Letters to Santa 2014

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To Santa, with Love A keepsake edition of holiday wishes and dreams from all the good girls and boys in Siouxland!

An Advertising Supplement to the Sioux City Journal




The following letters were submit- beagle. I have been very good. Lillyan Smith, age 7 ted to the Sioux City Journal from the Sergeant Bluff, Iowa public. Dear Santa, I PAD Makeup Dear Santa, Monster HI House I would like markers with ten, color pencils Doll with thirty-six, and crayons with twentypurse Four in the box. Book Yadira Argueta, age 8, Sioux City Alsa Braylynn Bledsoe, 5 Dear Santa, Hinton, Iowa I’ll leave you Godiva chocolates. Please bring me Frozen Lipstick, Shoes and a Purse. Dear Santa, CoCo Nut wants a Bone. I want a electric skooter. Julie Hansel, age 4 Scincerly Thomas (my age is 10) Sioux City Walthill, Neb. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, I want a Baby Doll with Bottles, Barbies, Deer Santa Stuff Bear. Thank you I’ve been good. I want a electric scooter Jocelynn M. Vera, age 1 by Kaiden (I am 8) Sioux City Walthill, Neb. Merry Christmas Santa Dear Santa, Happy Thanksgiving Merry Christmas I Dear Santa, want cho-cho’s and a jumprope. JoJo McGuire, age 4 I would like Skylanders Trap Team and a Jefferson, S.D. toy Helicopter. Dolls for my sisters Chevaya and Oakley. Dear Santa, Peace & Joy Tyrese Gill, age 7 Why do you go down my chimney on South Sioux City, Neb. Christmas Day? I want a Pow Patrol lookout and Barbie Doll house. Dear Santa, Alana Saltzman, age 5 Sioux City I want a big toy monster truck that looks like a shark and a new red bike for my brother. Dear Santa, Cruz Gonzalez, age 3 Westfield, Neb. I want stuffed animals and a jack in the box Also a Frozen Comfortor and toys with Olaf, Elsa and Anna. And a real life puppy. Dear Santa, Nina Mendez-Templin, age 5 I want a ambulance and a ladder, and a Elsa Sioux City Frozen doll. And a TV for my mom and dad. Sophie Lane, age 3 Dear Santa, Sioux City Hot tub. Flashlight Dear Santa, Glow in the dark football. I want an orange monster truck and an A giant swing. orange scooter. Playmobil Pirates. Colt Krier, age 3 My own cotton candymaker. Remsen, Iowa Lego Castle Knight set. Jack Hamstra, age 6 Dear Santa, Sioux City For Christmas I would like X Box 360 and a Ninja Turtle game. Also I want a flying reDear Santa, mote car with wings. R.J. Krier, age 6 I want a new Barbie Doll...Elsa & Ana. A Remsen, Iowa new candle. Cora Hamstra, age 6 Dear Santa, Sioux City I’d like a printer to make copies, a puppy, Hi Santa and a side by side 4-wheeler. I’ll leave you I will like the #2 Bat Man Pe sf game I ben cookies and milk. good Sidney Krier, age 8 sam Crum, age 6 Remsen, Iowa North Sioux City, S.D. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would love to have a puppy. A real puppy, not a pretend puppy. And, I want it to be a Geronimocstilton Book, Thea-Stilton


Book, American Girl Doll, Barber Dolls. Elise Mann, age 8 Sioux City Dear Santa, Car design kit, Nitindo 3D/DS Lego Game. Toys for my Baby Brother (Benny). Model Car’s 55/Chevy’s. Thanks Santa. Chevy Frances, age 7 South Sioux City, Neb.

Or a little baby one and his own tennis ball and collar. I love you Santa and girl Santa. Love, Harper Grimsley Age 4 Dear Santa, I would like you to bring me Frozen Doll Frozen bike pricess karaoke play-doh dohvinci kit hungry hippos game Dayrin Svarez, age 7 Sioux City

Dear Santa, I want a paintball gun so I can paintball with my brother JR and my dad. And I want to help my granmpa saw and chop wood and Dear Santa, shop with my mom. Shawnee, age 10 months I would like you to bring me ninja turtles South Sioux City, Neb. bike, ninja turtles table, ninja turtles guitar, movies, leaf frog. Dear Santa, Bryant Ramirez, age 5 I would like a Barbie house, Level 1 books, Sioux City and pajamas. I have been good girl. Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, Love, Maddyx I would like you to bring me baby doll, Maddyx Heaton, age 5 clothes for baby, Frozen bike, Frozen doll, Sioux City leaf frog, leaf games. Thaily Ramirez, age 3 Dear Santa, Sioux City I would like a transformer, a Lego book, Dear Santa, and need a pair of pants. I have been a good boy. I want to spend more time with my grampa Merry Christmas! so I can sw and split firewood and do everyLove, Hendrix thing he does. Hendrix Heaton, age 3 Sebastiane, age 15 Sioux City South Sioux City, Neb. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Wish Frozen doll, Frozen blanket, winter I want a scooter and a real liver slimer coat, winter shoes size 7, winter clothes size gohst and Hola Snowman and a husband 3, and Frozen electric car. for my pig Wilma if you can Santa (Pebbles) Thanks! Savannah, age 6 South Sioux City, Neb. Samantha Hernandez, age 2 years, 3 months Dear Santa, I want presents and a new kitty & puppy Dear Santa, I want a Barbie camper and a Frankie Stein to play with and to see my family more often doll with a coffee jug. and my cousins. Elliana Perez, age 5 Jeidyn, age 10 Sioux City Sioux City Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I’ve been good. I would like a Wii U, MarI want a karaoke machine and the little ioKart 8, pool table, Super Smash Bros. live Pets Bird cage. P.S. cookies and milk are hockey/soccer net, basketball, & soccer ball. wating. Thank you, I will have cookies and milk for you. Merry Isabella Edna Stoos, age 8 Christmas! Sioux City Your friend, Chance Riley, age 7 Sioux City Dear Santa, I would like Pokemon cards & hunting Dear Santa, stuff at Scheel’s, teenage mutant ninja turI want the cartoon Grinch, and I want a tles. Carrots, cookies & milk are on the table. new doll and Monsters vs Aliens toys, and I Frankie Stoos, age 6 Sioux City want my own pretend nail polish so my mom won’t be mad if spill on her head. I think I really want my own pretend makeup. I really Dear Santa, want is for Christmas is a puppy. A big one. I would like a phone 6g, a computer, a stetn


boot, and 3 packs of peelable crayons. Katie Ahlf, age 12 Sioux City Dear Santa, I want a skateboard and guy! Kai Merchant, age 5 Sioux City Dear Santa, I want a ps4. I been good? Kobe Merchant, age 6 Sioux City Dear Santa, My name is Jeremy Likisap. I wish I have a Jordan shoe size six & a game Nintendo 2DS. Thank you, Jeremy Likisap, age 8 Sioux City Dear Santa, I want to have a new shirt that is broncos and I want to have a 3 DS XL to or a scoouter or the wii game Frozen. Chloe, age 7 Sioux City The following letters are from Mrs. Rapp’s second-grade class at Woodbury-Central in Moville, Iowa. Dear Santa, Please get me a PS4. with WWE 2K15 with a controller. and a Zumer Dyno and WWe toys. Love, Trey A.


Dear Santa, one and underarmor Nike a iphone six Iowa Please bring me a tablet for Christmas, and Hawkeye posters. Headphones, the beats. Love, Peston Z. a cat. What I really want is a happy Chrismas! Tell Rudoph I said hi! Love, Dear Santa, Emma L. I want a miny moped and to find my kindle. Please bring me some cookies and a lot of Dear Santa, chapter books a few about Chirstmas and a I wood like a sckum frog and 10 more bol- few about eneathing. Tell me how Mrs. Claus ers. is doing. Oh, and please bring me some unLove, Carter H. derarmour shirts. Sinceerly, Dear Santa, Rylee V. I would like a X box, and minecraft to go Dear Santa, with my x dox. I would like sume and a lot uf Please bring me a new iPod, tablet a turtle candy and the new Hobitt movie. Love, Colton W. and lizerod. And my sister Taylor wants a new iPod, Justice clothes and a new chap stick. And my baby brother wanta a light-up Dear Santa, Can you please get me a iPod for Christmas train to go with his train tracks a table. Then and yoga pants. Wood you get me a puppy? my dad wants new cologne, and he wants pj Love, pants. My mom wants breakfast in bed, with Kierstyn C. candy! My dog’s Hurrah and Lucey want a Dear Santa, dog bone. Love, Hailey L. I would like a mini TV and I want Minecart. Love, Avery W. Dear Santa, Please bring me my own iPad and please Dear Santa, Can you tell Tinsel to come to my house? bring me a new bike. And please bring my For Chaistmas I would like a huge doll house, mom new clothes and new jewelewy. And a turtle, a new water bottle. Love, Katie please bring my sister another lego set. And please bring my sister her own iphone 6. Love, Dear Santa, Ethan K. Can you please bring me a iPod, a x’box

Dear Santa, I would like a miny tv. And a PS3, PS3 minecraft because mine brocke, and 100 lego sets!!! I want lego batman 3. Love, Axton L. Dear Santa, Please bring my a guinea pig for Christmas and a iPod-5 please please! I wood like a Olaf sheets or a olaf blanket. But the iPod-5 is for my Dad House. How are you doing. Love, Isabelle S. Dear Santa, Please bring me some candy canes And a elf on the shelf some new clothes a new toy for my dog. I’ll have some cooks for you. Love CJ H Dear Santa, I would like o eet Lizard pleese. And the game minecraft and all the books. And the game call of duty advance & warfare! And $1,400,000. Love, Jacob K. Dear Santa, Can I please have a miny iPad Please, can I please have a Olaf stuff animal and Sphen stuff animal and can I Please have a real gold fish, Please. And a real DOG please. P.S. a kareoke machine. Love, Josie H.

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Dear Santa, hole lot of books. Love, Kylie T. I want a PS4 and a Xbox 360. I want a iPod. I want lego midecraft and 2 lego sets. I want a Mustang. I want a Monster truck. I want a Dear Santa, drat bike. I want a motsickel. I would like a DSi (game, Batman 3, ningLove, Aaron M. hgo, Batman1, Mario8, lord of the rings, minecraft) a wii u. Mountain Dew for my Dear Santa, mom. Dog treats for romen. A dog and lego I want an I phone six, and a Xboxone for sets. Please For Miss W. to get a teching job. christmas, and pet snakes I also want wood Can I have books. A hover ball. Love, Cole R. for a tree house. I want 50 big lego sets for christmas. I also want the meat book and Dear Santa, sord book. I also want those minecraft lego sets and a ds1 for christmas. Please bring me a ipod5. And a Zumer Love, Gunnar P. Dyno. And Sume minecraft toys. And a Xbox1 and the game Skylander trap team for the Play Station 3. Dear Santa, Love Zack B. Please bring me a tablet, makeup, new sokes, orbes, Elf on the Shelf, Monster High dolls, Monster High movies. The following letters are from Mrs. Love, Gracie D. Anderson’s second-grade class at Woodbury-Central in Moville, Iowa. Dear Santa, Please bring me new Justice Lip Stick Dear Santa, and bring me a lots of candy. and miencraft How are the Raindeer? Is Rodof’s nose books. and Spa Kit please. A elf on the shelf, bright? And how is Jingold? Does she have a girl with brown hair and red lips. a skirt? For Christmas I would like Lego Love, Olivia D. friends and some fairies with horses. Merry Christmas! Love, Kendra M. Dear Santa, I would like a puppy please! I would like a Dear Santa, mary Christmas too please. I think my brothr Brody would like a toy bow and arrow? I Hi Santa! I am sorry for being a little would also like a rele bow and arrow and a naughty, but do you forgive me? Anyway, I

do not think your reindeer are fast because my Dad says you are too slow – is that true? What kind of cookies do you want vanilla, chocolate, sugar, or frosted? Do you wear white or red gloves? What I do want for Christmas is a nerf gun. I guess you’ve been watching me. Wyatt F.

Dear Santa, How are you? How are your elves and reindeer? Did you get enough sleep for Christmas? For Christmas I would like a bunkbed, American girl doll, iPod, and a fairy. Merry Christmas!!! Avery R.

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, What I really awnt to have is a case for my I want a nerf gun. I hav a Sewer Scope. Second, I want a blablad arena and for blade tablet and I want is more legos. Oh, by the blade for the arena. I hope you are feeling way, How is your day going? How are the good! Your friend, Talan B. reindeer? And...why did Perriwinkle come so early? Good bye, Santa! Hope you bring me toys. Dear Santa, Love, Paige T. I hope you have a good Christmas. For Christmas I want a pogostick, and a nerfgun, and a remote control car. When am I going to Dear Santa, get my elf on the shelf? The thing I want this year is the space staYour friend, Logan tion, stuff that goes with it, an alien space ship, and Skylanders trap team. How do you deliver presents to millions and millions of Dear Santa, Hi Santa. For Christmas I would like a pair kids in one night? Have a Ho Ho Chrismis, of shoes, toys, and a tablet. How is it going Kennen S. Santa? How are ranider? Dear Santa, Love, Katie Can I please have a mini dirt bike and a Dear Santa, Deercom. Please! I would also like a cazycart How are you? Are you ready for Christ- too. Merry Christmas Santa, Cade P. mas? For Christmas I would like a angel kit from Hobby Lobby, a magic wand, and a Dear Santa, claerent. Love, Ava P. Are you ready for Christmas? Are your

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reindeer ready for Christmas? I would like a Ds and a X-box 360. Do you get tired after delivering presents all night? Love, Aleks C.


8, and a iphone 6t. How are your raindeer? How are your elves? I hope they liked are song! Are they making lots of toys? I just want to have a good good Christmas! Kellan B.

Dear Santa, Hi, have you fead your raindeer yet? Am I on your good list Or your noting list? what I whant for Christmas is a Elf on the Shelf and a flying monkey costume. Mostling a flying monkey costume. Thank you for evry thing. Mery Christmas, Keaton G.

Dear Santa, Have feed your raindeer? Has rowdallf bin good? Is Henry on the notey list? You ara brave because you are a big worker and have to go all the way around the world in the dark and have to go down a lot of chimes. For Cristmis I want a BIG, BIG pillow. A aswone rlaffley, BIG blankit. Merry Christmas, Dear Santa, Your friend, Sam M. You are the best pesin in my life. Santa, are you feelDear Santa, ing weel? Santa these are the Hi Santa! How is your vafour thing I wunt for Christmas and they are: A colering cation for Christmas? I want book, cranys, a book, and toy a Play Station 4, Iphone 6, and a new dirt bike showcars. And Santa I love you! down, and a new dirt bike, Love, Ben H. and the movie Frozen and a drum set. Dear Santa, Your friend, How are you? Can you Casey send me a photo of the elves? Please bring Mrs. Clase with Dear Santa, you to the Comunity Center. And I realy, realy, realy, REThank you for giving us a ALLY want you – yes you! I Elf on the shelf for Christmas just want you Santa yes you! last year. And have a happy I bet nobody said that be- year! I want for Christmas is fore. I love you Santa! Mary a Starwar set for Christmas. Love, Christmas!! One more thing, Lane B. books lots and lots of books. By. Love, Rylie P. Dear Santa, I want to know – How are Dear Santa, you doing? Can I play with This year I was wonder- Rudolph? I have been out ing how your reindeer are this year! Can I have a tablet doin? Are they fed? Because and a scooter? I love you! Ho I have some food for them. Ho Ho mary chrismas! By Peisani G. And Sally (my elf on the shelf) took a bath and used mini marshmallows and Dear Santa, my bubble bath. These are Nice to meet you! I’ve been things I want for Christmas: thinking and what I want for ear peace microphone, neon Christmas is a dareway and a marker, neon gym suits, bar- Password Journal. They are bie D stuff, radio, ninja suit, cool! I also want a drum set. head phones, bass, music Please and thank you!You CDs, and a Santa outfit and must be stuffed from last that’s it. Christmas – from the cookThank you, Love Zoe M. ies and the milk. How do you deliver all those presents in one night? You must have Dear Santa, Hi, how are you doing? a fast sled! I can’t wait for Santa this is four things you to come to my house that I would like: a Xbox for presents. Do you have one, Madden 15, mario kart more than 500 elves? Please

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answer Santa. Thanks for listening. Love, Emma K.

Xbox 360 and Skylanders giants please. I was good at school. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Jacob Murad

Dear Santa, I hope you are ok, Santa. How are your Dear Santa, elves? How is Mrs. Santa? For Christmas I’d I want a PS4 and a go Pro and a Nerf Sniper. like these things: X-box 360, Wildcat shirt, I want a fake mustaches and the Disney InWildcat pants, Wildcat necklace, Wildcat finiy 2.0. Your friend, bracelet, Wildcat keychain, and a Wildcat Clinton Welch lanyard. Thank you! Merry Christmas, Dear Santa, Ashton I want a new Loom Bands Becuse I bean good every day. I ben good. Becus I dont fight The following letters are from Mrs. anyone. Your friend, Jordan’s second-grade class at Whittier Leah Conlon Elementary School in Sioux City. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a Playstation 4. Please I’ll set I would like a laptop for Christmas please. I will leave a carrot for the reindeers and cook- out cookies. For you and a Nerf gun. Merry ies for you! Christmas Santa Claus! Your friend, Your friend, Delilah Thompson Brody Herman Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a DareWay for Chritmas. I want I really want a Dare Way. Please and long make up. I want a Frozen doll that is my size. earrings. a laptop and a dress. I will leave Thanks cookies for you. Your friend, Your friend, Brooklyn Johansen Jaidan Johnson Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a new mini Christmas tree for I want a touch screen computer for Christmas. I will leave cookeis and snicerdodles to Christmas. Please Please can you get me it? Thank you please. for you Santa Clavs. Your friend, Your friend, Nathanial Jenson Mario Perez Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would really like a new bike. I have been I want a Play Station 4 because it is cool wanting a laptop thank you Santa. and I like it and I really really want it. Your friend, Your friend, Chloe Smith Carson Anderson

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Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a laptop please. I will leave you I really want a new phone for Christmas cookies and milk. I will leave the reindeers please. I also want a nerf sling shot please a carrot. santa. Merry Christmas! Your friend, Your friend, Breanna Foy Maleea Fetterman Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would really like blind boxis. I like spellI want a new Nerf gun and a new bed. I hope you have a good merry Christmas too ing and I am really good at spelling. thank Santa. you Santa. Your friend, Gage Allen Your friend, Emma Weitzel Dear Santa, I like a dress. Dear Santa, I like a boot. I would like a brand new Frozen doll. I have I like a color paper. been listening at school. I will leave cookies I like a color paper different paper. for you. Your friend, Malia Wolfe Dear Santa, I would really like a new bike. I have been Dear Santa, helping my Mom do the dishes. I have been I want Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure for good.


