2019 Singh Center for Nanotechnology Annual Report

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Singh Center for Nanotechnology  2019 Annual Report

Visiting Address Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology University of Pennsylvania 3205 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104

Singh Center for Nanotechnology 2019 Annual Report

Member National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure

University of Pennsylvania

2019 Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Annual Report

Foreword 6 Facilities Updates & Usage 8 Research Highlights 22 Singh Center Initiatives 36 Events Graduates 70 Research News 78 Research Achievements 81 Patents & Statistics 80 Awards & Honors 82 Publications 86

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology


Singh Center for Nanotechnology Annual Report .

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

A Message from the Director Over the years, many people have been asked, or asked themselves, “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” The Singh Center for Nanotechnology at the University of Pennsylvania finds itself placed in a similar position. During the first five-year period of the Center’s operation, and in collaboration with our users, we have successfully established a research hub that provides the equipment and resources to not only advance, but also to define, the future of nanoscale science and technology. I believe our success to date is based upon the strategies developed in the wake of the Center’s opening: build, build, build. We’ve built a tremendous equipment base with state of the art fabrication and characterization capabilities. We have hired a first-class and highly knowledgeable staff to meet the needs of our users. And we have, together with the University, participated in hiring outstanding nano-focused faculty that will help us intellectually define academic nanotechnology over the next decade and beyond. Of course, our current achievements would not have been possible without the support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the University of Pennsylvania, and the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Program (NNCI). I view our future with incredible optimism. Our vision has always been to enable impactful, continuous innovation in nano-related research, science and technology. One measure of this impact is the continual growth in our number of users. In six years, our user base has expanded to 35 states and five countries. In turn, we have expanded the equipment resources of our center. Particular examples include opening of the Beckman Center for Cryo-EM, a collaboration with Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine, within the characterization facility of the Singh Center. The Beckman Center houses a Titan Krios TEM microscope, allowing the imaging of the conformation of biological molecules. The Singh Center’s additional microscope acquisitions include the JEM-ARM200F NEOARM, (Atomic Resolution Analytical Microscope), and the JEOL-F200 (Multi-purpose Electron Microscope), which will allow our users to visualize and manipulate matter all the way down to the atomic scale. In addition to our Center’s tool and equipment resources, the programs that have been established and adopted since the Center’s opening are a noteworthy component to the identity and mission of the Center. Aware that is essential to identify and address gaps in facility access, skills training, and education, we’ve strived to establish programs to share our resources to our community at large. These programs include our Graduate Student Fellows (GSF) program, to allow students to participate in hands-on nanotech research; the regional Cleanroom Managers meeting, enabling the exchange of best practices among local facilities; our Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program; and K-12 outreach programs such as NanoDay. Also notable among these programs is our Seed Grant program to allow people with new ideas to access our facility, and turn those ideas into reality. Now in its fifth year, the Seed Grant program


helps small businesses and startups who possess a vision, but don’t necessarily have the financial wherewithal to pay for the lab resources to develop nano prototypes, and allow them to seek funding for their further entrepreneurial activities. In five years, previous grantees have been awarded over $6.6 million in secondary funding. While I am pleased with our achievements over the past five years, I am also aware of the importance of establishing the foundation for our Center’s future. To this end, our staff, together with the Singh Center External Advisory board (comprised of industry, academic and government leaders) were charged with developing a strategic plan for our Center that address these needs. We have completed that planning process and produced Singh 2025, a strategic plan that encapsulates our vision, mission, values, and priorities, and serves as a set of guiding principles for the next five years of our Center. We will use this plan to develop implementation strategies for new programs and investments as both our Center and the entire nanotechnology field evolve through to the year 2025. As I draft this foreword, I would also like to note that our Center has taken considerable stock in supporting the NSF’s “Ten Big Ideas” initiative. Our researchers are helping to pioneer discussion on the next wave of research by co-hosting two events in the Singh Center. The NSFsponsored “Enabling Quantum Leap: Achieving Room-Temperature Quantum Logic Through Improved Low-Dimensional Materials” workshop, where leading experts from academia, with expertise in optics, electronics, new low-dimensional materials, as well as ab initio theory and modeling, met to discuss the future of nanotechnology in the quantum realm. A second workshop, “Autonomous Systems for Materials Development,” was a three-day gathering of stakeholders from all sectors of the materials community (industry, academic, and government) to define potential investments, future goals and directions of the field in machine learning and autonomous systems. While these workshops will be discussed in broader detail in next year’s annual report, this commitment to the NSF’S efforts fall directly in line with our strategic vision. In closing, let me state that we are proud to be a vital resource for the nanotechnology community at Penn and beyond, and we are tremendously excited about the future. I thank the tremendous support of the University, the National Science Foundation, and our users. And most importantly, I applaud our exceptional staff for their support in making the Singh Center for Nanotechnology an exceptional research environment for the nation. Sincerely,

Mark G. Allen Director, Singh Center for Nanotechnology University of Pennsylvania

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology


Facilities Updates and Usage

2018-2019 Facilities Highlights

Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility (QNF)

Scanning and Local Probe Facility

The QNF supports nanoelectronics, nanomaterials

The facility contains multiple atomic force

development and integration, soft matter, and

microscopes for measuring the size, shape,

MEMS/NEMS. In addition, a complimentary

and electro-mechanical properties of materials,

facility for soft materials and laser micro-

devices, and structures with nanometer

machining is maintained by QNF for diverse

precision. Two of these AFMs work with a

materials processing, microfluidics, and

confocal Raman microscope for combined

lab-on-chip activities.

force and optical measurements while another is paired with a fluorescence microscope.

Property Measurement Facility

Nanoscale Characterization

Capabilities include magnetometry, thermal

Nanoscale Characterization supports

and electrical transport, heat transfer capacity

equipment for electron and ion beam analyses

and UV-vis-IR optics.

for university and industry users. The facility includes an integrated sample preparation laboratory with complete sample coating and plasma cleaning capabilities, as well as cryogenic TEM sample preparation equipment.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Facilities Highlights EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION The 2018-2019 timeframe has been an extraordinarily busy one for the Singh Center for Nanotechnology (SCN). The Center has added several significant new pieces of equipment to our fabrication, characterization, and local and scanning probe facilities. These capital investments included $9.2M for electron microscopy, $400k for scanning probe enhancements, and over $1.5M for cleanroom equipment, totaling $11M in the past year. In addition to new acquisitions, two new transmission electron microscopes ordered last year have been installed and commissioned and are in full use.


2015-16 Annual Report 2018-2019 SinghEquipment New Center for Nanotechnology

Microscopes KRIOS Microscope In the spring of 2017, the University of Pennsylvania was awarded a Beckman Foundation grant to establish the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center for CryoElectron Microscopy. The Beckman Center is located in the Singh Center for Nanotechnology's Nanoscale Characterization Facility and is directed by Dr. Vera Moiseenkova-Bell. It houses a new Thermo Scientific Krios G3i Cryo Transmission Electron Microscope (Cryo-TEM) with a Gatan Energy Filter, and a K3 Direct Electron Detector Camera and Phase Plate. The CryoEM Center also has a separate, newly-constructed, low humidity sample preparation room that is equipped with a Thermo Scientific Vitrobot, glow discharger and other supporting equipment. A full time cryo-EM manager, Dr. Darrah Johnson-McDaniel, oversees the use and maintenance of the instrumentation.

The Krios TEM has been installed in the Singh Center for Nanotechnology.

Cryo-Electron Microscopy has become a new standard for structure determination of various biological molecules and cellular processes. Now, this structural method not only allows us to achieve atomic-level resolution information about various proteins, but also reveals details on the protein-ligand, protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions. Moreover, it enables life science researchers to unravel life at the cellular level with precise details using Cryo-Electron Tomography. The Beckman Center for Cryo-EM provides the Singh Center for Nanotechnology research community with the access to Krios G3i high performance microscope to study proteins, protein complexes and cellular processes at the atomic resolution. The JEOL NEOARM will utilize a state-of-the-art Tescan S8000X Plasma Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope (Plasma FIB-SEM).

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope

Scanning Probe Lab Confocal Microscopy

The Nanoscale Characterization Facility has acquired, through a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation award, a state-of-the-art Tescan S8000X Plasma Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope (Plasma FIB-SEM). The plasma source can operate at up to 1 ÂľA enabling large volume crosssectioning (~1 mm x 1 mm) of a wide variety of materials, from MEMS devices to mouse brains. The microscope will also feature a cryo-transfer system and a cryostage that will allow us to work on vitrified soft materials and biological samples without risk of melting. This instrument will be a key piece of sample preparation equipment for all three of the TEMs at the SCN; the JEOL F200, the JEOL NEOARM, and the Thermo Scientific Krios - in that we can produce site-specific TEM lamellae for subsequent TEM analysis or tomography, both at room and cryogenic temperatures.

The Horiba LabRAM Nano microscope is a confocal microscope combining Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy with atomic force microscopy, allowing far-field illumination tip-enhanced imaging modes. The system is equipped with three laser lines (785nm, 633nm, and 405nm) and two diffraction gratings for either broadband or highspectral-resolution spectroscopy. The system also has a custom photo-conductivity stage and a variable temperature Linkam vacuum sample stage for environmental control. The Horiba Raman system will be used for characterization of atomic scale materials into electronic and photonic devices for applications ranging from computing switches to sensors to renewable energy devices such as photovoltaics and light-emitting devices.

The S8000X will also feature a Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (ToF-SIMS) that will allow us to characterize the chemical composition of our samples in three dimensions. This will be especially useful for analysis of light elements (hydrogen, deuterium, lithium) that cannot be detected by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDS). The S8000X plasma source can operate with a variety of gases (He, N, O, Ar, Xe) which will give us flexibility for ToF-SIMS analysis as well as the ability to intentionally dope or implant defects into samples.

The Horiba LabRAM Nano microscope


2015-16 Annual Report 2018-2019 SinghEquipment New Center for Nanotechnology

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Cleanroom in-Process Analysis

Rapid Thermal Processors

The Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility (QNF) commissioned a Kratos Ultra system that combines fast, high-sensitivity XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometry) with a unique "real-time" imaging capability that allows us to quickly produce 2- dimensional chemical-state maps with spatial resolution as fine as 5 microns. The system also provides state-of-the-art charge compensation for non-conductive specimens. Spectra can be taken from areas as small as 15 microns in diameter.Most elements other than hydrogen and helium can be detected down to approximately 0.1%. XPS offers a quantitative determination of the elemental composition of the top 80 to 100 Angstroms of solid specimens. High-resolution scans can be taken of elemental peaks of interest to determine chemical bonding information. In addition, specimens can be tilted to provide a shallower analysis. The system is also equipped with a cold stage and an Ar ion gun for cleaning and depth profiling.Three X-ray sources are available: monochromated Al, non-monochromated Mg and Al.

Three rapid thermal processing tools (one Modular Process Technology RTP-600s and two from AET Thermal) were added in response to demand from researchers. These systems will provide inert and oxygen ambient annealing of various substrate classes. One of these systems is equipped for vacuum processing. These systems are capable of processing samples ranging from pieces up to full 6-inch wafers, heating them up to over 1000°C in seconds.

The system also contains a high transmission quadrupole secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The SIMS capability includes a 45-degree electrostatic sector for simultaneous ion energy analysis. The SIMS can also be used to monitor the residual gas using an electron impact ionizer sited within the device. This can be employed for detection of sputtered neutrals. The system is equipped with a high sensitivity pulse ion counting detector with a 7-decade dynamic range raster control for enhanced depth profiling and imaging with integrated signal gating, a 45° Electrostatic Sector analyzer, scan energy at 0.05 eV increments/ 0.25eV FWHM, triple filter quadrupole, and mass options to 5000 amu.

The AET Rapid Thermal Processors.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition System The SMI-manufactured MOCVD tool is a dual chamber CVD system with four sources. Three of the four sources are bubbler-based while one source is gas-line based. Two sources are dedicated to metal-organic precursors and can be operated at elevated temperatures (> 50°C) for low vapor pressure precursors. The system consists of two chambers: 1. Horizontal hot walled chamber comprising three independently controlled heating zone split tube furnaces with 2" diameter wafer holding capacity in a quartz tube chamber. 2. Cold-walled chamber with inductively heated coated graphite susceptor capable of holding 4" diameter wafers.

The new MOCVD reactor installed in the QNF cleanroom.

Both chambers are capable of reaching up to 1200°C. Both chambers are equipped with quartz boat sources to load solid powder precursors or desiccants to try new exploratory synthesis processes. The precursors can be pulsed or flowed with user-controlled programs with an arbitrary number and duration of steps with full control over pressure, temperature and duration ranging from base pressure of < 10 torr to atmospheric pressure and flow rates of < 0.01 sccm to > 200 sccm. The tool will initially be used to grow sulfides, selenides and tellurides of molybdenum and tungsten and will be transitioned to additional quantum materials such as indium, tantalum and niobium-based chalcogenides as well as elemental selenium and tellurium.


2015-16 Annual Report 2018-2019 SinghEquipment New Center for Nanotechnology

Building Redundancy in Critical Cleanroom Processes and Equipment The Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility (QNF) staff has acquired and installed many additional tools in order to support the SCN’s increasingly diverse user base. Cross contamination is a perennial concern of researchers, particularly for reactive ion etch and other plasma enhanced processes. To address these concerns, several tools have been purchased in order to provide capabilities to users investigating diverse materials. Other tools have been installed to act as backups to critical processes. They include: • Two Oxford 80 Plus systems, one configured for Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and the other configured with a switchable RF path for both Reactive Ion Etching and Plasma Etching (RIE/PE) modes. Both systems will have oxygen and fluorocarbon gases to accommodate expanding research needs. These systems can accept samples ranging from small pieces up to full 8-inch wafers. This will allow us to broaden the range of materials we can support.

The Oxford Plasma Pro

• The ABM is a mask aligner capable of aligning and exposing substrates of small pieces to 100mm wafers. It is located in the soft lithography bay and is generally used in i-line mode for fabricating microfluidic devices with negative resists. This is a highly manual tool that allows it to accommodate non-standard alignment techniques.

The March Jupiter II Oxygen Chemistry Reactive Ion Etcher

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

• The Leica EM CPD300 Critical Point Dryer (CPD) dries specimens such Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and related suspended structures in a fully automated and controlled process. As with traditional CPDs, the system preserves the surface structure of a specimen which could otherwise be damaged due to surface tension during drying. Compared to our larger CPD system which accommodates 4” wafers, the new Leica system enables adjustment of the chamber volume to the sample size, reducing the exchange volume and minimizing process time and CO2 consumption. • An open load PECVD system provides for the deposition of amorphous silicon, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride, silicon carbide, and amorphous carbon. The open load nature of the chamber affords the capability to accommodate research samples not conforming to normal semiconductor substrate specifications (large square/rectangle, irregular shaped, microscope slides, etc.) difficult to process with single-wafer load-locked systems. • March Jupiter II Oxygen Chemistry Reactive Ion Etcher - An additional oxygen plasma etcher has been installed to accommodate the need to clean the surfaces of increasingly varied substrates in the QNF. It is capable of accepting 2 additional process gases for future research needs. This tool acts as a backup for other, older tools for this critical process.

• Filmetrics Mapping Reflectometer - An additional reflectometer has been acquired and installed in the facility in order to satisfy the need to create wafer maps of dielectric and polymer films in the thin film and lithography areas.

Cold Plate for Cold Electron Beam Resist Development The QNF acquired a ThermoElectric Cooling America Corporation (TECA) cold plate model AHP-301CPV that cools and heats (-15 °C to 90 °C & 120 °C) that can operate within ambient temperature range of 0 °C to 50 °C, suitable for clean room environments. Specifically, the cold plate was acquired to enable cold development for electron beam lithography. Research has shown that using developers at or below 0 °C can improve lithographic resolution and exposure latitude at the nanoscale.


2018-2019 Singh Center for Nanotechnology Users

Affiliation Usage Number of People Affiliation Breakdown of

Disciplinary Usage HoursDisciplinary of People Breakdown of Singh Users

Singh Users


Local Site Academic

Life Science and Medicine Other Academic

Physics MEMS

Large Corporation


Small Corporation

Optics Other


Affiliation Usage Affiliation Breakdown of

Disciplinary Usage

Singh Users

Disciplinary Breakdown of Singh Users


Local Site Academic

Life Science and Medicine Other Academic

Physics MEMS

Large Corporation


Small Corporation

Optics Other

July 2018- June 2019 | USAGE BY LAB HOURS

Affiliation Usage Fees Affiliation Breakdown of Singh Users

Local Site Academic

Disciplinary Usage Fees

Disciplinary Breakdown of Singh Users

Materials Life Science and Medicine

Other Academic


Large Corporation


Small Corporation

Process Optics Other

July 2018- June 2019 | USAGE BY USER FEES

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Usage Highlights SITE USAGE HIGHLIGHTS The pie charts on the left provide a snapshot of use and show how users at the Center identify their field of research. These statistics were gathered for the fiscal year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. The upper charts show the relative number of users from Penn, other academic institutions, and from industry. The center charts show the number of hours researchers accumulated using the equipment at Singh. The lower charts show the distribution of user fees among researchers’ affiliations and disciplines.


2018-2019 Singh Center for Nanotechnology Users

External Academic Users and Corporate Users


Singh Center

External Academic Users and Corporate Worldwide Users

Brazil São Paulo Canada British Columbia Quebec Toronto Ecuador Cumbayá, Quito

France Gières Grenoble Paris

Canada France

Germany 1983 Japan


Germany Bochum Japan Hokkaido

106 Ecuador Brazil

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Research Engagement SITE RESEARCH ENGAGEMENT As our user growth increases, our research footprint also expands to address the technological challenges of our times. From academic research to providing community access to our tools and equipment through our SEED Grant program, the Singh Center for Nanotechnology is committed to providing an environment for innovative discoveries and achievements. The highlights on the following pages provide a small sample of research conducted in the Singh Center for Nanotechnology from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.


2015-16 2019 Annual Annual Report Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology


Research Highlights


Research Highlights

Chips in Space A little-known fact about space travel is that astronauts often get sick with colds and lung infections during their time away—much more frequently than on Earth. More than half of Apollo astronauts reported an infection during or immediately following their missions, and it is widely believed by immunologists that exposure to the conditions of space suppresses astronauts’ immune systems. However, it is not known specifically what causes this effect; why does transient exposure to microgravity cause immunosuppression? To answer this question, researchers at The University of Pennsylvania have leveraged the microfabrication capabilities at the Singh Center to create living, 3D models of the breathing human airway and white blood cell-producing bone marrow. These systems have been integrated into lab-on-a-chip devices within autonomous robotic laboratories packed into the size of a large shoebox, and were flown in May this year to the International Space Station on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket for preliminary testing. Their experiment will conclude with a second launch to the International Space Station in just over one year. Once the pre-grown devices arrive and are unloaded and connected into the Space Station by astronauts, the remote-controlled systems will begin transmitting telemetry, and the automated experiments will begin.

