Sin Ching Ng, Kefla
Digial art illustration
Name: Sin Ching Ng
Phone number: +1(269)210-9600
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Old man and dog 30 x40 Painting

Woman portrait 20 x 25

Landscape Painting 15 x 20

Digital Art

HyperCollage (Hong Kong view) 8.5 x 11 HyperCollage (Hong Kong view) 8.5 x 11

Modern Digital Collage 8.5 x 11 Modern Digital Collage 8.5 x 11

Modern Digital Collage 8.5 x 11 Modern Digital Collage 8.5 x 11 Digital Collage 8.5 x 11

Graphic Design this bullet was shot at our But it can’t kill our “faith’’ -Dismiss police Force ImmediatlyLibarate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times “Heart” Re-Designed Advertisement poster Re-Designed Advertisement poster 11 x 17 11 x 17

Re-Designed poster 11 x 17 Advertisement Poster for Book Online Advertisement for discount event Re-Designed poster 11 x 17 Advertisement Poster 8.5 x 11 11 x 11
Re-Designed Movie poster 11 x 17

Advertisement Poster for Books 8.5 x 11 Advertisement Poster for Books Online Advertisement Poster for Books 8.5 x 11 11 x 11

Breeding Calender of a little whale Since blue whales placental mammals, the fetus develops inside the mother in the uterus. The blue whale fetus grows quickly inch day after months gestation, and seventh month stretches feet length. The calf born tail first after 12 month pregnancy, and weighs 6,000 pounds. Birth occurs primarily winter and early spring warm waters. When born the calf immediately swims the surface for oxygen. The mother watches over the young calf for year, feeding 200 pounds milk per day. 0 Calender 8 x 10

Questions DOCTRINE ANNOTATED EDITIONANNOTATED EDITION ON Q uestions D OCTRINE ON This is completely new typeset of the monumental 1957 classic, containing an extensive historical and theological introduction and detailed in-text notations by George R. Knight. Originally produced by the Ministerial Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Questions on Doctrine was widely acclaimed and distributed in the late 1950s and early 1960s as forthright answer to questions from evangelicals about key elements of Adventist doctrine. Controversy regarding the book’s position on the nature of Christ and the atonement soon stopped its circulation. Knight’s essays provide the background for how the book came about and describes the interaction of the principal players involved in the crisis that shelved this classic work for more than generation. George R. Knight is professor of church history at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. prolific writer, he is the author of A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists, Walking with Jesus on the Mount of Blessing, and Philosophy and Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective, among many other works. Book Design Birds&Blooms PINK FLAMINGO America’s no.1 Bird &Garden Magazine Ectemperspero veliquo voluptatint Ectemperspero veliquo voluptatint faceperibus sit quia s Ectemperspero veliquo Raesequi ommo santur, occum es Raesequi om mosantur, occum es do Obit vid quis vol orum quae as sita Beauty in your backyard and beyond University Booklist cover 2022 Re-Pubishing Book cover 5 x 8.56 x 9 Re-Designed Book cover 5.5 x 8.5

Illustration Fictional character Protrait 17 x 23 Photorealism eye drawing 17 x 23

Polygon illustration 11 x 17 Re-Designed poster 11 x 17 Fictional character Protrait Fictional character Protrait 17 x 23 17 x 23
Name: Sin Ching Ng
Phone number: +1(269)210-9600
Email: @lunchsc_illustration