Weddings by SingaporeBrides Issue 7

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by singaporebrides

issue #7 complimentary for your reading pleasure


Inspirations Issue

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The Team CEO Ng Chin Leng Editor Michelle Tay Sub-Editors Audrie Soh Tansey Tang Business Managers Bob Mubarak Janis Heng Sales Executive Mae Phua Layout Design Michelle Tay Webmasters Eileen Aw Andre Ng

The Contributors 520 Library, Alfred Phang, Brendan Zhang, Dewi Mahoney, Eric Tan, Furqan Saini, Melvin Lau, Rick Yang, Skyy Woo, Syaza Syarafina, Ukay Cheung, Valerie Tang Cover Image: Smittenpixels Photography

Weddings by singaporebrides is published by Tian Dot Com Pte Ltd. 50 Ubi Crescent #01-08 Ubi TechPark Singapore 408568 Tel: +65 6254 1026 Fax: +65 6404 5478 Reproduction of this magazine in whole or part without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Copyright Š 2013-2015 Tian Dot Com Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


In This Issue 18 Article 6 Things Never To Say To A Bride Before Or On Her Wedding Day

for Your Wedding Day 246 Article 15 Stunning Bridal Suites in Singapore

28 Article Are We Too Different?

258 Article Is a Destination Wedding Right for you?

38 Article The Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremony Guide

268 Article 6 Essential Honeymoon Saving Tips

48 Fashion Editorial Red Above White: An All Singaporean Tribute

278 Article Pimalai Resort & Spa is the Perfect Koh Lanta Wedding Destination

78 Fashion Editorial From Sepia’s Cave 110 Fashion Editorial La Lumière Bleue 134 Article Why Do Men Fear Marriage? 144 Article How to Spot a Real Man 154 Real Weddings A Dramatic Cape Town Engagement Shoot

166 Real Weddings Silent and Jonas’ Stunning PreWedding Photography in Japan and Macau 178 Real Weddings Captivating Europe Pre-Wedding Photography

292 Article Neon Tropical Bridal Shower Vacation Styled Shoot 306 Article Wedding Tablescapes at Lewin Terrace 318 Article 8 Tips on Choosing An Alternative Wedding Venue

190 Real Weddings Cannas and Jim’s Beautiful PreWedding in Perth 202 Real Weddings Audrie and Eugene’s Dreamy Pre-Wedding Shoot 214 DIY Tutorial Textured LOVE Marquee Lights 222 Article A Merry Love Story Marathon Styled Shoot 236 Article Healthy Recipes to Prepare You


Editor’s Note

It has been an amazing 2015 for me. I’m So issue 7 of Weddings is a collection sad that it is ending as I write this. of inspirations. Inspirations from photographers who have taken couples It is Singapore’s 50th year of to exotic locations for their engagement independence this year, and also, shoots; inspirations from the many SingaporeBrides’ 15th birthday. We are styled shoots we put together this year at that awkward age where we are still with local wedding vendors to help changing physically, but emotionally, couples with their wedding planning; we are beginning to gain introspection. inspirations that came to us as we travelled to several cities for our editorial As much as social media has infiltrated shoots and resort reviews. our blood stream such that some of us can’t live without logging on to some Our Sub-Editor Audrie got married this form of social network daily, we still year (that’s her on the cover!). Read want the content on our website to help about her pre-wedding shoot on page those who need them. 202. If you want to know more about her wedding, check out our site. I received a text from an old friend a couple of months back thanking me I hope 2016 will be just as exciting, for some articles on our site. He said for SingaporeBrides, for the wedding he was clueless about how to start industry, and for me. Instead of letting planning his wedding, and our step- the news of a bad economy get us by-step guides pointed him in the right down, let’s meet the challeges like the path to begin his journey. It made me 15-year-old teenager that we are. happy to know that my work has helped someone, which means that our team In the words of the late Mr Lee Kwan has not worked so hard this year in vain. Yew, a man I respect and admire, “For the young, let me tell you the sky has Overseeing SingaporeBrides’ social turned brighter. There’s a glorious media accounts on Instagram, rainbow that beckons those with the Facebook Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, and spirit of adventure. And there are rich SnapChat (and my own personal ones) findings at the end of the rainbow. To gave me a serious case of FOMO, but the young and to the not-so-old, I say, it also let me discover and interact with look at that horizon, follow that rainbow, talented and passionate people in the go ride it. “ wedding industry. I love their work, and so do they. Michelle Tay









6 THINGS NEVER TO SAY TO A BRIDE BEFORE OR ON HER WEDDING DAY Planning a wedding can be a very stressful and emotional process for a bride, especially when everyone has an opinion of and wants a say in how her wedding should be like. And unless you’ve been through one before, it’s difficult to imagine how intense and pressurising it is to juggle the expectations of your family and friends with your own to find the perfect balance that will please everyone. Text by Audrie Soh

As much as a bride would welcome suggestions and feedback from family and friends, sometimes they step over the line. Deep down, she understands that they care, but when she is already in a stressed and strung-out state, it’s easy to mistake their concern for critique and let her inner bridezilla handle the situation. To prevent straining any relationships and to save the bride’s sanity, here are six things you should never say to her before or on her wedding day.

1. “Can I bring a date/maid?” A quick check of your invitation will give you the answer you seek. If it was addressed to you only, then, no, your date is not invited. If there is no written mention of your maid or verbal permission given by the couple, then no, your maid is not invited. Unless the couple offers you extra seats for your date or maid, asking them for one puts

them in a difficult situation, especially if you are a family member. They may feel obligated to give up a seat that was intended for a friend of theirs, or if they don’t, they’ll feel bad for having rejected your request. So, don’t put them in that position where they have to choose between your date/maid or their friend.

2. “Don’t you think it’s about time you started losing weight for your wedding?” Although it’s no secret that nearly all brides-to-be embark on a weight loss diet and exercise regime before their wedding day, one simply does not ask her when or remind her to start losing weight for her big day. There is simply never a right time to ask a bride-tobe this, especially if she has already started on one. Asking simply piles on additional stress and doubt on her because you’re indirectly telling her that she doesn’t look good as she is.

 Left: Cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo by Joel Bedford / cropped



Kylie and Patrick’s Intimate Wedding at Skyve Wine Bistro, captured by Pixioo Photography

A Bohemian and Rustic Affair, captured by Samuel Goh Photography


3. “I don’t like the dress you’ve Ambiguous answers meant to conceal picked out for us.” your disapproval with neutrality, such It’s not uncommon for one or some bridesmaids to express their dislike for the dress the bride has picked out for her girls to wear on her wedding day. After all, everyone have their own preferences and it may not be the same as the bride’s and how she envisions her bridesmaids to look like on her big day. Before you complain to her about the colour or style of the dress, think about the role you play in her wedding. As a bridesmaid, you should be a source of comfort and help to the bride, not the cause of a problem. Complaining to her about the dress she’s picked out is not going to help her ease her anxiety or plan her wedding.

as this, don’t count as a compliment or make her feel any better. She might even read it as an insult when you say “it’s not your style”.

Again, you don’t have to love the princess ballgown she is in or the rustic wedding decorations like she does. All you need to do is to tell her she looks beautiful in her dress and that her wedding is wonderful. Keep any “but if it was up to me, I would have…” thoughts to yourself because she doesn’t need to hear that.

5. “Do you mind If I switched seats?”

There is never a right time to tell a bride, who’ve spent hours strategising over her seating arrangement, that you don’t like where you’re seated and you want to switch places, especially not on her wedding day. Planning the seating arrangement is like playing chess, where every move is a calculated one. 4. “It’s not my style, but if you like So the seat she’s assigned you to is probably one that she has carefully it…” thought through and knows you can It doesn’t matter whether you are handle being seated there. So, respect referring to her dress, her hair and her wishes and make small talk with the makeup, or any part of her reception. people you’re seated with. We’re not saying you have to love the dress like she does, but respect her wedding vision and show her your support by wearing it with a smile on your face, even if you don’t think you look great in it.



6. “We’ve got a problem…” That’s a conversation starter that a bride never wants to hear on her wedding day, even though she’s mentally prepared for it. Before you approach her with the problem, assess the situation. Can’t contact the groom? Try calling his best man or his brothers before you inform the bride that her groom has gone AWOL. Chances are, he doesn’t have his phone with him, and a simple phone call to the people with him will solve the problem. Part of a bridesmaid’s and groomsman’s duties is to handle easy-to-resolve problems on behalf of the happy couple. If it is an issue that doesn’t require the bride or groom’s absolute involvement, don’t bring the problem to them and ask for a solution. They’ll be too overwhelmed with exhaustion, excitement and anxiety to brainstorm for a solution. Instead, try to search for a solution to the problem before informing them that there has been a slight change in plans and reassuring them that it has been taken care of and the wedding can go forward as planned. If you do get asked any of these or other questions, don’t turn into bridezilla and bring on the end of the world. Remember, your friends and family mean well, so keep your cool and a smile on your face at all times. ■ SB

A Rustic-Retro Garden Destination, captured by TY Lim & Kitoki from Mocco Photography





ARE WE TOO DIFFERENT? At the wedding planning stage, couples are faced with many big decisions about their new home, finances, and family relationships. If you’re arguing often and can’t seem to see why your partner thinks the way he or she does, you might be wondering if you’re simply too different to make it work. But here’s why you should think twice about calling it quits. Text by Tansey Tang

Marriage is a coming together of two unique individuals with different personalities. It might be hard to imagine how a husband who loves the thrill of never knowing what’s going to happen next can agree on a tour itinerary with a wife who likes to methodically plan every last detail. Or why someone would get upset over a surprise public proposal when her partner has put so much effort into inviting every last one of her friends and family. But it is possible for two people who think differently, feel differently, and experience the world differently, to do life together day after day, without tearing each other apart.

situations, marriage counsellors suggest that simply understanding how you yourself and your partner see things will help keep a relationship strong. Often, marriage preparation courses invite couples to take a couple personality test, not to see if they are compatible, but to help couples understand each other’s thought processes, inclinations, and reasons behind their behaviour. For example, the partner who arranged a public proposal may have done so because to his extroverted personality, events are made all the better with friends, while she may feel embarrassed to be at the centre of so much attention.

Why are we fighting?

We’re two different people

Of course, arguments are part and parcel of a relationship, but here’s how you can reduce them. While each person may have a different way of understanding and reacting to

Couples who want to improve their relationship should each spend some time increasing self-awareness. Knowing how you are prone to react to situations, or discovering the reasons behind your


Weddings in Pictures: Elegance with a Touch of Vintage, captured by Wishwander Pictures

feelings, will help you and your partner make decisions or resolve conflict better. Some marriage counsellors recommend personality profiling to help couples achieve greater self-awareness and understanding of their partners, which is why many marriage preparation courses have a personality profiling component along with other helpful discussions on important issues like finances, in-law relationships, and conflict resolution that promote better communication and relationship. The Ministry of Social and Family Development provides a list of marriage preparation programmes that are eligible for a $70 rebate. Lutheran



offers such a marriage preparation course with a personality profiling component. “Personality profiling helps couples to develop greater self-awareness and understand their partners better,” they say. “Self-awareness helps a couple build a stronger relationship as we understand what our preferred modes of functioning are in terms of four key areas: where we focus our attention on and draw our energy from; how we receive and process information; how we make decisions, and how we orient ourselves to the external world.” Being aware of the different ways individuals process the world helps couples to understand and accept their differences and empathise with each Services other. Let each other know the reasoning


Moody and Dreamy Engagement Photography, captured by AndroidsinBoots (Still + Motion)

behind your decisions, and come to an understanding by speaking your partner’s language. For example, if your partner deals mainly with practicalities and facts, don’t try to persuade them to buy a particular property simply because it feels like “The One,” but speak your partner’s language by presenting figures about its financial suitability or information about the good location.

then impacted and developed further by the environment and experiences during our formative years.” To understand the couples she works with, Jessica uses Emergenetics, a personality profiling tool that measures a person’s thinking and behavioural preferences. “Each person’s unique profile will impact the way they communicate, problem-solve, interact with other people, even plan a holiday, as it is influenced by the ways they prefer to Jessica Lamb, psychotherapist, think and behave,” she says. mediator, and founder of Relationship Matters, explains that an individual’s She shares an example: “One partner personality affects the way he or she may think logically and gather facts and acts in a relationship. “Each one of data as they process thoughts, while us is born with a unique personality the other partner may think intuitively created by our genetic makeup, and about ideas and people. So, it is likely


Dramatic Coastal Pre-Wedding Photography at Cape Town, captured by John Lim Photography

that the ways they approach a situation will be very different. The first partner may do a great deal of research and plan a holiday months in advance, while the other partner may not have planned anything, being interested only in being with his or her partner, wherever that is, and doing something out of the ordinary, being spontaneous, and sharing a new experience.�

Jessica also worked with a couple who had a recurring disagreement over his parents moving in with them. Through their personality profiling, Jessica realised that he empathised with people and intuited their needs, thinking into the future and envisaging how he could help, whereas she was logical and rational in her thinking, and was inclined to be fixed and firm when she had made a decision.

If they do not understand and accept their different ways of doing things, these two partners may well end up fighting throughout the holiday, with one accusing the other of not caring about the trip enough to plan it, and the other resenting the detailed and restricting itinerary.

Through their profiles, it became clear that her concern was about losing intimacy and connection as their privacy would be compromised. It was a lightbulb moment for him as framing her reasons in this way spoke to his empathetic way of thinking.



Jesreen and Karan’s Singapore Celebrations, captured by tinydot photography

Accepting differences

each other’s approach to life, it is more important to accept what you find out, Being aware of your own as well as each and make efforts to communicate or act other’s way of thinking could help prevent in ways that your partner can relate to. misunderstandings. Jessica says, “These differences in personality and styles of Lutheran Community Care Services communicating can cause frustration says, “Learning about the similarities and in a relationship as each person finds it differences between ourselves and our hard to understand where the other one partners does not automatically enable us is coming from and why they react or to relate to each other better. The key to behave the way they do. However, when relating with one’s partner is ‘Celebrating we become aware of our differences and the similarities and accepting the accept them as simply that, we can begin differences.’ We should conscientiously to accept that we don’t need to fight over make adjustments on our part to accept who is right or wrong, and instead seek to our partners, which will in turn motivate understand that we are each approaching them to make adjustments in the long the issue from our own perspective.” run.” Not feeling understood is one of While it is important to understand the most hurtful things in a relationship.