Dear Santa, The following letters are from Mrs. Pratt’s second-grade class at Whittier I want a call of duty Advanced Warfar, a Elementary School in Sioux City. remote control car, legos, candy and I want a call of duty ghost. Your friend, Dear Santa, Mio Yelvelosca For Christmas I want a Skylanders trap force for x box 360, Call of Duty advanced Dear Santa, warfare. Your friend, I want an Ipod with a cute diamond case Kendirck Raff and earing for my American girl doll and a winter hat. Dear Santa, Your friend, Aubrey Vedral I want Skylanders trap force at mom’s, I want pokemon cards at Erlk and grandma’s. Dear Santa, Your friend, Derrick Eriksen I like a x box 360, Minkraft Lagos, minkraft game, a pet trole and evrening it neds one Dear Santa, of theos musec musnt eds, geve my mom a For Christmas I want an easy Bake oven, new boyfrend. Your friend, Slushie maker, Big Bear, my own bed and a Pete new bed set. Your friend, Dear Santa, Jaidyn Ferdig You are the best Santa in the world. I want Dear Santa, lololopsy easy baked oven, lipstick, Barbie I want for Christmas soccer ball, Gold, Dreamhouse, Lego friends, Thanks. Chesapeak Bay, toy gun, nerf machine gune, Your friend, exbox 1, toy roket, toy robot, Big toy. Ava Keairns Your friend, Tal Silas Nettleton Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a baskitball hoop, some we u games, For chrismas I wold like some Monster and a go-cart. I also wod like a toy out side high dolls, easy bake oven, and I want to go helicopter. to Japanese Steakhouse. Your friend, Your friend, Dylan Swearingen Zakivan Dear Santa, I would like a 2Ds, Barbie camper, phone, Dear Santa, What I want for Chrismas is a leappad, pajamas, Barbie in the dream house, Monster Brookies, the real cottencandy maker, a High doll, Chapter Books, Barbies. Your friend, snowcown maker, frozen games, and Dolls. Zsucsana Bourassa Your friend, Rylee Winquist Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want an Xbox, easy bake oven, Lps home, For Christmas I want a drumset and cloths, Lps, monster high doll. Your friend, please, thank you. To diliver presents to us. Cari Dibble Your friend, Thane Knudson Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want some clothes. If not clothes SanFor Christmas I want Skylanders swap ta. Or you can get me a doll. for christmas. force my one xbox 360 my one real car. Please candy. Thank you. My friend, Your friend, Landan Jones Grace Erick Dear Santa, Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is littlest pet I wish for Christmas a blak truck and a shop. Brookies, a singing doll, My Littel motorcycle in blk too! Plece get me it! prity plece pony, and books, a doll. Please. Your friend, Parker Harrison Your friend, Brooklyn Ewing Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I wont a Schlag electronic doornob. That I want a bmx bike, Amracan doll, shool stuf is pilymouth and a lago movie colock. A new for my Amracan doll. pillow. A gingerbred air freshiner. Your friend, Anika Bryant Your friend, Ian Mittel



Dear Santa, have a merry Christmas. I would like a toy Pony or runiconn, a LPS Your friend, Tatum deer, a LPSbee, a Wubbleball, and toy butterfly. Your friend, Dear Santa, Katie Beougher Thank you for giving us presents for chrimas. Thank you for that Ds last year. Thank Dear Santa, you for all that you do. Thank your elves for I want Justice Clothes. And cotton candy all they do. Thank you for bringing us presmaker. And Frozen clothes. I want Zummer ents in Iowa. Thank you for delivering to us the dog. Hello Kity neclise. and we thank you for all you do. Your friend, Your friend, Jaqueline Escobeto Karlee V. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, You are nice. For Christmas I whant a real dog can I please have a babby german shepard with Do you eat all the cookies? I would like a a toy bone. brother, Call of Duty Advanc warfair. thank Your friend, you. Jiselle Villatoro Your friend, CJ Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I whant for christmas is xbox one and ps4. I wont a batmoile far cry 4 and far cry How do you go to all the good girls and 3. I wont a far cry game. I wont a tablit and boys so fast? Does Rudolph’s nose really a keebord. shine? Thank you for my toy ponies last year. Your friend, Angel Torres How do you fit the bag in the sleigh so easily? Have a great day! Your friend, The following letters are from the secHannah ond-grade class at Whiting Community School in Whiting, Iowa. Dear Santa, I want to know how you get to the homes Dear Santa, I want you to konw that I Love you and so fast. How does Santa eat all of the cookies?

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How does Santa get down the chimneys fast? reindeer so much! Santa I love you! You are a Does Rudolf’s nose shine? very good friend! Thank you for all the presYour friend, ents every Christmas! Noah Your friend, Karley Lorene Tadlock Dear Santa, How do you go to all f othe houses in one Following are letters from Crescent night? How old is Rudolf? I wanto know if I Park Elementary in Sioux City. can have a smartphone. Can I please have a Scooter for Christmas? I will see you soon. Dear Santa, Merry Christmas and thank you! How is Mrs. Clause? I have been nice. And Your friend, Teagan I wish that I could have a xbox 360. Even I hope I see Rudolph! And I will leave you cookies. I hope that you can come to my Dear Santa, How are you dowing? I have some questio- house. And I would like a Samsung phone nes. How do you deliver so many presents on even a apple I phone 55 too. I hope you can one night? How can you eat so many cookies come to my house. Your friend, Alondra without getting a belly knot in your belly. Your friend, Cole B. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? He’s my favret reindeer. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I hope you can make it to How old are you? Do you have a bag in the my house this year. How is the North Pole? I house? Thanks for all you do for us. If you have not been naughty this year at all. have a favorite book, what would it be? But may I please get a new light BMX bike? Your firend I love to ride bikes. I want to be a professional Avery BMX rider. Your friend, Dear Santa, Cadin Do you not get a stoach ache when you eat Dear Santa Claus, so manny cookies? This is my Christmas list: uGG’s, computer, Xbox, kindle Fire and I was good. Will you came to my house and a big stuffed animal! I hope you have a good eat some of my cookies? You are the Santa Christmas. Thank you! Christmas nite and you make me happy and you are nice. I Your friend, moved in a new house. I have three ChristSophia Ann Hieder mas trees. I will like a jump rope and a book and a piano and a guitar. Your friend Dear Santa, Alley Thank you for giving us gifts when we are good. How do you get around the world so Dear Santa, fast? How can you eat that many cookies in one night? Finally how do you know where I want to now how Rudolph and Prancer every house is in the world? and Mrs. Santa Claus too. I ben good this yere Your friend, Santa. I want a BeBe gun for Christmas. Dalton A. Your friend, Keeton Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Thank you for all you do! I have been wondering “is Rudolf real? How can you fit in How is your elves and Mrs. Claus? I wish such tiny and skinny chimneys? How can I can see Rudolph and the other reindeer. I you eat so many cookies without getting a been a really good boy this year. We are going stomacheache? to make cookies for you. I would like MineYour friend, craft action figure multipack, Lego race car, Mollie Lego pick up truck, Lego sports car. Your friend, Dear Santa, Thor Thank you Santa for presents and movDear Santa, ies and clothes. I love Christmas and I love presents. I am a boy and 7 years old. I want How is Rudolph. I been good. I want to now how you fit all thos presents in the sleigh. whi something super cool please. Your friend, do you not eat are coockes? Seth I whot a big soft blanket and I whot a toy bog. I also wot a nowe bike and a ptadoeDear Santa, whed. I have a beautiful christmas tree. I wot Santa you are special to me and to every a Elsa doll and a Minecraft game. I wont lots one else! Thank you for all you do. How do of Barbies and I wont a soft stuffed animal you get to all those house in one night? How dog. Your friend, Destiny does Rudolf have a glowing nose? I love your


Dear Santa, Laptop, clothes, twin bed set, bike, PS 4 I have been good this year. How were Ru- games, and gift cards. Sincerely, dolph and Mrs. Claus? How is Prancer and Bella Vixen? Are the elves okay? Could you bring me Lego City, Beats head phones, John Cena action figure, Lego Super The following are 2B Santa Letters – Heros, DC Super Friends Bat Cave, folding 2014 – from Correctionville, Iowa. scooter, Tony Hawk skateboard, and Captain America super soldier gear. Dear Santa, Your friend, I want something speshl for Christmas. Tytan Nothing els asept that thing and something magical. Will probly will happen when im Dear Santa, asleep. Thank you, How has Rudolf been? I have been nice Kaylyn Buettner this year. I hope my friends and I have a good Christmas. So I have some ideas for what I Dear Santa, want. 1. Orbeez body spa Can my sister have a Viking’s shirt. I wont 2. NBA street basketball to have an xbox 360. Love, 3. Green iPhone 5C/ with a little pony case Theo Brandes 4. The Sims 4 computer game 5. Light up diamond ore / light up wall Dear Santa, torch Mine craft 6. Bike mount / HERO3+ silver edition Can you please give me new coloring pencamcord cils I have been good at school, but not at 7. Gift cards home. And please throw a hawkeye jersey 8. Secret heart diary Ever After High in there thank you. Santa, may I please have 9. Green headphones a Donner the raindeer for Christmas it does 10. Xbox 360 games not matter if it is real or fake. Thank you. 11. New stuff for my guitar From, Your friend, Myah Dausel Kylie Matousek Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas I am going to get a xbox one I would like to know how Rudolph’s nose for Christmas and a tablit and a xbox one is. So sorry about the cookie situation. Dad- game. The last thing I want is a wii game dy always eats them! I have been very good, called Super Mario. Thanks, but Shepherd, my brother, has been bad Nico Hernandez and good. Now you have one more person to make a present for. Guess what I have, a Dear Santa, baby sister. For Christmas I would like Doh Vinci, Ever What I want for Chrismas is some ninga After High Doll, Monster High Doll, and this may I pleas have a farm and may I pleas have one I really want Orbeez Luxury Spa which a ipad. is so cool! From, Your friend, Chris Byers Shimari Nichols Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I think I dezrv this because I lison to my How’s it going up in the North Pole? I hope mom and dad. Can I please have a football you liked the cookies I made for you with the can you throw in a king size candy bar? I help of my sisters. would also like teenage mutant ninja turtle I was a good girl this year. So I was won- figure. Love, dering if I could have an elf on the shelf for Mayson Langschwager Christmas. I heard they were a lot of fun. My friend Maya told me that her elf was shavDear Santa, ing. So I guess they’re really funny too. I will I would like a playstation 3 for chrismas. I have some treats for your reindeer this year too. I can’t wait until I get to see your helper would also like a globe, a robot and a puppy I want these toys because I really like them I at the mall. have been a good boy this year. Love, From, Keeli Blanche Nico Hernandez Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How is the North Pole doing. I have been I would like stomp and chomp on a wii an nice. I am really excited for Christmas this year. How is Mrs. Claus. Tell her I said Hi. I thorn and transformr and no wells pleas can want this stuff for Christmas: I have a xbox and ps4 and wii? I take car of



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my brother and sistr. Thak you Sinceirly, Jake Boden

Christmas? We can play with it when I got bored. I promise I will water it and feed it. Legos would be a treat! Sally and Jack skeleton doll. I know I’m noty at home but I’m Dear Santa, good at school. Thanks, Can I please have a xbox one because I Ruby Trapp listen to my mom and throe in a hawkeyes jersy too. Dear Santa, Love, Ples forgive me ipod touch please give me Zane Redenius xbox and a ds ples. From, Dear Santa, Preston Goetz Can I please have an xday1? Can I please have a kitten a real one. Can I have a Vikings Dear Santa, jersey for Isaac? Can I have a remate control lambroghini? I want a Vikings football for Christmas. I Love, wanta a Vikings jersey for Christmas. I want Samuel Kirschner a Vikings lego set for Christmas. Please Love, Dear Santa, Tannen Dorschner Please can I have a king size candy bar Dear Santa, (Hershey cookie and cream) because I’m I want bord games please. I want a movie good. I rilly want a Hawkeyes blanket becues I’m cold at night. I need a pack of un- please. I would like a forwheeler for Christderwere becues I don’t have eny. Can I have mas please. Sincerely, some hawkeye clothes becues I don’t have Alaina Goettsch eney. I like stuffed animles that’s why I want them. Can I have more bouts. I want a back Dear Santa, scracher becues my back itches. And I want I want two things from you. I want a Jaws some dolls becues I don’t have eny. toy and a puppy. Thanks, Monica Deeds Thank you! Sinserly, Dear Santa, Gatlin McCrea Santa, may we please have a puppy for

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Dear Santa, I want a hoola hoop because I love to hoola hoop all the time. I want a candy shop in my house so I can sneak candy in the middle of the night. I also want a shirt that says “keep calm and love the hawkeyes always.” I want a hot tub in my house so I never get cold because I always get cold. PLEASE! From, Jacy Jacobsen

Dear Santa, I want the book flat Stanley book pack. I also want the book can you see what I see dream maching. Love mason Wigand Dear Santa can haveI computer that has minecraft and a mortorcycle that goes 15 miles per hours also a xbox one call of duty advand warfar and call of duty black ops a pistol And a rifal have a good vacaoin. Love Brodyn Goettsch

Dear Santa, Dear Santa I would like an American girl outfit. And an outfit that maches hers. And I would also I would like some jolerie for my mom. I like a desk for her. would get my sister Emmy a now dress and Thanks, some stickrs to. I would like for you Santa to Maddison Todd get my brother the new hotweel . Can you get my dad a new johndeer traer . I would a The following letters are from River cendol HD with gift cards as well and I will Valley Community School in Correc- like lago friends fishison . I want to seeny cosins Oliver and Henrey my fabrt cosins tionville, Iowa. my faberit cosisn in the hole wide world . I would like toys for Sperockt and Walley and Dear Santa, I would like a pack of twenty balloons. I get them chooweys and sqeekey toys . have would also like two monster high dolls. I a nice vuckashon. Love want some paint and a pencil sharpiner. I Addison Law also want some boing putty. I want a orbez seat. I really want a trampaleine. love AnDear Santa, drea Knaack I would like a stuff olaf. I would also like my password jorol. I would like a esal. With some Dear Santa, I would like some legos. I would also like water paints for my esal. Some Friends Legos a psp and a compoter for christmas. Also a big and small. This year I would like a kichen books and a miendcraft game for my 3Ds. I set,bathroom,livingroom and, a bunk bed would like a train set and a dirt bike. I would for my Amrican girl doll. Please can I have a also like a swet shirt. I would also like a wob- cotton candy maker. There is just one thing by chair and a four wheeler. Can you get me I want really bad a kitten please! A fur real a Xbox 360? Can you get me a bow n arrow? panda. A hawkey water bottle would be aweMary Christmas some. Please can you put some cat treats in Love, Keegan Volkert my cats stocking? Can I have a set that I can make a real book of my own? Hope you have a nice time eating cookies. Dear Santa, Love, I would like two. Minkraft books the sord Tyra Vaughn one the picaks one to.I would like a darth mall light saber facepent and clok .a. JanDear Santa, go feft. helmet pants and. legs and chest. I would plese like a new Ds .I would plese Wo,mpa suit and R2D2 trash can made out of metl and a blak watch. like a new motercikl .Then I would l an I pad. Lluve, DAMON Cox I would like a stuff Olof . I would like a flat Stanley book. Love, Corbyn Kreger Dear Santa, For Chistmas I would like three kittens, either from you or my cat. Can I please have Dear Santa, a horse shoe to decirate? Could I also have a I would like a new xbox 360. I would also cat poster? My clothes are getting old, could like a toy train. But I would also like a toy I have some new clothes? I would like a “my boat. I hope we get a lot of snow. This year we password jurnol”, please. Can I have a ipad, sang a song about your son. I would like some too? Hope you help your elfs. Love, Sunny new books. I would also like a new nerf gun. Love cory Jepsen Todd Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Can I have a new calinder for evey year. I I want a car and a new x box one and a new would like ax box 360. I would like chicken’s. plane. I want a new Book I would like a foot ball jersey. Can I have a rain Love Dallas Kline deer. Can I have a new sled. Can I have a 100 ton tractor case. Dear Santa, Love JON Putenson Can I have a new baby pupy?Macke it a girl


please. Can I have a pack of clay? I what to have 200 dollars plere. Love xavian deeds Dear Santa, I woold like a xbox a vodio, game and it is blak ops call of duty. Can I have a house I want an iphon I would like to kep Roksy and I would like a tabit I wish I could have a sniper beby gun . I want an beby gun. Love, Jack Ray Dear Santa, I would like a guitar to play some music . Also I would like a max tow truck. Please I would like a dirt bike. I would like some licenplats. I would also like a phone. I would like a new 360. I would like a cowboy hat. Also I would like a 100 dollar. Also a bow and arrows. And a bibi gun. I would like some cool glasses. This year I would like camo boots. Can I please have bib overalls. Finally my own I pad. Love tate Heilman Dear Santa, I would like some dork diaries .I would like a goat .I would also like my elf on the shelf to do a really funny thing. Oh and her name is sprinkles . I have a book I really want a book called Philip reid saves the statue of freedom. By Morgan groszkrueger


Dear Santa, I like trucks. Can you bring me a truck? Can you also bring me a IPod? William Hoy

call, pokemon xny. A tadelit with pokemon a underamer shert I wish for a pair of D-c games. Merry Christmis Santa. hight tops. From Jackson Braydon

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, The following letters are from Mrs. For Christmas I would like a nrfer bell an I like how you get pople presens and I want Harmeier’s second-grade class at Law- xbox one or 360, for gams Mady Krby and a tablet and Zoomer Dino and a Zoomer. Love, Parker ton-Bronson Elementary in Bronson, mindcraft afte. Love Tristan Iowa. Dear Santa, I would like a remote controlled jeep Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This is Christmas list. I want a Ipod. A For Chritmas I want a computer. I also for Christmas. Would you check your list pokemon case, and a blankit. want a 2DS. I also want amazon cards, poke- please? I would like a loader too. I will make Love, Will gingerbread cookies. mon cards. I also want a bone for my dog. Your friend, Domanic Love, Eli Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I am having a good year at school. I want a Dear Santa, kindle fire. and a xbox 360. For Christmas I would like math work I wish for a puppy for Christmas. Santa, Love, Tanner sheets. I would like a basetball jesey, I would are your elves doing good? Are you ready like a lot of balls. for Christmas? Have a good Christmas and Dear Santa, I would like some power ranger toys. I mom will make cookies for you. I will put I want a Baby aliveos and a sled and make- would like a ipod and a ipad. carrots out for the reindeer. Love, Addison Love, Amelia up set. I want a foun or a taildit. I want on bollows. Christmas I want a Raindow. Savannah Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a boomerang for Christmas. I would like a remote control airplan. Even William a pikcher of Brock and a pikcher of my family. Dear Santa, I wish for Skylander trap team, Swap force, Love, Caler and Skylander Spryrose adventures. Dear Santa, Love Scotty I ma have a lot u fun. I love Santa in I whant Dear Santa, I would like a Xbox 360 pleas. Love Bryce to hov a lot of Presents. Keshaun Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like pokemon Dear Santa, Dear Santa, card, Pokemon ackshin figyer, ADS game I wish for a pair of Coveres. I wish for I don’t care what you get me. But if I could

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choose what I get it would be an ipod, ipad, When is the elf comeing to watch our class. ella color change surprise, sypx and an eleMake sure my cat doesn’t his at you. We tric safe. need a new cat that looked like our orange Love, Jocelynn cat. Love, John Dear Santa, I want a Hello Kitty diry. for Christmas and Dear Santa, a tablit for christmas! I also want a computer. Why is the elf coming can I have one Love your friend Sophie please. My cat will try to get it but tell the elf that go in highter place please and roses The following letters are from Mrs. on top. Can I have a elf please? Your friend, Amick’s second-grade class at LawtonHope Bronson Elementary in Bronson, Iowa. Dear Santa, I want a spy kit. How are you doing? I have den good at school and at home. did you know I am going to my gramma hawes for Christmas. Want are you doing at the north pole? Thank you for my elf. Santa you are the best. My family is nice. I want to see the north pole. Some times my sisters are nice. Love, Addison

Dear Santa, Have you been busy because of Christmas? I’m busy looking for my elf. It is fun looking for my elf. I have been being nice. How did you become Santa? How do your reindeer fly? What do your reindeer eat. How do you stop at every house in the world in one night? Your Friend, Tanner

Dear Santa, Santa where did my elf on the shelf go is it still in my house or is it in your work shop? Do you ever shave your berd is it long then a molet and when were you born and who was your dad? Love, Evan

Dear Santa, I’m going to be home on Christmas always, I think. My sister tuched our elf! Where are you going to be for Chrismas? How did you became Santa Claus? How do you go to every house in one night? What do you feed your Reindeer? Your friend Dear Santa, Isaiah How are you doing. I have been good.