Top to bottom: Lung Infection: Bacterial degradation of the tight junctions that hold together cells on the airway surface causes tunnel-like pockets through which the invading bacteria can gain a foothold during infection. Bacteria within one such pocket are colored green in this scanning electron micrograph of early lung infection within the lung model chip. Space Chip: A photograph of the integrated multi-tissue model flown to the International Space Station. Blood Vessels: A perfusable network of blood vessel microcapillaries (green) develop in close proximity to support cells (violet) in the researchers' bone marrow models.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

First, the airway model—consisting of primary human lung epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and microvascular lung endothelial cells stratified in a multi-compartment chamber—will be infected with green-fluorescent Pseudomonas bacteria, while an automated microscope observes. Then, the researchers will expect mature white blood cells, in particular neutrophils— differentiated from hematopoietic stem cells in an adjacent model of human bone marrow—to be recruited to the lung tissue through an engineered, perfusable vessel network to battle the invading bacteria. In watching this process unfold with previously unattainable clarity, the researchers hope to learn what aspect of the immune response is impaired in microgravity, so that we are better able to protect astronauts during long voyages to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. This work was led by doctoral student Andrei Georgescu, his supervisor Penn Assistant Professor Dan Huh, of Penn’s Department of Bioengineering, and pulmonary immunologist Dr. Scott Worthen of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, with funding by the Chips in Space initiative by NIH/NCATS.

Top to bottom: Lung Fibroblasts: Fibroblasts growing in a 3D collagen matrix within a layer of the lung model assume their physiological spindle-like morphology and maintain the tissue's extracellular matrix. Marrow: A scanning electron micrograph of the researchers' bone marrow model shows a collection of white blood cells that matured within the physiologically mimetic confines of the device.



Research Highlights

Providing Unique Materials and Process Capabilities to other Research Universities Professor Yuping Zeng, from the University of Delaware, uses the Singh Center for Nanotechnology on three different projects: the fabrication of InAs FinFETs on SiO2 a TiO2 buffer layer-based solar cell; and a TiO2 MOSFET. All of these projects exclusively use the Savannah-200 Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) machine and the SCN variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometer. The ALD machine is used for depositing various thin films at <10 nm. The ellipsometer is used to measure and verify the thickness of the deposited thin films. The InAs FinFET project uses the ALD to deposit 8-nm ZrO2, which is a high-k dielectric used as the gate oxide. An ultrathin TiO2 film is employed as a buffer layer for Copper Indium Selenide (CIS) solar cells to replace the traditional and highly toxic Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) buffer layer. Another thrust of investigation is the use of TiO2 as an active channel in thin film transistors for active-matrix display applications. Professor Kevin Hemker and student Gianna Valentino from Johns Hopkins University use the Singh Center facilities to fabricate unique sputter-deposited films. Novel and very promising new metal micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS) materials, nickel-molybdenum-tungsten (NiMoW) alloys, were fabricated by means of high-power, direct current sputter deposition. Exceptional mechanical and thermal properties were characterized with strengths exceeding 3.5 GPa, tailorable coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and high electrical conductivity. The overarching goal was to establish and process the NiMoW films in order to convince the MEMS community that properly engineered and processed NiMoW is an attractive material for elevated temperature extreme MEMS switches and sensors. The Singh Center for Nanotechnology

supported the necessary steps to develop a lithography-based micro-machining protocol to shape blanket films into micro-cantilever beams. NiMoW films were sputter deposited with optimized parameters to reduce the residual stress. Thereafter, the films were lithographically patterned and etched to release the freestanding cantilevers for subsequent thermal and mechanical testing of dimensional stability at Johns Hopkins University. Professor Lynford Goddard and graduate student Shaneen Braswell from the University of Illinois, as part of the Energy-Efficient Computing: from Devices to Architectures (E2CDA) program at University of IllinoisUrbana Champaign, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), have the overall goal to use the lightemitting transistor and transistor laser as basic circuit elements in electronic-photonic signal processing cells. They are developing CMOS compatible, chip-level optical interconnects for heterogenous integration. An integral piece of this effort is to engineer energyefficient grating couplers which are currently undergoing fabrication at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology. “The Singh staff was very helpful in positioning us to begin fabrication immediately and efficiently. During the Open Technical Forum, their expertise and feedback were invaluable to making our fabrication plan compatible with their facilities. Moreover, additional discussions held with the staff allowed us to optimize our fabrication process.” — Shaneen Braswell, Graduate Student, University of Illinois

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Nanostructured Diamond Metalens for Compact Quantum Technologies Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are the basis for emerging quantum technologies including quantum memories, quantum repeaters, and quantum sensors. However, the practical challenge of collecting single photons emitted by NV centers located deep inside a diamond crystal is a daunting one, since it necessitates diffraction-limited imaging with nanometer precision alignment. Typically this is achieved using bulky free-space optical microscopes. Metasurfaces offer an alternative approach to free-space optics, with flexible designs that can complement or replace traditional optical components. A metasurface composed of nanoscale diamond pillars, which act as an immersion objective, was designed and fabricated to collect and collimate the photons emitted by an individual NV center into an optical fiber.

The metalens exhibits high transmission efficiency and Academic Research To Startup: a numerical aperture greater than 1.0, comparable to a Nanoscale Pores For Dna Sequencing traditional free-space objective. The all-diamond device Precision drilling of nanopores in silicon suspended is fabricated using electron-beam lithography and on glass chips for DNA sequencing has been carried reactive ion etching. This design greatly simplifies the out with our Transmission Electron Microscopes. task of fiber-coupling quantum emitters, and it will aid in The nanopore diameter is in the range of 1-2 nm (for the development of deployable quantum devices. comparison, a single stranded DNA molecule is 1.1 nm in diameter)was andconducted the measurement of +/- 0.1 nm. The The research by Pennerror Engineering membrane thickness is about to 5research nm, monitored Assistant Professor Lee Bassett and3 his group in situ by the electron energy loss signal. Error! in collaboration with researchers in Professor Erik Reference source not found. shows a schematic drawing of the Garnett’s group at AMOLF in the Netherlands, and the nanopore device. The image in Error! Reference source technical staff of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology. not found. shows an electron microscope view of one of these pores. A publication of this work is in preparation. Prof. Marija Drndic’s lab at Penn conducted this research.

Left: A diamond immersion metalens. Design and simulation of the metalens as an array of diamond nanopillars (scanning electron micgrograph of fabricated devices is inset). Right top: Photoluminescence images collected through the metalens and using a 100x free-space objective through the backside of the sample. Right bottom: Photon correlation signal showing emission from a single NV center.



Research Highlights

Low Temperature Healing of Metal Foams Humans have been using metals for 6,000 years because of their high strength and toughness. The same properties that make metals strong also make them hard to repair, which is why metals must be brought to near their melting temperature to form shapes or heal fractures. The high melting temperature of metals, however, makes their repair difficult and energy intensive, especially when complex parts, like those from 3-D printers, need to be repaired as welding torches cannot selectively melt intricate internal structures. Consequently, the entire ecosystem for synthesizing, manufacturing, and designing metallic materials is based on preventing failure, which results in overweight parts designed to withstand several times their expected loading. Inspired by the healing in bone, this research has demonstrated, for the first time, room temperature healing of metal parts by taking advantage of electrochemistry as a means to transport nickel at room temperature.

Top: Scanning electron micrograph of fractured nickel strut before and after healing. Middle: Transport-driven healing in bone and cellular metal. Bottom: Scanning electron micrographs of cellular nickel after damaged by tensile loading and after healing.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Using electrochemistry, nickel can be transported from a solid source to the fractured area through chemical reactions that convert the nickel from a solid to a water soluble ion and back to a solid. Similar to bone, the metal can be healed only where a fracture occurred, due to a polymer coating, and also healed so that fractured areas are stronger than they were before they broke. Healed samples fully recovered their strength after being loaded to within 1% strain of total failure, which corresponded to a 350% increase in the fractured nickel strength. This healing approach can one day give rise to more sustainable use of metals and robots that heal themselves like humans. The study was conducted by James Pikul, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics and Graduate Student Zakaria Hsain, a member of the Pikul research group.

This research has been identified by the Reuters News Agency as one factor in designating the University of Pennsylvania as number four of the “Reuters Top 100: The World’s Most Innovative Universities – 2019” list.

Top: Cellular nickel sample in the pristine state, after fracture and after healing. Bottom: Fractured cellular nickel sample immersed in electrolyte during healing.



Research Highlights

Singh Center for Nanotechnology Spinoffs: Enachip

Nanocardboard as a Nanoscale Analog of Hollow Sandwich Plates

Enachip* is a spinoff company of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology and is focused on using nanotechnology-enabled magnetic materials to shrink the size of power converters and isolation transformers, ultimately creating integrated magnetics on a chip-or energy chips.

Corrugated paper cardboard that is used as a daily product is a very lightweight and rigid structure that can demonstrate high bending stiffnesses despite being made of two thin paper sheets and a very light weight webbing. Now imagine this design at the nanoscale. In Assistant Professor Igor Bargatin’s lab in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, this imagination is a reality.

The technology that enables these devices is a ‘topdown’ technique based on sequential electrodeposition, optionally followed by selective etching and infiltration, that allows the creation of highly-structured multilayer materials with precisely designed individual layer characteristic lengths in the hundreds of nanometers range, but overall thicknesses of manufactured material in the millimeter range. Such deterministic control of the lower-dimensional characteristic lengths in this stacked material enables the ability to specify the overall macro-scale material properties across multiple domains. Using this technique in the context of magnetic cores for multiwatt, high frequency DC-DC switched power converters allows exploitation of the high permeability, saturation flux density, and thermal conductivity of metallic alloys while at the same time suppressing the eddy current losses that would otherwise render these magnetically superior materials infeasible. These converters are suitable for use in applications ranging from LED lighting to portable and handheld devices. Enachip has received approximately $2.5 million in venture funding, strategic partnership funding, and industry NRE projects, and is currently headquartered in Jamesburg, NJ. * Singh Center for Nanotechnology PI Allen has an equity position in Enachip.

“Nanocardboard” is a highly engineered structure with face sheet thicknesses ranging from 25 to 400 nm and micrometer scale webbing holding the two sheets apart. Nanocardboard exhibits a high bending stiffness and other extraordinary features that macro scale structures do not. For instance, nanocardboard recovers its original shape without damage after extremely high deformations – up do 180 degrees. Moreover, since the structures are essentially a composite of nanometer thick layers and empty space, they have ultralow areal densities. Samples are fabricated at Singh Center for Nanotechnology and an overview of the process is briefly detailed as follows: photolithography and etching are used to etch tubular holes in a thin silicon mold, which is conformally coated with alumina using atomic layer deposition (ALD); The alumina shell is released by dry etching the silicon out from the interior. Since the fabrication process is highly scalable, samples can be made from sub-millimeter in size to many centimeters in length. This opens a wide range of applications from nanoscale characterization to photophoretic levitation of macrostructures for nanocardboard.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Micron-Gap Spacers with Ultrahigh Thermal Resistance and Mechanical Robustness for Direct Energy Conversion Conversion of thermal energy at temperatures greater than 1000 °C to electricity is usually accomplished in a moving-parts heat engine, though it can also be directly converted in a thermionic engine with no moving parts. In a thermionic energy converter, heat is directly changed to electricity by “evaporating” electrons between two electrodes through a vacuum gap and does not require pistons, turbines, or other machinery. Yet, other more complex physical and chemical challenges have limited the development and applications of thermionic conversion. One way to increase the conversion efficiency is to reduce the vacuum gap between the electrodes to just a few micrometers, or just a few percent of the width of a human hair. Unfortunately, creating such a small and uniform gap that is thermally insulating between two metal plates that are very hot and under vacuum pressure is difficult. A nanometer-thick, microstructured plate that provides a unique combination of compressive strength, thermal insulation, and out-of-plane flexibility in order to create micrometer-scale gaps between the converter electrodes has been developed. Nanofabrication tools from the Singh Center for Nanotechnology were used to vary the plates’ geometry, material composition, and mechanical characteristics in order to determine the limits of thermal conduction at the nanoscale interfaces. The “mesh” plate was an open hexagon array of U-beam ribs that allowed for the free flow of electrons through the hexagons during operation.

Nanofabrication tools from the Singh Center for Nanotechnology were used to vary the plates’ geometry, material composition, and mechanical characteristics in order to determine the limits of thermal conduction at the nanoscale interfaces. The “mesh” plate was an open hexagon array of U-beam ribs that allowed for the free flow of electrons through the hexagons during operation. The ribs were composed of few-hundrednanometer thick aluminum oxide films that were inherently thermally insulating, mechanically rigid, and provided nanometer-scale roughness to limit thermal contact between the plate and electrode surfaces. Through testing and optimization, researchers found a design that had a thermal conductivity similar to or less than that of aerogels, one of the most thermally insulating man-made materials. The plates were then tested in micron-gap thermionic cells and showed a significant increase in conversion current at constant operating temperature and provided motivation for further research to decrease the plate's thermal conductivity in order to improve the conversion efficiency. The work was performed by Assistant Professor Igor Bargatin's group in Penn's Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department, in collaboration with researchers at Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, and Spark Thermionics, Incorporated.



Research Highlights

Singh Center Internal and External Collaborations: Microfabricated, Label Free Biosensors Collaborating with Rutgers University, Penn researchers at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology are developing microfabricated, label-free, insertion-format sensors for biomarker detection. Electronic-based sensing is a promising approach for fM-level specific detection of proteins due to its low cost, ease of miniaturization, and label-free operation. One limitation of these previous sensors is that they do not have an insertion form factor for in vivo use. Using the resources at the Singh Center, we developed a wafer-level microfabricated, needle-shaped impedance sensor for rapid, label-free detection of cytokines and other biomarkers. The needle shape of the sensor allows for transdermal or transvascular sensing. The sensor, a micro-well array comprising 25 individual 2Îźm-diameter wells

embedded in a sensing tip, is lithographically configured on a laser micromachined fused silica microneedle. Label-free specific detection is achieved via functionalizing the microwells with antibody and monitoring the impedance change across the sensor electrodes due to the binding of target protein to the antibody. This collaborative research was completed by the MicroSensors MicroActuators (MSMA) group, led by Mark Allen, Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and Associate Professor Mehdi Javanmard of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Rutgers University, and is sponsored by DARPA.

Clockwise from top left: A schematic view of the label-free flexible sensor. Specific binding of target protein to an antibody immobilized on the sensor surface results in an increment in impedance between electrodes. Process for fabricating the flexible sensor. A)-E) Crosssectional views of the micro-sized wells on sensor tip. F) A schematic 3-D view of the fabricated sensor. (a) Microscopic image of wafer-level fabricated sensors; (b) Sensors released from wafer post laser micromachining; (c) An overview of a packaged sensing platform; (d) Close view of microwells in sensing region. Microscopic images of batch fabricated sensors; Sensors released from wafer post laser micromachining; close view of microwells at sensor tip.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Scanning Probe Research The friction of atomically-thin layered materials is characterized by single asperity contact measurements using the Asylum MFP-3D atomic force microscope (AFM). Friction between a nanoscale AFM tip and two materials - CVD-grown monolayer graphene and MoS2 flakes supported on a SiO2 surface - can be directly compared by scanning both co-deposited materials in one image. The friction image shown in (a) clearly illustrates that the single crystalline MoS2 and graphene regions have significantly reduced friction compared to the SiO2 substrate, which demonstrates their potential as nano lubricating films. Moreover, graphene also has lower friction than MoS2. Complementary molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the fundamental mechanism for the friction contrast between graphene and MoS2 surfaces is the different corrugations of the potential energy surfaces of each material; the corrugation provides a barrier to sliding and thus governs static friction. The energy corrugation difference calculated using DFT, shown in (b), is attributed to the higher polarizability of the sulfur atoms in the MoS2 compared to carbon atoms providing a larger dispersion contribution to the sliding barrier.

Right: (a) AFM friction map of MoS2 and graphene flakes on SiO2 surface. (b) Energy barriers for MoS2 and graphene calculated by DFT. The TEM images of the AFM tip used (c) Microscopic imaes of batch fabricated sensors; sensors released from wafer post laser micromachining; close view of microwells at sensor tip. (d) Sensor inserted into skin phantom.

Furthermore, the AFM tip shape can be characterized in the JEOL F200 transmission electron microscope (TEM) as seen in (c) before and (d) after measurements to evaluate tip wear. Only a small amount of tip wear is observed, which helps validate the reliability of the data. This collaborative research project was performed by Professor Robert W. Carpick’s group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM), Professor A.T. Charlie Johnson’s group at the Department of Physics, Penn, Professor Ashlie Martini’s group at University of California-Merced, and Professor Erin R. Johnson’s group at Dalhousie University.



Research Highlights

Non-Traditional Users: Two-Dimensional Ti3c2 Mxene for High-Resolution Neural Interfaces High-resolution neural interfaces are essential tools for studying and modulating neural circuits underlying brain function and disease. Because electrodes are miniaturized to achieve higher spatial resolution and channel count, maintaining low impedance and high signal quality becomes a significant challenge. Nanostructured materials can address this challenge because they combine high electrical conductivity with mechanical flexibility and can interact with biological systems on a molecular scale. Unfortunately, fabricating high-resolution neural interfaces from nanostructured materials is typically expensive and time-consuming and does not scale, which precludes translation beyond the benchtop. Twodimensional (2D) Ti3C2 MXene possesses a combination of remarkably high volumetric capacitance, electrical conductivity, surface functionality, and processability in aqueous dispersions distinct among carbon-based nanomaterials. Here, we present a high-throughput microfabrication process for constructing Ti3C2 neuroelectronic devices and demonstrate their superior impedance and in vivo neural recording performance

in comparison with standard metal microelectrodes. Specifically, when compared to gold microelectrodes of the same size, Ti3C2 electrodes exhibit a 4-fold reduction in interface impedance. Furthermore, intraoperative in vivo recordings from the brains of anesthetized rats at multiple spatial and temporal scales demonstrate that Ti3C2 electrodes exhibit lower baseline noise, higher signal-to-noise ratio, and reduced susceptibility to 60 Hz interference than gold electrodes. Finally, in neuronal biocompatibility studies, neurons cultured on Ti3C2 are as viable as those in control cultures, and they can adhere, grow axonal processes, and form functional networks. Overall, these results indicate that Ti3C2 MXene microelectrodes have the potential to become a powerful platform technology for high-resolution biological interfaces. The researchers, led by Penn Department of Neurology Professor Flavia Vitale, include those from Penn Departments of Bioengineering, Penn Department of Neurosurgery, and the Materials Science and Engineering Department, from Drexel University.

