Instruction for Using of Orthopedic Implants

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Instruction for Using of Orthopedic Implants Orthopedic implants provide orthopedic surgeons a way of precise bone fixation. They also play a usually supportive part in treatment, fracture healing, and reconstructive surgery (osteosynthesis and improvement in degenerative diseases). However, implants aren’t appropriate to replace normal body structures or bear the weight of body (see product-specific instructions).

Choosing an Implant/Indications While treating traumatic and/or degenerative skeletal changes, consider the following points: 1. Choosing the implant. It is of supreme importance to choose the appropriate implant. The possibility for success is improved by selecting the orthopedic implant of right size and shape. The features of human bone and soft tissue pose limits to the size and strength of ortho implants. No partial weight-bearing or non-weightbearing product may be predictable to withstand the full and unsupported weight of the body. If a strong bone union is to be attained, the patient requires acceptable external assistance. Similarly, the patient must limit physical activities that would give stress upon the implant or allow movement at the site of fracture and therefore delay healing.

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