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Dear Santa, How are you. boing? I would like Zomer. Are you bisy? You are a fun giy! Are you clening your berd every bay? Why are you big? Do you fit in chimys? How bib you becum Santa? How bo your rainber fly? what bo you feed the rainber? Love, Payton

all of those cookies and milk? Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Cheyenne

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer and elves doing? Could I have a 3ds and pokemon game omega ruby? I have been a good boy. How do you see everybody at once? Do you brush your beard? And I wish you a merry merry chritDear Santa, How are you? the thing I whant the most is mas! Your friend, the Anglian RC train set. It is a blast! And it is Cooper fast! Have you been bisy this year? How are your elfs? How old are you. Please writ back. Dear Santa, Your friend, How are you doing Santa? I want a Barbie Caden house. Are you busy? I want a kitten poster because they are cute. How can you see peoDear Santa, I want 1,000 Lego Men and I want a ple at one at a time? I want a new Barbie car. makene chrol car how old are you bo you You are my favorite. I want a elf on the shelf. read books? I am going to my Grama’s hous Merry Chrismas. Your friend Ashlyn wen is yor brithday. Zinzeely David Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How did you and your raindeer get maick? I’m a girl. Do you brush your bard? My How many riandeer do you have? How do birthday is on December 21. I love Decem- you see everyone at want’s? Am I on the good ber because me and my family get prasints. list or the bad list so far? I love to decerate the I have a elf on the shalf it is a girl her name is tree. Can you pleas get me the hairy poter DS Britney. I want a New Yourk baseitball. games one and two. Love, Sophia Love, Lance Dear Santa, The following letters are from Miss I want a x-box if you can’t get it then that Washburn’s second-grade class at is fine. How are you doing up at the North Lawnton-Bronson Elementary School Pole. It must be very cold up there but you in Bronson, Iowa. don’t mined do you? Your friend, Dear Santa, Domenik I want for Crismis a cotin cadey mhsen and fly t trek for crismis Am bLnls for crismis. Dear Santa, love Hayeen I don’t need eneathing for christmas I just need you santa. Santa I wunder if you ear real Dear Santa, if you ear just forget about it. Santa my family How many days are there until next year at has two stockings put stuf in both. Santa I Christmas? I am eight years old. I realy want dont have enething else. a ipod this year. Love Trenton Your friend Lane B. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas is Pokemon Black 2 and white 2. And give food to people who need Santa i’m am 7. Santa for Christmas I want it. And my family. and a DS for my brother. lagos lago citys. I love you Santa. I go to Lutin Love Louden Bornson. How miny elves do you have? Love, Nick D. Dear Santa, How are you doing. I hope you are doing Dear Santa, My name is Robby. Can u send a ilf to my good. do you sleep? You need to sleep. I have a good mom. I have a good dad he is good. hows. and wen you send a lif to my hous wus When is your birthday. I hope you tell the elf I his mane. love, Robby D. have a baby sister she sleeps in my room. Can you come to my grandma howes. Dear Santa, Love Inara I am in 2scon grade. Tinsel is woching us. He was not in a safe place. For Christmas I won’t a big kind d and a little kindol. Thats Dear Santa, How is it doing in the cold North Pole? Are what I wont for Christmas. How old are you. you excited for Christmas ‘cause I am. Santa, How meny Elfs do you have. Merry Christhow do you get to all of those houses in one mas. Do you have a wife. I love you Santa night? Are you full after eating and drinking Love, Skylar D.



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Dear Santa, I am almost eight! Only twelve more days until my birthday! How are you doing at the North Pole? I bet you are. School is fun! Merry Chrismas! Love Drew H.

Dear Santa, Am I on the good list or the notniey list? And I want a dog for Christmas, and a good Am I on the notniey or nice list? My Elf new stuf for my new room. And have such a Carder is really nice! I want a BeeBe gun and merry Christmas. PS My name is Makenna J. Fefa soccr game for Xbox 360. My class is Love, Makenna J. nice to! So is Tinsel! You really nice to! I am lerning lots of stof in school! Love, Brady M. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Could I have a puppy and. A doll. And I I’m in 2nd grade how many elfs do you Dear Santa, am 8 and hwo is Tinsel? I hope he is good. have is is it cold in the north pol I go to LoGood bye. ton Bronson Elamentry Scool Im 8 years olod May I please have Xbox 360 and ncaa footLove, Tyla H. how old are you? How can you store all of ball. Am I on the nice or mean list. How is it going in the North Pole. How are your elfs. those kukys in your stumik? Pleace anser. Your friend Colby M. Kyle K. Dear Santa, My name is Cayla and I’m in 2 ect grade. Dear Santa, We have Tinsel. He’s a trekcster. I whant the Dear Santa, americain doll Isbell, and a desck light. And I would like Justicve cloeths for Christmas. I want a tablite with the game Mincarft on I’m seven. I wrote a letter to you that I whant I am 7. and I will be in St. Louis for Christ- It please. how many Elf’s Do you have. how a elf on the Shelf. Thank you Santa. mas. I would like a giraffe for Christmas too. was tisel at the Noth Pole, am I on your good Love, Cayla J. We have an Elf on the Shelf named Tinsel. list our BadList. Your friend, Avery M. What are your Elfs names? At the north pole? Tinsel is not hiding in safe places! Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Merry Christmas, Lana L. I love having my elf on the shelf Mable. Can I get a Xbox, Kick box tranr. I’m 7 how

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Dear Santa, Am I on the noty lest or the good lest. I wont a Oregon duks football hallmet. I wont a Mishigan football hallmet. Your friend, Gage S. Dear Santa, That elf ben waching us. i Live in Iowa and i want a phon. for christmas. am i’m on the good list or the bad list I hav a elf to i am in 2 grad and i’m exsited i cant wate in. tel christmas i’m a good boy merry christmas. Love Mayson V. Dear Santa, I’m in 2nd grade. I’m Ashley. I have two. houses the ateresis 130 an I do not know the

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Dear Santa, Dear Santa, other one. What I wot is a doll and a xbox This year I want: a xbox 360 with new all 360. I hope you have a merry christmas. How I have been very good this year so can I the Call of Dutey and Gears of War 4. please get an ipod kase from Santa. And mene efs do you have? Jace P., age 7 I’m thinking about what you are gona put Love, Ashley V. in my stocking I wonder what is gona be in Dear Santa, there. Santa, how have you been doing in the Dear Santa, This year I want a new Barbie and a Board Northpole. Have you been drinking hot coco. My name is Morgan V. I am in 2nd grade. Tinsel is a very good little elf. I want a elf on game. And your Elfs are watching us very securely. Javianna C., age 7 the shelf. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Sinserly, Ana G. Dear Santa, Morgan V. Dear Santa, This year I want: a camera, a computer, and I have ben vary good this year and I woald Dear Santa, I want a Board. and I want a car and BrBe. Taylece, age 6 How are you? How is chipy doing in the like an X box 360 and a toy car thats motacnchrld and a snow bord that is what I North Pola? For Christmas the American gril doll shach. And a cuot pagna that has The following letters are from Ms. want for Christmas. Darwin’s second-grade class at St. Preston K. big eyes. And I am 8 years old. Love, Khiya W. Mary’s in Remsen, Iowa. Dear Santa, The following letters are from the secI would like a I-pod or a D.S. I would like Dear Santa, ond-grade class at Walthill Elementary I think I should get presents beacuse I was a new bunny so my old Bunny has someone good. I want have a boy dog so my dog Lucy to play with. in Walthill, Neb. I was nice to my brothers and sisters. One could have babys. I wood like a new Lago set so I could play cars or firefighters too. I wood day my elf Alesha hid in our new netivit set it Dear Santa, This year I want race car track, a Shark, realy like a new toy trater for my little casen took 2 hours to find her. And I hope homelis Levi. kids have a merry Christmas. Zoomer dino, and a dog. Keaton H. Love Jocelyn R. Logan P., age 7 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I want: a new computer also me For Christmas I want a pet dog. I have garandma wunst to hav a computer lining been a good boy this year. My favirt holiday is Christmas. The Elf you sent us is reading mauin toyes. a book. Comit is funny. Alex W., age 7 from Braxton A. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I want: a new tablet, computer, barbie house, ball, chalk, a little car, a teddy How are you doing at the North pole. I have Bar hrose. been doing pretty good this year. I would like Abby P., age 7 wreslers, Movies, and Books. From Austin K. Dear Santa, This year I want: Transformers, a bike, Dear Santa, transformers hounce for ALL the transI would like football cards 49ers Iowa State formers and I want Dino Bots Pless I want Orgen paterets cards. I want to see your rainan zoomr Dino. dear fly but I will be sleeping. Lucas S., age 6 From Collin H. to Santa hope you have a good Christmas. Love Santa. Collin H. Dear Santa, This year I want: a tablet and A new pet rabitt and a rabitt cage to and a moder scootDear Santa, er. I have been a good boy this year. Can I Drelynne G., age 6 please have a new Playstation game and Minecraft on the PS4. Lucas B. Dear Santa, This year I want: a Puppy and a new bed and a Doll. Dear Santa, Kandyce, age 6 I want a toy car and a moped so how are things. I know you are beseey so the last thing is nothing. wait the last thing i want is Dear Santa, This year I want a pupy, a new bike, a new weserlers, the end from Xander H. room, a game, a new horse that runs fast. Myleigh F., age 6 Dear Santa, How have ut gone in the North pole. How Dear Santa, are the Elf’s and rander doing. If I be good can this year I whant a xbox 360 with all the I have an I-Pod. I have ben good in school. gamse, a new skatbord, a pogoe stick, zoom- Have are class Elf ben good. Have my Elf ben ra, and a ps3. good wen he went to the North pole. Trey C., age 7 Tessa T.


good. This year, she has been relly good at nidding this year. Zajara G. Dear Santa, I hope your haveing fun in the north poel. but hear are some things that I awnt for cristmas I would liek world peace. and Sayfty on the world. and everyone to be happy. and warm on cristmas day. From Lennan S. The following letters are from Mrs. Christensen’s second-grade class at Odebolt-Arthur Elementary in Odebolt, Iowa. Dear Santa, I want an Ipad because my brother hogs it. I want a hexbug for Christmas and I want a lego city town hall set. I want a 600$ gift card. I can’t wait tel Christmas. Love Jake

Dear Santa, I would like an ipad and earrings and necklace. I want an ipad for Christmas because I want to play on it. I want earrings and neckDear Santa, laces because I can wear them. Thank you I been good this so I wood like a book for Santa! I love Christmas. Love Jadyn crimis how do you like the north poal I hop you have fun! from Braxton K. Dear Santa, I would like DVDs and BrBies because Dear Santa, some of my movies are scratches. I would I’ve been very good this year so can I have love it if you would give me these things! a ps4 and also how do you make the toys for Hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love Kaylie children and how is it in the North Pole and i would like a Viking cup and a shirt of vikings too but most I would like a soft Iowa blanket. Dear Santa, from. Brady K. I would like a box of shimer because it is cool. I would like a Brat zilla because it is fun. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, Love Avalon This year my famly is good. Santa how is it in the North Pole is it cood there. Santa is Rudoff the red nose rander there. Dear Santa, Carter T. Can you buy me a robot with a control? So it can play with my brother when I am Dear Santa, doing my homework. Thats what I want for How it going up there in the north pole. Christmas! From Jackson Santa theirs there things a want for Cistmas Dariy at the Wipy kid the lang Hule. MineDear Santa, craf toy. and Westlers. I wish avye body gets prestins. I whoud like to be you some day I would like for you to give me lots of presbecause getting prestins for avye body. ents. Just joking around I know you will. From Cade T. Because your the best man in town. Talking about toys I would like Madden 25 for xbox 360. I would like a dirt-bike and a happy Dear Santa, I have been good this year. How are your christmas. I love Christmas! Love, days at the North Pole. I forgot to tell you Reece want for Christmas so for Christmas I want a I Pod 5 and tickets to the Lakers. Dear Santa, Landon W. I would like Iowa State ipod 5 case and a Dear Santa, Iowa State blanket and Iowa State shoes. I have been relly good This year. I would Because I love Iowa State taht is some of the liek sew cool and Justice cloths. How are you things I would like for Christmas. Love: Olivia doing in the North Pole. Your elf has been



have a race with my cousin. Dear Santa, Love, Talan Please just write a 1,000 dollar check and I will buy the presents myself. Dear Santa, Love, For Christmas I want a Evan computer, xbox. I want a computer because I could Dear Santa, play games and stuff. I Will you give me a thou- want a xbox because I could sand dollar check/ Santa, play games. I can’t wait till will you give me a dirt bike Christmas! Love Roscoe and an Ipod 5 and a car and a license? Santa, can you give me a pot of gold? Merry Dear Santa, Christmas! I love Chrismas and I want Love, Gabe a four wheeler too. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, Can you get me a blue The following letters jean jacket for my American are from Miss Hoffman’s girl doll? Can you get me a second-grade class at Ipad? Can you get me a mini Odebolt-Arthur Elemenreal computer because I like tary in Odebolt, Iowa. Cristmas! Love Deim Dear Santa, I live in Odebolt, I like the elf on the shelf. I want a Dear Santa, I will like 100 dolers and camoflage xbox controller. I a dirt bike and license and a want Halo 5 xbox live a New truck. The best thing in all I Holland combine. I want a Love Christmas! I hope I get lego star wars. what I want. I want a bike to From, Preston



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Dear Santa, I Love Christmas. I live in Kiron Iowa. I love you Santa. I am going to make you cookies. I also make you brownies. I Love your reindeer. Especially Rudolph his nose glose like a flash light that is red. I want a pool table. From, Ally Dear Santa, I Love Christmas because I get presents from you. I

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appreciate if you would give Christmas! I want spy gear, me Madden 15, Hitman, a nerf guns, and football cards. cop shirt, a badge, and a belt. Thank you. From, Aidan I hope I am on the good list not on the bad list. Thank you! Dear Santa, From, Ryler I appreciate that you come to our house. I love Christmas. I live in Odebolt. I want Dear Santa, I tried to be good this year. I an elf on the shelf, bunny would appreciate just if I got with a cage, cat and dog with presents. But I really whant a cage. to see your reindeer. I whant What are some of your a box of foofball cards. elfs names? If you were a kid From, Heath right now what would you want? What does the North Dear Santa, Pole look like? We make I love Christmas. It my cookies for you every Christfavorite holliday. Santa, my mas. What house do you go elf on the shelf’s name is to first? I hope you come to Eli. Santa, I would really re- our house. From, Ava ally really want the Spy gear Mission Extreme kit and an i pod. My favorite team is Iowa Dear Santa, State Cyclones. I would reI love Christmas because ally really want a minecraft you get to spend time with book too. your family. I would appreFrom, ciate if you would bring me Bodie an elf on the shelf and a NFL basketball, please? I would Dear Santa, appreciate a watch and some I have been good. I would Hawkeyes cards and some really appreciate if you would Broncos cards. bring me an xbox game called From, Dayton wwe ak 15. Can you bring me a faming lego set? Can Dear Santa, you bring me some walkieI really love Christmas. I talkies? Dose Rudolph really like that you bring us preshave a red nose? Can you ents. Thank you for the elf on bring me some Hawkeyes the shelf. Today the elf was football cards? in my sisters room and it was From, Carter playing with three barbies. On Christmas I will give you cookies when you come to Dear Santa, I tried to be good but my give me presents. From, Josilynn sisters and brother were being meen to me. Then I want two packs of Green Bay footThe following letters are from Mrs. Utesch’s ball cards. second-grade class at From, Ashton Marcus-Meriden-Cleghorn. Dear Santa, I Love Christmas because I like to get presents from Dear Santa, Santa. what presents I want May I have an I.pad. thank a ipod and some furry boots you. Merry Christmas. Jacob Hurd. and some neting things and fish aquarium toys and dogs toys to for my fish and dog. Dear Santa, From, Jaiden May I please have an ipad and the game Destiny and Dear Santa, an xbox 300 with minecraft. I have been good. I cleaned I also have Destiny The Dark a lot. I hope I am on the nice Blow for Pss. Thank you. list. I don’t want to be on the Would you please bring a naughty list. No one wants to Transformer Dinosaur for be on the naughty list! I will my little brother Liam. make sure I was good. I love Thank you, James Carista.

