Happy Children’s Day to the child in you! Bring back childhood innocence by doodling or colouring with your favourite watercolours or crayons. Get your hands messy and yummy with our DIY monster sandwiches and/or dress up in Halloween style. This month, we talk fears – those that go on in your tot’s mind to those in yours. Breathe and rest assured that you are not alone. Be inspired by real life stories that is sure to give you the wing-life you need.
Check out our fa-boo-lous masks ideas, best toys, and a range of fun activities, brain teasers and quizzes for the kids. Get “goosebumped” with our exclusive interviews with the young stars from Goosebumps. Plus, go caving with us and see what animals live in caves. Learn how to make a pumpkin mask for your trick-or-treat costume.
Get your October issue of Singapore’s Child magazine, which comes with a copy of KIDZone magazine, written just for kids. The only magazine that has something for everyone in the family!