Denise Mitchell TD - Dublin Bay North newsletter (Autunmn 2017)

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DENISE MITCHELL TD DUBLIN BAY NORTH Leinster House Tel: 01 618 3457 Constituency Office Tel: 01 847 2902

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Action needed on Beaumont waiting lists Despite 26,000 people on outpatient waiting lists at Beaumont Hospital, and with a record-breaking 670,000 on waiting lists nationally in May, the Government is continuing to sit on its hands on this issue. The Government needs to realise that tinkering around the edges of the Health Service will not work. We in Sinn Féin have proposed an integrated hospital waiting list management system which would help to significantly reduce waiting times. We also propose real investment in health – particularly when it comes to recruiting and retaining front-line workers. The failed-two tier health system also needs to go because healthcare should not be about how much somebody has in their pocket. If the political will is there, a new Universal Health Care system can be realised.

Fighting for Pension Equality

HOUSING CRISIS IN DUBLIN The housing crisis in Dublin and across the state continues despite assurances from Government that they would get on top of this problem. In the short term we need to see real Rent Certainty for tenants. In the Dáil we have put forward numerous Bills and Motions on this issue which would link rents to the Consumer Price Index. Unfortunately, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael failed to support these measures. Ultimately, the only solution to the housing crisis is for the Government to abandon their reliance on the private sector and to significantly increase the number of social and affordable homes.

Sinn Féin TD Denise Mitchell and her colleague John Brady TD have been campaigning for an end to the mandatory retirement age for some workers. It is Sinn Féin’s belief that if a person wants to continue in their role beyond 65 then they should have the option to do so. Sinn Féin also want an end to the situation where a 65 year-old is forced onto jobseekers for a year before receiving their full pension entitlement. The Sinn Féin team have also been campaigning vigorously for pension equality for women, many of whom suffered disproportionately due to changes in the pension bands made in 2012.


The recent surge in motor insurance is pricing drivers off the road. Swift action is needed to tackle rip-off motor insurers who are forcing the public to stump-up the costs for these companies’ own poor investment policies. This is the reason for the jump in motor insurances, and not solely excessive claims or legal costs – as the companies would have us believe. Sinn Féin wants to ensure that the Central Bank enforces proper legislation on the insurance industry.

Denise Mitchell TD, Cllr Daire Ní Laoi and activists at Baldoyle Shopping Centre. Sinn Féin is opposing the hike in bin charges and believes more pressure needs to be put on manufacturers to reduce unnecessary packaging. Sinn Féin will stand up for

ordinary citizens against these unfair bin hikes. If these increases are not stopped then it will ultimately be the most vulnerable in our society – including people with disabilities, the elderly and parents with young families – who will suffer most.

Stopping illegal use of scramblers and quad bikes The use of scrambler and quad bikes on greenspaces and in parks is becoming an increasing nuisance in Dublin Bay North. A number of local teams have shown up to play matches at the weekends only to find sports pitches torn-up by people using scramblers. Local youth groups have also been forced to cancel events due to safety concerns. With this in mind, Sinn Féin has put forward a Bill which would give gardaí real powers to tackle this problem. I’m calling on all local TDs to back our Road Traffic Amendment (Quads and Scramblers) Bill when it comes before the Dáil.

Sábháil Sráid an Mhúraigh Ta foireann Shinn Féin i dTeach Laighean agus i gComhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath ag obair go dian le cinntiú go mbeidh an Séadchomhartha Náisiúnta ar Shráid an Mhúraigh cosanta mar chuid de cheathrú stairiúl agus chultúrtha sa chathair. Bhí ceanncheathrú ag ceannairí na Poblachta le linn Éirí Amach 1916 ar Shráid an Mhúraigh. Ní mór é a chaomhnú mar chomhartha ómóis do mhná agus fir 1916, chun idir ghlúin nua d'Éireannaigh agus chuairteoirí a chur ar an eolas agus a spreagadh.


Cllr Edel Moran, Cllr Larry O’Toole, Denise Mitchell TD and Cllr Ciarán O’Moore at the launch of the new Community Information and Employment Action Hub in Coolock

Concerns over incinerator effects on air quality With the Poolbeg Incinerator beginning to burn household waste , Denise Mitchell TD and Clontarf area Councillor Ciarán O’Moore have requested extra air pollution monitoring points be installed in Clontarf and Raheny to ensure that this incinerator does not have an adverse effect on air quality in the Dublin Bay area.

