D I G E S T APRIL 2022
FROM THE GALLERY Interview with
Simmer Interview
Axiisims Please share your origin ID and your favorite thing (or things) to create in the Sims Hello, thank you for inviting me to this interview! I am Axii, I am from Romania and I am 22 years old. My Origin ID is axiisims, and I love to build all type of buildings and rooms because as a person with followers from all over the world I think they’re happy when they see a build inspired from their country.
What are a few things you'd like to share with our readers about yourself?
I am not used to talk so much about me on my socials so I think this is the right time to say a few things about me. I love dogs, I have one in my hometown that still lives with my family. I like to draw, in high school I studied art so this is one of my other hobbies when I am not playing Sims and the last one is that I would love to study psychology because I see myself as a psychologist in the future.
When did you first start playing Sims and with so many packs available, what is one of your favorites?
I am playing Sims since the Sims 1 and I was sooo obsessed. After that I discovered Sims 2 and I downloaded all the expansions available. For Sims 3 I didn’t have a good PC to play, but now I am playing Sims 4 and to be honest I can’t pick a favourite pack because as a builder I think every pack has good furniture. I will say Get Together and Dream Home Decorator.
Axiisims Are there any particular features of gameplay you would like to see featured in the sims? I use a lot Dream House Decorator pack and I will love another pack with more modern furniture.
What is one of your creations that you are most proud of and why?
I can’t pick one of my favourite build, but I love my suburbans and tiny houses.
Is there one particular style you favor over another..what is it and why? For inspiration I use Pinterest and YouTube all the time. I prefer to do Suburbans Houses because these houses I can build from my imagination.
Do you showcase any of your amazing creations anywhere other than the gallery and if so where can we check them out?
I post my buildings on my Instagram, twitter and Ko-Fi. I don’t have a Patreon yet but plan to sometime in the future. All my socials are Axiisims.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk a little bit about me and about my love for Sims. I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all my followers for their support and messages. The Sims community it’s one of the best! - Axiisims
Interested in being interviewed on the podcast or here on the site? Reach out to SolieSims on Instagram and Twitter. We are always scouting the gallery for talented creators to showcase and connect with. Tag your posts with #simmersdigest to help us find you faster. Written by SolieSims