Instead of dismissing your partner’s opinion as stupid or invalid and insisting they change, make it a point to accept your partner’s different ways of seeing or doing things, and open yourself up to a mutually respectful discussion. Lutheran Community Care Services adds, “It helps couples to understand that it is common for couples to have different perspectives of the same issues and it is important that partners “agree to disagree” through mutual respect, empathy, understanding, patience, care, trust, and love.” You don’t need to agree on everything, but do disagree in a kind and mutually respectful way, and remember that it’s more important to accept your partner’s point of view than to be right about your own. When you have to agree on major decisions, don’t insist on your way, but be open to your partner’s unique perspective, and consider the circumstances in a different light. As Lutheran Community Care Services advises, “In making big decisions, couples should consider the perspectives of each other before arriving at a conclusion in their decision-making. Being able to learn about the perspectives of one’s partners before making big decisions is very valuable.” Your different perspectives on situations could also be very helpful. If you talk through your different views with respect and understanding, you might find that your ways of thinking can complement each other, and you end up making a smarter decision based on one partner’s logical processes and the other partner’s intuition about people. ■ SB

Lutheran Community Care Services was established in 2002 to serve families, children and youths-at-risk through counselling work, family intervention, life skills workshops and enrichment programmes. They also offer a Marriage Preparation Course. Visit their website at for more information.







THE CHINESE WEDDING TEA CEREMONY GUIDE The Chinese tea ceremony (敬茶) is a tradition that every Chinese couple must go through when they wed. Find out the significance of this long-standing tradition and what you need for your own wedding tea ceremony. Text by Audrie Soh

A quintessential tradition for every Chinese wedding, the Chinese tea ceremony is an age-old tradition that represents the formal introduction of the couple to their respective families and demonstrates respect to their families for all the years of love and care.

dinner reception commences at the hotel. In cases like this, the groom’s family will be served tea before the bride’s in a private room. This option may be good for couples whose relatives may not be able to make it early in the morning.

When and Where is the Tea Ceremony Held?

Tea Ceremony Necessities

Two sets of wedding tea sets and sweet tea with or without herbs are staples in every Chinese tea ceremony. Tea will be served to the groom’s family and relatives using the tea set in the bride’s dowry (嫁妆), given to her by her parents during the Guo Da Li (过 大礼) ceremony, while her mother’s own wedding tea set will be used for the ceremony for her side. The tea set included in the bride’s dowry is a keepsake from her parents and Some couples may choose to have the will someday be used for the same tea ceremony for both families before tradition in her daughter’s wedding. The Chinese tea ceremony is usually held on the same day as the wedding at the couples’ respective homes. Tea ceremony for the groom’s relatives is usually done in the morning after the groom has fetched the bride home to his place, while tea ceremony for the bride’s side is held in the afternoon, after she returns home from the groom’s place.

To Love and To Cherish, captured by Multifolds Photography.



A Rustic-Retro Garden Destination Wedding, captured by TY Lim & Kitoki from Mocco Photography

Sweet tea is usually used during tea ceremonies because it symbolises happiness in the newlywed’s marriage and fosters good relations between them and their in-laws. Herbs like lotus seeds and red dates may be added to the tea because the Chinese pronunciation is synonymous to blessing the couple with plentiful of offsprings. The groom’s sister, the bride’s bridal party or a female relative will assist in the pouring and serving of the tea on the tray, and rinsing the used cups in a basin of warm water before serving the next relative.

The Tea Ceremony The couple is typically required to serve tea to the elders in their family and is served tea by their younger siblings. Tea should be served to their relatives in order of sequence, starting from their grandparents and ending with their younger siblings, as a sign of respect for their place in the family. However, some families may require the couple to serve tea to their parents before their grandparents.


The Greatest Adventure of John and Sher, captured by Jonathan Ong // Visual Storytelling



Traditionally, the couple serves tea to their elders while kneeling in front of them. But some families only require them to kneel before their grandparents and parents, and simply bow before their relatives during the ceremony. Here’s the order you should serve tea to your relatives: • • • • • • •

Grandparents Parents Uncles/Aunties (in order of seniority) Elder Siblings Elder Cousins (if present) Younger Siblings Nieces and Nephews (if present)

Other than serving their relatives tea in order of their seniority, the couple should also bear in mind to serve tea to their paternal relatives before their maternal ones. During the tea ceremony, the groom should be on the right with the bride on the left side. Female relatives should seat themselves across from the groom while male relatives are seated in front of the bride. Gifts, in the form of red packets or jewellery, will be presented to the couple during the ceremony. These gifts are either placed on the tea tray to be kept by the maid of honor or best man, or worn by the couple in the case of jewellery. ■ SB Learn more about other essential Chinese wedding traditions and how to prepare for them, including where you can shop for your Guo Da Li (过大礼) items and Xi Bing (喜饼).

A Kewei and Alfred Love Duet, captured by Tinydot Photography



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Red Above White

: An All Singaporean Tribute

Strapless lace gown with satin skirt by Flamingo Bridal




Left: Lace strapless gown by Silverlining Bridal Couture Right: Red and pink lace toga gown with embellished shoulder detail and thigh-high slit by Jawn Happy.Ever.After



Sheath gown with handstitched tulle and silk chiffon straps and leaf appliquĂŠ by Divine Couture


Left: Silk sheath with plunge neckline and lace inserts by The Wedding Present Right: French lace and organza gown with illusion neckline and train detail by Silhouette The Atelier




Boat neck illusion gown with tulle skirt by Amanda Lee Weddings


Left: Red strapless silk chiffon gown with lace and crystal embellishments by Amanda Lee Weddings Fascinator by Eskpade Right: French lace on nude bustier short sheath with detachable chiffon skirt by Dang Bridal Fascinator by Eskpade




Strapless gown with ruffled, tiered skirts by Jawn Happy. Ever.After Red slingbacks by Charles and Keith


Left: Red mandarin-collar gown with chiffon organza floral embellishments by Dang Bridal Right: Trumpet lace midi gown with sheer lace fishtail by Silverlining Bridal Couture Fascinator by Eskpade



Lace off shoulder gown by Flamingo Bridal Fascinator By Eskpade




ďżź Left: Strapless sweetheart silk chiffon and organza gown with exaggerated back bow by Silhouette The Atelier Right: One-shoulder ballgown with tulle and organza floral appliquĂŠ by The Wedding Present


Left: Lace and tulle sleeveless trumpet gown with lace illusion back by Divine Couture Right: Strapless ballgown with dropped waist and embellished lace by Jawn Happy.Ever.After Fascinator from Ekspade and burgundy heels by Charles and Keith



Left: Red chiffon sheath with thigh-high slit and hand embroidered details by Divine Couture Right: Lace fit-and-flare highneck gown with lace inserts by Amanda Lee Weddings Lace fascinators by Eskpade


photography by Brendan Zhang | assisted by Eric Tan | Styling and Art Direction by Furqan Saini | assisted by Syaza Syarafina | make up & hair by Rick Yang / Fac3inc, using Shu Uemura and Bedhead by TIGI | modelled by Rebecca Tan / MANNEQUIN










Strapless A-line lace gown with crystal sash detail and lace-edged skirt by Gowns Villa

Convertible gown with highcollared embellished lace overlay and floral belt by Gowns Villa Headpiece by Heads of State Millinery




Strapless mermaid gown with tiered fishtail skirt by Thomson Wedding Collection


Fit and flare gown with architectural peplum detail, floral and crystal embellishment by The Wedding Present




Headpiece by Heads of State Millinery, earrings by Granny’s Day Out, Headpiece by Designer Vintage Sale, Necklace by Granny’s Day Out, Headpiece by Heads of State Millinery. All Rings by Carrie K.

Illusion lace sheath with pearl button detail on back and layered silk chiffon skirt by The Wedding Present


Illusion lace sheath with pearl button detail on back and layered silk chiffon skirt by The Wedding Present



One-shoulder mermaid gown with pleated detailing and floral lace appliquĂŠ by Amanda Lee Weddings Headpiece by by Heads of State Millinery



One-shoulder mermaid gown with pleated detailing and floral lace appliquĂŠ by Amanda Lee Weddings Headpiece by Heads of State Millinery


Sleeveless ballgown with illusion lace over sweetheart neckline, ribbon sash detail, and ribbon and lace-edged train by The Louvre Bridal. Headpiece by Heads of State Millinery



Sleeveless ballgown with illusion lace over sweetheart neckline, ribbon sash detail, and ribbon and lace-edged train by The Louvre Bridal Headpiece by Heads of State Millinery


Illusion lace sheath with pleated detailing and floral accents by Amanda Lee Weddings




Toga ballgown with pleated peplum detail over tiered tulle skirts by Thomson Wedding Collection



photography by Skyy Woo Photography | hair & make up by Dewi Mahoney | modelled by Anne Louise / MANNEQUIN | Headpieces by Heads of State Millinery | Special Thanks ToBianca and staff from Kebun Villas & Resort

Strapless trumpet gown with sequin embellishment, floral sash, and floral appliquĂŠ tulle fishtail skirt by The Louvre Bridal


10 Anson Road, International Plaza 03-10, Singapore 079903 tel:6822 0320 email:





Boat neck lace A-line gown with sequin embellishment, floral appliqué, and open back detail by Alisha and Lace Peep-toe pumps by Christy Ng Shoes. Gueule d’Amour earrings by Mauboussin


Lalumière bleue /111


Boat neck lace A-line gown with sequin embellishment, floral appliqué, and open back detail by Alisha and Lace Gueule d’Amour earrings by Mauboussin


Off-the-shoulder ballgown with lace bodice and ruffled skirt and train by Alisha and Lace



High-neck lace sheath with sweetheart neckline detail by My Dream Wedding Kiff & Kiss rings by Mauboussin


Off-the-shoulder trumpet gown with architectural pleating by Z Wedding D’sign Gueule d’Amour pendant and Guele d’Amour ring by Mauboussin



Left: Grey ballgown with matte sequin embellishment, contrasting grey and pink chiffon and tulle layers, and jeweled bow detail by Z Wedding D’sign. Mes Couleurs à Toi ring by Mauboussin Right: Strapless ballgown with lace and floral appliqué by Alisha & Lace. Fou de Toi ring by Mauboussin


Strapless ballgown with lace and floral appliquĂŠ by Alisha and Lace. Fou de Toi ring by Mauboussin


Sweetheart ballgown with silver embroidered bodice, rosette skirt and satin-edged hi-low skirt overlay with jewel belt by Jess Haute Couture


Sweetheart ballgown with silver embroidered bodice, rosette skirt and satin-edged hi-low skirt overlay with jewel belt by Jess Haute Couture


Ivory lace and illusion sheath with lace ruffle detail and crystal and pearl embellishment by My Dream Wedding


Ivory lace and illusion sheath with lace ruffle detail and crystal and pearl embellishment by My Dream Wedding. Perle de ma Vie ring by Mauboussin


Midnight blue V-neck trumpet gown with floral appliquĂŠ, polka dot tulle, and open back detail by My Dream Wedding. Vraiment Toi ring and Vraiment Toi pendant by Mauboussin



Left: Red strapless trumpet gown with pleated detailing and jewel embellishment by Jess Haute Couture Right: Grey ballgown with grey, red, and yellow ostrich feather peplum detail, and sequin embellishment and tulle layered skirt by WhiteLink


Sweetheart ballgown with silver floral embroidery and ostrich feather peplum detail by WhiteLink. Grand Vie ring By Mauboussin


photography by UKay Photography | assisted by Alfred Phang, Eric Tan | make up & hair by Yang Rick / Fac3inc, using Shu Uemura and Bedhead by TIGI | jewellery by Mauboussin | ighted by HMI light from Broncolor Singapore | modelled by Milena / MANNEQUIN, Stacey W / AVE







WHY DO MEN FEAR MARRIAGE? There is more to a man’s fear of marriage than simple commitment phobia. Fu Jinming explains. Text by Fu Jinming

The ring around your finger is a noose around your neck. Or so they like to say. For how many times have you heard your female friends lament about having found The One, only to realise that he’s a commitment-phobe? First, a quick lesson on commitment phobia. It’s serious enough to have a scientific name: Gamophobia, an affliction that turns men into frightened children who’ll run at the slightest sight, sound and smell of the C word. Ask if you could move in with him, and he’ll hem and haw like a lousy debater.

Which is frustrating to say the least for the ladies. Women deem marriage to be the final piece of the puzzle; the start of a new life with the man she loves. Men see it as the end of life as they know it. No more freedom, no more “me time”, no more fun. Yet there was a time when marriage was considered a major milestone in a man’s life. It’s when a boy truly becomes a man, one who was expected to carry real-world responsibilities with realworld consequences. It was a stage of life that demanded maturity and carried a considerable weight of respect.

Ask if he’d like to meet your parents, In fact, bachelors in ancient Sparta and his face turns into a rabbit’s in a were seen as neglecting their duties as men, and were often publicly mocked headlight. and humiliated at religious festivals. Ask if he’d like to get married, and be prepared for a long, uncomfortable These days, the same marital status carries just the weight of burden. pause.



Commitment is seen as a way to bind us to a lifetime of bills and fidelity. It is evil and should be avoided by any means necessary.

gambling addiction, then you two need to sit down and have a real long chat. Then you’d need to decide if you love him enough to run the very real risk that he will not change.

Just how rational are these fears? Are they a primordial attitude Fear 2: You’ll change towards monogamy, or just gross misconceptions about marriage? He’s afraid that you’ll change into another person after marriage. You’ll Let’s examine some reasons your Mr stop being the fun-loving girl he fell Right may think marriage is wrong. And in love with, and become the wife what you can do about them. who likes to frown and snap at him. Conversations will turn from talking Fear 1: You’ll try to change him about the movies, to about the grocery budget. Or worse, his future. The number one fear a man has about marital commitment is change. He fears Besides the possible friction it’ll that you’ll suddenly try to change him, cause, he fears a transformation of a like how you’ve changed his wardrobe, relationship that’s full of life, to one filled his couch, or even his food. Thing is, with boredom. men do not like changes. They are totally comfortable in the man cave What you can do: Be happy. Because they’ve created for themselves – unless you can be happy with who you figuratively or otherwise – and would are, and how you live, he won’t be able loathe for anyone to touch it. Their likes, to feel relaxed and assured around you. choices and habits are theirs and theirs And when you’re happy and living your alone. And woe be to the woman who’d life to the fullest, it keeps him interested. even think of changing them. And your marriage, interesting.

