bahrain, the Manama Toastmasters Club was established in 1964. So I initially waited patiently for somebody else to start a Toastmasters Club in the UAE and there by kept on procrastinating the possibility of starting it on my own. Well, as the old saying goes... "Procrastination is the thief of time". After waiting for 5 year s i.e. 1993, I decided to take on the initiative of introducing Toastmasters in the UAE, but I was advised by the then Managing Director that I am not supposed 10

to take up any other work, paid or unpaid, other than the job mentioned in the Employment contract. It was in 1995, that I was able to persuade the new Managing Director, to eventually give me the permission to go ahead with my plans.

At last, I wrote to the World Head Quarters of Toastmasters International, California, USA, and I received a prompt reply from Mr. Daniel Rex giving me the green signal to go ahead and introduce Toastmasters in the United Arab Emirates. Incidentally, Mr. Daniel Rex is the present CEO of Toastmasters International Head Quarters, USA. I subsequently met Dr. B.R.Shetty - MD & CEO of NMC Group who without batting an eyelid, agreed to be the Patron. Toastmasters being an Educational organization, Late Mr. M.K.Jawahar who owned Abu Dhabi Educational Institute and Wisdom Institute - Dubai, agreed to be the associate sponsor of

Toastmasters because at that point of time it was a legal requirement by the UAE Ministry of Education. Well, I invited about 30 people for my inaugural presentation on Toastmasters Abu Dhabi Chapter and on Effective Public Speaking, and 25 of them immediately got enrolled. Thereafter, I was instrumental in launching Toastmasters in Dubai as well, in fact I am also the Sponsor for the Toastmasters Dubai Chapter, I had to literally shuttle between Abu Dhabi and Dubai for several meetings before the Toastmasters Dubai Chapter took off. In fact the Toastmasters Dubai chapter conducts their meetings at the Al Futtaim Training Centre even now, as I was instrumental in arranging that venue in 1995. For Abu Dhabi Chapter, Dr. B.R. Shetty very kindly agreed to allow Toastmasters to conduct the meetings at the NMC banquet Hall, and it is probably the only Toastmasters Club in the world during that time which offered a full fledged buffet dinner after every Toastmasters meeting, and that too at a very subsidized rate. We did not have a cupboard space, so for many meetings I used to carry all the paraphernalia pertaining to Toastmasters in a huge bag, which was actually a

cricket kit bag, after every meeting, I would carry the bag to the boot of my car, we eventually got a carpenter to create a big Treasure box (which is still there), so that we could keep all our stuff in it. Well, all I can say is that I was instrumental in sowing the seed of Toastmasters, both in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and those seeds germinated into plants and then like a gigantic tree branched out into so many Clubs, way beyond my wildest imagination, and it is thanks to so many committed Toastmasters, that took the mantle forward that the Toastmasters

movement in the UAE spread like wild fire.

Award and also my name got enlisted in the Marquis Who's Who In the World Directory.

Toastmasters Clubs began to sprout like mushrooms, and today there are more than 100 Clubs in the UAE, and the credit goes to all the veteran Toastmasters who were totally committed to the cause. I will refrain from mentioning any ones name, as there are so many who have done their part and are still very actively promoting the Toastmasters movement in UAE. Initiating the Toastmasters Movement in the UAE is one of the main reasons that I received the Bharath Gaurav

Vijayan Manikoth Founder President, Toastmasters Abu Dhabi Chapter Founder President UAE Toastmasters.

List of Charter Members NAME




Vijayan Manikoth

Khaleej Times

P.V. Menon

National Printing

Sujaya Banerjee


N. Padmanabhan

Al Mazroui

Fahim Khan

Plaza Residence

George Ambookan

Omeir Travels

Sarvotham Shetty

Intl. Dist. Est

Shahed Sharfuddin


Antonio Fernandes

Al Khaleej Advt

Ashraf Siddiqui


Parvathi Kumar

Mobil Abu Dhabi

Kushal Shetty

Prime Intl.

Shankar Prakash

Garuda Indonesia

Maria D'Cunha


Iqbal Hakim

Central Bank

Jose Kuriakose

Shaibani Advt.

John Mathew


S.S. Ahmed

Forte Travels

M.B. Madhusoodanan

Health Care Intl.

Sudhir Shetty

UAE Exchange

Vijay Kumar

Press Centre

Jose Thachil

Singapore Air.

G.P. Joseph

Laser Creations

K.S. Manian

Al Dhaheri Air

Sampath Kumar

Al Dehin Co.

Shaukath Chandna

Eagle Star 11

Club Elections 2014-2015

Club elections were conducted on June 3 2014 by President TM Loyola Pinto. Nomination Committee : TM Bhojraj Mane, TM Sanjay Vissa, TM Abraham Thomas Secretary: MTM Saima Imran in action

Installation Ceremony by TM Abraham Thomas for New Committee Members for Year 2014– 2015



Accelerate your flight to the Top Wood warms a person twice, once when it is cut and again when it burns.

