Feelgood drinks co

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About the Brief

The aims of the brief are to try and re-engage 18 to 35 year old women with the feel good brand. The company wants to raise awareness and inspire people to engage with the brand and buy the product – Possibly and add campaign. They also want to try and remind and reassure the Target audience that the feel Good brand is right for them. The Feel Good Company are “Very open brief to give you the freedom to demon straight your creative thinking in any medium or combination of media you see fit.” Think about moments, Formats and contexts in which we can successfully engage with out target audience

Hints, Tips and comments

These are some things to think about whilst looking at the brief and trying to come up with ideas. - The company is very open minded about how you look at the brief - Keep it simple and honest and make sure it deliver against the needs of wanting healthier cleaner drinks - Open to ideas for new campaigns - Press adds - Packaging - Social media - Sampling - On-pack promotions - In-store engagement - Concepts for grabbing people on the streets - Fresh thoughts about how the bottles should look. - The consumer doesn’t want to compromise, they want tasty healthy, natural drinks that have no added sugar and make them feel great.




About the Product

The Feel Good Drinks Company is a premium range of 100% Natural still sparkling drinks. Feel Good Drinks are sold in over 20,000 outlets across 15 different countries. These drinks are available in supermarkets such as Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Spar as well as Cafés, parks, delis and restaurants across the country. Feel good drinks are 100% natural, 1 of

your 5 a day with no added sugar or added anything. I wanted to see how easy it was to find the drink so for my research I have gone out and bought one of these drinks to try them. I managed to find it along with other bottled drink in sainsbury’s fairly easily and I decided to try the Raspberry and Passion fruit flavour which was really nice and it’s very healthy.

Target Audience The Target audience for the Feel Good Drinks Company is mainly women aged between 18 and 35. They believe that this is the age range where men and women are most concerned about their health and they will be possibly be looking for other healthy alternatives of food and drink. The target audience should be healthy but not too obsessive. For example they go to the gym but they still

enjoy a slice of cake etc. Feel Good Drinks are easily accessible for those on the go so they would be most appropriate for those who lead busy lives. Feel Good want to aim their drinks at people who live by a Work hard – Play hard ethos. These factors may lead to the product needing specific requirements so its healthy for those on the go but it is easy to store for those that lead busy and active lives.


I have decoded tp look into different aspects that could possibly appeal aesthetically to the target audience. I believe that some of these feminine aspects could possibly work well for features to include in my poster designs. - Flowers - Pastel colours - Minimalist patterns - Nature - Romance I have created a moodboard that includes the features listed above so that i am able to gain inspiration whilst generating new ideas and developing them further.

Research I have also found that some women are not particularly into the overly feminine style of design so i want to look at the strong independant female features to design such as; - 50’s American look – tattoo’s - Independent look – less feminine and stereotypical - Strong independent women look - Postmodern type – use more feminine fonts - Vintage style I think that by using these different takes on what women are interested in i will manage to hit a wider target audience and it will help women to feel like they are being represented by the products. Women are still interested in the feminine style but they prefer to add a more independant twist and reject the old fashion traditional sterotypes of what women like. I believe that this will be a good chance to experiment with the postmodern style in an Avant-garde fashion as they support the rejection of traditional styles.


What is it that appeals to women aged 18 to 35? Competition ideas: - Shopping – clothes – personal shopper - Socialisation/ drinks - Money - Spa day - Make over and photo shoot - Beauty products - Food – High class restaurants - Shoes/ Handbags I have decided to look at different the different interests of my target audience so that i can come up with ideas for a competition to make the product more appealing. I have found that competitions in link with a specific product are proven to improve the sales of that particular product.

Alternative Vintage Style

The women of today tend to love the idea of an alternative vintage style rather than the traditional feminine style. This style is a combination of different styles. There is a hint of rock and roll along with the vintage 50’s style to create a new alternative look. I believe this would be a great look for poster designs, as it will make women feel

like they are being represented as strong and independant. I believe that traditional forms of design using flowers and feminine aspects don’t quite achieve that. I am going to experiment with different ideas for a strong advertisement taking influence from the alternative vintage style.

Heinz Seriously Good Pasta Sauce: Seriously Juicy by DDB

Existing Advertisments

These are a few of the existing advertisements that I find particularly interesting. I really like how the Heinz and the Burger King advert have used typography to advertise food. Burger king have made the text appear in the shape of a wrap and fries without using much imagery, this technique is really effective and I may try to experiment with using this technique. I

also find it interesting how Heinz has used typography along with photography to create a poster. They have managed to place the pans, text and images of smaller tomatoes in the shape of a larger tomato to advertise pasta sauce. These advertisements could be great to use for influence during this project whilst looking at typography.