What you can do: Pick your battles. If Fear 3: He’ll lose his it’s just an annoying habit that he has, independence like not putting the toilet seat down, let it go. After all, you’re supposed He’s also afraid that you’ll turn into his to live with each other, warts and all. mother and control his life. Which spells If it’s something more serious, like a the end of the swinging bachelor, and


the start of a life of domestication and subservience. He fears he’d have to ask your permission to go out with his friends, to watch his football matches, or even when he spends. He’ll feel less like a man, and more like a man who’s lost his freedom. What you can do: You deserve your own friends and life even after you’re married. So does he. So trust him – unless you have a good reason not to. In which case, you have a good reason to leave the relationship.

Fear 4: Hollywood’s right

is bad for men. The bad news is, the longer men are exposed to this celluloid myth, the more they’ll start believing it’s true. What you can do: Volunteer to watch these movies with him, and laugh along to them. That way, he’d know that you at least appreciate the fears – perceived or otherwise – that men have towards marriage. Make light of the matter like the piece of fiction it is, and he may gradually accept it as such.

Fear 5: Added Responsibilities

It’s almost become trendy for men to dismiss the concept of marriage. If you like marriage, you’re somehow seen as less masculine. And you can blame Hollywood for it. For years, Tineseltown has churned out romantic comedies and bromance flicks that seem to champion the fear of marital commitment. Yes, the girl always gets the guy in the end. But along the way, male viewers are treated to the infinite ways marriage will turn their lives upside down.

Home loans. Parenthood. And let’s not forget the wedding bill. These are just some of the responsibilities the “man of the house” is expected to bear. While more households today have become dual-income ones, in most Asian homes, men are still seen as the main breadwinners. Which means extra pressure that some guys will be happy to avoid. It may even add to his insecurity that you’ll leave him should he fail to finance your lifestyle or the family.

From Vince Vaughn talking about sex with the same woman for the rest of your life in Old School, to the final farewells to bachelorhood (gone wrong) in the Hangover movie (which has turned into a series!) the message is clear: Marriage

What you can do: Ask him to grow up. Failing which, look for someone else who has. The truth is, a man who’s not man enough to shoulder the responsibilities of a real man, is not man enough for you.



At the end of the day, marriage is a new experience for both parties. It comes with its own sets of changes, challenges and compromises that both you and your other half will have to adapt to. If your partner expects you to do most of the marital heavy lifting, or if he just plain doesn’t want to change anything in his life for you, you’re better off walking away. Because while marriage isn’t right for all men, not all men are right for marriage. Your best bet? Suck it up, or she’ll sulk it up for days to come. A little apology never hurt anybody. Not doing so will hurt both you and your relationship. And please, apologise it like you mean it, even if you no longer remember what it’s for. It’s a little sacrifice for the greater marital good. ■ SB

When Love and Art Collide by Govinda Rumi from Terralogical Wedding Photography





HOW TO SPOT A REAL MAN When does a boy become a man? Fu Jinming explains what maketh a bona fide man. Text by Fu Jinming

In almost every culture, there are rites of passages for when boys are considered to have become men. For some it’s an age, like 18, or 21. For others it’s a stage of life, like getting a driver’s license, getting married, or having a sexual relationship for the first time.

wealth, yet poor in emotions. They’re exhausting to be with. And frankly, a bit of an embarrassment to seen with.

So how do we separate the chaff from the wheat? The man-child from the man? Here are some common traits to help you identify the man that boys Then there are the blood-curdling tribal want to be when they grow up. And rituals. Who could forget such classics once you do, one you’ll do well to keep. as dancing to bullet ant bites for 10 minutes? Or killing a lion. Or in some 1. HE ALLOWS HIMSELF TO cases, another man. LOVE Yet the truth is, modern manhood has less to do with a number, a single life moment, or a misplaced act of bravado. True macho-dom has more to do with an attitude, a way of thinking, and a way of behaving.

A real man isn’t afraid to love someone other than himself. He makes room in his heart and his life for another, and is not afraid to let someone know she matters. And that includes his mother. He’s the guy who’ll open the door and pull up a seat for you. Not because he For there are men who may be 21, yet thinks you’re weak, but because he act like they’re 12. Men who are rich in cares more about your comfort than his.


Elegance With a Touch of Vintage, captured by Wishwander Pictures


2. HE KNOWS WHAT IT IS TO BE where his priorities lay, and keeping them there. He’s disciplined enough KIND Before he asks something of someone, he stops and thinks in the other person’s shoes. Possessing a strong sense of empathy and thought for others, he’ll tell the waitress to take her time, ask the co-worker if he needs help, and secretly feed stray cats on his way home. He understands what it’s like to feel down and out, and knows just how to pull you back up.


to follow a savings plan, and wise enough to separate the essential from the excessive. Rather than the instant gratifications of the present, he prefers to buy into the future.

5. HE IS COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE IN HIS OWN SKIN We all have our insecurities, but a real man is lord over his. Rather than let them grow to become a chip on his shoulder, he harnesses strength from his anxieties. He would have gone through bad haircuts, silly outfits, as well as professional –and social – train wrecks before arriving at his current state of confidence. He knows exactly who he is, what his belief systems are, and what he stands for.

For there is a difference between being child-like and childish, and the latter is an absolute turn-off. A grown man knows when to tap into his inner child for creative ideas and solutions, but is able to switch back to adulthood when making rational decisions. That means 6. HE CAN MAKE HIS OWN knowing the difference between a DECISIONS compromise and pettiness, resolution And chances are, they’re often ones and a tantrum. that are well thought through. More 4. HE SAVES UP FOR often than not, they’re also the right FURNITURE, NOT FOR VIDEO calls, shaped by experience and clearheadedness that’s characteristic of an GAMES independent thinker. That’s not to say he A proper man makes plans to have his dismisses the opinions of others. He’s own pad, and makes sound financial just not easily swayed by peer pressure decisions to get it. That means knowing or authority. Because he understands


Whimsical Wedding at the Stables, captured by Mindy Tan Photography

that the path he chooses will define him a man’s temperament, perspective and as an individual. leadership abilities.




The size of a man can often be measured by the size of his problems. It’s a pretty good indication of how he deals with the lemons that life throws at him from time to time. Does he tear his hair out at the little things, or does he keep calm and focus on the big picture? Does he send his friends or coworkers into a headless frenzy, or does he steady the ship and steer forward no matter what? It speaks volumes about



It’s the first thing you learn in martial arts, for the man who throws the first punch usually has lost the battle. Which is why schoolyard fights are called just that – they’re how schoolboys settle their differences. A man, however, prefers to win you over with his logic and intellect, in a clear, rational debate. He’d rather stand out in a battle of wits than a battle of fists. And that’s what separates the men from the boys.



9. HE CHOOSES THE RIGHT FRIENDS How well a man chooses his company reflects his judgement of character. Whether it’s the guys he hangs out at the bar, or at the odd video game party, the people he chooses to spend his time with are ones who will lend meaning to his life. More importantly, they are imbued with qualities that will, by sheer influence, make him a better, wiser person.

10. HE LISTENS A real man lends his ear to just about everything and everyone – from friendly advice to petty troubles, to even incoherent gibberish from kids. It suggests a generous dose of patience, humility and selflessness. It is also a hint of his potential as a partner and father. He’s interested in you and what you have to say, even in an argument. And he will hold his opinions until you’re done with your side of the story. The last thing you want is a guy whose idea of a conversation is one where you’re doing all the listening.

11. HE EXPERIENCES LIFE Nothing is sexier than a guy shaped by the real-world experiences. The more he experiences, the more interesting he becomes. And chances are, the wiser too. He’s the man with a reservoir of stories and insights to share. There’s never a dull moment with him, not when he provides the most interesting conversations you’ll ever have. So if you’re a man, take a risk and burst out of your bubble. Take the roads less travelled, and earn your stories. You might just earn her hand. ■ SB

Elegance With a Touch of Vintage, captured by Dazza of Tinydot Photography





Real Weddings

A DRAMATIC CAPE TOWN ENGAGEMENT SHOOT An icebreaker game sparked the romantic flame between Olive and Lenith, and it’s burned brightly ever since. The two lovebirds flew all the way to Cape Town for their beautiful prewedding photography session with gowns from Yvonne Creative and photographer John from John Lim Photography, documenting their story against dramatic cliffs, incredible sunsets, and colourful seaside towns. Text by Tansey Tang | Images by John Lim Photography

The Couple

relationship where you realised that this was the person you wanted to marry?

Olive Hsien & Lenith Cheng

Date of Wedding 6 September 2014 How did the two of you meet? Olive: Lenith and I met in Hwa Chong Junior College. He was in my senior class and for two months, we interacted anonymously through the ice-breaking game “Angels and Mortals.” There was enough natural chemistry between us that we continued writing to each other long after the game had ended. He asked me to be his girlfriend via an unromantic SMS. He has always been, and still is, better with pen and paper than words. Was






Olive: For me, it was some years ago when Lenith was out with his friends and came home in a stupor. He was mostly incoherent, but continually mumbled, “Call Olive… she will take care of me.” At that moment, I realised that this man trusted me with his life.

Lenith: I don’t see a single point or specific events that led me to realise she is the one. It was more of a gradual realisation. In any man’s life, when a woman is able to predict everything you say or do, see through your every bluff, support you in everything you do, laugh at your every joke whether good or bad, enjoy spending time with you doing absolutely nothing at all, love you whether you’re fat or thin, there can only be two possibilities. She is either your your mom, or your wife.



What was the proposal like? Olive: Lenith got my friend to invite me to a “girls’ night out” in Fullerton Hotel. He lined a route through the hotel room with some of our photographs chronicling our 10 years of dating and waited at the end to ask me to marry him. It was a private and simple, but meaningful proposal. Your engagement session is stunning. Where did you go? Lenith: We went to Cape Town, South Africa. We wanted to shoot at a unique destination, somewhere not many other couples would have considered going, yet iconic enough that others will recognise the place from the

photos. Cape Town was the perfect fit for all our criteria. Between its miles of pristine coastline, the iconic Table Mountain, and our shared love for the beach, we fell in love in Cape Town as soon as we saw pictures of it. Besides, The New York Times named Cape Town as the number one destination in 2014. Did you enjoy your time in Cape Town? Olive: We were fortunate that we were the only couple that John had for the shoot in Cape Town. In fact, it was also John’s first time in Cape Town. Determined not to let our lack of firsthand experience deter us, we set aside two days of recceing with John before we even attempted the shoot. Most of it felt like a road trip with a mutual friend


and it was stress-free for us. We trusted John’s artistic direction and it didn’t disappoint! Lenith: One memorable event was when we had a flat tire out on shoot. Faced with the daunting prospect of attempting a car tyre change dressed in tuxedos and gowns, we thankfully could count on our photographer cum handyman John Lim, who did the dirty work of replacing the tyre with a carjack that was too short for our vehicle! We even made it in time for our planned sunset shoot location despite the delay. For all who are considering an overseas shoot: rather than just basing your choice on the photographer’s portfolio, do take the time to get to know him or her better as a friend. In our case, the friendship we forged with John made Cape Town a special memory in our journey as a couple. ■ SB




The Gown: Yvonne Creative | The Bride’s Shoes: Brian Atwood | The Suit: Q Menswear The Groom’s Shoes: Sodashoes Premium | The Engagement Ring: Brian Gavin Diamonds The Hairstylist and Makeup Artist: Kirsten Murphy For more images, visit our website at






Real Weddings

SILENT AND JONAS’ STUNNING PRE-WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY IN JAPAN AND MACAU Silent and Jonas met in Macau, so a pre-wedding photography session where they have so many fond dating memories was a perfect choice. And since Jonas proposed in Hokkaido, and they both love Japan’s rich culture, they had some pre-wedding shots taken in the beautiful Land of the Rising Sun too. Together with La-Vie Photography Japan, they documented their love in fields of gorgeous flowers and against striking architecture. Text by Tansey Tang | Images by La-Vie Photography Japan

The Couple Silent Kam & Jonas Cheng

Date of Wedding

When did you know you had met your match? Jonas: After we dated for one year, my heart felt she was the right person.

