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- Stefan Sagmeister – Evoke Happiness i.e. A feeling/ Memory/ Image - Volkswagen – The Fun theory - What makes people happy? – Find out memories/ activities etc what makes people happy - Children – fun theory – Learning through play - Travel experiences – memories/dreams/posters

Happiness/Future self - Children learning through play

- Could ask what people remember doing as a child to project memories/happiness - Think about activities children do/toys they do and how it helps them learn in different ways ‘Learning through play’ is a term often used to describe how a child may use ‘play’ to learn about the world around them. - The idea of learning from new experiences/ New environments around them - Children’s toys and what purpose they may have

Future self

- Think about the question – Ten years from now what will you be doing? - The future – The virtual or reality – Will we fake it, or keep it real? - How interests and experiences in the past help shape your future self i.e. the transition from a child to an adult

Happiness/Future self – Memories

- Think of different ways you can project different peoples memories of happiness - Could possibly recreate memories/moments of happiness using photography – Look at ideas of people recreating childhood photos/memories - Childhood memory – Seaside – Beach ball – Beach ball made of images of recreated childhood memories


- Undertake creative the parameters of ea - The brief should be to your own thoughts work such as an ad c - Experiment, explore personal aspects - Show your creativit work – Make it memo


Happiness/Future self adult

Could look at experience learn as an adult as well - Possibly look at how ex help shape you as an adu - Look at interests and ch link to where they see the (look at future goals) - Look at the idea of ‘whe want to be when you are - Think about travel expe may have possibly affect

and ambitious research beyond ach theme e personal to you or be linked s rather than being commercial campaign e and expand technical and

ty and originality through your orable


f – experiences as a child and an

es as adults and how they help you as a child. xperiences and interests as a child ult – Future self haracteristics of individuals now in emselves in 10 years/ the Future

en you were a child, what did you older?’ eriences and memories and how they ted you as an individual

Happiness/Future self – Travel/ Experiences

- Look at existing artists and how they use maps to create a piece of artwork - Using maps for covering an object to symbolise culture/experience/memories - Possibly use own images and find a way to use them to project memories of travel/experiences


Create both physical and digital outcomes in response to the three themes explored; Happiness, The Internet and Your future self. - Produce outcomes that respond effectively and meet your project initial aims and objectives - Resolve technical and aesthetic problems by using and practising a variety of working methods - Present and communicate development work and outcomes in a manner appropriate to your discipline and to high professional standard.

The Internet

- Pre-Internet Brain – Coupland - How technology and the internet has caused a change in social behaviour - Idea about abandoning all technology for a week to see the changes in behaviour

What to research

Through looking at ideas linked to the theme of happiness and future self I have decided to focus on ideas surrounding growing up. I am going to look at how experiences in the past as a child have affected an individual’s life now in the future.I find this topic rather fascinating, as I will be able to look at different theories on children and how they grow up to back up my research and idea.

I believe this idea would be great for the themes Happiness and Future self as I will be able to project people’s childhood memories. This will also link to my idea of Future self as in the future I aspire to be a teacher so linking my project to the theory or ‘learning through play’ will make the

project become more personal to me. I am going to research further into the theory ‘learning by play’ so that i will have a theory to surround my project with. I believe by looking at a specific theory i will be able to put more meaning to my project and i will be able to add an interesting perspective to it. I will look at a range of old photos and ask people about their memories as a child to find out if activites they did as a child have possibly affected their life now. I will also think of new ways to look at this project and think about different possible outcomes i could create.

What is the ‘Learn through play’ Theory? ‘Learn through play’ is a term that is often used to describe how a child may use ‘play’ to learn about the world around them and to learn new skills. This helps them to learn from experiences that they may have that will help shape their future self. Children tend to learn best through experiencing new things rather than learning in a classroom. They learn best by using all their senses and by copying people’s behaviour. It is believed that play is one of the main ways that a child learns new skills. It helps the children to find themselves by helping them to make sense of their own abilities. This encourages a child to gain self worth by working out what they are good at.

By using the Family lives website I have been able to find examples of learning through play. Here are some of the examples that I have found; Sand and water play can be an early introduction to science and maths as children are able to see that water is a liquid and that it can be measured in different sized containers. Playing with play-dough, drawing and painting pictures, dressing up, playing with dolls can encourage creativity and imagination as well as encouraging expression of feelings. Through looking at these 2 examples you can already imagine possible lifestyle choices they may have linked to their interests as a child.