Dear Santa, May I please have some jewlery, makeup, How To Train Your Dragon 2, Nerf guns, gum and a sled. Thak you for the nice toys you gave me last year. Merry Christmas! Addyson Pigott. Dear Santa, May I please have a D.S., an Elf on a Shelf please, American Girl Doll things, and some Barbies. Thank you for the presents last year and this year. Merry Christmas Santa. Isabelle Richardson. Dear Santa, May I please have a NFL set and a phone and one for Eban. And a bike. Thank you, Taydeh Hicks. Dear Santa, I would like a phone please and football stuff. I would also like a little ipad please and football legos. Thank you, Clint Staab. Dear Santa, May I please have a pet huskey dog and a machanical cat for Christmas. I would also like a sled. Thank you, Bryce. Dear Santa, May I please have some earrings, barbie stuff, clothes, and stuffed animals. Thank you for all the things you gave me for Christmas. Do you belive in God and Jesuse? Oh1 Can you also give me my own phone? May I please have a different case for my tablet because the other one broke. Was I naughty or nice? And about Jesuse he was born on Christmas. Sylvia Brown.

Pederson. Dear Santa, May I please have a Monster Hight and a make up kit and clothes from Justice. May I also have things for my room and make it pritty please. Thank you, Brooklyn Miller. Dear Santa, I would like another dog like Max who is a yorkie. I would also like a cat like Gary the cat I have now also mindcraft. My mom would like a date with my step-dad. My real dad would a boxer dog. Kaleigh would like a pet turtle and Colten would like a zoomer dino. My step-dad would like a day to hisself. My step-brother would like a pet dog. T h a n k yo u , B ro o ke Gravenish. Dear Santa, I am thankful that I got yo meet you last year. This year may I please have a Kindle and ten American Girl Dolls and may I please have an Elk on the Shelf and Elsa, Anna, Oloff, the moose and his person, Elsa and Anna’s castle. May I please have a real reindeer please? And for my brothers two sleds, my dad needs a new bag and my mom would like a new church dress. Esther Hogrefe. Dear Santa, May I please have a lightning McQueen set and an iphone and a new Unchanted game too. Thank you. And my sister a good things please! Thank you. And for two brothers any farm things please! Thank you. My dad would like a new pickup. Thank you. My mom would like a new van. Kieler.

The following letters are Dear Santa, May I please have a Xbox- from Mrs. Irwin’s second one please and a semi with grade class at Marcusa corn trailer and a bigger Meriden-Cleghorn. combine. Thank you. I will have milk and cookies waitDear Santa, ing for you! May I please have NFL electric football and a Lego football player. Kaleb Nelson. Thank you, Garrit. Dear Santa, May I have an orange fish for Christmas. Dear Santa, T h a n k yo u , G ra c i e May I have a NFL Green


Dear Santa, Bay Packer’s football. I just May I please get an iphone want the rest to be a surprise. Thank you, Angus Miller. 4 8GB, a box of bells and my two bottom teeth. Thank you for what I got last year. I’ll Dear Santa, May I please have an have cookies for you. Merry American Girl Doll and toy Christmas and a Happy New and a toy dog. Would you year. please bring my mommy Jersey VanVoorst. new kitchen plates. My daddy would like new cups. My Dear Santa, sister Jordyn woudl like an May I Have an iphone for Elf on the Shelf, and Kolbie Christmas this year. May I would like new sheets for her also have Pokemon cards for Christmas too. bed. Rylee Neddermeyer. Thank you, Noah Hart. All I want for Christmas is love. Dear Santa, Thank you, May I please have a Star Jaire Rojas. Wars Leia, Luke and Vader Dear Santa, figureens. Thank you for the May I please have a kindle sock monkey that you gave fire and Nerf gun mini. May me last year. I would also like I please have a hockey stick a few American Girl clothes. and a puck and a net. Eain would like more N-srike Thank you, Brody Jackson. bullets. Eibglin would like a microphone. Mom would Dear Santa, like coffee. Dad would like a All I want for Christmas bathrobe. is my family. I want to see Elspeth Hogg. my mom and Jason and my brother Quinten. I love my Dear Santa, family. I would like you as a toy Ashton Hunt. please and a Harley-Davidson please. Thank you for all of the toys. May I also have a Dear Santa, May I please have an ipad toy cat please. We have cookand a Vikings football and a ies for you. Madaly Lauman. Vikings jersey and a Vikings logo case. Thank you, Hayolen Moos. The following letters are from Mrs. Handke’s class at Anthon-Oto ElDear Santa, I would like a LG phone ementary School. and a 3Dsi and doll with blue eyes and a silver dress. Dear Santa, Thank you, Caitlin Wetter. I want a DVD that sncloos B10. And a DVD that encloos Dear Santa, B10,000. Your friend, Josiah A. May I please have a toy combine. My dad would like an Iowa State shirt. My mom Dear Santa, would like a shirt that says I want a Holiday Barbie best Mom in the World. My and american girl doll. I hope sister would like an Ameri- you have a merry Christmas can Girl Doll. My brother Santa! I also want minecraft, would like a toy dinosaur. orbeys foot mesosger and a Merry Christmas Santa. merry Chjristmas to all. Also Sam Schmillen. a kitten poster. Your friend, Madison B. Dear Santa, May I please have some Dear Santa, clothes for my American I want to have a pony and Girl Doll. Thank you for all some kittens and some dolls the presents that you gave and a ipad. What is one of me last year. you Elfs name? Thank you, Your friend, Ellie Durkee. Josie U.



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Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want a 3Ds Mario Kart 7, ipad. What if I would like a dirt bike, Ipad and a bike. I your reindeer get loose. I want a remote con- would get you a present for Christmas Santa trol robot, minecraft. Do you do more work I will live cookes our for you and the Elfs and that Mrs. Claus. Do you see everyone in the Mrs, Claus. Santa I am going to live carit out. world. Is Mrs. Claus magic to. I was good. I Yor frend, Caydon. bet I will have fun. I will lay some cookies on the table. Dear Santa, Keaton M. I would like a toy cat. I woat like a Americin doll. Can I have some miny la la loopsees. Your friend, Emma P. Dear Santa, I want a ipad and ipod please. I want a minecraft book please. I want a real live The following letters are from Ms. Ewpuppy please. I will make cookies for you ing’s second-grade class at Winnebago and I will leav some cold milk for you on the Public School in Winnebago, Neb. coffee table. There will be raindeer food in the yard. Your friend, Ella C. Dear Santa, I would really want the American girl of the year. I have been really good to my class Dear Santa, I want the WWF 2K15 video game and and teacher. I think I should get it because I cowboy boots and hat and a hot weels track help my mom fold clothes. And most of all and a hole new bed set and a huge minecraft I’m really nice to my family. Love, Daynee. creeper and some stuff that you gave me last year. Your friend, Aiden P. Dear Santa, I wish you can get me a metor bike for christmas day. Have I been good or bad? Dear Santa, Love, Lastatt. I would like a xbox. I would like a tablet. How old are you? Your friend, Kyle A. Dear Santa, I wunt a oven, a Lego city, even a Lego star wars even an I Pad Halo Lego. Some times I Dear Santa, I want a minecraft creeper. I also want a be good and some times I be bad and will you zoomer dog. I want a zommer dino and I give me X-box? Love, Ryan. want a cryon maker. I want a minecraft torch. Your friend, Olivia B. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I’ve been so nice and smart. I want a I-pad I want a ipod. I want a ifone. I want a and a Blanky and a pack of shopkins. I want chainsaw. a pack of girl Legos and ten new shirt and Your friend, Erik B. pants because I don’t have toys. Love, Smarty pants that is Amya. Dear Santa, Can I please have a dirt bike, 4wheeler, Dear Santa, elf, wate lifter, real dog, hot wheel track, old I want a new ipd because I was nice this truck, ipod, old car. year. Ajia wants one to and she was nice to. I Your friend, Caden H. am making some cookies. Love, Tay’via. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a sewing machine, a barbie hair cruler and hair diyer, and my family for I have been nice and I have been good at Christmas. How is Charlie doing? Is he nauty school I want a Barbe hoase and want a new or nice? Your friend, Brylei C. P.S. will you clothos and shoos. I want Shopkins a balcket take me to the North pole? for my bed and I want a I-phone. Love, Roxy. Can I pleace have a Stana and a elf doll? Can you please give me a raindeer that is fake. Can I have a snow globe? Do you have Dear Santa, a baby? I was nice this year. This year I wont a Your friend, American Girl doll. I am nice to every bude Braleigh W. in my classroom. I also wont a shopkin. Love, Tressa. Dear Santa, I want a play deer. A American girl doll. A Dear Santa, santa snow globe. A stuff animel of the nothI would like some shoppkin because the are poll. How do the raindeer fly? How long is cute and they are fun to play with. I want a the nauty or nice list? Is jack frost reel? Americin girl because I never had one I only Your friend, had a my life. I want a I-pod so I can listen Makynlee Y. to music. Love, Dania.


Dear Santa, I was nice this year. i want a ipad and a iphone. Do you think I should get a ipad and I want 8 toys. I will not get scared. i want a a iphone? It is why I was nice. I love Santa. a X-box one. I want a phone. Because I love He give toys t everyone. them. Love, Lakyven. Sincerely, Rein. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I been nice. I want ten things. One I-pad. For chritsmas I want remote control things I want one pack of shopkins. One dog bone like a helacopter or a car or a monster truck! and some dog treats for dogs. Ine phone. And then when I’m bored I can play with it One sleigh too. One Christmas star. One and I would let my brother play to. Sincerely, Wanions. hello kitty. XOXO, Tylie. Dear Santa, I want a bike for Chistmas. Because I have Dear Santa, I am nice at school even at home because nothing to do in the country. Sincerely Norma. I want a Shopkins. Shopkins looke cute. They are just like candy but insted They are Dear Santa, brockly. The brockly is not a candy. I want a paint set. Because I can paint. I’ll Love, Caly. paint a cow because it is big and I want paper Dear Santa, with it. I was a little naughty, but I was nice most Sincerely, Mehanee. of the year. Can I get a basketball? I also want children to get what they deserve. Hally Dear Santa, Holidays! Can you please get me a little baby dog. Love, Nadia. I really want one. Did you know I have two dogs. The first one is a lab but I don’t know what my other one is. There names are AtaDear Santa, I was nice this year. I want a ps3. I get rah and Elsa. So can you please get me a dog. wristbands at school. Sincerely Nevaeh. Sincerely, Jon. Dear Santa, Thank you for giving me the stuff that i Dear Santa, I was nice this year. I want shopkins and want. I wrote a list for you it is a bunch of lowshin and also some cloths and a little kit- toys. I am good right Santa, I love you Santa. ten dress for my kitten. I think I should get I want a phone for Chirstas because I lost my this because I did chores for my dad. I can’t phone please Santa. wait until you get here. Sincerely, Sky. Love, Haini-wiragusge. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want cute stuffed animals. Because I will I am nice at school and at home. I want a play with them. I will have teaparty. I will baby doll with a bottle and phone. Because sleep with them. Sincerely Emaline. I have been good. I hope your elf’s are doing good. I like the presents! Love, Easter. Dear Santa, I would want headphones and a phone. The following letters are from Mrs. Then I can get on youtube and watch vidios Prewett’s second-grade class at Win- on it. Can I get a easy bake oven please. Can nebago Public School in Winnebago, I get a charger too. Then I can charge my phone. I can make cookies and cupcakes. Neb. They will taste really good. and yummy. It will be fun. And my cookies will taste good. Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a nice big heavy book. It will be the best christmas ever! Sincerely, LaMiya. But I really want a flat screen t.v. And I really want a lap top so I can be home schooled. I Dear Santa, just want the just to read. And I want the t.v. to minecraft. And a Grumpy cat. I want to get a computer. So I can get mineSincerely, Wally. craft on it. But if I get viruss I might brake it. but if I cant get it I might just get a new game Dear Santa, for my xbox. Sincerely Junius. I want gems for Chirstmas. I want gems because they are shinney. I want gems because they are cute and hard just the way I Dear Santa, want them. I want rainbow gems. I want a phone because I can play a lot Sincerely, of games on the phone. And I want lots of Avani. stuff animals. And I want a slide to play on



the slide. I want 10 note books and I want Dear Santa, 20 pencils. I want a stuff santa and a sufft When you came to my house I want a DS snowman. Sincerely, Stevi Raye. and a wresling guy and I like when you say I want NBA 2k 15 for chirstmas. And ninja hohoho it never gets old and I want a frog can turtle for chirstmas. And I want a dog. And you please give me a elf on the shelf. can I get a hat like your. Alexz Nelson. Sincerely, LaVelle. Dear Santa, I want racing gere and a I Pod. For my The following letters are by students grandpa he wants a Hawkiy shrte and for my from Akron-Westfield Elementary grandma a Shandaler and for me a bebe gun School. siyte and a elf on the selfe and a remot can trol car and a train track with a train. I want armey hellacopter with armey giys and guns. Dear Santa, I hope you are real. Give my mom a hole I want a phone with games. Love Jake Jacobs. bunch of presens. I want a Elf on the shelf, and Skylanders pjs and pokeman cards, a skateboard, cars, a i-pad, a ipod, a phone, a Dear Santa, lago halicopter, a Maxamong man, a football I want a laptop and a i-pad mine , a new player, a 3DS, a teenage mutant ninja turtle series of books that are called the Critter portol. Club and some new shoses and some new Ryan Brown. outfits. For may doll and I some shoses for

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Dear Santa, Can you get me a remote control air plane. Mom wunts diamond ear rings. Dad wunts a now motorcycle. Jacod wunts a remote control airplane too. I also want flame ear rings. I want a new red and black bike. Jordan Fay.

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Dear Santa, I really want a i-pod 5 and a soeing kit. I realy want to get a elf on the shelf for Mrs. Burke. I want a laptop and lots of scarfs. And I want the movie a secent chance. Love, Allie Swoyer. Dear Santa, Can I have a caniho four wheeler? Can I can I have a pile of gold. I bin good. I want call of duty ghost. I wont a dirt bke. My mom wont a hottub. Me sister wonts a gift card for justice. From Patrick Gutterrez.

from Moville!

Season’s Greetings!

Happy Holidays Thank you for your patronage Siouxland!

Dear Santa, I want really bad a i_Pod 5 please Santa. I understand if you don’t it is ok Santa that is most like that I want. But is you can don’t tell my mom please don’t tell her Santa. I need you to tell Miss Clause and you Santa and your elfs that you guys are the best. Love, Chloe Ann Arens.

Happy Holidays

4 Way Stop Shop 455 South 1st Moville, Iowa

my doll and a bt of jewery and a dress for my dolls and me and I want some stuff for my friend like a friendship necklis for them and for my mom I want to give my mom some jewelry for school and a diamond ring for her and for my dad I want to give him some camoflauge socks and some camoflauge tshert for home and some new shoes and I want him to get a deer and for my brother he wants some minecraft toys and some mony and a football and some we games to play and some football clothes. Love, Brylie Johnson.



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Dear Santa, I really, really, really want a Amarcin girl doll and her name is Izabell and a cmputer to watch NexZlix and a diary and elf on the shelf and I want if to be a girl one I really, really, really, really, really want it. Love, Emily Small.

wishes you a

Dear Santa, Hi Santa I hope you are haveing a good time in the north pole. I hope you dont get cold and I hope your elvs are so cute. Pleas give me a ipad and a crazy craft and I hope I see you someday and get to no what your elves do to? and are you sick or healthy. Love, Lilly Meekley.

Happy Holiday Season!

Dear Santa, I want a DS and a phone and for my techer moley a sented candle and for her little one Dafaney a ratle and I riley riley riley want a lost more farm ainamil and a hermet crabs to now for my dad some pliers and for my mom a batch of cokies and now the grads elf on the shelf. From Brody Knapp.

Happy Holidays

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Dear Santa, Please get me a else doll. I allso wode injoy a tablet. I can have some tarps for my brother like a kqus trap can’t I. mybe I wode like a Qizebook or a elfe on the self. one that my little bother will never find. Adissen Nielsen.


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Dear Santa, I want a ipad mini, skylandes trap team, portable DVD player, a gecko, baby elf, baby tiger shark, titan fall for PS3. From Tayte Colt.

Three Convenient Locations:


Dear Santa, Please give me the movie How to train your dragon 2 and please give me a cumputer and a xbox 360 and a new Ipad for the family and a stress ball and a disk of minecraft the full virghon. From Trenton.

Dear Santa, Please bring me a IPhone5, skylanders swap force, Wii superMario bros and skylands Wii and Wii play and a robo shark. Matthew Beierschmidt.



Dear Santa, I want a DS and a hermit crab for chistmas. I will leav you cookies and milk ir you do. P.S. I want an elf on the shelf. From Daynen McKee.

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Dear Santa, I want skylanders, big lego sets, dimends jews, cool rocks, gold, rubeys, I want a PS3, Christmas legos, a phone with internet, a iPod with internet, legendary pokemon, EX pokemon, elf on the shelf. I want a baby that goes to the bathroom for my sister. I want a DJ mixer. I want a iPad and paper. From Dawson Edward Trobaugh.