Silent: After experiencing many difficulties in my life and career, I felt What were your first impressions of I could rely on him and trust in him. One important thing to me is that we each other? both have the same religion as being Jonas: We first met in Silent’s working Christian. place’s reception. I thought she was a very beautiful person and wanted her to What was the proposal like? be my secretary. Silent: We went for a vacation to Tokyo, Silent: I thought he wasn’t a friendly Japan; there is a romantic place with a seaview and a small church beside person! 22 June 2014




a hotel. That day, there was a couple having a wedding ceremony in that chapel. After they were done, we walked up to where they had the group photo under a bell. He then proposed, to my surprise. I never imagined he would propose to me, and knew where he had hidden the ring. When I saw the ring and he asked, “Will you marry me?” I said yes to him. How sweet! That must have been one reason you returned to Japan for your pre-wedding photography. Where did you go? Silent: Hokkaido and Macau. We love Japan so much. We love the food and

the culture, and Jonas proposed to me in Japan. We chose Hokkaido, because we love the fields of flowers in Furano. It was very amazing that we could take our pre-wedding photos in the flowers, and in the fields of lavender under the blue sky with a big shining sun. We felt that we were in the Garden of Eden. We chose Macau, because it is the place where we were born and where we met. I was born and grew up in Macau. Jonas was born in Macau but stayed at L.A. for his studies. After graduating from university, Jonas suddenly came back to Macau with his father and stayed here. If he hadn’t come back to our hometown, we would



never have met each other. Jonas: Macau is a very beautiful city with Chinese and Portuguese cultures, two different cultures and architectural styles combined in one urban city. We love Macau so much, we thought we should take pre-wedding photos here, because this was where our love story started. It must have been lovely taking photos in your homeland. What was it like shooting somewhere less familiar, in Japan? Silent: I felt so stressed about taking prewedding photos in Hokkaido, because

it was our first pre-wedding shoot, and we were afraid we wouldn’t be able to communicate with the Japanese photographer. But when we first met our coordinator in Hokkaido, I felt I could relax, as she could speak fluent English. She explained the agenda to me patiently, and she understood my stress and nervousness and helped me a lot with them. And the La-Vie Photography Japan team was very professional; they never forced us to pose, or rushed us. They were gentle and made us enjoy our day. Not only beautiful pre-wedding photos did they provide us, but also very good memories of Hokkaido. Now,



we are good friends with Ms. Yukako Yoshimya, our coordinator, and Mr. Shogo Miyazawa, our photographer! We have collaborated for four times already—for our Hokkaido, Macau, and Hong Kong pre-wedding photography sessions, and our big day in Macau. Thanks for being with us and providing the best service to us. Then it was on to the wedding preparations! What were those like? Jonas: Our theme was simple elegance and harmony. Most of the work was prepared by Silent, who searched the internet and magazines, hired a wedding production house for the decoration, and asked our churches’ brothers and sisters to assist us for the wedding ceremony. We had an outdoor wedding ceremony at the banquet venue’s terrace. Actually, we don’t know how we got it done, we just did it step by step. Can you share with us the most memorable moment of your wedding? Jonas: During the wedding banquet I prepared a song and a video for my wife. The video was about the years we had been together, and we hugged each other like time was stopped for just the two of us. And we both knew we made the right decision. Can you tell us the cost of your wedding and where you spent the most? Jonas: Around HK$500,000, and we spent the most on the banquet. It was about 2/3 of the total expenses. Can you share with us the most memorable moment of your wedding? Jonas: During the wedding banquet I prepared a song and a video for my wife. The video was about the years we had been together, and we hugged each other like time was stopped for just the two of us. And we both knew we made the right decision. ■ SB


The Gown: St. Patrick for wedding gown; bride’s own for Chinese gown; Miss Bride for evening gown | The Bride’s Shoes: Salvatore Ferragamo | The Suit: Groom’s own |The Groom’s Shoes: Play Lord | The Engagement Ring: PIAGET |The Bridesmaids’ Dresses: ASOS | The Groomsmen’s Suits: Groomsmen’s own | The Venues: Galaxy Macau, Oasis | The Hairstylist and Makeup Artist: E. J. Chiang Studio | The Caterer: Galaxy Macau | The Wedding Cake: Galaxy Macau | The Florists: Aster Piece Florist | The Event Stylist: Good Day Wedding & Event | The Videographer: Dots production | The Photobooth: V Photobooth

For more images, visit our website at


174/ | | +65 9741 2354 /175



Real Weddings

CANNAS AND JIM’S BEAUTIFUL PRE-WEDDING IN PERTH Ever since a mutual friend e-introduced Cannas and Jim, their long-distance relationship blossomed over Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp and Skype. The happy lovebirds tied the knot earlier in June, but not before they embarked on a gorgeous pre-wedding photoshoot in Perth. Text by Audrie Soh | Images by TY Lim & Xiao Jun from Mocco Photography

The Couple Cannas Lee & Jim Khor Jim, share with us how you proposed to Cannas. We may not have known each other as long as some couples, but we were both ready to take the next step in our relationship. So, a month after we officially got together, I decided to pop the question. She hinted that she would like to share her proposal with her family members, so I flew to Penang and got down on one knee, in front of her and her family. Why Perth? We simply adored the beautiful glow of the sun, the cottage-farmhouse


atmosphere and the overall mood of the area when we were browsing through our photographer’s works. And, we’ve never been to Perth yet, so we thought it’ll be the perfect opportunity for us to take a short holiday and do our prewedding photoshoot at the same time. Did you enjoy the photoshoot? Yes! We had a blast there. We drove from Perth to Lily, Albany and Freemantle to experience a cottage stay and see the windmill, trespassed on someone’s farm to get some shots by the hay, and had the opportunity to experience the magnificent Milky Way right in front of us! The weather was freezing, but we were too immersed in the moment for the cold to interrupt us. It was truly an experience. ■ SB







Her Outfits: Angela Kang Makeup & Gown Rental | His Suits: Zara & Saccor Brothers The Venue: Perth | Florist: Handmade bouquet by TY Lim’s wife For more images, visit our website at






Real Weddings

AUDRIE AND EUGENE’S DREAMY PRE-WEDDING SHOOT Our lovely Sub-Editor Audrie and her man Eugene got hitched! Their road to happily ever after began five years ago, when sparks flew over work lunches. Last year, Eugene popped the question with a beautiful bespoke ring. After years of producing beautiful inspirational content for other brides, it was only natural that Audrie’s own engagement session would turn out lovely! Their dreamy pre-wedding shoot is full of light-filled, natural photos that tell a story of love. We’re so happy for the two of them! Text by Tansey Tang | Images by Fiona Sng from Smittenpixels Photography

The Couple

What was the proposal like?

Audrie Soh & Eugene Cheong

Audrie: My proposal didn’t come as a surprise for many reasons. For one, we customised my engagement ring together at Fairy’s Inc., so I knew a proposal was due sometime soon. Then, Eugene did something he never does—ask me which day I was free and make dinner plans beforehand. So I knew he was up to something, and since our anniversary was over, I knew he was going to propose. However, I did not know how he was going to propose, so I was kept in anticipation the whole day. I kept trying to guess where he was bringing me for dinner and where he was going to propose the whole time. But he was being very coy about it. He even tricked me into thinking he was going to work in a casual attire of polo tee and jeans. So I was pleasantly surprised when he turned up in a shirt and tie, with

How did the two of you meet? Audrie: We met five years ago at our first jobs. I first saw him in the conference room when I was being introduced to the rest of my colleagues. Because our colleagues were around the same age, we often hung out together as a group during lunch or for dinner after work. Nothing special really blossomed during that time, even though I secretly appreciated his tall and lanky physique, until a good friend of mine told me of a little rumour he had heard. We have different versions of how we started noticing each other, but we started to interact more as a pair. We would often get teased about his frequent visits to my corner in the office.



a bouquet of flowers. We had dinner at Privé at Chijmes, a restaurant that I’ve always wanted to visit, before taking a leisurely stroll towards Robertson Quay. There, he blindfolded me with his tie (which was the real reason why he wore a tie!) and led me to a room at Park Avenue Hotel where he got down on one knee. I don’t remember what he said during that moment, really. But I had a lot of fun trying to guess how and where he was going to propose, and was very impressed that he managed to pack an overnight bag for me with nearly all my essential items.

customising your ring at Fairy’s Inc.?

Audrie: We both have different versions of whose idea it was to shop for a ring together, but it was after a gym session that we decided to browse for engagement rings. I wanted a say in picking my ring because I wanted it to be a piece of jewellery that I would love and wear all the time, especially since Eugene was going to splurge on it. So we checked out all our possible options before we settled on Fairy’s Inc. My jeweller, Sandra, made us feel at home at their bright and cosy boutique, explaining to us the process of ring Tell us more about the search for your customisation, educating us on how engagement ring. How did you end up to shop for a diamond, and showing


us samples of their handiwork. She was extremely helpful during the whole process, even sharing some wedding planning tips with us, and she fully understood what I wanted my ring to look like—feminine, romantic, and dainty with intricate details—and produced a ring that was exactly that. Now, I can’t stop looking at my ring. Sandra did such a wonderful job with my engagement ring that I returned to her, together with my mother, to pick out some pieces for my dowry. To keep the cost within our budget, I decided to pick a necklace and earring set—jewellery pieces that I have lesser chances of knocking onto things or losing. I had a difficult time picking from her ready-to-go collection

of one-of-a-kind pieces, but a pair of dangling heart-shaped diamond earrings had my whole attention. The only “problem” with it, was that it was in white gold. I’m obsessed with the pink tones of rose gold, and knowing that, Sandra offered to plate the pair of earrings in rose gold for me. She also designed a matching heart-shaped necklace formed by smaller diamonds in rose gold to complement the pair of earrings. Needless to say, I am in love with my dowry. Eugene, tell us more about how you planned and executed the proposal. Eugene: I picked a date that was easy


to remember. The date that we got together is 11th Nov 2010, or 111110. So I decided to go for 12th December 2014, or 121214. Next, I thought back and reflected on what she had always complained that she wanted. She wanted flowers. She wanted to go to Privé Keppel for lunch or dinner and a staycation. All of which I had not wanted to splurge on. Privé Keppel was really too far, and it would be very obvious that I would propose to her there. Luckily, there was a Privé in Chijmes that she did not know of. With the venue decided, I went ahead to book a bouquet of gerbera daisies, the flowers that she said she loved, and a staycation at Park Avenue Robertson. I

booked it because I love the area there, and there are cafés that we can go to in the morning after the proposal. Lastly, I dumped all her facial stuff, contact lenses, and change of clothes, and our soft toys into the luggage. It was no big deal. Checked into the hotel, prepped the bed, and it was time to let the action begin. Share with us the concept of your dreamy pre-wedding shoot. Was there a theme? Audrie: There wasn’t a theme per se, but I wanted our photos to showcase plenty of sunlight, open fields, and us at home. We took the at-home shots at



Lloyd’s Inn because our new home isn’t ready yet, and the layout and decor of the Big Skyroom resembled our vision for our home. I was hoping to catch the beautiful orange hues of the sunset, but unfortunately, it was a cloudy day, so no sunset. Regardless, our photos turned out beautiful.

went about our daily routine the next day like we had a hangover from a night of intense partying. What was it like working with Fiona from Smittenpixels Photography and Valerie from Tangyong Makeup?

Audrie: It was great working with both What was the day of the pre-wedding Fiona and Valerie! Fiona’s very sweet, shoot like? and really prompt in her replies and rendered help in narrowing down our Audrie: We had to wake up really suggested locations for the shoot. Both early—4am—to get our hair and Eugene and I are more used to being makeup done before the sun rose so behind the camera than in front of it, we could capture the best morning so we were rather uncertain of how we light. I guess I was feeling a little excited should pose or look in front of it. Fiona because I couldn’t stop counting down helped us relax in front of the camera the number of things we had to do on and directed us throughout the shoot the day of the shoot, so I only managed to get the shots that we wanted. For about two hours of quality sleep before me, it was also easier with her being a my alarm rang. The scene in our room female as well, which makes wardrobe at Lloyd’s Inn before Valerie arrived for malfunctions less embarrassing and hair and makeup was quite hilarious. awkward. I was amazed at how chirpy We were both doing last minute planks and easygoing Valerie was so early in and push-ups on the floor, giving one the morning that day, and that really last boost to our muscles for the shoot. brightened up my day. Despite sending The pre-wedding shoot was an eye- her a reference photo of the makeup opener for me. It was part fun, part and hair-do I wanted only the night awkwardness, and plenty of hard work before, she managed to skilfully whip and exhaustion. We both had fun during up a similar updo with my barelythe shoot, but we both also agree that shoulder-length hair. Needless to say, I we likely would not embark on another loved what she did for me. pre-wedding shoot if we had a chance. It was simply too exhausting! We were What was it like working with Fiona both sapped by lunchtime that day and from Smittenpixels Photography and


Valerie from Were there any memorable or funny moments during the shoot? Perhaps you could share one or two with us. Audrie: I find it really hard to smile or appear blissful on command, so whenever Fiona prompted me to smile, I looked really awkward. So, Eugene had to tickle me around my back or tell me ridiculous things to make me smile or laugh naturally. And it was very obvious in the photos when I was told to smile on command and when I did it naturally. Being a model is sooooo difficult! Overall, we had a blast with Fiona during the shoot. We were really tired at the end of the day, but it was truly an experience of a lifetime that every soon-to-be-wed couple should go through together once. ■ SB

The Wedding Gown: Gowns Villa | The Groom’s Suit: Gowns Villa; G2000 (Shirt) The Groom’s Shoes: Pedro | The Hairstylist and Makeup Artist: Tangyong Makeup The Hand Bouquet: Inside the Knot (self-arranged by bride) The Engagement Ring: Fairy’s Inc. For more images, visit our website at







DIY TUTORIAL: TEXTURED LOVE MARQUEE LIGHTS Think you’re a hands-on kind of bride and want to make something really special for your wedding? It doesn’t have to be something elaborate; think small, simple yet significant. It could be a personalised Save-The-Date card, or a memorable wedding favour. You don’t even have to be very good at arts and crafts to make these wonderful mementos. SingaporeBrides shows you how to Do-It-Yourself. Text by Audrie Soh

I love the recently trending giant LOVE marquee lights, especially when it is used to spruce up a wedding or a pre-wedding photoshoot. And it’s not difficult to see why this charming light prop is getting all the attention from brides lately, with its beautiful warm and romantic glow! But, if like me, you find it a little costly to rent or buy these giant marquee letters, or if you want a downsized version, we have just the solution for you. In this DIY feature, I’ll show you how to create your very own LOVE marquee lights, using lightweight styrofoam boards to give a textured look to the lights, that you can easily bring along for your pre-wedding photoshoot or decorate your wedding venue and future home with. Let’s get started!

Here’s what you need: • • • • • • • • • •

Two pieces of 61×45.5cm styrofoam boards Two pieces of A3 coloured paper A roll of double-sided tape Gold spray paint Styrofoam cutter and batteries Scissors Pen Ruler Scotch-tape A 10-m string of fairylights / two to three 4-m string of fairylights

Time taken for each: 30 minutes Average cost for each set of 4-letter marquee lights: $25



Step 1: Print out this template for the LOVE letters from our site. Trace the template onto a styrofoam board and cut them out using a styrofoam cutter.

Step 2: Once you’ve cut them out, mark the spot where your lights will poke through with a pen. Then, create the holes using toothpicks. Then, spray paint the letters in gold paint and set aside to dry.


Step 3: Cut out four 4-inch wide strips on gold coloured paper. Make sure they are long enough to go around your letters. Once the letters are dry, wrap each of the strips around the letters with tape.

Step 4: Finally, insert the fairy lights into the holes on the letters. Make sure the insertion of the lights end at the base of each letter to flawlessly connect your letters and lights together.





A MERRY LOVE STORY MARATHON STYLED SHOOT We celebrated our 15th Anniversary earlier this year by giving away a lovely marathon styled shoot by MerryLove Weddings to five lucky couples, and we’re excited to finally be able to share it with everyone! Text by Audrie Soh | Images by Kenneth from 520 Library

From the stunning shots by Kenneth from 520 Library to the magical set specially illustrated by Pearlyn and Paper to our fun-loving couples who were beautifully dolled up by TangYong Hair and Makeup, there was nothing not to love about this shoot. We could hardly contain our excitement from the moment we received the photographs from Kenneth to the time we spent selecting and putting together a customised wooden keepsake box by Artisan Prints for each of our five couples, to finally delivering it to them personally. Have a peek at what we were up to during the shoot, and learn a little about each of our five couples’ love stories!

