9 minute read
Where to Shop
1. Gunderson’s Jewelers The Bridges at 57th & Western 2109 W 57th Street 605.338.9060 | gundersons.com VitaJuwel Wine Decanter – Valued by sommeliers around the world, our handcrafted wine decanter is an exquisite masterpiece. VINO Amethyst Gemstone Vial sold separately. $210 2. Montgomery’s 1725 W 41st St 605.332.4400 | montgomerys.com Add timeless Mid-Century style to your home with accent chairs from Montgomery’s. Their clean, modern lines create the perfect setting for cocktails and conversation. 3. Forget Me Not Gift Boutique 5009 S Western Ave 605.335.9878 With plenty of space for essentials and a fun crossbody shoulder strap, this vegan handbag is all you need for everyday outings.
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4. Pharmacy Specialties & Clinic 2333 W 57th St, Ste 109 605.334.1672 | rxpsi.com Natural Options for Natural Sleep! Our nutritional team can recommend products that support improved sleep and the ability to fall asleep naturally. 7. Sioux Falls Quilters’ Guild sfqg1986@hotmail.com siouxfallsquiltersguild.com This year’s raffle quilt is a Nancy McNally quilt design. Raffle tickets may be purchased at local quilt shops, from Sioux Falls Quilters’ Guild members and at the Quilt Show.
5. The Country OrchardNatural Options for 6. Artistry Dance 27249 SD0115 | Harrisburg, SD 2912 E Jackson St 605.743.2424 | countryappleorchard.com Get your tickets now! The Country Orchard Natural Sleep! artistrydancestudio.com Simple and elegant. Artistry Dance offers a Fall Festival has all new attractions! We are classic selection of tights and leotards, as well open every weekend in September and as ballet, jazz, lyrical and tap shoes for your October. We can’t wait to see you there! dancers first day of class. Prices vary.Our nutritional team can recommend products that support improved sleep and and the ability to fall asleep naturally. 8. First Impressions 775 10th St, Hwy 18 | Rock Valley, IA 712.476.2945 | firstimpressionstogo.com This dimensional canvas has 3-D elements on it, making it truly unique. 36”x 45”. $159
Stress, caffeine, alcohol and sugar, exposure to electronic screens
Any of these too close to bedtime can adversely affect sleep by interfering with the production of our natural sleep hormone, melatonin. Our nutritional team can recommend products that support improved sleep and and the ability to fall asleep naturally.
2333 West 57th St., Ste. 109 | Sioux Falls, SD 57108 2333 West 57th St., Ste. 109 | Sioux Falls, SD 57108
2333 West 57th St., Ste. 109 | Sioux Falls, SD 57108