Dear Santa, I am going to donate my tern for crismiss for my Mom, Dad, sister and three frend. Frist my mom she wants a dimen rig. Then my dad he wod like a new barn seet for the farm. Now my sister get her a Luryaigls wiler Dollhouse. Last my three frends please get these three girls Allie, Brylie and Lainy get Lainya a bog, Allie a Amarincan girl Doll with cut close and Brylie nall pallish. Thank you love, Kelsey Saathoff. Dear Santa, I want legos for chrismas. Please can you give me the game black ops for my dsi. I want playmobeals for chrismas can you please give me one set. Can you give me my cats toy mouses please. Can I have a baby zoomer. Can you give Charlie something exspeciv please. Can you give my grandpa a funky suitcase. Can you give my teacher school suplise. Can I have a robot please. Your friend, Campbell. Dear Santa, Please bring me a doll a vilin a dress for my sister. I wish my ant to come to Akron. I want a toydoll dear please bring my mom a neckcles with dimens on it and a elk on a shelf love and a neckcles for Mrs. Palmer. I want a Hello Kitty doll smartmax. Love Ashley. Dear Santa, Can I have a zoomer dino please. Can you get my big brother some toot ball cards. Can you give my mom a pretty ring. Can you get my little brother a red ball. Can you get my dad a chainsaw. Can you get my teacher a bag of candy. Your freind, Cal. Dear Santa, A boy elf on the shelf that is good please. A mincraft dog please. Yoshy doll please. A toy car please. A girl elf on the shelf please. A new bike please. A marca doll please. A boy elf on the shelf please. AXbox one please, a light-up diamond gre please. Love, Hunter J. Dear Santa, I realy realy want a friends jungle. Santa can I please have a toy for my sister she will have a train with no title peices. Santa can I please have more dipers for my sister. Santa can I have a bowairo for me. Santa can I please have a little table for Chris. I been good this year. Can I please have a new lite charcher for my lites. Santa can I please give Mrs. Palmer lites christmis lites. Can I please have little set of lites. Love your friend, Allison. Dear Santa, I want flattow cowboy boots. I want a new hunting coat. I want a new gun. I want for my dog a new fest. I want a new blind bag. I


want a new hunting pants. I want a new hat with clothes hangers and hair stuff, kid crat and a new glofs. dakota cook with me, Holiday barbie barbie Lane Hemmelrick. sisters safari tent, ever after high dolls, can me and my sister get a monster high school Dear Santa, set. Can you get my mom two pretty dimond May I have a 3Ds. Can I please have Beats rings, can my dad get xbox one video games, hed sets. A mario carts 8 fast Aclipon ty a can I get a Iphone 6s with a hello kitty case plane white tshert. G.I. Joe for an xbox. A and some other cases with good games on it. pink 2DS for my sister. A drill for my dad. A Can my teacher Mrs. Palmer get a colorfull vase for my mom. pointer, can I get a barbie with a design kit. Love, Sam. Can I get a cina kit with a name tag that say Bailey, can I get a Iphone 5c for my grandma Dear Santa, Patty. Can I get a Iphone 6s for Kody my Soccer ball please. Football please. Soc- other couzin. Can I get baby toys for my baby cer ball net please. 2 D Des please. Star wars couzins some for Paige and some for Jaxtyn game please. Boxing gloves please. A pict and can I get money for every member in my frams please. Star wars movie please. A Rio family. Love Bailey. movie please. A star wars book please. A race car please. Padow please. A x-box cinchroler please. Dear Santa, Love Cooper. I want PS3 games. please can you give my brother a dog. Can you give me a remote control hellacopter. Please give Mrs. Palmer a Dear Santa, May I have a ipod that has a skelatoh case pretty neckaless. Can I please have a bb gun. and the game minecraft to play on it. My Love Kyle. sister wants a Ipod with a pink case and minecraft. Dear Santa, Love Alex. Please bring my dog some toys. Also can you bring my brother some beats (headphones). Please let my brother get his perDear Santa, May I have mario carts for a Wii. Can my mit because he’s been working pretty hard. mom have some Muskiter tickits. May me Please make mom do the play. She really wants to do it. Can you also bring my dad and my brother have a trampalean. Sincerely, Brock. shower clean up stuff. Oh ya and I want an ipad. And give Mrs. Palmer school stuff. Sincerely, Josie Jacob. Dear Santa, I wish I could have 2 Elf on the Shelf. I wish I could have a real life babby kittin please. Dear Santa, Can I please have 2 Amarican girl dolls I want a flatter by and grbee spa and a well please. I wish I could have a fone ipod and a U and a faen. llees Love, Lea will wonts cool tablet. And a elsa dole and a olofe toy please. VanBuskirk’s. I wish for more Wii V and Wii games and Love Jacey Myers. legos. My sister wishes for a DS case and girl DS games. My Mom wishes for a jewley Dear Santa, Will you please give me a bownarrow. and they game to. My Dad wants parts for Woud you please give me an my dad a snow- his pulling truck and a table for his stuff. My moble. Would you please five my mom a cats want a cat playaround and new cat toys. care. Would you please give my dad a new Sincerely Tanner. chainsaw. Would you please give my dad some tools. Dear Santa, Love Mom and dad from H. Welch. I would like a dragon for Christmas. Please bring me Ninja Turtle stuff. I have been good. Please bring my sister and brother toys. Dear Santa, Your friend, Malek Mothershead. Please can I have Ela Anna and olaf mincraf cow and pig and a hicin and spider. a dinnsor tere Kx. ice scate shooes and jungle Dear Santa, hat and tums prim stuf toy. soda and bird for For christmas I want a ipad and I want a my mom. rekote control helicopter and I want a go Love Corrinne. cart. Can you please bring my sister a zip line swing. From Hayden Wahlberg. Dear Santa, For my Dad is going to have tools and my mom is haveing a dress and Alex needs coal. Dear Santa, My sister needs girls toys. I will like a toys for christmas. I will like From Luis – needs a toys it is minecraft and a ipod, zipline swing and a lip stick and a papr craft and worldcraft. snowblower and stuf for my mom and dad May I please get the things I ask for. I want for christmas. From Zoe Heeren. an amrican girl doll or beez spa, a barbie set


Dear Santa, For christmas I wonted a zipline swing because I been doing my chors, my mother said good job and I wonted under water camera and a American girl doll and closet to and maybe a ipad. Your friend, Carly West. Dear Santa, I would like an ipad and a zipline swing and makeup and one more thing a pair of jeans. I would like to get my sister beats and my other sister a computer. Your friend, Boe Harris. Dear Santa, I want a American Girl Doll closet, bed and clowths. And another American Girl Doll. Love Akia Tarney. Dear Santa, This year I want a real gas motorcycle and lego star wars sets and some things for my brother, he is one year old. And I want a PS4. I also want an Uglese. Will you send me a leter back? From Evan Linscott. Dear Santa, I want a Minecraft game. And get my sister a doll. I want a PS4 and a globe of the world. Get my mom a necgis. From Preston Hunter Andersen. Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a remote control helicopter, a bid ipad, rip stick, snowblower, a zipline, a go cart, legos, trampoline, a dog, a swiming pool, a football feeld, a four weeler, a baseball feeld, a tractor. By Tatum Lane Wilken. Dear Santa, I want a plastich ice scraper so I can scrape the ice. I have swept the kitchen flor and I have dusted and I have been listining when I have to go to bed. From Ragan Moffatt. Dear Santa, I want a ipad and a American Girl Doll. And makup and a forwheeler and lego friends. For my dad he wants a snowblower and for my mom she wants a ring and for my sister she wants Doc McStuffin and I do all what I wonld do for that. I help my parants when they say to do stuff. From your friend, Mahenzie. Dear Santa, Can I please have a new gas powerd four wheeler. And a PS4 and games for it. And a remote control helicopter. From Jackson Neubrand. Thank you Santa. Dear Santa, I would like two uglxz, and a shark ship and zoo animols and tractors big and small. And please star wars and lego



Dear Santa, ningogo sets. I want dish infinaty. For my brother he I want makup and a foreelwould like recky the recking er, logefrineds, frinedship buty. necklace and braslet. For my From Hunter Henrich. brothers cool. For my mom a new phone a new car. for Dear Santa, Cj toys and books. For me a I want some books. I want X-box for my self and games a teacher whistle. I would for it. like Isabelle. I like lip stick. Jorjo Ran Ann McMahon. I would like some make up. I want facial cream. I want a Dear Santa, stufft penguins. Please! I woud want a meg ga don Love Austyn Koedam. jaw and the lego movie set. Can my mom a messege ad a Dear Santa, dad a bahch of doler and my Santa please get a gocart sister a pet horse. Form Dustin Bishop. and get my brother a ipad and the oldest brother a new Dear Santa, wrestling bag. Give my dad a good bag of resuss and Can I have a ipod? Can you my mom and give her some get a desktop for my brother? kooking suplise. Can you get a american grle Love Dexter Briggs. doll for my sister. Can you get a new snowblower for my Dad? Can you get a dirt Dear Santa, I want a American Girl bike for Me? Can have a xDoll. Please give my little box with black ops 2? sister a play phone. I help From CJ Blake. my little sister read a book at home. I want some makup. The following letters My big sister wants some are from Mrs. Owen’s cars for Christmas. I help my third-grade class at Clark mom clean the house. I want Elementary School in a little ipad. I want the movie Sioux City. Malificient. I help my Dad with cattle. I want a zipline Dear Santa, swing. I want green beats. I want a Love Maddy Noll. Nike football. I want a Matty Malk jersey. Is the North pole fun? My favorite reindeer is Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I Rusolph. Do you build snowwould like a zoomer puppy. men? Is it always cold at the My dad wants a snowblower. North Pole? you are aweHe asks for one evry year. My some. Sincerely, Hunter K. mom needs new slippers. I have no idia what my brother wants. Dear Santa, Love I’m so happy that it’s Laine. Christmas time. Do you get

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a little vacation after Christmas? Do you have lots of elves? I have an Elf on the Shelp! Her name is Rocky. Last year I went to the Santa House and when we were about to leave, the Santa person asked me if Rocky was doing good. From Sophie V. Dear Santa, For Christmas i would like an xbox 360 along with Ghostbusters the video game and the Lego Ghostbusters set. And minecraft 360 edition. And Lego monster fighters the ghost train. And a Lego minifigure from series 12. And some chocolate coins. and some sugar plums. Sincerely Max R.

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? For Christmas I want a BB gun that is all I want. Did you know this was going to be published in the nwes paper. I watched Rudolph last night. I pray for you so that you wold have a happy Christmas. I believe in you and every body. How are your reindeer. How are your elves? Sincerely, Elliott S. P.S. for a present for my mom and dad is a Chare Gt. Dear Santa, For Christmas I really want a 1 to 45 pound draw cound pound bow!!! Am I on the naughty or nice list? How do you get around the world in 1 night? How do you make all those toys? For Christmas I want football and basketball cards. My favorite things are hunting, traping, fishing, football and basketball. I also like Nebraska. Sincerely Blake M.

Dear Santa, I would like some Legos and some remote control too, and Iron bead set would be nice. Can I have an Iphone or a real phone? An x-box or a Wii and an x-box 360. I would also like 600 boxes of extra cheddar Goldfish Dear Santa, crackers. Why are elves so small? Or Sincerely, Patison M. why do reindeer fly? I would like a laptop for Christmas. Do you drink hot coco with Dear Santa, This year were all of your Mrs. Claus? Why do you go reindeer good? This year was around the world to deliver fun. I got to see my cousin to the kids? How do you go that lives out of town. And around the world in one we went out of town to Oko- night? Your friend, Connor S. boji. We went fishing and went on a boat ride. It was fun. On the boat ride we got Dear Santa, on a lilly pad and we swam Have I been on the nice list to the beach. Then we went this year? Do you think I’ve swimming in their swim- been good enough for a ipod 5 with a case? Can I get 2015 ming pool. Sincerely Madden for PS3. My brothe Sophia D. wants a Nerf bow. And my sister wants Just Dance game Dear Santa, for the Wii V. My dad wants a I want a black turbo- new phone. Mom wants a the charged Cobra Mustang for best Christmas ever. Merry my Dad and a PlayStation Christmas Santa and Mrs. 3. I also want a Corvette for Clouse and the 8 reindeer. Sincerely Talan W. my Mom and some storage space for the Corvette and Mustang. Make sure they’re Dear Santa, real. I want 16 million dollars What I want for Christmas for my whole family. I want is an ipad, basketball, and the Mario Cart 7 for my 3DS under armor stuff. Do you video game. Get a couple of like Iowa or Nebraska? Do dog toys for Zeus. This is his all of your reindeer feel good first Christmas. and ready for Christmas? I Sincerely hope you came to my house. Caleb M. Love Chris B.

Dear Santa, I want a huge set of Iron Beads. This is my wish list: all of the Barbies in the world, all awesome girl toys, and I want a car for me. Santa, how is your shop coming along? Santa, are you losing weighi these few days? I wish that the whole word stays happy. I hope Mrs. Claus’s helping you and making you happy. I hope you have a happy Christmas. Sincerely Rahmah S.

on Christmas Eve? How are you reindeer, and your elves? How do your reindeer fly? Its so cool. I also want a baby puppy. Sincerely Alexa C. Dear Santa, How do you eat lots of cookies in one night? How many cookies do you eat in one night? I want a password journel. Is Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer real? How many elvs do you have? How small are the elves? Why do they have pointy ears? I don’t know anything yet, but soon Dear Santa, Hi I am Noah and I bet I I will. have been on the nice list. Sincerely Caleb C. If you know Elf Fred, he is sick, he ate dog treats. It is Dear Santa, I really want a ipod touch, Wednesday (12/10/14) I bet he is felling better now. Well, Iphone, and a ipad. I love what I want for Christmas is cookies just like you. I really a ipad (fullsize) a headphone, want to see you and your elf. I NBA ZK15 for PS4, a nerfgun, want more football cards and Madden is for PS 4, more baseball cards. I want a pack Legos, toy guns, and that’s it. of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I Sincerely, Noah C. want a Nebraska pillow and a Nebraska blanket. I want my own small dog. I want a Dear Santa, Hoeelo, how have you pocket knife. been? I have been doing Sincerely Steven K. very good. So what I want for Christmas is a 3DS and Dear Santa, I want the case to be pink, You’re really nice. I want a please. And an i-pad 5, computer for Chrismas beplease. For my baby sister, cause I’ve been saving my Olivia, I think maybe she money for a long time but I would want some Christmas keep on buying other stuff. light up binkeys. So Santa, I want a chair for a desk so I how have the reindeer been? can sit at my desk. I’m going Oh yes, my elf on the shelf is to put the computer at the so nice. Thank you for being corner of my desk. I want there for all of us and thank an MP3 please. And some you for bringing us gifts. speakers please. I would like Sincerely Micsha G. an xbox one please. And lots of pens please. Sincerely Aden B. Dear Santa, I have an important quesDear Santa, tion. Am I on the naughty list? If I’m not on the I have heard stories about naughty list, I want a lot of you, but never have I seen new basketballs. I also want you. What I want for Christsome new bare talk and just mas is an iPhone6, iPhone a little bit of cards. Do you 5, iPad, Apple computer, ever make snow angels in the remote control car, Toyota snow? I hope I’m not on the truck, mansion, couch, tour naughty list. bus, disco ball, sister, army, Sincerely Zachary Hesse. 7 T.V.s, fan trap, make-up, magic tree, shirts, science Dear Santa, lab, craters, art work, proI wonder how it feels to be jector, and movies. How do Santa. It sounds really fun. I get so fat? Can I have your wish I could be you for one coat? Where do you get all day. I would love it. I want a those elves? Do you ever Iphone – a blue one. Do you read books? Are you smarter get full from all the cookies thatn me? Can you sharpen




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eraesers with your mouth? Do you now how Rudolph real? Why is your sleigh loud? Because I heard it a couple of years ago on my to drive a car? Your friend, Jhanvi J. roof. Can you get me a new DS game? because I’m getting bored of my other games. Where do you get your elves? Can you get Dear Santa, I wont a new bike because my bike is rusty. me a phone? Can I have a little plane that I I wont iron beads because I really wont to can fly around the city? How do you make make stuff. I wont a colts shirt because my your reindeer fly? Can you get me a snake uncle likes the colts. I wont a packers shirt named Severis? I’ve always wanted a snake. because may family likes them. I wont an Can you get some dead mice for food. I really ipos, ifhone, and a computer. Mike Lupica want a year supply of pickles. Why do your books. I wont an Iowa hat. I wont a Ne- elves have pointy ears? Why are elves in Lord braska hat. I wont a Nebraska pillow. How of the Rings humen size? I hope you answer many cookies do you eat on Christmas? How my questions. Sincerely Matthew H. many elves do you have. How many houses do you go to every Christmas? How many persents do you give to reach house? How The following letters are from Mrs. many countries do you go to every Christ- Sitzman’s third-grade class at Clark mas? Elementary School. Your friend, Matthew E. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Hi I don’t want much but make sure DidI want a trampoline or a Kindle. Do you like dle (my elf on the shelf) get at least a small your home at the North Pole? I read read- present. I would like a notebook/organizing ers therters all about Christmas. There are 5 book. I would also like craft stuff especially people in my family. All of them want pres- darn yarn. I would love it if the new/old bus ents. I am going to be gone on Christmas. I would come. My sister Layla has been very hope you are there. I am going to leave cook- good. Make sure she gets fairy and unicorn ies, carrots and milk for you and the reindeer. stuff. Love Joslyn L. I love my school and my teachers. My teacher’s names are Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Colling. Dear Santa, My teacher Mrs. Colling is leaving on Friday I want a laptop and a Xbox 1. I want a phone 12/12/14. I really hope you give me want I and a new bike. Di you miss the elk you gave want for Christmas. I also want my family me? What do your reindeers like? What else and teachers, and friends to respect you. Are do you like besides cookies? Can you give me your elves OK/ Are you getting presents for a new Ipod case? Are there Polorbears and us? I hope you all have a merry Christmas. penguins where you live? your are awesome! And I hope you get what you want. Am I on You Elf Kyler N. the naughty list or the nice list? Love Sidney C. Dear Santa, I have made you a list of what I want for present day. Does Mrs. Claus help at the Dear Santa, Did you have a nise summer? How is your North Pole? Do you kiss under the mistel wife? I have a long list of present. Green too? Hers my list of what I want for presand red presents. They look cool. I want a ent day. 1. Shopkins, @. computer, 3. furby, Xbox 360 that comes with minecraft. Xbox 4. clothes, 5. shoes, 6. Miuorld, 7. beads, 8. 1 with NHL 14. Goalie hocky pads. A big Twister rave skipit, 9. makeup, 10. World goalie stick. A new big gold iphone 5. Make peace. Love your elf good Melia P. it big and gold. I love gold and diamonds to. A big new car for me. I know how to drive. The cookies and carrts are going to be by the Dear Santa, tree. Love Luke D. Some thing I want from you is an Ipod. Any I want a Wii. Can the Wii come with a game in it? I would like some legos. Can I have train Dear Santa, I really want candy, a tablet, a basketball, legos? Also a remote control. Your Elf Gareen M. Polor Express movie. How is my rough doing? I really want to see Santa. And I really would like to have an Iowa blanket for Dear Santa, Christmas. I want Iowa Basketball tickets. I I would like a x-box 360, play staitoin, would want to know how it would be flying motor bike, and family. Also friends, joy and in the sky. I would like to see your reindeers. happyniss. I would like some money. I want a Ipod case. Do you like flying in the Sincerly Thomas Vega. sky? And I wonder what it would be like to be Santa? And I want beats. Dear Santa, Love Addi R. I want a pig, the biggest stuffed pig you can Dear Santa, find, a pet pig, a necklace of you and me. Also Why do you go around the world hand- things for my brother, mom and dad. ing out gifts? Why is your name Santa? Is Love Carter


Dear Santa, Santa. Jow are things at the North Pole? For Christmas I would like a mip, a toy dragon, and a chinchilla. Thank you for my elf tinsel. Are elfs made of plastic? And can I have a computer? Your friend Marcus D. Dear Santa, Can you get me a chicken egg, Finn’s backpack, chocolate bar maker, e box train, big sponge bob kit, McDonald Fries maker, and a fake minecraft diamond sword and the game for the Wii V Toad Treasure Tracker. From Zackary S. Dear Santa, I wonder how many elfs you have? I can’t beleive how many presents your elfs make for every kid or baby in the world. Do you know what I want? I really want an ipod touch that is blue with a life proof case that is pink. Do you want to know what my brother wants? He wants a iphone 5c with a Just Do It Nike case. Now here are some facts about me. I’m 8 year old and 1 brother, 2 pets, 1 fish and 1 dog. P.S. How many cookies do you want? Your Elf, Elise H. ho! ho! ho! Dear Santa, Can I have Playmakers CamNewton, JJ Watt, Calvin Benjamin, Matt Forte, Russell Wilson, Marshawn Lynch, Wretting Guys, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Rusen and Drew Makentire. Socks, Spiderman, Batman, Captin America. How big is you beard? Merry Cristmas. Cameron W. Dear Santa, I would like the Ever After High you know the one that has the key and voice recognizer. My brother wants a pet bunny. Mom wants coffey beans. Dad wants a hunting vest for tank. I also want the new bus and radio on every bus in town. I want a radio with 102.3 KG 95.5 and 102.7. I want my pets to get along with others like goldfish, turtles, guinea pigs, bunnies and chicks. Your Ho, Ho, Ho, Stuent, Ava M.W.

please), a bunk bed, only two things left the book Sisters and Smile. Well I guess I have a few more questions, do you have a elf for every child and fo you have one named Tavia? Your little weido, Tavia H. Dear Santa, i want my own xbox and my own laptop. I am 8 in a half. My birthday in January 27. I want an Iphone. My elfs name is Lucky. I want a Broncos sign. I want to donate money to the charity and to the people that are poor people. My dog wants a doggy bed. I also want a gift card to boy stuff that cost money on my Ipod. Your elf, Ayden S. Dear Santa, How many cookies have you ate this year? I am 9 years old. I want a ipod and some mini football guys. Adrian Peterson, Russel Willson, Cam Newton, and Calvin Johnson. This year I wont forget the cookies. Your elf, Nathan B. Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a phone, ipod, Destiny the game, Infinite 2.0 the game, Wii, a big lego set, a monster high dollhouse. Also will you get my other sister a minimouse club house dollhouse? How many cookies did you get last year? Are your reindeer ok? How do you deliver all those presents in one night? Also I want a laptop. Your Little Elf, Nicholas S. Dear Santa, I want an ipod and a phone. My dad want a dog that’s apensive. My sister want money and American girl doll. My Elf Daisy is nice to me a lot and she plays tea wuth me. I like you a lot. Love Cadence S.