Venessa and Tai Seng

also share the same Chinese birthday, to meet. After an extremely romantic, thoughtful and well-executed proposal after dinner at Prive at Keppel Bay, Venessa and Tai Seng are in the midst of planning for their big day! Venessa: We were really excited when we got picked for the marathon styled shoot! It was an awfully fun and amazing experience for us! We were nervous during the shoot but Kenneth was very reassuring and comfortable to be around, which allowed us to behave more naturally. After this, we are definitely looking forward to more styled shoots in the future!

Sharlene and Clay

Sharlene and Clay met at work at Venessa and Tai Seng met by chance Sentosa Luge eight years ago. When eight years ago when Fate decided that we met this pair of young lovers, it was time for this pair of lovers, who Clay was secretly planning a surprise


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proposal, and a month after the shoot, Wai Tat reunited and reconnected Sharlene shared the good news of her years after graduating from school. He proposal with us! proposed to her at Shuffle Bistro Bar two years ago by singing Teresa Teng’s Sharlene: It was a very interesting famed song, The Moon Represents My experience for the both os us and Heart, and arranging for her sister and definitely something we’d like to do friends to appear with balloons that again! We were really nervous at the read “Will you marry me”. beginning, not knowing how to pose or worried if we looked awkward. Felicia: I’ve always been a fan of But Kenneth was such a joy to work MerryLove Weddings’s styling, so I was with that the relaxed atmosphere in really glad to be chosen to be part of the studio made it easy to have fun this! It was a great experience for us throughout the shoot! both. Everyone was extremely friendly and engaging, especially Kenneth, who Felicia and Wai Tat made it seem like the camera was not Secondary schoomates Felicia and there the entire time.






Rebecca and Johnathon

props designed by Pearlyn and Paper were gorgeous! We felt like we were in a garden of a fairyland. And Kenneth was very humourous and made us feel completely at home during the shoot. Thank you SingaporeBrides and MerryLove Weddings for giving us this opportunity to create more memories together!

Rebecca and Johnathon tied the knot in a beautiful intimate solemnisation at Skyve Wine Bistro, surrounded by their family and close friends, earlier this year in June. Johnathon led her back to the place where it all started for them with the help of their friends and family, and proposed to her at the very public and busy Henderson Wave Bridge. Alisa and Wei Da Rebecca: We were stoked to have won the giveaway! Days before the shoot, we were both bubbling with anticipation on how things would be like. We were constantly reminding one another to calm down and enjoy the shoot. The

Alisa and Wei Da were online friends before they got together on a leap year. Although they’ve only celebrated their anniversary once despite being together for four years, Wei Da never fails to dote on and care for her every




single day. Despite their busy schedules, they work hard to make their relationship work, and making time for one another. Alisa: We had plenty of fun at the shoot! It was an interesting experience for both of us, as it was our first time being in a photoshoot and we both enjoyed it thoroughly! Thank you SingaporeBrides and MerryLove Weddings for this experience, Kenneth for being so amiable and making us feel so comfortable around the camera, TangYong Hair and Makeup for dolling me up and Pearlyn and Paper for the magical illustrations!

Here’s a peek of the customised boxes our couples received! A great big thank you to all the creative vendors who joined us in making the marathon styled shoot an enjoyable and eventful experience for our five lovely winners, and making our 15th Anniversary a memorable one. ■SB

Styling: MerryLove Weddings | Props and Thank You Card: Pearlyn and Paper Hair and Makeup: TangYong Hair and Makeup | Wooden Keepsake Boxes: Artisan Prints Photos of customised wooden keepsake boxes by SingaporeBrides.




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HEALTHY RECIPES TO PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR WEDDING DAY Diets and weight loss are on almost every bride’s mind when she’s preparing for her wedding day. Losing weight fast with extreme dieting may seem tempting, but gradual weight loss through a proper meal plan of healthy recipes is the wholesome way to go. To kickstart your healthy diet, here are some easy and quick recipes you can whip up at home! Text by Tara Molloy

The stress of wedding planning can sometimes lead to brides-to-be not making the best eating choices before the big day. Making your own meals can seem daunting, but eating well doesn’t have to be a hassle. We share some healthy recipes that are guaranteed to leave you feeling healthier and lighter.

Healthy Recipes for Breakfast Eating a satisfying breakfast that keeps you full all morning helps curb cravings for junk food later in the day. But who has all that time to whip up a healthy recipe first thing in the morning? Try one of these simple breakfast ideas, and your day will be off to an excellent start.

1. Green Goddess Smoothie Greens are an essential part of a healthy diet, and this Green Goddess Smoothie makes it easy to enjoy a couple of servings first thing in the morning. Putting spinach in a smoothie may sound a bit strange, but we swear you won’t even taste it! Ingredients: • 1 ½ cups raw baby spinach • 1 banana, sliced • ½ cup almond milk (can substitute rice or soy milk) • 2 tablespoons plain yoghurt • 1 tablespoon raw peanut butter • A handful of ice


Right: cookingalamel is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Directions Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Time-Saving Tip: Save time in the morning by making and freezing “smoothie packs” ahead of time. Simply add whatever fruits or vegetables you want to use in your smoothies to a small plastic bag, and freeze. When you’re ready to blend up your smoothie in the morning, grab your pack out of the freezer and blend it up for a healthy recipe that requires almost no effort! 2. Carrot-Ginger Smoothie Get your day started right with this beta carotene-packed smoothie, which will have your skin glowing from the inside out. Ingredients: • 1 large carrot, peeled and finely chopped • 1 banana, sliced • 2 teaspoons ginger, peeled and chopped • ½ cup plain yoghurt • A splash of orange juice Directions Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth.

Healthy Recipes for Lunch Do you ever find yourself feeling sluggish after lunch? Beat the bloat with these healthy recipes that will leave you feeling light and ready to take on your busy afternoon. 3. Avocado Toast Don’t fear the fat, especially the good ones! Avocado is filled with healthy fats that will not only keep you full throughout the afternoon, but will also make your hair and nails extra shiny, bonus for the blushing bride! Ingredients: • 2 slices of whole grain bread, toasted • ½ avocado, pitted • Salt + pepper Directions Mash avocado onto toasted bread, and season with salt and pepper. For extra staying power, top toast with sprouts, sliced strawberries, or toasted almonds. Packed Lunch Tip: Taking this one to the office? Pack the toast and avocado separately and assemble at lunchtime to avoid sogginess.


Image by Pawel Pacholek licensed under CC BY 2.0






Black beans are an excellent source of vegetarian protein, while spicy foods (like the kick of cayenne here) are known metabolism-boosters. The best part? This healthy recipe can be prepped on Sunday night and enjoyed all week long. Ingredients: Spicy Black Bean Spread: • 2 cups black beans (if using dried

• • • • • • •

beans, be sure to soak overnight) 2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons coriander 1 tablespoon lime juice 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper ½ teaspoons cayenne pepper

Spicy Black Bean Wrap: • ½ cup Spicy Black Bean Spread • 1 whole wheat tortilla • ½ red capsicum, seeded and sliced • 1 small tomato, seeded and sliced


Directions 1. Add all black bean spread ingredients to food processor. Process until smooth, scraping down sides as necessary. Can be stored to an airtight container for up to a week. 2. To make wraps, spread ½ cup bean spread onto tortilla. Top with capsicum and tomato, and roll up tightly. Wrap in aluminium foil and refrigerate until ready to eat. Snack Tip: This Spicy Black Bean Spread is also a great dip for sliced veggies, like carrots, capsicum, or broccoli.

Healthy Recipes for Dinner After a long day at work, it can be all too easy to turn to takeout for a quick, nofuss meal. Don’t let fatigue derail your diet—these healthy recipes are designed to make nutritious eating effortless. 5. Easy Veggie Rice This Easy Veggie Rice is a simple, satisfying, and healthy recipe that can be modified in tons of different ways. Use whatever vegetables you have on hand to create this flavourful meal. Ingredients: • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, plus 1 teaspoon • ½ onion, chopped • ½ red capsicum, seeded and chopped • ½ carrot, peeled and finely chopped • 1 clove garlic, minced • 2 teaspoons ginger, peeled and minced • 1 egg • ½ cup rice or quinoa, cooked and cooled • Reduced sodium soy sauce, to taste • Salt + pepper • Chopped coriander, for garnish Directions 1. In a large skillet or wok, heat 1 tablespoon oil over medium heat. 2. Add onion, capsicum, and carrot to skillet, tossing in oil to coat. Season with salt and pepper, and sauté until soft, about 8 minutes. 3. Add garlic and ginger, and cook for an


additional minute. 4. Remove vegetables to bowl and set aside. 5. Add remaining olive oil to skillet and reduce heat to medium-low. 6. Crack eggs into skillet, quickly mixing together to scramble. Once eggs are done, remove to bowl with vegetables. 7. Raise heat to medium-high, and add cold rice to skillet. Let sit undisturbed for one minute, then stir. 8. Add cooked vegetables and eggs back to skillet with rice, and drizzle in soy sauce to taste. Stir to combine. 9. Divide stir fry between two plates and garnish with coriander. Time-Saving Tip: Make a big batch of grains, like brown rice or quinoa, in the beginning of the week to save time when cooking healthy recipes throughout the week.

6. Red Curry Chicken Lean protein is one of the best foods for weight loss, because it promotes fullness and lessens your chances of overeating later. This healthy recipe for Red Curry Chicken is a fresh, flavourful way to incorporate lean protein into your diet—and it makes two servings, so you can enjoy one for dinner and one for lunch the next day. Ingredients: • ½ cup coconut milk • 1 tablespoon red curry paste • ¼ teaspoon salt ½ avocado, pitted • ¼ teaspoon black pepper 8 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 2 pieces • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil Directions 1. In a bowl, combine coconut milk, red curry paste, salt, and pepper. 2. Add chicken to bowl, turning to coat evenly. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. 3. In a skillet, heat oil over medium heat. 4. Remove chicken from bowl and place in skillet. Cook for about 5 minutes per side, or until done. 5. Serve over steamed vegetables, such as broccoli or snap peas. These healthy recipes, along with a regular fitness routine and plenty of water, are sure to have you looking and feeling your best on your wedding day. You owe it to yourself to make these changes—and these healthy recipes will taste just as delicious after the honeymoon! ■ SB



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15 STUNNING BRIDAL SUITES IN SINGAPORE Whether you’re checking out bridal suites in Singapore before you sign your wedding banquet package, or are looking for the perfect spot to stage a surprise proposal, these gorgeous suites will leave you spoilt for choice. They’re also great for a special staycation weekend to get away from all the wedding planning stress! Text by Tansey Tang

1. Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa’s Verandah Suite and Villa Bridal Suites Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa offers two lovely bridal suites. The recently refurbished 200-258sqm Villa is one of the largest bridal suites in Singapore. Luxuriate in your own private plunge pool and soak up the sun on the pool deck. An exotic outdoor stone bath offers a chance to relax under the open skies while privacy is ensured with frosted glass screens. With its natural light and romantic trellis, the poolside is a lovely setting for an intimate solemnisation, followed by a tea ceremony in the spacious villa. Newlyweds can also enjoy the 72sqm Verandah Suite, carefully restored to its colonial-style glory, with its luxurious fourposter bed and private outdoor verandah where you can feel the sea breeze. You’ll be pampered with room amenities like high-speed internet access and a complimentary mini bar, or you could rejuvenate at the resort’s pool and spa facilities.

2. Conrad Centennial Singapore’s Centennial Suite If you hate leaving your furry friend behind when you travel, you’ll rejoice to know that Conrad Centennial Singapore is one of the few hotels in Singapore to welcome your dog. Along with a king bedroom and a living room with a Nespresso machine, Wifi, and a 46-inch TV, the spacious 63sqm Centennial Suite features a luxurious all-marble bathroom with separate shower and a choice of four different amenities from Shanghai Tang, Aromatherapy Associates, Refinery for Men, or Tara Smith. You’ll also enjoy access to the Executive Lounge for a champagne breakfast, afternoon high tea, evening cocktails, and the all-day open bar.


Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa

Conrad Centennial Singapore


3. Fairmont Singapore and 5. Grand Swissôtel The Stamford’s Grand Suite Stamford Crest Suite



After your magnificent celebration in one of the hotel’s new contemporary art gallery-themed or mansion-inspired event venues, you can unwind in one of the largest bridal suites in Singapore. The 84sqm Grand Suite at Grand Hyatt Singapore features a separate bedroom where you can relax on the goosedown king bed and have ample storage for your gowns in the walk-in wardrobe, a comfortable living and dining area, a guest powder room, a kitchenette, and a bathroom with double sinks and June Jacobs amenities. But if you 4. Furama City Centre’s Executive do want to venture out, you’ll enjoy a host of benefits and privileges such as Suite access to the Grand Club Lounge and Styled with contemporary furnishings, complimentary access to daily fitness the 44sqm bridal suite at Furama class by the award-winning Damai Spa. City Centre features a separate living room with a 42-inch plasma TV, a fully 6. Hotel Fort Canning’s Premium equipped kitchenette, and a bathroom Room with a chic freestanding bath. Couples will enjoy access to the Executive Couples who love the rich history of Lounge for complimentary breakfast, the colonial era will enjoy their stay in all-day refreshments, and evening the beautiful Hotel Fort Canning. The cocktails. For some outdoor leisure, 40sqm Premium Room is one of the you can soak up the sun and sounds of most charming heritage bridal suites in the waterfall feature at the pool. Singapore, and features contemporary Lightly refurbished in 2014, the 68sqm Stamford Crest Suite welcomes couples to their stay with romantic chocolate pralines. Fairmont Singapore and Swissôtel The Stamford‘s bridal suite features a balcony with panoramic views of the city or Marina Bay, and has an en-suite bathroom with a built-in TV. You’ll also enjoy exclusive access The Living Room for breakfast and evening cocktails, and to the Executive Club facilities and Fitness Centre.