The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.7 The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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1. Interiors Etc. 421 N Phillips Ave, #123 605.334.0303 | siouxfallsinteriors.com The hand-drawn geometry and delightful asymmetry of this 100% hand-knotted, wool rug will look good in any home! Available in multiple sizes. 2. The Dance Line 2115A S Minnesota Ave 605.335.8242 | thedancelineinc.com Fitting pointe shoes is a very individual process. The Dance Line has 35 different pointe shoe styles. We also have 3 professionally trained pointe shoe fitters. Get you pointe shoes fit with confidence and safety. Call to set up an appointment today.
4. Handy Man Home Remodeling Center 910 E 10th St 605.336.0316 | HandyManHome.com The all new Arlys Collection from Handy Man is a one-handle low arc, low profile Bathroom Faucet. Starting around $100. 5. Wild Water West 26767 466th Ave | Sioux Falls, SD 605.361.9313 | wildwaterwest.com 2021 Season Passes- a season pass is your ticket to fun, all summer long! Unlimited waterpark, go-karts and more! Passes start as low as $74.95 per person. 3. Stacey’s Vintage*Art*Boutique 27102 Albers Ave 605.213.0045 | Staceysstore.com For the A list - Head back to school in style this fall with a new one of a kind backpack from Stacey’s. Stop in and check out the fun designs today!
6. Posh Boutique 5019 S. Western Ave. #180 605.271.2164 | poshboutiquesf.com Joe’s Icon Skinny $159 - Premium denim is our specialty at Posh. Find Joe’s, Hudson, AG, 7 FAM and more!
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7. Healy World 402.853.0439 headoverhealy.com | FB: vibingwright Healy is a personal, wearable, frequency based medical device, to work on all levels of health and well-being. Approved by the FDA for sleep issues, chronic pain, emotional and mental instabilities, but does so much more! 8. Junkin’ Market Days Spring Market Sioux Falls Fairgrounds Expo Building junkinmarketdays.com Junkin’ Market Days, a two-day indoor market of repurposed, rustic, shabby chic, farmhouse, vintage & one-of-a-kind finds at the W. H. Lyon Fairgrounds, October 8-9. Vendors from a 5 state area bring in the coolest pieces such as: home décor, furniture, boutique clothes, jewelry, candles, gourmet foods, and lots more! Support small businesses! 9. Stride Rite 2425 S Shirley Ave, Ste 108 605.362.7728 Kickee for school!
10. Dimock Dairy Cheese 155 W 1st St | Dimock, SD 605.928.3833 | dimockdairy.com Dimock Cheese gift boxes – The perfect gift for any needs you have! Numerous options in a variety of prices and don’t forget we can ship for you! Call us now to see how we can help you with your shopping needs! 11. The Economy Shop 1308 Main St | Rock Valley, IA 712.476.5531 | Follow us on FB Find all your back 2 school & fun fall fashions at The Economy Shop - your consignment headquarters.
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A New Perspective.
While gender doesn’t determine the quality of financial advice, women and men often relate to and manage money differently. A few things to consider when it comes to working with your wealth advisor:
A well-designed plan needs to be based on your true situation and built around the right decisions for your family, not just the right decisions for your money. It’s important that you feel comfortable sharing personal details like family dynamics and health concerns. And, your advisor needs the personal skills to help you set priorities, keep you focused on your goals, and give you her opinion even when you might not want to hear it.
Emotions can drive your decisions and cloud your better judgment. Family dynamics add another element of confusion. Your advisor isn’t as emotionally entangled in your “stuff” and is more likely to see your case in a more balanced way.
Although you may not need comprehensive services today, you’re building a relationship that will likely last a lifetime. Some nancial advisors manage investments but don’t provide much nancial planning. Some work primarily with investors who won’t retire for years. Still others specialize in employer-sponsored plans. You’ll appreciate services like tax-reduction strategies, estate planning, or retirement income distribution planning throughout the phases of your life.
A well-educated, experienced wealth advisor has spent thousands of hours learning to understand, analyze and manage personal finance issues. Compare that to the time and energy you can devote on top of your career, family, and life commitments. Working with a wealth advisor gives you the freedom to spend time on things you enjoy, just as you might hire a house-cleaner or gardener.
Even if you think that no one can manage your family’s assets more efficiently than you, what will happen if you get sick and can’t do it? Does your spouse have the time or interest to take it over? Should something happen to you, transitioning the management of your financial portfolio can be far easier if you already partner with a wealth advisor.
Even if you need detailed advice from several different specialists - a lawyer to discuss how much liability you need to insure against, a certified public accountant to work on your taxes, or an estate planner to update your trust documents - your financial advisor can refer you to professionals working with clients who have similar levels of assets and concerns as you. And, they can work with those professionals to make sure all areas are working together in your best interest.
Wondering if you’re getting the services you need and the value you want from your wealth advisor? Download a free guide to help you evaluate your relationship. Visit mycfsgroup.com or scan the QR code below.
(No coupon required)
To schedule a complimentary, no-obligation financial consultation with a Wealth Advisor at Cornerstone Financial Solutions, or if you’d like to know more about the one-on-one guidance you can expect from our team, call us at 605357-8553 or email info@mycfsgroup.com.

SIOUX FALLS OFFICE 7408 S. Bitterroot Pl. Sioux Falls, SD 57108 P 605.357.8553
HURON OFFICE 280 Dakota Ave. S Huron, SD 57350 P 605.352.9490
MyCFSgroup.com info@MyCFSgroup.com 877.352.9490

Securities o ered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are o ered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Cornerstone Financial Solutions, Inc. is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services.
is information is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. It is not intended as tax, legal, or investment planning advice. Raymond James advisors do not provide tax services. Changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time. Please consult legal or tax professionals for speci c information regarding your individual situation.

1111 W 41ST St, Sioux Falls • BetzBlinds.com • 605.357.0057 © 2017 Delta Faucet Company

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