Dear Santa, How is your reindeer doing? They have a big night a head of them. How can you eat all of those cookies in one night? Do hurt? Do you get dirty when you go down the chimney. i for Christmas an xbox games like Titon Fall, Call of Duty Advance War Fare, Watch Dogs. Dear Santa, i want a football kick stand and USU, Ne- My elf on the shelf is cool funny and the best braska, Michigon, Kaskcy. Santa I also want hider. P.S. your cool. Your friend, Ethan D. Jimmy Graham jersey pylons field goal and a phone and Madden 15 for xbox and NHL for xbox PS3. Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, Eli C. I really want an Ipod for Chrismas. I’ve been a good girl all year. Do you and Mrs. Dear Santa, Claus get ready with a big Christmas feast How do your reindeer fly? How do you on Chrismas Eve? that’s not the only thing go to all those houses in one night and are I want for Chrismas. Also I want money for elfs no the shelfs actually the elfs that work poor people in Cambodia. Your Elf, with you? How do you eat all those cookies Molly S. in one night without having serious promDear Santa, blems? Can you really not be seen? Well I want a Xbox E60 CD, 100$ 50 out 50 in the Can I have a brother for Christmas? Do bank, beadous, a easy bake oven, a box of (big the reindeer eat alfalfa? All I wanted was a box) Chocolates, clothes, necklaces (fancy brother and a book but I thik my dog wants


Dear Santa, a new dog bed. It’s Queenie who wants it and our new dog Ruby needs a new squeeky toy. How are you? How are the reindeer? May I Can you get my mom something very speical have a new 3DS and a lion King game for the Id like that very much. Your Elf, Gabrielle S. 3DS and the movie How to train you Gragan 2 plwase? Your friend, Mason. Dear Santa, Hi Santa for christmas I want the bean Dear Santa, boozled and a minecraft game for my xbox 360. I also want an Elf on the Shelf, and a How’s Rudolph? Are the elves working Iphone, a tablet and Sims 4. i have been hard? How many presents did they make? good this year and I am 9 years old. I wish Can I please get a chair that looks like a web? you Merry Christmas! Your friend, Lanie. Your buddy, Elisiah H. Dear Santa, I do not want a lot of toys. Frozen Eslla Dear Santa, I want goalie pads for Christmas. And a Doll, Ipod. I know you working hard but I minepad and my dog mite wont a big bown. hope you get my message. And I hope you My dad wonts knee pads and elbow pads. I don’t have any trouble. Thank you! Your friend, Angelica. nine years old. What kind of cookies. Frishy, our elf. He is really trick. Your Elf, George T. Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you doing? How do you The following letters are from Mrs communicate with your reindeer? How are Walsh’s second-grade class at Leeds your elves doing? Can you give me a mobi Elementary School in Sioux City. and a ipad? I’ve been good this year. I’m going to make you some cookies. They are going to be good. Dear Santa, Your friend, Jaslynn. i wonld like a Frozen doll house. Can I have a Nebraska shirt. How’s the weather at the Dear Santa, North Pole? How are you reindeer? Can I How are you doing Santa? I really want an have a radio? Can I have a NOOK? Iphone 6 and a PS4 and a motrised skooter Your friend, Kenna. please? What is your favrite football team Santa? Be safe Santa. Dear Santa, Your friend, Wyatt. I like your reindeer. I would like a Call of Duty game for my Play Station 3. Your friend, Jonathan. Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I want a laptop, a phone, and a Nook. Is Rudolph real? I hope Dear Santa, Is it OK if I call you SC? It is a shortcut. I you come to my house cose I have a treat for you and your reindeer. It is a special surpris. would like a lot of toys aroud the tree. And mabey your elves too. Your friend, Joshua. Your friend, Abbi. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are the elves and how are the reindeer? You are the best. I love Santa. I’d like What are the elves doing at the North to be Santa’s pal. How’s the weather at the Pole? Would you like cookie? Coud you bring North Pole. How are you Santa. I hope you an elf please. Bring me a Nebraska t-shirt for come to my house. Miss Tammy and bring me a Iowa scarf and My friend, Montana. a stuffed animal Rudolph. Love, Chris. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, My Dad sayd to our elf, Connor and I have to get white tighties. But I wood like a footHow are the elf’s? You are the best. How ball, a new robe and ig you have time a sur- is the weather? Cold? Please come to our vise. If you want put magic on my Mom and house for Christmas. I want a calendar. I Dad and Connor and me are the elves werk- want a Iphone. I want a Ipod and I want a ing hard. Howe’s the wether at the North Ipad please. How is Rudolph? Thank you so much. pole. Your friend, Kynzie. Your friend, Kiefer. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are your elves doing? I hope you come You are my best friend. I want a little car. some times for Christmas. Can you bring an I want an airplane toy. I also want a phone. I Iowa shirt for me? Your friend, Tomas. like you very much. Dear Santa, Sincerely, How are the reindeer there. Are you geting Mason. ready for Christmas yet. How are the elves



Dear Santa, there for Christmas. My elf broke his leg so I have cookies waiting for you. I know you you have seen it. He might be better soon. Thank you. Love, Bri. love them and I do to. But one thing I love more than cookies is you. I love my family and your part of it and I would love if you got Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How cold is it in the me a real laptop. Your friend, Bailey. North Pole? Are the elves working hard? May I have a for real dog please? May I have a elsa and anna doll please? May I have a phone Dear Santa, please? Are the elves working hard? Are you? I Your friend, Caylee. want an Iowa shirt and a Iowa sweatshirt, and a football person. Your friend, Tanner. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Are the elvs working? How is Rudolph? I have been a good girl this Dear Santa, year. Would you please put me on your good Are the elves busy making toys for all the list. This is what I want a tablet, a elsa doll girls and boys? Is Rudolph still the head reinand a phone please. deer? I appreciate the presents you leave me. Love friend, Avaya. Do you like the milk and cookies I leave for you? This year I am wanting a doll Daisy, a doll meany, and a Mickey Mouse. I watch Dear Santa, You know I like the Hakeyes, Cubs and Vi- the show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I hope kings. But I love you more than those teams y have a good. yea Santa. Your friend, Briseyda. (as a best frend). How’s the weather at the North Pole? I Rudolph real. Your Fred, Anthony. The following letters are from Mrs. Hagan’s second-grade class at Leeds Elementary School in Sioux City. Dear Santa, My elve on the shelf has ben noutghty. First he wote on the meor. Today he had a party Dear Santa, with out us. Last year he tpeed our bath room I have been a good girl this year. So for with tollt papor. Can you please bring me a Christmas this year I would like some clay. sweatshirt? Are your raindear praticing to Also I would like a new table for my room, a basket ball, a water bottle and I would like a fly? necklace with a turtle. Love, Addie. From Shaylee. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you? Are you OK? How are your I have been a good boy this year. I want for elves? Are they Ok too? How are your reindeer? I ant to get another dog and I want dog Christmas is an xbox one. I want a waterto be real. Your friend, Tiffiany. battle. From Aiden. Dear Santa, I have been good this yar Santa. I have Dear Santa, cookies waiting for you anb they’re your fai have been a good girl this year. I would vorites. Can I plese have a ktona ninja stars like a new clock. I would like a new movie. I and sweatshirt. would like a new bracelet. I would like a new Your friending, Gage. pillow. From Madie. Dear Santa, How are the reindeer at the North Pole? Dear Santa, Is the elves getine ready for Christmas? Can I’va been a good boy. I want Destiny the you get some soring for Christmas? Can you video game. I also want new pokemon cards. get me some doll house for cristmas. I also want a 3D Ds game Super Brothers Your friend, Kylie. Brawl. I also want the frst Mario Kart for the Ds. From Eric. Dear Santa, How are the elves doing at the North Pole? How are you doing at the North Pole? Am I Dear Santa, on the good list. I was gooood. I want a new Christmas Your friend, Mark. book. I want a new movie of Big Hero six. I want an i pod. I want a lot of Justice clothes. Dear Santa, From Jasmine. I have cookies for you at my house. Do you like it? We got milk for you. You’re my Dear Santa, best frienb. Can you please bring me an Ipod and a Kind Fire. I habe been a good doy. Your I been very good this year. For Christmas friend, Taylor. I would like Grand Thieft Auto Five, a hot




Dear Santa, tubja computer with minecraft for it and some new red and black Jordans. I have been a good girl. I want a snow glow From Braydon. Elsa doll and a Anna doll for Christmas. I hope you have a great Christmas! From Haley. Dear Santa, I am OK. I want the movie Big Hero 6 and Big Hero 6 toys and Anna doll and Elf on the Dear Santa, Shelf and Pinkie Pie Equestrian girls and a I want a pink Barbie dress. I want a pink dress. scooter. I also want a bike and a baby doll. Love, Samantha. From Rogue. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. May I have a Easy Bake Oven. I want a Frosen Baby doll. I have been a good boy this year. I would From Cherish. like some Legos. I also want Hot Wheels. Have a good Christmas. From Logan H. Dear Santa, I’ve been a OK boy this year. I would like an Iphone 7s. I also want a bunch of Pokemon Dear Santa, cards. I have been a good boy this year. May I have From Logan. a king size bed and a BB gun with BBs and the game Black Ops. I also want a X-box one with racing games. i would like a Wii with Dear Santa, I have been good this year. For Christmas super Mario Bros. with Wii controllers, 6 of I want the girl lego school set. I also want a them and X-box controllers, 5 of them. From Dillon. dress. I know I’m going to have a wonderful Christmas! Dear Santa, From Annaliese H. I want a phone and a baby and clothes and Dear Santa, a barbie. I want a baby with a stroller and a I had a OK year. I would like Call of Duty Frozen. From Juanita. Dear Santa, Ghost. I hope you have a good year. From I have been a good girl this year. For ChristRayQuan D. mas I would like Barbies Dream House,

rollerskates, a desk and planets that can hang ball bow, stuffings dress up kit. i also would on the celling and a helmet. I hope you have like a Kindle Fire. From Alondra. a good Christmas. From Jaeda. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I wold rei had an OK year. I want a Teenage Mutant all like Pokemon cards and Pokemon toys, a Ninga Turtles legos set. I also want Mario puppy, Anna toy and Elsa toy and love from my family. Kart 7. From Gyanna. From Tristan. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I had a good boy thin year. I would like a I have been so good every day. Did you trampoline. I hope you have a good Christ- see me be good Santa? I would love to get mas. games for my 3ds for me and my sister. We From Hunter. ant a game like don’t Brake the Ice and baby toys for my sister Mia and a lot’s of Mickey Dear Santa, Mouse for Melody. I would like a globe for I want an X-box and a phone for Christ- my bedroom. From Madison K. mas. I also want a bow and arrow and shot gun for hunting. I hope you make it to Sioux City in time for Christmas. Dear Santa, From Berklee. I would like a go-kart, a bike and under armor weest shirt. a nike socer ball, and the Dear Santa, move Home Along the Holiday Hiyst and a I have been a good boy this year. I would construction Siyt Lego set, and the move Elf. like a Xbox three sixty and legos. I would like By the way how are the elfs doing this year? From Connor S. some new clothes and a three ds. I would like a Mario Kart seven game. From Dear Santa, Josh. I had a good year. I would like a z scale Dear Santa, Thomas the Train and a z scale straight track. I would like a roller copter helicopter, I would like 20 curve tracks, 15 switch tracks Hungry Hungry Hipos, cards and Nerf Red and a car battery. I would like 25 bridges and




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present. Thank you, Madison.

The following letters are from Dear Santa, I’ve been good in school. If you were Mrs. Sargent’s second-grade class at Leeds Elementary School in little what would you want for ChristSioux City. mas? If you want to writ back tell me What you want for Christmas some things I want for Christmas is a zoomer Dear Santa, I would a Xbox 360, a DSI, Xbox 360 zuppy, a Barbie Campers and one more remote and a mystery prize. I been thing, an Ipod P.S. Santa Claus nice good. I like you santa how can you fix. work. Merry Christmas. Thank you. From Allyra. From Max. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I’ve been working hard at school. I would I have been getting all my Can I have an elf on a shelf? Can I tests right. I would like to get a stuffed have a American girl doll? Can I have charmander, squirlte and pikachu. I’ve a nook? how are your reindeers? How been working really, really, really hard. is the North Pole? I;ve been learning At Home I am doing multiplacation about tens and ones and adding and some times. I am a seven year old kid in subtracting. Thank you, Jocelyn. 2nd grade. In my class we have 27 kids. 9x9 is 81, 12x12 is 144, 18 divided by 9 is 2, 9x12 is 108. In math we are learnDear Santa, I’ve been good. I like your white hair. ing a digit subtraction with regrouping. I want a easy bake oven. What does the Merry Chrstmas! From Josue. North Pole look like? How do reindeers fly? I like you. Dear Santa, Love, Layiah. I want a bmx bike for Chrismans. How old are you? How are elfs doing? We have math in school. It is fun. I like Dear Santa, school. I like you. How are you so fast.? I’ve been good this year. I want a magic 8 ball, a baby doll with a baby Mery Chrismans. From Brenden. back pack, a crib, and a bouncer, a microphone and a microphone stand and Dear Santa, I’ve been good. Santa, I want a toy a guitar for Christmas. In school I have gun and a toy helicopter. Santa, is your been learning in reading or identify kitchen messy? I like school. The best verbs. In math we are learngin 2-digit thing I like is reading books. I want you subtraction with regrouping. Thank to come to my birthday. Is your reindeer you. From Hailey. brown? Is your sleigh messy? From Jayden. Dear Santa, I’ve been good and I like math. So Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I’ve how are the reindeer? I would like a been working hard this year. I hope barbie haircurler. Is it true are elves? Is you are doing good. See you this year. I there puppies? I have alway wondered. would like drums I also like a timer for Especially in December. My grandma Christmas. Thank you, Santa. says you came to her door. And you From Sam. came to my mom’s door when she was a kid. She didn’t talk too mush she told me that. So Bye Santa. Dear Santa, Thank you, Audrey. I’ve been working hard in math and reading. How are the reindeer? How is Dear Santa, it living in the North Pole? I woud like a I’ve been good. I want a sleigh and a rainbow loom kit. You can make bracelets with it. I make my family one every cotton candy machine, and a Gameyear. You should get one for yourself. cube too. I’ve been working hard and You can make some for your elves. I also I love tracking you down. Can I come would like a Darn Yarn kit by Fashion to the N Pole? Waake me up so I can go Angelc. You can make hats and scarves. with you. Up I love school too. And that At my house we will make elf cookies is it. From Jaelene. and also cookies. I’ve been doing good in school. I like Dear Santa, your reindeers. The elves are funny. I I’ve been working hard. I’ve been would like a new watch for Chrismas. learning about math. I been snow I’m working hard on math. I like getting boarding. I love Christmas. The snow is

fun. How are your reindeer? Thank you for elf on the shelf. Merry Christmas. From Parker. Dear Santa, I would like a dart gun, minecraft books, and some minecraft toys. How are your raindeer doing? How are you doing? I have been doing good in school. I have been working hard in school. How is the North Pole. Merry Christmas Santa. From Johnathan. Dear Santa, How are reindeers? I would like some transformer books. I’ve been learning in math 2-digit subtraction. What is the color of your sleigh? At music we sang a song about you. From Dylan. Dear Santa, I would like a good present not coal. Could I please have a karaoke machine, a frozen Doll and to be on the good list. Thank you for all the good, good, good, good, good years and all the presents and candy. It is a very special holiday. It is God’s birthday. I love having Christmas it is fun. I love having Santa. He gives candy, presents and all the good stuff. I love Santa very much. I am learning subtraction. I’ve been good ta school and home. How are your reindeer? I would like three toys. I would like a BarBie house and a toy pony and Barbies. I’ve been working hard. I love Christmas. How does it feel at the North Pole? Santa you are the best. I’m learning about math. This is the best Christmas. I want a cat for Chistmas and minecraft toys for Christmas. My favorite holiday is Christmas and a minecraft game. I want you to come to my house. I ben doing math. How dose your sleigh fly? From Gabriel. Dear Santa, I’ve been good with you’re elf watching me. For Christmas I would like hot wheels, a 3ds and a car box for my cars. How are the reindeers? Is the North Pole hot or cold. What color is your sleigh? I’m doing good in math. Well I’m getting good at it and I am getting good at reading. From Tyler. Dear Santa, I’ve deen good. I’ve been workind hard. How are your reindeer? When is Christmas? How is the North Pole? Is it cold? Is it nice? I have bee working on math. The 25 is Christmas. Thank you. From Brook.


