Astrological Signs – Stories of the Constellations

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Astrological Signs – Stories of the Constellations Do you ever wonder about the origin of the astrology signs? Each constellation has a Greek mythology behind it. Let’s dig deeper and find out how these signs came to be. From Aries to Pisces, here are the tales of the stars. Aries the Ram Ino, the second wife of King Athamus, was jealous of his existing children. During the months of starvation, she suggested to sacrifice the King’s eldest son, Phrixus. The first wife, Nephele prayed to Zeus to save her children. Zeus sent a magical ram with a golden fleece which carried them to safety before returning to the night sky. Cancer the Crab When Hercules was fighting the sea serpent Hydra, Hera sent Cancer the crab to nip the foot of the popular hero. But Hercules was so strong that he crushed the crab using his foot. Hera still placed Cancer on the night sky as a reward for its service. Taurus the Bull Zeus was known for his amorous adventures. Once he fell in love with a mortal princess named Europa. One day, the mighty god disguised himself as a magnificent white bull and befriended the princess. When Europa climbed upon its back, he revealed his true identity. This form of Zeus was placed in the skies ever since. Scorpio the Scorpion Scorpio is the creature created by the sun god Apollo and Gaia, the earth goddess. They plotted to kill Orion, the mighty hunter. Zeus placed the giant scorpion and Orion in the heavens 180 degrees apart to keep them from fighting. Gemini the twins One night, a woman was made pregnant by both a god and a mortal giving birth to twins with different fathers. Pollux was immortal and well-known for his strength. Castor was famous for his skills in battle. When Castor died, his brother begged the heavens to share his immortality with him so they were reunited in the sky. Leo the Lion Leo was an enormous beast that haunted the forests of mortals. One day, Hercules was tasked by King Eurystheus to find and kill it. Undaunted, the hero was victorious. To prove his victory, his father Zeus made Leo into a constellation. Virgo the Virgin Also seen in La Tarot cards, Virgo is associated with the virginal beauty of Astraea, the caretaker of humanity. She is the goddess of justice who represents purity. After a while, she found earth so imperfect that she fled to the heavens and never came back. She was turned into a constellation. Libra the Scale It is said that Libra was Astraea’s scales of justice. During the copper age, when humans forged war against each other, the scale tipped towards evil. Astraea could no longer bear humankind and withdrew from earth. When she became a constellation so as her scales – that’s why both constellations can be seen side by side.

Sagittarius the Centaur Sagittarius was an immortal centaur who knew the ways of arts and medicine. He tutored many young heroes of Greece. When he was shot by a poison arrow, the pain was great he prayed release from immortality to die then, Zeus raised him to the skies. Capricorn the Goat Capricorn, the god of the forest, loved merriment and feasts. During a celebration near a river, he played his reed pipes when Typhon, the father of all monsters awoke. In his haste to escape, only his body turned into a fish and his head remained a goat. The other gods found it hilarious that they added the form to the constellation. Pisces the Fishes Aside from Capricorn, Venus and her son Cupid also sprang into the water, transformed into fishes to escape the wrath of Typhon. To avoid losing each other, Venus tied their tails together. Athena was touched with their bond she placed the form to the skies. Aquarius the Water Carrier Aquarius is associated with Ganymede, the beautiful prince of Troy. One day, the gods saw him herding sheep. They were so pleased that they brought him to the heavens and made him a cupbearer. According to Sitio Hispano astrologers, the gods added his form to the constellation for his father to see.

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