7 minute read
Nurse Navigators Offer Education, Compassion in Cancer Care
By Sanford Health
Cancer is an intimidating diagnosis. In the tangle of appointments, medications and even operations, patients can easily feel overwhelmed and lost. That’s why Sanford Health has nurse navigators—a group of registered nurses dedicated to the coordination of care throughout a cancer patient’s journey. Nurse navigators are at the center of the care process, guiding patients and their families through the many challenges of cancer treatment.
“A navigator takes patients by the hand and leads them through their cancer journey,” said Laurie Kruse, a nursing ambulatory manager at Sanford Health in Sioux Falls. “They are there at pivotal points, from first to last visit.”
Nurse navigators are an essential piece of the team approach to cancer care at Sanford Health. They’re present at many appointments as another set of ears for the patient. They translate any confusing disease or treatment information into simple terms, coordinate appointments and connect patients to supportive resources—all so patients can focus on healing.
Navigators specialize in order to provide quality care across the cancer spectrum. Specializations in the Sioux Falls region include breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, genomics and oncofertility, gynecologic cancer, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, genitourinary cancer, hematology and survivorship. Navigators in the Fargo region cover a few additional types of tumors. Because every cancer is different, every patient has unique needs.

“Navigators are the information hubs for their patients,” Kruse said. “They gain an intimate understanding of what each patient needs based on his or her diagnosis.”
Most crucially, nurse navigators represent the best interests of their patients in ongoing communication with other members of the care team. When experts from all corners of cancer care come together to present and discuss patient cases in weekly multidisciplinary cancer conferences, nurse navigators play a key role.
“Navigators are the connective tissue of the care team,” Kruse said. “They help coordinate the weekly conferences.”
As expert educators, communicators and coordinators, nurse navigators improve the entire process of cancer treatment. They’re a touchpoint for cancer patients and their caregivers, always working to ensure that healing is the patient’s main focus.
As soon as a patient hears “cancer,” a nurse navigator is there to help ease the burden with compassion and expertise. They prove that, at Sanford Health, no one faces cancer alone. n Drug-induced nutrient depletion occurs when the medications we take for our various health issues block the absorption, storage, metabolism, or synthesis of essential nutrients in the body. When nutrients are blocked or depleted over time, health problems can develop secondary to those depletions. Many of the most popular medications prescribed today can create these drug-induced nutrient depletions.
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Sioux Falls SD DAV Chapter Sponsors Stand Up for Women Veterans Wellness Retreat
When you think of a Veteran, you might envision a man who has served his country. But for nearly 19% of current forces, women are proudly serving shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. And for many women Veterans, the lack of connection and perception of their role has unfortunately been frequently overlooked.
South Dakota Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Arthur H. Muchow Chapter Number one in Sioux Falls not only recognizes women who have served, they are proud to have several of these strong women warriors serving on its Board of Directors and in leadership roles.
Senior Vice Commander Kim Hubers, Junior Vice Commander Jill Baker, and former Commander Helen Parr are taking the lead on the Chapter’s first-ever Stand Up for Women Veterans Wellness Retreat in Sioux Falls. Having all served in different times and positions, they bring a unique perspective to the DAV as well as to the event.
According to lead organizer Jill, “Our Mission Statement really says it all, ‘Strengthening leadership, power, and voices of women who have Served in the United States Armed Forces through peer support and connection to resources’. It’s a fact that women are under-represented in every service organization because there are so few females actively participating. The more women we can get involved the more we can do for women Veterans together.”
The event is free for all women who have Served or are currently Serving in the military. Centered on health and wellness, the Keynote Speaker is former Marine Lori Walsh, who currently hosts and acts as senior producer of In the Moment, SDPB’s news and culture radio broadcast. In addition, there are wellness-focused breakout sessions, a resource fair, and a light breakfast and lunch. Free childcare will be available for up to 40 children ages 2-10 years of age. Mothers can “wear their babies” at all events, and special mother/child breakout sessions will be available for children of all ages.
Kim shares, “Many women in the service feel that they need to be ‘one of the guys’ but we’re not guys. So our experiences are different because we’re different. We want other women Veterans to know that we can still share our voice and have a presence at
the table with organizations like the DAV. We aren’t invisible and can contribute to things that are important for Veterans.”
The SD DAV is a nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for Veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million Veterans in positive, lifechanging ways each year. Annually, the organization provides more than 240,000 rides to Veterans attending medical appointments and assists veterans with well over 160,000 benefit claims. In 2020, DAV helped Veterans receive more than $23 billion in earned benefits. DAV’s services are offered at no cost to all generations of Veterans, their families and survivors.
Helen notes, “We want to empower women Veterans to sit with us at the table. We want you here now and we are trying to pave the way and open the front door for you.” For more information on how to join the SD DAV contact admin@davsd.org.

Sponsored by SD DAV Arthur H. Muchow Chapter 1; coordinated by Community Action for Veterans (CAV)
Saturday, March 26th
Location: Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 909 W 33rd St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Tickets: Free Including Childcare (limited availability)
All women who Served or who are Serving in the military, veterans, active duty, national guard & reserves are welcome.
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