Dear Santa, I’ve been good in school. I would like Lego Sponge Bob or Christmas. How are the reindeer? one set of Legos. We are learning 2 digit subtraction with regrouping. Merry Christmas. From Adrianna.



Dear Santa, I would like to have a car for Christmas. I would it to be red with a black stripe in the middle of the car. I will leave out cookies and milk. Love, Izzy.

Dear Santa, Can I please have skylanders trap team with extra Dear Santa, I am thankful for Santa. traps. Have I been on the nice I bet the North Pole is very list? cold. Santa is my buddy. I Love, Aidan. bet your reindeer are cool. Thank you for the prensts. I Dear Santa, have been working on subI want a dirt bike and it will traction. and tems and ones. be motorized with a ramp. We are working on Chapter I’ve been good this year. 5 onu booklet and is is hard. Please bring me a Nerf gun And hot problems and they X-bow. Love, Grayson. are hard too. I would like a live cat and Endermunseh and a 26 tree house book. Dear Santa, Thank you, Noah. I have been good. All I want for Christmas is a lot of my little pony and blind bogs. Dear Santa, Love, Emma. I am working hard and I’ve been good. Thank you for the elf on the shelf. I want a tabDear Santa, let. How are your reindeer You are nice to everybody. I doing Santa? I am learning want a phone for Christmas. about math and I am doing Christmas is my favorite holgood. Have a nice Christmas iday. I want you Santa! And I want another elf. We are goSanta. ing to name it Santa. From Mia. Love, Elise. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I’ve been good. I would like vieod games for the PS4. I I really want a Barbie house would like toys. How are the with an elevator and a door in reindeer. the back. I am staying at my Love Stephen. house. Love, Tessa. The following letters Dear Santa, are from Mrs. Shank’s I want a pair of air jordan second-grade class at Elk shoes. And I want a pair of Point-Jefferson Elemen- pink Nike football gloves. tary School. And after Christmas I am going to my grama and grampas. I am going to have 3 Dear Santa, I like for Christmas is a Christmases. Love, Carter. PS3. I am going to my Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house on Christmas Eve. Some of the Dear Santa, year I have been good. Can I have a Xbox, nerf Love, Nicholas S. guns, remote sport car, video games, an elf, green mask, a pot hamster, and ipad. My Dear Santa, I would like for Christmas cookies are good. Love, Hudson. is a lego friend set and my own room. I have been good. I am going to my grandma’s Dear Santa, house for Christmas eve. I want a pocket knife and Then Christmas at my a car. I have not been bad. house. You have a lot of toys to give Love, people in one night. Are you Ashley. old? How many helpers to



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Dear Santa, I want a trampoline. You’re the best. Thank you for all those cools gifts. Thank you for staying up so late. And Thank you elf scout elf. Thank you all of you. Love, Thomas. Dear Santa, I would like toy trucks with trailers and stuffed animals. I’ve been good but my sister has been naughty. I will give you cookies and milk. Love, Wyatt. Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year. I hope I’ve been on the nice list. Please give me a tablet, legos and a nerf gun. And a football, Skylanders trap team. I’m going to five you cookies and milk. Go down the fireplace but don’t get burnt. Love, Gunner. Dear Santa, I would like an Air Hogs rollercopter, a basketball hoop that can fit on a door and a box of hot cocoa. If you find something else bring it. Love, Aaron. Dear Santa, I want a nerf gun for Christmas. I want a xbox. Thank you Santa. Come through the door. Love, Evan. Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like stuff for my room. I like American girl doll stuff. that’s all the stuff I want. Love, Chloe. Dear Santa, I will make some sugar cookies. I will have milk laid out for you. Santa, can I please have a Barbie life in the Dream house? Love, Ahri. Dear Santa, I want an Nerf gun and a bow and arrow. Nerf for big. I have been very good this year but Elfe is naughty this year. I want easy books. I love you Santa! Love, Bentlee. The following letters are from Mrs. Week’s second-grade class at Sergeant Bluff-Luton Primary School. Dear Santa, What kind of drinks do you like? It’s alright if tons of kids don’t belive in you

Dear Santa, because my whole family belives in you. What kind of cookies do you want this How are you doing Santa? How are year. Merry Cristmas! Love, Isabelle B. your elves doing Santa? Have a good Christmas Santa. Is the North Ploe Dear Santa, allways cold? Merry Christmas Santa. My elf has been very naughty this Please give me a toy truck and a helayear. I have been very good this year. copter. I really want to know why my sister Love, Kellen. doesn’t want to sit on your lap. I want a Kindle Fire Hd, phone and a lepfrog Dear Santa, ultra. Love, Keeley. How are you and Mrs. Clase and elves doing in making toys? I hope you giys Dear Santa, I would like to know how long is your are doing OK. Sant don’t forget to say naughty and nice list? I will probably happy birthday to God. Santa can I make resese or chocolate cookies. How please please please have two reindeer many toys to you make at the North bells? Santa can you tell my Elfe to try Pole? This year I am making raindeer to eat a capcak tomorrow or the next food. For Christmas I want Beados, Poh day. I want to have two gogo dogs, canvinchi, all the WWE world heavy wad dy cans, god to have a Marry Christmas. chamion belts in my stocking. I want Oh yah I almost fogot my tooth. Love, Emma. the one direction new CD aldome. Thank you and I would like to know how heavy your bag is? Dear Santa, Love, Aussie O. How are elves doing? How you are doing Santa? How is Christmas this year Santa? How are your family? Was Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are the bad or good Santa. I want Frozen chapelves doing? How long is the naughty ter books, Lego friends, chapter boks, list? We are going to make really good Lego fanzha toys. I am going to Texas so cookies. I want an iphone. I want some bring the gifts. Merry Christmas Santa! shorts for summer. Thank you for the Love, Donna. presents last year. Love, Tessa. Dear Santa, How are you today? Are you making toys for us? What are your reindeers Dear Santa, How are you? I totally believe in you. I names? What is your favorite cookie? am going to leave you cookies, milk and What are you gune get me? How many carrots. The carrots are for your rein- toys are you gune get me? Love, deer. I live in Sergeant Bluff, IA. Once Leinolon. my elf got into a pair of shoes and forgot to put them back. For Christmas I Dear Santa, would like a Scoby Doo movie, a stuffed horse and a bord game. How are you doing? Is you bag heavy? Love, Brooke. Do you have a family? I’m 8 years old. Don’t give me a baby toy. Do you live in the North Pole? How old are you? How Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl this year. many elves do you have? Do you have My bother has been good too. My a wife? Can you give me a diamond Mom and Dad have been good also. So necklace for my mom. Merry Christhave thore elfs been getting in trouble mas Santa. Love, latelee. How are you doing this ChristJanneth. mas Eve? You like cookies and milks right and carrots for the reindeers. I Dear Santa, want a Easy Bake Oven for Chritmas please. My brothen wants a baby telHow are you doing? How are your laphone, and teething ring too. I need elves doing? How many toys do your sekres for school. Merry Christmas! elves make? I will leave out cookies Love, Berkley Sue. for you. How heavy is your bag? What does your reindeer eat? How cold do you get on Christmas? Hoe cold is the Dear Santa, How are you? You got a very hard job. North Pole? Woudl you please leave me I think you are great at your job. Thank a paino? Can you also leave me a frozen you for the presents. Can I have another chapter book? Can you please leave me knife but a little bit biggr? Thank you. a heart necklace? Can you leave me a Merry Christmas Santa. You have a water bottol? Love, great holiday Santa. Good by! Ella G. Love, Samuel S.


Dear Santa, I have a new house from last year. I’m curious How long is your naughty list. I hope you make alot of people happy this year. Make sure you lookout that the fire is not on before you come down the chimney. Can I please have a x-box games, bookkart supplies, a door, Wii, helicopter, and a copcar.? Love, Ayden.


would like you to brin Iav and Bear books and American girl doll. Love, Aylah J. Dear Santa, I am 8 now. How old are you? What kinf of cookies do you like? How many elves do you have? How long is your slay? I would like legos please and skylanders trap team please please please and TMNT please and prank supplies please. See you soooooooon. Love Caden W.

Dear Santa, I can’t wait to see you! I’m going to leave Dear Santa, Would you like milk or hot cocoa? Would you cookies. I can’t wait to see what to see what you get me! I can’t wait to see you! you like suger cookies or Chocoklate Chip Love, Kameron. cookies? Are you busy at this time of year? Would your Reindeer like bread or carrots. Have a Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, Love Brayden Allen K. I wish it is Chistmas eve. Today is Dec. 8th. I’m 8 year old. I live in Sargent Bluff, Iowa. I’m really excited to Christmas! I wonder Dear Santa, what you’re going to bring me. Can you My elf was sneakkey. Wherre do you live? I please bring me some of these things neon have ben good. My brother was bad. My baby ranbo loom bands, a mettle hock for ranbo was good. I want WWE wrestlers RVD, Ebge, loom, stuffed animals. My brother would Undertaker, Brock Lerner, Rusev and a Xbox probably want star wars lagos. My dog would 360. Love Jalea. probably want treats. I really want minecraft lagos, lago friend and candy. Dear Santa, Love Madison H. Hooppy my (Elk on the shelf) has been noddy. He drew on my family photos. So what have you been up to? Have you been Dear Santa, How have you been. I’ve been good. Spakle making toys, talking to Hooppy and saying has been very naughty this year. He likes to ho, ho, ho? I want these items: an dog, frod zipline, take a bath with marshmelows, and and super Mario 3D land for Wii. Love Jaysen Wayne L. wrap our Chistmas tree in tolietpapper. I

Dear Santa, How are you doing? How are your elves doing? My elf on the shelfs name is Bernard. Bernard has been hiding in some crazy spots. Once he was bathing in marshmellows. This is some things from my Christmas list. I want a Xbox 360, Wii U and Super Mareo 3D word. P.S. I have been really good. Merry Christmas! Love, Noah. Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. How long is youer naughty and nice list? You will have some delicious peanut clusters and Choc chip cookies. Santa can you please give me a battle station, a battle rover, a large Hot Weeles kit, and a White nip. Love, Collin.

reindeer. I want your workshop. I want one of your reindeer. How are you doing? Marry Christmas! I have ben nice. I am 7. I am gunna levf cookies. Love, Elle C. Dear Santa, I love Christmas. How many reindeer do you have? I am 8 years old. I am a girl. I have ben good. My name is Sadee. I like Amaeracin girl dolls. Can I have an ice cerm maker? Love, Sadee S. Dear Santa, I love your elves. They are so cute. Your elves always have a smile. You ar some NIFS!! Want a ger bike, soks, a woch, and rudolph. Pleas, Pleas, Pleas, Pleas, can you take me to the Noth pole? I was sometime nauhty, but I’m alwas gud. I live in Sgnt bluf. Love, Braxton V.

The following letters are from Mrs. Wegner’s second-grade class at Sergeant Bluff-Luton.

Dear Santa, How are you dowing at the North Pole? you are very nice. I want a elvf. can I have Rudolph? Am I on the naughty list? I live in Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a competer and Sergent Bluff and Sioux City. I am 7 years old. jewalry. Oh, how is Mrs. Claus doing? Is she Love, Roman M. doing good or bad? I’m going to leve you cookies, milk and carrots. I hope the North Dear Santa, Pole is good. How are things going at the North Pole? I Love, Bentley W. would like to have fo Cristmas 1. Inqsiter lightsader 2. dife water gun Dear Santa, 3. maga water gun Thaks you for the presins. I like your

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Dear Santa, I’ve been prety good, but I’ve messed up a Taylor, Sadee, Ben, Tiey, Alexis and Lauryn. few times, but I will do beter. I am ready to And I like to leave you milk and cookies. MerHow are you doing Santa? Thank you for be 8 in January. ry Christmas!!! P.S. Miss Cook is leaveing. being on time. I wood like for Christmas: Love, Jayden G. Love, Graclyn D. sum jewalry and sum lokis and 1 kite and 2 candey canes and I wood like a helmit. I am 8. I will lev sum cookies and milk. I wish you Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I want an Iphone, a sparkly Nebrska case, a happey chistmas. Thaingk you for giving us the rite presents. Love, Alexis K. Thangk you for telling us who is notty and a real puppy, and the real Rudolph! a elf too! Love, Taylor G. nise. I want a remote control submarine with radar on the controller and an electric car The following letters are from Mrs. Cooper’s second-grade class at SerDear Santa, track with cars. I don’t know if you are going to make all those. I want a diamond necklace. I love you. I hope Rudolph doesn’t get sick geant Bluff-Luton. I think you might know where diamonds are. before Cristmas. I want a remote controled Love, Noah R. helicopter, also a new watch and some legos, Dear Santa, and Dog a hamster. I have been very good exFor Christmas I want a remote contrl lamsept 1 time I think. I am 7. I live in souix city. brgene car, money and ipad mini, Iphone 3, Dear Santa, How is the north pole? Thank you to the I am a boy. I want all four minecraft books, I and a new ipod touch and my brother band from the xbox. Kasey M. elves for doing the toys. I apreshiate your hope I get what I want for Cristmas. Love, Evan H. help at onlle Ben Bad time. Dear Santa, Dominic S. Dear Santa, I want a Barbie and the drem house Please. how are you Doing? I am doing good. You I want more rainbow loon ruber bands Dear Santa, I hope you have a good flite. I like your are really nice. For Cristmas I want my elf, Please. And I also want some more my live reindeer. I love you. Have you been naughty Big eyes, to know I am Loved. Can you tell my doll close please. I want a key bord Plese. I or nice? I am a 7-year-old boy. I am guna give elf that I live in Sergant Bluff. Have a merry want some high helse please and some more Cristmas! you a present. ha ha ha. dresses please to. I want some hare colering Love, Isabelle F. Ian E. please. And some more art stuf. I relley relley relley want Knetit sand Please. and a pansy Dear Santa, hat to ware please. I want some pansy gluvs Dear Santa, I would like a ball. I like the chicago bears Where do you live? What presents are you please. Bye Bye Santa I love you! Love, Raegan M. an would like a new Bears hat. How is Mrs. making? I am a 7 year old boy. I have been Santa? I would also like shirt. from Julian good. I have cookies for you. I like batman Dear Santa, legos and Ninja books. Love, Eric Y. I want for Christmas a Wii with two Wii Dear Santa, It’s nice to talk to you Santa. I have an elf controllers and a tv. And a game calld yoish’s named Wilson. I like yore reindeer. I want a new island. Dear Santa, Amarcin girl doll and candy. I’m a girl. How Love, Alissa H. Hi are you ready for Christmas? I love you old are you? reindeer espeshally you! This is some things I Love, want for Christmas: I want I pod case. I want Dear Santa, Sienna A. u stuffed reindeer, teacher stuff, and makeI would like some books and crystal maker. up and One Direction stuff. I’ve been pretty I would like a globe. I will leave cookies and Dear Santa, nice. I have an Elf on the shelf and its a boy. milk out. I will be good and obey wat my How are you doing, especially Mrs. Claus I’m 7 and live in sioux city. Christmas is my mom and dad say. Love, Kendra B. and their reindeer and rudolph? are you good favirate holiday. Thank you for everything! Love, Allison M. or bad? the most important thing I wute for Christmas is an X-Box 360. I love you Santa. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Isaiah H. I want a karoke machine because I broke How you been doing? Thanks for the it and I want a doy vinchi and a beados and presents. I would want some xtractaurs and a girl Elf on the shelf or a boy and make up. Dear Santa, Love, Santa, all I want for Christmas is a TV. I Octodad. Am I on the nice or naughty list? Cameron O. have ben nice. I love you Santa! Take care. Love, Love, Ty S. Lauryn H. Dear Santa, Thank you for my elf I really apprereciate Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I love you because you diliver presents. I it. oh and can I get sum greek mythology I love your costume. I know it is cold at the was wondering how. What I want for Christ- books please. Thank you for going through all that work North Pole. What time do you go? I waht a mas is Breyer horses and all the rest of the pupe, and a mancalla game, and a bike kick things that are on my list. I want to know we rally appreciate it Santa. Thank you for stand. lucky my elf is he doing alright during the the nice present over the year. Love, Love, Keilyn J. summer. I rote a note to him. I said you are Kadence nick’s cousin. Am I on the good list or the bad list. By the way, I’m 8 years old. Have fun Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I’m going to leave cokies and milk for you. drinking and eating cookies and milk. I am I really like my teacher. How is the North Jerzie. I like horses. My favorite color is blue. I will like minecraft an Ps3 pleas. I will like Pole? I have 23 kids in my class. I believe You are the best! Merry Christmas. a credit card. And apples for Dasher, DanLove, in you! I like to play in the snow. I have reser, Diction, Comen, Cupid, Daner, Rudoff, Jerzie ally good friends they are Allison, Isabelle, Prancer, Victon, Blitson. Have a great year.


and minecraft handbook set. Love, Alex W. Dear Santa, For Christmas I want, -phone/ipad -new crayon/markers -stuffed animals -raindeer animals (fake) - Puppy place, books. I want these things because I just really want them, thats all. Love, Kasia H. Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like Skylandr trap team. “oh ya” I would like a toy machine gun. If you ar rely real then show your self. And I thik your real but I dont thik the elf on the shelf is real. I don’t know wy I just do. Tate L. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would love another stuffed animal from justice. I would also like anything from justice. And I would like a i phone 6s/ipad, I would also love a blanket and a necklace/bracelet. I would like it if you could get me a scarf or nail polish. And candy. And I would like it if you could get me slipers. Love, Cora E. Dear Santa, For Cristmas I would like Skylanders trap team. I would also like Spirit animals book six and collecters edition. I would also like a $100 Itunes money card. Love, Clint H. Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is an nitendo 3ds becase I need to have it. I want is skylanders trap team becase I don’t have any Skylander games. Love, Luke F. Dear Santa, I would like a T.v. I would a phone and kinedle. What are your favorite cookies Santa? Love, Kaitlyn A. Dear Santa, Christmas is fun. I wish a I Pad, nook, iPhone 6 plus tablet, aand an iPad. I wont an 80 inch Tv and Cd that is friends with cats. Love, Collin Dear Santa, I want a doll house. and a barbies and a sparkle clock and a bike. Love, Amari B. Dear Santa, I want a kindlefire DX for chritmas and I want a barbie. And a pet owl. Love, Lily G.