The process flow used to fabricate MXene microelectrodes at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Cleanspace Assembly for New Telescope Sensors

Professor Cullen Blake, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania and his group are making use of the cleanroom facilities available within the Singh Center to handle and package Charge Coupled Device (CCD) imaging detectors for a NASA- and NSF-funded called project NASA-NSF Exoplanet Observational Research. One of the main goals of this project is to build a new astronomical spectrometer sensitive enough to enable astronomers to detect the tiny acceleration an Earth-like exoplanet planet imparts on its host star by measuring Doppler shifts of the stellar spectral lines. This new spectrometer, which will be deployed to the WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak (Arizona) and available to the entire U.S. user community, is designed to be capable of measuring the velocities of nearby stars with a precision of 30 cm/s, substantially better than what current facilities are capable of. At the heart of this new spectrometer is the world’s largest commercially available monolithic digital detector, a silicon waferscale device having 9000 x 9000 pixels. This detector will record high-resolution stellar spectra covering

Researcher assembling a telescope camera in the Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility.

the optical range (360 nm to 930 nm). These devices, which measure 90 mm on a side in their silicon carbide packages, are extremely sensitive to particulate contamination and electrostatic damage. The facilities in the Singh Center provide an ideal work environment where Blake and his team can safely handle these devices to install them inside a portable test apparatus, which is then brought back to the Physics and Astronomy department where extensive electro-optical testing is carried out. Following many months of testing at the University of Pennsylvania, these detectors are currently making their way from Philadelphia to State College, PA, where they will be integrated into the optical bench before the entire instrument is shipped to Arizona. This work, which has involved a number of students and postdocs, would not have been possible at the University of Pennsylvania without the support of the Singh Center.


2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology



2018-2019 Initiatives

Singh Center for Nanotechnology External Advisory Board The External Advisory Board for the Singh Center for Nanotechnology was formed to help establish strategic initiatives for the Center. In addition to the Singh Staff, the board is comprised of representatives from industry, academic, government and investment communities. The Board has been engaged in creating the strategic plan, “Singh 2025,� which will serve as a set of guiding principles for the next five years of the Center. The plan will encapsulate the vision, mission, values and priorities, as both our Center and the entire nanotechnology field evolves to the year 2025. As part of the mission, the Center is emphasizing four key priority areas: community, education, research and innovation and external engagement; as well as defining success metrics for each priority area. The current composition of the External Advisory Board is as follows:

External Members Singh Staff Charles Chung, A.M. Fitzgerald

Mark Allen, Scientific Director, SCN

Nena Golubovic, IP Group

Gerald Lopez, Director, Business Development

Anthony Green, Ben Franklin Technology Partners

Noah Clay, Director, Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility

J. Alex Liddle, NIST

Matt Brukman, Director, Local and Scanning Probe Facility

Ethan Simon, Dupont

Doug Yates, Director, Nanoscale Characterization Facility

Barry Snyder, Axalta Coating Systems

Pat Watson, Director, User Programs

Jonathan Spanier, Drexel University

Kristin Field, Director, Education and Professional Development

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Mid-Atlantic Region Cleanroom Managers Meeting The Singh Center for Nanotechnology staff created the Cleanroom Managers meeting beginning in 2015. The Center continues to maintain a leadership role in this series of meetings by selecting sites, offering topics, and coordinating dissemination of the outputs of these events.

Attending Institutions: New York Columbia University New Jersey Rutgers University Princeton University Pennsylvania

Princeton University hosted the meeting held April 25-26, 2019 at which the discussion focused on the lab management software NEMO, which is open sourced and supported by NIST, lab safety and managing 24/7 operations, and the management of the introduction of new, unconventional and potentially hazardous materials into the process equipment in the facilities.

Pennsylvania State University

In October 2018, the workshop was held at NIST in Maryland. Topics included at discussions about equipment and safety training. Eric Johnston from the Singh Center gave a talk entitled “Creating an Orientation Video for QNF.�

University of Delaware

Carnegie Mellon University Drexel University University of Pittsburgh Singh Center for Nanotechnology University of Pennsylvania Delaware

Maryland Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab National Institutes of Standards & Technology NASA Army Research Laboratory

Mid-Atlantic Region Cleanroom Managers Attending Institutions

University of Maryland Washington D.C. Georgetown University George Washington University


2018-2019 Initiatives

Wednesday Open Forum Process Sessions

Cleanroom Summer School

Each Wednesday, staff members hold an open forum for users in the mid-Atlantic community. The purpose of these events is to assemble Singh Center staff with researchers in an informal setting to provide solutions to fabrication problems – ranging from simple devices to complex multi-level process integration issues. It also allows researchers with limited backgrounds in fabrication to learn how staff and their community peers design devices and work through the challenges of device fabrication.

The Singh Center for Nanotechnology cleanroom summer school series ran over the 2018 summer months and consisted of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on processing in the cleanroom facility.

These forums attract an average of five researchers each week, including remote users who phone in questions. An interesting observation among staff is how nearly all participants remain in the room for the full multi-hour session, contributing to and learning from others in the fabrication community. Besides Penn users, academic researchers from Penn State, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Thomas Jefferson University, and Drexel, plus industrial researchers, and others have attended sessions.

70 attendees participated in total for lectures, and 19 for hands-on microfluidics fabrication. Lecture topics included the basics of design of experiments, advances in optical lithography, and metrology for nanoelectronics.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Cleanroom Boot Camp In addition to the Cleanroom Summer School, the SCN staff has continued to offer a more intensive “boot camp”. This intensive one-day program taught basic nanofabrication techniques in the form of lectures and in-fab hands-on workshops to nine students. This year, the staff have enhanced the program to include more in-depth descriptions and use of metrology tools. The lectures consisted of the following fundamental processes for nanofabrication: • Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) • Resist application and contact lithography • Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) • Key metrology techniques for monitoring the thin film deposition, lithography, and etch processes The workshop portion focused on cleanroom unit process fabrications as they apply to the lecture principles. Participants included researchers from Drexel University, the EVG Corporation, Jefferson University, and the NSF-funded STC Center for Engineering and Mechano-Biology at Penn.


2018-2019 Initiatives

Innovation Seed Grant Competition

Innovation Seed Grant Program In its fifth year, the Seed Grant program has blossomed into one of the most productive programs the Center has sponsored. Over $6 million dollars in secondary funding has been raised by the previous grant awardees. This program was designed to provide opportunities to individuals, startups and small businesses to develop their projects through the usage of nanotechnology-related tools and equipment. Up to $3,000 in individual grants are awarded in laboratory/equipment time at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology. Grant amounts are based on the number of hours proposed for the project and the normal fee structure used to reserve equipment at the Singh Center. “We see the Seed Grant program as an investment into our community,” Matt Brukman, Director, Local and Scanning Probe Facility, Singh Center for Nanotechnology. “By providing these startups with access to this level of equipment at no cost, we’re demonstrating our confidence in their project submissions. If successful, their work translates into valued significance, not only from an economic standpoint of hiring skilled talent, which puts financial value into our local economy, but also the innovative accomplishment, which has the capability to make a significant impact worldwide.” From the submissions provided, seven finalists were selected to participate in the 2019 Innovation Seed Grant Program.

Over 6 million dollars in secondary funding has been received by previous Seed Grant recipients.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

2019 Innovation Seed Grant Competition Winners CubIMM Krzysztof Laudanski Faculty, Pennsylvania School of Medicine “Creating a device to measure the immunological status of the patient is of paramount importance. Here, we pull several existing technologies into a new level device to measure if the patient in the ICU can respond to infection in an adequate way. Currently, no commercial device exists on the market.” NanoXCell Therapeutics Patrick Lundgren Student, Pennsylvania School of Medicine “NanoXCell is developing cell therapies using a completely novel nanoinjection platform that enables the engineering of high quality cells, that are otherwise difficult to engineer, to treat patients in a rapid point-of-care manufacturing process.” InnaMed Inc Anup Singh Alumnus, University of Pennsylvania “InnaMed is developing a smart, at-home blood testing device for the early detection of deterioration and automation of therapy in chronically ill patients. By integrating published, patented DNA-driven assay technology, aptamer reagents and signal processing hardware, InnaMed enables rapid, ultrasensitive blood testing at the home.” Volta Therapeutics LLC Johnathan Lawless Student, Drexel University “We are currently building an advanced electroporation device for cell isolation and gene transfection to genetically engineer T-cells with cancer targeting receptors. The cell chamber can be made using lithography.”

Therapeutic Articulations LLC Dawn Gulick Faculty, Widener University “Orthopedics is about precision. The Mobil-Aider device is able to quantify knee joint laxity to contribute to the clinical decision-making regarding injury management and the ability to quantify joint mobility to consistently render therapeutic treatments to improve quality of care. MobilAider (TM) represents a "first-to-market" technology for arthrokinematic/linear assessment.” Mitology Zarazuela Zolkipli-Cunningham Faculty, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia “In collaboration with Dr. Mark Allen, we have been testing a prototype O2 nanosensor in pre-clinical models of Mitochondrial Myopathy (MM). We are now poised to conduct the first in-human testing in MM human subjects. This seed grant application is to support the costs of O2 nanosensor fabrication and optimization.” NanoGrass Solar LLC Dianat Pouya Faculty, Drexel University “NanoGrass Solar develops photonic hardware that facilitates tele/data communications of 200 Gbps and beyond. As envisioned in our U.S. patent 7705415, NGS has prototyped a family of ultra-fast optical detectors with unprecedented bandwidth of up to 250 GHz which is 4 times greater than the competing technologies and is suitable for hyper-scale data centers, 5G telecommunication and beyond. Specifically, we have developed a top illuminated photodetector, which is an essential part of the value chain in photonic integrated circuits (PIC) with the value proposition of 4x more reliability by simplifying the electronic circuit design in an optical receiver module. NGS is currently undertaking R&D activities oriented toward the needs of our potential customers and is focused on development and scaling of its proprietary technology.”


2018-2019 Initiatives Research Outreach

Microscope Dedication Symposium In May 2019, the Perelman School of Medicine hosted a dedication symposium for their Titan Krios Microscope, installed in the Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy, located in the Singh Center for Nanotechnology. The talks were held at the Smilow Center for Translational Research, with an evening reception held at the Singh Center. Facility tours were provided to guests to view the installed microscope in the Beckman Center. The Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy provides access to state-of-the-art cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and cryo electron tomography (cryo-ET) for structural investigation of macromolecules and cells. The facility houses a Krios G3i microscope equipped with phase plate, K3 Summit Direct Detector camera and Bioquantum GIF energy filter. In addition, the facility has Vitrobot cryo plunger and all accessories needed to perform sample preparation for cryo-EM. The Singh Center held a microscope dedication symposium for the JEM-ARM200F NEOARM, (Atomic Resolution Analytical Microscope), and the JEOL-F200 (Multi-purpose Electron Microscope) instruments in August 2018. The meeting consisted of a series of talks describing the cutting-edge research in electron microscopy. Eric Stach, Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, served as host to this symposium. In addition to the talks, tours were provided to the attendees.

Left to right, Penn Professor Eric Stach provides closing remarks at the JEOL microscope dedication ceremony. Singh Center for Nanotechnology Scientific Director, Mark G. Allen, offers welcoming remarks to the attendees to the JEOL microscope dedication ceremony.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Engaging New Industrial Users The Singh Center for Nanotechnology has initiated a program to improve the engagement of industrial users. It provides access to nanofabrication resources at a fixed cost and only requires a minimum obligation of three months. As part of our mission to promote research and innovation, industries are invited to conduct research at the Singh Center at our competitive industry rate, while smaller private start-ups participate at a reduced rate. Access to the QNF Soft Lithography Bay is also provided at a single reduced rate to those interested in developing microfluidic devices.

Here are some advantages participants experience: • Access to the QNF tools and instrumentation at a fixed cost (tool time quotas will apply). • Tool training and access to regularly scheduled process workshops. • Visiting Scholar status with access to Penn’s digital library resources. • Budget friendly and flexible contract terms with reduced rates starting with a minimum 3-month commitment for teams up to 10 individuals. Discounts for longer term contracts and additional users are provided. • Reduced risk and cost of ownership for research and development projects. • As a multi-user facility and service center, we also feature an industry-friendly intellectual property policy.


2018-2019 Initiatives Research Outreach

Singh Center for Nanotechnology Staff Conference and Panel Leadership Our staff members have been active in contributing to local and national technical conferences and panels. Below is a list of highlights of these activities. Noah Clay Director, Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility • Member, University of Pennsylvania Centers Leadership Council. • Steering Committee Member, European Nanofabrication Research Infrastructure Symposium (ENRIS). • Steering Committee Member, UGIM Conference. • Reviewer, NIST Technical Journal. Gerald Lopez Director of Business Development • Founder and Chair, 2019 Meeting for Advanced Electron Beam Lithography (MAEBL). • Steering Committee Member, Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam and Nanofabrication Conference (EIPBN or “3-beams” meeting).

Meredith Metzler Senior Manager for Thin Films and Equipment Engineering •

Session Chair, Opto-mechanics, photonics, and quantum nano-systems at the American Vacuum Society’s 60th Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA.

• Chair, NNCI Working Group on Equipment Maintenance and training. • Mid-Atlantic Chair, Cleanroom Manager’s Meeting. George Patrick Watson Director of User Programs • Secretary, Advisory Committee of the Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam and Nanofabrication Conference (EIPBN).

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology


Total Papers


Total Worldwide Downloads since 2015


Worldwide Downloads in 2018–2019

Network Information Dissemination The Singh Center for Nanotechnology has published over 110 documents in the Penn Library System through Scholarly Commons at repository.upenn.edu/qnf/, accessible to anyone worldwide. These documents, covering the spectrum of nanofabrication-related topics are products of the development work of SCN staff and students. For the calendar year 2018, there have been over 20,500 downloads of Protocols and Reports from over 1600 institutions.

The total number of download of documents since the inception of this program in 2015 is over 62,000 with requests from 3,074 institutions in 142 countries. Some of the most popular topics concern process recipes for deposition and etching. One report on the deposition of SiO2 using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition was downloaded 3000 times in 2018 alone.


2018-2019 Initiatives Network Activities

2018 Annual NNCI Meeting and Working Group Activity In September 2018, the third Annual National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) meeting was held at the University of Washington. This conference provides an opportunity for the NNCI community to share information, discuss best practices, and create collaborative programs in an effort to establish an inclusive network to the research community. The Singh Center for Nanotechnology, recognized as the Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Hub (MANTH), is one of the 16 leading academic research facilities that make up the NNCI, a network created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to advance research in nanoscale science, engineering and technology. The NNCI program provides the resources to support our laboratories and foster collaboration with academic researchers, nanotechnology industry, K-12 students throughout the mid-Atlantic region and beyond. Interaction with these outside researchers, scholars, and innovators is vital to our mission to continue to bolster scientific discovery and drive economic impact in nanotechnology.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Node-To-Node Research Collaboration

NNCI Equipment, Maintenance and Training Working Group

The Singh Center for Nanotechnology has led efforts to collaborate in research, training, and education with several other NNCI sites over the past year. An example of these collaborative efforts has been a proposed joint photolithography working group program to investigate and share the properties of photoresists.

Represented by NNCI sites Penn, Stanford, UT-Austin, Cornell, UNC Chapel Hill, and University of Washington, this working group is tasked with sharing expertise on how to keep complex equipment in nano-fabs properly operating by considering the characteristics of tools, how they are maintained, and how researchers operate them. The working group is chaired by SCN Senior Manager Meredith Metzler.

The Singh Center and the Cornell CNF node have a collaboration to develop techniques to deposit and etch scandium-doped AlN piezoelectric films. The etch and deposition experts from both sites are discussing the details of the sputter deposition of this material, as the Center plans to install a tool dedicated to this purpose later this year. Cornell engineers have experience with AlN deposition and are sharing their insight. The Singh Center plans to develop and characterize etch processes for these scandium-doped materials as well, and we are sharing our experiences with CNF to further enhance our collective knowledge base.

Communication was conducted through email exchanges and one-on-one phone conversations. One important topic discussed among the group members was the collection and dissemination of information in vacuum equipment troubleshooting and maintenance. Much of this information is not readily available in literature or the web. For instance, tracking pumping curve characteristics can be used to understand the health of etch or CVD systems. The plan is to finalize one example to use as a model to instruct maintenance staff at NNCI sites. The members are: • Mary Tang, Stanford University • Bob Geil, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill • Jesse James, University of Texas at Austin • Jeremy Clark, Cornell University • David Nguyen, University of Washington • Meredith Metzler, University of Pennsylvania


2018-2019 Initiatives Network Activities

NNCI Photolithography Working Group Composed of representatives from ten NNCI sites, this group is charged with sharing photolithographic techniques and processes with member sites and the larger research community. This working group is led by Singh Center staff member Pat Watson. David Jones, and Gyuseok Kim are active members as well. With the help of the NNCI Coordinating Office, a working group mailing list was created. The working group now has presence on the NNCI website. A forum for lithography questions and a repository of meeting presentations and other documents are now available online. The capabilities at each member site were reviewed and an outline of how to disseminate the lithography capabilities of each site was considered. The topic of meeting in-person was also discussed.

A one-day workshop was held on July 12, 2018 preceding the Stanford Direct-Write Symposium in July, coinciding with SEMICON. Representatives from nine NNCI sites plus engineers from UC Berkeley joined in the discussion. In the morning session, representatives from the sites described the photolithography capabilities of their respective sites in detail. During the afternoon, discussion and presentation topics included data preparation strategies, sharing vendor information about photoresists and other consumables, and simulation software for steppers. Singh Center for Nanotechnology staffers David Jones and Gyuseok Kim led the discussion in two of these topics. In April of 2019, during a teleconference, the working group went over a plan to share and compare photoresist process data among the members in a uniform manner. The Singh Center member Gyuesok Kim proposed a plan to use a test mask developed by the Cornell CNF to evaluate resists. The subsequent conversation indicated that a comparison of negative tone resists is of special interest to members.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Members include: Cornell University

University of Nebraska

Garry Bordonaro

Jiong Hua

Georgia Tech

University of Minnesota

Vinh Nguyen

Laura Palmer

University of California, Berkeley

University of Pennsylvania

Emily Beeman

David Jones

Allison Dove

Gyuseok Kim Pat Watson

University of California, San Diego Xuekun Lu

University of Washington

John Tamelier

Duane Irish

University of Louisville

Stanford University

Curt McKenna

Mary Tang Rich Tiberio


2018-2019 Initiatives Network Activities

NNCI Vendor Relations Working Group This group is now led by SCN staff member Charles Veith, who, since February 2019, has assumed leadership from a University of Washington staff member. The mission statement he has created for the group is below: "This is my road map for the NNCI. As the Chair of the NNCI Vendor Relations working group and a member of the Coordinating team at the Singh Center for Nanotechnology, I have unique advantages when it comes to driving down costs. The combination of these groups creates the strength of thousands of research scientists in the field of nanotechnology. By providing single point coordination we can supply information to universities, connect smaller materials vendors to the academic community, and create a more robust supply chain. In addition, start-up and small companies who use NNCI facilities can take advantage of obtaining these materials at substantially lower costs. With these many researchers, we command the attention of vendors in every area. This allows us to drive down prices on essential materials and supplies. An important example is the success of the electron beam resist ZEP520; the price of this workhorse material increased dramatically in the past few years. Last year we negotiated an agreement with the

manufacturer to purchase and redistribute large quantities of the material at substantially reduced prices to the mid-Atlantic research community. We hope to conclude a nation-wide joint agreement this year with an additional 14% decrease in pricing, with cost savings to be shared throughout the NNCI network. It is important to note that the manufacturer was happy to enter into these agreements since it allows them to address a market that would otherwise cost them too much to satisfy. Based on experience working at the Intel Corporation, we believe in building support for nearby labs so we may all benefit. We can also use our buying power to strengthen US-based firms by inviting them to get involved in the bidding process. We are applying this philosophy to our work with US firms such as Transene, our supplier of basic solvents and specialty etchants; KEMLAB, a small photoresist firm which has lower costs than competitor MicroChem; plus, California Fine Wire, Wafer World, Capitol Scientific, Texwipe, Cintas, Angstrom Scientific, PGI and CTI. We are here to support all NNCI members and related research labs. Examples include helping NASA find needed materials, Berkley needing a source of precious Metals, Tulane University with micro contamination issues, CUNY with lab operations, MIT in need of resist, and tool qualifications at NYU."

