Ching Ng,
Traditional Paintings

Digital Art

What if foods we are having daily could have feelings, emotions, and taking actions when they are about to be eatten.

An open secret of a superficial prosperous country.
Vintage Digital Collage

Graphic Design


Generally, the conception time of Blue Whale is about 12 months.This

is a calender that illustrated the birth

cycle of a blue whale in 12 months.
0Since blue whales are placental mammals, the fetus develops inside of the mother in the uterus. The blue whale fetus grows quickly at 1 inch per day after 3 months of gestation, and by the seventh month it stretches to 12 feet in length. The calf is born tail first after a 12 month pregnancy, and it weighs 6,000 pounds. Birth occurs primarily in winter and in early spring in warm waters. When born the calf immediately swims to the surface for oxygen. The mother watches over the young calf for a year, feeding it up to 200 pounds of milk per day.
cover design
This is a completely new typeset of the monumental 1957 classic, containing an extensive historical and theological introduction and detailed in-text notations by George R. Knight.
Originally produced by the Ministerial Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Questions on Doctrine was widely acclaimed and distributed in the late 1950s and early 1960s as a forthright answer to questions from evangelicals about key elements of Adventist doctrine. Controversy regarding the book’s position on the nature of Christ and the atonement soon stopped its circulation.

Knight’s essays provide the background for how the book came about and describes the interaction of the principal players involved in the crisis that shelved this classic work for more than a generation.
Book Design
George R.

