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How Can We Better Prepare for the Next Pandemic?
NEW TRAINING for health care and essential workers comes to South Dakota
“Infections are everywhere, so why isn’t infection prevention? It is bigger than just a hospital need. We will not be able to prevent every infection, but we can certainly try to limit the spread. This will protect you, me, our communities and our state.” – Cheri Fast, SDFMC
All health care workers in hospitals and on the frontlines are essential to stopping the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. Now there’s a new program, Project Firstline, to help South Dakota arm its health care workers and first responders with the knowledge and training needed to prevent and control infectious disease threats.
Project Firstline is a national Centers for Disease Control (CDC) collaborative designed to provide timely infection control training to the millions of frontline health care workers and public health personnel nationwide. The South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care (SDFMC) is leading Project Firstline in South Dakota, as supported through the SD Department of Health.
“The SDFMC is proud to partner with the CDC on this initiative,” said Nancy McDonald, Director of Quality Improvement, who oversees the project at the SDFMC. “The training content – which includes short training videos – educates health workers on infection control procedures and the tools necessary to protect themselves, their facility, patients, and their community.” The project targets a variety of health care settings in South Dakota, starting with hospitals and practice clinics, long-term care facilities, home health and hospice, according to Cheri Fast, Program Manager for Project Firstline. Later the training will be available for public service professionals and volunteers serving as first responders, including EMS, firefighters, law enforcement, community health workers, as well as employees in public schools and prison facilities.
“This is the really great part,” said Fast, “that the training can be customized to a facility. It starts with having you complete a brief Learning Needs Assessment survey. That way you get the training that YOU want, delivered the way you want, in the format you want.”
“The training videos are concise, engaging and innovative,” said Charlotte Hofer, Marketing Director for Project Firstline. “They’re easy to understand, no matter an employee’s previous training or educational background. It fits into busy schedules; and it’s even interactive.”
“Whether you serve in acute care or long-term care, in environmental services or law enforcement, administration or as a school nurse, this training program is for you,” said Hofer. “Because the actions our health care frontline take every day make a huge difference in containing an outbreak and alleviating risk.”
For more information on Project Firstline or to fill out a Learning Needs Assessment for your facility, visit SDFMC.org. n

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Pinpointing key learning needs, building academic growth and confi dence.
If you were able to help your child succeed by giving them tools to build their independence, con dence and academic intelligence, wouldn’t you? At Sylvan Learning of Sioux Falls you can! A nationally renowned academic skill-building center with local ownership and leadership, Sylvan Learning has helped hundreds of students K-12 excel in the classroom and out. According to owner Michelle McGuckin, “I specialize in business and my partner Colleen Halbur specializes in Human Resources. With the support of our sta and our many amazing teachers we have had a chance to have a positive impact and provide a service that is focused on the helping the children in our community nd success and con dence!”
Sylvan Learning of Sioux Falls o ers tutoring and homework support for Pre-K to 12th grade as well as ACT Prep with a customized and individualized approach to help each student reach their goals. Michelle shares, “At Sylvan we help families that are concerned about their children’s con dence or academics at school. We also help families that want to enrich their children and help them have an accelerated path in school. When families come to Sylvan, we guarantee that our approach will help. We discuss the individual’s goals with each family and we continually re-assess each student and review the results together. We can address any concerns that a parent has and a parent can be con dent that Sylvan is helping their student.”
Speaking from her own experience, Michelle’s daughter has turned a corner academically with the proven Sylvan method. “When my daughter rst came to Sylvan she was testing two grades behind where she should have been. Once she was enrolled and scheduled on a consistent basis her reading really started to improve. The day that she picked up a book to read by herself was amazing for me as a mother. The day she was taken o her IEP was an amazing day for our whole family, her teachers at school and her teachers at Sylvan!”
Sylvan Leaning o ers both in-center tutoring, with COVID-19 safeguards in place, as well as virtual tutoring. Michelle
notes, “We recommend an in-center experience but we support the families who are not able to come in-center at this time and need the support of Sylvan for their students.”
For students that may have struggled to maintain their academic skills during the pandemic, Sylvan can help with that as well. “We will work to determine an individualized tutoring plan that has been customized to address those key learning needs is delivered to the student. With this approach we can start tutoring a student exactly where it is needed and move them forward at their pace. If you are concerned about your student, summer is a great time to help prepare for school in the fall. We recommend scheduling an assessment for the student as soon as possible. After the assessment we will review the results together, discuss the key learning needs, family goals and what a schedule would look like at Sylvan.”
For more information or to schedule an assessment, contact Sylvan Learning of Sioux Falls at 605.362.4885 or visit locations.sylvanlearning.com/us/sioux-falls-sd.
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