New housing in Darndale and Belcamp Councillor Larry O'Toole and Denise Mitchell TD are pleased to report that 35 new homes at Lower Buttercup and 38 new homes in Moatview Gardens and Belcamp Avenue should all be handed over to Council and occupied by families on the Housing List in a matter of months. Councillor O'Toole is also working with the Council on the provision of homes on the two smaller Belcamp sites, some of these will be earmarked for


senior citizens. Also being examined is the possibility of building homes on the Darndale central spine site. If properly designed this would provide a large number of new homes.

Development at Lawrence Lands at Oscar Traynor Road Denise Mitchell has been working closely with Councillor Edel Moran who has been selected to the recently formed Consultative Forum for the 17-hectare site known as the Lawrence Lands which Dublin City Council says has a minimum capacity of 640 homes. Local residents are encouraged to engage with the Forum and make their voices heard on the development and traffic plans.

Bike scheme for Howth/Sutton/Baldoyle area Councillor Daire Ní Laoi and Denise Mitchell TD are calling on Fingal County Council to introduce a bike scheme in the Howth/ Sutton/Baldoyle area, similar to the very

Denise Mitchell TD pictured with new Sinn Féin Mayor of Dublin Mícheál Mac Donncha at his inauguration at the Mansion House. Mayor Mac Donncha says tackling the housing crisis will be his top priority and called on the Government to work with the council to address the crisis: “This City Council must be given the resources and the support – financial, legal, logistical – to build homes, to purchase homes, to refurbish and extend homes – to meet the housing needs of the people.”

successful Dublin Bike Scheme in Dublin City Centre. This scheme which would allow users to pick up bikes at bike stations located in key areas such as at Dart stations and village centres and drop them at a different location for a very reasonable cost. It would be of great benefit to daily commuters and to tourists alike.

Northern Fringe infrastructure must be developed Denise Mitchell TD and Mayor of Dublin Mícheál Mac Donncha have supported residents in Belmayne and Clongriffin in their call for infrastructure to be developed in parallel with or prior to the development of new housing. The City Council needs to deal with issues around traffic, parking congestion and vacant retail units, while adequate open spaces, play facilities for young children, and community facilities must be provided. We need to see school developments going ahead.

representing you locally, nationally and in Europe Sinn Féin agus an Gaeloideachas Tá Sinn Féin tiomanta ó thaobh cosaint, caomhnú agus láidriú na Gaeilge mar theanga bheo, agus creideann gur cheart tosaíocht a thabhairt d’Oideachas trí Ghaeilge. Faoi láthair, dar leis an Teachta Mitchell, tá córas pátrúnachta scoileanna an rialtais agus na rialacha a bhainean leis ag cur bac ar fhorbairt phátrúnachta Gaelscoileanna. Diúltaíodh anuraidh, mar shampla, don Fhórás Pátrúnachta gaelscoil ilchreidmheach a bhunú i dTuaisceart Bhaile Átha Cliath, cé gur cláraíodh 733 mic léinn ón gceantar is ó na ceantair mórthimpeall air d’oideachas, ilchreidmheach trí Ghaeilge, rud nach raibh ar fáil in aon scoil eile i dTuaisceart na Cathrach. Creideann Sinn Féin gur cheart oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge, ón réamhscolaíocht go dtí stáidéir iarchéime, bheith ar fáil dóibh siúd a roghnaíonn é.

PROBLEM GAMBLING AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Over the last number of months, Sinn Féin Dublin MEP Lynn Boylan has been calling for tighter regulations for gambling, particularly for online gambling. “I believe it is one of the gravest issues facing Irish society and yet there is virtually no regulation of it. Ireland has the highest online gambling losses per capita in the world. Online gambling companies deliberately target people through their social media accounts to entice them into betting. Data is collected about an individual’s preferences and if they decide to take a break from gambling, adverts will pop up on their social media accounts,” she said. Sinn Féin MEPs and TDs have called on the Irish Government to seek an exemption from EU market rules to curb the level of online gambling adverts. Lynn has also called on them to ring-fence funding from the betting tax for support services. No one wants to stop people placing a bet but we must ensure that the gambling industry is regulated so as to prevent them exploiting problem gamblers.

Denise Mitchell TD and Lynn Boylan MEP CONTACT

Lynn Boylan MEP Tel: 01 87 365 54 | Mobile: 087 256 1524 Email:

If you have any issues please don’t hesitate to contact:

Issued by Denise Mitchell TD



01-847 2902 Ayrfield Community Centre, Blunden Drive Dublin 13.


01-618 3457

Your Councillors in Dublin Bay North:

Cllr Daire Ní Laoi

086 397 77 19

Cllr Ciarán O’Moore

086 358 73 92

Cllr Edel Moran

086 391 56 61

Cllr Larry O’Toole

086 854 19 40

Cllr Mícheál Mac Donncha 086 102 19 45

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