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

NNCI Technical Content Development Working Group Singh Staff member Eric Johnston co-leads a working group that is the amalgam of two groups, now known as the Technical Content Development working group. The working group consists of members from three NNCI sites: RTNN, The Singh Center for Nanotechnology, and nano@stanford, and over the past year have met on a regular basis. The members are: • Maude Cuchiara, Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network • Angela Hwang, Stanford University • Eric Johnston, University of Pennsylvania Two sites, RTNN and nano@stanford have implemented online resources to support the education of users as well as growth of the user base. The Singh Center has developed a survey to learn more about the non-traditional users at NNCI sites to better support the creation of educational materials to ideally be used network-wide.


2018-2019 Initiatives Educational Outreach

Singh Center for Nanotechnology Education and Outreach Programs Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

2019 NNCI REU Cohort

The Singh Center hosted six Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) students for a ten-week summer research program. Students were hosted in labs and work on projects that use the Singh Center’s Quattrone Nanofabrication, Nanoscale Characterization, Scanning and Local Probe facilities. The students participated in weekly brown bags and lectures series and complete assignments leading to a final oral presentation and written paper based on their summer research.

The 2019 NNCI REU Cohort students are juniors or seniors and sophomores from the mid-Atlantic institutions of Bucknell University, SUNY College at Geneseo, University of Pittsburgh, Villanova University, the University of South Carolina and Concordia College. All six students participated in the NNCI REU Convocation at Cornell University in August 2019. .

During the ten weeks at Penn, the Singh 2019 REU students’ programming included interactions with three French visiting summer students (two masterlevel students and one undergraduate) who were at Penn to work in NSF PIRE-funded labs. Combining these two groups of students created a bigger cohort for the brown bags, final presentations and other programming. It also allowed both groups of students to benefit from sustained interactions with peers from another country. Students completed general lab safety and responsible conduct of research training and any additional lab safety and equipment training appropriate for their specific projects. The weekly brown bags, two field trips and the mentor-mentee BBQ provided opportunities for the students to develop relationships with each other through the program to enhance their long-term networks.

Singh Center REU students and with their host lab mentors.

2019 Annual Report


Singh Center for Nanotechnology

2019 Projects and Host Labs To host an REU student, Penn faculty were required to propose summer projects that involved the student’s use of the Singh Center facilities. Students were matched to projects based on their project preferences and the preferences for specific backgrounds and skills requested by the hosting labs.


Project Title


Gari Eberly

Transparent MXene MicroECoG Electrodes for Multi-Modal Seizure Monitoring

F. Vitale


Luke Holtzmann Isotope Effects of Heavy Water on Fused Silica Solid-state Nanopores for Biosensing Purposes

M. Drndic


Leone Grace Scalable Production of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-Based Biosensors

A.T.C. Johnson Bioengineering/Neurology

Joseph Orr

Effects of Metal Evaporation on 2D Semiconductor-Metal Contacts

D. Jariwala

Materials Science and Engineering

Tessa Posey

Fabrication and Characterization of Vitamin-C Reduced Graphene Oxide Neural Microelectrodes

F. Vitale


Joseph Stage

Development of Thermally Actuated Tunable Adhesive Structures

K. Turner

Mechanical Engineering

The 2019 REU cohort (left-right), Top Row: J. Orr, L. Holtzman, J. Stage Bottom Row: T. Posey, G. Leone, G. Eberly


2018-2019 Initiatives Educational Outreach

Local College Educational Outreach: Swarthmore College The Singh Center has developed a program for undergraduate students from local colleges and universities to provide these students with a hands-on opportunity to fabricate and characterize micro and nano-scale structures, using the tools in the Quattrone cleanroom facility. Seven STEM students and their instructor from Swarthmore College participated last year. This year, we expanded the program so that 49 students from 3 local colleges and universities could participate, including the women’s college Bryn Mawr. In previous years, in-cleanroom demonstrations were performed for undergraduates. This new program allows students to handle wafers and operate various tools on their own so that they can gain real world nanofabrication experience. Singh staff and Graduate Student Fellow students from Penn led the discussions and tool operation in several 4-hour sessions. The process consists of SiO2 deposition (PECVD), photolithography (spinner, mask aligner, hot plate, development), plasma etching (reactive ion etcher), resist stripping (asher) and characterization (reflectometry and optical microscopy). In order to make the experience both educational and fun, interesting features such as the Liberty Bell, a map of old Philadelphia, and the Declaration of Independence were patterned at the micron scale on 100mm Si wafers. The SiO2 thin films were grown to different thicknesses in order to form a range of colors. The principles of constructive and destructive interference of light in thin films were described to explain the variation of color. Students from Swarthmore College led by Professor Kyle Wagner, Bryn Mawr College led by Professor Xuemei Cheng, and Villanova University led by Professor Rosalind Wynne benefited from this course in the 2018 fall semester. Students included those with majors in the physical sciences and engineering, as well as in non-STEM fields. The program was extremely popular with many students and we hope to expand access next year.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

K-12 Outreach Collaboration The Singh Staff continued to visit local public schools in Philadelphia to promote nanotechnology education last year. Cleanroom Engineer, David Jones, (pictured below) and Staff Scientist Gyueseok Kim visited several classes at the Alexander Adaire Elementary School in Philadelphia. They demonstrated how to don cleanroom suits, described the principles of photolithography — with photomask handouts, and discussed their careers in the field of nanotech.


2018-2019 Initiatives Educational Outreach

High School Outreach | 2018 NanoDay@Penn On Tuesday, October 9th, 2018, National NanoDay, the Singh Center for Nanotechnology hosted over 100 students from six high schools from around the Greater Philadelphia Region for a day of STEM-related fun and learning. Over 150 Penn undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs from the GRASP lab, AddLab, Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility (QNF), Nanoscale Characterization Facility (NCF), Scanning Probe Facility, as well as from six research labs from two schools, Penn Engineering and Penn Arts and Sciences, volunteered for the event. The high school classes, accompanied by their teachers, rotated through the day’s activities, which covered robotics, 3D manufacturing, microfluidics, understanding materials through state-of-theart microscopy, thin films, shape memory metals and polymers, physics of light, quantum dots, and nano materials for energy storage.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Half of the high schools that participated were from underserved neighborhoods. These schools have demographics of 82-94% of the student body being economically disadvantaged and large numbers of students that would fall into groups that would be URMs in STEM (84-99% students at these schools being non-White). Evaluation from the students and teachers was positive. 31 students (29.8%) ranked the day as being “highly exciting and enjoyable,” the highest on a 1-5 scale), 52 students (50%) ranked it “good”, with the remaining 20.2% ranking it “OK.” 67 students (64.4%) indicated that NanoDay increased their interest in STEM. Teachers gave the day an average rank of 4.8 on a scale with 1 being “not valuable” and 5 being “very valuable.”

The Singh Center's

NanoDay@ Penn 2018 hosted 100 students from 6 Philadelphia schools Over 150 Penn undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs volunteered for the event.


2018-2019 Initiatives

Singh Curricular Education

ESE 336 – Nanofabrication of Electrical Devices

ESE 536 – Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization

The Singh Staff and faculty have developed and offered a new course this year for undergraduates. Nanofabrication of Electrical Devices allows undergraduate engineering students to gain hands-on experience creating electronic devices along with the principles behind the operation of them. Two projects comprise the lab portion of the course:

This course was developed and offered for the first time in the Center for Nanotechnology facilities in Spring 2017. The course ran again in Spring of 2018 and is intended for first year graduate students interested in the experimental practice of nanotechnology. There continues to be a heavy demand from students based on registration.

•The fabrication of a photovoltaic device based on single crystal Si. Students diffused dopants, deposited antireflective coatings and created electrical contacts using reactive ion and wet etching, two levels of photolithography, and metal sputtering. “Traditional” top-down techniques are emphasized. • The fabrication of a thin film transistor using an organic semiconductor. Students are exposed to alternative techniques such as shadow mask fabrication with laser machining and inkjet printing.

Students gain familiarity with both top-down and bottom-up fabrication and characterization technologies with hands-on device fabrication. This is achieved through the realization of a variety of microand nanoscale structures and devices that can exhibit either classical or quantum effects at the small scale. Although concepts relevant to the laboratories are emphasized in lecture, it is expected that students will already have been exposed to many of the underlying theoretical concepts of nanotechnology in previous courses.

Besides fabricating these devices, students electrically characterize them, as well as take part in demonstrations of the operation of other advanced tools such as laser writers and nanoscale 3D printers.

MSE 610 –Transmission Electron Microscopy And Crystalline Imperfections This course describes the theory and application of transmission electron microscopy methods to problems in materials science and engineering, condensed matter physics, soft matter, polymeric materials, inorganic chemistry and chemical engineering. The principles of microscope operation, electron scattering, image formation and spectroscopy will be described with an emphasis on both theory and experiment. This year, hands-on laboratory work using the Nanoscale Characterization Facility was emphasized.

Undergraduates on the deck of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology test a solar cell they fabricated in the Quattrone Nanofabrication facility.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

ESE 218 Electronic, Photonic, and Electromechanical Devices

ESE 460/574 Semiconductor Microfabrication

This first course in electronic, photonic and electromechanical devices introduces students to the design, physics and operation of physical devices found in today's applications. The course describes semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices, including light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, photovoltaics, transistors and memory; optical and electromagnetic devices, such as waveguides, fibers, transmission lines, antennas, gratings and imaging devices; electromechanical actuators, sensors, transducers, machines and systems.

This is a laboratory-based course on fabricating microelectronic and micromechanical devices using photolithographic processing and related fabrication technologies. Lectures discuss: clean room procedures, microelectronic and microstructural materials, photolithography, diffusion, oxidation; materials deposition, etching and plasma processes. Basic laboratory processes are covered for the first two thirds of the course with students completing structures appropriate to their major in the final third.


2018-2019 Initiatives

MEAM 537 Nanomechanics and Nanotribology Engineering is progressing to ever-smaller scales, enabling new technologies, materials, devices, and applications. This course provides an introduction to nano-scale tribology and the critical role it plays in the developing areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. We discuss how contact, adhesion, friction, lubrication, and wear at interfaces originate, using an integrated approach that combines concepts of mechanics, materials science, chemistry, and physics. We cover a range of concepts and applications, including, drawing connections to both established and new approaches. We discuss the limits of continuum mechanics and present newly developed theories and experiments tailored to describe micro- and nano-scale phenomena. We emphasize specific applications throughout the course. Reading of scientific literature, critical peer discussion, individual and team problem assignments, and a peer-reviewed literature research project is assigned as part of the course.

MSE 250 Nanoscale Materials Laboratory The course provides an in-depth experimental introduction to key concepts in materials and the relationships between nanoscale structure, their properties and performance. The use of laboratory methods to examine the structure of materials, to measure the important properties, and to investigate the relationship between structure and properties is covered. Emphasis is placed on a complete exposure of Nano- and Materials science as a field. Most experiments require multiple laboratory sessions, with priority given to experiments in which students explore the entire range of materials science, from the synthesis of materials and the characterization of structure, thermodynamics and composition, to the measurement of properties and discussion of applications. Students are able to realize working devices as an end product of the key laboratories in this course. Practice in oral and written communication is realized through course assignments.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

MSE 465/565 Fabrication and Characterization of Nanodevices

MSE 500 Experimental Methods in Materials Science

This course surveys various processes that are used to produce materials structured at the micron and nanometer scales for electronic, optical and chemical applications. Basic principles of chemistry, physics, thermodynamics and surface/interfacial science are applied to solid state, liquid, and colloidal approaches to making materials. The approaches to nano- and microfabrication: photolithography, soft lithography, nanoimprint lithography, 3-D printing and selfassembly, are covered. The course is heavily lab based, with 25% of class time and 30% of the homework devoted to hands-on experiences. Lab assignments are a series of structured individual/group projects.

This laboratory course introduces students to a variety of experimental methods used in materials science and engineering. Hands-on training is provided for atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and scattering, mechanical testing with image capture, Rutherford backscattering and dynamic light scattering. Students use numerous software packages for data collection and analysis and are introduced to LabVIEW as a method for customizing experiments. In addition, students witness demonstrations of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and electron diffraction and analyze data from these methods.


2018-2019 Initiatives

Graduate Student Fellows Program The Graduate Student Fellow (GSF) program is entering its fifth year. It provides Penn Master’s students with hands-on nanofabrication experience in the cleanroom to complement their course work. The awardees develop skills in fabricating devices, establishing advanced level processes, and developing and participating in educational aspects of the Singh Center in the form of lab courses and workshops. As a team, the awardees build a community to share their knowledge and troubleshooting experiences. The program starts in June and ends in May of the following year. The GSF cohort in this year developed MEMS devices, graphene sensors, quantum dot transistors, and directed self-assembly templates for a graduate lab course. The cohort also developed an organic TFT and a solar cell for an undergraduate lab course. Additionally, the GSFs created processes such as excimer laser direct writing. A total of four posters based on GSF work were presented or have been accepted to conferences (SPIE 2019 and EIPBN 2019). The experimental results are also published through Scholarly Commons, an open access documentation source of the Penn library system.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Graduate Student Fellows Program Awardees Name





































2018-2019 Initiatives Community Outreach

League of United Latin American Citizens' National Educational Service Centers Upward Bound Program Fieldtrip Site In past years, the Singh Center coordinated monthly after-school programming in Penn labs and facilities for small groups of LNESC Upward Bound students. For Fall 2018, LNESC requested that the format be changed to a longer, school-day fieldtrip for which they could bring students from their constituency schools.

With the participation of several Penn student groups that focus on increasing URMs and women in STEM and in finance majors, we organized an event with a “conference-like” structure, entitled, “STEM UnderRepresented: Growing Out of Stereotypes”. Eighteen 9th, 10th and 12th graders, along with one of their teachers and several LNESC staff, participated in the event.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Marketing and Communications Social Media Presence The Center’s website, www.nano.upenn.edu, is the primary source for distributing content relating to the Center’s resources and activities. The website has shown growth of 4.28%, or more than 800 new-versusreturning visitors over a one-year period. Program Coordinator John Russell has maintained these electronic platforms since the inception of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology. His efforts have produced more than 20,000 visitors to the site over a 12-month period. The chart below provides a comparison of the website’s global impact from year to year.

In addition to our website, social media channels that Program Coordinator John Russell created allows the Center to focus on notable achievements and content that generally falls outside of our website posting guidelines, yet has significant interest to our followers. Our social media networks, (Twitter, Facebook) continue to be strong resources for the Center in providing this additional content. Our Twitter Impression rate has shown a 127% increase over the previous year, rising from 37,114 to 88,900 impressions.

A year-to-year page view comparison shows 1,300 more pages, totaling over 64,000 pages on the website were viewed in 2018-2019 than in the previous year.

175 1983



15496 364







Page Views in 2018-2019


Page Views in 2017–2018


2018-2019 Initiatives Community Outreach

Nanotechnology Technicians Training Program with the Community College of Philadelphia The Community College of Philadelphia collaboration on workforce development activities aimed at training technicians for the nanotechnology industry has reached a key milestone. After extensive interactions with industry and polling their needs, CCP has added two courses on the topics of nanotechnology and additive manufacturing to its curriculum. The impact of the courses on students’ future job and academic interests will help CCP further evaluate whether building a larger nanotechnology program would serve both students and local employers. The Singh Center for Nanotechnology provided feedback on these courses and connections to Penn’s Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, which the Center has co-invested in some of the equipment and materials. Course and lab content are also being informed by materials used by the NACK Network, nanoHUB, Nano-Link and peer NNCI sites involved with curriculum-design at community colleges to leverage existing resources and expertise.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

New CCP Courses in the Applied Science and Engineering Technology Program (ASET) (www.ccp.edu/catalog-course-offerings-groupings/ aset) ASET 140 3D Printing-Additive Manufacturing Additive manufacturing (AM), also referred to as 3D printing, is a process of creating objects by building them up layer by layer. This course will provide handson experience with 3D printers as well as introduce applications of AM in the manufacturing sector. The course is a technical elective in the ASET program. Including this course as a technical elective will provide students with knowledge and skills in an important emerging technology in manufacturing, which is consistent with the overall goals of the ASET program.

ASET 201 Introduction to Nanotechnology This course provides an overview of fundamental principles of nanotechnology and how they apply to various industries. The course covers the scale of nanomaterials and their chemical and physical properties, nanofabrication approaches, characterization tools, and other special topics of interest. Laboratory experience complements lecture topics.


2015-16 Annual Report 2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology


Events Graduates

2018-2019 Events

Meeting for Advanced E-Beam Lithography (MAEBL)

2018 Annual User Meeting

The third annual Meeting for Advanced Electron Beam Lithography (MAEBL) was hosted at The Ohio State University in April 2019. MAEBL is a community of engineers, scientists and students from industry, academia and government that use electron beam lithography (EBL) to enable cutting edge research and development. Structured talks, lectures, and planned discussions, in addition to over three hours of networking are built into the meeting.

The Singh Annual Users’ Conference, coincided with the fifth anniversary of the Center’s opening, provided an opportunity for facility users to discuss the latest achievements, leading-edge technologies, and nanoscience practices that occur in the Center. This annual event was held in October 2018. The program consisted of four sessions, including a poster session to showcase the research conducted in the center.

As a small and geographically dispersed and vendor segmented community, the meeting provides an intimate space to so its members can openly discuss topics devoid of conference formality and EBL hardware vendors/exhibitors. Having entered its third year, MAEBL continues to help promote this dialogue within the segmented EBL community by holding fast to its tradition in allowing only the end-users of these stateof-the-art systems. Speakers from this meeting came from Ohio State, University of Delaware, University of Pennsylvania, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, University of Washington, and Sandia National Lab.