Fairmont Singapore and SwissĂ´tel The Stamford

Hotel Fort Canning


Hotel Jen Tanglin

colonial comfort created with designer furniture. To rejuvenate, you can enjoy a dip in one of the hotel’s three pools, or partake of the complimentary wines and canapés during the hotel’s Aperitif Hour.

7. Hotel Jen Tanglin’s Executive Suite Previously known as Traders Hotel, Hotel Jen Tanglin has refurbished all of its rooms this year, including its bridal suites. The fresh Executive Suite is 50sqm in size, with a bedroom separated from the living area with sliding doors, a bay window overlooking vibrant city life, and a kitchenette with a bright SMEG fridge and other modern conveniences. Couples can enjoy the outdoors at the pool, or head over to the nearby Singapore Botanic Gardens for a romantic picnic.

8. Hotel Re!’s Themed Suites Known for their charmingly themed décor reflecting the iconic pop culture of the 1960s and 1970s, Hotel Re! offers some of the most fun and retro bridal suites in Singapore. With a romantic circular waterbed, and an open concept bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub, the gold, silver, or bronze themed bridal suites definitely create


Movenpick Heritage Hotel Sentosa

the right ambience for a night of fun. Facilities include a 42-inch TV, Wifi, satellite TV, a selection of pillows, and complimentary mini bar snacks.

9. Marina Bay Sands’s Orchid Suite Another luxuriously spacious bridal suite in Singapore, the 97sqm Orchid Suite at Marina Bay Sands offers a stunning view of the city skyline and marina. The suite also features a freestanding bath, a king bedroom, and a separate living area. Couples can enjoy access to the stunning Sands SkyPark Infinity Pool for a dip with an incredible view, to the award-winning Banyan Tree Fitness Club, and The Club Lounge for American breakfast, afternoon tea, evening cocktails and canapés, and complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and use of laptops and iPads.

10. Mövenpick Heritage Hotel Sentosa’s Heritage Premium Room, One Bedroom Suite, and Onsen Suite Couples who hold a wedding lunch in Mövenpick Heritage Hotel Sentosa will enjoy the Heritage Premium Room for their bridal suite. The 40sqm rooms are


the only bridal suites in Singapore with close-up views of the iconic Merlion through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and features beautiful colonial design, a separate living area, and a freestanding bath. If you opt for the wedding dinner package, you’ll enjoy the 61sqm One Bedroom Suite in the Contemporary Wing, featuring a spacious king bed, floor-to-ceiling windows, a separate living area, and a deep-set freestanding bath and a double vanity.

12. Pan Pacific Orchard’s Pacific Club Suite

Pan Pacific Orchard offers the 53sqm Pacific Studio Room as a bridal suite , as well as the 66sqm Pacific Club Suite to couples who hold wedding dinners at the hotel. It features a separate bedroom and living room, two LED TVs, a walk-in wardrobe, separate shower and sunken bath, premium bath amenities, and a pillow menu. You can enjoy exclusive Pacific Club privileges 11. Orchard Hotel Singapore’s including breakfast, evening cocktails, Signature Suite and complimentary Internet access, or soak in hotel’s Jacuzzi or mineral water The Signature Suites at Orchard Hotel swimming pool. Singapore are a unique experience of contemporary Oriental glamour, 13. PARKROYAL on Beach featuring rich silks, antique stoneware, Road’s Executive Suite ornate fretwork, and delicate porcelain furnishings accented with European PARKROYAL on Beach Road’s black. Each suite boasts a luxurious luxuriously spacious 104sqm Executive armoire and beautiful art pieces to Suite is one of the newest bridal suites complete the Regal Red, Ming Blue, in Singapore. It features a grand crystal or Jade Green colour schemes, as well chandelier in its beautiful living and as modern amenities such as personal dining area, and a stylish canopy bed aroma therapy, home entertainment in its separate bedroom. An open system, a laptop safe that doubles as a concept bathroom is equipped with a charger. Couples can enjoy the hotel’s freestanding bath, separate shower, Signature Club privileges like exclusive and walk-in wardrobe. Couples access to the lounge for refreshments can enjoy their complimentary prethroughout the day, gourmet breakfast, wedding meals and romantic sweet and cocktails and canapés. treats such as Opera cakes, macarons,


Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza

strawberries, and wine in front of the 46-inch TV, or enjoy Orchid Club privileges such as breakfast and evening cocktails in the revitalised Orchid Club Lounge.

14. Royal Plaza on Scotts’ Executive Suite Wedding couples at Royal Plaza on Scotts enjoy a stay in the 64sqm Executive Suite that comes with a separate living room. You’ll be welcomed with a specially prepared rose petal bubble bath and luxury bath amenities, a bouquet of flowers, and welcome amenities, and pampered with complimentary Internet access and a mini-bar, and club benefits that include breakfast, afternoon tea, and evening cocktails. Check-out time is a late 3pm.

15. Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza’s Junior Suite Couples who book a wedding lunch or dinner package enjoy a stay in the 54sqm Junior Suite, where they will be welcomed with wedding bears, a cake, and a fruit platter. The bridal suite in Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza features a spacious living area with a large 55-inch TV, and a luxurious bathroom with walk-in rain shower. Foodies can satisfy their palates with the hotel’s extensive range of dining options, or indulge in breakfast, afternoon tea, and evening cocktails over a magnificent view in the Executive Lounge. ■ SB





IS A DESTINATION WEDDING RIGHT FOR YOU? Should you have a destination wedding? Answer this 15-question quiz to find out! Text by Tansey Tang

Many couples toy with the idea of a destination wedding at some point of their wedding planning. Pledging your love to your partner against a stunning backdrop of the sun setting into glittering turquoise waters, surrounded by an intimate group of family and friends, and then following your ceremony with a weekend’s vacation in paradise—it all sounds incredibly romantic and blissful. But there are many questions to think about before taking the plunge and deciding on a destination wedding. With questions about the people you want at your destination wedding, to the logistics of planning from somewhere else, this quiz will help you figure out if you really should have a destination wedding, or if you’re better suited to celebrating on home ground. If you can answer an honest “Yes” to each of these 15 questions, head on to booking your destination wedding in paradise!

1. Is your other half from a different country? In this global day and age, we meet our partners from all over the world. Perhaps you’re deciding on getting married in your partner’s hometown, where most of his family live. Or, if you met your partner while you were studying overseas, and your family and friends are from different continents and would have to travel no matter where you hold your wedding, a destination wedding may be right for you.

2. Did you meet somewhere special? Maybe you met while on a humanitarian trip to a far-flung country, or had an incredible connection while learning skydiving in New Zealand. A destination wedding may be perfect to


Beautiful Clifftop Wedding in Bali, captured by Tawan Conchonet


commemorate your special experience and share your adventure with those near and dear to you. Holding your wedding where you have such special memories will be a great way to relive those meaningful experiences as you begin this new adventure.

3. Will your family and your bridal party be able to fly out for a few days? Before you book your destination wedding, ask the people essential to your wedding if they can float the idea of an out-of-town celebration, such as your parents, siblings, and bridal party. This way, you won’t have important people pull out mid-way through the planning.

You might feel relief that you won’t have to invite everyone, but what about the people you really want to celebrate with you? With the costs of airfare and accommodation, guests will have to fork out a lot to attend your destination wedding, and not everyone will be able to afford to fly out, even if they really wanted to. A destination wedding is typically a few-day affair, and some of your loved ones might have work or family commitments, or have children that they can’t bring along for a short trip. When some of your guests RSVP their regrets, will you be able to understand instead of making them feel bad about not coming to celebrate with you?

6. Are you able to afford the additional costs of having a 4. Do you want an intimate destination wedding? wedding with a small guest list? An intimate destination wedding is a great way for you to limit the guest list, and avoid feeling obligated to invite all your colleagues, your neighbours, your third cousins and all their children, and all the people you’ve ever said two words to.

Weddings in Singapore can be expensive, but the costs of flying out for a destination wedding are sure to stack up even more. Accommodation, airfare, hiring a wedding planner who knows the local legal procedures and vendors, all these could end up costing a lot. When there are other costs like your new home to think about, keeping your wedding under budget is definitely an important consideration.

5. Will you understand if some of the people you really wanted to be there can’t attend for financial 7. Will you be okay if important or other reasons?


Gorgeous Tropical Island Wedding captured by Tinydot Photography

elderly members of your family can’t make it to your destination wedding? Elderly relatives who are getting on in years might find it difficult or impossible to travel out for your destination wedding, due to physical conditions and ailments. Although the airports might be wheelchair accessible, an island resort with its isolated villas and sandy beaches might not be the most convenient place for the frail grandparents you can’t imagine getting married without.

8. Will your friendships survive friends turning down your invitation? Whether it’s due to financial restrictions or other commitments, some of your dearest will not be able to make it to your wedding, and will feel bad about it. Some might even feel that you shouldn’t have put them in such an awkward position of having to turn you down, or feel obligated to come, but unhappy about paying so much for a vacation in a location not of their choosing. Are you confident that your friendships will come through any awkward or guilty feelings?


9. Do you want to enjoy a garden weddings and beach weddings honeymoon immediately after are so beautiful. What’s a bride to do? Hold her wedding in a cooler locale? the wedding? A destination wedding has its honeymoon or mini-moon built into it. You’ll get to enjoy the celebrations for longer in a relaxing and beautiful setting. However, your wedding guests are likely to extend their stay after the wedding as well, so be aware of that if you’re looking for alone time as newlyweds.

10. Do you want to enjoy a beautiful outdoor wedding, without the heat and humidity?

11. Do you want to spend more time with your guests? Most weddings don’t allow you to spend much time with all the family and friends you’ve invited, what with rushing to get your hair and makeup done to changing your gown to taking portraits with everyone. At a destination wedding spanning two to three days, you could spend quality time with all the people you care about, in a beautiful setting.

The local weather conditions certainly 12. Do you want to save on don’t inspire much excitement when flowers and wedding décor? you think of wearing three-piece suits and layered wedding gowns. Yet, Your destination wedding venue of a


The Greatest Adventure of John and Sher, captured by Jonathan Ong // Visual Storytelling

romantic vineyard or a majestic cliff would provide more than enough gorgeous scenery for everyone to enjoy, and you won’t need much in the way of wedding décor.

13. Do you want a beautiful and unique wedding venue?

details to a trusted wedding planner and coordinator because you can’t be there all the time. If you’re the type who absolutely needs every little detail to be pre-approved and perfect, it might be best to celebrate locally, where you can oversee things.

15. Will you have time to help A destination wedding is a sure way to your guests with their travel stand out from the crowd, with beautiful arrangements?

scenery and a vacation vibe. And, wedding photos are almost certainly Of course, you don’t need to book to be gorgeous, with all the lovely tickets for each guest, but some help with nearby hotels or welcoming your backdrops! guests with a map of the local area 14. Can you relinquish control would be nice for guests who might not and allow other people to see to know anything about your destination wedding country. the details? While you might make an initial trip If you answered “Yes” to all of these to your wedding destination, you’ll questions, a destination wedding might definitely have to leave a lot of the be a great choice for you! ■ SB







6 ESSENTIAL HONEYMOON SAVING TIPS Save on your honeymoon with these six essential tips! Text by Audrie Soh

As much as you’re looking forward to your wedding day, you absolutely can’t wait for your honeymoon. But planning a wedding and a honeymoon simultaneously can stress any couple out financially. Not to worry; help is here. The good people at HotelsCombined shared with us six hotel cost saving tips every couple needs to know for a truly enjoyable honeymoon.

Tip #1: Plan in Advance When it comes to planning your travels, it always pays to plan ahead. Doing so allows you the widest pick of room options and the lowest price possible, as prices tend to climb as it gets closer to the chosen date and the better rooms are all fully booked. So always make it a point to book your hotel at least 30 days in advance to ensure that you get

the best possible room at the lowest possible price for a truly enjoyable honeymoon.

Tip #2: Research There are a few factors that could affect the cost of your honeymoon stay, such as the low and high season of the country you are planning on traveling to, and how flexible your travel dates are. The more flexible your travel dates are, the more you’ll be able to take advantage of the fluctuations in room prices due to season and time of the week. Generally, room rates are usually cheaper from Saturdays-Tuesdays and during non-peak seasons, and more expensive from Wednesdays-Fridays and peak seasons, especially if there are any special events or festivities happening during that period.


Captivating Europe Pre-wedding Photography by Androids in Boots (Still + Motion)


These factors not only affect hotel room rates but the availability of rooms too. So, spend some time researching on the place you’re planning to honeymoon at and pay special attention to these factors to get the most bang out of your buck.

Tip #3: Check For Hidden Costs Before you enter your credit card details and hit the ‘Book Now’ button, check to see if the rates you’re looking at are inclusive of all taxes and additional fees. Some hotel booking sites do not include these additional costs at the beginning, which could mislead couples into thinking they’ve chanced upon a sweet deal.

All prices listed on HotelsCombined are inclusive of additional taxes and fees so you’ll know how much you’ll be paying right from the start. It also allows you to compare prices across different hotels, so you’ll never have to open multiple tabs or windows and switch between them to find the best deal.

Tip #4: Loyalty Programs Join loyalty programs or membership clubs to enjoy members’ only privileges like discounted rates, upgrade offers, better room placements, or sale notifications. The great news is, these are usually free to join. So sign up to receive updates via email to keep track of price fluctuations, so you’ll always


Dramatic Coastal Pre-wedding Photography at Cape Town by John Lim Photography

know when its the best and cheapest time to travel.

Tip #5: Extra Perks Keep an eye out for extra perks such as “mobile only” rates via HotelsCombined’s mobile app, complimentary offerings like breakfast, WIFI or free cancellation, and an additional night or two free with a minimum number of nights’ stay. These added features can add up to quite a bit of savings off your total bill.

Tip #6: Independent Standard Rooms

your attention to independent hotels. They usually offer excellent rates and services, and are often 50% cheaper than the former, which translates into greater savings for your honeymoon. And if you don’t plan to spend your honeymoon days lazing around a villa and its surrounding beach, then don’t splurge on one. The standard rooms are sufficient for your stay, especially if you’ll be spending most of the time away from your room. The best way to keep your honeymoon

Hotels, costs down is to shop around online

Forget the major hotel chains and turn

and compare options across hundreds of sites. With HotelsCombined, you can do just that on one website. ■ SB



Dramatic Coastal Pre-wedding Photography at Cape Town by John Lim Photography








We’ve discovered Koh Lanta’s best kept secret. Nestled in the leafy mountains of Koh Lanta, Krabi, and offering beautiful views of the serene Andaman Sea, Pimalai Resort & Spa is a 5-star luxury resort with magnificent natural surroundings that are perfect for a tropical destination wedding. Text by Tansey Tang

The name “Pimalai” means “a little patch of heaven” in ancient Sanskrit, and the luxury resort truly lives up to its name. The first resort on the largely unspoiled island of Koh Lanta, Pimalai Resort & Spa is located a short distance from some of the world’s best diving spots in Krabi and Phuket.

in Krabi, where a couple can make their promises to each other with nature’s bountiful blessings.