To understand the essence of this adage, I would like to share with you some glimpses of my journey with Toastmasters that really began in November 2000. I attended my first meeting as a guest and it took courage to sit thru the entire two hour session. It was not easy to see people in formal attire, when called upon to confidently walk up to the podium and speak and I must say here many spoke well. The other thing that struck me was there were a few beginners who had not yet fully developed as speakers but just went ahead and spoke anyway. Amazingly, sometime later there would be someone who would get around telling them how they could do what they did even better This was truly a family, like parents mentoring their children. My first meeting as a guest turned out to be an eye opener in many ways. That evening I realized public speaking is a difficult task, the stage really is no friend. Volunteering to be on stage was kind of asking for trouble, why risk it.


I was tempted to quietly withdraw but this thought too made me uncomfortable. I then realized I was not honest with myself, I was lacking the nerve to stand up, face an audience and speak something that would want them to listen to me. One cannot set sail to discover new worlds unless one has the courage to lose sight of the shoreline, which in this instance happened to be the chair I was occupying as part of the audience. It took a few days and some cool rational thinking to realize that to even pass, let alone excel at speaking on stage, I needed to act and act quickly. In February 2001, I signed up as a member of the Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club and have been an active member since then. Today when I face a mirror and compare myself to 14 years ago, there is one distinct physical change that is evident. I have lost lot of hair and what remains is also turning grey. I can tell you Toastmaster’s has a very limited contribution to this. What is not immediately revealed from the mirror image is the personal development that this program has given me. The confidence to walk up on stage, face an audience, get my views across clearly and be understood, ability to be a good listener and plethora of good friends are just a few benefits. The rewards of being a Toastmaster are immense. I am certain many of my Club members recognize and share the same feelings. The pride just shows on our faces. The truth is in many aspects of our life, personal and professional our flight to the top has indeed accelerated from the values and culture that Toastmasters has

imbibed in us. It is always a pleasure on a cool winter evening to sit around a bonfire and enjoy the warmth from the burning wood. Unfortunately, the weather for most part of the year in this region is not conducive for a bonfire. Members of the Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club have a great way to get around it. Every alternate Tuesday’s, all thru the year we meet to learn, share ideas and improve our communication and leadership skills. All this provides us the warmth. We enjoy this warmth constantly as the process of learning is a continuous process, it’s what you learn after you know it all that matters. The second warmth comes when you welcome new members to the Club, mentor them, see them grow and blossom as wonderful speakers and human beings and in reality prepare them on their accelerated flight to the top

TM Sanjay Vissa


ME AND MY CLUB Our Club – Abu Dhabi Chapter 1950 over the years has always performed exceptionally and has always maintained its distinguished status. This is mainly due to the fact that we are very concerned and at the same time very passionate. We are enthusiastic and we maintain the high standards set by our predecessors. The Club Committee every year is inspired by past performances and strives to excel in not only achieving the Club’s goals as far as DCP points are concerned but also to create the best environment and ambience for all its members particularly the new members. Our club has an excellent standing in the past few years having achieved excellence every year in terms of completing goals and objectives of Toastmasters International and also creating the best possible ambience and environment for the new comers. TM Salim Sayyid received two awards from District 20 during DTAC 2014 in Oman:  

Chairman of District Realignment. Captivating Communiqués Award for promoting toastmasters in social media

Could have been in a Mess, but for his Attitude Seeing this as a blessing in disguise, the boy enrolled in the Club’s youth academy and pushed beyond his limits to win several accolades including 4 consecutive FIFA Ballon d’Ors. He is the first footballer in history to achieve this feat.

What would you feel if you are diagnosed with a serious medical condition? Let me tell you an inspiring story. The Rags to riches tale of a 11 year old boy who would never have grown up. This boy was fond of playing football. He was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. His family couldn’t afford to pay for his treatment, they had no choice. Then a ray of hope dawned in the form of Football Club Barcelona who saw his talent and offered to pay his medical bills. 16

You are not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have. Though he suffered from growth deficiency, he grew the right mindset.

drive. His generous and humble ways have made him a well – rounded leader and role model. He is none other than “THE MESSI”. Like every dark cloud with a silver lining, all our sorrows are only temporary. We shouldn’t lose hope in the wee hours of darkness and sorrow.

He never took the poor me approach but rather realized that he needed to look at things in a better perspective. He himself remarked “Something deep in his character allows him to take the hits and get on with trying to win”. Instead of making his handicap as an excuse or feel self pity he used it to give him that extra boost of

TM Sabin Sathyapalan


Presidents who have inspired us in our Journey


Our Journey in 19 years




Flight To Success


Main Sponsors

Support Sponsors


Flight To Success

A Toastmasters Journey Continues ‌. Changing Lives, One at a Time.

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