Evangelizing the Heart

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EVANGELIZING THE HEART PROPOSED TO: Southwestern Adventist University


Remnant Band Publications



THE IDEA "Many shall run to and fro, knowledge shall increase" Daniel 12:4. In our day and age when we have all the knowledge of the world at our fingertips, there is nothing we can't know if we so desire. The problem many times is that tho we know, we don't understand.

PROJECT SUMMARY To awake the church, the people should be able to take responsibility for their own spiritual wellbeing. To achieve this goal is born the idea to get the word of God in their hands, and give them suggestions on how to read such that they get the most out of it. Meeting their spiritual needs is important, but the physical must never be forgotten, and a little humor goes a long way to lift a person's soul.


Let the people learn on their own by giving them the tools


Guide them every step of the way week by week


Give them suggestions on what they can do to improve


Listen to the people and learn their needs

STEPS TO TAKE Translate Ellen White writings into the Zomi language Publish a newsletter every two weeks with the topics relevant, spiritual, and good-to-know.

Ask any willing individual to contribute Update online mediums such as websites and social networks Teach any patrons as your skill permits


WHAT WE DO Here in Remnant Band Publications, we juggle a few hats now and then. We all start out as volunteers who got together with the only common ground being that we desire to further God's work. To do that, we figured that we should do what the

The newsletter is setup in a certain way as to meet all the

reformers did back in the 16th century: get it in their hands. We should put the word of God in their hands, which everyone now does. So we came up with an idea.

basic human needs; a dose of reality, a spiritual connection with

Our friends will listen to us, if not because of interest, then

God, and tips on improvement

most likely because of feelings of obligation due to them

that one can work on to better themselves and not stay complacent that they go stale.

being our friend. And what more? If we do something outside our character like publishing for those who don't write, and singing for those who would rather speak, I am pushed to think that it would at least pique their interest, whereby they would

A Dose of Reality is a short section that emphasizes on the reality of struggles or triumph a person goes through and important events that occur in life according to scripture. A section that sets our perspective back in line with God's.

More frequently to be a translation of Ellen White's writings, the Spiritual Connection tries to view God's word in a new angle every time.


Important is the physical health. Suggestions on improving the daily life will be provided for

feel the need to hear you out or read your work. You don't

concerns with health, finance,

always have to reach hundreds of people. If after all your hard

interpersonal relationships,

work of creating a material, none but one decides to indulge

improving the mind and more.

in your creation, I would consider you blessed.

We manage websites and other social platforms for the

Finally we value your thoughts

possibility of reaching thousands at a time, but if not, that is

above all. Contact us and

no cause for worry. Our motto here at Remnant Band

contribute to help others.

Publications is to Reach One Heart at a Time. We step out in faith, we try and do our best, and trust that God will take care of the rest. He always came through, and now also He will.


"We are told that the work can be finished only by the whole church acting their part under the guidance and in the power of God" SPCSSW 10.2

YOUR CONTRIBUTION "Our leading ministers labor too hard, and, as the result, are almost constantly exhausted. Some of our leading men die prematurely, literally worn out, while there are among us men of ability who are really doing nothing in the cause." The Review and Herald, July 24, 1883

nothing else. Then only if you feel compelled, you may send us testimonies, quotes or sayings that touched your heart, or short stories or illustrations for our newsletter that comes out bi-weekly.

I want to personally invite you to dig your talent out from the place that you hid and contribute to the cause of God. If you think that this project is not worth the effort or that it's not effective enough, please voice your ideas that I may hear. Don't stand idly by when you can be colaborers with God. (RC 297.3)

Anymore volunteer that is willing may stay in contact with our patrons to answer any questions they might have or keep them updated with each new publications they signed up for. Learn from them what is helpful and what can be improved. Build relationships that will be reconnected in heaven. And last but not least, point anyone to Jesus who came searching, and not to let one seeking soul fall to the ground unnoticed.

There are different ways for you to contribute to our cause. First and foremost, pray for us for guidance if



THE EDITOR Have you ever wondered if Jesus would've already come? I have. Ellen White told us that "Had Adventist ... held fast their faith, ... the work would have been completed, and Christ would have come." EW 299.3

CONTACT US www.centralhub.singbawi.xyz sr.singbawi@gmail.com 29 E Hickory Ln

Let us be partakers of the labor that will hasten the spreading of the knowledge of our Lord throughout the world that it may be prepared for His coming. Let's sound the trumpet! We have made Him wait long enough.

OUTREACH CHAIR The prophets of old often spake of the impending advent of the Messiah, but none were ready to receive Him when He came. Let us be informed that His second advent may not take us unawares. We are children of the light, let us live as such.

Indianapolis, IN 46227







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REACH ISOLATED HEARTS We are more connected now than ever through technology. But that same blessing can be a curse. Save souls from their cells they thought they imprisoned in their pockets.




Your relationship with God, your devotional life will reenergize you.

Look for the lost sheep of Israel in Babylon. Reach for your brother in need.

While looking for lost souls, don't forget to take care of the souls already found.

INQUIRE Inquire of the Lord and reason with Him. Take time from your busy day and converse with Him. Inquire of the cross and ask Him why.

INSPIRE Share the message of Christ's redeeming love for you with others that they might learn and come to learn of the God you serve.

INDULGE A famine of hearing God's word is coming. Let us indulge in His blessings while we can. Hide His Words in your heart that you may not be lost.

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