Homelessness & Homeless Services in Ballinasloe While there is no specific breakdown of homeless numbers for Ballinasloe. Homeless figures for Galway County and City in April 2021 showed 255 persons3 were homeless.
Homeless Services/Homelessness While homelessness may not be visible in numbers of rough sleepers on the streets of Ballinasloe, there is a hidden homelessness problem. The Simon Community established a base in Ballinasloe in 2011 and since then, demand for services has increased and this has been magnified during the Covid-19 crisis. The Simon Community based in Ballinasloe offer a Drop-In service (which became by appointment during Covod-19) and also take referrals by phone and online. They provide a range of supports and services, some which require only a brief intervention and in other cases, deal with more complex cases.
Homelessness Data, Department of Housing available here: https://assets.gov.ie/136251/d731f6be-28e64cb6-865e-308019e7062a.pdf