From the Gallery - Hazelmine

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FROM THE GALLERY Hazelmine Hazelmine S I M M E R S D I G E S T MARCH 2023 Interview with cover image by Hazelmine SIMLIT EDITION


Please share a little about yourself to let our audience get to know you a bit.

I am Hazel, Hazelmine. I was actually introducedtothesimsbymybestfriend. ShehadgottenaGatewaycomputerfor Christmas and the Sims 1 came with it. We stayed up for hours playing. After that,IknewIhadtohavethatgame.It’s been22yearsplayingSims.It’sapartof my life really. Besides Sims, I play Overwatch (PC), take care of my 2 kiddos,andtrytospendalittletimewith myhubby.

Simmer Interview

Where did you draw inspiration from to develop the characters and the stories they tell in Running With The Wolves?

Geenaisasimfromalongtimesave.I nevergaveherthelifeshedeservedsoI thoughtit’dbefuntopairherwithamate whodesirestobecomeawolf.Jahisjust nerdyandadoresGeena,buthealso wantstoshowherthere’smoretohim.

Where do you start your creative process of crafting your SimLit, is it the story, the characters, and what does that process look like?

Well,Icertainlydon’twriteanything!Probablystartswithjust thinkingofacharacterandsomethingI wanttoseeplayoutinmygame.

What was your most difficult scene to write, and why?

I don’t add a lot of story, but the most story I have ever attempted to write is for my main save, the Kekoa Family. When their patriarch died in game, that one got me. I had no ideahowmuchIhadmoldedthatsimtobelikemyowndad.


What is the most challenging aspect of your writing process?

The writing? I don’t like to addalotoftext.Iusedto be an avid photographer andItry my best to show through pictures what is happening.Youknowthat old quote “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Ilivebyit.

What advice would you share with others who are interested in creating their own SimLit or stories for their Sims?

Create what inspires you and what you enjoy. If you love something, it is bound to pour through whatever you are doing and people will seeit.

Where can we find your creations?

#simblr|HazelMine( HazelMine(@HazelMine1)/Twitter HazelMine»OneGamingMamawebsite

Thankyousomuchforaskingme!Iusuallystaytomyself,butsomethingabout thesimscommunitymakesmewanttoshareandinteractwithotherswhoenjoy thiscrazysimulationgame.Happysimmingall!



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