Sincerely Yours

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Sincerely Yours

August 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1



Nicole Matthews page 6.

Alayna Jay page 14.

Anna Gutermuth page 22.

Cover & Index Photo by Angela Marksberry




Featured Photographers NICOLE MATTHEWS



Angela Marksberry Letter From the Editor

I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone that participated in getting this first issue done. I was inspired to make a magazine about photography, fashion, and writing because they are so much a part of me. I like learning about the people I admire, so it made me think that maybe other people would want to know more about these people also. I hope to open peoples eyes to great artists they may have not discovered before now. Again, I owe major thanks to my great friend and co-editor Lauren Potter. She has done so much for Sincerely Yours, from finding features to editing all the interviews. I'm glad I have her working with me on this, knowing she has nothing but the best intentions to making this magazine a success.

Nicole Matthews Photographer Age: 17

me. It would be awesome.

Camera: Canon 40d

Do you plan on photography as a career?


Yes I do.

How did you get started in photography?

Who is a photographer that you would like to know more about?

I got started with photography when I was 15.

I would like to know more about Anna Szczekutowicz, she seems so interesting.

What inspires you? What inspires me is pretty much anything; music, friends, family, books, stores and my mood. How important is photography to you? It's really important to me. It's a way for me to express myself and to show people how I'm feeling and it's also a great creative way for me to just relax and have fun.

How do you feel about your 365? Right now, I'm not really liking my 365, I feel like all my pictures look the same. I really need to step it up and find new places to take pictures and think of some more ideas. Where is your favorite place to take photos? I like taking pictures anywhere, as long as there's good sunlight.

What or who is the biggest influence on your photography?

You love Lady Gaga, what's your favorite song? Why?

My photograghy really depends on how I'm feeling that day. My biggest influence would be my feelings.

My favorite song is Speechless because it has a good meaning behind it and it's really catchy.

What are your views on editing/ retouching photos? Before I was into photography, I was into photoshop. I'm all for editing and retouching photos. Who are some of your favorite photographers? I like Anna Szczekutowicz and Lauren Withrow, their pictures are amazing. If you could choose anyone to photograph for a day, past or present, who would it be and why? I would love to photograph Lady Gaga. She would be so fun! I would ask her to give a private concert for

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? It would probably be, "Dont give up!" Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In five years I hope to have a nice job using cameras and a nice apartment! I really hope that I'm doing something I like. What do you like doing in your down time? In my down time I like to hangout with my friends and my boyfriend. I also like going to concerts, they're so much fun. What does your family think about your photography?

My family is really supportive with my photography. I always show my mom my pictures, she seems to like them.

"I would love to photograph Lady Gaga. She would be so fun!"

Alayna Jay Photographer Age: 15 Camera: Canon Rebel XTI Flickr: How did you get started in photography? My dad was a photographer and so is my brother, after watching them do it, it caught my attention. What inspires you? Most of the time inspiration comes from what I'm feeling that day or in a long period of time. How important is photography to you? Photography is more than taking a photo to me, I think it's a beautiful way to share a moment or a mood. If you have the mind for it you can look at a photo and come up with many reasons to why it was taken that way. It's amazing to me, and fun. What or who is the biggest influence on your photography? My biggest influence in my photography is my brother, Ryan Jay. When I'm feeling down about my type of photography he helps me get back up. It's one of the few ways my brother and I really connect. What is your favorite thing to photograph? My favorite thing to photograph is people. I love how you can control the mood or feeling of the photo just if the model is looking down or his or her hand is on their face. What are your views on editing/ retouching photos? I'm mixed between layered photos and sooc photos. I don't think because you edit something a lot it

makes it a 'fake' image. It's a part of photography. Do you prefer film or digital photography? This is a hard one. Film is more my style, but you can do a lot with digital which is really fun for me. I'm in the middle. Film is always the hardest; it's the challenge that pulls me into it. Your favorite photo by another photographer?

and then I stopped it around 200. I don't feel bad about it or anything. It was the right move for me. What is your favorite book? 13 Reasons Why. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? "Don't let anyone tell you the way you are expressing yourself is wrong." -My dad What's on your ipod?