As a child I personally enjoyed painting and drawing, dressing up and playing with dolls this lead to my interest in studying to become a design teacher. I believe this idea fits in well with the ‘future self’ theme, as children are using their surroundings to work out their abilities that they will eventually use to shape their future. Interests and ambitions as a child are often reflected in adult life in either the way they see and experience life or through their career.

David Hockney

I personally find David Hockney’s work rather interesting as he manages to use a range of images from different perspectives to build up a larger image. This has created an interesting effect as it makes the final image appear slightly broken up and distorted. This type of distorted image would be a great way to display memories. This method enables light to bounce off the

images in different ways, enabling the image to come alive in a different way. I find photography really interesting and I believe this would be a great method to experiment with. I am going to try and experiment with this technique to show different perspectives of places. I am also going to try and show the reflection of memories through this process as well.

Matthew Cusick

Matthew Cusick is another designer that I have looked at for inspiration. I believe the idea of looking at travel would be a great way to tackle the brief. I think this would be a good thing to look at to help me generate ideas. The idea of using a map to manipulate in order to build up an image is really interesting. It could possibly show

a hidden message in the image itself. I really like the idea of using maps to try and create an image, I could try to highlight specific places inside the image that are personal to you. I am going to look at different ideas surround travel for possible ideas for the brief. Travel could be a great theme to look at.

Jennifer Collier

Jennifer Colllier is a designer that has used maps, pages from books and other materials to try and cover objects. This looks like a really good method to look at for the brief as I could possibly pick an object that makes symbolises happiness for me and then possibly

cover it in a map or something that connects the object to me. For example covering an object in a map of the place where it’s from to signify travel and maybe experience. This method looks rather interesting and could be a good idea to look at for an idea surrounding travel.

Wilma Hurskainen Wilma Hurskainen is a photographer that has recreated old childhood memories as an adult with her family. This looks like a really interesting way to project the feeling of happiness and to reflect on memories. This method could work very well when looking at the theme of happiness but also

seems like a rather unoriginal Idea as it is a commonly used technique. Her photos look really interesting and it would be a great method to look at for experimentation with if it wasn’t as commonly used. If i was to focus on this idea i would need to combine it with another method to make it work.

Brno Del Zou

Brno Del Zou is another photographer that I have looked at for inspiration. He has a very unique style that appears slightly surreal. Similar to David Hockney, Zou also uses multiple images from different perspectives in order to create a larger image. Zou manages to distort his images to make the final photo appear surreal. The

use of the different perspectives works really well and creates a slightly shocking affect on the viewer. I find Zou’s work rather interesting and really unique. I am going to look further into this technique and experiment with different ways I can us photography to create an interesting piece that fits the theme.

Idea 1 Childhood memories and experiences can signify happiness and help shape your future I am going to focus on happiness and future self for the collide brief. I believe that childhood memories reflect happiness as everyone has happy memories from their childhood. There are different ways I could take this idea of using childhood memories to project happiness. I am going to ask people about their own childhood memories and interests as a child and compare them to their interests now. This could possibly link into my earlier idea of looking at the theory of ‘Learning through play’

as I will be able to look at how these memories and experiences have affected their life as an adult. For this idea I would like to use digital scans of old childhood photos and look at different ways to attach the themes of happiness, future self and digital age together. I could possibly look at creating a small photo montage similar to th work of David Hockney and then try to place these memories inside a photograph. I could possibly experiment with creating faces in a similar style or by using a range of memories to build up some detail in a larger image.

Idea 2

‘Learning through play’ as a child can help shape your future self. I would like to look at the Children’s theory of ‘Learning through play’ for the collide brief. I believe this would be an interesting basis for my project. I am going to look at how experiences as a child help to shape their future as an adult. I believe that childhood experiences can help people to find their interests and talents at an early age this tend to affect their choices and experiences as an adult. I believe that I could show

this idea though my work by looking at the interests of children and then asking them a question such as ‘What would you like to be when you are older?’ This could possibly show me a link between interests and future goals. I could possibly show this information by using info-graphics or i could create a character that helps to show the different stages of life from small child to adult. I believe that this could be a fairly interesting idea as I will be able to explore and experiment with different outcomes.

