Memoria sinnergiak 2014/2015_inglés

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Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV/EHU) Annual Report 2014

Euskampus is a strategic partnership between public and private stakeholders formed by the UPV/EHU , Tecnalia Technological Corporation and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). SINNERGIAK promotes the development of knowledge and fosters collaboration with heterogeneous agents, both from a social and territorial perspective and both locally and internationally. All of which encourages cooperation between different agents, providing solutions to problems and meeting social needs through innovative approaches, perspectives and activities. Therefore, SINNERGIAK’s activity aims to promote the development of skills in people and the innovation capabilities of organisations and communities, both of which are basic requirements for achieving results with a socially visible and useful impact.

>>Social innovations promote the cohesion of societies. >>Social innovations develop intangibles that boost competitiveness. >>Social innovations resolve the society’s problems and meet its needs. >>Social innovations are primarily local and contextual. >>Social innovations can be transferred or adapted from other environments. >>Social innovations require cooperation between different agents. >>Social innovations require interaction between different persons and organisations. >>Social innovations can combine knowledge, values and technology. >>Social innovations produce results and impacts. >>The results of social innovations can be seen and measured.


ABOUT US Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV/EHU) was established in 2012 as part of the strategy of the EUSKAMPUS – Campus of International Excellence.


TRAINING Planned to create content and contexts for teaching and learning that are based on social innovation: building a coherent body of knowledge; developing knowledge coding and storage systems; guides designed for teaching activity; implementation and testing of various training methods.

ACTION AND INTERVENTION Designed to encourage collaborative learning processes in classroom and virtual (workshops) environments that promote and facilitate methods that are aimed at: structuring through hybridisation, experience of diversity, the acquisition of professional skills and competencies, collective and shared generation.

RESEARCH Focused on the development of innovative projects whose most visible results are: indicators, models, products, networks and strategic partnerships.

KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Aimed at the dissemination of experiences (projects, cases), reports and documents (assessments, impacts), scientific literature (books, articles) and networking (community building, positioning.


KEY PROJECTS TRANSCREATIVA Cultural and Creative Industries and Social Innovation 2012 - 2O14 TRANSCREATIVA is a European project lead by Sinnergiak Social Innovation (University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), financed by the European Union’s Interreg IV B SUDOE Programme (SOE3/P1/E529). The purpose of the TRANSCREATIVA project is to position the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) within the SUDOE space as a good European practice capable of combining economic development and social cohesion.

SIMPACT 2014 - 2017 BOOSTING THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL INNOVATION IN EUROPE THROUGH ECONOMIC UNDERPINNINGS with the aim of understanding the economic dimensions of social innovation, creating new concepts, models and tools for policymakers, innovators, investors and intermediaries. The project, funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme, is being carried out by a consortium of 11 partners and being overseen by Westphalia University.

RESINDEX Regional Social Innovation Index 2013 REGIONAL SOCIAL INNOVATION INDEX is a pilot research project which is part of the innovation assessment initiative in the Basque Country by INNOBASQUE (Basque Innovation Agency), and it has been overseen and developed by SINNERGIAK Social Innovation (UPV/EHU) in conjunction with the Agency. The aim of this project is to create a model (dimensions and indicators) to develop a regional social innovation index.

HEDABIDE Hybrid Environments for learning and practice with a focus on Social Innovation 2013 - 2014 Hedabide is a project that is promoted and funded by the Department of Innovation, Rural Development and Tourism of the Regional Government of Gipuzkoa as part of the programme to promote Gipuzkoa as a learning region. The aim of the project is to identify proposals that could help make it possible to overcome certain challenges that are considered essential for the development of the region.

ERGOLAB Living Lab for the design and development of CIT user-centric. 2013 - 2014 ErgoLab is a laboratory aiming at involving these two actors: citizens / users and SMEs in the current innovation scheme of the Basque Country. The mission of ERGOLAB as Living Lab is to enable involve users, whether SMEs or individuals in all phases of a design process.

CCI in Euskadi Present and Future of the CC Industries in Euskadi 2014 Research project done for the Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture of the Basque Government , this report makes a thorough investigation of cultural and creative industries, analyzed in a specific context sector, Basque Country . A study that includes an overview of this sector in the territory , patterns for the diagnosis of the sector, policies and final recommendations.

GWPI (Gipuzkoa Workplace Innovation) 2014 -2015 Gipuzkoa Workplace Innovation is a social innovation research and action project funded by the Innovation Department of Gipuzkoa´s Provincial Council and 50% co-financed by the European Social Fund. The project based on the programme “Promotion of a socially responsible Territory” in Gipuzkoa aims to contribute the workplace innovation in the entreprises and industry.


EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION Donostia - San Sebastián SINNERGIAK Social Innovation (UPV/EHU) has been organizing for 3 years the EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION within the framework of the Summer Courses organized by the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea . >>2012 edition: With the title “Social Innovation Agendas“ the first edition of the Summer School aspects of the problems of innovation and social innovation were discussed. >>2013 edition: With the title ”Understanding , Evaluating and Promoting Social Innovation“ the main objective of the second edition was to debate three main themes of the Social Innovation; how to understand, how to measure and how to scale the Social Innovation. >>2014 edition: With the title “Exploring Innovation and Social Innovation in the Public Sector” the aim of the III Summer School was to offer a pluralistic view on social innovation and innovation in the public sector. Regularly participate national and international speakers.

MASTER IN SOCIAL INNOVATION AND CULTURAL AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES 2013 -2014 This Master’s Degree is an educational course that covers both of these areas. We give a voice to different models and views, to professionals, public officials, university students, independent professionals, cultural and creative directors. We combine learning, case studies, project development, the application of tools and work experience in organisations. We pose the challenges and train you to find innovative solutions.

CREATIVE POLES Informal education aimed at developing innovative skills in young unemployed people under the TRANSCREATIVA Project (2012-2014). LIVE companies in the cultural and creative industries sector provides a REAL challenge to unemployed people between 18 and 30 years. By a “design innovation cycle“ technology and applying methodologies of “learning by doing“ and “solving problems” improve their basic, technical and entrepreneurial skills as well as provide solutions to the proposed REAL challenge.










MODES D´INNOVATION SOCIALE ET GOUVERNANCE (communication) 4 Colloque International CRISES 2014: la transformation sociale par l´innovation sociale Javier Castro, Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui Montréal, (Canada)

INNOVACIÓN Y PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL. ANTECEDENTES, NORMAS Y TRANSFORMACIONES EN EL MARCO COMUNITARIO. / Innovation and intelectual property. Bakground, standars, and changes in the community framework. Alfonso Unceta Y Egoitz Pomares Argumentos de Razón Técnica Nº 17 págs 137-154 THE RELATIONAL UNIVERSITY SOCIAL INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS IN CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. Javier Castro y Alfonso Unceta En Schramme, A.; Kooyman, R.; Hagoort, G. (editores): Beyond Frames: dynamics between the creative industries, knowledge institutions and the urban context. Eburon Academic Press págs 192-200 MODES D´INNOVATION SOCIALE ET GOUVERNANCE. Javier Castro y Alfonso Unceta. En Colloque Internacional du Crises: La transformation sociale par l´innovation sociale. Textes de Conférence. CRISES- Université du Quebec págs 440-453 TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LA COMUNICACIÓN Y NUEVAS FORMAS DE PARTICIPACIÓN CIUDADANA. Javier Echeverría y Alfonso Unceta. En Francesc Pau i Vall (Editor): El parlamento ante la crisis. Madrid, Tecnos-AELPA págs 91-108

THE RELATIONAL UNIVERSITY SOCIAL INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS IN CREATIVE INDUSTRIES (communication) Third International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui, Javier Castro, Mercedes Oleaga Amberes, (Bélgica) PUBLIC SECTOR: INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL APPROACHES TO INNOVATION (communication) Investment in Social Policy, expenditure and cots of omissions, polish and international experience Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui, Ainara Osoro Varsovia, (Polonia) COMUNIDADES DE PRÁCTICAS Y APRENDIZAJE INFORMAL EN LAS INDUSTRIAS CREATIVAS: EL MODELO TRANSCREATIVA (communication) III Congreso Internacional EDO: Organizaciones que aprenden y generan conocimiento Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui, Javier Castro Barcelona RELATIONAL UNIVERSITY AND SOCIAL INNOVATION: LESSONS FROM DE BASQUE COUNTRY (communication) Fourth Annual Conference of the EU-SPRI Forum: Science, Innovation and Policy Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui, Javier Castro Manchester SOCIAL INNOVATION AND PUBLIC INNOVATION: AN OVERVIEW. (paper) XXXIII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU/XXIV Cursos Europeos. Summer School: Exploring Innovation and Social Innovation in the Public Sector. Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui Donostia/San Sebastián INDUSTRIAS CREATIVAS: CARTOGRAFÍAS DE LA INNOVACIÓN (paper) Internacional Conference on Regional Science: Financing the role of the regions and towns in economic recovery Alfonso Unceta Satrústegui y Javier Castro Spila Zaragoza




Agreement with the Faculty of Science at the University of Buenos Aires

Agreement with the Metropolitan Technological Institute

CREACTIVA: Statewide network for social entrepreneurship

Agreement with the Complutense University of Madrid

CONTACT Edificio Carlos SantamarĂ­a. Plaza Elhuyar, 2 20018 Donostia - San SebastiĂĄn Email: Phone: (+34) 943 018 896

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