Defintely V-J day in Times Square taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt, most perfect photo ever.

You will find a lot of City and Colour, very relaxed songs with occasional rap.

If you could choose anyone to photograph for a day, past or present, who would it be and why?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

My friend, Megan Corkill, she is the best model I have ever seen. She's beautiful, her emotions are gorgeous, and she never stops trying new poses. I hate those awkward moments, "What should we do?"

What do you like doing in your down time?

Do you plan on photography as a career? I do, somewhere in that business. I have always thought of directing film, but that's just a dream. I wouldn't mind modeling and photographing for a magazine. You have great style, where is your favorite place to shop for clothes? Thank you! I shop mostly at forever21, but I do like to shop at Ross and Target too. Anywhere that I find something I like. How do you feel about your 365? My 365 was a chance for me to experience new things in photography and learn and grow. I know the point might be to take a photo everyday for a year, but I got where I wanted to be for that moment

College, studying art and being happy.

I like to keep busy, so I always have projects. I am always changing my room up or cleaning it. How does your family feel about your photography? My family supports my photography a lot. They will do a lot for it, especially my brother. He bought my first little digital camera for me.

Anna Gutermuth Photographer Age: 18 Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi (50mm f/1.4 lens), Canon EOS Rebel G 35mm (50mm f/1.8 lens) Flickr: What inspires you? Everything inspires me; music, books, lighting, the news, people, places, things. I can't really pinpoint exactly what inspires me because so many things and people do. Why is photography important to you? It's my creative outlet; it's that quiet place where I know I can go and not be disturbed because everyone knows how important it is to me. What influenced you to start photography? My freshman year in high school, I was sexually abused by someone very close to me. I couldn't talk about it, so I picked up a camera and thought, "Hey, I might be able to do this." I started taking pictures of anything and everything I could find, it became my coping mechanism. Do you have a favorite photographer? Anna Szczekutowicz, Caiti Anne, and Olivia Bell ...I have so many more, but these are my top three right now. Do you prefer using film or digital? I love film and I love using it to preserve my memories, but I have found that I only truly love it if I can develop it myself. I feel at home in the darkroom, but I prefer digital for its convenience and because it's easier to take 1000 pictures all at once without having to pay for it.

Who/What is your biggest influence? My biggest influence would have to be flickr as a whole. There are so many inspiring people on there and their photos never cease to amaze me. Looking at them gives me the drive to keep going. If you could pick anyone to shoot for a day, past or present, who would it be and why? While pondering this question, I immediately thought of Marilyn Monroe, and Twiggy in her heyday but now that I think about it, I would really love to photograph Judy Garland. I feel like she can convey so many emotions, depending on the lighting and how she's feeling. I would love to photograph her in a more natural setting, rather than a studio like she was typically photographed in the '30s & '40s because it would take her out of her element and I would love to see how she would react. What's your favorite photo that you've taken? Right now, it's day 265 of my 365 challenge. I'm centrally focused, and my hair is semi-frizzy and I have a lot of make up on, smeared all over my face to represent battle scars. It's my message to all of the victims of abuse, to all of the survivors and to everyone who might be going through anything that's hurting them that everything will be okay. Your favorite photo by another photographer? It's a small child with his hand out, and written on it is, "Stop the abuse pretty please." It speaks volumes about how bad our world has gotten and it means a lot to me because of my experiences

with abuse. Who's a photographer you'd like to know more about? I'd love to know more about beat generation photographers, mainly Allen Ginsberg. I'm hoping to go to an exhibition of his works some day. Favorite Book? I can't pick just one, so here's a few of my current favourites: High On Arrival by Mackenzie Phillips Looking for Alaska by John Green The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen The Things They Carried by Tim O'brien If you could change anything about the world, what would it be? I'd change how people look at others, mainly because I'm sick and tired of being criticized for how I look. Nobody is perfect; everyone is always going to be too skinny, too fat, too blonde, too stupid to someone, but it doesn't hurt to wish for something better. Do you plan on photography as a career? I do. Come September, I'm heading to the Savannah College of Art & Design to major in photography & creative writing. We'll see how everything goes from there.

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