spanish fresh info week 23

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The 31st of May was the ho est in Spain for the last 50 years and in Seville the thermometers reached 40 degrees. If the high temperatures con!nue the Strawberry ďŹ elds will quickly be burned and at the same !me the Melons in Murcia will get a much needed injec!on of sugar.

Product Trends

All over Spain it has become cheaper for the consumer to purchase fruit and vegetables in 2010. Prices have decreased by 15.7% in the ďŹ rst quarter compared to the same period last year. Valencia for instance has experienced prices 23% lower than last year whilst in Asturias they only went down 6%. Wholesale markets showed prices 11.4% lower and the biggest decreases were found in the Supermarkets where prices were 18.5% lower than the same period last year.

Vejret: 10 døgns prognose for


Grow Source Import Package Distribute Market

Apricot: Murcia has a large supply of the Bulida and Mauricio varie!es but there is not a serious demand for these yellow varie!es. There are few kg available of large orange Apricots in Northern Spain. Higher prices and only few kilos available.

Carrots: Excellent quality and all formats and sizes are available.

Celery: Ends this week. Cherries: In Valle de Jerte they have begun with the California varie!es which have longer shelf life than the Bourlat and in general are much more resistant.

Avocado: The Season has ended, so only stocked fruit now. Blackberry: The season con!nues normally and prices are going down. Blueberry: Very good quality and compe!!ve prices. Supply is sufficient. Broccoli: Organic broccoli will finish from Spain on Friday and conven!onal has another 2 weeks le;.

Corn: Few kg available in 15x2 from Almeria and Sevilla is ge8ng ready to begin the season in week 23-24. Courge es: Quality remains excellent and we have another 2 weeks le;. Garlic: Granada and Cordoba have been harvested and are wai!ng for the produce to dry. The season is about to commence

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40

with an ini!al demand higher than usual since China asks for much higher prices than usual.

Spanish season up to 4 weeks and so there probably isn’t enough fruit so sa!sfy that demand. Prices con!nue very high.

Grapes: No par!cular demand and the first few kg of Seedless Grapes will not be available for another 2 weeks.

Melons: We predict a lack of Watermelons in sizes 5-6, some in sizes 3 to 4 and most in larger sizes… which means Watermelons from 10 kg and up..each !!!! A combina!on of low demand and grower specula!on has led to this situa!on. Awai!ng the beginning of outdoor Melons from Murcia, the supply from Almeria is sufficient only lacking smaller sizes of Galia and Cantaloup. From Murcia we expect the first quan!!es of Honeydew the next two weeks and from week 25 large quan!!es.

Leeks: New crop ready from Cadiz

Grow Source Lemon: The demand for Spanish Lemons is decreasing since new crop from the Southern Hemisphere are star!ng to arrive in Europe. However prices are also high on Argen!nean Lemons so prices are not yet under a lot of pressure. Quan!!es from South Africa and Argen!na are almost insignificant so large European retailers have prolonged the

Import Package Distribute • Market

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40

Oranges: The season is about to end and mainly because of the specula!on amongst growers which only lead to even more waste of what would have been healthy fruits. Absolutely nothing indicates that this will change in the near future and right now it is basically impossible to procure Oranges at a normal price.

Supply is insufficient and it’s basically only possible to serve on a day to day basis since no fruits are stocked.

Paraguayos: Now with much more volume although prices are s!ll high. Available in loose and punnets.

Peaches/ Nectarines: The current situa!on with a high percentage of waste means that prices maintain steady. The produc!ve areas now are Huelva and Sevilla whilst Extremadura and Murcia are slowly beginning. All those areas have been suffering from the weather while the trees were blossoming and produc!vity is consequently very low. The only area not really affected is Lerida in Northern Spain but they do not commence un!l late June.

Plums: Sevilla is right now the only area of Spain with quan!!es of Red Beauty. The majority are sizes 6 and 7. Prices are high since only few kg are available and even though they only started new crop it won’t be long before there is another gap in produc!on again. There is simply a serious lack of Plums in the neighbouring province of Extremadura which is the largest produc!on area in Europe for plums. Extremadura normally starts a week or two a;er Seville but has been hit even harder by the climate. We expect con!nuous high prices during the next 46 weeks due to the lack of produce.

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40

Potatoes: Small new potatoes are finishing so mainly sizes 35+ available now.

Organic field vs Non organic The pictures below are from 2 planta!ons in Extremadura one organic and the other treated with legal insec!cides. They are approximately only 500 metersw apart.

Raspberry: Very good quality of the three main varie!es Sugana, Maravilla and Tulameen. There is now availability of Raspberries from Valle del Jerte. Strawberry: This week we see how volumes have decreased for export and right now prices being paid are below the actual cost price. As a consequence many growers have decided to end the season. However quality is actually very sa!sfactory.

Grow Source Tomatoes: All sizes and varie!es available but no demand for export. Turnips: New crop has begun and all sizes and formats are available.

Import Package Distribute • Market

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40

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