The first session, concentrated on new nanotechnology methods and featured talks by industry professionals Eric Deguns, Veeco Instruments, and Maruda Shanmugasundaram, Horiba, Scientific, and Penn Engineering Professors, Igor Bargatin, and James Pikul, describing new fabrication and characterization technologies. The poster exhibit, the second session of the event, provided over 35 students from universities across the region with the opportunity to share their research with the attendees from mid-Atlantic community. The third session focused on new areas of research, ranging from Cryo-TEM analysis of proteins to III-V devices on Si and were provided by Vincent Lee, CEO, Lumiode, David Niedzwiecki, Senior Scientist, Goeppert and Penn faculty members, Cherie Kagan and Vera Moiseenkova-Bell. The final session, “Careers in Nanotech,” was a panel discussion that included industry professionals ranging from CEOs to newly hired Penn Engineering Alumni to share with their experience of working in the field of nanotechnology and nanoscience. Panelists for this event included, Lorena Kallai, GSK; Alan Nakatani, DOW; Barry Snyder, Axalta; Divya Karunanithia, Halma International, and Xiaojing Li, Global Foundries.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Dr. Krishna P. Singh Visits the Singh Center for Nanotechnology On Tuesday, September 17, 2018, Dr. Krishna P. Singh, Founder, President and CEO of Holtec International, visited the Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology Center on the University of Pennsylvania campus. This was Dr. Singh’s first visit since the Center opened its doors in 2013. The four-hour meeting was coordinated to provide Dr. Singh with an opportunity to engage with the Penn engineering community, including Dr. Vijay Kumar, Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and Dr. Mark Allen, Scientific Director, the Center for Nanotechnology. Several faculty members from the School of Engineering also met with Dr. Singh and shared details of their scientific accomplishments in nanoscience research. “We’re delighted to welcome Dr. Singh’s return to spend time with our faculty and staff, and to take part in discussion in support of the Center’s strategic development,” said Mark Allen, Scientific Director, Singh Center for Nanotechnology. Dr. Singh, who received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 1972, and a master’s in engineering mechanics from Penn, is a major benefactor to the university, donated $20 million dollars to the building of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology, the largest single gift in the history of the School of Engineering

and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania. “We’re in a wonderful position to show our family of alumni how their investments have benefited this Center, our university, and students in a variety of ways. Our growth, the research conducted in this Center, and the programs we’ve created couldn’t have been achieved without the continual commitment and support from alumni like Kris,“ stated George Hain, Vice Dean, Development and Alumni Relations, School of Engineering. A tour of three multi-purpose facilities in the Center was provided by the staff to Dr. Singh, most notably two new microscopes, the JEOL F200 and the JEOL NEOARM, being the first NEOARM installed in North America. “The acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment continues to be crucial in the development of our Center to remain at the cornerstone for education, research and innovation. This is extremely important in that we provide tool and equipment access to the 12 schools at Penn, our local universities, regional industry users and startup companies. We’re providing access to incredibly innovative equipment that’s new in the marketplace,” remarked Matthew Brukman, Director, Local and Scanning Probe Facility.


2018-2019 News

PhD Degree Graduates


Dissertation Title




Microengineering Approaches to Study the Human Placenta




Light-Driven Levitation of Ultralight Macroscopic Plates




Design and Fabrication of Particle-Embedded Polymer Composite Films for Optimized Light-Modulation




Nonlinear Optical Responses in Type-II Weyl Semimetals




Tribological Response of Silicon OxideContaining Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon, Probed Across Lengthscales




The Role of Sliding Contact in Nanoscale Tribochemistry




Tissue Engineered Nigrostriatal Pathway for Treatment of Parkinson's Disease




Miniaturizing High Throughput Droplet Assays for Ultrasensitive Molecular Detection on a Portable Platform



2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Master's Degree Graduates





UNNATI PRAMOD JOSHI Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering HAOYANG LI

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


2018-2019 News

Master's Degree Graduates




Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Master's Degree Graduates




Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering


Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics


Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics














2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology


Research News

2018-2019 Researchers

2018– 2019


Confidential Disclosure Agreements


Invention Disclosures


Provisional Patents Filed



Non Provisional Patents Filed

Sponsored Research Agreements


Patents Issued



Robert Carpick

Thin Film Metal Silicides and Method for Formation

I-Wei Chen

pH Sensitive Peptides and their Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery

I-Wei Chen

Mechanical Forming of Resistive Memory Devices

Marija Drndic

Differentiation of Macromolecules and Analysis of their Internal Content in Slid-State Nanopore Devices

Marija Drndic

Ultra Low Capitance Glass Supported Dielectric Membranes for Macomolecular Analysis

Alan T. Johnson

'Graph Paper': A Scaleable, Printable, Sheet of High Mobility Graphene on Flexible Substrates

Cherie Kagan

Methods for the Preparation of Colloidal Nanocrystal Dispersion

Daeyeon Lee

Anisotropic and Amphiphilic Particles and Methods for Producing and Using the Same

Karen Winey

Polymerized Ionic Liquid Block Copolymers as Battery Membranes

Shu Yang

Superamphiphobic Surfaces and Compositions and Methods of Forming the Same

Arjun Yodh

Fiber Optic Flow and Oxygenation Monitoring Using Diffuse Correlation and Reflectance


License Agreements

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Research Achievements SITE RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS The essential need for nano-science research continues to accelerate with technological advances and a growing world population. Our research achievements continue to play a vital role in contributing and shaping the world of nano-science development of technologies in the fields of electronics, magnetics, optics, information technology, materials development and biomedicine. Through our shared vision and collaborative culture, the following pages demonstrate the success and contributions our researchers have provided in the field in academics and industry.


2018-2019 Researchers

Honors and Awards

Igor Bargatin

Liang Feng

Class of 1965 Term Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, has been awarded the S. Reid Warren, Jr., Award, which is presented annually by the undergraduate student body and the Engineering Alumni Society in recognition of outstanding service in stimulating and guidingthe intellectual and professional development of undergraduate students.

Assistant Professor in Materials Science in Engineering, was selected to receive a 2019 NSF CAREER Award. This award is the NSF’s most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.

Lee Bassett Assistant Professor in Electrical and Systems Engineering, has been selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) 2018 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. The nation’s brightest young engineers from industry, academia and government are nominated by fellow engineers or organizations to participate.

Liang Feng Assistant Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, has been elected a fellow of the Optical Society. The scholarly society is the “world’s leading champion for optics and photonics, uniting and educating scientists, engineers, educators, technicians and business leaders worldwide to foster and promote technical and professional development.”

Deep Jariwala Assistant Professor in Electrical and Systems Engineering, is the recipient of a Young Investigator Award from the journal Nanomaterials for his “impressive work combining novel nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides, into heterostructures and electronic and optoelectronic devices.” Dr. Jariwala was also named to the Nano Letters Early Career Advisory Board. Deep Jariwala, Assistant Professor in Electrical and Systems Engineering, has been awarded funding through the Army Research Office’s Young Investigator Program (YIP). YIP awards are one of the most prestigious honors bestowed by the Army on outstanding scientists beginning their independent careers.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Kathleen J. Stebe

Shu Yang

Richer & Elizabeth Goodwin Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and deputy dean for Research and Innovation in Penn Engineering, is a recipient of the 2018 Langmuir Lectureship Award, presented by the American Chemical Society’s Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry and its journal, Langmuir, in recognition of individuals working in the interdisciplinary field of colloid and surface chemistry.

Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, has been named a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), which recognizes members who have made advances in knowledge through original research and publications or made significant and innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology.

Christopher Murray Richard Perry University Professor and Professor in Materials Science and Engineering, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) “for invention and development of solvothermal synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystal quantum dots for displays, photovoltaics and memory.”

James Pikul Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, has been awarded an Office of Naval Research 2019 Young Investigator Program Award for his proposal “Understanding Electrochemically Induced Surface Evolution and Transport at Metal-Hydrogel Interfaces for Metal-Air Scavenger Power.”


2018-2019 Researchers

In the News

Penn and Lehigh Research Team Seeks Alternative Ammonia Production Methods for Sustainable Fertilizers https://medium. com/penn-engineering/penn-and-lehighresearch-team-seeks-alternative-ammoniaproduction-methods-for-sustainable8d2c6839e512 Researchers Make Complex 3-D Surfaces with 2-D sheets https://medium.com/pennengineering/researchers-make-complex-3-dsurfaces-with-2-d-sheets-19bee1497afc Dental Plaque is No Match for Catalytic Nanoparticles https://medium.com/pennengineering/dental-plaque-is-no-match-forcatalytic-nanoparticles-f2bf61b500e2 Powering the Future with Giant Clams https://medium.com/penn-engineering/ powering-the-future-with-giant-clams4658482519f5 Penn Engineering Groups Awarded NSF Grants to Work Toward ‘Quantum Leap’ https://medium.com/penn-engineering/pennengineering-groups-awarded-nsf-grants-towork-toward-quantum-leap-304410a937d0 Engineering/Wharton Start-Up Avisi Technologies on their way to FDA Approval https://medium.com/pennengineering/engineering-wharton-startup-avisi-technologies-on-their-way-to-fdaapproval-a38561464305 Learning from Patterns in Pollen https:// medium.com/penn-engineering/learningfrom-patterns-in-pollen-579e40d4b391 Shu Yang Elected to American Physical Society Fellowship https://medium.com/ penn-engineering/shu-yang-elected-toamerican-physical-society-fellowship3ac67bb75035 Liang Feng Receives 2019 NSF CAREER Award https://medium.com/pennengineering/liang-feng-receives-2019-nsfcareer-award-5fd0191aad5c

Liang Feng Elected Fellow of the Optical Society https://medium.com/pennengineering/liang-feng-elected-fellow-ofthe-optical-society-a60b578b6f2c Penn Engineers Develop Ultrathin, Ultralight ‘Nanocardboard’ https://medium. com/penn-engineering/penn-engineersdevelop-ultrathin-ultralight-nanocardboardf274bcc9bf78 Promoting Innovative, Reproducible Science: Penn’s Research Excellence Initiative https://medium.com/pennengineering/promoting-innovativereproducible-science-penns-researchexcellence-initiative-6f3d6d2449ab Penn Engineers Discover New Cellular ‘Elevator’ That’s Controlled by Light https://medium.com/penn-engineering/pennengineers-discover-new-cellular-elevatorthat-s-controlled-by-light-d6aef8e09d4c Penn Engineering Improves Alternative to Lithium-ion Batteries https://medium. com/penn-engineering/penn-engineeringimproves-alternative-to-lithium-ionbatteries-f9acef1a6df2 Penn Engineers Develop Room Temperature, Two-Dimensional Platform for Quantum Technology https://medium.com/pennengineering/penn-engineers-develop-roomtemperature-two-dimensional-platform-forquantum-technology-cae3a5c0d8f9 Christopher Murray Elected to National Academy of Engineering https://medium. com/penn-engineering/christophermurray-elected-to-national-academy-ofengineering-21d96ff7fdf4 Singh Center Accepting Applications for Nanotechnology Grant https://medium.com/ penn-engineering/singh-center-acceptingapplications-for-nanotechnology-grante0a65599b3f7

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Penn Engineers Can Detect Ultra Rare Proteins in Blood Using a Cellphone Camera https://medium.com/penn-engineering/pennengineers-can-detect-ultra-rare-proteinsin-blood-using-a-cellphone-camera56579e2fdd56 Functional, Beautiful “Metallic Wood” Intrigues Designers https://medium.com/ penn-engineering/functional-beautifulmetallic-wood-intrigues-designersccb931adadde Solar system exploration Q&A with Cullen Blake https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/ solar-system-exploration-qa-cullen-blake Penn Engineers 3D Print Smart Objects with ‘Embodied Logic’ https://medium.com/pennengineering/penn-engineers-3d-print-smartobjects-with-embodied-logic-4a14e5c6c536 Two Penn Engineering Professors Receive Young Investigator Program Awards from the Office of Naval Research https://medium. com/penn-engineering/hed-two-pennengineering-professors-receive-younginvestigator-program-awards-from-theoffice-of-c764b3ee580c Penn Engineers’ Liquid Crystal Force Fields Enable New Kind of Microrobotics https:// medium.com/penn-engineering/pennengineers-liquid-crystal-force-fields-enablenew-kind-of-microrobotics-1238979f8fc0 Six Penn researchers receive honors from American Physical Society https:// penntoday.upenn.edu/news/six-pennresearchers-receive-honors-americanphysical-society Nanowerk on Nanotribological Printing https://medium.com/penn-engineering/ nanowerk-on-nanotribological-printingdd3f20a3f7c7 Electronic research notebooks streamline the scientific method https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/ electronic-research-notebooksstreamline-scientific-method?utm_ source=Primary&utm_campaign=43a1cf9e7d-

Turning Silicon into Nanometallic Memristors https:// devicematerialscommunity.nature.com/ users/207818-yang-lu/posts/43813-turningsilicon-into-nanometallic-memristors Dan Huh Wins 2018 Lush Science Prize for Organ-on-a-Chip Work https://medium.com/ penn-engineering/dan-huh-wins-2018-lushscience-prize-for-organ-on-a-chip-work5f0adbd5894d Marc Miskin’s Micro-Robots are Small Enough to be Injected by Syringe https:// medium.com/penn-engineering/marcmiskins-micro-robots-are-small-enough-tobe-injected-by-syringe-c40ff65ba191?sk=bce faf06d603de72705c0f3f4270ff18 ‘A Swiss cheese-like material’ that can solve equations https://penntoday.upenn. edu/news/penn-engineers-demonstratemetamaterials-can-solve-equations Daeyeon Lee Named 2019 Penn Fellow https://medium.com/penn-engineering/ daeyeon-lee-named-2019-penn-fellow2bd9e13b0eac Charles Kane and Eugene Mele receive the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/ two-penn-faculty-receive-bbva-foundationfrontiers-knowledge-award


2018-2019 Publications

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

Firooz Aflatouni F Ashtiani, P Sanjari, MH Idjadi, F Aflatouni, “High-resolution optical frequency synthesis using an integrated electro-optical phaselocked loop,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 66(12), 5922-5932, 2018. Conferences F Ashtiani, P Sanjari, MH Idjadi, F Aflatouni, “Towards integrated wideband high- resolution optical synthesizers,” IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, 1316-1319, 2018. MH Idjadi, F Aflatouni, “Integrated pound-dreverhall laser stabilization system in a standard CMOS SOI process,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, IEEE, 2018. Ritesh Agarwal W Chen, W Liu, Y Jiang, M Zhang, N Song, NJ Greybush, J Guo, AK Estep, KT Turner, R Agarwal, CR Kagan, “Ultrasensitive, mechanically responsive optical metasurfaces via strain eAmplification,” ACS Nano, 12(11), 10683-10692, 2018. M-L Ren, JS Berger, W Liu, G Liu, R Agarwal, "Strong modulation of second-harmonic generation with very large contrast in semiconducting CdS via high-field domain," Nature Communications, 9, 1, 186, 2018. Mark Allen F Vitale, W Shen, N Driscoll, JC Burrell, AG Richardson, O Adewole, B Murphy, A Ananthakrishnan, H Oh, T Wang, TH Lucas, DK Cullen, MG Allen, B Litt, “Biomimetic extracellular matrix coatings improve the chronic biocompatibility of microfabricated subdural microelectrode arrays,” PloS One, 13, 11, e0206137, 2018. H Oh, S-W Lee, M Kim, WS Lee, M Seong, H Joh, MG Allen, GS May, MS Bakir, SJ Oh, “Designing surface chemistry of silver nanocrystals for radio frequency circuit applications,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 43, 3764337650, 2018.

W Shen, S Das, F Vitale, A Richardson, A Ananthakrishnan, LA Struzyna, DP Brown, N Song, M Ramkumar, T Lucas, DK Cullen, B Litt, MG Allen, “Microfabricated intracortical extracellular matrix-microelectrodes for improving neural interfaces,” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 4, 1, 30, 2018. Y Li, M Kim, MG Allen, “A bi-stable vertical magnetic actuator with non-contact latching based on magnetic microlamination technology,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28, 10, 105010, 2018. Y Li, M Kim, MG Allen, “A single mask process for the realization of fully-isolated, dual-height MEMS metallic structures separated by narrow gaps,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28, 2, 027001, 2018. Conferences MJ Synodis, M Kim, SA Bidstrup Allen, MG Allen, “MEMS enabled scalable fabrication of highperformance lithium ion battery electrodes,” IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Conference, 600-603, 2018. N Song, P Xie, W Shen, M Javanmard, MG Allen, “Microwell-array on a flexible needle: A transcutaneous insertable impedance sensor for label-free cytokine detection,” IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Conference, 392-395, 2018. L Du, MG Allen, “Silica hermetic packages based on laser patterning and localized fusion bonding,” IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Conference, 551-554, 2018. Igor Bargatin C Lin, SM Nicaise, DE Lilley, J Cortes, P Jiao, J Singh, M Azadi, GG Lopez, M Metzler, PK Purohit, I Bargatin, “Nanocardboard as a nanoscale analog of hollow sandwich plates,” Nature Communications, 9(1), 4442, 2018.

Lee Bassett D Hopper, H Shulevitz, L Bassett, “Spin readout techniques of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond,” Micromachines, (9), 437, 2018. DA Hopper, RR Grote, SM Parks, LC Bassett, “Amplified sensitivity of nitrogen-vacancy spins in nanodiamonds using all-optical charge readout,” ACS Nano, 12(5), 4678-86, 2018. Tobias Baumgart SE Wilner, Q Xiao, ZT Graber, SE Sherman, V Percec, T Baumgart, “Dendrimersomes exhibit lamellar-to-sponge phase transitions,” Langmuir, 34(19), 5527-5534, 2018. Z Shi, ZT Graber, T Baumgart, HA Stone, AE Cohen, “Lipid-gel model of biological membranes,” Biophysical Journal, 114(3), 115a, 2018. Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen Conference MJ Synodis, M Kim, SA Bidstrup Allen, MG Allen, “MEMS enabled scalable fabrication of highperformance lithium ion battery electrodes,” IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Conference, 600-603, 2018. Markus Blatz MB Blatz, M Vonderheide, J Conejo, “The effect of resin bonding on long-term success of high-strength ceramics,” Journal of Dental Research, 97(2), 132-139, 2018.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Jason Burdick ]L. Moroni, JA Burdick, C Highley, SJ Lee, Y Morimoto, S Takeuchi, JJ Yoo, “Biofabrication strategies for 3D in vitro models and regenerative medicine,” Nature Reviews Materials, 3(5), 21-37, 2018. KH Song, CB Highley, A Rouff, JA Burdick, “Complex 3D-Printed microchannels within celldegradable hydrogels,” Advanced Functional Materials, 28(31), 1801331, 2018. TL Rapp, CB Highley, BC Manor, JA Burdick, IJ Dmochowski, “Ruthenium crosslinked hydrogels with rapid, visible light degradation,” Chemistry–A European Journal, 24(10), 23282333, 2018. LL Wang, CB Highley, YC Yeh, JH Galarraga, S Uman, JA Burdick, “Three-dimensional extrusion bioprinting of single-and doublenetwork hydrogels containing dynamic covalent crosslinks,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 106(4), 865-875, 2018. JE Mealy, JJ Chung, H-H Jeong, D Issadore, D Lee, P Atluri, JA Burdick, “Injectable granular hydrogels with multifunctional properties for biomedical applications,” Advanced Materials, 30, 20, 1705912, 2018. Robert Carpick F Mangolini, J Hilbert, JB McClimon, JR Lukes, RW Carpick, “Thermally induced structural evolution of silicon-and oxygen-containing hydrogenated amorphous carbon: a combined spectroscopic and molecular dynamics simulation investigation,” Langmuir, 34(9), 2989-2995, 2018. F Mangolini, BA Krick, TD Jacobs, SR Khanal, F Streller, JB McClimon, J Hilbert, SV Prasad, TW Scharf, JA Ohlhausen, JR Lukes, “Effect of silicon and oxygen dopants on the stability of hydrogenated amorphous carbon under harsh environmental condition,” Carbon, 130, 127-136, 2018. J Hilbert, F Mangolini, JB McClimon, JR Lukes, RW Carpick, “Si doping enhances the thermal stability of diamond-like carbon through reductions in carbon-carbon bond length disorder,” Carbon, 131, 72-78, 2018.

