9 Simple Ways to Avoid Traps in Your Workspace Feng Shui, also considered as an art of placement, has a great influence to make your workload pleasant, easy and most especially productive. Feng shui is all about the arrangement of all the essential items so that they could serve you best. If you're thinking about moving the things in your office, then you should take a few minutes to clear and throw all the clutter. The more streamlined your space will be, the more successful you'll become. Take a look at these simple tips on how to properly arrange your workspace. 1. Face the door. Have your desk face the door so that you'll get more assignments with an overflowing recognition. If that's not possible in your room, then you need to position a mirror that will give you a clearer view of the door while you’re seated. That way, you can see all the opportunities that will arrive instead of letting it pass over and over again. 2. Make your mark. You must have a personalized nameplate on top of your desk or your office door. For more emphasis, you can have it mounted on a piece of bright red paper. In addition to that, if you want to be recognized by your boss, then add some personal flare in your own workspace. If you have your own business, it's important that you have your name at the front entrance of the room, building or gate. This is the best way to catch more attention from the customers since they can clearly see it. 3. Be inspired. Every worker, employed or self-employed, should feel inspired so that they'll be productive. Start by placing a picture of your child, partner, pet or a favorite vacation spot just above your eye level. This will definitely keep you inspired and prompt at all time. Not only that, this will attract uplifting Fire energy into your working quarters. 4. Keep the peace. To maintain a peaceful and nurturing workspace, you must have two pieces of rose quartz in your office. Using the main entrance as reference point, put the two rose quartz at the far right of your room. This will bring back all the peaceful Earth energy into your work. 5. Beat the clock.
If you're having trouble focusing at your work, then a round white clock will help. Place it at the opposite your desk and to the right of center. You will then become more cautious of the deadlines and meetings since this simple change attracts the Metal energy into your space. 6. Be flexible To avoid any dullness or being unproductive, put a black area rug in the front of your office entrance. This gesture will gain back the Water energy into your work, making it easier for you to change or shift gears when appropriate. 7. Flourish where you planted. If you wish to climb up the corporate ladder and your la tarot cards are of no help, here is a simple answer for you: Decorate your office with a tall and healthy plant! Just make sure that you put this in the far left of your space, using your main entrance as the reference point. Your career will surely grow and thrive as this will draw the uplifting Wood energy in your space. 8. Jazz things up If there's an excess of yin energy, then your office will definitely suffer. Reverse it by placing a chime clock on your desk so that you don't feel alone or installing an oscillating fan to stir the air. Moreover, you can even put colorful photographs of places and animals to add life into your room. 9. Clear the clutter As said earlier, you need to clear all the clutter in your office! According to a Sitio Hispano or Hispanic website, if your file cabinets, bookshelves and desk drawers are all jammed up by unnecessary or unused things, your career may become stagnant. That's why you need to change it up by throwing away your outmoded materials to make space for newer ones.