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Cover Story
Sara Rogers: It’s a December to Remember
By Virginia Olson
Photos by Maggie Sweets Photography
You may be one of those unfortunate people who were told a great falsehood at age eight or so: that Santa Claus didn’t exist. Ridiculous. Santa is very much alive, full of magic and mirth and….on Facebook.
And Santa has a watchful eye for people who may be in need. It’s a Facebook page called the Giving Christmas and Sara Rogers is that “watchful eye.”
Sara is a force behind this charitable holiday gift-giving project. Now in its 5th year, the Giving Christmas Facebook page plans to post the wish lists of over 100 families in the Sioux Falls area.
“The Giving Christmas Facebook page started accepting families Nov. 1. The only requirements: the family has a child under age 18 at home; they are from the Sioux Falls area; and they aren’t accepting help from any other organization for Christmas presents. The family then goes on to write a letter and speak of their struggles,” says Sara.
Every family has its own special set of wants and needs. Their letters, touching.
“We hear from single parent families, families with medical issues or individuals who are out of work. We ask parents to let us know if their children need clothing. And household items – food, diapers, laundry products – are always big needs.”
Family stories also include the ages of the children and the children’s Christmas lists.
Sara says each family is then assigned a number and their story is posted on the page. The outpouring is immediate.
“Once the family information is posted, we have an awesome group of individuals who will comment or message that they are interested in adopting one of our families. These followers can just be good, kind-hearted individuals, or church groups or previous families we have helped in the past.”
Individuals or groups who adopt a family take the responsibility to check off what’s on that list. They also wrap and deliver the gifts to that family by the first week in December.
Sara is in awe at the public response to the Giving Christmas Facebook page as it continues to reach more families and also receives donations.
“Last year we gave away turkeys, hams and household supplies along with winter essentials like hats, gloves and blankets. Over the years, we have been fortunate to have support in so many different ways to keep this page growing and expanding. It was October of 2016 my friend Sunshine Weinandt-Zapata posted to Facebook that she was looking for a few friends to help out with a Christmas fundraiser for local families, and I became involved. I had no idea what it would lead to. That first season, fifty families received presents.”
This year the need appears to be greater than ever.
“We are anticipating more than 100 families and their wish lists will be posted.”
By profession, Sara is a school nurse. This fall, she returned to her duties in the Special Ed Department at Frontier Elementary in Tea. Not only was she caring for an at-risk group of students, there was the also Covid-related responsibilities of taking temperatures and monitoring symptoms. And, she was pregnant.
“I was a little stressed about being pregnant when Covid took hold in March, and we all knew so little about what to expect. But I work with an awesome school district that has made it a priority to keep students and staff safe. After the sudden school closure that lasted the rest of the school year, it honestly has been so nice to see all the kids and be back in the classroom again.”
With Covid-19, Sara has been helping with the nursing needs throughout her elementary school.
“I love my work. When I went to nursing school, I wanted to work in pediatrics. A school is a nice alternative. I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to help kids with whatever their needs may be in school and classroom settings.”
So much of what Sara does in some way involves kids especially when it comes to her own. It’s not surprising she is a Kids’ Crew leader for the South Dakota Epilepsy Foundation. Her six-yearold son Emerson is one of 9000 individuals in the state living with epilepsy.
“Emerson was diagnosed with epilepsy at just nine months. He was hospitalized numerous times. But I knew so little about epilepsy and its defining symptom - seizures. At the time, I couldn’t really find any resources or groups for moms with kids who had epilepsy. When I happened to see a new group forming in Sioux Falls for kids with epilepsy, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.”
Kids’ Crew took shape with two leaders. Currently, Sara and another individual lead the group.
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Not pictured: Andray

“We started with monthly meetings where the kids could all get together and be supportive of each other and each other’s families.”
Trips to Outdoor Campus, ThunderRoad, painting pumpkins, volunteering to cook meals for the Ronald McDonald House, a backpack school supply drive, decorating cookies and special walks to end epilepsy have been some of the Kids’ Crew activities.
“It has been a true blessing to be part of something this incredible. It means so much to our family and Emerson who we see as our ‘little epilepsy warrior.’ Though Kids’ Crew has not come together since March because of Covid-19, we are looking forward to gathering and bringing in new members.”
The Christmas Project isn’t the only thing that will be making Christmas special this year.
Sara, her husband Chris Mullett, and their three children will be welcoming a new baby boy into their home in November.
“There’s Andray who’s sixteen, Zoey who’s eight and Emerson who is six. It’s almost like starting over. But all three children couldn’t be more excited to have a new baby brother and at Christmas time!”
Sara proudly admits the older children have kind hearts as they also share her same joy and passion with Giving Christmas.
“They love to help with the shopping and especially enjoy picking out the toys. Then there is the sorting and all the wrapping. Sometimes our living room or kitchen table gets taken over by all the Giving Christmas toys. And because they have been able to help other kids who don’t have it so well, Andray, Zoey and Emerson enjoy and appreciate Christmas even more.”
For Sara and her family, Christmas has and always will be a “real big deal.”
“My mom always made Christmas special. Growing up, it became my favorite holiday. Now it’s wonderful to pass along those family traditions to my own kids.”
So, does Santa exist? You won’t convince Sara or her family otherwise.
“We love everything there is about Christmas. This year it’s knowing that a few more kids are opening presents and smiling because our Giving Christmas page has made their day much more special. And now Christmas in our home and the joy of our new baby, it will definitely be a December to remember.” n

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