JA Lefever, JP Mulderrig, JL Hor, D Lee, RW Carpick, “Disordered nanoparticle packings under local stress exhibit avalanchelike, environmentally dependent plastic deformation,” Nano Letters, 18(9), 5418-5425, 2018. HS Khare, NN Gosvami, I Lahouij, ZB Milne, JB McClimon, RW Carpick, “Nanotribological printing: a nanoscale additive manufacturing method,” Nano Letters, 18(11), 6756-6763, 2018. HS Khare, I Lahouij, A Jackson, G Feng, Z Chen, GD Cooper, RW Carpick, “Nanoscale generation of robust solid films from liquiddispersed nanoparticles via in situ atomic force microscopy: growth kinetics and nanomechanical properties,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(46), 40335-40347, 2018. K Hasz, Z Ye, A Martini, RW Carpick, “Experiments and simulations of the humidity dependence of friction between nanoasperities and graphite: the role of interfacial contact quality,” Physical Review Materials, 2(12), 126001, 2018. CA Thom, RW Carpick, DL Goldsby, "Constraints on the physical mechanism of frictional aging from nanoindentation," Geophysical Research Letters, 2018. K Tian, DL Goldsby, RW Carpick, "Rate and state friction relation for nanoscale contacts: thermally activated prandtl-tomlinson model with chemical aging," Physical Review Letters, 120, 18, 186101, 2018. I-Wei Chen Y Dong, I-W Chen, “Electrical and hydrogen reduction enhances kinetics in doped zirconia and ceria: II. Mapping electrode polarization and vacancy condensation in YSZ,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101(3), 1058-1073, 2018. Y Dong, I-W Chen, “Mobility transition at grain boundaries in two-step sintered 8 mol% yttriastabilized zirconia,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101(5), 1857-1869, 2018. Y Lu, JHo Yoon, Y Dong, I-W Chen, “Purely electronic nanometallic resistance switching random-access memory,” MRS Bulletin, 43(5), 358-364, 2018.

Y Dong, I-W Chen, “Oxygen potential transition in mixed conducting oxide electrolyte,” Acta Materialia, 156, 399-410, 2018. H Choi, T Liu, H Qiao, A-M Chacko, S-H Hu, S-Y Chen, R Zhou, I-W Chen, “Biomimetic nano-surfactant stabilizes sub-50 nanometer phospholipid particles enabling high paclitaxel payload and deep tumor penetration,” Biomaterials, 181, 240-251, 2018. Russell Composto E Parrish, SC Seeger, RJ Composto, "Temperature-dependent nanoparticle dynamics in poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) gels," Macromolecules, 51, 10 (2018), 3597-3607, 2018. JW Myerson, B Braender, O Mcpherson, PM Glassman, RY Kiseleva, VV Shuvaev, O MarcosContreras, ME Grady, HS Lee, CF Greineder, RV Stan, RJ Composto, DM Eckmann, VR Muzykantov, "Flexible nanoparticles reach sterically obscured endothelial targets inaccessible to rigid nanoparticles," Advanced Materials, 30, 32 (2018), 1802373, 2018. N Krook, J Ford, M Maréchal, P Rannou, JS Meth, CB Murray, RJ Composto, "Alignment of Nanoplates in Lamellar Diblock Copolymer Domains and the Effect of Particle Volume Fraction on Phase Behavior," ACS Macro Letters, 7, 12 (2018), 1400-1407, 2018. Conferences R Composto, E Parrish. "Nanoparticle Diffusion During Network Formation of Tetra-poly (ethylene glycol) Hydrogels," APS Meeting Abstracts. 2018. A Frischknecht, J Koski, R Ferrier Jr, N Krook, H Chao, R Composto, R Riggleman, "Comparison of Field-Theoretic Approaches in Predicting Polymer Nanocomposite Phase Behavior," APS Meeting Abstracts. 2018. N Krook, M Maréchal, P Rannou, CB Murray, R Composto, "Nanoplate Alignment and Self-Assembly in Diblock Copolymer Nanocomposites," APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018.


2018-2019 Publications

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

N Clarke, A Karatrantos, K Winey, R Composto, "Polymer dynamics and nanoparticle diffusion in nanocomposites," APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. S Seeger, E Parrish, R Composto, "Nanoparticle dynamics near the volume-phase transition temperature of N-isopropylacrylamide gels," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018. David Cormode

John Crocker

Eric Detsi

YK Lee, C Porter, SL Diamond, JC Crocker, T Sinno, "Deposition of sticky spheres in channel flow: Modeling of surface coverage evolution requires accurate sphere-sphere collision hydrodynamics," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 530, 383-393, 2018.

HY Asl, J Fu, H Kumar, SS Welborn, VB Shenoy, E Detsi, “In Situ Dealloying of Bulk Mg2Sn in Mg-Ion half cell as an effective route to nanostructured Sn for high performance Mg-Ion battery anodes,” Chemistry of Materials, 30(5), 1815-1824, 2018.

Ertugrul Cubukcu

K Ma, JS Corsi, J Fu, E Detsi, “Origin of the volume contraction during nanoporous gold formation by dealloying for high-performance electrochemical applications,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(2), 541-546, 2018.

J Kim, D Bar-Ness, S Si-Mohamed, P Coulon, I Blevis, P Douek, DP Cormode, “Assessment of candidate elements for development of spectral photon-counting CT specific contrast agents,” Scientific Reports, 8(1), 12119, 2018.

X Zhang, N Biekert, S Choi, CH Naylor, C De-Eknamkul, W Huang, X Zhang, X Zheng, D Wang, ATC Johnson, E Cubukcu, “Dynamic photochemical and optoelectronic control of photonic fano resonances via monolayer MoS 2 trions,” Nano Letters, 18, 957-963, 2018.

Y Liu, PC Naha, G Hwang, D Kim, Y Huang, A Simon-Soro, HI Jung, Y Ren Y Li, S Gubara, F Alawi, “Topical ferumoxytol nanoparticles disrupt biofilms and prevent tooth decay in vivo via intrinsic catalytic activity” Nature Communications, 9(1), 2920, 2018.

FC Chien, J-L Lo, X Zhang, E Cubukcu, Y-T Luo, K-L Huang, X Tang, C-S Chen, C-C Chen, K-Y Lai, "Nitride-Based Microarray Biochips: A New Route of Plasmonic Imaging," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 46, 39898-39903, 2018.

R Cheheltani, J Kim, PC Naha, DP Cormode, "Nanoparticle contrast agents for medical imaging In nanobiotechnology,” 219-250, CRC Press, 2018


JC Hsu, PC Naha, KC PC, P Lau, P Chhour, R Hastings, BF Moon, JM Stein, WR Witschey, ES McDonald, AD Maidment, DP Cormode, “An allin-one nanoparticle (AION) contrast agent for breast cancer screening with DEM-CT-MRI-NIRF imaging,” Nanoscale, 10(36), 17236-48, 2018. M Hajfathalian, A Amirshaghaghi, PC Naha, P Chhour, JC Hsu, K Douglas Y Dong, CM Sehgal, A Tsourkas, S Neretina, DP Cormode, “Wulff in a cage gold nanoparticles as contrast agents for computed tomography and photoacoustic imaging,” Nanoscale, 10(39), 18749-57, 2018. Conferences KC Lau, JC Hsu, PC Naha, P Chhour, R Hastings, JM Stein, ES McDonald, DP Cormode, AD Maidment, “Acquisition parameters for dual-energy contrast-enhanced digital mammography using a micelle-based allin-one nanoparticle (AION) contrast agent: a phantom study,” 14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI 2018), Jul 6 (Vol. 10718, p. 107180N), International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.

X Zhang, N Biekert, S Choi, CH Naylor, C DeEknamkul, W Huang, X Zheng, D Wang , ATC Johnson, E Cubukcu, "Coupling of Photonic Fano Resonances with MoS2 Excitons for Enhanced Light Emission and Optical Modulation," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, IEEE, 2018. Peter Davies Z Gu, S Pandya, A Samanta, S Liu, G Xiao, CJG Meyers, AR Damodaran, H Barak, A Dasgupta, S Seremi, A Polemi, L Wu, AA Podpirka, A Will-Cole, CJ Hawley, PK Davies, RA York, I Grinberg, LW Martin, JE Spanier, "Resonant domain-wallenhanced tunable microwave ferroelectrics," Nature, 560, 7720, 622, 2018

E Detsi, X Petrissans, Y Yan, JB Cook, Z Deng, Y-L Liang, B Dunn, SH Tolbert, “Tuning ligament shape in dealloyed nanoporous tin and the impact of nanoscale morphology on its applications in Na-ion alloy battery anodes,” Physical Review Materials, 2(5), 055404, 2018. J Fu, Z Deng, T Lee, JS Corsi, Z Wang, D Zhang, E Detsi, “pH-Controlled dealloying route to hierarchical bulk nanoporous Zn derived from metastable alloy for hydrogen generation by hydrolysis of Zn in neutral water,” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1(7), 3198-3205, 2018. J Fu, JS Corsi, Z Wang, H Wei, E Detsi, “Integrated metal–air battery and selective electrolytic leaching cell for the preparation of nanoporous metals,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(8), 4164-4169, 2018. J Fu, E Detsi, JMD Hosson, “Recent advances in nanoporous materials for renewable energy resources conversion into fuels,” Surface and Coatings Technology, 347, 320-336, 2018. O Ruiz, M Cochrane, M Li, Y Yan, K Ma, J Fu, ZWang, SH Tolbert, VB Shenoy, E Detsi, “Enhanced cycling stability of macroporous bulk antimony-based sodium-ion battery Anodes Enabled through Active/Inactive Composites,” Advanced Energy Materials, 8(31), 1801781, 2018.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Dennis Discher

Marija Drndic

Zahra Fakhraai

Y Xia, CR Pfeifer, S Cho, DE Discher, J Irianto, “Nuclear mechanosensing,” Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 2, 713-725, 2018.

P Masih Das, JP Thiruraman, Y-C Chou, G Danda, M Drndić, “Centimeter-scale nanoporous 2D membranes and ion transport: porous MoS2 monolayers in a few-layer matrix,” Nano Letters, 19, 392-399, 2018.

JL Hor, H Wang, Z Fakhraai, D Lee, “Effects of polymer–nanoparticle interactions on the viscosity of unentangled polymers under extreme nanoconfinement during capillary rise infiltration,” Soft Matter, 14(13), 2438-2446, 2018.

CR Pfeifer, Y Xia, K Zhu, D Liu, J Irianto, VM Morales García, LM Santiago Millán, B Niese, S Harding, D Deviri, RA Greenberg, DE Discher, “Constricted migration increases DNA damage and independently represses cell cycle,” Molecular Biology of the Cell, 29, 1948-1962, 2018. CR Pfeifer, VM Morales Garcia, LM Santiago Millan, B Niese, J Irianto, DE Discher, “Cell cycle inhibition by constricted migration,” Biophysical Journal, 114, 653a-654a, 2018. C Alvey, CR Pfeifer, J Irianto, Y Xia, L Smith, L Dooling, DE Discher, “Mechanosensing of solid tumors by cancer-attacking macrophages,” Biophysical Journal, 114, 654a, 2018. K Saini, M Tiwari, J Irianto, CR Pfeifer, C Alvey, DE Discher, “Strained collagen resists bacterial collagenase degradation,” Biophysical Journal, 114, 115a, 2018. Ivan Dmochowski TL Rapp, CB Highley, BC Manor, JA Burdick, IJ Dmochowski, “Ruthenium-crosslinked hydrogels with rapid, visible-light degradation,” Chemistry–A European Journal, 24(10), 23282333, 2018. SD Zemerov, BW Roose, ML Greenberg, Y Wang, IJ Dmochowski, “Cryptophane nanoscale assemblies expand 129Xe NMR biosensing,” Analytical Chemistry, 90, 7730-7738, 2018.

SE Friedensen, WM Parkin, JT Mlack, M Drndic, “Transmission electron microscope nanosculpting of topological insulator bismuth selenide,” ACS Nano, 12, 6949-6955, 2018. G Danda, P Masih Das, M Drndić, “Laser-induced fabrication of nanoporous monolayer WS2 membranes,” 2D Materials, 5, 035011, 2018. JP Thiruraman, K Fujisawa, G Danda, P Masih Das, T Zhang, A Bolotsky, N Perea-López, A Nicolaï, P Senet, M Terrones, M Drndić, “Angstrom-size defect creation and ionic transport through pores in single-layer MoS2,” Nano Letters, 18, 1651-1659, 2018. WM Parkin, M Drndić, “Signal and noise in fetnanopore devices,” ACS Sensors, 3, 313-319, 2018. Nader Engheta M Zhang, V Pacheco-Peña, Y Yu, W Chen, NJ Greybush, A Stein, N Engheta, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “Nanoimprinted chiral plasmonic substrates with three-dimensional nanostructures,” Nano Letters, 18, 7389-7394, 2018. Conferences V Pacheco-Peña, Y Kiasat, B Edwards, N Engheta, “Salient features of temporal and spatio-temporal metamaterials,” International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 524-526, 2018. MJ Mencagli, NM Estakhri, B Edwards, N Engheta, “Solving equations with waves in collections of mach-zehnder interferometers,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2018.

S Samanta, G Huang, Y Zhang, P Walsh, Z Fakhraai, “The role of surface diffusion in stable glass formation,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018. H Wang, JL Hor, Y Zhang, T Liu, D Lee, Z Fakhraai, “Dramatic increase in polymer glass transition temperature under extreme nanoconfinement in weakly Interacting nanoparticle films,” ACS Nano, 12(6), 5580-5587, 2018. JL Hor, H Wang, Z Fakhraai, D Lee, “Effect of physical nanoconfinement on the viscosity of unentangled polymers during capillary rise infiltration,” Macromolecules, 51(14), 50695078, 2018. Conferences JL Hor, H Wang, Z Fakhraai, D Lee, “The effect of physical confinement and polymer-particle interaction on polymer capillary rise infiltration (CaRI) dynamics,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. Z Fakhraai, H Wang, JL Hor, D Lee, Z Fakhraai, “Suppression of polymer degradation in polymer infiltrated nanoparticle films,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. H Wang, JL Hor, D Lee, Z Fakhraai, “The effect of extreme spatial confinement and Interfacial interactions on the glass transition of polymers in polymer-infiltrated nanoparticle packings,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. Z Fakhraai, H Wang, JL Hor, D Lee, “The effect of extreme spatial confinement on the glass transition and thermal stability of polymers infiltrated in nanoparticle films,” Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. S Wolf, Y Jiang, L Mariani, T Liu, G Huang, K Ablajan, XX Liang, P Gilmartin, T Toledo, M Li, P Walsh, K Turner, Z Fakhraai, “Measuring hardness of stable glasses using nanoindentation,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018.


2018-2019 Publications

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

Liang Feng

Reto Giere

David Goldsby

Z Zhang, P Miao, J Sun, S Longhi, NM Litchinitser, L Feng, “Elimination of spatial hole burning in microlasers for stability and efficiency enhancement,” ACS Photonics, 5(8), 3016-3022, 2018.

R Vigliaturo, G Della Ventura, J Choi, A Marengo, F Lucci, M O'Shea, I Pérez-Rodríguez, R Gieré, “Mineralogical characterization and dissolution experiments in gamble’s solution of tremolitic amphibole from passo di caldenno (Sondrio, Italy),” Minerals, 8(12), 557, 2018.

CA Thom, RW Carpick, DL Goldsby, "Constraints on the physical mechanism of frictional aging from nanoindentation," Geophysical Research Letters, 2018.

M Pan, H Zhao, P Miao, S Longhi, L Feng, “Photonic zero mode in a non-Hermitian photonic lattice,” Nature Communications, 9, 1308, 2018. H Zhao, P Miao, MH Teimourpour, S Malzard, R El-Ganainy, H Schomerus, L Feng, “Topological hybrid silicon microlasers,” Nature Communications, 9(1), 981, 2018. Feng Gai IM Pazos, J Ma, D Mukherjee, F Gai, “Ultrafast hydrogen-bonding dynamics in amyloid fibrils,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(49), 11023-11029, 2018. B Ding, L Yang, D Mukherjee, J Chen, Y Gao, F Gai, “Microscopic insight into the protein denaturation action of urea and its methyl derivatives,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(11), 2933-2940, 2018. H Wu, A Acharyya, Y Wu, L Liu, H Jo, F Gai, WF DeGrado, “Design of a short thermally stable -helix embedded in a macrocycle,” ChemBioChem, 19(9), 902-906, 2018. MR Hilaire, B Ding, D Mukherjee, J Chen, F Gai, “Possible existence of αa-sheets in the amyloid fibrils formed by a TTR105–115 mutant,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(2), 629-635, 2018. D Mukherjee, LIO Rodriguez, MR Hilaire, T Troxler, F Gai, “7-Cyanoindole fluorescence as a local hydration reporter: application to probe the microheterogeneity of nine water-organic binary mixtures,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(4), 2527-2535, 2018.

R Arletti, R Fantini, C Giacobbe, R Gieré, G Vezzalini, R Vigliaturo, S Quartieri, "Hightemperature behavior of natural ferrierite: In-situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study," American Mineralogist, 103, 11 (2018), 1741-1748, 2018. G Della Ventura, R Vigliaturo, R Gieré, S Pollastri, A Gualtieri, G Lezzi, "Infra red spectroscopy of the regulated asbestos amphiboles," Minerals, 8, 9 (2018), 413, 2018. Yale Goldman MY Ng, H Zhang, A Weil, V Singh, R Jamiolkowski, A Baradaran-Heravi, M Roberge, A Jacobson, W Fresen, E Welch, YE Goldman, BS Cooperman, "New in vitro assay measuring direct interaction of nonsense suppressors with the eukaryotic protein synthesis machinery," ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9, 12 (2018), 1285-1291, 2018. MS Woody, M Capitanio, EM Ostap, YE Goldman, "Electro-optic deflectors deliver advantages over acousto-optical deflectors in a high resolution, ultra-fast force-clamp optical trap," Optics Express, 26, 9 (2018), 11181-11193, 2018. MA Caporizzo, CE Fishman, O Sato, RM Jamiolkowski, M Ikebe, YE Goldman, "The Antiparallel Dimerization of Myosin X Imparts Bundle Selectivity for Processive Motility," Biophysical Journal, 114, 6 (2018), 1400-1410, 2018. Conferences RM Jamiolkowski, K Chen, S Fiorenza, A Tate, S Pfeil, YE Goldman, "A colloidal lithography route to zero mode waveguides," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018.