Burger King: Wrap/Fries by Interone GmbH

Tata Beverages Billy Tea: Women were by Clemenger BBDO

Tomasz Biernat

I believe that by using typography for poster designs would be a great way to attract people’s attention. I will be able to add in information about the drinks and highlight all the benefits in one simple poster design. I have decided that I want to look at different typographers to see different styles and ways you can layout a typographic piece. Tomasz Biernat is the first typographer that I have decided to look at, I find his style really

inspiring. He uses typography along side small patterns to make poster designs that are very bold. I really like his style of work and I like how the text, image and patterns in the typography pieces all link. I intend to experiment with typography for my poster designs. I want to try and experiment with combining the alternative vintage style with typography to see what effect it has on the female target audience.

Adhemas Batista

I find Batista’s work very inspiring he uses bold colours to make his illustrations stand out. I think by looking further into his work for inspiration I will be able to relate to the target audience. i believe that the way Batista uses colour and shape makes his posters appear energetic, this will like with the fact that the target audience is

aimed at women who lead busy lives. I plan on experimenting with colour and shape to make my work more appealing and stand out. I will also look at the different patterns that he uses in the back of some of his work as they seem to link to the idea of femininity in a similar way in what I intend on doing.

Idea 1 For my first idea i am going to look creating multiple poster designs for the feel good drinks company and use it to advertise the drink and a competition to get women more interesting. i want to advertise the idea of winning a spar day with selected bottles all they have to do is find a bottle with a specific image inside the cap of the drink. This would be appealing to the target audience of women aged 18 to 35 years

who lead busy lives as they will be able to take a break from their busy lives to relax. I will create some poster designs advertising the competition and look into different ideas I could use to advertise them. I am going to research into what appeals to women ages 18 to 35 so that i will be able to create a poster design that will attract the specific target audience.

Idea 2

For the feel good campaign I am going to look at creating a range of poster designs using typography. The posters will help me to express vital information about the Feel Good drinks in order to persuade women to want to buy them. I will use a mix of vibrant colours to make the posters stand out. Whist experimenting with this idea I will look for inspiration from Tomasz Biernat’s work. I believe that his style of typography posters

work very well and look rather interesting. He uses a slightly vintage style for his work and I believe that would be a great style to add to my work to fit in with the alternative vintage style that women are recently seen to relate to today. I will also look at possibly experimenting with typography to make the shape of the feel good bottles. I believe this could create an interesting effect for the poster designs.


For the first stages of this experimentation I have decided to use the shape of a bottle for the layout of the poster as well as using typography. I had to first try and trace half of a bottle and the copy and flip the other half to create a symmetrical shape. This made it easier than drawing the full outline of the bottle as it wouldn’t

be symmetrical. I then decided to experiment with different colours and fonts for the text to try and make the poster seem more eye catching; I believe this worked fairly well. For the text I decided to use phrases that the feel good company had used to describe their product, as well as trying to highlight benefits of the product.


This experimentation is one that I have created taking influence from existing typography posters. I thought it would be a great idea to try and create a design that included the shape of the Feel Good drink bottle. I wanted to use the shape of one of the glass bottles that they have. I decided to try and change the coloured background to see what different effects it would create for the poster. I found that on the white

background it looked a bit too plane and that it didn’t stand out as well as I had hoped. With the yellow and pink background I found that the colours clashed too much taking attention away from the centre image. I believe that the poster with the light blue background worked best as it was subtle enough not to take attention away from the image yet it managed to work well with the colours on the poster.


These are some simple experimentation logos that I have created for the competition. These logos are to symbolise a spar weekend and are to fit inside a bottle cap. The idea behind these logos is that they need to be simple for them to be seen clearly on a small scale. I believe that the image of the person with cucumber on her eyes

maybe fairly difficult to see clearly on a small scale. I believe that the cucumber or the water drop maybe the better symbols to use, as they are rather simple and they both work well with the spa theme. I have uses minimal colours to create the small logos as I didn’t want to over complicate them.

Final Idea 1

This is one of my final poster designs for the competition idea. I have decided to use fairly simple colours for the design so that they don’t over power the design. I have used mainly type to inform people of the competition. I have decided to use the simple cucumber logo for the bottle cap design, as I believe that it helps to symbolise

relaxation. I have also tried to use mainly the colours from the original logo so that I don’t over complicate the idea. I believe that these ideas will work well for magazine poster designs. I believe that the spa weekend is a great idea as it helps to encourage a healthy body and mind, these are some of the aims of the feel good company.

Final Idea 2

This is my second poster design, for this design I have decided to reverse the colours on the background and the text. I have decided to add more information to the bottom of the poster in a smaller text size, as I didn’t want to over crowd the design of the poster. For this design I have decided to blend in the logo design for the bottle cap beside the text in the centre. I believe

this is a more subtle way of introducing the logo. I believe that this poster idea works really well to introduce the competition, as people will be able to recognise the company brand straight away with the use of the feel good text. I also believe that this competition idea will be a great way to encourage people to buy the feel good drinks as well as it giving a fun incentive.

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