Our luxurious experience began right at the Krabi airport, where we were immediately met at the gate by Pimalai’s friendly airport service manager, Wee. He had been waiting for us to arrive, Set on 100 acres of lush foliage that to take us by resort shuttle to Pimalai’s spans the 900-metre private beach all private jetty for a boat transfer to Koh the way up to the hills with incredible Lanta. views of the very same sandy bay, Pimalai offers a uniquely relaxing Wee escorted us to the resort’s shuttle experience in the serenity of Koh and offered us chilled bottled water as Lanta’s mountains. The exclusive, he drew out the 50-minute trip ahead on peaceful environment is coupled with a map. It was our first time in Krabi, so the luxury of friendly, attentive service we were peering out at the picturesque and magnificent hillside villas and streets with their colourful walls and beachfront suites, creating a beautiful assorted wares that soon gave way to refuge off the beaten track. winding country roads lined with tropical palms and weatherboard houses on The award-winning resort is the perfect stilts. We pulled into Pimalai’s quiet jetty natural setting for a destination wedding to find the resort’s speedboat already




waiting for us at the end of the wooden pier to take us to Koh Lanta. I’ve always loved the scent of the sea, so I happily sat up front with the wind whipping my hair around my face as our boat sped past some of Krabi’s rocky little isles and colourful beach houses set into the cliffside. A resort shuttle then brought us into Pimalai Resort & Spa’s tranquil estate.

& Spa’s villas have been built with an eco-conscious desire to blend into the natural surroundings instead of competing with them, we felt completely secluded and alone in our paradise. To the left of the sundeck and pool, we had a spacious living suite with an entertainment system, glass doors that opened onto a balcony, and a sofa bed that would be perfect for family or a wedding entourage. Wedding helpers We were ushered into paradise with would enjoy privacy as well, as the suite welcome leis, delicious lime drinks, is equipped with its own elegant shower and an intoxicating first glimpse of the suite, and even a kitchenette. Ba Kan Tiang bay, a blue cove that curved invitingly below tall, rocky cliffs. The bedroom suite is gorgeous, with Huge, majestic bells and classic Thai high timber ceilings, polished teak architecture drew the eye to the infinity wood floors, and rich furnishings in pool situated steps below the lobby, a classic Thai style. A romantic fouroverlooking the beautiful view of the sea. poster canopy king bed faces fullAll around, the sounds of birdcalls and length glass doors that let in the view buzzing cicadas echoed in the still air of of the sea, and that open out onto a the surrounding forestry. After checking balcony where you can work on your in, we took a buggy up winding stone tan on the sun lounges. If you want to paths to our Two-Bedroom Hillside Pool be visually entertained by something Villa, where Boom, one of the friendly other than panoramic views, there’s service officers, gave us a tour of our also a flat-screen TV and sofa lounge. rather big patch of heaven. Wooden shutters open up to reveal a luxurious bathroom suite adjacent to Our villa’s courtyard featured an infinity the bedroom, with a bathtub next to a pool overlooking stunning, panoramic window overlooking the bay, a his and views of the bay curving out into the hers set of vanities, a separate rain Andaman Sea. It was pretty incredible shower, and a spacious wardrobe and being some 60 metres above sea dressing area. level and being open to such amazing views. And because Pimalai Resort Boom brought us downstairs for a


tour of the other bedroom suite. It too features an elegant four-poster and marble bath, and a deck where you can sip a morning cup of coffee to the sounds of birdsong. I couldn’t help thinking that such a spacious villa could accommodate a whole party of people in complete comfort, and the separate living spaces would give everyone their privacy while the pool and sundeck would be an amazing place to have a few drinks together. Wouldn’t wedding discussions be so much more enjoyable in a place this nice?

the bay was twinkling with the lights of the boats out at sea. I thought it was pretty sweet walking arm in arm with the sand beneath our feet, but then the beach’s capacity for romance completely dazzled us when we came across a private candlelight dinner on the beach, specially set up for a couple by Pimalai. How amazing to have dinner under a private gazebo, feeling the sea breeze on your cheek as you are circled by the romantic glow of candlelight. The private Pimalai beach has seen its share of romantic moments, with many Krabi destination weddings held at sunset. Apple, the executive secretary to Pimalai’s general manager and our friendly host, met us on the beach and pointed out where couples usually held their ceremonies on the private beach. Decorated with tropical flowers, a beach wedding lets couples exchange their vows against sweeping views of the Ba Kan Tiang bay and the Ha island on the horizon.

Your wedding guests can choose from the One-, Two-, or Three-Bedroom Hillside Pool Villas, or opt for something closer to the sandy beach with the Beachfront Pavilion Suites, which come in combinations of one or two bedroom suites, each villa opening up directly onto the bay as well as a small private garden. Pimalai Resort & Spa has a variety of garden- or sea-facing Deluxe Rooms as well, furnished with the luxurious amenities of a tropical retreat such as a bathtub, beautiful Siamese If you want a memorable wedding artefacts, and a spacious balcony. entrance, you can choose to arrive atop a trained elephant, otherwise, a Once we had settled in, we brought our flower-line aisle will lead you from the welcome fruit platter out to the pool, resort’s stairway to your beach wedding and enjoyed some sweet local mango venue, which can host 60 guests. At the and a refreshing dip before heading altar, either a non-religious officiant, down for a stroll on the beach. It was a Christian celebrant, or a local Thai dusk when we arrived by buggy, and monk will perform the ceremony.




Pimalai’s beach wedding package also includes a bridal bouquet and groom’s boutonniere, sparkling wine for the toast, a wedding cake, and a la carte dinner for the newlywed couple at the beautiful Seven Seas restaurant overlooking incredible views. As a gift from Pimalai, you will also receive a two-hour pampering couple’s massage at Pimalai Spa and a Thai silk-framed picture. Following the ceremony, your wedding celebrations can continue with dinner on the beach, or your wedding guests can walk directly to your reception at the beachfront Spice N Rice restaurant. If you’re hosting a smaller wedding of 30 guests, you can choose to have dinner at the Seven Seas restaurant, or the Banyan Café next to the infinity pool. Larger parties can hold a wedding banquet in one of Pimalai’s elegantly appointed function rooms, which are great for dancing late into the night without disturbing the island’s serene environment. If you’re coming to Krabi for a destination wedding, you’re probably after a ceremony on the beach, but if you’re looking for something more intimate, Pimalai’s Hillside Pool Villas are perfect for a close-knit circle to bless your union. You won’t need to worry about a thing as well, with Pimalai’s incredible

service team who are some of the most attentive and genuinely friendly people I have ever met. The next morning, we ate our fill at the Seven Seas to fuel up before our day of snorkelling at the Koh Rok islands. As with all the excellent service staff we had met at Pimalai Resort & Spa, the waitress who welcomed us was all smiles when she brought us to our table and offered us fresh coffee. The breakfast buffet was amazing, with eggs cooked to order, cold cuts like salami and smoked salmon, noodles and soup, an array of baked goods and fresh fruit, and even smoothies made to order. Obviously, I went straight for the bacon and waffles. Snorkelling would burn that off too, I thought to myself as I popped a mini macaron into my mouth. We travelled by shuttle to the Koh Lanta jetty, where Rek, our host for the island hopping trip, welcomed us aboard Pimalai’s private boat, which seated 13 of us comfortably, and had a restroom, beach towels, and a charcoal BBQ pit. Flying fish leapt out of the water alongside our boat as we sped towards Koh Rok, twin islands separated by a famously beautiful coral reef that you can invite your wedding guests to go enjoy, especially if too many family members around are cramping your honeymoon style.


These full or half day island excursions are organised around the group’s needs, so everyone can have their fill of secluded little islands with pristine white beaches as well as of the colourful and varied marine life and coral formations seen through crystal clear waters. For guests who want more action, this part of southern Thailand offers some of the best dive sites in the world. Your wedding guests can also discover Koh Lanta’s unique tropical flora and fauna at Lanta Orchid Nursery, or canoe through the mysterious world of a mangrove forest. Trekking excursions can take you to rainforest waterfalls or local attractions such as the Mai Kaeo caves. For us, we anchored for a spot of glorious snorkelling in Koh Rok, which belongs to the Koh Lanta National Park. I floated around discovering electric blue crowned starfish, daring little needlelike fish that nipped at my ankles, striped angelfish, and clownfish darting in and out of waving coral fronds. Fun in the sun was hard work, and one by one we drifted back to the boat where grilled kebabs were beckoning. Lunch was a feast of grilled meats and vegetables, alongside cold salads and fragrant rice. As we ate, the boat cruised to one of Koh Rok’s uninhabited twin islands with a pure white beach and glittering aqua waters. We hopped off onto what was


essentially our private island, and spent a tranquil half hour skipping stones and accidentally scaring hermit crabs in that quiet paradise. And it hadn’t ended yet. That night, we were treated to a gastronomic feast during the Seven Seas’ French Night. Dressed up in red, silver, and blue, the hilltop restaurant glowed with romantic candlelight that echoed the distant twinkles on the shoreline below. It was the perfect setting for a date, and from the many couples seated at the tables around us, it was clear I wasn’t the only one who thought so. We were welcomed with a cocktail before the buffet of French signatures like foie gras, beef bourguignon, and ratatouille stuffed tomatoes, along with a delicious rack of lamb, sea bass with sundried tomatoes and capers, and pork tenderloin in red wine jus. The dessert table was laden with delicate patisserie, and there was even a crepe suzette live station where you can watch your dessert flare up to the scent of oranges. After the blissful time we had, it was almost sad to wake up knowing that it was our last day in our resort paradise. We had an unhurried breakfast, lingering over the view of the infinity pool tower and the mountains beyond. It had been a lovely stay not only because of the beauty of the estate, but also because

of the efforts Pimalai’s management and staff make to ensure that each guest has the most luxuriously relaxing experience in Koh Lanta. At the helm of all this is Franck, Pimalai’s general manager, who came and wished us a good morning as he made his way through the restaurant, greeting each table and answering questions about swimming conditions, or what to do in this part of Krabi. That personal touch was evident in the whole service team, and it really made our stay memorable. If I were ever to have a destination wedding in Pimalai Resort & Spa, I know it would go off without a hitch with such dedicated service. We had one last treat before we left. At the Pimalai Spa, we were massaged into a near comatose state of relaxation. The spa is prettily landscaped with waterfalls, tropical plants, and private treatment villas for singles or couples. For my Tension Relief massage, I chose the Clarity oil blend of peppermint and black pepper, which smelled as good as the firm pressure kneading all the knots out of my back and shoulders felt. Under my therapist’s skilled fingers, any muscle aches simply melted away. Afterward, we were brought ginger tea to sip while we sat back in the peaceful lounge, awash in the musical tinkling of the waterfall under which koi were swimming in slow circles. There couldn’t have been a better way to bring our luxuriously blissful trip to a close. Thank you and goodbye, Pimalai! Hope it’s not for the last time. Pimalai Resort & Spa is located at 99 Moo 5, Ba Kan Tiang Beach, Koh Lanta, Krabi 81150, Thailand. Contact them at +66 (0) 75 607 999. Images by SingaporeBrides unless otherwise stated. ■ SB





NEON TROPICAL BRIDAL SHOWER VACATION STYLED SHOOT Girls, this bright and colourful tropical bridal shower inspiration will make you want to grab your bridesmaids and your bikinis and jet off to a villa with a pool. If you haven’t already planned your hen’s do, a bridal shower vacay with your girlfriends is a fantastic idea for a relaxing getaway before the wedding. Now, where’s my swimsuit? Text by Tansey Tang

Inspired by summer’s colourful trends and the bond between a bride and her ‘maids, we dreamt up a tropical bridal shower vacation, where a bride and her bridesmaids whisk away for a fun, relaxing, girly time in a luxurious private villa.

The neon tropical tablescape sets an intimate and casual lunch for the girls, with playful elements like gold pineapples, paper flamingos, and palm fronds to brighten up the celebrations. Then, it’s time to soak up some rays in the privacy of your own pool, and enjoy your cocktails and cupcakes in your A bridal shower getaway could be the newest bikini. perfect way to reward your bridesmaids for their hard work on your wedding, Kebun Villas & Resort, situated on the and to treat yourself to some bonding popular Senggigi stretch of Lombok, time with the girls. Get ready for a girls’ was the perfect spot for our styled sleepover at its most colourful and shoot. The resort offers island hoppers luxurious! With a modern neon colour a suite of rooms or private villas for their palette of bright corals, hot pinks, holiday stay, and for our bridal shower aquamarine and lush greens, this styled styled shoot, we chose the presidential shoot is for the bride who wants to have suite, Cendana Villa, which can host fun during her hen’s do. a party of 6-9 in its exclusive garden




compound with three villas, a covered entertaining area, and a private pool. It’s perfect for a girls’ getaway. Together with Bianca Fung, the resort’s manager, and her team, we set up a neon tropical paradise fit for a bride and her ‘maids to have a fabulous time. Bianca is no stranger to styling the resort for celebrations, having pulled off a gorgeous garden wedding in the very same villa, and she and her florist partner Mawarsaron Lombok were totally down for our neon tropical concept. They provided yummy treats for the shoot, and lots of pretty props, like that adorable custom-made wooden mini bar cart. Daphne Chan of HelloAm created the pretty invitation and menu cards. Don’t you just love the flamingos? And of course, an island holiday warrants some new threads. To add to the fun of the girls’ getaway, the shoot also features summer essentials from Accessorize. All the fun in the sun was captured by Skyy Woo, who also shot our Lombok fashion editorial, From Speio’s Cave! Thank you to all the creative vendors who made this shoot possible! We’d like to thank Kebun Villas & Resort for hosting the SingaporeBrides team, all of their help styling and organising the shoot, and for the baked goods. We also have to thank HelloAm for their beautiful work, Skyy for her lovely shots (and the Editor for hers!), and Accessorize Singapore for loaning us their gorgeous summer style. ■ SB

Kebun Villas & Resort is located at Jalan Raya Senggigi km. 8, Senggigi 8355, LombokNTB-Indonesia. The management team is happy to host bridal showers, proposals, wedding celebrations, and honeymoons. Contact them at, or visit their website at













WEDDING TABLESCAPES AT LEWIN TERRACE: WATERCOLOUR We’ve brought together two of our favourite wedding trends for this pretty table setting shoot at Lewin Terrace—watercolours and succulents! Text by Tansey Tang | Images by Multifolds Photography

Our watercolour wedding tablescape is inspired by a dreamy artist’s afternoon spent painting in a blooming meadow. Open to the whispering trees and flooded with natural light, Lewin Terrace’s alfresco deck was the perfect spot to create our watercolour vision. With soft hues of muted greens, dusty blues, and lilacs, our colour palette veers away from traditional pink pastels, yet creates a beautifully romantic mood. Delicate blue and lilac hydrangeas and fluffy baby’s breath centrepieces give our sweetheart table an ethereal quality. Painted birds continue the watercolour theme, and make the perfect holders for place cards hand-lettered with light brushstrokes. Of course, we have watercolour wedding stationery and envelope liners, which are painted with pretty florals and foliage. Dewy glass bell jars catch the sunlight like water in a bubbling brook. Layering on the hues, we have coloured dinnerware and frosted jars, accented with clear gold and burnished copper tones. Adorable succulents in elegant gold holders add a unique touch to the décor, and marbled artisan chocolate favours echo their soft green shades perfectly.