K Tian, DL Goldsby, RW Carpick, "Rate and state friction relation for nanoscale contacts: thermally activated prandtl-tomlinson model with chemical aging," Physical Review Letters, 120, 18, 186101, 2018. Conferences R Goddard, LN Hansen, D Wallis, M Stipp, CW Holyoke, DL Kohlstedt, DL Goldsby, WB Durham, KM Kumamoto, C Thom, "Comparing in-situ and ex-situ stress measurements in polymineralic rocks," American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2018. Raymond Gorte KA Goulas, JD Lee, W Zheng, J Lym, S Yao, DS Oh, C Wang, RJ Gorte, JG Chen, CB Murray, DG Vlachos, “Spectroscopic characterization of a highly selective NiCu 3/C hydrodeoxygenation catalyst,” Catalysis Science & Technology, 8, 6100-6108, 2018. TM Onn, M Monai, S Dai, E Fonda, T Montini, X Pan, GW Graham, P Fornasiero, RJ Gorte, “Smart Pd catalyst with improved thermal stability supported on high-surface-area LaFeO 3 prepared by atomic layer deposition,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 48414848, 2018. TM Onn, R Küngas, P Fornasiero, K Huang, RJ Gorte, “Atomic layer deposition on porous materials: Problems with conventional approaches to catalyst and fuel cell electrode preparation,” Inorganics, 6, 34, 2018. C Wang, J Luo, V Liao, JD Lee, TM Onn, CB Murray, RJ Gorte, “A comparison of furfural hydrodeoxygenation over Pt-Co and Ni-Fe catalysts at high and low H2 pressures,” Catalysis Today, 302, 73-79, 2018.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

C Wang, JD Lee, Y Ji, TM Onn, J Luo, CB Murray, RJ Gorte, “A Study of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol to 1,5-pentanediol over Pt–WO x /C,” Catalysis Letters, 148, 1481047-1054, 2018. C Wang, X Mao, J Lee, TM Onn, Y-H Yeh, CB Murray, RJ Gorte, “A characterization study of reactive sites in ALD-synthesized WOx/ZrO2 catalysts,” Catalysts, 8, 292, 2018. M Monai, T Montini, RJ Gorte, P Fornasiero, “Catalytic oxidation of methane: Pd and beyond,” European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2884-2893, 2018. C Wang, AV Mironenko, A Raizada, T Chen, X Mao, A Padmanabhan, DG Vlachos, RJ Gorte, JM Vohs, “Mechanistic study of the direct hydrodeoxygenation of m-cresol over WO x -decorated Pt/C catalysts,” ACS Catalysis, 8, 7749-7759, 2018. C Lin, JB Jang, L Zhang, EA Stach, RJ Gorte, “Improved coking resistance of ‘intelligent’ Ni catalysts prepared by atomic layer deposition,” ACS Catalysis, 8, 7679-7687, 2018. C Wang, S Li, X Mao, S Caratzoulas, RJ Gorte, “HD Exchange of Simple Aromatics as a Measure of Brønsted-Acid Site Strengths in Solids,” Catalysis Letters, 148, 3548-3556, 2018. Dongeun Huh C Blundell, YS Yi, L Ma, ER Tess, MJ Farrell, A Georgescu, LM Aleksunes, D Huh, “Placental drug transport-on-a-chip: A microengineered in vitro model of transporter-mediated drug efflux in the human placental barrier,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 7(2), 1700786, 2018. J Song, J Paek, KT Park, J Seo, D Huh, “A bioinspired microfluidic model of liquid plug-induced mechanical airway injury,” Biomicrofluidics, 12(4), 042211, 2018.

David Issadore

ATC Charlie Johnson

J Ko, M Hemphill, Z Yang, E Sewell, YJ Na, DK Sandsmark, M Haber, SA Fisher, EA Torre, KC Svane, A Omelchenko, “Diagnosis of traumatic brain injury using miRNA signatures in nanomagnetically isolated brain-derived extracellular vesicles,” Lab on a Chip, 18(23), 3617-3630, 2018.

Z Gao, H Xia, J Zauberman, M Tomaiuolo, J Ping, Q Zhang, P Ducos, H Ye, S Wang, X Yang, F Lubna, Z Luo, L Ren, ATC Johnson, “Detection of Sub-fM DNA with Target recycling and selfassembly amplification on graphene field-effect biosensors,” Nano Letters, 18, 3509-3515, 2018.

S Yadavali, HH Jeong, D Lee, D Issadore, “Silicon and glass very large-scale microfluidic droplet integration for terascale generation of polymer microparticles,” Nature Communications, 9(1), 1222, 2018. HH Jeong, SH Han, S Yadavali, J Kim, D Issadore, D Lee, “Moldable perfluoropolyether– polyethylene glycol networks with tunable wettability and solvent resistance for rapid prototyping of droplet microfluidics,” Chemistry of Materials, 30(8), 2583-2588, 2018. J Ko, SN Baldassano, PL Loh, K, Kording, B Litt, D Issadore, “Machine learning to detect signatures of disease in liquid biopsies–a user's guide." Lab on a Chip, 18(3), 395-405, 2018. JE Mealy, JJ Chung, H-H Jeong, D Issadore, D Lee, P Atluri, JA Burdick, “Injectable granular hydrogels with multifunctional properties for biomedical applications,” Advanced Materials, 30, 20, 1705912, 2018. Douglas Jerolmack S Kosgodagan Acharige, A Seiphoori, D Jerolmack, P Arratia, “Manipulating the sedimentation of Kaolinite clay suspensions through charge interactions,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018 Conferences SJ Haber, A Seiphoori, M O'Shea, DJ Jerolmack, “Determining the Origins of Loess and Dust Associated with the White Sands Dune Field,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018. A Seiphoori, SJ Haber, DJ Jerolmack, “Granular origins of cohesion: Fluid-driven assembly of erosion-resistant aggregates,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018.

DN Ortiz, I Ramos, NJ Pinto, M-Q Zhao, V Kumar, ATC Johnson, “Ambipolar transport in CVD grown MoSe2 monolayer using an ionic liquid gel gate dielectric,” AIP Advances, 8, 035014, 2018. Z Gao, Q Zhang, CH Naylor, Y Kim, I Haider Abidi, J Ping, P Ducos, J Zauberman, M-Q Zhao, AM Rappe, Z Luo, L Ren, ATC Johnson, “Crystalline bilayer graphene with preferential stacking from Ni–Cu gradient alloy,” ACS Nano, 12, 2275-2282, 2018. X Zhang, N Biekert, S Choi, CH Naylor, C De-Eknamkul, W Huang, X Zhang, X Zheng, D Wang, ATC Johnson, E Cubukcu, “Dynamic photochemical and optoelectronic control of photonic fano resonances via monolayer MoS 2 trions,” Nano Letters, 18, 957-963, 2018. I Zegkinoglou, H Vázquez Muiños, Y-W Choi, S Kunze, M-Q Zhao, CH Naylor, P Ernst, E Pollmann, O Ochedowski, H Lebius, A Benyagoub, B Ban-Etat, ATC Johnson, F Djurabekova, B Roldan Cuenya, M Schleberger, “Highly active single-layer MoS2 catalysts synthesized by swift heavy ion irradiation,” Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available, NanoscaleCambridge, 10, 22908-22916, 2018. L Madauß, I Zegkinoglou, H Vázquez Muiños, Y-W Choi, S Kunze, M-Q Zhao, CH Naylor, P Ernst, E Pollmann, O Ochedowski, H Lebius, A Benyagoub, B Ban-Etat, ATC Johnson, F Djurabekova, B Roldan Cuenya, M Schleberger, “Highly active single-layer MoS2 catalysts synthesized by swift heavy ion irradiation,” Nanoscale, 10, 22908-22916, 2018. Conferences X Zhang, N Biekert, S Choi, CH Naylor, C DeEknamkul, W Huang, X Zheng, D Wang, ATC Johnson, E Cubukcu, “Coupling of photonic fano resonances with MoS2 excitons for enhanced light emission and optical modulation,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2. IEEE, 2018.


2018-2019 Publications

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

Cherie Kagan Q Zhao, T Zhao, J Guo, W Chen, M Zhang, CR Kagan, “The Effect of Dielectric Environment on Doping Efficiency in Colloidal PbSe Nanostructures,” ACS Nano, 12(2), 1313-1320, 2018. M Zhang, V Pacheco-Peña, Y Yu, W Chen, NJ Greybush, A Stein, N Engheta, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “Nanoimprinted chiral plasmonic substrates with three-dimensional nanostructures,” Nano Letters, 18, 7389-7394, 2018. DB Straus, CR Kagan, “Electrons, excitons, and phonons in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites: connecting structural, optical, and electronic properties,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(6), 1434-1447, 2018. W Chen, G Wu, M Zhang, NJ Greybush, JP Howard-Jennings, N Song, FS Stinner, S Yang, CR Kagan, “Angle-independent optical moisture sensors based on hydrogel-coated plasmonic lattice arrays,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(3), 1430-1437, 2018. S Najmr, T Lu, AW Keller, M Zhang, JD Lee, M Makvandi, DA Pryma, CR Kagan, CB Murray, “Preparation of silica coated and 90Y-radiolabeled b-NaYF4 upconverting nanophosphors for multimodal tracing,” Nano Futures, 2(2), 025002, 2018. M Zhang, J Guo, Y Yu, Y Wu, H Yun, D Jishkariani, W Chen, NJ Greybush, C Kübel, A Stein, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “3D Nanofabrication via chemo-mechanical transformation of nanocrystal/bulk heterostructures,” Advanced Materials, 30(22), 1800233, 2018. T Paik, M Cargnello, TR Gordon, S Zhang, H Yun, JD Lee, HY Woo, SJ Oh, CR Kagan, P Fornasiero, CB Murray, “Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from substoichiometric colloidal WO3–x nanowires,” ACS Energy Letters, 3(8), 1904-1910, 2018. H Yang, E Wong, T Zhao, JD Lee, HL Xin, M Chi, B Fleury, HY Tang, EA Gaulding, CR Kagan, CB Murray, “Charge transport modulation in PbSe nanocrystal solids by Au x Ag1–x nanoparticle doping,” ACS Nano, 12(9), 9091-9100, 2018.

W Chen, W Liu, Y Jiang, M Zhang, N Song, NJ Greybush, J Guo, AK Estep, KT Turner, R Agarwal, CR Kagan, “Ultrasensitive, mechanically responsive optical metasurfaces via strain amplification,” ACS Nano, 12(11), 10683-10692, 2018.

Vijay Kumar

M Zhang, V Pacheco-Peña, Y Yu, W Chen, NJ Greybush, A Stein, N Engheta, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “Nanoimprinted chiral plasmonic substrates with three-dimensional nanostructures,” Nano Letters, 18, 7389-7394, 2018.

S Das EB Steager MA Hsieh KJ Stebe, V Kumar, “Experiments and open-loop control of multiple catalytic microrobots, ”Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 1(14), 25-34, 2018.

Conferences J Lee, D Jishkariani, H Yun, T Paik, J Kikkawa, CR Kagan, B Donnio, CB Murray, "Dendritic effect and magnetic permeability in dendronized magnetic nanoparticles," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. CB Murray, Y Wu, Z Li, K Elbert, D Jishkariani, M Zhang, CR Kagan, S Najmr, D Wang. "Design and assembly of coupled multicomponent nanocrystal superlattices and quasicrystalline assemblies and superparticles," Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. J Lee, D Jishkariani, H Yun, T Paik, J Kikkawa, CR Kagan, B Donnio, CB Murray, "Engineering the magnetic permeability in magnetic nanoparticles using dendritic ligands," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. CB Murray, T Paik, S Najmr, M Zhang, C Zeng, K Elbert, D Jishkariani, CR Kagan, Y Wu, "Valence and hybridization in artificial atoms: Controlling coupling and superstructure through shape directed nanocrystal assembly." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Marisa Kozlowski O Gutierrez, CE Hendrick, MC Kozlowski “Divergent reactivity in Pd-catalyzed [3, 3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of allyloxy-and propargyloxyindoles revealed by computation and experiment,” Organic Letters, 20, 20, 65396543, 2018.

E Hunter, E Brink, E Steager, V Kumar, “Toward soft micro bio robots for cellular and chemical delivery,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018.

Daeyeon Lee Y Qiang, N Manohar, KJ Stebe, D Lee, “Polymer blend-filled nanoparticle films via monomer-driven infiltration of polymer and photopolymerization,” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2018. JL Hor, H Wang, Z Fakhraai, D Lee, “Effects of polymer–nanoparticle interactions on the viscosity of unentangled polymers under extreme nanoconfinement during capillary rise infiltration,” Soft Matter, 14(13), 2438-2446, 2018. K Stebe, D Lee, “Materials via interfacial assembly: strips bijels, nice, & awesome structures” Advances in Cosmetic Formulation Design, 2018. LC Bradley, W-H Chen, D Lee, “Anisotropic particles at fluid-fluid interfaces (experiment),” Anisotropic Particle Assemblies, 201-231, 2018. A Striolo, D Lee, N Wu, “Outlook and future directions,” Anisotropic Particle Assemblies, 335-344, 2018. S Yadavali, HH Jeong, D Lee, D Issadore, “Silicon and glass very large-scale microfluidic droplet integration for terascale generation of polymer microparticles,” Nature Communications, 9(1), 1222, 2018. HH Jeong, SH Han, S Yadavali, J Kim, D Issadore, D Lee, “Moldable perfluoropolyether– polyethylene glycol networks with tunable wettability and solvent resistance for rapid prototyping of droplet microfluidics,” Chemistry of Materials, 30(8), 2583-2588, 2018.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

ES Friedman, K Bittinger, TV Esipova, L Hou, L Chau, J Jiang, C Mesaros, PJ Lund, X Liang, GA FitzGerald, M Goulian, D Lee, BA Garcia, IA Blair, SA Vinogradov, GD Wu, “Microbes vs. chemistry in the origin of the anaerobic gut lumen,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 16, 4170-4175, 2018. JE Mealy, JJ Chung, H-H Jeong, D Issadore, D Lee, P Atluri, JA Burdick, “Injectable granular hydrogels with multifunctional properties for biomedical applications,” Advanced Materials, 30, 20, 1705912, 2018. H Wang, JL Hor, Y Zhang, T Liu, D Lee, Z Fakhraai, “Dramatic increase in polymer glass transition temperature under extreme nanoconfinement in weakly Interacting nanoparticle films,” ACS Nano, 12(6), 5580-5587, 2018. JL Hor, H Wang, Z Fakhraai, D Lee, “Effect of physical nanoconfinement on the viscosity of unentangled polymers during capillary rise infiltration,” Macromolecules, 51(14), 50695078, 2018. A Lefever, JP Mulderrig, JL Hor, D Lee, RW Carpick, “Disordered nanoparticle packings under local stress exhibit avalanchelike, environmentally dependent plastic deformation,” Nano Letters, 18(9), 5418-5425, 2018. W-S Jang, HJ Kim, C Gao, D Lee, DA Hammer, “Enzymatically powered surface-associated self-motile protocells,” Small, 14, 36, 1801715, 2018. KW Pulsipher, DA Hammer, D Lee, CM Sehgal, “Engineering theranostic microbubbles using microfluidics for ultrasound imaging and therapy: a review,” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 2018. Y Jiang, JL Hor, D Lee, KT Turner, “Toughening nanoparticle films via polymer infiltration and confinement,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 50, 44011-44017, 2018. G Di Vitantonio, T Wang, MF Haase, KJ Stebe, D Lee, “Robust bijels for reactive separation via silica-reinforced nanoparticle layers,” ACS Nano, 13, 1, 26-31, 2018.

Conferences JL Hor, H Wang, Z Fakhraai, D Lee, “The effect of physical confinement and polymer-particle interaction on polymer capillary rise infiltration (CaRI) dynamics,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. Z Fakhraai, H Wang, JL Hor, D Lee, Z Fakhraai, “Suppression of polymer degradation in polymer infiltrated nanoparticle films,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. H Wang, JL Hor, D Lee, Z Fakhraai, “The effect of extreme spatial confinement and Interfacial interactions on the glass transition of polymers in polymer-infiltrated nanoparticle packings,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. Z Fakhraai, H Wang, JL Hor, D Lee, “The effect of extreme spatial confinement on the glass transition and thermal stability of polymers infiltrated in nanoparticle films,” Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. L Bradley, D Lee, K Stebe, "Harnessing click chemistry to diversify the functionality of anisotropic colloids," Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. D Lee, T Niepa, L Vaccari, R Leheny, M Goulian, K Stebe, “Remodeling of fluid Interfaces by bacteria,” Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Z Liao, G Wu, D Lee, S Yang, “Underwater, anti-oil fouling coatings from spray coating of polymer grafted silica nanochains,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Brian Litt F Vitale, W Shen, N Driscoll, JC Burrell, AG Richardson, O Adewole, B Murphy, A Ananthakrishnan, H Oh, T Wang, TH Lucas, DK Cullen, MG Allen, B Litt, “Biomimetic extracellular matrix coatings improve the chronic biocompatibility of microfabricated subdural microelectrode arrays,” PloS One, 13, 11, e0206137, 2018.

W Shen, S Das, F Vitale, A Richardson, A Ananthakrishnan, LA Struzyna, DP Brown, N Song, M Ramkumar, T Lucas, DK Cullen, B Litt, MG Allen, “Microfabricated intracortical extracellular matrix-microelectrodes for improving neural interfaces,” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 4, 1, 30, 2018. J Ko, SN Baldassano, PL Loh, K, Kording, B Litt, D Issadore, “Machine learning to detect signatures of disease in liquid biopsies–a user's guide." Lab on a Chip, 18(3), 395-405, 2018. Changchun Liu X Zhang, K Kadimisetty, K Yin, C Ruiz, MG Mauk, C Liu, "Smart ring: a wearable device for hand hygiene compliance monitoring at the point-ofneed," Microsystem Technologies, 1-6, 2018. Christopher Murray C Liu, Z Ma, M Cui, Z Zhang, X Zhang, D Su, CB Murray, JX Wang, S Zhang, "Favorable core/shell interface within Co2P/Pt nanorods for oxygen reduction electrocatalysis," Nano Letters, 18, 12, 7870-7875, 2018. N Krook, J Ford, M Maréchal, P Rannou, JS Meth, CB Murray, RJ Composto, "Alignment of Nanoplates in Lamellar Diblock Copolymer Domains and the Effect of Particle Volume Fraction on Phase Behavior," ACS Macro Letters, 7, 12 (2018), 1400-1407, 2018. PA Pepin, JD Lee, CB Murray, JM Vohs, “Thermal and photocatalytic reactions of methanol and acetaldehyde on Pt-modified brookite TiO2nanorods,” ACS Catalysis, 8, 12, 1183411846, 2018. KC Elbert, JD Lee, Y Wu, CB Murray, "Improved Chemical and Colloidal Stability of Gold Nanoparticles through Dendron Capping," Langmuir, 34, 44 13333-13338, 2018. M Zhang, V Pacheco-Peña, Y Yu, W Chen, NJ Greybush, A Stein, N Engheta, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “Nanoimprinted chiral plasmonic substrates with three-dimensional nanostructures,” Nano Letters, 18, 7389-7394, 2018.


