2 minute read
with Cindee Mutchelknaus
New President of the SD Track, Field and Cross-Country Coaches Association
By Charlotte Hofer
Cindee Mutchelknaus is not just the new President for the SDTFCCA, but has 30 years coaching experience in track, cross country and even as a cheerleading coach. She is a lifelong runner herself and has run 6 marathons, including the Chicago Marathon. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening and cooking.
1. What is the SDTFCCA? It’s an organization for high school and middle school coaches in South Dakota that gives coaches a chance to fellowship, mentor and learn from each other. We provide educational opportunities, awards and other great benefits to members. One thing I hope to accomplish as president is to get the word out about our organization. I think many coaches feel like they can get all the information about their sport online or on YouTube, but they miss out on the opportunity to share ideas and stories and gain insight from other coaches in the state. Nothing beats a face-toface conversation with someone and finding out they have the same struggles and high moments that you have.
2. What is 1 thing most people don’t know about running? Running never gets easier, you just get faster!
3. Top 3 mistakes runners most often make? Doing too much, too soon, not hydrating enough, and wearing the wrong type of shoe. I tell my high school runners they need to have a RUNNING shoe, not just a tennis shoe. Different brands may be better for wide or narrow feet. Some runners like a lot of cushion, for example. 4. Advice for someone who wants to become a runner? Don’t just go out one day and run several miles. The best way to start is to do some walking or run/walking. Every workout should increase the amount of running and decrease the walking. Don’t worry about speed to start with. Older runners will need more time to transition from walking to running. Another important tip - if something is hurting, don’t just run through it. That can lead to serious injury.
5. Favorite podcast you listen to when running? Marathon Training Academy! It’s NOT just for marathon runners! It has tips on nutrition, preventing injury, motivation. Other podcasts I listen to -- a good mystery thriller, a great song playlist! Time running can also be spent problem-solving, praying, or enjoying nature.
6. Tips on equipment for runners? Many runners like to track their runs. There are tons of apps for your phone, and many watches that will keep track of pace, time, distance, mile splits and elevation. I love my Garmin watch, but some people love Apple or Fitbit. Before buying, do your research – they vary in what they can do and price.
7. You’re a lifelong runner. What do you like best about running? I love the way I feel when I am done! Running can give you energy and vigor for the day. One of the best things running can do is teach goal setting. You can always set a goal that’s a little farther, a little faster. Set a goal for the day, the week, the season. Set an A goal and a B goal. Then apply those skills in goal setting to the rest of your life. Write them down, tape them where you’ll see them and go for it! n