Dear Santa, I would like a xbox one with R-P games and T games. I would like a dbit carb with a 100000000. I would like a BlackHawks jersey and a Detroit Lion jersey. I would like a game computer. I would lke Alabama jersey on a Oragen jersey and Florida state jersey. Love, Blake D. Dear Santa, I want all the skeleton toys toy 2 and skylander Trap team character carecters for it more Imaginex toys. Love, Trevor B. Dear Santa, for Christmas I want 1. a wheelchair please. 2. I want crutches, please. 3. I want a phone that has snapshot please. 4. I want a kitten. 5. I want a cage for the kitten. 6. I want som food for the kitten. That is all i need for christmas this year. Morgan S.



chair? Thank you. Love, Jayden K. Dear Santa, How are you doing at the North Pole? I have been nice to my mom and dad. I would like a toy crossbow and maybe a new xbox 360. Love, Mike B. Dear Santa, I was good to my sister and brother this year. I was good at Lisining this year to. How is Rudolph doing leading the sleigh? COuld I please have a elf on the shelf? Could I have a fludder by fairy? I was wondering how Mrs. Clau is doing? Happy Christmas! Love, Kiera T. Dear Santa, How is it at the North Pole? I was thinking you where feeling good. Are you? Well let’s go oh to the toys. Ok. Can I have a real construction set and a new Big Nate book please? Love, Zachery K.

Dear Santa, I would like a new tablet. I Dear Santa, would like new minecraft toy. I have ben good this year. Love, How is the North pole doing Aidan P. today? Please can I have disney infinely 2.0 for Christmas? Dear Santa, Love, Avery Y. For Christmas I want iPod. let it go Elsa and olof singing/Makup/I hope your havDear Santa, I have been good this year. ing a good day. I want a doll house/A fake Baby dole/A Please Santa can I please barbie house/A car with it/ have dryons and a puppy? Baby Alive/ Can it be a black lab? Can I Love, Brooklin have my own good basketball. Love, Samuel L. Dear Santa, I want a iphone and a pet turtle. How do you get to Dear Santa, Sioux City? What kind of How is the north pole docookies you like? ing up there? Are the presLove, Shaya W. ents coming along good? I have been very good at The following letters school this year. What I are from Mrs. Vermeys’ would like for Christmas is second-grade class at some Football cards! One Sergeant Bluff-Luton. more thing Santa, have a safe travel. Love, Nathan M. Dear Santa, I have been good but a little bad. It is not my fault I was Dear Santa, I was very good this year. I a little bad. My brother and sisters were not nice. And was a great student. So can I they got me in trouble. So please get what I wish for this will you please bring me a Christmas? I want a puppy baby doll with a crib and high of my own, lots of books, a

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fourteen chores at my house. I have mostly check marks. I have been working for a kitty. I really really want one. I would also want a sewing machine, guitar, calnders, and nitDear Santa, How is the North pole doing? I have been ting. Have a merry Christmas and a happy good. Can I have a xbox one please, and a new year!!! Love, Ana V. BB pistl, and a game for the xbox one and a controller, and legos, 60 dollar gift card for google play, and nerf guns and bullets. Love, Dear Santa, Ayden T. How is your Reindeer doing at the Northpole? And I would like for Christmas a toy Santa and a toy reindeer. Dear Santa, Love, Jackson S. How are the reindeer doing? I hope they are doing good! Are you ready for Christmas Eve? I hope you are! How is Rudolph is he Dear Santa, ready to lead your sled? How is Mrs. Claus? I hope Mrs. Claus is making cookies! I’m Love, Joyce S. going to put out yummy cookies for you. How is Rudolph? How many cups of hot Co-Co did you have? For Christmas I would Dear Santa, Are the reindeer doing good? For Christ- like a Zoomer Pion and Please get a kitten for mas I would like a lab with lots of potion me and I would like a Ds too. Has my Elf on with labels on them. I would like a jetpack the Shelf seen you yet? Have a Holly Jolly to. And a 100 dollars with a time machine Christmas! Love, Kelsey H. and a cumputer with the game Minecraft and I would like it to look like the tarids from Doctor Who. Dear Santa, Love, Aiden R. Will you fit in the chimney? I have been good by listening this year. Could I please have a motorboat? I want to see you and your Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? I love house. Love, Wyatt G. you Santa and Mrs. Claus and Rudolph. I bet you are very, very busy in the North Pole. I wish you and Mrs. Claus a happy merry Dear Santa, Christmas. I want two nut crackers. I’ve been How do you fly? I have been good. I helped really, really good. I want a Little Mermaid my brother when he was hurt. Could I please desk & chair with storage bin. have remote controlled jet, construction Love, Ella B. Legos, DS, remote controlled helicopter. Love, Kamden G. Dear Santa, Hello. Santa how are you doing in the Dear Santa, North Pole? I think you’re veary, veary, veary, veary, veary, veary busy in the North Pole. I How do you eat that many cookies? I have love every one of your elves. And I love you been good because I helped my mom take to. I think I have been good. For Christmas care of my sister. Could I please have a moI would like Zoomer / Dog. and a Beadoes tor boat, Xbox one, and Xbox 360 and a Ram and camraro. P.S. Merry Christmas Santa poster. I always wanted to meet the reindeer. and Mrs. Claus. Love, Noah M. Love, Samantha W. Dear Santa, How do you fit in the chimney? I have Dear Santa, I have ben a good boy this year. I know I been good. Could I please have a I tunes card fight with my brother but I try to ignore it worth 100 dollars, a ds. I always wanted a but he starts it. So it is Christmas coming up. bigger TV for my room. Love, Cooper M. So this my Christmas list: PS3, 3DS, a bike, and a xbox 360. Love, Tanner O. Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a watch that has Dear Santa, games on it. I would like frozen jam jam. I How are your reindeer? How are you Santa would like a TV, some Frozen jewelry, and a Claus and Mrs. Claus? I want a Dareway. I real puppy. Love, Emma S. want a Lalaloopsy Doll. I want a Barbie Doll. Love, The following letters are from Mrs. Marissa K. Sachau’s second-grade class at Sergeant Bluff-Luton. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? How is the north pole? Dear Santa, Are the rest of the reindeer fine? I have been I would really like an Orbie spa, a Darevery very good this year. I have been doing way, and an I-pod. How are your reindeer


Dear Santa, doing? Is it getting cold up at the North Pole? I’ve been I would really like a gold really good this year. bar and a werewolf book. I’d Love, Autumn L. also like Call of Duty Black Ops, a Crazy Cart and a puppy that’s a Rottweiler. I Dear Santa, I’d love it if you could get would like to know what it me some ninja turtles and a is like at the North Pole, too. Love, Jaxson P. Fur Real Friend. I’ll leave you some cooies and milk. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Dear Santa, How are you doing at the I would really appreciate North Pole? Love, Lulu H. it if you would get me books and Barbies, stuffed animals, and an Orbie spa. I’ve been Dear Santa, I would really like a com- good this year! I’ll leave you puter, a Nook, and a Barbie some milk and cookies. I house. I hope you have a safe hope you have a safe trip. Do trip back to the North Pole. I you like cookies? Love, Claire H. promise that I will leave you some milk and cookies. How Dear Santa, are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I hope good. I hope I get I would like a Polaris what I want! Ranger, a Crazy 8 ball and an Love, Jessalyn L. Xbox One with two controllers with Madden 15. How Dear Santa, are your reindeer? I will have I would really like a Crazy some good cookies for you. 8 ball, a Zoomer watch, and Have I been a good boy? Are a Chrome book. Who is your you feeding your reindeer favorite reindeer? I’ll give some special reindeer food? you some milk and cookies. I How did you get your job? Love, Bo K. hope you’ve had a good time at the North Pole this year! Love, Parker L. Dear Santa, I wold really like a puppy Dear Santa, and a crazy cart. How are I would really like a kin- your reindeer doing? What dlefire, a puppy and a cat for kind of cookies would you Christmas this year. I have like on Christmas? been really good this year! Love, Evan S. How do you deliver presents so fast? How is Rudolph doDear Santa, ing today? I would like a DS, a ZoomLove, Makenna C. er watch, Nook, and X-box 360. I think I was good. I will Dear Santa, leave you milk and cookies. I I would like a reindeer, a forgot I’d like a a kindle fire, unicorn that lights up and too. How are your reindeer? an I pod. I will make some Love, Chloe H. cookies and milk for you. I’d like Mom and Dad to have a Dear Santa, good Christmas too. So if I I would really like a Miniam good can Mom and Dad bike motorcycle, a Crazy get some presents too? How Cart, a new bike, and gocarts, are your reindeer doing? please! How is Rudolph doLove, Enellavea S. ing? Love, Jackson P. Dear Santa, Can I please have an ipod Dear Santa, 6t, a drum set, and a crazy I’d like a big Anna doll, a cart? How have your rein- bracelet with a microphone, deer been? I am going to give moon, and a wolf, and a pet you some good cookies and wolf cub. I’ve been really some milk. I’ve been good good this year – I think. I’ll this year. Would your rein- leave you some milk and chocolate chip cookies. By deer like some cookies? Love, Ty J. the way what’s your favorite


Dear Santa, reindeer? Please write me back on Christmas Eve. Can I see the reindeer? Love, Kylie G. What do you look like? Do you want your reideer to eat carrots? For Christmas Dear Santa, I would like a Freddytoy, I want a tablet and a Ds. I a Nerf gun, a Mine Craft hope you have a good Merry sword, a hot wheels wall Christmas. Love, Paiten G. track, a lego star wars game for the Wii, and a Zoomer Dear Santa, dino. Have a Happy Christmas. What is a reindeers favorite Love, Carter L. food? I want two pogo-sticks from you. Santa I love you. Please and thank you for my Dear Santa, Can I please have a Foxy things. Love, Zander F. toy, Freddy toy, Chica toy, Benni toy, Golden Freddy toy, Dear Santa, a puppy, and Marki Plier toy. How is Mrs. Claus doing? How many toys do you How are you at the North make in one day? Can I see all Pole? How are your reindeer of the reindeer? For Christdoing? Have a nice Christ- mas I want a Star Wars game mas! for my Wii. I hope you have a Love, good Christmas. Blake R. Cayden G. Dear Santa, I would like an i-pod, a cat, and a picture of your reindeer. I will leave you cookies and milk. Would Mrs. Claus like a cookie? Oh the reindeer will get some carrots. Is there a gift you would like for Christmas? Love, Katherine J. Dear Santa, Can I have Skylanders trap team please? And a Chrome Book. I hope you can find my house! I will have your cookies for you. Oh I’ve been very good. Is Mrs. Claus okay? Please give my sister a good toy. Love, Owen K. Dear Santa, I really want a kid moped, Fur-real pet, an Ipad, a baby that comes with a hospital bracelet, and a big doll. How cold is it at the North Pole? I will leave a big cookie like last year! I hope you get to my house safely. I hope all of your reindeer are ok too! Love, Bella C. Dear Santa, What do you look like? Do your elves make presents? Santa what is your favorite kind of cookie? I would like a Little Pet Shop. You have a nice reindeer and sleigh. Love, Kailee

The following letters are from Mrs. Berthusen’s second-grade class at Sergeant Bluff-Luton. Dear Santa, Hi. How are you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? These are what gifts I would like for Christmas – school stuff. Ipod case. I pod $50 gift card, socks, books, chapter books, a bike and a stuffed animal, I have been good this year. I have fun on Christmas. Do you? What kind of cookies and milk do you like? Love, Emma Dear Santa, Santa! How are the reindeer? How’s Mrs. Claus? Santa – I would like you to leave me an elf. I would like the new Lego Arctic sel. I would like a remote control helicopter and a remote control racecar. I would like you to leave me the Lego Chime set. I would like you to leave me a thing to wipe my binoculars. Love, Jack Dear Santa, I have been good. How are your elves? Are they making presents? I have an elf on the shelf. I hope I get a little dog. I want it to be a poodle. I want you to give

my dog a bone and my other dog a cage. I want a little LaLaLoopsy girl. I want a pair of tennis shoes. I want you to give me a coloring book. I want a pink toothbrush. How is Mrs. Claus? I will give you a cookie. Love, Karlie


I want to have a toy elf. I want to have a toy North Pole. I want to have a toy house. I want to have a toy stocking. I want to have a toy fire place. Love Riley B.

Dear Santa, Hi, is Mrs. Claus feeling alright? For Christmas I want a tablet and an xbox one. Have Dear Santa, the elves been bad? Love, How do you get from one Kael place to another? How do you get in to chmineys? I Dear Santa, want a big tent for Christmas! I want ten Barbie shoes. I would like a cotton candy Have a good Christmas! maker. How is Mrs. Claus? I Love, Raelynn T. would also like an ipad mini and an xbox 360 and the 3DS Sponge Bob game. I would Dear Santa, I would like a Play Station like a 3DS and the new Sky4 and an xbox. How are your landers game for the 3DS. In reindeer doing? I can’t wait my stocking I would like 2 until you get to town. I can’t blue candy canes. How are wait to get my presents. I Rudolph and the reindeer want to have a lot of fun. Ho, and elves? Love, Braulio G. Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas! I like Christmas and I can’t wait until you give me my Dear Santa, Christmas presents. Hi How’s Rudolph? Are Love, Caleb W. you taking care of him? Well, I would like clay in my stocking. Oh, I almost forgot. Can Dear Santa, Hi. How are you doing? you get me an Anna Frozen How is Mrs. Claus doing? Is doll? Also, at my grandma’s she doing fine? I hope she’s there are some cookies in a fine. I have been good! So I small box for you and Mrs. would like a radio remote Claus. control car and some bayLove, Lilly R. blades, too. Love, Zayvion E. Dear Santa, What are you going to give me in my stocking, Santa Dear Santa, I want to have a Rudolph Claus, on Christmas Eve? toy. I have been good. I want How are the reindeer in the to have a toy Christmas tree. North Pole? How is Rudolph

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in the North Pole? Santa – I elves been working hard? Oh! want an X-box one and an iPod. Will you say hi to Mrs. Claus Love, Necco R. for me? Ok. Now here are a few things I want for Christmas. I want an ipad, new dresses, Dear Santa, Hello Santa. Merry Christ- some new shoes, a baby chick, mas! How is Rudolph? Is he a kitten and a puppy. That is all sick? I’ve been good this year. I want for Christmas! Love, What I want for Christmas is a Kara A. remote control airplane. Love, Gerry S. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Hi Santa. Are the cookies How are the reindeer doing? good? Are the elves making Merry Christmas! I am being gifts? Is Mrs. Claus cold in the good. How is Mrs. Claus do- North Pole? Is the Christmas ing and how are you doing? I tree big or small? Are the reinwant a violin, piano, xbox 360, deer getting ready for Christminecracft and 100,000,000 mas? Love, dollars. Olivia W. Love, Jaelin G. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I hope you and Mrs. Claus are I want a new bike. I want my fine and also your reindeer and elf to be naughty. I want a nerf elves. I know I’ve been a little gun. I want a letter from you. I naughty. For Christmas I would want to have a party and a lot of like an ipod and a lap top. In my presents. I want a new pillow. I stocking I would like candy or want a dirtbike. something. I got lots of stuff for Love, my birthday so I will just stick Hunter E. with what I have. Merry Christmas. Love, Dear Santa, Madison K. Merry Christmas Santa! How are you and Mrs. Claus Dear Santa, and the reindeer? I know my Ho ho ho Santa! How is Mrs. elf is watching me. I hope I’m good. I want an ipod case and Claus, Rudolph and the North headphones for my ipod. I want Pole and the reindeer? I want a a hat and a Green Bay Pack- hover ball and football pants. I ers blanket, an Iowa set and a want a Morningside jersey and pants. I want a Michigan jersey Green Bay Packer’s shirt. Love, Nathan W. and pants. I want a Michigan football. Love, Tanner K. Dear Santa, How are the reindeer and Rudolph doing? How is Mrs. Dear Santa, Claus? How are you doing I hope you come early this Santa? I was just wondering. year. I hope you bring me lots Do you know my brother and of presents. I hope you bring me sister and my other brother and all the presents on my list. My me? family will leave out carrots and Love, Addison W. cookies for you. Love, Tayton M. Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Is he hapDear Santa, py? Are his friends mean to him I want to get in your sleigh again? How is Mrs. Claus? Is and I want to tell you about the she sleeping in her bed? What reindeer. Are they Ok in the I want for Christmas is a new cold? How is it at the North video game for my leapfrog and Pole? How are the elves, too? Merry Christmas! I want you a helicopter. Love, to put a special thing in my fireEmorie W. place. How is Mrs. Claus, too? Do you send gifts at night time Dear Santa, with Mrs. Claus? Love, Wyatt N. How are you doing? Have the




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The man behind the beard Every Christmas Eve, children go to bed eagerly anticipating a visit from Santa Claus. This merry gentleman is purported to visit the home of every good girl and boy, delivering gifts and cheer along the way. Before the modern evolution of Santa Claus lived a very real and generous individual named Nicholas. In the third century, Nicholas served as the Bishop of Myrna in present-day Turkey. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, believing that giving should be done secretly and sacrificially in Jesus Christ’s name rather than one’s own. Stories tell of Nicholas paying the dowry for poor daughters to enable them to get married. He reportedly put coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him. It is believed Nicholas helped to restore the hope of hundreds of people in his community, making him a beloved and revered Bishop. Throughout his ministry, Nicholas fervently shared his life and fortune with others. Nicholas continued to be revered and commemorated by many Christians even after his death. His charity and unselfish works helped inspire generations of the faithful, and he eventually was named the patron saint of everyone from merchants to sailors to pawnbrokers. No one really knows what St. Nicholas

looked like. But in 2005, a forensic laboratory in England reviewed historical data and photographs of the remains taken from St. Nicholas’ grave in the 1950s. Researchers concluded that he was a small man, perhaps no more than 5 feet in height, with a broken nose. This image certainly does not fit with the robust frame and other imagery awarded St. Nicholas in more modern years. St. Nicholas is believed to be the inspiration for Santa Claus, which was a name taken from the Dutch Sinterklaas, a contracted form of Sint Nicolass, or St. Nicholas. Tales of the real St. Nicholas’ giving spirit were blended with a fictional personification by New York-based newspaper writers who blended the St. Nicholas name with the appearance of a Dutch town citizen. The goal was to reach out to the primarily Dutch immigrants living in New York at the time. This jolly elf image was given a boost by the publication of “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” which was published around the same time. Eventually, the merry Santa Claus portrayal began to outshine the more accurate St. Nicholas version as a religious man, fostered by political drawings and caricatures that depicted Santa as a chubby sort in a red suit. That image prevails to this day.



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Beneath the Christmas symbolism, the beard and the presents associated with Santa Claus lies a tale of generosity that originated with St. Nicholas.




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