2018-2019 Publications

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

H Yang, E Wong, T Zhao, JD Lee, HL Xin, M Chi, B Fleury, HY Tang, EA Gaulding, CR Kagan, CB Murray, “Charge transport modulation in PbSe nanocrystal solids by Au x Ag1–x nanoparticle doping,” ACS Nano, 12(9), 9091-9100, 2018. S Najmr, T Lu, AW Keller, M Zhang, JD Lee, M Makvandi, DA Pryma, CR Kagan, CB Murray, “Preparation of silica coated and 90Y-radiolabeled b-NaYF4 upconverting nanophosphors for multimodal tracing,” Nano Futures, 2(2), 025002, 2018. M Zhang, J Guo, Y Yu, Y Wu, H Yun, D Jishkariani, W Chen, NJ Greybush, C Kübel, A Stein, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “3D Nanofabrication via chemo-mechanical transformation of nanocrystal/bulk heterostructures,” Advanced Materials, 30(22), 1800233, 2018. D Wang, M Hermes, R Kotni, Y Wu, N Tasios, Y Liu, B De Nijs, EB van der Wee, CB Murray, M Dijkstra, A van Blaaderen, "Interplay between spherical confinement and particle shape on the self-assembly of rounded cubes," Nature Communications, 9, 1, 2228, 2018. M Zhang, J Guo, Y Yu, Y Wu, H Yun, D Jishkariani, W Chen, NJ Greybush, C Kübel, A Stein, CB Murray, CR Kagan, “3D Nanofabrication via chemo-mechanical transformation of nanocrystal/bulk heterostructures,” Advanced Materials, 30(22), 1800233, 2018. PA Pepin, BT Diroll, CB Murray, JM Vohs, "Morphological Dependence of the thermal and photochemical reactions of acetaldehyde on anatase TiO 2 nanocrystals," Topics in Catalysis, 61, 5-6 (2018), 365-378, 2018. H Yang, E Wong, T Zhao, JD Lee, HL Xin, M Chi, B Fleury, HY Tang, EA Gaulding, CR Kagan, CB Murray, “Charge transport modulation in PbSe nanocrystal solids by Au x Ag1–x nanoparticle doping,” ACS Nano, 12(9), 9091-9100, 2018. C Wang, J Luo, V Liao, JD Lee, TM Onn, CB Murray, RJ Gorte, “A comparison of furfural hydrodeoxygenation over Pt-Co and Ni-Fe catalysts at high and low H2 pressures,” Catalysis Today, 302, 73-79, 2018.

C Wang, JD Lee, Y Ji, TM Onn, J Luo, CB Murray, RJ Gorte, “A Study of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol to 1,5-pentanediol over Pt–WO x /C,” Catalysis Letters, 148, 1481047-1054, 2018. C Wang, X Mao, J Lee, TM Onn, Y-H Yeh, CB Murray, RJ Gorte, “A characterization study of reactive sites in ALD-synthesized WOx/ZrO2 catalysts,” Catalysts, 8, 292, 2018. KA Goulas, JD Lee, W Zheng, J Lym, S Yao, DS Oh, C Wang, RJ Gorte, JG Chen, CB Murray, DG Vlachos, “Spectroscopic characterization of a highly selective NiCu 3/C hydrodeoxygenation catalyst,” Catalysis Science & Technology, 8, 6100-6108, 2018. T Paik, M Cargnello, TR Gordon, S Zhang, H Yun, JD Lee, HY Woo, SJ Oh, CR Kagan, P Fornasiero, CB Murray, “Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from substoichiometric colloidal WO3–x nanowires,” ACS Energy Letters, 3(8), 1904-1910, 2018. Conferences N Krook, M Maréchal, P Rannou, CB Murray, R Composto, "Nanoplate Alignment and Self-Assembly in Diblock Copolymer Nanocomposites," APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. K Elbert, J Lee, N Krook, D Jishkariani, Y Wu, CB Murray, "Design and applications of dendritic ligands for nanoparticle stability, assembly, and property tuning," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. J Lee, D Jishkariani, H Yun, T Paik, J Kikkawa, CR Kagan, B Donnio, CB Murray, "Dendritic effect and magnetic permeability in dendronized magnetic nanoparticles," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. CB Murray, J Lee, M Cargnello, S Zhang, N Gogotsi, J Baxter, K Elbert, V Doan-Nguyen,. "Synthesis of size and shape-controlled nanocrystals for photocatalysis and electrocatalysis," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018.

J Lee, D Jishkariani, H Yun, T Paik, J Kikkawa, CR Kagan, B Donnio, CB Murray, "Engineering the magnetic permeability in magnetic nanoparticles using dendritic ligands," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. CB Murray, T Paik, S Najmr, M Zhang, C Zeng, K Elbert, D Jishkariani, CR Kagan, Y Wu, "Valence and hybridization in artificial atoms: Controlling coupling and superstructure through shape directed nanocrystal assembly." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. C Wang, X Mao, J Lee, T Onn, Y-H Yeh, CB Murray, R Gorte, "A Characterization study of reactive sites in ALD-synthesized WOx/ZrO2 catalysts," Catalysts, 8, 7, 292, 2018. CB Murray, Y Wu, Z Li, K Elbert, D Jishkariani, M Zhang, CR Kagan, S Najmr, D Wang,"Design and assembly of coupled multicomponent nanocrystal superlattices and quasicrystalline assemblies and superparticles," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. E. Michael Ostap BB McIntosh, S Pyrpassopoulos, ELF Holzbaur, EM Ostap, "Opposing kinesin and myosin-I motors drive membrane deformation and tubulation along engineered cytoskeletal networks," Current Biology, 28, 2, 236-248, 2018.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Virgil Percec

Eric Stach


MN Holerca, D Sahoo, BE Partridge, M Peterca, X Zeng, G Ungar, V Percec, "Dendronized poly (2-oxazoline) displays within only five monomer repeat units liquid quasicrystal, A15 and s Frank–Kasper phases," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 49, 1694116947, 2018.

C Lin, JB Jang, L Zhang, EA Stach, RJ Gorte, “Improved coking resistance of ‘intelligent’ Ni catalysts prepared by atomic layer deposition,” ACS Catalysis, 8, 7679-7687, 2018.

S Das EB Steager MA Hsieh KJ Stebe, V Kumar, “Experiments and open-loop control of multiple catalytic microrobots, ”Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 1(14), 25-34, 2018.

DN Zakharov, Y Lin, R Megret, S Yoo, P Vorhees, JP Horwath, EA Stach, Towards real time quantitative analysis of supported nanoparticle ensemble evolution investigated by environmental TEM, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2018

L Bradley, D Lee, K Stebe, "Harnessing click chemistry to diversify the functionality of anisotropic colloids," Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018.

D Sahoo, MR Imam, M Peterca, BE Partridge, DA Wilson, X Zeng, G Ungar, PA Heiney, Virgil Percec, "Hierarchical self-organization of chiral columns from chiral supramolecular spheres," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 41, 1347813487, 2018. SE Wilner, Q Xiao, ZT Graber, SE Sherman, V Percec, T Baumgart. "Dendrimersomes exhibit lamellar-to-sponge phase transitions," Langmuir, 34, 19, 5527-5534, 2018. ML Klein, V Percec, "Frontiers of macromolecular and supramolecular science symposia," Polymer Chemistry, 9, 18, 2355-2358, 2018. D Sahoo, M Peterca, E Aqad, BE Partridge, ML Klein, V Percec,"Losing supramolecular orientational memory via self-organization of a misfolded secondary structure," Polymer Chemistry, 9, 18, 2370-2381, 2018. Conferences BE Partridge, D Sahoo, M Peterca, E Aqad, M Imam, ML Klein, V Percec, "Elucidating the hierarchical basis for supramolecular orientational memory," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Q Xiao, A-K Ludwig, Cecilia Romanò, Irene Buzzacchera, Samuel E. Sherman, Maria Vetro, Sabine Vértesy, EH Reed, M Möller, CJ Wilson, DA Hammer, S Oscarson, ML Klein, H-J Gabius, V Percec, "Exploring functional pairing between surface glycoconjugates and human galectins using programmable glycodendrimersomes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 11, E2509-E2518, 2018.

Kathleen Stebe Y Qiang, N Manohar, KJ Stebe, D Lee, “Polymer blend-filled nanoparticle films via monomer-driven infiltration of polymer and photopolymerization,” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2018. L Tran, H-N Kim, N Li, S Yang, KJ Stebe, RD Kamien, MF Haase, “Shaping nanoparticle fingerprints at the interface of cholesteric droplets,” Scientific Advances, 4(10), eaat8597, 2018. K Stebe, D Lee, “Materials via interfacial assembly: strips bijels, nice, & awesome structures” Advances in Cosmetic Formulation Design, 2018. G Di Vitantonio, T Wang, MF Haase, KJ Stebe, D Lee, “Robust bijels for reactive separation via silica-reinforced nanoparticle layers,” ACS Nano, 13, 1, 26-31, 2018. MA Gharbi, DA Beller, N Sharifi Mood, R Gupta, RD Kamien, S Yang, KJ Stebe, “Elastocapillary driven assembly of particles at free-standing smectic-A films,” Langmuir, 4(5), 2006–2013, 2018.

D Lee, T Niepa, L Vaccari, R Leheny, M Goulian, K Stebe, “Remodeling of fluid Interfaces by bacteria,” Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Alison Sweeney A Radja, EM Horsley, MO Lavrentovich, AM Sweeney, “Pollen cell wall patterns form from modulated phases,” Cell, 176, 4, 2019, 856-868. e10, 2018. Andrew Tsourkas A Amirshaghaghi, B Altun, K Nwe, L Yan, JM Stein, Z Cheng, A Tsourkas, “Site-specific labeling of cyanine and porphyrin dye-stabilized nanoemulsions with affibodies for cellular targeting,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 42, 13550-13553, 2018. L Yan, A Amirshaghaghi, D Huang, J Miller, JM Stein, TM Busch, Z Cheng, A Tsourkas, “Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX)-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION) nanoclusters for magnetic resonance imaging and photodynamic therapy,” Advanced Functional Materials, 28, 16, 1707030, 2018. M Khoshnejad, CF Greineder, KW Pulsipher, CH Villa, B Altun, DC Pan, A Tsourkas, IJ Dmochowski, VR Muzykantov, “Ferritin nanocages with biologically orthogonal conjugation for vascular targeting and imaging,” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29, 4, 1209-1218, 2018. M Hajfathalian, A Amirshaghaghi, PC Naha, P Chhour, JC Hsu, K Douglas, Y Dong, CM Sehgal, A Tsourkas, S Neretina, DP Cormode, “Wulff in a cage gold nanoparticles as contrast agents for computed tomography and photoacoustic imaging,” Nanoscale, 10, 39, 18749-18757, 2018.


2018-2019 Publications

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

Kevin Turner

John Vohs

Y Jiang, JL Hor, D Lee, KT Turner, “Toughening nanoparticle films via polymer infiltration and confinement,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 50, 44011-44017, 2018.

PA Pepin, JD Lee, CB Murray, JM Vohs, “Thermal and photocatalytic reactions of methanol and acetaldehyde on Pt-modified brookite TiO2nanorods,” ACS Catalysis, 8, 12, 1183411846, 2018.

W Chen, W Liu, Y Jiang, M Zhang, N Song, NJ Greybush, J Guo, AK Estep, KT Turner, R Agarwal, CR Kagan, “Ultrasensitive, mechanically responsive optical metasurfaces via strain amplification,” ACS Nano, 12(11), 10683-10692, 2018. Y Cho, HK Minsky, Y Jiang, K Yin, KT Turner, S Yang, “Shear adhesion of tapered nanopillar arrays,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 13, 11391-11397, 2018. Conferences S Wolf, Y Jiang, L Mariani, T Liu, G Huang, K Ablajan, XX Liang, P Gilmartin, T Toledo, M Li, P Walsh, K Turner, Z Fakhraai, “Measuring hardness of stable glasses using nanoindentation,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. Flavia Vitale F Vitale, W Shen, N Driscoll, JC Burrell, AG Richardson, O Adewole, B Murphy, A Ananthakrishnan, H Oh, T Wang, TH Lucas, DK Cullen, MG Allen, B Litt, “Biomimetic extracellular matrix coatings improve the chronic biocompatibility of microfabricated subdural microelectrode arrays,” PloS One, 13, 11, e0206137, 2018. W Shen, S Das, F Vitale, A Richardson, A Ananthakrishnan, LA Struzyna, DP Brown, N Song, M Ramkumar, T Lucas, DK Cullen, B Litt, MG Allen, “Microfabricated intracortical extracellular matrix-microelectrodes for improving neural interfaces,” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 4, 1, 30, 2018. N Driscoll, AG Richardson, K Maleski, B Anasori, O Adewole, P Lelyukh, L Escobedo, DK Cullen, TH Lucas, Y Gogotsi, F Vitale, “Two-dimensional Ti3C2 MXene for high-resolution neural interfaces,” ACS Nano, 12, 10, 10419-10429, 2018. F Vitale, B Litt, “Bioelectronics: the promise of leveraging the body's circuitry to treat disease,” Bioelectronics in Medicine, 1, 1, 3-7, 2018.

PA Pepin, BT Diroll, CB Murray, JM Vohs, "Morphological Dependence of the thermal and photochemical reactions of acetaldehyde on anatase TiO 2 nanocrystals," Topics in Catalysis, 61, 5-6 (2018), 365-378, 2018. C Wang, AV Mironenko, A Raizada, T Chen, X Mao, A Padmanabhan, DG Vlachos, RJ Gorte, JM Vohs, “Mechanistic study of the direct hydrodeoxygenation of m-cresol over WO x -decorated Pt/C catalysts,” ACS Catalysis, 8, 7749-7759, 2018. Conferences PA Pepin, JM Vohs, “Insights for catalyst cesign: Using well-defined metal oxide nanocrystals to elucidate structure-activity relationships,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. P Pepin, JM Vohs, “Structure-activity relationships for catalytic and photocatalytic reactions on nanocrystalline metal oxides: Bridging the materials gap,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Karen Winey EB Trigg, L Middleton, L Yan, KI Winey, “Comparing morphological evolution during tensile deformation of two precise polyethylenes via 2d fitting of in situ x-ray scattering,” Macromolecules, 51(20), 7942-7950, 2018. JF Pressly, RA Riggleman, KI Winey, “Polymer diffusion is fastest at intermediate levels of cylindrical confinement,” Macromolecules, 51(23), 9789-9797, 2018. LR Middleton, EB Trigg, L Yan, KI Winey, “Deformation-induced morphology evolution of precise polyethylene ionomers,” Polymer, 144, 184-191, 2018.

L Yan, KC Bustillo, O Panova, AM Minor, KI Wney, “Solution-grown crystals of precise acid and ion-containing polyethylenes,” Polymer, 135, 111-119, 2018. Conferences M Haeussler, L Yan, K Winey, S Mecking,”Precise polyethylene telechelics from chain doubling of fatty acids,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. B Paren, L Middleton, A Frischknecht, KI Winey, “Chain dynamics in Li-neutralized precise acid containing polyethylenes,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. J Pressly, R Ashkar, R Jones, KI Winey, “Analysis of SANS patterns from 1D symmetrically confined polymers,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. KI Winey, E Trigg, LR Middleton, “Strain hardening and morphological evolution in acidcontaining polyethylenes via 2D quantitative fitting of in situ x-ray scattering during tensile deformation,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018 J Pressly, R Riggleman, KI Winey, “Polymer conformations & dynamics in nanoconfinement as a function of a chain length and confining radius,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018 N Clarke, A Karatrantos, K Winey, R Composto, "Polymer dynamics and nanoparticle diffusion in nanocomposites," APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. Shu Yang L Tran, H-N Kim, N Li, S Yang, KJ Stebe, RD Kamien, MF Haase, “Shaping nanoparticle fingerprints at the interface of cholesteric droplets,” Scientific Advances, 4(10), eaat8597, 2018. Y Xia, TS Mathis, M-Q Zhao, B Anasori, A Dang, Z Zhou, H Cho, Y Gogotsi, S Yang, “Thicknessindependent capacitance of vertically aligned liquid-crystalline MXenes,” Nature, 557(7705), 409-412, 2018.

2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

W Chen, G Wu, M Zhang, NJ Greybush, JP Howard-Jennings, N Song, FS Stinner, S Yang, CR Kagan, “Angle-independent optical moisture sensors based on hydrogel-coated plasmonic lattice arrays,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(3), 1430-1437, 2018. MA Gharbi, DA Beller, N Sharifi Mood, R Gupta, RD Kamien, S Yang, KJ Stebe, “Elastocapillary driven assembly of particles at free-standing smectic-A films,” Langmuir, 4(5), 2006–2013, 2018. Z Zhou, W Panatdasirisuk, TS Mathis, B Anasori, C Lu, X Zhang, Z Liao, Y Gogotsi, S Yang, “Layer-by-layer assembly of MXene and carbon nanotubes on electrospun polymer films for flexible energy storage,” Nanoscale, 10(13), 6005-6013, 2018. Y Cho, HK Minsky, Y Jiang, K Yin, KT Turner, S Yang, “Shear adhesion of tapered nanopillar arrays,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 13, 11391-11397, 2018. C Liu, Z Ma, M Cui, Z Zhang, X Zhang, D Su, CB Murray, JX Wang, S Zhang, "Favorable core/shell interface within Co2P/Pt nanorods for oxygen reduction electrocatalysis," Nano Letters, 18, 12, 7870-7875, 2018. Conferences Z Liao, G Wu, D Lee, S Yang, “Underwater, anti-oil fouling coatings from spray coating of polymer grafted silica nanochains,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 256, 2018. Y Xu, D Ge, R Dreyfus, S Yang, A Yodh, “Electrical and optical anisotropy in flow-aligned silver nanowires,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. W-S Wei, Y Xia, S Ettinger, S Yang, AG Yodh, “Selfassembled structural colloids of nematic liquid crystal polymer and elastomer,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018.

Arjun Yodh Conferences: Y Xu, D Ge, R Dreyfus, S Yang, A Yodh, “Electrical and optical anisotropy in flow-aligned silver nanowires,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. W-S Wei, Y Xia, S Ettinger, S Yang, AG Yodh, “Selfassembled structural colloids of nematic liquid crystal polymer and elastomer,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018. X Ma, W Wei, P Habdas, AG Yodh, “Lattice dynamics in quasi-two-dimensional attractive colloidal crystals,” APS Meeting Abstracts, 2018.


2019 Annual Report Singh Center for Nanotechnology

The Singh Center Key Personnel Mark G. Allen Scientific Director Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology Noah Clay Director Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology nclay@seas.upenn.edu Matthew Brukman Director Scanning and Local Probe Facility Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology mbrukman@seas.upenn.edu Douglas M. Yates Director Nanoscale Characterization Facility Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology dmyates@seas.upenn.edu

John Russell Program Coordinator Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology jrussell@seas.upenn.edu Pat Watson Director of User Programs Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology gewatson@seas.upenn.edu Christopher Montowski Building Administrator Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology montowsk@seas.upenn.edu Kristin L. Field Director, Education and Professional Development Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology kfield@seas.upenn.edu Gerald Lopez Director of Business Development Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology lopezg@seas.upenn.edu

Credits Photos by: John Carlano , Felice Macera, John Russell, Albert Vecerka/Esto, Lamont Abrams All rights reserved. Design by Group M: group-m.com

2019 Singh Center for Nanotechnology

Annual Report

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Singh Center for Nanotechnology  2019 Annual Report

Visiting Address Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology University of Pennsylvania 3205 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104

Singh Center for Nanotechnology 2019 Annual Report

Member National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure

University of Pennsylvania

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