Concept: SingaporeBrides | Venue: Lewin Terrace | Styling and stationery: Med Kärlek Photography: Multifolds Photography | Cakes: Winifred Kristè Cake Flowers: Hua Hee | Chocolates: A Piece of Sin | Vintage props: Styled Story Glassware and jars: Bells and Birds | Brass box: Taylor B. Dinnerware and accents: Crate and Barrel



WEDDING TABLESCAPES AT LEWIN TERRACE: ORNATE Now, be seduced by our second tablescape instalment, an opulent Ornate wedding set-up. Text by Audrie Soh | Images by Multifolds Photography

Winter weddings in the grand ballroom of an old stately mansion, with warm lighting and ornate furnishings come to mind when I think about an ornate wedding set-up. Opulent, luxurious and mysterious, with a darker-than-usual colour palette of deep reds, blues and greens against splashes of vintage gold and nuances of cream for that extremely lavish yet romantic set-up. The plush interior of Lewin Terrace’s stately indoor seating area, The Gathering Table, was the perfect space to set up, heightening the grandiose of the theme. The subtle lavishness and sheen of the antique gold accents and the daintiness of the glasswares from Styled Story and Taylor B brought a warm and feminine touch to the table, against the passionate deep red and cream blooms by Hua Hee and black table place mats. Keeping in line with the theme, Med Karlek customised a set of hand calligraphed wedding menu and place card. Gold dusted hexagonshaped chocolates by A Piece of Sin joined the repertoire of deep coloured and gold elements, bathing the set-up in an opulent glow.


Concept: SingaporeBrides | Venue/Dinnerware: Lewin Terrace Styling and stationery: Med Kärlek Photography: Multifolds Photography Flowers: Hua Hee | Chocolates: A Piece of Sin | Vintage rops: Styled Story Vintage Glass Goblets: Bells and Birds Glass Jars, Brass Props, Gold Hexagon Box and LED Candle: Taylor B. Hardcover books and Gold Cutlery: Stylist’s own



WEDDING TABLESCAPES AT LEWIN TERRACE: KATE SPADE INSPIRED If you love Kate Spade’s bright style as much as I do, you’ll completely fall for this pretty sweetheart table inspiration. Someone please throw me a Kate Spade-inspired party now! Text by Tansey Tang | Images by Multifolds Photography

This bright, modern wedding table setting is inspired by Kate Spade’s fun monochromatic prints and fresh colours. With a colour palette of striking black and white, pops of hot pink, and gold accents, this pretty tablescape theme is perfect for those of you with a bold style! Set up in one of the intimate Lewin Terrace wedding venues, our Kate Spade Inspired sweetheart table was adorned with lush flowers in shades of blush and bright pink for a fresh, contemporary feel. We created modern lines with black and white stripes, geometric gold accents, and tall candles to give the table that iconic Kate Spade look. And I just love the stylish drama of that gold calligraphy quote against the monochrome stripes. The adorable gold teacup and saucer added the perfect lighthearted touch for our table. Some tea would be perfect for a wedding brunch, wouldn’t it? The gorgeous tiered wedding cake completed the theme with its elegant gold gilding, bold stripes, and lifelike pink sugar flower.


Concept: SingaporeBrides | Venue/Dinnerware: Lewin Terrace Styling and stationery: Med Kärlek Photography: Multifolds Photography | Cakes: Winifred Kristè Cake Flowers: Hua Hee | Vintage teacup set: Styled Story Gold ornament: Taylor B.



WEDDING TABLESCAPES AT LEWIN TERRACE: RUSTIC ROMANTIC Take a peek at the last instalment of our tablescape inspirations and learn how to put together a rustic romantic sweetheart table for two or more! Text by Audrie Soh | Images by Multifolds Photography

Inspired by the beautiful barn and backyard weddings plastered all over Pinterest and the Internet, I wanted to bring that perfect balance of rustic and romance of one to the table, quite literally. Plenty of sunlight, homely touches, and a blend of warm rustic and dreamy shades comes to mind when I think of barn and backyard weddings. And the wooden floored balcony of the beautifully refurbished bungalow, aptly named The Romantic Terrace, provided the perfect setting for this theme. For this rustic romantic tablescape inspiration, I envisioned floral crates, rustic blooms, understated wedding cakes and vintage knick-knacks in dreamy shades of blush, cream, white, rustic greens and browns, and a dab of gold. The greens and browns of the floral crate, vintage props and books, and elegant white dinnerware exuded the raw appeal of a barn’s wooden structure and the homeliness of a backyard wedding. And nothing screams ‘homely’ more than a handmade kraft paper wedding menu, professionally executed by the Med Karlek team. Winifred Kriste Cake’s three-tier cake with frills and realistic handmade sugar flowers was the perfect complement to the dreamy blooms while the hints of gold on the table bestowed just the right amount of posh befitting a wedding.


Concept: SingaporeBrides | Venue/Dinnerware: Lewin Terrace Styling and stationery: Med Kärlek Photography: Multifolds Photography | Cakes: Winifred Kristè Cake Flowers: Hua Hee | Vintage Props: Styled Story Gold Frame Mirror and White Porcelain Leaf Plates: Taylor B. Glassware and Jar Props: Bells and Birds | Chocolates: A Piece of Sin Hardcover books and Gold Cutlery: Stylist’s own







8 TIPS ON CHOOSING AN ALTERNATIVE WEDDING VENUE While alternative wedding venues such as Alkaff Mansion Ristorante, The White Rabbit and Nosh are quickly soaring in popularity among couples, not everyone is familiar with what to consider when selecting these venues for an amazing once-in-a-lifetime celebration. In this article, we’ll share with you 8 tips you should consider when choosing an alternative wedding venue. Text by Audrie Soh

The Basics: Wedding Date and availability is important because these Number of Guests venues tend to feature cosier spaces Whether you are tying the knot in a hotel ballroom or at an alternative venue with a more intimate setting, the basics of choosing a wedding venue remains. That means, deciding on a wedding date, having an estimated number of guests and researching on the available venues such as cafes, restaurants or outdoor venues like Hort Park that cater to wedding celebrations and shortlisting the ones that fit your needs. For venues, your wedding date and estimated number of guests are their priority concerns, especially for smaller venues like cafes or restaurants. Checking for

that allow for only one wedding or event booking at a time. Sharing your estimated number of wedding guests will also help you determine if the venue is suitable for your wedding or not.

Cost The biggest misconception about weddings at alternative venues is that it is cheaper than a hotel wedding. The truth is, it may or may not be cheaper. Why? Hotels offer complete wedding packages that includes food and drinks, and decoration for the entire ballroom. Alternative wedding venues operate



Coral and Mint Retro Garden Wedding in Alkaff Mansion by Bryan Jean Photography


When Rustic Charm Meets Vintage Chic by A Little Moment Photography

on an ala carte basis. Restaurants and cafes charge on a per-head basis and require you to hit a minimum spend for the venue to be exclusive to your celebration, while getting married at other venues like Hort Park means you’ll have to source for food and drinks, and tables and chairs yourself. Decoration, wedding stationery and favours are not inclusive. The great thing about that is that you have the freedom to work with a stylist of your choice to bring your wedding vision to life, or you may choose to work with the venues’ list of preferred stylists or their own in-house decorators. However, you may be tempted to go all out on decorations, which may set you back

quite a bit, especially if you’re asking for very elaborate set-ups filled with flowers. Catering food and furniture will also add to your wedding cost. To avoid over-spending, you should prioritise your wants and see what areas you absolutely can’t do without, and what you can leave out.

Budget So, when deciding on your wedding budget, do keep in mind of the additional costs required for a wedding at these venues. For a better gauge, come up with a budget that has a lower and upper limit. Most couples who’ve been through setting a fixed amount for


their budget will tell you that they end up exceeding it at the end of the day, although there are a handful of them who actually stuck to their budget or over-spent (kudos to you!). So, avoid sticker shock by setting a range for your budget, with the lower limit as the amount you hope to spend and the upper limit as a representation of how much more you’re willing and able to spend on your wedding.

Capacity Because of their cosy setting, alternative wedding venues make for a beautiful intimate wedding celebration. Most of these venues typically seat up to a maximum of 180 guests for a sitdown or buffet wedding reception or dinner. Because these venues seat a lot lesser as compared to a ballroom wedding, having an estimated number of guests will help you decide if it’s feasible to have your wedding there. Do check with the venues if they are able to take in more than their maximum capacity, within reason of course, or if they are able to offer you an alternative solution to make the space work for your numbers.

reception, although not always, since some venues have indoor seating areas as well. If you utilising the venue’s outdoor area, ensure that you have a wet and dry weather plan in place. For most parts of the year, we enjoy relatively dry and sunny weather. But sometimes, it can get too dry and hot, especially if your wedding takes place in the day on the hottest months of the year. Keep your guests comfortable and the occasion enjoyable for them by providing ice cold refreshments and cooling ventilation to cool them down. An outdoor wedding is also possible during the wetter months of the year, which typically falls at the beginning and the end of the year, coinciding with the more popular months for weddings. Just make sure the venue has a wet weather plan as a back-up in case the weather doesn’t hold up.


The beauty of alternative wedding venues lies in the different ambience each space exudes, and knowing what look you want for your wedding will help zoom in on one. Venues like Masons at Gilman Barracks and Alkaff Mansion Ristorante introduces a colonial charm Weather indoors and an English garden wedding outdoors, while spaces like The White Opting to wed at an alternative wedding Rabbit and Nosh have an old-world, venue almost guarantees an outdoor rustic and bohemian vibe. Bring the



party to the sea for a nautical wedding at Sabio by the Sea or go back in time with the retro-chic interiors of Skyve Wine Bistro and Spruce. Once you have shortlisted a handful of venues, make a trip down to the venue personally to check out the vibe of the space on-site before you decide on one. Sometimes, photos of the place may not be an accurate representation of the actual space. Visiting the space yourself before making a decision will allow you to view the space in its entirety, the beautiful and not-so-beautiful spots and all. At the same time, have a meal there to sample their dishes and have a chat with the person-in-charge to find out what it’ll cost to hold a wedding there.

Cuisine Unlike hotels, these venues are unlikely to serve the traditional Chinese dishes seen at a ballroom wedding, although some venues like Alkaff Mansion do offer a Chinese banquet menu alongside their signature Italian cuisine. Most of these places serve either European, American, or International cuisine in 3 or 4 course sets. Since most of the older generation might be unfamiliar with these cuisines, you might want to ensure that the dishes served will be recognisable to them, such as chicken or fish, or make sure you seat someone who can explain the dish to them in a relatable manner during dinner.

Accessibility Some alternative wedding venues are quietly tucked away from the hustle and bustle of our busy city life for maximum privacy, so they may not be as easily accessible or visible as other venues. Making a trip down to the place will give you an idea of how convenient it is to travel there by public transport and to spot it. If you find it difficult to find the place, chances are, so will your guests, especially if it’s their first time there. In that case, provide your guests with a detailed map to the venue and set up clear signage along the way to guide them to the space. You might also want to consider renting a mini bus to ferry your guests to and fro the nearest MRT station so they don’t have to worry about getting to the place or how to get home. There, with these 7 handy tips on hand, choosing an alternative wedding venue will be a walk in the park. For brides who prefer a grander celebration, pick up tips from the experts at Peony Jade at Clarke Quay, Peony Jade at Keppel Club, Shangri-La’s Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa, Singapore and Regent Singapore on what to take note of when selecting a wedding banquet venue and choosing a banquet package. ■ SB

Top: Kylie and Patrick’s Intimate Wedding at Skyve Wine Bistro by Pixioo Photography Bottom: The Greatest Adventure of John and Sher by Jonathan Ong // Visual Storytelling




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Young, Beautiful, Well-spoken, Fun, Confident, Spontaneous and Hilarious! Shalynn leaves a lasting impression on everyone. She has a refreshing sense of humour that makes everyone feel at ease and in no time the party takes off! Shalynn knows exactly how important it is for your guests to enjoy the event and believes in helping organisers achieve just that! Shalynn has been hosting events since the age of 14. A born entertainer with over 20 years of hosting experience, she is able to inject that unique flavour you would want in your event. If you want an emcee that’s witty, dynamic and able to put a twist on things then she is THE emcee for you! As a native Singaporean who has lived in Japan, Europe and Australia, Shalynn not only understands the local Singaporean culture but is also able to grasp the Japanese culture well. Being fluent in both Japanese and English, she is able to communicate effectively in different languages to audiences of varied nationalities. Why Shalynn is the right emcee for your next event: • Fun & entertaining emcee • Able to communicate to audiences of varying age groups & nationalities • Fluent in both Japanese and English


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