Idea 3

Experiences such as traveling can help to open opportunities for your future self For this idea I was thinking of focusing on the idea of traveling experiences and how they help to shape your future self and happiness. Memories is a great way to project the feeling of happiness as it is something that you can reflect on that could possibly affect your life in the future by opening you up to new skills and opportunities. I think that experimenting with maps to create a physical piece would work rather well as I would be

able to use maps to signify traveling to new places, gaining new experiences. I could experiment by making a collage using maps to create an image of a memory. Another thing I could do is look at an object/ souvenir form somewhere and cover it in a map. If I was to do this I would maybe cover a camera to fit in with the idea of ‘capturing’ a memory. This idea would be rather interesting to use but I believe I could possibly struggle with the final out come as I may not be able to generate many ideas linked to this main idea.


These are some faces that I decided to experiment with inspired by the work of David Hockney and Brno Del Zou. I wanted to experiment with the idea of looking at life in a new perspective in order to turn a bad memory into a happy memory. I decided to experiment with images of friends and myself to see the different effects it would have. The outcome of these pieces turned out really well but I found

that they did not quite achieve what I was hoping for. I found that the image of the faces broken up worked really well but didn’t quite work for the brief. However I did manage to find that the use of black and white photography on exploded views of facial characteristics created an interesting effect. I believe that this may work well by combining it with other imagery linked to possible childhood memories.

Experimentation This is another idea i came up with taking influence from David Hockney’s work with photography. For this idea I decided to look at using 1 image and distort it slightly by breaking the image up in different sections. I have selected sections of the original image in Photoshop and then I have overlapped them slightly and make it so they don’t

line up correctly so that it appears like the image is distorted. I find this affect really interesting and I believe it works really well. It helps show a childhood memory but in a new way by changing the image slightly. If I was to do it again I think I will make it even more exaggerated so that you can see the affect it has on the image even more.

Experimentation This is another Idea that I have looked at using the same method as the image with the child on the bike. I have decided to use an image of me as a child on the beach as I believe most people have a memory of being on holiday as a child with their family. I wanted to use this image so that it would make people thing about there own memories. I believe this image

has worked as well as the image of the child on the bike as you can still make out the original image but you can still see that it has been built up of different sections. I really like the affect that this method has created and I believe it would be good to use to create poster ideas. I am going to develop this idea further by experimenting with different layouts for a poster.


This is another piece that I have created taking influence from Hockney’s work. I have used a similar technique to the images above where I use a solid image and slowly break them up by overlapping the image slightly with different frames. I believe this technique made the images look slightly surreal and rather interesting but unfortunately it doesn’t work as well as I had hoped. It is difficult

to see the distortion of the image clearly from far away so the image would need to be exaggerated. Unfortunately I found that if I distorted the image too much the image wouldn’t be clear enough to see it. I am going to experiment further with the layering of images inspired by the work of Hockney further to see if I can create something that works well for the collide brief.

Experimentation This is the first attempt at using photographs of memeoriesI decided to take a closer look at the Photographer David Hockney and I wanted to try and experiment taking influence from his style. I thought that by using multiple images to build up a larger image would create an interesting effect. This is my first attempt at experimenting with multiple images. I found that it didn’t work as well as I thought it would have. I had to edit the colour of some of

the images to help the colours match better. The idea behind this experimentation was to create an original image using multiple memories that people can look at and see different experiences. I believe the idea behind this piece was strong but unfortunately the photographs inside the main image didn’t match up as well as I had hoped. I am going to experiment further with this idea to see if I can find a different way of making this work.

Experimentation These are some other experimentations that I tried using multiple photographs to build up a larger image. For these ideas I used fewer images that looked similar in colour so they would blend together better to create a more convincing image. I used fewer photos this time as I found that using too many busy images made the image look too crowded. I believe that out of the two

experiments that I have done the top image seems to work best as the colours match better and the image looks distorted but you can still see the separate images inside the final image. I believe this method worked better than the first experimentation that I did. I am going to experiment further with this idea and possibly look at using a single image to break up and create a similar effect.

Final Idea

This final Idea is a combination of the black and white photography that I experimented with earlier as well as the experimentation in the style of David Hockney’s work. I believe that this piece works really well as I have been able to look at the idea of being able to see life through someone else’s eyes. I wanted to project my memories through the image of an eye to try and create the feeling of happiness. I believe that childhood memories are a large part of someone’s life and are often seen as happy memories. I

believe that this piece works well and has worked well with the theme of happiness, as I have been able to simply show happy memories in a simple way. Unfortunately as I have brown eye it was difficult to see the reflection of memories inside my own eye so I had to take a photo of someone eyes that are a lighter colour. If I was to use my own eye to show my memories though it would have been more effective and more personal to me as I would have been able to show that my memories have shaped my future self.

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