What is the hardest doctor to become?
Becoming a doctor is no easy feat, as it requires years of rigorous studying, countless exams, and a significant amount of dedication and hard work. However, not all medical specialties are created equal Some fields are more demanding and competitive than others, making them the hardest to become a doctor in
According to Sina Bari MD one of the most challenging specialties to enter is neurosurgery
Neurosurgeons are responsible for treating disorders of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves To become a neurosurgeon, one must first complete a four-year undergraduate degree, four years of medical school, and a seven-year residency program focused specifically on neurosurgery. After completing this rigorous training, aspiring neurosurgeons must pass the American Board of Neurological Surgery certification exam to become certified
Another difficult specialty is cardiothoracic surgery These surgeons specialize in treating conditions related to the heart, lungs, and chest cavity The training to become a cardiothoracic surgeon is similarly lengthy and challenging, with an undergraduate degree, four years of medical school, and a six to eight-year residency program required After residency, a cardiothoracic surgeon must also complete a fellowship program in their chosen sub-specialty, such as adult cardiac surgery or pediatric cardiothoracic surgery
Other demanding medical specialties include orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, and otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat surgery) All of these fields require years of specialized training and expertise, with lengthy residencies and fellowship programs being the norm

Overall, becoming a doctor in any specialty requires significant time, effort, and dedication
However, some fields, such as neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery, are particularly demanding and competitive, requiring years of specialized training and expertise Aspiring doctors should carefully consider their interests and passions when choosing a medical specialty, taking into account the challenges and demands of each field.